The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JUNE '26, 1900 Fur VimUlent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. Fur Vlce-rrenltlout THEODORE ROOSEVELT, tlf New York. justice to l'residcut MoKinley in Lis speech In which he seconded his nom ination. The hero of San .luati re ferred to him ns "the president who lms had to meet nmi solve probloms more numerous nml important than nn' other president since the days of the mighty Abraham Lincoln.'" This does not sound like the slanderous words that have been continuously heard by the people of Oregon, from the men in the republican party who wero not allowed to have their way in the dictation of all the federal ap. pointmcnts in this state. Statesman. The ollicial vole on the woman suffrage amendment is: Yes, 'JG,- is to manv, surnrisin&lv lare, and the bother of it is that the vote is so close that the suffragists will insist on JMSHMEN INSULT THE I It OWN RACK. The United Irish-American So cieties arc guilty of an amazing piece of impudence when they attempt to -'M; no. ,S,10:. The aye vote read the riot act to this country be cause it has deported the two ac complices of the Thtenix Park mur-jUlc ncxt lwo legislatures passing a ilcrer, Mullet and I-ltzharris. it resolution submitting the amend- takes an amazing amoti nnv snt. of rnnnlnhln liipn lUat 000, and as the allirmative vote will "We see in this action of the : ,mve to bc morc tl,an G0(000 in or(lci. present administration an abject and I to adopt the amendment, there is slavish surrender of one of the vital still little prospect of its success. principles which have made our j Telegram. , country, through the entire period of ! In its current issue the North its history, stand out as a refuge and ' we Mlllcr sa-vs: Serious and , , irreparable damage has been done shelter for the oppressed of all fla-i,. 1 , , , . s. , , . . 11 the wheat crop; just bow serious is tions, and that we sec in this act tuc lle3lion upon wlliull imcrcsted int of cheek in , mcnt to another popular vote ill S5t ten to resolve 11,0l Ill,t i" that lime the total,' 1I1rUii llnren. The Los Angeles Itolinn Ilaro Co,,ot Portland, line a tine 6tock of bines for sale in tho llattlngen Btore. Will bo here lint this wee I;. This stock is nil pedigreed, high clues. Evoryonu invited to call and Inspect. Stock ranging from $5 to $30 crtch. Don't ootid away and buy something before you eeo it, but call and seo before buying. 20-tf I.IHt Last Saturday, a lady's watch, at tached to a ribbon fob. Finder will re eeivo a liberal reward by leaving tho same at this ollice. j.o-'J7 For S.ilc, Wo have at Portland a stock of tlno lubricating oils and greased. Prices and terms nro right. Write for prices. Cen tra! Ketlning Co., Cleveland, Ohio. If you nro looking for bargains, bo sure and call at tho Now York Cash re. Clark A Falk'a drug fresh and complete. stock is now, evidence of the charge heard on all sides that the present administration is controlled and dominated by Eng land and English iufluencc." "Abject and men differ. The most conservative view, based on conditions as they are today, does not give hope of a crop exceeding GO per cent of that raised in Minnesota and the Dikotas i siavisn surrenuer oi . last year The greatest damage has a vital principle?" lkdi. "When j been done since June 1. North did it become a vital principle of the' Dakota and northern Minnesota have United States to admit to its shores' bee Ulc heaviest sufferers. There , , , ,, I ure really few localities in the three red-handed murderers or their ac- . , , states where an average crop is nov complices? There is not a self- j in 1)r03l)ecl. It Is now S!,i(i lU!ii respecting Irishman iu all this broad j North Dakota will raise little more land who will not resent, with every than enough wheat for seed. Con fiber of his being, this attempt to1'"'0"5 aic worsc ' Manitoba, besmirch the authorities of lhe Mr w s. Whedon, cashier of the United