t-c t 11-- nM.. rk-v:.1 now declares that, the McKinley nnd ; The Dalles Daily Chroniclc.,,,,,. rtrlcian llrf, The Los Angles llelsinn Hare Co., of etoffc of hnres for For VtcMiteiU- VILL1AM NVKJNLEY. Of Oliln. Tor lTrtt-tt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, rrw York, ItORK WAX HAS SO PIAC AXKMCAS POLITICS. supported by him for ho believes the! Portland, hap a fine el .1. I fut ore of the Philippines nll be ?nle in the Bettinpen store. Will b than "ero lul ' ,s "rK' ll,,s '( ; petnprreii, men cia?s. i-.veryone invtteu to fall and inspect. Stock ranclnc from safer in the hands of MclvinJey Prynn. though lie is still opposed to tthe policy which brought on the vrar ih ,0 iwt send awnr nnd In the islands. t bav fouietbinc before you tee it, bnt . call and ree before bnyinc 20tf rs , GOING EAST- i If von intend to tnke trip Ksst, $k vour ticket sceut to route you via The Great Wnbasls. a modern ami up-to-date railroad in everr particular, Thronsh trains from CIikco, Kan$sfan,e xMr officc- 1 l.ot l.?t Satnrday, a lady's watch, at i tached to a ribbon fob. Finder will re !colve a litieral reward by leavinp the 1 iitfnwiunn'lr hiltivn ihst Oitv. Omaha or St. ljnuis to "e.w York . For sw. nmonjrthe most Jntitclcus and np-j Nvy A ,ra,n$ We r fi fine jwctativc citireus Of n country are , nm vis xja?nr.4 Fll and every through ' hibrrcatinc oils and creases. Prk-t nnd those who rre or who have woo train ha Iw recliuinjr chair ears, sleep- , tornis are right. Write for prrce. Cea- tral Ketininc Co.. Cleveland, Ohio, j i. lemporarHr absent from it, savs the " r-s: ami dinine cars. 1 , , . ' Stop ver allowed on ar ticket at ;Scw oik 1 nbnuc. 1 here ? more , Aftun paUj. c. Cuxk. I'acinc 0tt l'sfs. Act ruth thr.r. triteness in the remark of, they come' than when should do ' C. ixs Anceies, uam. s c Crane. . P. A., ?t. Lenb, Mo. If yon are iookin for kir galas. hj tsnre nnd edl at the New Yoifc Gaslij tore. Clark A F.-dfc's 0 Complete Cipe of REGULATOR LINE. mm, wrtusd i xsroRix mm t Str. R(rntator. i l'.t- n! - . H r Htur4 M 9 t k Vf m d 1!V Hr v. Ship your Flight via Str. Dftlios City. l. IhOm .. k Kegulator Line.'u,- .t i r T'tUi.J.'j 't - -1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY ND PLEASURE, returning travelers that fnrr, Hraitwhr Oulrkli they went away. They should do; Baldum" spatklir.g etrt-rve?cent Cel-' fr??h ami cnmplote. so. IneV" have aat an opportunity j err torfa. a harmless ami t Ut-ttve enre to comitate or to contrast ttie insula-: w w nacur, fnHnr., MtrpirNiw druc stock is new i w. C. ALUASAY. Cen. Af at Heports show that over rifteen Imn-: dred lives have been f.ved th'oufh the! 1 . ! . i O- - ttons and conditions Of America with i i,v Ciarte A Falk. rirucjrisU. jaaS-J-rtw KSe o 0ne Mmute Cocpb Cnre: Most j those of other tends, ami to recnrti pr .. 1B fo. -o w of Pri' croP! ay pv fi r.i per caiion lor interior . ,,,v,.,., .....: .,-v t,.,-.,us.:- a .uuui iuuu mh ii i-iM.iui.v .s fiiu.w . ii.ii m j wnen voo ran bv .lames a. j pneonjonja correct persivctive. There must Pattoa's sua proof paints for S1.M1 per snf-rt.;,,,, alwS s. of course, be a large propor- j ltoa. pnawnteed for 5 years. Clark havelT7prfTBi line of j 3 -- tion of citiKors &; home w ho see u" ' s?vn 31 'Hadirs" duck skirts in cres and tans, ' ' -I nsed Kodol lrstena Corf in mv . .KiK K nfn,,i, (,..( rTm?,:',';J"':., 5,'P? Its early cse prevents eon- M. Z. DONNELL, THE DKUCCJST. clcarlv and thin!; richt. nation would stvedilv o to Put it is not snrpristne. however much a matter of rebuke it may be To sorco. to lind in a colony of Americans abroad a far greater unanimity on the right side than exists in the nation at home as 0 whole. This thought is suggested st this t3me by a pernsai of the brief bnt weighty letter whrch some Sfty American cittsens rtsideat in South Africa have addressed ,lTo the "a tjonal Political Conventions and tlw People of tlie United Mates cf Atncr ica." The document is worthy cf reproduction for repc-asal. as follows : "We. the nndersignod American citizens, resident in South Africa, though entertaining diSeitMjt views as to the menu of the controversy j that has culminated tn the reset wir, .ire cause of bnmanitv will best be served - else the. t n-ed ivodoi nrspepsia t-nre in my . which we are ollbrlnp for W rents and ; i tnmilr srsth woncorfni rs-suils. It cive? : ti j Ti,.,,. vt .,vm) rnln.i r mm - - -- -- v.. ....... ...... , . 