Workmen f 14 Good News 'St1 ! von kivc srrn hvmdtcd of your companions vd'nuny in mill mul fiaindry with n icrsiicnt rrvuiili. You lia-o scon liundivdsof them ilio with , u,rrlMoillea.e, tYiiisuiiiptlon. You have seen , vim left ivnnilwj. iiinl children thrown tirmi irt. noreicsof tho cold woiUI. because the utlier ii 'I I extend 11 cordial In vltiitinn tn nil tn liun'nrt tlm Rumiiliq nf mushed hl3 lire away, nir jou umm c rvv. day I? full of slurp, nicWllii' dust, which U rw.A day u full of tiwrp, nietatllo dust, which u nolens from the CUOWN TAII.OHING CO, Chicus'o'a hwnona Cna- t InhaWlitlo tho lungs and Irritate their lU'llcsito JJ torn Tailors. K llulnff. In tho case of class blowers, tho tierce &h lum A'mut- DKl'AtK FOH T1MK srillUIUI.K, KllOIl llAl.I.Ks. Altll.VK 1'IIOM -:t i if 1 1 i 'J Suits to Measure, $8.75 tip. l-'ast Mall 12:10 p. Ill Suit Ukc, Denver. 1't. Knt Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mill ms City, Ht. l-oulv l'J: l ni I OhieiiKo mul i:ast. Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction uuratitcod. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. $ Atbiutlr Ktpirss U!:.V ii. in, Via Hunt In.'rtou. 'Salt Ijike, Denver. I't. I lia. m. I Worlh, Omaha, Kuti i mis City, HI. l.oiil.i,( 1 Chlt'iiKo ami Kait, jicu of the molten class forces iu way up tho luU Into thu limes when it gradually breaks Ioun their delicate structure uuklnir every cold ix danger to life. Youc.m't i fiord tomtit work ing n ml aredailv expOMil to this fatal dust and intense heat. vou and vour friends nctil is Acker's Knplisli Homely Thl- will make your throat and luncs stroiiR apain. It will heal tho irritation, brace up your strength, and you need mewr loo a day's work. I have noticed that in some mills there are no cases of consumption. tThe reason Is that Acker's English Itemed- li used by the men working there. Sold at av., 10c. and 31 a bcttlo, throughout -the United States and Canada; and in Eualautl at is. Al.,2s.Rd., u. iVl. if you arc r.oi stiUirlctt after buyinpr, return the bottle to your drusslst, nd get your money back. HV authorize the. aborc guarantee. If. II, IIOO.KZJ: ( CO., Proprietors, ,Vctc l'or.Y, FOU SALE Y Blakeley & Houghton. Impulse Wheels and Motors MANl'l .UTl'liKI) II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO rKOPi-E vou ,iu i:nyv. Frank Bulger, of Portland, is in the -citv. Ex-Governor Moody left on this morn ing's train for Salem. O. F. Ancell was a passenger on the x)dt this morniirj for the Lucks. CMige Mnybel Mack was a passenger on Iho Dalles City this morning for Port land. F. V. Wilson and J. T. Peters were 1Afisenj;era on the morning train for Steveuon, Jim Nolan and wife, of Dtifnr, were passengers on the Dalles City this morn .imr for Hood Uiver. T. K. Warner, of White Salmon, was in town today on his way home from the G. A. 12. state encampment at La Grande. Mrs. Balfe Johnson, of Astoria, ar rived here yesterday to itteml the iuneral of her cousin, George Hueh, .lr. Tev. J. H. Woods, of North Yakima, arrived here yesterday and attended the funeral of George Rueh, Jr., this after noon. Tffiss Lena Merriman, who lias just closed a term of school nt Upper Eight Mile, left this morning on the Dalles City for her home in Linn county. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Michell. of Steven son, and their daughters, Ursula and and Nellie, and fon, Ed, arrived here yesterday to atUnd the funeral of tteorge linen, Jr. ' T. J. Seufert and C. A. I'ordora ex pect to leave tomorrow morning on a trip to the Meadows to instot the ditch recently tluti there for theimprovement .of our water supply. Miss Boston, who was severely scalded in thie city some three months au'o by tlte upsetting of a large coffee pot full of boiling coffee, is eo far lecovered as to be able to return to her home at Lylo this morning. She was accompanied on the boat by Mrs. H. Willerton and daughter, Miss Bertha. .Notice SUITABLE FOR DR1V1NC GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent nn'JG THE DALLES, OllEGON All persons are heieby