IK Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1900. NO. 2G8 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Onoils, Clothing, Hoots itnd Shoes, ut much less tlmti wholesale priijua. Will Hull lu bulk or in lotH, or tiny way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will lm Ritcrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreota miti Iliittoriel; Patterns. Your prices will bu initio. Cull ourly and secure liurgnlna. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. finyn :iitluilli)H Cmm-il llm Triiiildu. ii:v Vouic, Jnnu 21. Rev. Isuuc T. Headland, professor of muntttl and moral philosophy in tbu I'ukin University, de livered mi mldruHO tonight ut tbu Union Miitliodint Episcopal church, on tbu eit u.Uion in China. I'rnfofiflor Iloudlund s.iid that tho present trouble begun nbout a your ago. In HuetioiiH remote from European influence, village hoodlums begun in tbu tlrst place to prosecute tbu utitivo Roman CutholkM. Tho Catholics appointed priuuta who were learned in law to look ufter tbu converta' interoHta whenuvor tbuy got Into trouble witli tho courts. The result wua tbut tbu Kniiinu Outt.olic converts got tbo butter of tlmir iintugonlata in litigation no often that great joulouey wuh enuaed. The lHoviiinunt extonded ho Hint there were of Urn pitohud bnttlca between tho Roxura and tbu Uutbollea, mid uh tlic latter hud modern weapons, Hometiuiua uh uiiiuy ue fluid or ten Roxura wure killed. Tho nioveinunt, howuver, apread ho to inulude all Uliriatnina and finally ull foroignura. John II it rr nit mi tlm Hit mil Inn , Cincinnati, Juno 1M Hon John P.ar rutt.cx'iuiiiiatur to Shun, wua burn toduy. Heforo leaving for Cleveland, liu fluid: "In restoring ponce in Chum the United Stutua aliould bo tho principal mlliioneo in tbo futuru mid tho futo of China. It iHun American influence only that can HiiccoaHfully ruliovo this problem ami keep China from mi impending break up. Ainuricu nuiat Htmid for tbo integrity of tbo Chlnoao Empire, for wo have everything to lose mid nothing to K-ilii by lior partition among tho European powora. If America iillowH China to bo divided, tho expansion of our coiunierco mid the extent of our moral inlltionco will bu absolutely limited by thu attitude mid policy of Huropeaii natioiiB. Another Interesting point iu thia: Thu United Stutua is the u"ly power whoso leadership mid dic tation of polloy Russia would uceopt." A 'J'IiiiiihuikI TonsiuiH Could not expicaa tho rupture of Annie K. hpi iii;;or, of 1125 Howard at., I'liil 'Uilpl in, ln when alio found that Ur Klng'a Now Discovery for CoiiBtuuption 'i-id I'oniplutuly ourud hur of a hacking l'"al that for niauy yo.ua hail made "In a burden. All other roniedicH mid 'toclura could give her no help, but alio ei)yHof tliis Roynl Cnro-"It soon re moved tbo pain in my cheat mid I can now iiluop Boundly, BoinuthiiiK I can fcurct'ly roinombor doing before. I fcol like- Hounding Ua pralaoa throughout the iiiivurau." So will every one who tiioa Dr. Kiiig'aNowDiBcovery forany trouble ' Hi" throat, cheat or luugB. Price fiOo ""'1 1. Trial bottlu froo ut Ulukoloy &. lloiiuliion'a drug atoro; every bottle K'Mruutoctf. , 5 MuoArttiur'ft 'iti'l'ly. Manila, Juno 2-1, iViO p. m. Gouoral MnuArtlmr has fclvon a formal iwiawor to 1,10 HUpliio lonoors who Inst Thuraday Biliulttud to ('.I'll) peace proposals tliat l'd been np,roved earlier in the day by mi'utlnjj of reproaonttttlvo Inaurgenta. 1" IiIh loply ho assured them that all I'orsoiial rij;h)8 under tho United States C0'Htitution .excepting triul by jury mid 1,10 right to boar arma would bo guarou thom, 'r'o protuotere of the poace movement are now engaged in reconstructing the druft of tlio Heven clauaea aubuiitted to Gunerul MucArthur in Bticli n wny ua to render it acceptable to both eidee. Thu aeventh clnuau, providing for the espulaion of tho friura, Generul Mac Arthur rejected on tho ground that tho settlement of this quuotion rests with tho coinuiieHion headed by Judge Taft. HlllllllH flf OIlllll'NII. London, June 24, 3:20 a. m. Tho only diBputchea from China received lust night are those which give further detuiia of the repulse of ThurBduy'H attempt to re lievo Tien Tain. According to n dispatch from Che Foo, hordea of CliinuBe witli well-posted artillery block the wuy of the American and UuBaiun forceB. The guna of the nlliuB could mako no impreesion, uud it wuh found impossible to shift the onemy'a position. Notliiug could be done except to fall back, mid thia wiib uccompliaiii'd iu good order. It was uncurtained tbut