Skin Diseases When the excretory organs full to carry oft the waste material from the system, there is nn abnor mal accumulation of effete matter which poisons anil clous the blood, and it becomes nour and ncid. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, anil upon reaching H the skin surlace there is a reuness ami eruption, ami by certain peculiarities we recognize r.ccma, "vX Tetter, Acne, Salt Klicutn, Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe, v. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and V, powders mav allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully continued, and the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use. The disease is more than skin deep; the entire circulation is poisoned, The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure .skin diseases, but soon min the digestiot and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tomcat properties, quickly ant effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions S. S. b. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to refcrmcnt in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin ami iieautitui com plcxion so much desired by all. S. S. S. can le relied upon with certainty to kcej the blood in perfect order, "it has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a ecu tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable and harmless. q w w uur medical department, is in cuargc 01 puysicians 01 large experience 111 ircaunj blood anil skin diseases, who will take pleasure mauling nytucir advice aim direction ai who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case ; yo'ur letters arc held in strides' confidence. Wc make no charge whatever for this se'rvice. Our book on Blood anr Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA l'Klll'LK VIM A I.I, KNOW. IK- -V A. M. Kelsay arrived heto todsy from Siuniko. Judze Mays went to Portland on the, mid-day train. I F. V. Wilson wont to Stevenson this! morning on the Ueyiilator. ! Rev. J. II. Wooil cunt' back on to lay's stage from Goldendale. t g, A. A. IJonnev, of Tvgh. was in town : j II. C. Hooper and family arrived here todav from Antelope, and ate guests of the Umatilla House. last nisiht, tho gueet of the ilousc. I m.itilla V -V V- V Good News to Good Dressers.... I extend a cordi'itl ir.vitaiion to a!! to Woolens from the CIlOWN T.ULUItING CO, torn Tailois. c ?V vJV itlt J!j-. inspect t lie camples of , Chicago's famous Cua K. 0. Orevelini:, of Klickitat county, was a passenger on the Ilegulator this morning for Portland. Fred lJron?in and family, who left here last week for Sitka, Alaska, sailed from Tacoma for that place Sunday iiicht. Mis? Vleda Duulap stopped over last night with the family of Air. J. E. Bar nett, on her way from Portland to her Jiouie at Wasco. Suits to Measure, $8.75 ip. Fit, workmanship and entire atijfjctiun guaranteed. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. . it k?- mHs i? "'JS w 'a' "j -.Hr- 4 -V- -a-'tT- VV V V raiiing something besides "hot bios eoms" himself. Minneapolis Tiibune. The democratic delegation from Ha waii to the Kansas City convention wi'l i be headed bv Prince David Kawanaua : kos, a nephew of former Queen Liliuo- I If iUn!.l .n,tnt.B,a nf tibial- the party surveying the lino of railway and Bhou!d J0ln the democratic pa. ty ia between Tho Dalles and Pnneville, via , not surprising in view of the fact that it Dufur and Tygh valley, is at the Uma- w3s a democratic president who at--tilla House, accompanied by his wife. , femntCil to llQii(r ., ,.nrrl,n, 1 arcliv, while a retmblican adiuinistra- VIHtTIXEXT I'L'ESS COHMICXT. ,1 ,,n avmnnlhizf.rf with Hip Tinwmpnl to establi'h a republic. Troy Times. All the Fiiipinos want, if they sur i render, is everything in eijfht andeui-j ploruitnt at nothing to do and good salaries. j If the Chinese ehould refer to the' little American fleet as "a tub navy" Admiral Kenipff will show them their mifitake by doing a little laundry work for the Empress Dowager. West Side. Did Hanna do it? is the caption of a "Philadelphia dispath regarding Hooee velt's nomination. It may be eafely eaid Hanna did not do it. The peoplo did it, and it was good work. Tacoma Ledger. Ignatius Donnelly says the chief function of the government is to supply the people with money. Of course; and it does that, too if they want to work for it. Cut there is where Ig. and hie populist followers draw the line. Astor ia n. ..J- .Bryan does not approve of the republican platform. Hut Mr. Dryan did not have to express himself on that point, and the Associated Press did not have to telegraph hie utterances across the continent, to acquaint the voters of that fact. Spokesman Hevie. v. The avidity with which democratic newspapers inveigh against Senator Hanna is one of the most unmistakable evidences of his worth to the country. The abuse they have heaped upon him fills like eo much chaff. There is noth ing in it, and it amounts to less. Eu Kene Register. The ftilliest story that is going around iu politics is the one that Una it fixed