notified not to purchase a note, given by James Gray iu favor of H. D. Agnotn, for the sum of $134 arid due Nov. 1, '1900, as the said note was obtained by fraud. jun22 20 James Quay, Victor, Or.Ji Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Kinking at the pit of the Ktoaiach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnesn, I'implee or fiorea all positive evidences, cf impure blood. No matter how it Iwcamo so it must l;n purified m order to jbtatn good health. Acker's Blood Eiexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and wo Hell every bottle on to. positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough Um'n drug store. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already iuilf starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat eo tho body can ho nourished while the worn out or jxaiiH are being reconstructed. It Is tho only preparation known that will in stantly relieve and completely cure all etamach troubles. Try it if yon are raftering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. All who sufl'er from piles will bo glad to learn that DeWltt'a Witch Hazel fjalva will give them iiiHtnnt and per manent relief. It will cure eczema and all akin diseases. Beware of counter- luita. To (turn u C'ulil hi Oho Hay. Tftko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lute. All druggists refund the money, I'or hale. A good second. hand threshing ma cciiiue for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith sfwp, on Third street. J4d&wlm BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke S: Faik have on eale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. You will not nave boils if you tuke Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. A full. line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Be sure and see the bargains in ladies' duck skirts at the New York C.tsh Store. jO Fioral lotion wili cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Good, pure natural ice irom the Blue i mountains for sale by the Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone 03 or 81 Long Dist. ; 75 or S seufert & Condon. Sroall in size and great in results are DeWitt's Little Early P.isers, tho fa- i mum little pills that cleanse the liver and howeis. J hey do not irrtpe. Drying preparations simply dovcl op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho feocretions, which adhere to tho membrano and decom pose, causing a far moro serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalauts, fumes, smokes and snuffs and uso that which clcauHes, Eoothes and heala. Ely's Cream Balm is sucli a remedy and vrill euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial fdzo will bo mailed for 10 csnts. All drugm'fets sell tho 50c. aizo. Ely Brothers, fit! Warren HI., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or cause sneczinf,'. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. 6 1 NG '"EAST-" If you intend to tako n trip Eastfask your ticket agent to route yon via The Great Wabash, n modem and railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or fit. Louis to Now York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and.evcry through train lias freo reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Boss C. Clini;, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Angeles, Calif. 0. S. CitAKi;, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Iteports filiow that over fifteen hun dred lives have been eavtd through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early ueo prevents con sumption. Itev. W. E. Bluer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyapopoia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to utu Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and It helped ine from the start. 1 believe It to He a panacea for all forms of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. Cali In Vour (.'nook. All county warrants registered prior to June 3, 1896, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February, ii, 1000, C. L. Pniu.U'H, County Treasurer. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION'. lu:;n Offick at Vancocvei:, Wni.,i May 11, HU ( Notit-e is hereby given that tin follmvinj; nsnicil cttler bus jiUil notice ol his intention to nuiko final proof in Mipiuirt of his elnini, nm! Hint said jirmit will be nude befuru V. 1!. I'riwhy, United .States Commissioner for District of Washington, lit his oaira in Cioldcudiile, Vuli on fcnturdiiy, JunoSe, 1HU, (ic-circo (i. I.iiulmiy, Ifimiestc-ml entry, No. for the 8V'., of Sto 1.-., Ip:;, K of It 13 K. W. M. He iiiimeb the followins ultiicsj-es to prove Mi continuous residence upon mid cultivation of said l.itiii, viz: John (. Mellonnld, of Ilartlnml 1'. O., W'nsh, Wendelin liill, (ioldenaule 1. O., Vjh.i Jolm (.'. Heiry. Iliirtlnnd 1. o., Wiuti.; Thomu.s J. Ijripp-s, Hnrtlaiid 1'. O., Wash. nxayil I V. K. PUNllAl:, ItesHtcr. ' TIMBER CULTUBK FINAL PBOOF. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. L". S. L.VNH Offick, Vakiouvkii, Wa.sii., j April :J, itw. Notice l hereby uiven tbnt Mary K. (,'elhiiiis, by Ii. If. sitexiuiin, her attorney In (net, bun llltil uollci! of intention to make final proof before W. 11. 1'reybv, I'nited htatei t'otiimUtlrnier for District of ns!iingto!i,nt his olllcc in (iolden iltiltf. WiishiiiKtoii, on Krldiiy, the auth day of June, 10W, on Timlier eultiire Applieiitlon No. if)7, for the northeast nuiirter of section No. I, in township No. - north, rdhe No. It east, W. Jl Sin names n.s ulttictke Manuel H. U-otmrdo, of ft rami Dalle- 1', O., Wmh. Ilermnn KiiKclbv, Wllllnui wiikim-on. of Ceutervlllc 1". o w,ib niid llllu.u Irawfor-! oi (inind D.illes P. O., Wall.. . It. DI'NilAlt, mi.. J i I!ii;istr. M ONE FOR A DOS It-moTO Pirnl)'- , I'rircnt ( .ri tli-.irl-i. l.r, ....I h... 7i. A ii"iv( h bout n cich'dav in nm.,..,, f irliealto. Th-yiit,ihi!rslMii"rBiSk "ri"'lT.cimi i-c JldbjrdrufeHta. Dfi. (lOSAMKO CO.Phili; Pa j T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary i Public. Collections promptly attended 1 lo. Monev to loan. C. E. Bayard's of i flee, The Dalles, Oregon. Guardian's Sale. Notli-o is hereby ulvcu that purMimit lo u II tciiH) und older of sale made and Issued to mo hs Kiiurdlmi of the tcrions mid estate of I.-im Mooie and (utrlleld Moore, minors, by tliu County Court of the htate of Ort-xon for Wiim.-o Comity on the fitb day of June, iwt, I will, on Hie :ilt day of Inly, I'M), at the court bouso dwr In Dalles I lly, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of huld day, hell to the highest bidder for eath In blind, all of the luteruu of nild minora in mid to tin- real prop-ity hcrciuiifter du cillx.d; Mid Inteiest wliif,' a i-ontliiKfiit two n:veutbs Intercut In and to the WJ. of the SKM, the SKJ.,' of the HWKt nml Lot I of Hio. II, mul Lois 1 uud 2 of feee. mid that certain parcel of land bounded iih follows: Commtncliii; at a Make on the north lino of tho Victor '1 revltt Donation I.niid Claim, vbere It croi..-cx a ditch; tlitnec In n houtherly illrcetlon iiciosh tho bot tom on the line of the ptcu'iit fence feu rods; thtnto west H) rmls: llience iiortbwi-atH) rode, thence alouu said line Ml IrodK, to tho placo of beiiliiniiiK, beliii? u j.nrt of the Victor Truvltt Doniilion Lund cbilm, In See. II, nil mild lands bclim in Tp. 1 N, It i:i I., W. M, Also a like In teres t iu and to Iit ).', mill I0?i feet oil' the west idu of It 11 in block Cot UiiKhlln'N lllull' Ad dition to Dalles City, Or. J'Jll HOMIIlt V. MOOIti;, (iinirdbm, AD.MINLSTKATOH'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and entered on tho L'Sth day of May, 1000, I will oiler for sale, at private sale, from and ufter the 7th day of .July, 1000, for cash iu hand, all thu right, title Ami in terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, in and to lot 12 In block 18, Luughlin's Addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. FlIKDKItlC'K BAIIIJON, Administrator of the estate of Wulter Fish, deceased, Oilers received by Attorneys fur Ad ministrator, J. T. Whalley, Pipes & 'fllft, Portland, Or. j0-l Spokane Mull and