Throat Troubles ""Rardwell, Ky., whoro I live. Is in the ex firmi. western nart of the State and only a : - - . . w-r few miles trom rain), , ag III., where the Ohio , empties into the Mis-i staippi lllver. It may J he that tli -oat troubles ure common here be- j ji, eaiis-e of loca-, lion, oui, whatever the , r,viKilll. I tlnil i it wise to con- j $ stantly keepa A, S 11 1 11 1 v o i mm , T Acker's Eng .- -lull Hemeily for Consunqv tion on hand. It is the best thins 1 ever came aero? for cou?li3. coltU and throat trouble?, and I have used it in my family for years No druggist here can be depended upon to have i'alwavs, so I am writing this letter to V. II lln.ikrr A- Co.. 'J-JO llroadway. X. Y., to ,-ir.ior n .in? bottles at. a time. My wife is Good News to Good Dressers.... I extend a cordial invitation to nil to Insuiee.t the sample of Woolens from the CKOWN TAll.OlUNG CO., Chicago's famous (Jus. Ann Tailors. Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent. E 0. &5 i & $ JgB8HHgS & 505 & $ & GENERAL NEWS. Nearly all the bees in Salt Like City have been destroyed by eiucke from the smelters in tliat region. Governor Theodore I'ooovelt will leave New York City tomorrow tor, bothered lately withsorethroataiuldiuicult Chicago, nrriving there Saturday ami breathing, but just assoon as the dozen hot- ertVj.,' tle gamu L.venitiR for Oklahoma , ties L'et liere. I will give Her a tew noses, aim she will certainly be well again. I expect to write another letter in a short time saying niv wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure u wlmt. she needs." (Signed) T. A. Wihtl. reunion liiders. is what she needs." (Signed) Sold at2.5c., oOc. and.$l a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada and in Kng land, at Is. ' 3d., Is. 11. If you are not satisfied after buvinsr, return the bottle tc your druggUt, and get your money back. HV anthartie We abotv iptarsntce. H. 11. HOOKEll A CO., I'rvpritfi'H. Xeu ltwt 1011 SU.K BY Blakeley & Houghton. I'EOrLK Ylli: AI.I. KNOW. Mrs. Mosier, of Mosier, ant veil here on the mid-day train. t D. M French nnd E. C. Pease were I inssriiers on the mid day train todav for Morn. Roy Macey, of Dot, Klickitat cmnty, is in the city for the purpose of dispos iug of his clip of wool. Mr. and Mrs. I N. Sargent were pas sengers on the Reliance this morning on an outing at Cascade Locks. F. T. Hurlburt, popularly known as the mayor of Slianiko, was a passenger on the mid-day train today for Moro. II. G. Reed, traveling auditor of the Wiley 15. Allen Company, of Portland, is in tbe city, the gu3t of the Umatilla -House. 'Mr. and Mrs. Seth Morgan were passenzers on the Reliance this morn ing on an out in i: in the neighborhood of j Cook's Landing. Mrs. P. Djlluff ar.d daughter, Mrs. J. K. McCorniiick, were passengers on the Reliance this morning on a visit to Mr. D. L. Cates at Cascade Locks. PERThVEXr I'DESS V Oil M EST The only real objection to Mark Hanna as chairman of the republican national committee seems to be that he is not satisfactory to the democrats. Walla Walla Union. Says the New Yoil: Sun: The St. Paul Globs is in convulsions over "this blood-staine i, victim-strewn path of imperialism," the "altara of Utlial," the "brazfn image" and "the limited victim of robbery and lust." To these shapes of terror must be added the Hon. Ignatius Donnelly's Troglodyte, who is now cracxing uones in iSinmut-r every day. A match between Belial nnd Tro glodyte would be im.lrejsive, and we stiouM like to see the editor of the St. I ui Globe stand up to Molceh for six teen rounds. 'I reckon we've done expanded, and I don't see no use of the democratic party hangin' on to tiio coat tails of progress and a-yellin' 'Whoa!' " These were the worth of the late Judge Cul berson of Texas more than a year ago. The Texas democrats would have tlono well had they remsmbered them before passing their "pull down the fla" re&o intion. More good gray horec sense and sturdy Americanism arc contained in Culberson's rough-hewn sentence than in a carload of anti-expansion argu ments. The Woodmen of the World and the Select Knights and Ladies of America uru well-known societies with striking titles. Hut the most whimsical and each nieul Lowiec.irollian of names belongs to the j Dyspepsia Prudent Patricians of Pompeii, of which Prismatic Primary N'o. 5 meotn in Nash ville. The officers are all P'e, premier, past premier, prefet, pilot, pronotary, ptirHer, prophet, protector, picket, pa trol, preserver, provost, promoter. The City, where lie will attend the of his old re.'iuient, the Rough In the house of commons at Ottawa, Camilla, a bill was reported raising the ' poll tax on the Chinese from $50 to $100, and til so providing that foreign countries i would not send to Canada moie inimi j grains than the regulations of these countries provided. j Of l.