States for executing the law j First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, as they found it on the statute books, ! in a recent letter gives some experience and doing their simple duty in ex-' with carpenter in his employ, that , , , ., . ., j will be of value to other mechanics, eluding two men from the privilege ' ... . . , .. ' " ) Ho savs: "I had n carpenter working of an American lesidence who were ; for me wll0 was obIiged to stop work for accomplices in one of the foulest! eeveral days on account of being trou bled with diarrlniM. I mentioned to him that I bad been similarly troubled i and that Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera murders of this or any other century. "China learns nothing when an other countr' demands a cash in demnity for the slaughter of its citizens," declared a Chinese mission ary in Portland. "The Chinese know and Diarrhcei Remedy bad cured me, ; lie bongbta bottle of it from the druggist hero and informed me that one dose cured htm, and he is again at bis work." For sale by Hlakelay & Houghton. A Ootid Coiign Mvdtclnu. speaks well for Chamberlain's It the tax will come anyway, and it! mav as well be for killinc foreigners! J I rV,.,,.l. !,...,, I.. ,l,Q ,l,.,;oa it i - r w - ssr i a Difficult Problem. Keports show that over lifteen hun dred lives have been saved through tho use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. Moat of these wero cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con We have jost opened a nice line oi dies' duck skirts iu greys and tans, Complete Cir?e of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. lad which we are ofl'erlng for 09 cents and j $1.48. These are extra good values and i are going with a rush. Call early and get your pick of the line. Tho Now ! York Cash Store. - j9 j Exnerience is the best Teacher. Use ! Acker's English Remedy in any casool'S" coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to k i . ' give iiiiiueiimie reuei mutiny luiuiiiicii. 20 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggiste. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcl)25-ti ! rTXTmvkVJtrarrxixTxi-jrrA-i-ATA-TjCTj.-rj L. Lane, 1 iKN'i:kai. BHllltl .AND. Horsesnoe m 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLANl) & ASfOKIA HAY. COMPANY. 1 HtctiniurN ot tho Itegiiliitur l.lno will run ns hit n, n'luilnlo, tin- Compnny ri-'ervliig the right to ciln.q M-lii'iliilu without notice. "u Str. riOKolntor. DOWN. I.v. DalU'H k at 7 A. M. nuTiiiiy . Thin Mhiy . . Hiitti nlny Arr. I'lirtliuul C, lit I SO f. m. nr. ,v. rorll.iml nt 7 A. M. Monilny W'tilW'MUy Ship your Freight via Arr. I)nlli"(1 at .'1 1'. i. r Str. Dalian City. IMIWN I.V. Ilillloi lit 7 A. l. Muliiliiy. Wrilm-mliiy I'llllilV.... .. Arr. I'lirtliuul nt 1 :;:o v. . up I.V I'nrtlniii! S t 7 IHI A M. 2 Ttiwlny -5 'riiiircl,iy, Hiituiiliiv 2 Atr llallvn 3 lit FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htcnmi'tM nt Iho Keuulntor Line. Tim (Inintwiny will I'lulcuvnr tn ulvc lis i,n roiiH tlie hot i'fVU' poiwlblo. l or lurtliur liiinrmiithiii iiiIiIu-m P, IMrlhiml Olllro, Oak Hlti ut Hock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. At. .T-lT-IVtVIViViJ PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pionesr cer. C. S. Smith, Tin: Kodol up-to-date Qroeer Dyspepsia Cure. Wagon nntl Cnrrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. For the convenience of parties want-1 int! ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman !. Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, I fi. TllMIail Jelr'OIl. PllDliel59 t- corner Third and Washington streets. P- Plione No. 107; long difitanco IS.". 1 L.MTtt,T,.,.,.,.-,.;WA,;, "ItiiiK 'em up." ISni-tf Ladies' heavy duck skirts, 99 cents and .fl.-lS at the New York Cash Store. r Sale. Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf ?f?roi7ile5p?eial$ lives sacrificed and after a while repeat the performance. What will other. "I have Eold Chamberlain's j Cotinh Remedy for the past five years , It is among ti most difficult pro!