t Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1900. NO. 270 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Gondii, Clothing, ISuotN and Shoes, ut much lese than wholesale prices. Will full iu bulk or in lots, or any way to Hiiit purchasers. Entire stock must toe closed out before thirty days. All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets mill Hotter iek Patterns. Your prices will bt! mine. Call curly and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. TIEN TSIN HAS rr r n r r- ipupr bttlN ntLitvtu lltiiisli All mi ml and (lis Force of Inter national Marines Arc Now Known to lie in a Hail Predicament Only Ten Miles From Tien Thin and Troops Have (lone to Help Him Out. U' I ll.t Tl... ii .inni.it MIA, Jllllll ll, urn iiu; uw- P-irtment received tho following cable iir.im from Adiuirnl KuutpIV: "Tuku, Junu Thu rulluf foreo reached TionTsin thel-'Ild niHt., loss very small. Tho Pokin roliuf force, wbluh left Tien THin Juno 10, Ih reported ten miles from Tien ThIii, Hurroundod. A force loft Tiuu 'I'm in on tho L'-lth to render ns aUlniiro." Wahiiinoto.v, Juno -'(. The six great viceroys of China, acting through the Cliinwju niiniitor hero, today renewed their eH'orta to have foreign troops kept on'of Cliinanntil I.i Hu np; Cham: reaches I'ekin. T.'ie request was a formal ducu- i went dii'iiml by the six viceroyH, includ ing I.i Hung Cluing. ! The answer of tho United Stales gov ernment was the same as tliat to the in-1 'urinal request of Mlnislor Wu yesterday, mill amounted ton declination. most important. Mr. White, the minis ter of finance, has assured me that lie will place no obstacle iu tho way of con tructs being sent to the United States, which in diplomatic language I take it to mean that hu might object to the filling of orders in other foreign countries. 1 am therefore safe in stating that possibly everything required outside of Russia will be purchased in this country." (JHtnrrli Ouiiiuit l!i Uurt-il' with local applications, ns they cannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of tho best pliysicians in this country for yen's, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the bust tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. t?eiid for testimonials, free. F. .1. Ciinsnv & Co., l'rops., Toledo 0. Sold by drruggists, price 7ic. Hall's Family Tills are tho best. 12 r.w Yoiik, Juno 2'-', A dispatch to II... M'..U.,...n fw,.., I n.wl.... Ul.,.. T.fn km' t-iiuuiiw inn. I .iuiiuuii Dttjni o w UetH stand out iu this tangled mane of Uncertainties. One is tho necessity for an army of from 00,000 to 100,000 men, if China is to 1)0 rescued from nnaichy, and the second is the fact that the Chinese troop mo well armed and in better condition (or u warfare under modern conditions than they wore in the campaign with Japan. Cm; Foo, June 'JO. Tho oflieors of the UritlHh llrHt-class cruiser Terrible assort that discord uxIhIh between tho Russians ad Anglo-Americans, and they say be "eve the Russians are planning to bieak II") concert and tako possession of J'ekin lii'lepondeiitly. They assert that Vice. Admiral Seymour'.! command lacked "ni'on, the foreigners sulking because liey were under Brlthih leadership. 'Hiey hlttorly denounce tho Kussian K'Jiieral'H conduct as uncivilized ami W'.j.iroiiH, and tho change that tho Jlnughtur of tho peaceful Clilnauten at Tuku has aroused tho othewiso passlvo '"Uivoa against tho foreigners. ltiUHli, Ih Our Ooiiimeruiul I'rltinil. nv YoiiK, Juno UO.Adolph Roth "win, the Uusslau financier, before eall K' fur Europe, said to tho Chinese Eastern Hallway : "l'l to tho presout time wo have ex perienced Hiinio $-10,000, but before com peted mi additional $100,000,000 will be 'llslniraed, Tho mad will not bo com pleted for, I think, quite flftuon months, is wo dud wo shall have to bore a tun nel B'uue four and a half inches long cu tllu UiiB3ian aide of Iltirhin, tho head 1'inrtera of tho railroad. Tho boueflts l'ich American awnufucturorn will do 'too In the shapo of contracts will be reeuperation previous oe has l educed oven in tho show only a Wrl f llnlliif. CuiCUiO, lunol'O. Lady Cuizon, vieo I loin of India, writing