if t)xmkk. VOL. XII I-; I" THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1900 he Unit es NO. 2G9 r- - - Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Gnnriu, Clothing, Hoots mid prices. Will 8ll in hulk or in lots, or Entire stock must "be closed out before thirty days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thniupwn's Glove-fitting Corsets ami Iiutteriek Patterns. Your prict'H will bo mine. Cull early and secure MANY FOREIGNERS ARE KILLED! Dispatch r'rnm Che her at Fuo Places I(m. No m Ni.rt Yoiik, June tii). A diHpotch to tlio Joiirnul and Advertiser from Che I'oo unys. The Chineau bombardment of Ti'uu Tain sot lire to the mission buildings (but. Tim fire apread to the nutivo city and destroyed everything. The attack ing force, .well supplied with modern artillery, has been pressing the small allied foico very hard. Already the dead number HiO. lielier l ldng rushed from Taku, but the column will have to light ite way through the lug Chinese army. The British storeslilp Humber arrived at ('lie I'oo. briiiL'inir thirty refugees from Tong Shan, including .Messrs. Kinder and Parsons and Mrs. Parsons. Pel Tal Ho, the groat watering place of .Northern China, whore '-'00 prominunt foreigners had their Summer homes, lias l)"en abandoned. The governor of Shan Tung province, in which Che I'oo is sit uated, after confering with ins subordi nate Mandarins at liia capital, Tsinanfu, decided not to join the rebels and issued proclamation decreuing that ail Euro peans and Americans should bo protected. Admiral Keinpfl' hold a conference Sunday at the American consulate with consul Fowler and the captains of Nash- villo and the Yorktown. The local gov ernor of Olio Foo was present mid prom ised that there should be no uprising la-re against the foreigners, and gave other assurances which seemed all right on tlio surface. The governor expressed coiilldunco in the good will of the Ameri can governmont toward Chim; mid said the feeling was reciprocated. Captain Kdward Hayly, of the British armored cruiser at Taku, signalled the Auerlcan captains yesterday : "Thank lied the Uusslaun wore here; otherwise we should all have been mtirdured." A 'I'liiiimauil t'oiiKiioN Could not express tlio rapture of Audio K. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia Pa., whon who found that Dr Mng'n Now Discovery for Consumption hud completely cured her of a hacking Cfngh that for many years had made lil" a burden. All otlior roinedlcB and doctors could glvo her no help, hut alio "'H of this Jtoyiil Cuio-"It soon re moved tlio pain in my chest and I can now sleep Hountlly, soinotliiug 1 can scarcely roinomber doing before. I feel lll:o sounding its praises throughout the 'inivorso." So will ovory ono who tries 'r. King's Now Discovery forany trouble I the throat, client or lunga. rrlcu "On a'l $1. Trial bottle free at Ulakoloy & ini?hton'n drug store; oyory bottlo Kiiarantued. f I'tir Hunt, A flvu-room cottago on Alvoid atroot, with bath room and patent closet, nt $10 11 month. Apply to Levi Chrisman. 23tf ''UiihonnotH, aunbonnuts, auubonnotfl or tihlldron, only 25 conta ut tlio Now Yurk Cash Store. .Shoes, nt much lest than wholesalo uny way to suit purchasers. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second unci Court Sis. THE RELIEF COLUMN Thousand British Join Allied Forces Near Tien Tsin Prepared For An other Assault. London, Juno 20, !!:." a. m. TJie British cruiser Terrible has arrived at Che I'oo from Taku, witli the latest news, which is as follows : "Eight huudrod Sikhs and 200 Welsh fusiliers have eli'ected a junction with the American, German and liussiau forces which had been cat oil' by the Chinese about nine miles from Tien Tsin. It was proposed to deliver an assault upon the Chinese forces at Tien Tsin last night (Sunday)." It iB notelear wtiat forces united. It would seem that ono relieving, cut oil", had been relieved by another. At any rate, it iH apparently certain tiiat the allies arrived in Hiiliieient forces at Tien Tsin Sunday to attack the besieging Chinese. "Foreign ollicial opinions hero," says a dispatch from Shanghai to tlio Daily Kxnrees. dated yesterday, "incline to the belief that the worst lias happened to the legations at Pekin and to Admiral Sevnioiir. liven if the legations were safe Juno M, there is no guarantee that they aro safe now. The situation, in fact, grows more and more gloomy. The entfro absence of reliable news from the capital HoeniB to justify tlio worst con fitruction which can bo put upon it. A Hot Wlivr, Gr.AND Foiikh. N.D.,Juno 25.--The weather hero is distressingly hot, regis torinir 101 in tlio eliade today. The water in lied river has fallen two feet since Saturday, and the municipal au thorities have issued notices requesting house holders to desist from using water extravagantly. Navigation lias been dis continued. Crops aro in a parched con dition, indications pointing to a decrease of 15 to 20 per cent slnco Saturday. Hay soiling for $1 50 last Saturday, sold on the street today for .$10. Maiilliiliu tlrojiH 1'iillt'il. WiNXirai, Manitoba, June 25. Of . 800,000 acres of wheat, 1,000,000 acres will never lie cut. Kains cannot now change a stunted crop, eix or eight inches high, mid a small head into a crop. The moio optimistic hope for send and feed, but this is doubtful. Tills is the hottest day of the year. KvaiiH llnnlrH a Mury. CiiATTANooiU, Tonn., Juno 25. A let ter hat) been received by the Chattanooga Nowa from Commlhsioiier of Peiisons Ev vans, In which ho donles tlio story pub lished several days ago to tlio efleot that he would resign as pension commissioner and run for congress. Boys' sweatora Yoik Cash Storo. :o cents ai uio xew . . i i . x Wo have bettor ones if you wlah thorn. To Uuro u Cola lu "a"1 UY Tko Laxative Bromo Qululno Tab lota. All druggists refund the money, i : TROOPS TO BE WITHDRAWN A Hairs Arc Now so Tranquil in Cuba That Soldiers Arc No Longer Needed. Washington-, June 25. According to reports recently received from Governor General Wood, the elections in Cuba passed over