IMCIiri.K VIM' AM. KNOW. Miss Julia Niekeleen wont to Hood Uivit on this inorniiig't! ittMinor to visit friends. Kdc.r Hnrlinciuut'. of Dufnr, was in town last night thi- guest of tho Uma tin.) House. ,!. U. Warner, of ltinaen. Wash., was in town hut night, tho gttcat of tlio Umatilla House. William Glaslus took Ills family on thf lU'liiinri' this mornliiK for an outinu' at Collins Landing. Litij-hlin O'lUien, familiarlv known ns tho "L:irryliuck." was in town last i iflit from Ceiiterville. Mrs. .J. T. l-.itera and children were jMssi'iiKera on t he Reliance this morning on a summer outing at Seaside. C. .1. Hayes, J. W. Hicks and A. 1.. Antone. of Hood liiver, were in town today attending to business in the land 011100. .Miss Katie Hrogan, who has been teaching school m the Antelope country for several months, has returned to her home in this city. .Mrs. A. .1. Cuniiiiings stopped over here last night with the family of Uev. O. l Bailey, on her wav from Portland to her home in Mount Vernon. Uev. W. C.Smith, of Dufnr, crossed ttie river this morning on his way to iioldtnditle to assist in the c.uiu meet ing now in process there. W. A. Wilcox, agent o! tho United State lish commission, was in town yes terday and todav gathering statistics of the fishing industry in these parts. Uev. 0. B. White, I. J. Vow ell and Miss Hastings, of Dufur. were passen gers on the IJeliunce tills morning for -Portland, to attsnd the U. B. conference t ,, at that place. Uev. U. F. Hawk went to Goldendale this morning to assist in the camp-meeting now in progress at that place. He was accompanied by Uev. J. H. Wood, of North Yakima. Her Husband's Story " My name is 15. J. Sprong, and my address is to Bondman Block, Troy, N. Y. I want to toll how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to her. About a year ago she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her brou- clnal tubes and lungs, hlie cer tainly had bronchitis, and 1 think consumption, too, and we de spaired of her life. She had a tightness and soreness in the chest, and it was dime alt for her to breathe. There won. daittng, sharp, dull and heavy pains, with constant coughing antl expectorat ing. Kach day she was than the day befote. T was ad vised to get Ackei .s Kughsh Kem edy, aud did so, but my wife only shook her head aud saul 'Another dollar thrown away.' She took the Remedy, however, and said the effect was magical. In less than an hour there was a remark able change. She got belter at once, and in a short tunc she was entirely well and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been no relapse. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can't imagine how happy she is for her recovery. She tells everybody about Acker's English Rem edy, and so do I. for I believe it to be our duty to the public to help every suf ferer who has throat ar.d lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific for croup, and has saved the lives of hundreds of little ones around, in this vicinity alone." Sold nt 25c 50c. antl$t a bottle, throughout the United States ami Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., a. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle t your druggist, and get your money back. JIV authjriz-- Ihr nbov-; guarantee. II'. . I100KE1! CO., ftoprtctors, Aw VoiL fust Mult IJUO i. 111. TIMK M-lli:i)lTI.K. ritOM H.W.l.KS, Salt Ijifcc, Denver, Kt, Wottli, Omaha, Kan ms city, SI. UhiIs, UlllMKO anil Hint. . Allantlo Is.ilt Denver. M.' llxinoss I Worth, Omiilm, Kmi , i:Mu. 111. mis City, Hi. Units, Vln Hunt ChlciiK'i mi'l l-'i"'' lugtoii, I For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. GENERAL NEWS. The Mennonites, at one of tlements in Pennsylvania, elected a pastor by lottery ten candidates and ten their set-recently There were bibles were 1 Good News to Good Dressers.... 