The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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    t Halite
NO. 272
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry OodiIb, Clothiiic, Iloota nnd Shoes, ut niticlt lens than u holesiilo
prices. Will null in bulk or in lots, or tiny wtty to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must he closed out
"before thirty days.
All itooile will l)ti Haerifieud except Thompson's G love-fi ttiny Cnrsots
unil Hutu-rick 1'utteriiH. Your prices will be. nunc. Cull early and securo
Corner Second and Court Sts.
Tunk Siihscrtjitions for a Si Mitcnxinc
at 75c liacli Secured a l.arjc
.Number of "Subscriptions" and 'llicn
Amiany, .1 una 28. About tbo loth of
' tlie inontli u well-dressed youne; limn
visited Allmny tuiii Holiclted Hiibeerip
tiuiiH for tho Cosmopolitan imu.'u.itiu
hurt! ut tbo nxtoof only 75 eontB per year.
He told n Htory to tbo uli'cot tlmt if be
secured tbo largest nuinbur of fmbserip
ttciiiH of any ono in tbu statu lit) would
rectiivu u scholarship for one year in a
leading business college in Portland. IIo
worked nuarly ovury business bottao in
town and succeeded in getting ("' or
more subscriptions from uacb one.
After securing tlto 75 cunts tbe young
man presented a receipt sigir-d by tbe
Cosmopolitan Publishing company, pur
In-- name, wbicb be claimed to bo II. j
Jteiiiiett. A note of tbo receipt rondo an
follows :
"In consideration of tbo exceeding low
rate at which thin aubeeriptiun is re
ceived, wo must innist on same being
pail In ndvanct), uithor to our agent or
direct to liotubiuurtorB. Co3tuoiolitan
l'ublishing Co., L'td."
The young man claimed tliat bo rt
ct'ivud over 800 subscriptions in Portland
just beforo ho arrived bore. It is under-
stood that bo has been operating
throughout tbo Eastern otates under tbe
name of II. Uenuott Woodson, but boro
lie dropped tbo "Woodson" part of it.
It is also learned that bo lias been tir
rested in tbo South, but upon returning
tbu monoy promptly was not prosecuted.
It is claimed that bu tool: in over $2000
la t year in less than seven months
throughout tho Kast.
A man horo has juat received a per
sonal letter from Frank A. Munsey, giv
ing a doacription of Woodson, nnd saying
that 1m had been working tbo people in
many illtl'orout places under dill'eront
IIo elnimod to bo going South from
hero, but telegrams to towns
)utb have failed to locate him. If
Albany jieoplo get u hold of him it is as
sured that ho will not get out of it as
easy as he has heretofore.
JMllUllMllHtll' I.IINXI1H.
Ni:w VoitK, .luuo 28. Tim following
wblu was received at tbo Methodist
euaid today from Oho Koo fioin the Hov.
Sir, llrown, ono of their missionaries in
tln Tien TbIii district. It is dated
Jiuie'.'S: '
' .Mission doBtroynd by lire. About 1(10
killed, I think thoro is a serious risk for
'nr foruignorB. Will return in u few
'lays lo Tien Tain. Hhiill I return homoV
Will you pormit?"
tho mission la meant the mission
"ITIen Tain, but juat how much of that
Mission iadeatroyed the homo board does
'"it know what to infor. Tho mission
uro Is in throe compounds, as they uro
wiled, Ono compound la composed of
'wo missions nnd a church, nuother of n
mission and a school, and a third of u
mission, a hospital nnd n school. In nil,
the property of the Methodist Episcopal
board is valued at something more than
Th ii Rev. Dr. M. I?. Leonard, secretary
of the Missionary Society, said:
"Presumably those killed were natives,
but it is not clear even that they were
native Christians. Many of them may
have been Ilnxers or Chineso soldiers.
Tho nek for foreigners evidently is in
Tien Tain, where Mr. llrown expects to
go himself in a few days.
Dr. Li'oniml thinks that none of the
Methodist missionaries were among tbo
killed or Dr. llrown would certainly have
mentioned the fact.
Wcrcaboiits of the Foreign Mjnisters
Arc Still Unknown.
