Our Mid -Summer Sale WILL SOON BE HERE in full force.-Just o month oarlior than usual. Wo started with an $8.05 Suit Sale, which now develops into n general clearance a full-fledged bargain event Not through any Sf.ecial effort on our part; not through unusual nd vertismg. it seems as though each customer told a dozen oth ers, and so the sale has grown to a Christmas crowd lookinp for July bargains. Kest assured there shall bo no disa pointmont. The most pronounced bargain fiend shall be more than satisfied. Jt has come to us unsolicited, and we shall ac cept it with good grace. $8.95 Few custom tailors could surpass these suit', though thev woro to charge fl'J or, $15; doubtless $120 would please you better at thu to-order stores. Kcnionibor that it 1b not for profit thin salu was started a Mid-Summer Sale at a loss if necessary. It Is an estab lished feature of our business ; some of thu broken tot H haVM been placed on scp arato counters, including values up to $112, votir choice at 1(1 115. We have started a Hat Sale.... A lot of Moil's Htraw Hals, in either yacht or soft finish, rough or plain Htraw, plain nr fancy lumle; iih good iib any and better than inanv shown else where at $1 1)0 Sale price, 50c. Two loteof Fedora Hats. Two lota of Alpine Hate. This first lot gathered from such as cnlil nit uiniufiti nt 1 Tift n.iil it 1 7k iimin I i.wii. i... ri.i.r.iii. in. i.iiu iiiu. 4i.ui eiioicii at sji.iu. TI13 second lot, uatherail from such iih Hold at $12 to $12.."0; your choice, $1.83. Hore'a a chance for swell drcssorH surpassing any oll'ur we havn yet made, and Htiri'ly hotter vulucs than you'vu over seen before. Boys' Clothing Clearance.... A lot of Hoys' Summer Coats wo bought to poll for 75c a fair price; half takes thum now Only 39c. Lots of good 123c Knee Pants in a varietv of patterns; well made, infant best 125c values you ever bought; your choice for 113c. BOYS' SUITS. Jtegnlar $1.00, $1,123 ii ml ill. 50 values (slightly soiled; your pick for i'.)u each. A list of Men's Furnishings. Men's Silk Front Shirts in fancy stripes and checks; you will admit they an; good 75c values: Going at 45c. ONE LOT of Silk Front Shirts which were good sellers at $1,123 and tl.ot), have been reduced to $1.05. Special lot of Men's Bike and Golf Hose.... Good values at 00c and $1.00 ; your choice for (11) u MID-SUMMER SALE Commencing Monday, July 2nd, 1900. A few days ago we announced to you through this paper that we would greet you with a Mid-Summer Sale. The goods we offer you do not show the rust of by-gone seasons, but are all new, bright and attractive patterns. Silk Department. This is a great silk year, and we aro prapared for it. 500 yards of high class silks in a variety of designs and color ings. For instance there are Warp Printed Tafletias, Libertv Satins, Crink led Tafletias, Lace Stripe Taflettas. When wo assure you of tho beauty and every high character of the silks, our prices will tell the rest. Pricos at the Silk Counter. Suit and Skirt Dept. The values in this depaitment has surpassed anything heretofore offered! Suits ranging from $4.00 to $23.00. Skirts from $1.35 up. WHAT VE SAY WE DO. WE DO DO, ....WASH FABRICS.... Dimity Cords, a beautiful wash fabric, in some 30 colorings, 4 3-4 Cents, worth 8 Cents. Domestic Department. Unbleached Muslins. Albany O I.'c Albany LL 5c Cabot W 5J.C Cabot A (ic Indian Head 7,'i'c Bleached Muslins. Hollywood .' 5c Ruth-due fie llric-a-brac: fc Hope 7?c Lonsdale 7c Fruit of Loom 7c Prints. Ceylon-lilnes -Oc Skirling Prints -Oac Light Color Drees Prints 4c A'l :l, Standard Prints DJ-Jc Ginghams. Amoskeag 54c. Lancaster -J'-jc Embroideries and Iiaee Everyone knows that Embroideries and Lices are higher than thev were a year ago, yet on the face of an advanc ing market we have reduced our prices one-fifth from old price. The Shirt Waist Season Is now at its best, and as eoon as our stock is pretty well cleaned up we are willim: to sacrifice the balance at any old price. MONDAY Will be a gala day with us in all departments. We want this sale to ov erlap all previous records Big Sales and No Profits... This is our object in this great sacrifice saleof Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes. If you know a good thing when yo.u see it, buy now. Men's Tan Lace Shoes $2.00 Men's Calf Congress (elastic side) 1.00 Men's Calf Lace (narrow tuos) . .. 1.00 Here are the best values on earth. Ladies' Kid Mutton, sizes 2h to 4, .So Ladies' Kid Button, sizes o"io 5. . 1.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, all sizes 1.00 Children always want SHOES-. Buying at these prices is like find ing money. Misses' Kid. spring heel, button, sizes 2-h to () 1.00 Missis' Kid, spring heel, lace, sizes 2h tu G 1.00 Misses' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 11-?. to 2 85 Childs' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 8k to 11 ; 75 Childs' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes G to.S GO We do not quote the former prices for these goods, but simply request you to see for yourself if they are not the best values ever offered. All Goods Mnrkotl In Plain FliiiiroH. PEASE &, MAYS THE DALLES The Dalles Daily Chronicle, HIl'ltSDAY ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Androw Kollor'a. v 4. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Dayton's patent lly and mosquito Killer at Muior & Honton's. -'(t-lit '"A clip of ninety-six pounds of wool from tho Condon neighborhood was sold today at Cloven cunts a pound. At Goldendalo yesterday evening the jury in tho murder caeo of Geo. A. H. Ferris found him guilty of murder In the first degree. A.M. Williams & Co. aro doing the business in ladloH fiiiilH. Thora's a reason for thia, however, which is easily explained : .fL'ii suits for $i:i.8G. Tho I'trniH of A. M. Williams & Co., Pease & Mays and Mays & Crowe beg to unnounuu that thoy will inaku their regulm monthly collections on tho ttth proximo. Have you noticed those 7oc shirts in A. M. Williams & Co.'h window? Take out tho price-ticket and you'd think tiny were worth twice that amount. They look it, sure. The wife of .1. S. Hannan, cf Chono wotli creek, died Tuesday afternoon after giving birth to a Mill horn child. Shu lewoa n husband and six children to mourn Iior loss. Miss Grace N. Smith, a very ostlma hlo young Ituly of thia city, was united in marriage at the Church of tho Re deemer, Pendleton, last evening to Mr. Dean Swift Tatoin, a well-to-do mer chant of that city, Judge Ueiinott today bought himself a Itooaevelt rough rider hat an a idgnill cant part of hia equipment for his trip to Kansas City its a delegate to the dem ocratic national convention. He expects to leave for Kansas City tomorrow. Tor the Fourth of July tho O. It. & N. Co. will toll tickets from The Dalies to all points on rail lines within two hun dred and fifty miles of Tho Dalles at a rate of one and a third fare for the round trip. Tickets will he sold on .Inly -d, !,l .ltli Tiflrntn ri'tllrllillL' will be (rt limited up to and including July (!, WOO. .llTNJ'' i!S, Wiu i nder this arrangement, mo rouuu nip ' T ! rate for thif occasion to Portland will be ' no, us the one way rate from The (0) Dalles to Portland will be reduced to I ! III) nil .Itllv 1. 11)01). "8 l'Peto Nickelsen has been promoted to the appointment of telegraph operator at Pendlulon and will leave for his new liuld of labor in the near future. Pete is a very worthy young man, and will carry with him the bnat wisheB of a host of , Dalles friends. Mrs. Driscoll, wife of the late Captain Drlecoll, was a passenger on the mid-day train today for Portland. Mrs. Diitcoll while here received a check for if'-'OOO for insurance on the life of her husband, who was a member of The Dalles lodge of United Workmen, and who died on the 27th of last May. The wheat ia so tall in the Columbia precinct that the farmers have conclnd o 1 to head it for hay instead of gutting it willi a mower. At least that is what Harry Gilpin determined to do after cutting about fifty tons, which he made up his mind to feed to hogs because it had too much straw to tho proportion of grain for horse feed. Twenlv live dullars a month on a farm. says a man who is posted, is a great deal better than ?50 a month in a city store. As a general thing, at the end ot nino montliH the former hue $150 in cash, three pairs of overalls and a straw hat, while tho lattor has two suits of clothes, n pair of bicycle pants and .fl7 in the hole. Vet there are seventy. live appli cations lor tho latter job to one for tliy former. The Eugene Guard says : "A lino got loft nut in the 'make-up' of The Dalles Mountaineer the other day causing no little exasperation in the newspaper oflice, and olsuwhore. A justice court rmiort waB made to read thatltho defend ant and tho complaining witness were both undor the Influence of Honor. As tne huter is nresldent of The Dalles V. M. 0. A., tho consequent exacerbation of feelings may bo easily imagined." A Dutch Flat rancher applied Hub week to Shorifl' Kelly for an Injunction against certain parties whom he accused of persistent and oft-repeated raids on his blackberry patch. Tho sheriff re (erred him to Ned Gates and Ned re ferred him to Attorney Jayne, who in turn referred him to Judge Uradshaw, who informed the rancher that the mat ter was out6ide his jurisdiction. The ! raiders turned out to ho prcdaceotis 1 flocks or yonns: grouse, which the rancher jdid not want to dispose ol without the authority of law. J The storm last Saturday enappid ofl", as if it were a pipe stem, an old pine ! tree, 125 feet in height, on the form of ' August Longrcn, of. Eight Mile. The peculiarity about this tree is that it was j the only pine tree in the neighborhood, ' and that it carried on one of its blanches 1 mi ox voke thnt had been hungtheie .thirty-nine years ago by Hill Campbell, the original owner of the ranch. The yoke was used by Mr. Campbell bile crossing the plains in 1801, and no one ever attempted to pull it down from the place where lie bad hung it. The strawbeny season iB over in the V.ii-lni'i vnllpv. and