1 'tat Texas, who is such a hero with the 1 sentimental women frequenters of the 1 house galleries, is not a favorite with ' the men visitors. One day last winter 0f pajt all,i artist'a brushes. his dramatic conclusion to a rather long winded speech elicited from a gray haired man in the second row of the members' gallery the ejaculation: "Too bad, too bad!" "What's too bad?" asked his companion. "It's too bad, (,'tusun Notice. placed on a table before them. One contained a slip of paper, and the .preacher who selected this one was duly chosen. Father Joseph .loset, of Desmet Mis sion, for fifty years identified with mis sionary work of the Jesuits anions - Cteur d'Alene and other Northwestern Jndians, died at the mission June 10th. 'fie was 90 years old and the last of the band of missionaries of whom Father Desmet was the leader. He came from .Europe in 1840. A New York man una a coat which la interesting from its long tail to the tailor's band on the collar. It is a wed ding dress coat which belonged to his grandfather, and it was made by Andrew Johnson, afterward president of the United States. At the back of the coat, under the collar, is a little clip of cloth marked "A. Johnson, Tailor." vThjrte male babies were born to Pro fecsor II. S. Erode and wife at their home in alia Walla Tuesday mqtning, eays the Milton Eagle. M Brode is one of the instructors in Whitman college, the professor of biology, "the science of -life, which pretains to tho destruction of tinimale and plants." The professor ap peats to be sharing in the "distribution" .to a considerable extent. f."Vfm Charle3 Dudley Warner was iditor of the Ilartford Preee, back in the C)e, arousing the patriotism of his state by his energetic appeals, one of the type setters catno in from the composing room ono day find, facing Mr. Warner, eaid: "Mr. Warner, I've decided to en liet in the army." With mingled emotions of pride and responsibility, Sir. Winner replied that it pleased him that the man felt the call to duty. "Oh, it isn't that," said the truthful composi tor, "but I'd rather be shot than eet your copy." Tho following telegram was handed in for delivery at tho postofiico at Chepstow, Knglaml: "Going' to Llanfairpwligungwi 1 gogerhwllclydiligo gooch; shall be home by 4:30." The postmaster, thinking that there was more than a fair penn'orth of conso nants in the name, referred it to his etirveyor, who wrote back; "It is an .attempt at the name (of a village in Anglesey), but is evidently not written iiy a Welshman ; tho spelling is incor rect, and, but for tho joke of tho tliiii". tho ordinary abbreviation Llanfairtiwll- would have been better, i obtain good health. -Acker' Blood I extend a cordial invitation to all to inspect the samples of Woolens from the CROWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cus tom Tailors. Suits to Measure, $3.75 up. Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent. 8? Spokane Mull unit I2.IV! y 'J.i p. in. t p. ill. Wiillti Willlil, HnfcMlCV Mllllll'apoll. St. l'lltll,' lUltlltll, MlllWlllktV, t.'hlniKO iiml KnM, via .Spokane akd lllllitlin: Inu, nisi) nit points In WashltiKtOU unit I'ast 'tn Oregon. l'ROM l'OHTI.ANII. Orrau Stcaiiuhlpi. For Sun I'MiirlM'o Kvory I'm I )a vs. Ann.VR l'HOM Kt MhII r.'