eo that John H. Mitchell will bo e ected United States senator next winter. It iu merely a bogie intended to fcaro people with. Hut there is no one in till Oregon, outside tho asylum for the in sane, eilly enough to be scared, or who would believe the etory. Salem States snan. Tho antis are in another pickle, They don't know whether to condemn thej preeidentfor fending troops to China, or to denounce him for not taking more tigorou9 menturea to protect tho lived mid property of Americans in the Chinese Umpire. So they do a little or j J(,e j(jnfj y0U HaVG AlWaifS BOUgfll iiefleEsai v for Hrynn to break that alienee , Bears the soon. Oregoniun. Con "Uk Notice. All persons who have not been enum erated on the census rolls, or any per son who knows of any one who has not been enumerated, are requested to re port to J. M. Patterson at The Dalles National bank office before Friday even ing, June tiOth. This is important and should have the earnest attention of all good citizens. Cit.s. L. SciiMinr, It. J. ti0J!M..V, J. M. Pattkiisox, Max Haktei.!,, C-nsns Enumerators U. S. It a (iiinit Cuiiirii .'Uviiiciiio. speaks well ior Chamberlain's A "Faicc" Could .Sot iie.t Thi-. The Democrat, one of the leading newstiansrs of Albany. Or., in snejkini? of A. T. Itoberts, scientific optician arid : Uo,1h ! -vhen drug-isis use it in oculist, and noting his departure f,om 1 their own families in preference tunny Albany, after nearly si.x weeks of Hie ; ot,,er- "' have solt! sun a cessful practice there, gays; Couah ,k'"K',ly for U, P8t live years "Dr. A. T. Itoberts, the optician and , wl11' complete satisfaction to myself and oculist, uent to Corvallis this noon after . "'"'P'"--"umsuiiui, doing a succ essful butiness in Albany i . a" 1'',e"' where he established a fine reputation His work is highly spoken of hv those comiir.' under his care." "I have always used it in my own family both for ordinary ; coughs and coldi and for the ouirh fol lowing la grippe, and lind it very effica cious.' ton. For sale bv Biakeley & Ilough- Dr. Roberts is a graduate fiom Ihrec; of the highest sources in ophthalmology, ! optometry and refraction, has had- a Srainiii Anithi (UcJtij-i;nrei. twenty-four years practice and carries: "At one time I suffered from a severe with him over i3C00 worth of stock, j sprain of the ankle," says Geo. K. Cary, material and Ecientitie instrument-; necessary for the examination of the eye, all of which are absolutely necessary to do perfect work. lie will have an office in tho Chapman block, rouut !, for a few days longer and invites the most corn plicated ca&e3 to call and have speudil; a free examination made, '.that in most j & Houghton. cities would cost $10 and a common i ,vy ,, poi50n 'un.Ia and all sense explanation, that anyone can J accIJuJ1a illjlrl)J3 1HJf ,l0 ,llekly Salve. editor of the Guiilo, Washington, Va "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tnd Chamberlain's Pain li.ilm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon ii I began its use and a complete cure followed-" Sold bv lllakelev by using DoWitt'ri Witch Huzel It is also a certain cure for piles and skin dlseaues. Take no other. Kari! no a Stent I'roiluuur. There is no anirrml, either wild or domestic, which equals the hare in pro ducing pounds of meat, mid no known meat of so fine a quality. It is line grained, tender, juicy and ih while as tho breast of a chicken. It has a deli cate flavor which the stomach of a con valescent will not repel. It costs but fifteen cents to raise one to maturity, while it costs EeventyHvo to raise a chicken. You can keep ten Belgian hares in t lie same space necessary to keep one hen. One hen will raiee about 100 nounds of meat iu a year, while a hare will produce more than COO i continued their use for tinea weeko, and pounds. As compared with a chicken w w ''" 1 k"w 1,jy euved the hare excellr from all standpoints. i '"' life, and robbed tho grave of another - victim." No one should fail to try them. ' Only COu, guaranteed, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 Itoltlit-il Dm lifavit. A startling incident, of which Mr. .John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is narrated by him ai follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually iu back and tides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three piiysi chain had given me up. Fortunately, a Iriend advised 'Electiic Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. mmm While "Cyclone" Davis, of TexaB, is devastating the prairies of South Dakota with hla ecorching eloquence, tho farm .Tfl of his own state are accumulating wealth at u most disgusting ralo from a iupulist standpoint. Wiien ho gets hack to his native heath he will find IXttt Ids occupation ae a calamity howler is gone, and ho may have to go to work Siguaturo of UK Ur-leee food la digested quickly it willj ferment and irritate the etomacli, Alter each meal take a teaeuoouful of Kodol ' Dyspepsia Cure. Jt digests what jou' eat and will allow you to eat all you ! need of what you like. It never fuilK to ! euro the woret cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. ONE FOR A DOSE. Hitito I'liupU'ii, rrmont I: liu'i ue, I'urJfy UiilJlooJ, I "f llimiln-lio iiml IVmidMia. i J"uvl'.",'un,i;."' 