The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 25, 1900, Image 4

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Contagious Blood l'oisou is the juost degrading nnd destructive of nil diseases, as it vitiates nud corrupts the entire system
I'l... i-. 1 .. f..1l.,....1 I... Illll.. ,1 ..: In .,..11... I,.,1ip Kinnlli niul !..-,. it Ummn mm Hi.
1 III: HIM auil. Ul lllcvw ir lUUUMCll It lUllL 1CU JJlulJIlt- u.l n.v. uuj mmiiii uiiii Allium ifvi.uuiv fivii., till
glands enlarge and inllaine, copper colored splotches appear, nnd hair and eyebrows fall out. These arc
some of the milder symptoms ; they increase in severity, finally attacking the vital organs ; the body ii
tortured with rheumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores. j
It is a peculiar poison, and so highly contagious that an innocent person handling the Mine articlei 1
used by one infected with this loathsome" disease, may be inoculated with the virus. It can be transmitted j
from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in n modified form like Hczcma or Scrofula.
Manv an old sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due nnd traceable to blooc !
poison contracted in early life. You may have taken potash nnd mercury faithfully for two or three yean
and thought you were cured, but you were not, for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease ; thej
drive it from "the outside, but it is doing its work on the inside, and will show tip again sooner or later
You may not recognize it as the same old taint, but it is. S. S. S. has cured thousands of cases o'
Pmitnmivie Ttloml Pnismi. and it will euro vou. It is the onlv tmrelv vegetable blood nnrificr known
!Tnoeufarciiavth I and the only antidote for this poison. S.'S. S. cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of the,
m liy n diseased j poison the're is never anv return of the disease.
Send for our Home Treatment book
which gives a history of the disease in at
stages, and is the result of manv years o!.
Knst Salt 1-nkr, lVnver, Kl.l Vnt
Mull Worth, Onmhii, Khii- Mill
m. mm City, fit., Umls, U!::w p in
SIrsT.W Mont
cotnerv Ala , writes
"Pevffrat yenrv ago I
do i ton
nure who infected
tav Uihv and for six
lcrifr car.s I suffered
nutotd misery. lv
body wa covered with
tores nml ulcers. Sev
eral physicians treated
mr, but all to no pur
Vose. Themercuryand
potash they pa me
seemed to add fuel to
the awful flame which
was devouring me
Friend tuhUcd me to
trvS S 8. I began tak
ing it nnd improved
Iron: the start, anil a
compltte and perfect
cure was the result."
close stttdv of blood poison and actual experience in treat
iug it. You can cure yourself perfectly and permanently
at home, and your secret is your own. Should you need
any information or medical advice at any time, write to
our physicians. They have made a life study of blood
diseases, and will give your letter prompt and careful
attention. Consult them as often as you please ; we make
no charge whatever for this service. All correspondence is
conducted in the strictest confidence.
Atlantic Salt l-ak?, Denver. Kt.'
Kxpress I Worth, tlimtha, Kan
l'J:.Via. in. sa IMty, SI. Limls,!
Via Hunt- ChldiKo and Hint, j
SiKikiuiL' Walla Walla, Spokane,'
Mall i .Minneapolis. St. I'ihiI.I
and I i Ml tilth, Milwaukee,
l:xpte t t'hlrairn and Kast, via
1 spokaiuiakd lliintlim-;
i ton. also all point In
'J i p. in. WiishlnKtnu and Hint
em Oreis'un.
I -
A, .1. Ditfnr pa.'ssd through town to
day on hie way br
F. H. Waketieid left at noon today on
a business trip to Portlr.nd.
Sam Broy!t'- and w ife, of Tych, passed
tlirnugii town yesterday on their way to !
Mrs. Lee Wide, of Rear Cr ik, Crook
county, arrived here- today on her way ,
to Portland to visit friends. j
.1. X. Gulliford and wife, of Prineville, '
nre in the citv on their wav to visit
friends in the Willamette valley.
v.-- al v
i &
K vfpt. 3 ly;
Good News
to Good Dressers....