tho foreigner in Tien Tain wuro making u gallant de feiiBO. Tho French concession buildings hud boon vigorously attacked, and in all probability have been reduced to ueliu?. After the forco retired, an armored train attempted to reconnoiter, but was derailed. More troops are arriving at Taku, and another attempt at relief with a force of much greater atrenglh was to have been made last night. The Chinuso legation at Berlin received another telegram last (Saturday) night, stating Hint all tho legations iu I'ekin wore safe, and that the foreign ministers at that place were all well. Thu iliimp In Sow Vork. Ni:w Youi;, Juuu 23. Just to show that tbuy atill had plenty of energy and power left, bull operators in wheat gave their opponontB u iwiit today, exceeding iu si'iisatioual features anything yet pro duced iu the present campaign. Taken completely unawares because of yester day's drop from top points, tho bears were panic-stricken thia morning on finding English cable's 2'L. and :i't. pence higher, and an advance at Buda-Post of forty-five points since last night. In largo nninbers they plunged into tho market as thu gong struck mid began a frantic and excited oflort to replace their buIuh. The result was an Immediate jump to t0o emits for July, compared rtlth 88 cents last night. After a little hesitation, during which a lot of long wheat c,mo out, tho scruws were moved again and July ahot up to03? cunts with hardly a atop, representing Wa conta rise for tho day, mid about 22 cents iu tho last three weeks. This means to the public a riso of .$1 to 1.25 per barrel In tho price of flour. Toward 12 o'clock wheat suddonly dropped oil' again, reaching 01 H cunts on tbu curb under renewed heavy realizing. ji'ur Ki'iil. A llvo-room cottage on Alvoid street, with bath room and patent closot, at if 10 u month. AlK'ly to Lovl Chrlsinaii. 23tf SunbonnetB, eunbotinots, siuibonnots for children, only 25 tfi l 11,0 Now York CubIi Storo. Hoys' BHWtura'o couta nt the Now VoikCnah Storo. We have bolter ones if you wlah them- Subscribe for The Chronicle. NEW ROUTE ninriAirnrnn ulUVL"tu LADIES' Tide Water Level Canal Can Now Be Built in Nicaragua. Ni:w Yokk, June 23. In a letter to a personal friend at Bellfonte, Pa., Dr. G F. Wickes, formerly physician at Relic vue Hospital, New York, and at present surgeon of thu Nicaragua canal commis sion, conveys nn idea of the results which may be expected of the work of the com mission. Dr. Wickes gives the interest ing and startling information that the commission has discovered a tide-water level route fora canal across thelsthmus. The letter bIbo shows some of the hard ships and dangers which the commission encountered. It was written from Lasardi, Caledonia Bay, and in part Eays : "Here wo have found what we all have vainly sought for weeks and weeke, a practical route for a tide-level canal. We have found low enough gaps in the di viding ridge from time to time, with a steep approach on the Atlantic slope, making a 'cut a practical possibility, but disappointment has always awaited us on the other side. But in the last week wo have found a gap S00 feet high, a little too high, perhaps, but not beyond the science of modern engineering, and when I tell you this, every fact ogainst the route has been enumerated. "From the summit of this gap in the divide, both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes drop precipitntely, especially the latter, which Iiub heretofore been our stumbling block. A great, wide valley stretches out straight toward the PaefEc ocean, which can be seen in the distance. The Atlantic is near and in plain sight. Here a trade-water canal, the dream of all 'canalists,' con be built with a per fect harbor on each side. At Lasardi, tho many islands would protect its mouth, and on the other side San Miguel bay is n perfect site. Tho officers of the Scorpion say that the Ltaardi harbor alone makes this route worth $50,000,000 more than any other. The damming of rivers, which would otherwise flood the canal, is u problem of every route. The only thing to be Eaid against this route is the high cout of 800 feet. 