-so i in i ti a. in. SihiIoiiio Mull iiml Impress : ;;) ii. 111 I p. in. S p. m. I p. in, Kx.buntliiyiColiimtilii Itv. Btoiinurh.i Kx.hiinihij I To Asroiii.v mid V.'ny Siitunliiy ! UtmlliiKt. 10 p. in. I'm. m. i Wll.LAMKTTK ItlVKH. .M . m. Kx.&iiiiitiiyiDreitiiii City. Nowht-rK, li.x.Humtiij t-.ilcni v. Wiiy Uinil'.s. T H. Ill, IWllMMVTTIC AND YAM Tuic'Itiur.. IllLI, ltlVKIt.. mlSHt. '(Irivoii tMty, Dnytoii. iiml Wny-ljinilliiKs. l.v Itlp.irln tally 8 C" n. m. 8.NAKK ItlVKIl. ltiparhi to lA-'-.vtston. ii. in. Moii.,WuI mill Krl. I.I.-AVK l.KWl.STOM ilnlly y.twii. in. I'ii r tic ileslnnK to co to llctmiicr or jKjiuts on coliinihiii Soiitlii'm viu lllk-Ki-. -hoiilil tiike No. J, loavliiK The Dulli-s nt 1.1:10 p. m. lunktiiu .llri-ct connections at llcppuvr Jiitiction Hinl lilies Hc'.uriilllK iiiaWliiKillrisUioiilicctlou at Hcppncr Junction ami IIIiiks uith No. tivl.'iK nt The Dalles at 1 :) p. m. For full particular rail on O. 11. A N. i'.o.'t ngentThu Dallcu. or ailclress (ion W. II. lIDItl.lllJItT, l'rts. Am., 1'oitlnuil, Or, BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line SOUTH and EAST via Sournern Pacific Co. i You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. ! A full line of Eastman nltn9 and sup i plies just received by Clarke A Fulk. , Be sure and see the bargains in ladies' replied the venerable auditor, "that the du skirtB at tho New York Csh Lord Almighty when Ho made thatiStore i9 roaring Texan should have used up so j Floral lotion will euro wind chapping much material in fashioning hio thorax ami sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke that he had nothing loft for his brains." ! & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are ! fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk All persons who have not been ennui-' have them. erateu on the census rolls, or any per son who knows of anv one who has not been enumerated, are requested to re port to J. M. Patterson at The Dalles National bank office before Friday even ing, June 20th. This is important antl should have the earnest attention of all good citizens. Cms. L. Schmidt, n. j, GoiuiAs, J. M. PATTJJimOV, Mw Bautej.l, Census Knnmerators. 25 3t U. fi. Clarke ? Falk have received a carload of the celebrated -Jarne K. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Good, pure natural ice from the Blue mountains for sale by the Columbia liiver Ice & Fuel-Co. 'Phono or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 .Sen fert & Condon. fimnll In size and gieat in results are DeWitt'e Little Kirly Risers, tho fa rnoun little pills that cleanse the liver arid bowels. They do not gripe. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Drying preparations simply dovel , oji dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions, : which adhere to tho inernbrauo and decom- poso, causing afar more bctiouh troublo than ! tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry I ing inhalants, fumes, mnokes and fcnu!fn aud una that which cleanses, Eoothcn and 1 heals. Iily'a Oream Balm in finch a remedy 1 and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head i easily and pleasantly. A trinl fiizo will bo 1 mailed for 10 cunts. All druggists sell tho , COc.sizo. lily Brothers, BO Warren Kt. i N.Y. j Tho Balm enroll without pain, docfi not f 1, 1,. Ji..-i . irruuii) or causo nuuuiii. it nprvau.-) imvu All persons are heieby notified not to over an irritated and angry mirfuco, rcliov purchase a note, given by Junes Gray i in ,;nlf.,?,?to)' tho Pf'""11 'ammation. L r rr t ) 'A.n ,nr .. i ! With I ly's Orcam Balm youaro armed $13! and duo Bearo tho Signature of JSotlcc. , '. , '.. ,i With lily's Orcam Balm youaro ar II. I). Agnom, for tho sum of ; fa,t KftJs.