those who were fortunate in having a good crop are counting their profits. William Lee, Jr., has completed the harvesting of one acre, from which he has taken an even i:i5 ciates of marketable berries. These have been sold on the Taeoma and Spokane markets, with some local sales, at from fi! in the early season to sfl. 50 per crate later. The average market price has been equal to at least $1.50 per crate. Those who think there is not itiOO an acre in Ftrawbenies in the YaUima valley bitva some basis here upon which to figure for results. Most people like to get away from home for a short time during the sum mer and go where they can hava a change of air, water and diet. Sumo go to the ocean beach niut pome to the mountains, but there aro many others who feel that they cannot spate the time nor the means to go' anywhere and so remain at homo all through tho hot days. There can be no excuse for any one denying himself a short outing this year. The Y. M. C. A. excursion puts St within the teach of everybody to visit the ocean, got a good breath of fiesh 6ca biue::e and eeo sights which many have never seen before, and may never be ttblo to see again, and which will be re membered as long as they live. Among tho interesting sights to be seen at Astoria on tho Fourth, besides the U. S. man-of-wur Philadelphia, will be a buloon ascension, expert trick bicycle riding, and boat races of all kinds, one being a young ladles' boat race. Gov. Geer will bo present and review the parade, The First Kriilt. I Tin: Dam.es, June 28, 10DO. Knrron Chkoxicm:: It was an nounced a few days ago that Hood Kiver now has two saloons, paying a license of iiuOO each. This money of course is paid into the city treasury of Hood Kiver. Hood Jfiver lias always enjoyed the proud distinction of being a strictly temperance town and having furnished t he least amount of criminal business for the courts of any community of its Eize in the state. All this because she never had a saloon. In yesteiday'e issue you give a graphic description of the th st, but inevitable fruit of Hood River's recent change of policy. Poor McGan was t lie first victim of the Hood River saloons. It is said that he hud been drinking heavily nt Hood River the first statement of the kind ever spoken against fair Hood River. And this is the first blood stain on Hood River's fair leputation. True, this lias not cost the taxpayers any heavy sum of money, but whatever cost wa6 incurred in coroner's fees and burial expenses comes out of the general hind of the county tieasury, while the license money goes into the city treasury ol Hood River. Aid Hood River has taken hei place in the common ranks of crime-breeding communities. Shame on Hood River. H. CfllfellH Xolli't. The Kinil You Have Always Bought, and which has Iiceu. in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature ot s? ami has been made under his ncr- j('4-ffl'ftfL' sonal supervision sineo its infancy GdcAvv. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-fjood" nro but; Experiments that trille with and endanger tlio health of Jnitmts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Casloria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare gurie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, lfc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms itnd sillays Feverishness. J t cures Diarrhtea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the. .Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of All persons who have not been enum erated on the census rolls, or any per-1 son who knous of any one who hasniot j been enuineiateil, aio requested to re-' poit toJ. M. Patterson at The Lalles National bank oflice before Friday even ing, June :i'Jth. This is important and should have the earnest attention of a:l good citizens. (.'has. L .Suiimuu', R, J. Goit.MAX, J. M. PAi rmtsov, ! Max Rahtm.!., 25 :it U. f. Census Krinmerators. ; l.HHt, A black Spanish lace scarf. A liberal reward, will bo paid the Under by leav ing at this otlice. 120-27 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTtUH COMPANY, TT M'JBRAY BTRf LT, Nt VOnit CITV. J)r. Smith, the Osteopathia!, wih pie vented from making his appointment? at The Dalles last week on account of sii'knees, but will be in his oltlce Tues days and Fridays as usual fiom 7 a. m. to 112 in., beginning Tuesday. June l-'d'h. Suit utlitn Army. There will be a grana junior demon stration at the hall on Saturday night, June UOlh, Singing and speakimr by the juniors ami three tableaux of "Hock of Ages" in red light, Collection at the door. All welcome, Aujt. Nm.so.v. NlltllT. 1 All persons arc heu l y notified not to' i purchase a note, g vm by James dray in favor of II. I). Action , for the cum ot anil due Nov. 1, 1000, as tho suivl note was obtained by tin nil. jun22 20 Jamu-: Uhay, Victor, Or. Tho Chinese atk "How is your liverV,r instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is activo the health is good, DeWitt's Little Karly Jtisers are famous little pills for the'liver und bowels..