- 1 - 1 - . . 1 ... - . 1 r Stop future repetitions of massacres I with comniete satisfaction to myself and l 1 effectively and teach the Chinese a customers," savs DrucgistJ. Goldsmith, j c'o., by their combination,' have over-, . . . . . . . . , . Van Etten. X. Y. "I have aUvavs used 1 conio this diflienltv in n iniin. Wholesome lesson is to taue lantl m-j, w famllv both for ordinary J. E. Adcox is an expert watch- stead of money as an indemnity. In cou hs 'n(1 cold3 an j for the CJU8h fof a country where there arc over -100,- j lowing la grippe, and find it very cflica 000.000 neonle land id valuable." . cious." For sale by Ulakeley & Hough- ..CJUIS. FRAHK.. 1 and Farmers ton. KilitorN Awful riifflit. maker and is good 0:1 jewelry, optical! worK aim engraving, wlillo 'llieo. II. ,1 I.ielm is an expert optician and in good . on watch repairing, jewelry work and 1 engraving. Their price ie as low as con-! sistent with good workmanship. Thov I aro prepared to do all work in their ..Exchange.. Kvens on ilrauclit tho relebrntcil fOl.l'MIIIA nokwmv f-lil the U-st b-r In Tho Unlit, nt theusuul it!ce. (.'oiiii! Iu, try UhihI he ronvdiftfl. aIhi Hit Flnni branils ol Wines, I.I Uur p.niK.'Ifirs. Sanduuiehcs Of all KIikIs nhvnj-d oil liarnl. prompt attention. Watch." Sign, "Ilig Hed "William Jennings Uryan is prob- ably interested in the fact that while t. M. Higgins, eilitor Senaci, Ills., several lines, on short notice. Work 1 News, was tfll!cted for veara with piles t ent by mail or express will receive 40 cents on the dollar, July wheat isl jhat; I10. ' ct ,r re"ie.1' "!'Ped an , . , ' ho triad Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Ho hovering around 80 cents. Ibe wrlte8 lWJ boxea whol)y clue(lhim lt,8 farmers of the country, we take it, the surest pile cure on earth and tho would not like to see a bushel of best salve irv the world. Curoguaran- wheat exchanged for 10 cents' worth i .n)y 2o cents. Sold by Hlakeley , x tiouguton, tiruggisi. C. p. Stephens .Doalor in... of silver just at present. Nor aro they likely to take kindly to it next November. PERTINENT I'L'ESS COMMENT. Now every democratic organ in the country can shoot its quiver full of arrows at 3Inrk Hanna; he is to be chairman of the national repub lican committee again. Telegram. Democrats who talk of Jlryan without silver arc seeking means to deprive that gentleman of one of the e w real things he stands for. Bryan's nomination would be ac cepted as an endorsement of the whole Chicago platform, oven if that document is not mentioned at Kansas City, llrvan and free silver are as Cure llrudaclie Onlckly. Iialdwin'fi sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervoueness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-fiw For halo. A good eccond-band threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. j-i-tl&wlm Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paintH when you can buy James E. I'atton'a sun proof paints for .$1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. in 17 "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure iu my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly tho dyspeptic')! best friend,'! ava I-.. I Inrlfnttnlf IllarisM A1wn thoroughly one in public as McKlnloy 1 Digests what you eat. Cannot fall to and prosperity are. Yafjuina Hay ! cure. JNews. Li Hung Chang is on his wnj to I'ekin. lie has a remedy for tho present troubles in Chin'i. It is to cut off the heads of the leaders and send tho ignorant followers home, There is no disputing the elfluacy of this remedy, for a trouble maker with Ins head off is about as peaceful a follow as ono would cate to meet. Tho only question is, shall the de capitating begin with tho Dowager Erapres?Walla Walla Union. Roosevelt was great enough to do jQH-(JKlSKNDOKPrKK Physician and Surgeon, j Hint-lal Attention given lo Mirsery. itooms'JluutlK, Tel. 32S VostHlock Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. iocs. IUt, I'liim, NUIoim. for V. I.. UouKla fcltov. AKt. Telc-phoHf N'u, SH. l.'il etx-onil nt., jjis. 1:. k. ri:iu;i;Ho.v, riiysician and Surgeon, OrJicc, Vofjt JilfKk (over Tostonicc), 20uplinoflw THi: UAI.I.Kb', OUKliON. The Dalles, Or. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. A Hiralueil Anlile fjulckly Cureil. "At one time I euflered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo, E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily .followed'" Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton, Subscribe for The Chronicle, For a Nice Suit of Clothes. t'antliitr, OrvrcoBtlii" or Funcy Vetting. Just What You uaant. Kindly rail mid exMinlnc my stock ol Im ported Htifl U wcntlo Wooltnti. A lino utock to elect from. Hultn umdoromtho lowtst price to the high' et grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. Freeh Egge and Creamery Butter a tjpccialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put.. uvory bit of twenty yours uxporionco and drug knowledge- with every Proscription thiit's compounded liore. Ih it tiny reason why our prescription husinefis is inereasing .so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLHKELEY & HOUGHTON, Reliable J'cscriptionisls p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Denier in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lauablin, 'Phone 157 Digests what you eat. .. I tartlilclally digests the food and olds xtaturo in Htroiigtliening am) recon ; Btructingthe uxhutiHtcd diiiestlve or- rami. It iu tliu latest dlHcovuretl digest ant and tonic. No othor prepuratlon can approach it in clllcioncy. It In stantly relieves and periiiaiietitly cures Dyspepnia, IndlgcHtlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SIcklleadaube.GiiHtralgla Crnmps.and ill other results of Iniperfectdlgeatlon. Prnoortd by E. C- DfiWI'.' ft Co.. Chlcoflo. New ideas in Wall l'opor hero, fiueli wide variety as wo aifHhowlng never be fore graced a single utock. ileal imita. tion ereton etfecta at ordinary prlcen. Good papers at cheap paper prlceo. Elegant deaigna, taetedil coloringH, yourH for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUBE, Third St. gA. 8TURDEVANT, DontiHt, Offlca om Freocli 4 t'o.' Hmik ViilMltC, TIIKDAUBB.OIUCUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. OroBsen & Oo Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACTA KNKHAhllANKINd JIUHINKB LfitterB of Credit issued avalluble in the Kastorn States, Right Ekchango and Telegraphic 'iramfers sold on New York. dldcHgo, Ht, Lonls, Han Irancieco, Portland Ore gon, Heattle Wash., and various point In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fay. orable terms. T J. H. Hciiiim;k, l'rvullli'lll. 11.21 IlKAlL, first Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OHEOON A General Dunking liusiuese transuded Deposits received, subject to hiight Druit or Ciieck. Collections made and proceeild prompll? romitted on duv of collection, Higlit mid Telegrnphh; Er.chanu sold en Now York, Han Fnuicldco an- "orb land. DIHBOTOKH I). P. Thompson. Jno. H. Huiiinci. Ell. M. WlLI.IAMH, CiliO. A. l.iHM. II. M. liKAI.I.. Tne ColuniDia Packing Cc. PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAtlUHAtrrilKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KIKD fJEHF. ETC. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' trnicNS COPYniGHTO AC tloiiHutrlcllycoiiildonllal. I ln.llioUon it itn" ii'iil lrf. OMmt iiuvticy Uri-.wiwiw""foe l ., Iiilini, tliniliu I .Mllll (l ' I " notice, without cli.iruo, III Ihn sewmme nmmm A hinil.oinoly lllmlrnlfil woolilr. .J''ll!u (illation ,if iinyiiclBiiHlln lour in . .'Hi '.,-. roiiri fiiiirniuli l. VI. roiuu Pn 3010roailvay, WrW TO'K llriVch Ofllff. l!r, V Ht- Wn.hhiH''"-1'-'' Mica Axle Crease help the team. Saves wear nv lightens the load Bhortciifl tho aud , maiie nv TANPARP OIL OO B HUMTINflTON ii wind 0cOTrrtritNt. Bwik