The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1900, Image 3

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    Never Before
Have wo afforded tho people of Tho Dalles and vicinity the advantage of a
When wo say "Clearance Sale," wo do not mean to say that every article in the
house will be given away for a mere nothing. We propose to lake Seasonable Goods, such
as you are now buying, and make you prices that are more or less below cost. Many of
the linos of goods we will otter you have been in stock less than a month. Our stock in
all departments has never been so brim-full of new and attractive goods. '
The lings that wo ofler you will have- to leavo our house in order to make room for a
Heavy Fall Stock. You will hear from the following departments in a few days:
SHIRT WAISTS, Silk and Cotton ;
The MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT will also have something to say.
Sale Commences Monday, July 2d.
All Goocln Murkod
In Plain FlRuroB.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. I.
Tl'KSDAY - - - JUNE 20, 1!00
At Andrew Kollor's.
D.iyton't patent fly nnil mosquito
killed nt MuiurA Kenton's. 2ll-:it
All thu Unthbono ntlieors and sisters
uro rc(iioHti'd to meet nt their hull to
morrow afternoon ut 2 o'clock.
Eight loads of wool urrhed ut noon
today ut thu Wuseo warehouse from
Uridyl crook, Wheeler county. It is '
part ol about 1000 Bucks that will come
hunt from that point. I
.1. M. Mitchell, of Joseph, Wallowa j
county, fed nineteen head of heavy draft I
horsuB at tho Sultmurnho Htock yards ,
th ie morning. Tho nnimuls were on the '
way to thu Sound market. ,
Dr. T. II. Kav. of thu I.oa Angeles llul
gian llaru Co., of Portland, arrived here
on hint night'd steamer and Imh a crate
of tlftotm Holgiun hunts on exhibit!"!
and sale at tho Hottlngon flturc, nex
door to Charley Krank'B.
From a ruport of the wuather bureai
received hy Mr. K. h. Brooke this niornj
ing, wo learn that tliu Columbia rive
hat: risen to W'i feut at Wonutuhee, and i
rising at the ratu of a foot pur day. Thou
rivur hero Iiuh been slowly rising for a
Kuv. 0. P. Iloiley lias received en
couraging news from Ins eon, Mart, who
is at tho Hood Samaritan hospital. II"
lately underwent an operation which
was very successful and from which the
physicians hope for permanently heno
llcial results.
A. S. .Mac AlliHter, of Tho Dalles, wae
in Autelopu Monday, Bays tho Herald.
Ho has, witli a number of other gentle
men, ucquircd an Interest in boiiio of tlio
Trout Creek mining property, and will
push tho development of tho claim with
nil possible rapidity.
Hood Klvor poopio nro eomowhat
worked up ovor tho discovery of a quart?.
I.. 1 .1. f -1t ir.m.l llinf
lUllgo 011 UIO lllirwi OHIO ui 4iii. oil" ' " "'v
promises to bo a valuable property. Ample provision lias been mado for nil
... i - . . If l.p.,i la nft till.
"in nm u urnv nv I 111 nt CODOOr. UllU IS . ivlm WUill 10 CO. Jl MM" "
enrolled his unme among the list of
CnnoNici.i: subscribers. Mr. Wilson
has lately purchased the Chris Cum
mings place on Eight Mile ami erected
on It one of the finest residences on the
creek. Fortunately he escaped all dam
hub from Saturday's storm, Hint materi
ally injured the farms of some of his
neighbors, Hurry Mahenr being one of
the principal sufieiers.
I). II. Vanhoy brought over n wagon
ioud of fut hogs todnv ftoin Klickitnt
county for Wood Ihos. .1. Lo Due, of
Dufur, brought in a load for the Colum
bia Packing Cotnpuny. The price of the
latter wus $4.85.
On account of the unfuvorable re
ports received from Chicago this morn
ing whent dropped in this market to
fifty cents. It had readied fifty-four
cents, hut very little changed hands.
In Chicago wheat has dropped five
cent a bushel since Saturday.
Nathan K. Huird, a prominent citizen
of ISrownsville, Saturday night Inst,
while working in his garden, fell over
from the effects of heart failure and ex
pired in a very few minutes. He wan
a pioneer of 1852, and was 50 years of
age. He wus a man of excellent char
acter nnd leaves a wifo and childien.
Mr. liuird was at one time the owner of
most of tho townsito of Antelope, in this
SherilT Kelly sold at public auction
tndav a tract of eighty ncrcB ol laiui,
adjoining tlio Grimnud homestead on
Millcreek, to Theodore Megin for
Tho land belonged to tho Grimaud
estato and was sold by order of the
cuurt ut the request of Geo. A. Liobo,
guardian of Paulina Grimaud. It was
sold subject to thu rights of certain
parties to convey water In a ditch across
"tlio premises.