I tsteud n enrdial invilatiou to all to
Woulei. from the CROWN TAILORING CO
loin Tailors.
inspect the samples of
Chicago's famous Cus-
i 3?
! Mr tlr W tAi- fl -JV J1
Jy: ijff iuc'S;ji'yv
'IP S;
flll-l l .
ii n. I .:! rum mum u' hi wr. nr.acon.
gets on tins I!eulator tliis morning for
fctevenson, w here they jo to visit tneir
Mrs. Sheldon nnd Miss Georcia Samp-
son were passengeraon the Keanlator
I tlii niorniiiL' on K visit to friends in
Tom Hudson was a jytisenuer on No.
I 12 vHFalpril.v mi n hiuinHS? Irinli Pn.
i uie'uu. ne expeeiajn reuuii uuom iiiu;ssin was almost yellon-, eyes sunken,
Vfctid of the week. tonirue coated, pain continually in back
Suits to Measure, $8.75 up.
Fit, workmanship and entire eatisfaetion guaranteed.
JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent.
S p. ui. I'nuM l'or.Tl. vsn.
Ocean Steamship.
Kor San l'mnclhcu
Kvery I'ivo l)av.
8 p. m.
Kx.Stitiilay, Columbia Uv. Kteamcr,
.To A stoma and Way
Saturday ljindliiRs.
10 p. m. I
I lia. in.
.1) h. in
I p, m.
t p. m.
I'.a. m. WirxAMKTTK I'.IVKU. t:)im. nday, Oregon IMty, Newherif.iKx.siinilny
salem .V Way ljuid's.
1 K.
Tuck.Tliur. iiili. ItiVRRs. Mon,,Vci
and Sat. OrcKiiu City, Dayton, and lrl.
and Wny-ljiiidlns.
I.v Itlparla
3:.Tih. m. i
Uiparia to LouUUin.
ilally a. m.
l.nliheil tlt4 Ctinvt.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as followp;
I was in a moat dreadful condition. My
Clarke it Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
You will not have- boils if you take
Clarke A: Falk's sure cure for boils.
a tun line oi iMStinan nuns ituu sun-
J.15. Ctrtwridit, of Hay Creek, and . and sides, no appetite-uraduallv grow- 'V" ,,,u """"pi b"' V" S",,
John Littl. of Antelope, were passen-1 in, wfaher TlireL !" Jt received by Clarke & I-ulk.
peis on the Regulator this morning on a cj,U)a ; Fortun, I Ho sure and see the bargaina in ladies'
pleasure trip to stot.a ! - - .FAmiti'i,Ut ' ' duck skirts at tho New York Cell
-ff , I utalw.VI UIT.t,lt It, WIllCIC tautt IW
eenuers on the RvgulJlor this morning treat jo' and srIrise, the first)
for "Collins L tiiding. vfhere thev "o to . bottle made a decided improvement. I
spend a couple of weejts. continued their use for thiee weeks, and anil sunburn.
JDB rn rt lea ilcMnnK 10 t Ilfppner or
l)inl.s on I'olnmhla Soiilhern via JIIkks. ohoillil
take No. leaving 'lhe Dalle.s at 1JH0 p. K).
nitiklriK direct eoniieclloiiN at Ileppner Jiiuetioii
and IMggs Ketiirnln ruaklnKdirKtcoiuicotlon
at Heppncr Junction and IIIcki ulth No. l.ur
rivl'iK nt The Dulles at 1J nip. ni.
Ior full particulars call on O. It. A N. l.'o.'
ntrcnt The Dalle, or nddrevt
w. ii. luututrivr,
(iru Vii',. Aut., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Co.