1omU aneti dy U ni'i-mur "! sltli, riiiillhorg(,i4, nornloken. 'i'nimii. f I ii.b j wi, will iiitil namilH In u, nr full luji foj U bwa bfOruKCMi-j. Ull. '0SANKO CO. f'hlU. PILLS T. BROWN HILL, JUSTIOU OF THE PEACE. Notary I'ublic. Collections promptly attended to, Monev to loan. G. E, Uayard'a of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Kalk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brush'!?. You will not have bolls if you takuj Clarke A Kalk 'a suio euro lor bolls. A full line of Eastman dims and sup plies just received by Clarke A Kalk. Ho sure and see the luigains iu ladies' duck Ekirts at the Now York Store. j'J Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Maniifuntuicil by Clarko fc Kalk. Paint your house with paints that art fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Kalk have them. Clarko A Kalk hayo M-ceived a caiload of the celebrated .lame K. I'ntton strictly pure liquid paints Ciood, pure natural ice from the Blue mountains for salu by this Columbia Hiver Ice A Kuel Co. 'Phono :!.'! or 81 hong Dist. ; 7f or S Setifort A Condon. Small in size and great in results are DeWitt's Little E.irly liisers, tho fa motiii little pills that cleanse the liver ami bowels. They do not uripo. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia ('lire digests what you eat to the body cm bo nourished while the worn out or g.uiH are being reeoiistrneted. It is the only preparation known that will in stantly icliove and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are sufferiug from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. Neglect is tho short step eo many take from a tough or cold to consumption. The early use of One .Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It it. the only harmless remedy that gives iinme diate results. It cures all tiiroat and lung troubles. Childien all like it and mothers endorse it. Rev. W. E. W. Canton, N. Y writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty yeare, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start, i believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigeetion." It digests what yen eat. S!ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation ami indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or moiiay hnck. '-'" cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Diuzgistr. f h f 't f I3fc 'Si IE ft 5! IS H6 'I I Tho Dultan, On. The Chronicle, Job Printeps. sty '1 i i :1S mays & Crowe $1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will he kept a ecret. No cost for installing. You get tiie standard Illuming Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATUS TELEPHONE 00S. Tlio only etoro in this city where tho Genuine Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts u dozen pieces of so called cheap eiiam eled ware. BEWARE! Otiicr wnre.s look likoit.butthegcnu ino ha:s tho uninn StrunHlcy Htuol Wn ro o 1 1 e.n; 1 1 p ieco . Do not Ix deceived First 'prize at 10 International Exhi bitioim Higlionl award nt World h Columbian Exliibi tion. Cliicago, Pre ferred by tho bost cookiugauthoritiea, certified to hy tho most famoiHchern istH for purity and durability il iu cheapest becauso BEST. Ttcmemhcr tliif celebrated omim oled waro is special ly imported for and Hold iu this city ex clusively by in. It doos not riiht nor absorb urease, does not discolor nor catch inside; i.i notafiectedbyacid!) in fruits or vegctablcH, will boil, stew, roaht and Imko w il.ho u t imparting flavor of proviously o o o k o d fond, and will last for years. "! Wo CHU tion tho public against imitations Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi cii idn Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 2" mWSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Fendle- tnn TT'lniTP TliluFlour in manufactured expressly for family uvu "" use: every Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. W sell our goods lower than any houeo iu the trade, and if you don't think M call and get cur prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Jaeohsen Book & Wasie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho largest and compkUo lino tit Rock Bottom Prices Subscribe for the Chronicle. 'Unit TIiioIiMiii lli iului'lin Would (illicitly loavu you, if you used Dr. King's New Lifu IMIIu. TlioimaudH oi DiillerorH have proved their matuliluHX merit for Kick and Nervoua Hoailaohea, Tluiy iiiaku pure, blood ami Btrong nervcH and build up your health. Eutiy to take. Try them. Only 'Jo contH. Money hack If not cured, field by Illakeloy & Ilouuliton, drugglnlB. r HXKOUTOIt'fl NOTK'H Um iievn duly H.M)h tea Id ( " t,' llisl IU the tulo of Orwm, owe r '( ,. iiml tvuhimciit of i:vallm; hvn ' ''tl ' , Chtato toincbcut tlioiiiiao iiihhn, l' "( fix monlliK (rmu llioi Into liwe 'V huti'd ihU ntn iiny ii d Hxcoulor of tlio lam, will '""junliiH r.vnlha' i;viut,iK'cwtM'il.