Tlio city j ill had two common drunks
last night; ono a Hood Kiver man,
whom tho night wulchmnn found lying
in tlio middle of the street In a helpless
state of intoxication, and tho other a
Ten .Mile lanche'r, who was found to
i.i.ii nn Ilia iKirfion some 412 in money
and a cwrtillcato of deposit for $(100. Tlio
recorder tiiis morning fined tho former
$2 utul tho latter $5. Both paid their
fines and wore discharged.
It has boon suggostod that the ealo of
tickets for tho Y. M. C. A. excursion to
Astoria on the Fourth should ho limited
lost tho boat bo over-crowded and inndo
uncomfortable. In speaking of it today
a menibur of tho committoo said that no
one need havo any foara on mat nccouui.
s.ild to riirrv l In oold and MS in silver
Mining men pronounco it an excellent
At the commencement exorcises of
tho WilliuiioUo univnrsity, hold in Sa
lorn June 22d, Miss Francis O. Kiohaid
son, formerly of this city, was awarded
ft diploma as a graduate of the college of
law. Miss Klahurdson will be romem
hered us a girl of boiiio 14 yeare when
Bho left here with her parents for Salem
hi 1887.
Mr. Kd WlUon enmo In yesterday nnd
fi..iut. tn nmrommoduto all, another bout
has been arranged for, so that all will
bo mndo comfortable. It Is intended to
give tho excursionists about four hours
in Portland on the aftornoon of iho 3rd,
before taking tho cars for Astoria.
Mr. II. 0. Hoopsr has been advised
by Congressman Moody that sheep nnd
other Htock will bo permitted to enter
upon the Cascado reserve range nt once;
tho applications having been nccepted
by the secretary of the intorlor. Under
this arrangement It will not be nucefl-
Bary to await the return of the applica
tions, approved, from Washington, ae
was at tirst eupposed, which would have
thrown tlio time too late into the sum
mer for starting the stock to the mount
ain range. Superintendent Oriushy lias
been notified and there will be no trou
ble in getting into the mountains. This
very satisfactory arrangement is due to
Mr. Moody's ceaseless interest in tile
stockmen of Eastern Oregon. Antelope
Yesterday afternoon Irwin Julian was
brought befoio Justice T. Biownhill,
charged with nseuult on the persou of
his .divorced wife. In the forenoou he
hud been examined by two physicians
us to his Eunity, but the physicians came
to the conclusion that he wnsnlllieted
with "cussedness" rather than abbera
tion of mind and refused to have him
sent to the asylum. He had threatened
to kill his ex-wife and the whole family
and bus ut various times made tilings
lively around the Julian mansion. Mre.
Julian, however, at the last moment ap
parently did not wish to push matters
to an extremity, nnd Julian's council,
Ned Gates, and Attorney Jayne, agreed
that tho prisoner should plead guilty
and asked Hint the sentence of the court
should bo suspended on Julian's good
behavior. The court accordingly sen
tenced him to a lino of $50 or twenty-five
days in the county jail, tho sentence to
be suspended as long aa Julian behaves
While il Ulil Alucli Harm to Sunns It
Wuh u IllfiiKliiK to Otliors.
Endiiiisuy, Juno 25, 1900.
Km ion Ciikosici.e:
Eight Mile was visited on Saturday
afternoon by one of tho greatest wind
and rain storms known to this vicinity.
It was rather a cloud-hurst, accompanied
by a terrific wind that uprooted trees
and overturned buildinga in a manner
never before witnessed by even tho old
est inhabitants. The storm began
about u p. m. and lasted about an hour.
Fifteen minutes after it begun mining
the ground whs covered with water and
it commenced running every whore. Be
fore it stopped all tlio gulches leading to
Eight Milo aero roaring torrents, carry
ing down rocks of all kinds, trees and
parts of feiicss. Tlio water rolled ten
feet high in tho gulch in front of Enders
by school house nnd had a frightful ap
pearance. Eight mile could not hold
all tho water, so it ran everywhere, do
stroving hay and gardens and uproot
ing troeu of all kinds. In some places
bouldorH weighing many tons wore cur
ried down tho gulches, nnd now all are
to ho seen lying at Eight Mile. It will
cost somo money and labor to removo
them and other debris.
Some families living on the creek
were compelled to leavo their homes
and bravo the terrific storm to escape
the torrents of water that came roaring
down Eight Mile nnd adjicent gulches.
A good deal of damage wae done to
young poultry of all kinds. They were
unable to escape the water as it carried
them completely .away. The greatest
damage was lo those who had mature
wheat and barley. Hail stones meas
uring halt nu inch in diameter were
found on the. Fligg ranch, and it is said
tiiat the ground on ttie hill above End
ersby waB white with them. The hail
Btoties completely destroyed whole
fields in this locality. A part of the
grain was threshed while standing;
some was beheaded, while a great ileal
lay flat on the ground. It is a heavy
blow to those in that rpgion, as they
were counting on a large crop.