Store. jO
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
Manufactured bv Clarke
Mrs. Wakefield, who has been visiting . am now a well man. I know they saved
with Mrs. S. L Brooks for lhe uast mv life, and robbed the trruvo of another
i victim." No one should fail to trv them,
j Only oOc, guaranteed, nt Blakeley A
week, returned today on the No. 1 pas-
Eenger to tier home in t'ortuml.
The Pendleton wooien mills have be
gun the shipment of blankets to Eastern
houses for the fall tiaile.
The wheat harvest will commence in
Walla Walla county this week. The
Eeason Is a month earlier than last year,
and two weeks earlier than usual.
In honor of the nominee for
For the convenience of parties want
ing ice in lhe afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3.
"King 'em up." IStn-tf
president, the republicans of Walla
Walla will organize a Iloosevelt Club,
nnd purchase ruudi rider hats and suits.
Owners of harvest nisclnnea in Uma
tilij county met at Milton tod.iv to fi- a
unifon?. rate for haniilnm the season's j
Ladies' heavy duck skirts, 90 cents
vice-i and U8 at the New York Cash Store.
Shi t:.
Trimmed hnfs and patterns at cost for,
the next thirty days at the Campbell &
Wilson millinery parlors. L'.'3-tf (
of najje-t id also to be ,yi peisous are beieby notified not to
crop. A scale
agreed upo:..
The most remarkable dant the world
lias ever known is Luwis WilUins, who
is now arousing u interest in the
ecientific'circlea of all F.uroj.e. Wilkins
was borojUin a farm near fit. Paul in j
1874. Whenllie was but 10 y rs of age !
he measured C feet in heigi
now grown to the tremendous
lOTJ inctiet just thiee-ijuarterB of an
inch less than 9 feet and we.dis 304
Paint your house with jiaints that aro
fully guaranteed to laet. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk hayc received a carload
of the celebrated Jame K. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Good, pure natural ice from tho 11 1 tie
mountains for sale by tho Columbia
Hiver Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone .'.'5 or SI
Long IJist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Small in size and great in results are
DeWitt's Little Early Kisere, tho fa
mnm little pills that cleanse tho liver
and bowels. Thoy do not gripe.
Jurying1 preparations simply dovel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho Bccretiumi,
which adhero to tho nioiiibruno and decom
pose, causin" a far nioro Korioun trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
iu;; inhalants, fumes, fiinokes and shiiIFh
and mo that which cIcaiiseH, eooUick and
National bank oflico before Fiiday even
ing, June I'Oili. TIiih is important and
ghotild have the earnest attention of all
good citizens.
Chah. L. Schmidt,
.i 11. J. GOIIMAN,
Max Il.i!Ti.i,,
25 3t L'. S. Census Enumerators.
purchase a note, Gray " al hK 7l7
. , , ,t . . -M heals. Ely's Crearn Halm is such ft remedy
in favor of 11. I). Agnom, for the sum of am cur0 catarrh or coldin tho head
$131 and due Nov. 1, l'JOO, as tho said eabily and pleasantly. A trial oio will bo
nolo w as obtained bv fraud. i "idled for 10 cents. All drugRistH sell tho
inn"" ?fi IiMi-s'fir.v Viptnr Or C0c.6izo. Klyllrothcrs, TdlVarreu Kt., N.Y.
J U '"U' 'ctor' r Tho Halm ctiren without pain, doca not
Dull Hetdache Pains in virions tnrtH '"''0 or causo suoozinf;. It spreads iUolf
jvuii ticaodciic, lains in various parts n.. nn jiinio-i ,i n,,rw u,rnn
jiglit, a d has 0 y' ''inkl",,; ut t,,e 'nt of ll,u inB Immediately tho painful inflammation.
iilrni l r. hi nt st0,',Rch, Loss of appetite, Feverislmess, 1 With Ely's Cream halm you aro armed
ti.- ..Mnia ! UKaiust Nasal Calarrli uiul Ilav Foyer.