London, .Hino 28. As was the case on
tho occasion of the relief of Tien Tein,
tbo Associated Press was able to give tbe
foreign olllee, the adiinrality and tbo
Queen tbo first news of the icfieuo ofi
Admiral Seymour. Tbo ollicials were
greatly relieved when this informu'.ion
was convoyed to them, and expressed
their hearty appreciation at tbo welcome
tidinus. An the same time it is iceng
nixed that tho advices of the Associated
Press from Che Koo also add to the
anxieties legurding tbo fato of tho
legutionors and foreigners of Pekin,- who,
it wiih hoped, might be with Seymour.
Tbo world again has to depend on
rumor in legard to the fate of tho sup
posed exiles from Iho Chinese capital. It
Is generally accepted that they have been
comnelled to leave Pekin. but whether
eoastwiirds, under a Cbinoso escort, or
ton possible new capital, their plight
must excite the gravest anxiety, as even
if they are in tho care of n Chineso escort
this is hardly considered a good guarantee
of the same safety of the "foreign devils"
in u country swarming with their moBt
virulent enemies.
A telegram from Jardine, Mattherson
it Co., dated .Shanghai, this afternoon,
suggests that the ministers are still at
Pekin, but admits that there ia no news
from the capital. The ttlegram adds :
"Admiral Seymour arrived at Tien
Tain with 321 of his force wounded, bti
sidea 02 killed. Tbo damage done to
Tien Thin baa been much exaggerated.
Shanghai is quiet."
Other dispatches from Shanghai reiter
ate tho aniioniicemonts of the massacres
of tbe native Christians In tho Inland
districts, which rjval tbe Armenian,
hornuB. Tho ollloiala of tho place,
watched by gunbona, made a show of
protecting the missionaries, but there is
not even u pretento of protection for tho
convertH in the interior, who havo been
butcbeietl by wholesale.
I'nr limit,
A live-room cottago on Alvoid stroot,
with bath room and patent closet, at iflO
i month. Apply to Levi Ohrisuian. 23tf
Wei 11 u Destroyed, Causing 40,000 Loss
to Presbyterian Board of Missions
u,ooo Foreign Troops Have Been
Landed in China and 1300 Americans
Sailed form Manila Yesterday.
St. PKTKiiMiiunn, Juno 28. Tho min
ister of wur has received tbe following
from Admiral AlexiefT, dated Port
Arthur, Juno 27: "During the night of
June 25, a detachment of four companies
of Russians, Colonel Schivinsky com
manding, and the same number of
foreigners went to the relief of Admiral
Seymour nnd brought 200 of bis wound
ed to Tien Tsin."
Riiku.v, Juno 28. The .commander of
tho German equndron at Taku telegraphs
under (Into of June 20 as follows:
'The foreign ministers nre with the
landing force."
According to reports of Christians, it
is added, fighting continued at Tien
Tsin June 25, the fortified arsenal out
side the town being still in possession of
the Chinese.
Washington, June 28. The following
cablegram was received this morning
from Admiral Kempfi: "Che Foo, June
28. Secretary of tbe Nnvyj Washington
About 12,000 foreign troops now
ashote. Soldiers ordered ehould report
at Taku instead of Che Foo. Substituted
Nashville lor Yorktown at Cho Foo.
Yorktown used a dispatch-boat, being
more suitable. Ketnpfl."
The war depnrtment has received tbe
following undated cablegram from Gen
eral MticArthur this morning: "Adju
tant-General, Washington Transport
lett Manila at 8:30 on the morning of
Juno 27, with Colonel Ltscum in com
mand of 39 uflicers nnd 1271 men."
limtUN, June 28. The Vonvaerts says :
From an absolutely reliable source we
bear the Russian war minister hns sent
to all tho military am) civil authorities
in Russia telegraphic Eecrot orders to
prepare everything for mobilization. The
orders bear the date of June IS and 19."
Washington, June 2S. Minister Wu
called at tho state department this nfter-
noon nnd exhibited the following cable
gram to Secretary Hay:
"Cantjti, Juno 28. The legation
ministers having left Pekin are now
twelve miles from Tien Tsin, with Ad
miral Seymour Li lluxct Chang."
The minister explained that the cable
gram reached him from the Chineso
minister in Loudon. He believed the
dispatch to bo accurate, but the state do-
paitment odimals are inclined to doubt
it as yet.