(1 Catarrh ud jj Fover luo Nov. 1, l'JOO, as the said . - note was obtained by fraud. jun22-20 James Giiav, Victor, Or. - "f Dull Headache, Pains in various parta 8u()Jwt ,a narrate, ,,v M of the body, .Sinking at the pit of the (I waa , a In0t ,,rea(J(ul CQ)1(I stomacii, l.QHi oi itppetite, J-Kvensiiiieso, Pimples or Sores all josltive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how It ! became so It must lo purified m order to iTho full name correctly written I give below Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerch- wrinydromwlllaudleilliogogogoch." The general opinion of her inajaety, tjiieeii Victoria, wua curiously put by an old Scotchwoman who heard (hat an estate in Fifo had gono to the crown for want of heirs. "Weel," she said, "It uilclit hae gaun a waur gate, for the queen'H a rale tleservin' body." Only b "thocrovvn" on theso occasions means merely tho exchequer, the Scotchwoman would probably have thought that the ustatu had "gaun a waur gate" If elm had known that her majesty would derive no benefit whatever from it. Strung) to eay, Senator .Bailey of lilexir hat) never failed to cure frcrofiiloua or Syphilitic poitons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakoley & Hough, ton's drug store. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion uro already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digo?ts what you eat so the body can bo nourished while the worn out or gaiis are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will in. stantly relieve and completely euro all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from Indigestion. It will cer trtinly do you good. Itlllllll'd till) fil.-tVU, startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the followa: condition. My ekfn waH almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi- 1 cianH had given me up. Fortunately, a Iriend udvieed 'Klectric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their ue for three wceka, and am now a well man. I know thoy saved my life, and robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only oOe, guaranteed, at Blakoley & Houghton's drug store, D Ustili In Viiur Cliutik. All countv warranto registered prior to Juno ii, 1806, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. 0. L, Pnn.Lii, County TreMurer. Subscribe for The GijuoniCj;. Shasta Route Trains lravc Tho Dalles for I'mllaud ami way stations at l:i) u. in. ami :i p. in. Leave i'ortlaml H::ia m " Albany l-.'.yo n in Artlve AmIiI.iiiiI 12:!:: u m " t-acraiiii.'iito ,':l) p in " San l-'nincl.-co 7:l'i p in Arrive OkiIoii fi:liam " Denver u:f)n m " Kansas taty 7:ii u in " Chlcaijo 7:111 in Arrive Ijs AiikcIcm . . " Kl I'lIM) " iort Worth. . " City of Mexico . " Houston ' New Orleans . . " WnshtiiKlou . . " New York . 1 :V0 p m li:(l p in 0:1 a in . 'J :.". h in ..") a m . fi.'Si a in . 