to S. I). Kldredge-, of tho Chicago India 1 ammo Relief com mittee, says : "The famine is greater iu its intensity over the areas allltcted than at any pre viously recorded visitation. Fewer per sons will die, yet incomparably more persons are eullering. Tho absolute failuie of tho two last Autumn and Spring harvests and tho unprecedented loss of cattle in Western and Central India uuko the task of more arduous than on any casion. Tho government the rate of mortality, and worst districts tho figures slight excess over the normal rate. "The government lias spout .f'JO.OOO, 000 upon district iclief, $10,000,000 unon suspensions and remissions of land revenue, $(1,000,000 upon advances for tho purchase of seed and cattle, and $5, 000,000 upon loans to the distressed states. Tho relief committee has dis tributed $2,500,000 thioughont various channels." Pull Headache, Tains in various parts of tho body, Sinking at the pit of tho stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Tim pies or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it bocamo so it must lie purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Kiexir hna never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every a noaitivouiiarantce. Ulakeloy ton's drug store. NlltlCK, Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes to annottneo that tboy will deliver ice to anv part of tho city at all hours of tho day or night. 'Tlione 1W or 81 Long Dial. ; 75 or 8 Seulert & Condon. To UiITii n Oolrt iu Dim Dy. Take Laxatlvo Hromo Quinino Tab lets. All UruKglata roiunu me uiunj. THE EMPIRE ALL AFLAME Immediate Outbreaks Expected in South ern China Signs of a Rising in Nankin. London, June 27, 3 :4b a. ui.-A fresh phase of the ebullition in China is the probability of immediate outbreaks in the great southern provincial counties, The pnpnluco there is daily assuming a more hostile attitude toward foreigners, and the latter perceive symptoms of a general rising, especially at Nankin, where, according to a dispatch to the Daily Express, dated yesterday, Kng Wu, one of the most truculent enemies of foreigners, line arrived by way of the Grand canal, armed with full powers from the empress to deal with the southern provinces. Tho friendly attitude of Viceroy Liu Kun Yin toward foreigners has brought him into disgrace with Trince Tuin, president of the Tsung li Yatr.un. The unrest at Canton is described by a dispatch from that city to the Daily Telegraph, dated Monday, via Hong Kong yesterday : "It iB feared that we are on the eve of a scene of bloodshed and anarchy in the two quands only paralleled during the Tai Ting rebellion. The signs of a mur- deroUB uprising are so manifest that wealthy Chinese hurrying from Canton ond vicinity, taking their wives families aud valuables. "Li Hung Chung has been again per emptorily ordered toPekin. His enemieB declare that they will murder him be fore he can reach there. His presence alone restrains the revolutionary ele ments here. His departure will let loose the 'black lflag6' and 'red girdles,' knowing this, Li's trusted officials are sending their families tollong Kong." A NEW GOLD BEACH On Alaska Coast 55 Miles Below Cape Nome Gold is Among Grass Koots. bottle on & Hough- Nome, Alaska, June S. More definite and complete returns have lately been received concerning the bench strike at Topkuk,C5 miles below Nome. Theie seems no reason to doubt that this is ono of tho greatest strikes over made in this vicinity, as important as tho strike at Nome itself. Though tho discovery at Topkuk is of comparatively recent date, many have struck it rich already, and several indi vidual fortunes, running ns high as $20, 000 have been taken out. Parties) of two or three working willi ordinary rockers, it is paid, are taking out $1000 a day. One little plot of giound, just about big enough for a good-sized grave, yielded $15,000 worth of the precioiw metal. It l.iv lust, at the oiIl'o of the tundra, and t ... the gold was actually among tho grass roots. It is reliably estimated that one stretch of beach 000 feet long by an aver ago of 90 foot iu width lias yielded $475, 000 within tho past two weeks. Another