quietlv and without dieorder at any point, and affairs generally have become tranquil, witli no indication of future trouble. In consequence with this encouraging sinie oi anairs, me omcials ol ttie war department are considering the question of a large reduction of the military force in Cuba. It lias been estimated that some of the troops can safely be brougtit home within the next few months. Nothing will be settled as to which regi ments shall come until after Secretary Hoot returns to the city early next week. There is an impression, however, that the fiftti infantry, stationed principally in the department of Santiago, will be tlio first Cuban regiment to return to the United States, and that tiie eighth in fantry stationed in the same department, will follow soon after. The return of these troops to the United States will enable the depart ment to carry out its plan of Eending regular troops from this country to the Philippines to take the place of the volunteer army, which must be brought home and discharged byJuneoO, 1901. Uuless developments in Unina neces sitate a change of programme, the home ward movement of the volunteer troops from the Philippines will begin in the early Fall and about 800 or 10,000 regular troops will be sent out gradually from this country to take tlieh places. The St. Louis Strlltern are Kojoiued. Sr. Louis, Judge Elmer B. Adame, of the United States district court, today granted a temporary injunction in the case of W. D. Malion and all members of division No. 1311 of the Amalgamated association of street railway employes of America, restraining them from inter fering in any way witli the running of mail cars over the lines of the St. Louis Transit company. Noue of the defondents were present They were represented by W.S.Anthony, while District Attorneys Hitchcock ana Kosiere acted for the government. II x tin SvHkiou to Auivuil liuehel r.nw. FitANKroitT, Ky., June 2o. Demo cratie leaders announced today that the democratic convention at Lexington June 1 is certain to pass a resolution Hik ing Governor Beckham to call an extra session of the legislature to modify the Goebel election law so that it may be in operation in an amended form at the November election. Sick Headacho absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley "& Houghton Druggist?. Unless food !g digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter each meal tako a teasnoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It never fails to euro the worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. Not l( t Columbia River Ice it Fuel Co. wishes to annotineo that tlioy will deliver ice to any part of tlio city at all hours of the day or night. 'Phono 113 or bl J.ong Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert iV Condon. Ivv Doitouing, poison wound- and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by UBing DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases, Tako no other. Neglect is the abort stop so many tako from a cough or cold to consumption. Tlio early uso of Ono Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmlees romedy that gives Imtne. diato results. It cureB nil throat and lung troubles, Children nil like it and mothers endorse it. LADIES' MAN-TAILORED SUITS Worth $15, $18, $20 and $25- Reduced to $13 85 Two of the best offerings made this season anywhere. Some of these suits at the new price do not realize enough to pay for tlio bare cloth before the scissors or needle touch it. Handsome, stylish suits that must be ready all summer, for morning wear and chilly days. Then they will give added service next fall. Most remarkable offerings these: at $13.85 L v- COME Our Muslin Underwear Sale t t t A M Catarrh CuuuiH Ho Cured' with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Calairh is a blood or constitutional dieease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yep."s, and is a regular piecription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly 011 the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drruggists, price 7oc. Hall's "Family Pills are tlio best. 12 Bo suro and examine our stock of wall paper tliorouglily ueioro buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw ! Kev. W. I' Sitzer, W. Canton, X. Y . wiites, "I had dyspopsia over twenty! years, and tried doctors and medicines j without benefit. I was persuaded to uso j Kodol Dyspepsia Cure uud it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what yen eat. Tho Chinese ask "How is your liver?" iiiBtead of "How do you do?" for when tho liver is active the health la good, DeWitt'e Little Early Itlaera are famous little pills for the liver and bowele. 4$ 74co Brown Oxford all-wool Covert, tight-fitting Suit worth $15.00 Cadet Blue " " " " " worth 18.00 Black Serge double-breasted -fitting Jacket worth 20.00 Fashionable green and grey mixed Cheviot Suit, tight-fit'g " 25.00 Brown Oxford all-wool Covert Eton Suit worth $12.00 Silver-grey all-wool Sacking, tight-fitting worth 12.50 Black all-wool Serge, Jacket Suit worth 13.50 We mention the above out of forty difl'erent EARLY AND SECURE FIRST CHOICE. The excellent materials and tasteful trimmings, coupled with the very moderate prices, for which our Muslin Underwear is famous, has created an extensive business. Women look for ward to advantages such as we aro now offering, and never fail to realize handsome savings. See our GOWNS at 29c, 55c, 79c and $1.13. "Williams ' TATSCJA!-JA'I Jl. A. ' A I A I ATA I AI'A J JL. I AJ A ...C. J. STUBLING... Wholesale Wines, : Liquors Agency Celebrated Yellomstoiie Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. Phono 234. THE DALLES, - - OREGON. Grandall & Budget DEALKItS IN fjobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. m LADIES' MAN-TAILORED . J3UITS$ jiixcepuonai varu.es at $12, 12.50, 13.50, J Reduced to $8 50 suits. No two alike. . On J A4 A4A I A lik I AT AI A- A ' A I A t AlATAIArAM1 and Rotail : and : Cigars 1 for tho Advertise in the Chronicle 'M li'; 1. 1 ! t l V I li 5 i Mi r ! 4 ' ' ! t 1 5-t 1 1 fl-i to' I li tf