1 Ulliuruiiir unci, it nii Jiau, iw uuu j sre OliiCUQ RJOSB. V&11 Cnriy fillil I k :is trnlv the dyspeptie'j brtt friend.-' cet yonr pick of the line. Ttie New jj ' says "K. Hartfarink. v'rsrise!. Mich. ! York Ca.sb Store. !f Directs what yon it. Cannot fail to " 1 ,cnre, " Krrriesee is the txt Teacher. Vsejjj Ail wlw snuer trom plwil! be dad Acker's English P.emedy in any case ot 'to ieara that rvWitt's Witch Haiel conphs, cold or cronp. ShouM it fad to j S 5a.lve will pive them in.-tnai a . raanent relft. H wj 1 cure eewtna Sail skin difsss. Beware of twnnter-! Drcrcists. e'Lf ! Presh cracked Nebraska ca at tbet , Clarke A Falfe's navorinc fjMcts are .Kt- oi.,. ?J L. Lane, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-oper.ed this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCK Pioneer e: rvri.- nd -er-' immediate relief money refunded. J j tna and - cii- aac c5- Blakeley ,v lioucbtoa j j BiacKsmnn C. S. Smith. .AND. the best. Ask vonr cnvr tor them. . chicken feed. KKtb2fr-U nbsrrire. iorTne Cnronicie. Garden flose Wi- have laid in a lan?e stock of Uardeit Ho;o ami are Horseshoe Kodol j dp-to-date Qroecr Dyspepsia Cure. For the convenience of parties want-, f iac ice in :be alternoons, the Stadolman Ice Co, will eftrry a stevk at their store, corner Third and W&shinctoa B:reet. Phone No. 107: lor; d.-sinnee In.5. "JFiir.i; 'em nn." Imk-U . ldi' heavy dcl skirts, 5ft rents Jan?eiaad jj j al ti6,-w York Crh Store. Wacon and Cnrrlnge Wcrk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Prt-sh KjTc and Creamer BuUe ?peRitT. 2d Street. h We Put... r 1 TritnmA hit nnd M!lf it hk: fttr Cam-iC he Se brwi Off :fae next thryty days at the Camobeli A -1-: ' ; 1 ; : 1 a . t . , , j, 1. 1 , HMJD iiMiuuru wiling. -o-ll entirclr screed that the Hose iJsst wa faaTe oeen cam-. vsar?. lino timt Imzt AiMk oy our feUow-ciUxca. in the ' t f?ik m t-n rrl United States observias fi suit; nos-1 whidi i vhe CdletrAod Mai- 7 1 U 7 1 1 jY U ' d K' Xt&Mxj toward both belHeereau. AsAjl0, rt ropnblieans sno daraoerats, we none rA" 1 7 ) 11 in deeply rv'crettiar the efforts tiwtjlhe Same brand of Hose lhai UiillCUU 1 rODlCm. we now kara are being vmAt to dr- j )ftiJes Qxv Fire l(TOirt- II is " tDO' ieo:t prob- this unhsnov tnatier iaio uolitins. 3 Ses 01" ntojscotfcrontobecon' sicce T?e realize thst soeh a eourse J men has been using for ! SJr "hSrtibtai ..CHflS. FSAHK- Butchers and Farmers 3. . 4dcx A can hare no beneficial result to either j 100. bare evet : aoMM ibis dtcah? in a arctira. mac - JitWi 1 T as C A. C.J I iCli . jmtiran ! is rod on eelry. ortK'. ' s Without work and ect:ir.ar ichii Thac. H.i , i aa esra-rt optsaac anJ u jraod of the belliserents. but, oa the con-, trary. s c-ikuiaied to proton: tbeUese Cross Brftml i strife br rsiiiac flse booes. appeal to sll political pKrties ic the " fnrravia?. Their prce U at iow t tar- United Stairs in the nnm of bnaan-' on ihe market. Call ul got d?, ity to refmin frotn craeflr ifcyi-g,. prioe brfvrv Uivinc. eLfr-: matter for poituea? pur- .proasp: at:er,tion. f ca. I-c Jtd ..Exchange.. Kpj- ft- drvci! ! MMntM .!: VIU , KKFK. Hfttwir nott t: f hr tn Tb Ultm. ! tc uriM (Xaex l;v, Uy n N rv-ir.".TMM At-. Ur Sanduiiehes (i a.: Kla S u-tj-f 011 ta&A. Digests what you eat It&rtiflct&llr d,pst s the Jcod tsitli pnn-a OTTi "urft in rencthen,n nnd recta ttmctlnff the ertinusid d.cesilTeK- f&a. ItJs.theiUiid.ster3dipss nnt and tonic N cf prepcatira can approach u Ja e&r ? ncy It i s-ranUy niliev and pc-canentJr D.rspcpsla Indtctftiur Htirtlcri, Piaiuleneo. Socr 510035 "icsa. SlckIJeadacbe,G&stra;c 1 0ratapuaii M other rsulisof im;cr!ict dlpesaut. f-ncoarei ty E C DV.' a C;- Cjtapi even bit of nvenv years o;erienci jwm? dm knotrltsd triih wery Proscription lhai's oDnpocuwIod here 1 it inv reeson whv oar prescription btmnes: inrraadnp ? rapid! vT Ak "".:r j hyfUis:. 