'Of course congress may not accept the report of the commission, but it re mains an indisputable fact this is par excellence the future route for a trans continental canal route. It really seems possible that we hayerefound Selfridge'a Caledonian route, discovered during bis three years' work here in the early 70s." Ti.o routo suggested from Caledonia bay to tho gulf of San Miguel lies about 130 miles euet of the old Panama-Colonial routo. The proposed lino would connect tho gulf of Darien mid the bay of Panama. At that place tho Isthmus of Darien is about thirty-five miles wide. MAN-TAILORED SUITS Worth $15, $18, $20 and $25- Reduced to $13 85 to 700 r LADIES' J MAN-TAILORED SUITS Exceptional values at $12, 12.50, 13.50, J Vl.ciucrci to $8 80 Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work mid happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 23 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggist'. Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and Irritate tlio stomach. After each meal take a teasnoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia Curo. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It never fails to curo tbo worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. Nntlii Columbia River Ice Fuel Co. wishes to announce that thoy will deliver ico to anv part of tlio city at ull hours of the day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufort it Condon. Ivy poisoning, poison wounda and all other accidental injuries may bo quickly cured by using DoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve, it ia also n certain cure for piles and akin diseases. Take no other. Neglect 1b the abort atop so many tuke from a cough or cold to consumption, The early uso of One Minute Cough Curo prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy tiint gives imme diate results, It cures ull throat and lung troubles, Children all like it and mothers endorse it. Two of the best offerings made this season anywhere. Some of these suits at the new price do not realize enough to pay for the bare clotli before the scissors or needle touch it. Handsome, stylish suits that must be ready all summer, for in-. ruing wear and chilly days. Then the3r will give added service next fall. Most remarkable offerings these: at $13-8, Brown Oxford all-wool Covert, tight-fitting Suit worth $15.00 Cadet Blue " " " " " worth 18.00 Black Serge double-breasted -fitting Jacket worth 20.00 Fashionable green and grey mixed Cheviot Suit, tight-fit'g " 25.00 $8.50.. t Our Muslin Underwear t Brown Oxford all-wool Covert Eton Suit Silver-grey all-wool Sacking, tight-fitting Black all-wool Serge, Jacket Suit We mention the above out of forty different suits. No two alike. COME EARLY AND SECURE FIRST CHOICE. worth $12.00 worth 12.50 worth 13.50 t Sale The excellent materials and tasteful trimmings, coupled with the very moderate prices, for which our Muslin Underwear is f Aiieitn liu oln ncc W niiion 1rnlr fnv- ward to advantages such as wo are now offering, and never fail Q to realize handsome savings. See our GOWNS at 29c, 55c, 79c and $1.13. t Williams & Co. ? 4 Army lit 1'lillliuilni-s Bliiy 11 ltcduci'U. Chicago, June 24. Brigadier-General Joseph Wheeler, who is to assume com mand of the department of tho lakes, arrived heie this evening. General Wheeler said : "Tlio war in tho Philippines is prac tically ended. A force can easily be spared from the island for work in China. General Hall, who is to com mand in China, I regard us n most able officer, admirably fitted for the task. He will win bis promotion in China." Concerning his probable attitude if political honors wero offered him, Gen eral Wheeler replied : "As long as 1 am in the army and can roinain in it, I will have nothing to do with politics." Slu'il Yuukt'o lllouil, Washington, Juno The navy do partment this afternoon gives out this bulletin: "A telegram from admiral Kempfl, dated Che Foo, Juuu 24, says : In ambus cade near Tien Tsin on the first, four of Waller's command killed and seven wounded. Numea will bo furnished as soon iiB received. Forco of 2000 going to relieve Tien Tsiu today. Mkmi-ff." Tlio secretary of tho navy has ordered Admiral Homey witn the Brooklyn to goto Taku mid assist the tinny with what troops thu Brooklyn can carry. Kxperlence ia the best Teacher. Use Acker'a English ltomedy iu any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. uud 50 eta. Blukeley & Houghton Druggists. 2 5 fO J. STUBLING... Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars J 'Agency for tho Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky. i' . I Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. THE DALLES, Phone 234. - OREGON. ltVy.wjv2siy.ixIy b'tyirlrhdy ixixix-- xlr x tXty . r -x-tj xiv xTi x- x orsi3 DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies GfabdaM Boet UNDERTAKERS ,js EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Ete, Advertise in the Chronicle