Cut mill Umiiiut Hit Cured'
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and nets directly on
tho blood and mucous em face. Hull's
Catarrh Curo is not-n quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yea's, and
is iuegular pteseription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purlllotp, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces bucIi wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciikxi:y A Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drrugglsts, pi ice 75c.
Hull's Family Pills uro tbu best. 12
Tlitit Tlirolilitne lleiului'lio
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of suU'ororfl bnvo proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
Tboy make puro blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 conta.
Mntiov back if not cured. Sold by
itiniritlnv A HniiL'htoii. druiinlste. 5 1
Seo tho demonbtratiou of the "Little
Brown Jug" fllterer ut Mnler & Benton's.
Victim ?
He was a smooth talker and
he had a "good proposition"
it's little wonder we got "took
in" for we're like all the rest
cf you only human.
Munsey's and Cosmopolitan at
75c a year appealed to our finan
cieiing instinct to such an extent
that ve couldn't get our money
out fast enough and left us
with but one retrret that he
didn't have half n dozen more
eucb magazines for us to subscribe
Henceforth when you or us
or anybody else, wnnt something
for nothing, and you don't want
to gamble why go to some one
that's reliable go where you
can get your money back if you
rind out "afterward that you've
been cheated.
Our offer of Men's cool and com
fortable fitting Percale Shirts
with laundered collar and cuffs
attached in pretty pink, blue,
green and tan stripes, figures and
checks worth $1.00 nnd $1.25,
which we nre now offering at 75c
each (tee window) or our $15,
$18, $20 or $25 tailor-made
Suits for Ladies, now reduced
to SI3.85, are genuine
guaranteed reductions
of which you have the assurance
when wo'fcny that if you are not
satisfied after you have bought
you can have your MONEY
BACK and no fuss about it
fi. m. Williams & 60.
A TlitmsHUil Tongue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelpl ia, Pa., when she found that Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
hud completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years bad made
life n burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
snys of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
Ecnrcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout tbe
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's N'ew Discovery fornny trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
nud$l. Trial bottle free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed. 5
A Good Coiiku Mciliclue.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Ketnedy when druggists use it in
their own families hi preference to any
other. "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Ketnedy for the past live yeais
with complete satisfaction to myself nnd
customers," fcavs Druagist J. Goldsmith,
Van Ktten, N. Y. "I have nhvays used
it in my own family both for ordinary
coughs nnd colds and for the coutrh fol
lowing la grippe, and find it very efliea-eions."-
For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. wiisli In Your CluicK.
All coutitv warrants registered prioi
to Juno' 3, 1890, will be paid at my
otllce. Interoat ceases after February. 2,
1900. O. L. Phillips,
Oountv Treasurer.
Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the
First Nationnl bank of Wintered, Iowa,
in a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that
will be of value to other mechanics,
lie says: "I had a carpenter working
for me who was obliged to stop work for
Bevernl days on account of being trou
bled with diarrluet. I mentioned to
him that 1 bad been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and DiarihuM Remedy had cured mo,
He bonghtla bottle of it from tho druggist
hero and iuforinod me that one dose
cured him, nnd ho is again at his work."
For Bftlo by Blakeley & Houghton.
Subscribe for Tan Ciikonick.
You Couldn't Tell
He was so honest looking such
a nice appearing fellow besides
the price was so very attractive:
Mil i ami teiilM s
..jtony 75c psr year...
Is simply -irresistable. But we
think il so much more economical
to take your money to a responsible
dealer, pay a legitimate price, and
feel assured that you will get your
money's worth.
The Jaoobsen Book & Music Go.
7X"1 VATT tA'A ATJk. ' AVA A1 A" A IX 1 A A t ATA f A?'A f AVX' A' A" A f A ! A'f A
...C. J. STUBLING..,
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
Agency for the
Geletated Yellowstone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught
173 Second St.
Phono 234.
Ltv v.,jTi yiy. Ti:r.t.y. y i .or. x ' Y. T v t.i v.. v tviTiT.itiTiTvi.T v ; v4
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall & Bwget
Tho Dallos, Or.
But'ial Shoes
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first class local mid lone
distance telephone eeivicu within
your homo,
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept u secret.
No cost for installing.
You tut tbe standard Ilunulni;
Lor if Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and ninht service,
Wo will uccept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cnueel
eaino on Hiving us thirty days writ
ten iiolico.