1: h an- n S.. SEISC t, J-rciai as. : First Rational Bank. THE DAUt.ES - - - ORECDV A GenfCtlBantinp Bzs.n' xrism&i e:is:tj reewvec. ivA - t u zip. DnJt or C'r 'M. . Oollectinsf made tajf. 'rtK-CTiras:; remiue-i on it-i c ...uirt Sinbt and TeJepaphn i.:: 'sp atut J frw York. .San rr&a- : sr. or .&s: En. M. IT axiax. J A-I-i with this pboheroo.th5itbe:e;Wnotr P "Dnfrvr, is not, has noi been, oor ever viil be, IfiCUUr X DulllVU ihe slichtest ebsnc of oor eoni.tr Solt3 Apents. JUST RECEIVED 1 s fniret? vf t-'se 'tit Bougn Wei Suits departing from its traaition.si polic by intervecing in this foieipr qusr rr.l. VTe sre convinced that if this truth were fully ifalised u. onth Africa, ss it nltitsMely tntist t. tbe war wouW sooner terminate, and thousands of Hves bo saved. Ilenee re errnestly sppefil to men tf all parlies, to elttntnste this tnttter from tbe comic? campaign." Jn that speaks the voice of patii- j otic wisdom. Thoie also speaks a ! representative roice of tbeAtcic&; people. The fifty names appcmioil to the letter are those ot domoorats and of republicans, of moa who sympathize with tbe Boers and of men who sympathize with the "British; of men from New York, and of mew , from Texts and of men from CaW. forni and from many other stales. Tbey are a varied company, bnt they . are al! American citizens and tbey rdl s-e with fttisolute clearness aud precision the duty of the United States government nod of tbe Amer- ican people. What they sav ii toiJnst the n.t for the vtt. Tbe tt be commended to the careful con- ei s r.yrw u r r en Physician and Suvireou. TtLS& pit. r.. r. rcRcrsiiN. Pliysieiaii and Supgeon, KeliaUe riescripuottists nf5 M ! C. p. Stephens .Denier in. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. '.- 11;-. 1 Jx.tiixji SISjmi Si. m Wxs, Or. Ill MR FY ft Hflli - 1QG UUiUiUUld PACKEE Or PORKana BEEF XAKrrA.-r' .' - IFine Lard and Sssagss Carers Df BRHD HAMS & BACON :F S. j Gunning, i Just What TB ItAUJEi. OtlSUON. I For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Ptttitf. OntrrwMcr -,? J nt Vacua;. You mant. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. 1 Oeaier in Biacksmifn Supplies. DO V EARS' rJMM if OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The CLARENDON HESTAUWp. And CAFE. J B. OroEsen & Co., Props 57 Second Street 51 deration of all those to whom it fs addrrascd. tnt t ter happened for thecountrr. ,lnt the tun for the noiidavs. , New ldei in Wfci; Paper here. Such 1 ide TArietr e ethoinp never be i fore crred a ample stock. tmti. tion cjeton erTert st ordinrj pricei. :uck4 pnptif at chep pner price, i Kiefant dwens, utnefnl colorinc. jronrs t for a small price, at oor ttore on third lH!Wl, AlfOa fnll lino, nf hnnu . ...... . . . . . .. w , 'M. U 1. ino ud uevstujuit, .v itt to.'D. W. VATJSE Third St of Ordit 4i aw i.ti34 oiitiai" 7 iiaiu ,inr -a..... . I.M.tlfYl iii'Ba" en Scienfific Jfmeftc ' ; s4iti iui "i.-. - TKxSixCTM Have you seen tiiem at M-'ttrt froze ruia siblei.-ccttlie icavxt rrtrvi t lit Sit After all that enttor Hoar bx said and done to pi re aid and com fort to acli-expasjton denocrau, be PEASE & MAYSJAtorte Fine Tailoring. TIC BALLKi OkUOX. STURDEVANT, OitiMtt caeti A Ca.' lUtl FRENCH : ' BANKERS. CKeKaluuNCUKrvr'A Sight Zxvltm.im'iimu'hhiC, ITracalm told aaJtevlCMRri 0j I, I in Oragoo ad TKC fiALLK?, oeegos lorahia tanaia. iron, tUe waTaVPf. f dadaBsgja)gNavH '(Hsjr ill "1 1 '''iSSS ,if'.-v,.nM' - Hal