The storm, while doing much dam
age to some, as above stated, waB a
benefit to others. ThoEe having late
spring sown greatly benefited by it. No
one can now complain of a lack of
moisture. The writer i reminded of
one neighbor mho has been complaining
ol the small showers of the past, and
said he was like the preacher when he
prayed; that he did not pray foi mistB
and shower?, but for "gully washers."
Probably he wont want any moro gully
washers after hia present excitement
subsides. Tlio Eight Mile people being
somewhat practical in their way, look
upon tlio mutter us one being a blessing
in disguise, and leave the matter to linn
who doeth all things well.
Youis Respectfully,
0. H. Kmtxs.
Dr. Smith, the Osteopiithist, wuh pre
vented from making hia appointments
nt The Dalles lust week on account of
sickness, but will be in his office Tues
days and Fridays as usual from 7 a. m.
to 12 m., beginning Tuesduy, June 20th.
A 'ew consignment of those
Mgfi Sir Suits
Just tlio suit or thu coast. Tlio heat
Hint ever happened for the country.
Just the suit for tho holidays.
Have you seen them at
The Kind You Have Always Bought, nutl which has been
in uso ior over 30 years, has horno tho signaturo of
and has been made under his ncr
rfZVl. snmil supervision sinco its infancy.
, CttCSU'Vi' Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are Imfe
Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worma
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
.Horn storm Aftermntli.
From Harry Gilpin and R. B. GMbreth,
of Columbia precinct, who were in town
today, we learn something of last Satur
day's storm in thnt district. It would
take !f300 to repair the damage done to
the Waterman place on S-Mlle. Much
of the garden and orchard was wrecked
and destroyed and many tons of rock
and gravel were spread over the meadow.
Tho lower part of the dwelling house was
filled with water and but for a huge pile
of wood, nine feet in height, the 1 ouse
would have been washed fioai its
Mr. Gilhreth had thirty acres of barley
beaten into the earth, hut iio does not
dispair of pelting something out of it
after all.
Mr. Gilpin was not damaged to any
extent wortli mentioning and he and
Mr. Gilbieth both aisreo that notwith
standing the vie l.mce of the storm, sj
fur as the (' .liuiibla precinct is concerned,
for every d illui's worth of dumaae done
there were three dollars worth of benefit
in the splendid toaking the ground re
ceived. Harry Gilpin, fortunate ahvuys,
says that lit; gathered up at hie houe
several messes of fine new potatoes that
had been swept from a neighbor's gaiden
nearly a milo away.
See the demonstration of the "Little
Drown Jug" filterer at Maier A Hen
ton V.
A black Spanish lace ecarf. A liberal j
ie.vaid will he paid the finder by leav
ing at tins office. 211-27
Garden Hosei
Wo havo laid in a largo
slock of ( J anion Hose ami are 1
carrying the same brand of
"1 lose thai we have been carry- j
ing for the last five years, I
which is tho celebrated Mal-
lose Cross Brand. We carry J
tho same brand of Uoso that;
the Dalles City Fire Depart-;
mont has been using for tho
last twenty years. Thu Mal
tese Cross lirand is without
doubt the best grade of Hose
on the market. Call and got
our prices before buying. ,
jlAaier & Benton
Sole Agents. I
mays & ciowe
The only store in
this city where tho
Oenuine Imported
Ware ia sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has tlio namo
Stransky Steel
Ware on euch piece.
Do not be deceived,
First prize nt 10
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by tho
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it ia
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware isspecial
ly imported for and
Kld in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; U
in t runs or
will boil,
stow, roast
nnd bako
w i t li o u t
flavor of
c o o 1: o (I
food and
will last
for years.
Wo cau
tion the
AilliiluMi'iitul' f,",' ,,f "''a' l'i"ll,r,'
N'mlco is Iim-liv iilvn Hint fr m mid iiflcr iliu
Klntli il.iv ft June, IB"', j "111 i.C'i'ml t tell nt
iiitviitomlo, fur cash, tli" follow In)? ''''", , !
t.ropcitv U'liiUKlliK tliu illu "I I'ullU'k
l.c,t A, 11, C, It. I !.!. II. J. J, K unit hi
bliH-klTt'ftoriPullei Jlllttiiry imrvmlon, In
''Korliiforianiiou ttuiuiio tit oHice of hlumilt Ss
"'Ct'JaHt naiictt city ii.if. loth i,y ',) i'-100-
AilmlnUtrnttlxof tlic fMiiteof r tile llr.iwn,
ITMtKD. W. Wll-tON,
Ott'.ee ovci Fit Nut. Il'iim.