&OO.iTOO acres of wheat, 1,000,000 acres will never be cut in Manitoba. ' More optimistic hope for seed and feed, I but this is doubtful, euiidav was the J hottest day ot the year in that section. The Oregon delegates of the demo cratic national convention at Kansas City will leave Portland tomorrow evening. It is stated, unofficially, that the first choice of the delegation for the vice-presidential nomination is James Hamilton Lewis, of the state of Wash ington. Twenty Oregon counties have already J paid their state tax for the year, as fol lows: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Co lumbia, Coos, Douglas, Gilliam, Harney Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Wasco, Washington and Wheeler. There are four that have not paid any portion of their 1S99 tax, as follows: Crook, Linn, Malheur and Tillamook. The re maining nine have paid in part. The treasurer of Kentucky had to send to the state penitentiary the oilier day to get a professional safe blower to open the doors of the stale treasury vaults. The combination of the inside duors to the cash and bond boxes in the vault cell treasurer took charge of the office. Machinists worked on tiie doora for three days and made no progress. Then a message was sent to the penitentiary for the lo3n oi a convict who could blow open a safe. Frank Simmons, who was sent up for safe blowing, was selected by the prison authorities as the best man to do the job, and he justified their con fidence by opening tiie doors in thirty minutes. m:r.uiT Vavt Mall IJ:!0 l. in, timk .ciiki1ulr. From 1am.k. Salt 1.4 lc , Denver. Ft. Worth, Omnhu, Khii mih rity, :t. Louis ' Chicago ami Kust. Anii:'K-Fhom Knt Mill l-J::i r-m Atlantic Ndt Denver. Ft. Kx'irc! I Worth. Omnhu, Kan- l'.':'! u. in.' mis- Oily, fit. Louis, Via Hunt Sioktiuc Mnll it I nl l'xpre p. m. S p. in. C'hlCHgo ami Kust. Wnllu Walla, Spo!:ane, Minneapolis. St. I'nul,, lMiluth, Milwaukee,! Chlcaso ami Knst, via Spokmienkil lliiiittiiK-l tim. ulo all points In WnthtriRton anil linst-j em Oregon. From ''outlini'. Ocean Steamships? For Snii Finnclfro livery l'ivo Days. I: I ) a. in. Slxiknnc Mull n ml K-ipre.vs ::n a. ni 1 p. m. Kx.suinlayiCoIumljU Itv. Steamers.) Kx.biiinl'aj io AKTuniA nnu ay i Satunlay Linaing!). 10 p. in. j f.H. HI. , WlLLAMEXTK ItlVKIl. t:Mp. ID. Ex.bunilay OrcKon City. .Newlx.-rrf,ii:x.hiiiulay Salt-in i Way Land'. 7 a. m, I WlLLAMETTC ANI YAM luiw.l hur. ami Silt. oreson City, Dayton, , unit Wny-IjiniHnss. 3:: p. m. I1U.J. IttVEKS. JIon.,Wat ami r rl. l.v Itlparlii ilniiy i 3 A) a. in, j Snakk Hivkh. Hiparia to lmviton. Lkavk l.KWIffTON lolly J-M a. in. rarties iteslnni: to co to Ilcimner or pouit on Coltnnbin Southern via Ulcus, nliouM take No. Icavlni; 'lhe Dulles ut Vl:V) p. in. mnkiiiK "llreet connections at Ik-ppner junction nml HlRKb. Uc'.uriilliK niiikliiKUlri'Ctt-oiiiieetloii .it Ilonnner function and llluirs with No. 1 . nr was lost when the new state ! rivl!,s at 'lhL' lallcat Vi-.ui p. m. l or full particulars cill on o. It, & If. t'o.'ii agent Tim Dulles, or address W. 11. HUItl.llt'ltT, (ion 1'ms. Act., I'ortlaml, Or, J) It. C. T. S.tllTII, Ostuoimtli. I'.ooms Kiaii'l II, (Jliaiuiinn Illoek, 'flu Dil'o?, ureguii. i ui-tujyb aim r rinayii, ;i imiylvlm , in. t i 1.' Itolilieil tint ( ruvu. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of I'hiladelphia, was the oi.l.ln,.! In .......... 1... I 1... l.i (.,ll.. . etomach, Loss of appetite, I-evenehnesa, .., : . , -,, , , ... . c, ., . , , "I was in a most dreadfu condition. My I'ltnples or fcores all positive evidences. ' . , . ,, , of impure blood. No matter how it,ski" Wil3 "l"t yellow, eyes sunken became so it must lo nnrified m order to I t0,1'Ue .coatc'1' P continually in back , i.i . . ,,. ni mm ciiivc. U'J llllltcwiu kl,lllljllliy llluli - I iieauii. ausura iiuou . , ... inn weaaer nay uy way. Three pnysi- or Kvnl.ilitic noisons or nnv other blood 4 K,,v" .mv . ' "" . ... r. : :..i..' ........ i. r..i inend advised ' hiectric Bitters' ; and lo MI2CUCCB. It Id IT;, ttlllJM 1. nt;jiuui MJI ' Dull Headache, I'ains in various parts of the body, Sinkinc at the pit of thoi obtain yood healtii. Aoker's lilexir lias never failed to cure .Scrofulous n remedy and we sell every bottle on. a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's druj; store. j Kilnor'a Awful I - I j; I t .' F. M. Higi-ins, editor Senaca, Ills.-,! News, was aflllcted for years with piles ! that no doctor or remedy helped until j ho trijd Bucklen'a Arnica fjalvj. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It'H the eurest pile cure on earth and the , best salve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggist. 5 Unless food is digested quickly ferment nnd irritate the stomach. it will After take n tcasnoouftil of Kodol Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all yon need of what you like. It .never failn to cure the worst caeee of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. A Good (OOKII .lli'illolmi. It speaks well for Chamberlain's my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they eavetl my life, and robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A Hougliton'tj drug store. 5 Be sure and eximine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as wo have tho latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at 1J. Oleiiu & Cq.'h, ii'7-lw wittli In our tt;Gt. All countv v.arrantH registered prior to Juno :, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Fobruarv. 'J, great part of societies, secret or open, in ! Cough Hcmedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any the social life of the United fttntes liua hardly been noticed as it should be. There are hundreds of them, and the mere catalogue of their names would make a fat book. Now York ft tin, A Kjiriiliml Anlilo Julelily tlureil. "At one time I suffered from a severe eprain of the ankle," says Geo. H. Cary, editor of tho Guide, Vaeuington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Jhainber)uiii'H I'ain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as 1 began its mo and a complete cure speedily followed'" Bold by Blakeley & Houghton. other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy for tho past five years tt'llli r-rmi un i Ififupl If if I tf fnvyr.lf tilifl customere," savs Druugiet J. Goldsmith, I Van lit ten, N. V. "I have always uteri it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds und for the ough fol lowing la grippe, and find it very effica cious." For sale by Blakeley A Hough ton. Ivy poisoningpolf ii wounds and all other accidental injuries may bo quickly cured by using DeWitt'n Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for plies and skin diseases. Take no other. 1000. Boys' sweaters Voik Cash fitore. if you wish them. To Uurn It Unlit 111 Oim Diiy, Takt) Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druugistH rniiiid the money. C. L. Pll!M.U'H,' Countv Treasurer. 25 cents nt the New Wo have better ones PILLS .it) lfc ONE TOR A DOSE. Henwo PliiiBli-r, Prevent Jlilloiifimijii, I'urlfy tlnilllwd. "iruiieuaaHuIKU-iif, SZSm T. BROWN HILL, J (STICK OFTHK I'KAOK. Notary Public. Collections promptly uttended to. Monev to loan. C. K, Bayard's of fice, The Dalies, Oregon. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke it Falk have on hiIo a full Hu of paint and arliet'e bru.ihee. You will not have bolls If you take Clarke ft Falk's euro euro lor boile. A full Hue of l'astnian iilum and imp pltes just received by Clarke ft Falk. Bo sure mid bee the bargains in ladleH duck skirts at the New York Cash Store. j! Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ami sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke ft Falk. Faint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke ft Falk have them. Clarke ft Falk have leceived a carload of tin celebrated .lame F.. Pulton strictly pure liquid paints Good, pure natural leu from the Blue mountains for ealu by the Columbia Uiver Ice ft Fuel Co. 