0 : J ii in .1:11 pin 7:0.1 p in HI:'') p in ll:)a in I ;a ii in h:l.) ui 1 1 : 1.1 n in U.OIlt ill T.i'i It III j:m a m 7 ) a in li.m p in ii ; u ill J M a in 1:00 n in C Z't p m 0 U a in 1-l.'l p in i'iilltii(i:i and Tourist car, on both trains Chair tan, .Siitraiiieiitu to Opltn anil Hi l'lino, anil tourist cars to Chicago, fct lxuls, New Or it-aim ami Wavhltixtou. (.'oiiiie:iinK nt fc'iiii Kraticlwo with hcvcral 9tcainhlp liiiu.i for Honolulu, Japan, t'hlnn, I'hlllppliiej), I'tntral iiml feouth Amulet. Sec ugt'iit at I In- Dalles station, or aildrtM C. H. MARKHAM, (ii-iicral l'afktnscr AkciiI, I'uitliiiiil, Or Mi hw Yellowstone Park Line. Till-; DININU CAIt IlOfll-: 1'ltO.M I'OltTl.ANI) '10 Tlilv IvAHT, Tin: only iiiitucT i.ini: to Tin: vjiu.ow. H'lONi: 1'AItK fcUWIi. No. .. ll!W A. II, No, I, ii-.') r. m. Union Depot, Firth'and I sts MIIUVK, No. 1 Fast mull for Taconia, Pcattlc, Olymila, (iray'a uaioor nun roiiiii iiL'iiui points, -jpukaiiu, Jtiutx-j laml, II, (;,, I'lilliimn, Moscow, lllo:i, (iuf-faloIliimpiiiiniiiKooiiu- ',,,') J Iiy, Ik-K-nii, Mlmioapo-1 llH. Kt. l'alll. OlllHiil.1 Kaiihas City, Kt. l,uu, OIiIuuko uuil nil iKiiutHl tin. 3. cimt iiiid Miiilhcai I'nuet Hoiinil Kxiirciis for Taconia ami ISc-uttlo 7;( A ami lutcrmedlatu polnlhl 51, I'lillmim llrbtfluss and tonrftt sUopcth in Mlnncupoila, Ht. I'aiil aud .MUmmiiI liver iiolutii without cbaiiKU. VtiKtibultil tralim. Union depot coiincclloiis In nil principal eltluf, liiKiiui(uoluckHl loilmllnallon of tlcla-ti, For hanilHoinely illiunutiildubcrlptlvf mailer, tlcKvt, lwplti iar rehervatloiiH, etc,, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AsuUtant Genetnl 1'uw.eiiKer Aia-nt. !iV Woifl noil Htreet, corner Third, I'orllund, OrcKon. Till, V, T. HMIl'll, - Osteoputh, Itooiifii 10 and II, C'liaimittii lllock, 'Iho Dalles, Ort-KOii. 'tucudiiyH and Krldays, b a, ui. to Vi, muyib-lm i 3 : f f Tho Dalian, On. The Chronicle, Job PHntcrs. I 'h it 3C IwiUUIUMMMUUtllWlMUJMIIMltUIUIUlUiy!MMri'XlUlUIUJtim lllllN 'iiitiiiiiiiiu niftniiiititiftiitttiii 'fmiii iitiriiitilinitniiiitiHVi Hi, $1.00 per month. Strictly llrnt class local and long (lifltuiiL-i) teluphouu eurvicu within your home. Lines do not urnf-talk. Votir con versation will be kept a secret. No cost fur installing. Vnu gut tliu standard Illuming Lung Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service We will accept your contract for ten yearu and allow you to cancel siiuie on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC BTATES TELEPHONE COS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail lands Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, MMd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTl "PlnnT This Monr la manufactured expressly for family WVJJ Jvy ' use ; iiverv Hack id guaranteed to give satisfaction, soli our goods lower than any house in tlio trade, mid if you don't think eo call ami gut cur priccH and bu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats. Jaeobsen Book & JWusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho liU'gest and moat (omplolo lino tit Rock Bottom Prices. Subscribe for the Chronicle. 't'liitl Tlirolililnj,- llumlucliit Would ipiickly leave you, if you lined Or. King'H Now Life 1'llln. Tliiinniiiuia of Hiifi'erorH have proved their miitcliluim merit lor Hick and Norvotm HcadiwhuH. Thoy make puro blood ami strong norvca and build up your health. KuHy to laKo, 'try thorn. On v 25 cohh. Money hack if not cured. Sold by wakeley a Houghton, druggldtii. 5 KXKOUTOIl'S NOTICi:. Notice h liuu-by ly Klvon that ""'!!,1,?miI I'flW .'last ! "ill Iihm l.oc.1 Hilly at- -oli.tiil lf'Tl c lu" "111 tlHiHtatuoi (m-Kon, x c f 1 j tor ' , ' 1 Vu 1 1 . , unit ttaiiintof i;vnu a 'v" !i iVt thu ''' All pomoiiH imvliiK chilniH K , 1 n1ll.(,ulu-t of tlu. unlit JIviilliio '.vin aru f ' ' . ,,,1, w to itw,cllt thimaiuo in Will, 1 Cvitttlti 1 by law iiiitilrwl, at Monlor, OitK'"i' inontliN from tho 1 11 to hurt of. JaU-d till mutiny ot June. W VANl, t n... i.t w It iiml l''1"", ' r. 1 1 I.AVVIIMM 1 , JW"" ' Uvullnc i:vnn, dwciucd.