If yon intend to tuko a triji East, ask
your ticket agent to routo you via The
Great Wabash, a modern ami up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York
and New Knglaiiil points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and every through
train hau free reclining chair care, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all lickelb at Ni
agara Falls. ItoKK 0. Cmni:,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt
Los Angeles, Calif.
0. S. Ciiank, O. P. A., St. Iiuis, Mo.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The D.illc for Portland and way
stations at l .S u. in. and 3 p. in.
U'.ive Portland .S:.lDiim
" Albany 1.3) am
Arrive Anhland 12::ci n rn
" .Sacramento Cr.Qt) p m
" ban Krancl'co 7:I'pm
Arrive Ogdou
" Denver
" KansaHlMty.
" l'hluaD ...
!i: I") a in
Jim) a in
7 a m
7: I'i a in
Arrive-1) Ainceles . . .
" Kl I'hhi
" Kort Worth.. .
" City olilttxlco ,
" lloiiilon
" New Orkvini ..
" WimhliiKton '. . .
" Neiv York
. l:Ci'lpm p in
. fi:3in in
tl:.Vt a in
. I:lla rn
. li:i"i n in
r,:Ua m
.Vi-.Vl p in
7:01 p ni
10:.r) p in
11:: 3D a in
h:.j a in
11: IS a in
tcmiii in
7.-i'i II m
'J.M n in
7 ( n in
d ii in
).: a m
(1 Vi ii 111
1.(11) 11 III
0 -! p III
I'J-II p 111
!'iillina:i mid Tourist carii on both train.
Chair curs Kuerainento to ()den and 1:1 I'mii,
and tourMmrs to Chleaxo, ht I)iil, New Or
leans and Washington.
(.'onnectini,' ut fan Knincitco with kuveral
etenmship Unas (or Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Ceri trul nml Hotith Aineilca.
Hoe uK'.'nt at The ImIIun htatlon, or uddrcnx
General l'usn liner Aitcnt, I'Ditlaiiil, Or
jof impure Wood. No matter how it
j became so it must bo purified in order to
I obtain good health. Acker's Wood
.CenxuH yotice. Elexir has never failed to euro Scrofulous
All pereons who havo not len enum- or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
erated on the census rolle, or any per- 'liseasee. It is certainly a wonderful
eon who knows of anv one who ha's not! remedy and we sell every bottlo on
been enumerated, aio r u to re-1 a Positive guarantee. Ulakeloy & Hough-
nort to J. SI. Paltf-rorin :it Tho TinlU n ', S drug Store.
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Biguaturo of
CoinlriKl Helulun llureil Cumluul
The Los AngeloB Belgian Hare Co., of
Portland, will be in The Dalles Monday,
June 25, with a fine lot of high-grade
pldlgreed hares. Don't miss this op
portunity to secure something good nt
very low prices, Will be here but a
week, junL'ltd.
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persona with indigestion are already
half starved. Thoy need plenty of
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat eo the body
can be nourished while the worn out or
gans are being reconstructed. It is tho
only preparation known that will In
stantly relieve and completely cure all
stomach troubles. Try it if you are
suffering from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do you good.
All who euffer from piles will bo glad
to learn that DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo will give them Instant and per
manent relief. It will cure ec.ema and
all skin diseases. He ware of counter
feits. To Uuro h Cold in uiiu Day.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money.
We havo just opened a lilea line of
ladies' duck skirts in greys and tans.
which wo are ofl'erlng for 00 cents and
1.-18. These are extra good values and
are going with a rush. Call early.'aud
get your pick of the line. The New
York Cash Store. jO
Itoports show that over llfteeu hun
dred lives havo been saved through the
use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. Moat
of these wero cases of grippe, croup
j asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and
pneumonia. Its early use prevents con
Itev. W. K, Klhser, W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors ami medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the start. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what ycu eat.
Uuiii in Vuur uunoh.
All county warrants registered prior
to June ii, 1890, will be paid nt my
oflico, Interest ceases after February, ii,
1000. 0, L, Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Yellowstone Park Line.