strike, though of a less sensa tional nnturo, has been reported at a point on tho beach twenty miles south of Nome. At this last-named placo and scattered along the beach between Nome aud Topkud over 1000 men are now at work. There Is little doing at present in this Immediate vlcillitV. Ulld 601110 of the now-comere, who expected to pick up nuggets like shells on tho Fea9horp, are somewhat disappointed. Woik is pro. coodlng steadily on most of the claims, but thero Is no excitemont just now ex cept over the news of tho new strikes. Kdlmr'x Awful I'liBlit. F. M. Higglns, editor Senacn, Ills., News, was alllieted for years with piles j that no doctor or remedy tieipeti until he triad lUicklon'a Arnica Salve. Ho writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest pile cure oh earth and tho best salvo in tho world. Cine guaran teed. Only 25 conta. Sold by lllakeley & Houghton, druggist. 5 LADIES' MAN-TAILORED SUITS Worth $15, $18, $20 and $25- Roduced to $13 85 LADIES' MAN-TAILORED SUITS Exceptional values at $12, 12.50, 13.50, Reduced to $8 50 Two of the best offerings made this seasun anywhere. Some of these suits at the new price do not realize enough to pa' for the bare cloth before tho scissors or needle touch it. Handsome, stylish suits that must bo ready all summer, for morning wear and chilly days. Then they will give added service next fall. Most remarkable offerings these: ?f Brown Oxford all-wool Covert, tight-fitting Suit worth $15.00 Cadet Blue " " " " " worth 18.00 (tp Qr- Black Serge double-breasted J-fitting Jacket worth 20.00 1 u O Fashionable green and grev mixed Cheviot Suit, tight-fit'g " 25.00 at- i t 50.. Brown Oxford all-wool Covert Eton Suit worth $12.00 Silver-grey all-wool Sacking, tight-fitting worth 12.50 Black all-wool Serge, Jacket Suit worth 13.50 We mention the above out of forty difl'erent suits. No two alike. COME EARLY AND SECURE FIRST CHOICE. Our . Muslin Underwear Sale i the very moderate prices, for which our Muslin Underwear is J famous, has created an fixfonsivn businoss. Women look for- W ward to advantages such as we are now offering, and never fail (o realize handsome savings. See our GOAVNS at 29c, 55c, t J Sale 79C and $1.13. i A. M. Williams & Co. A TllUllsHIKl roilgllt'3 Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Snrintrer. of 1123 Howard St., Phil- adelplia, P.t., when the found that Dr , King's New Discovery for Consumption ! had completely cured hor of a hacking! cough that for many years had made lilo a burden. All other remedies and ! doctors could give her no help, but she , says of this Koyal Cure "It soon ro. moved tho pain in my chest and 1 can . now sleep soundly, something 1 can I scarcely remember doing before. I feel -like sounding its praises throughout tho universe." So will every one who tries i Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble : of the thioat, chest or lungs. Price 50c ', and $1. Trial bottle free at Ulakoley St j Houghtou'a drug store; every bottle ( guaranteed. 5' Mr. 'V. S. Whedon, cashier of the First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter iu his employ, that will bo ot value to other mechanics, j Ho Eiiye; "1 had a carpenter working i for me who was obliged to stop work for ; several days on account of being tiou- j bled with diarrhu'i. 1 mentioned toi him that I had been similarly troubled j and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera . and Diarrlmu Kemedy had cured me, Ho bonghta bottle of it from tho druggist here and Informed me that one dose cured bun, and he Is again at his work," For salo by Ulakeley & Houghton. l-'or limit, A five-room cottage on Alvoid street, with bath room and patent closet, at $10 a month. Apply to Levi Chrieman. 2Stf is: Is iv ...C. J. STUBLING.., Wholesale and Retail j Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars I Agency for tho Geleltfated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. Phone 234. 4 THE DALLES, - - OREGON. i 'i j Grandall & Bwcjet o DEALERS IN -a- fjo)CS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies pembalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Advertise in the Chronicle