'Phone III! or 81 Long Dist. ; 7o or 8 Heufert ft Condon. Small In eio and great in results are DeWitt's Little Kirly Kieers, the fa inoitu little pills Unit cleanse the liver i.iul bowels. They do not gripu. .Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persona with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can bo nourished while tim worn out or gans are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will in stitutly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suiiering from indigestion, it will cer tainly tlo you good. Neglect is the abort step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. The early use of One Minute Cuugli Cure prevents consumption. It is tin only harmless remedy that gives inline diate results. It cures nil tiiroat and lung troubles. Childien nil like it and mothers endorse it. Uev. V. H., V. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty vcars, and tried doctors ami medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kudo! Dyspupsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be n panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." Ii digests what yen eat. S!ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant lierbtlrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, '.'."i cts. and oO cts. Blakeley ft Houghton Druggist'. mays & Crowe The only store in this city whoro tho Genuine Imported Stransky-Stccl Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlusta it dozen iiicccHof so called cheap onam eletl ware. BEWARE! Oilier wares look llku jt,buLthof:cnii iuo Iiuh tho nnmn Htrunsky fitool Wnriioiieiii'lipiece. Do not biMleceiveri. First prize nt 10 International Exhi bilious llii'lioiifc award nt World h Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago, Pro ferret! by tho host cookiiiguiithorities, certified to by the most I'ainoiiHchcin ists for purity mid durability it iu cheapest Ijccauiio BEST, Uomoinber, thi.f celebrated onam oleri warn isspecial ly imported for and sold iu thin city ex clusively by us. i It docs not rust nor absorb urease, docs not discolor nor catch inside; is noUtfleclcdhyucids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stow, roast mid hnkn witliou t iiu parting flavor of previously (i o n lc o d fond nnd will last for years. Ofs.i Wo cnu. tion tho public , against Jwitutioutf 1 I 3e ,:E 3: Hi si: I' 3ii 5! I f I f The Ghroniclc, Uob Printers. Tho Doiion, ifl kiiumuiwuiiiiiiiiimy iMMi'iiiuiiiuiiuiiilyiliTlljTO I una i $i.oo per month, i Strictly first class local mid long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You got tlin Htandaril Ihitiiiing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. Wo will accept your contract for ton years anil allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. tat Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot in kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tm.ll ffiD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton IPlOlir Tins Flour hi manufactured expressly for family -. . XKU. uvury nack in guaranteed to give satisfaction. W.i sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think eo call and gut uur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. Jaeobsen Book & JZlusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho liii'k' and mosL comploto line nt Rock Bottom Prices. Subscribe for the Chronicle. That Tlmilililiij; Hi-imIiiuIiii Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Klng'H New Life I'llls. Thousands of siilI'urerH have proved their niatuhlesH merit for Kick and Nervous Headaches. They niiikti pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Kitsy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money hack if not cured. Hold by lllukeley A Houjrliton, druggists. fi KXKOUTOIt'S NOTlt'K. , Notice I. hurchr ilyi. tl.?f ( .'Ir'tS Inn. Ikuii duly iii'i'oh It'll by I'", " J' lukt will tliesliilu ot OrcKim, MveuU r jif I nml tiMtnmeiit of Kviilliu; l'.vn ; ;,1 0 "(.tiit' All perwiiiK liavlnc clali'iH K J, ' t,ulrt-U (If tl.l. HMllI KVHllllO -VIIIW IU f. ' !',. ,,jH In prewnt llitiniiio lo lihiii "ffif ,V liln U by law iiijuliiil,iitMilur, OiW'H. moiitliH (ruin tlioiliito liorwif. P,,le,.l,lHlM.,....y..M".i,: Kxfijutor or tin iMtwlll ' ,wU,jmil Hyaline i; iiiik, ileceauil.