TO Till: KAHT.
Till'. ONLY l)IUKrr LINK TO Till; VKI.l.OW-
i Union Depot, rilth and I sts .unity..
No. 1
Kant wall for Taeoinii,
I Bviittlv, Olympla, (iray'd)
I iinroor nun noiim nenn.
: ("iintH, Kpokiine, IIokh.
'land, II, :,, Pullman,
, JIok'OW, I:wlloil, llilf-,
IhJfi A. M.'fiiloHiiinpmliiliiBcoiiii-, 6;M P. M,
I try, Helena, Mliujeiii.o-:
I 111, HI. Paul, Orniihii,
KaiuiiH City, Ht. Umln,
iG'hleuKo mid nil polntx.
So, 1. leant and mjiitlH'iixl. No. 3.
PllKGt HijiiimI Kxprch.Hi
11;S0 P. M.jlor Tatoinii nml Kuatthn 7i) A. JI.
I nml liitcriiaillnte polnthi
I'llllmiin Dmt cIiikh mill tourlit ult'epurH In
Mlniitapolls.Ht. Paul arid Jllmonrl river polnu
wlllmilt cliaiiKC.
Vontlhnleil trulim. Union ilcpot conni'Ctloiit.
In all prlncliMl f.'lllos.
JIiikicuko cliKkwl todcutluatlon of tlnkctK,
yur huniliioinely llliKiiiiUililehorlpllveiiuittcr,
UckniH, k(.-pliiK ciir runervMtiuiis, etc, call on or
Akiiaitfiitt Uouerul I'twiwr Aueiit. itw Jlorrl
noil Htreiit, corner 'flilnl, 1'ortlaini, OrcKon.
Jlt. V. T. HMITII,
Hoi i run 10 unil II, Uiumiian liluck, Tho Dallun.
OreKoii, Tuuk1mn ami KrlUy, H a, in, to I.',
Job Printers
feiy NjutiiituiMiiuiiiHiujiniMuiijiin-ijiuiUiUJUitjjitJMTtiH'iJiu uitrmiu
:1 " ttiimnirittififttiitiiiTttrnf iiyiifitlttiiiiiittiiiitlriity;iimMj.jititii
$i .oo per month.
.Strictly lirnt claH local nnd lone;
distancu telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept u secret.
Xo cost for liiBtulliiiK.
Vou imt the Htitudard Illuming
I .or Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow yon to cancel
sain'o on Hiving usJhlrty dayB writ
ten notice.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmXf&
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl "FlmiT This Flour is nmnufactured expresBly for family
UVJ-L via. ,ieo. (,V()ry Hm,k iH Knnranuotl to uivu satiBlactioD.
Wa sell our (,mods lower than any house in the trade, and If you don't tlimkW
call and jjet our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats.
Jaeobsen Book & JWasie Co.
Just Arrived
Tho Impost and most comploto lino tit
Rock Bottom Prices.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
'Unit I'liriilililiiK lliiitiliiciu)
Would quickly leave you, If you used
Dr. KitiR'a New Ilfo IMIIs. Thousands
of sullerers have proved their nmtoliloai
merit for Kick and Nervous Ilendnclies,
Tlmy make pure blood and ntroiiK
nerves and build up your health. Kasy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured, Hold by
Ulakeloy & Houghton, druggists, n
Notice I hereby (dye.. tit the. wffa
llHN IH-Ull ilnly MlipOll.tltl 'J.J'i0 , i' it hIH
tlu.NiHtuoi Oriwuii ,"xe V L iii viiwhI. ,
All .0moiiH imvlimcliiliii" ' K "..! '"fculri"!
to jirubunt tho in hliii, f' 1, ;V hlu x
by law reiiulreil. at llr, rw
iiKiutlm Iroin tho ilato Iimw'I' m
Kxemilor of tl.o lust will ""'I u"ufr
Kvulliio Uviiiii ilcccnuil.