K.xpiess 'J:i1 p. in. s p. m. Walla W'ullii, hpokane, Hpokaue Mlttt'.e.tpnlK Ht. l'aill,' Mill) Du I ii t li, Mlliiukts, mid Chicago and Kant, via, i:xprc.s Spokaiienkil lluullni; . ton, also all points Iu Washington and Knt ".) a. lit em OtcKou. I l-'iuiM ror.Ti.inn. (ictiiu Steamshij. For fian l'ranclri--i:ery l'lvo Dav. I . ni. S p. ill. I Kx.btiudaytColuaihlii Kv. 8to.iiucrs. i To A.stoiua mid Way Sntutday IjimliiiKs. I IU p. m. ! I fia. in. i Wiu.4tjr.rr): Ittvr.ii. Kx.fauudayiOreKou City, Nun-hcrc , Kalcin way Ijiud'k. 7 a. :n, 'WtuaMFTTK a Nil Yam Tuc.Tliur. uiu. lltvr.a. and e'nt. , Orvtron City, Dayton, i and Way-ljtiidlnss. I.v I'.lparbi' dally 3-.ra. m. HNAKK KlVKIl. Uipariii to I ). in. l-:..hutlda) I :r.O p. in. Kx.Kuuday p in. Mon..Vid and l-'rl. l.KAVP. l.KWISTON dully y:W) a. m. Subscribe for Thu Cnuo.Ntou. l'arlles dcslrinu to ko to llemmer or IHiiuis on roiumoia houtiu-rn via mi;s, snouiii take No. leavln;; Thu Dalles at 1'J:I0 p. ni. niakliiK direct connections at Iteppuer Junction and llltis. ItctiirnliiK makiiiKdlrti'teoiiueidloii at Ifeiipncr Jiinctlou and lllss nltti No, 1, ar riving at Ilie Drtlieaat l'.'.ixi p. tn. Ii. .V N. Co.' For full particulars call on O. ngeni me Mime, or Riiurcrs w. II. IICItl.llUItT, (ien l'ltn. At., I'orthind, Or, SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at l. a. in. and .1 i. in. l.eavo l'ottland. " Albany . . h:TS) n m r.' .3)a in 7: t in 1U:W p m Arrive Ashlnnd " hscramento ... " Kan Kraiici4Co l.'Smi! Il::aiiiin r:() p m l;.Vi ii m 7;li p m a tu Anlvc OKdon " Denver.... " Kansas City. " Chicago ... 6:l.ra in Il:l.a in . 'J: a in 'J:l)a in 7ri!5 it m 7::'.i n in 7:ljiim tl:uOain Arrive lo AiikcIiw . . " Kl I'aso " Kort Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans ... " Washington ... " New Vork .... 1:3) pin . . O-oo i m .... rcsoiim ... u..V)am .... l;Wam . ... fi:-ir)iun : I-' a m ,...l'J:Wp m 7.01a in I) 00 p ni !..) a m '.I Vi n 111 t .10 a in li .Z'i p m II 1 a in l'2'l.'l pin l'lillmau nud Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Oadcn and Kl I 'am and tourist nam to chleaK'i, ht 1jiiU, New Or leans ami Wn?hliiK(on. ConutctiiiK at SCmi 1'raiicUco with overal steiiiin-hlp Unas for Honolulu, JnpTm, chiiin, I'hilippliiesi, Central and South America. See aaeiltnt The Dalle Million, or uddrchs C. H. MARKHAM, deiieral I'iiss- ner Agent, I'ortbiuil, Or liwi Pii Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: dining (!.n noi.-ii: ruoM I'outi.and to thi; i:ast. Tllli ONLY Dlltl-OT I.INi: 'IOTIII-. YKIJ.OW-H10.NI-: 1'AItK muvk. junlon Depoi, Fidhaad I sts auiuvk. No. 'J. l-'ust inill for'liicmna,' No. 1 , Beattlc, Olyiiiplii.tiray'ii llmbor and South llcnd POintD, Spokane, ltos laml, It. C I'ulliiiau, , Mon-ow, 1iHhloii, Unt il:).') A. M.fiilolliiiiipiiinliiKeoiin- ,1;.Vj 1. M, i try, Helenii, Mliuicapo 11k, St, Paul, Omiilia,1 l Kiiusaii City, St. 1mIn, Chicago and nil point, No. 1, ieat and coiitheau. i No. y, I i'net Sound Cxprevs !!;) 1'. M.lfor 'liicoma and Beattlu' 7iHi A. M. Mil'. IlllVIOitOllllU pOIUIb I'lillmnu llrkt cIusk and tourlit nh:vrn tn Minneapolis, St. I'aiilaud MUmutl river poIiiin without change. ViiMlbuleil trains. Union depot conneetloiiH Iu all principal c.Ului, ituKKUKO checked to ileMlliatiou of tickets, Korliaiidiomcly llliiMiatisldetetlptlveiiiatler, wtUe " V"T f'''N-,rvu""""' ttv" 0,1 "f A. D. CHARLTON, Abulntniit (ittiornl I'ukuciiKcr Akeut, aVi Motrl nun Htreet.eorner Third, l'ortland, OreKon, J) It. V, T, hMITHi Osteopath. ilooiim 10 and II, ChMianuii Illock, Tbo llalles. Oregon. TuetiiayH and Krlday, h u, m, to i muyli-lm f 't r-..- - Tirrwm-rtr:; Tho Dulles, Oh. The Chronielc, - tJob Ppintcns. it! I 3F f $ i .oo per month. Strintly firat elitsa local and Ioiik (HhIuiico teliiptiono uervieu within your home. 1,'iiil'h tlo not croiB-tnlk, Your con versation will lie kept t secret. No coHt for itiHtullinu'. You pit tlm Htumhird Ilnnninc I.otii; DiHtunt ItiHtrttmunt. Contintintis duy and iilht aurvice. Wo will ticcnpt your contract for ten yearn ami allow you to cancel Hame on Kivini; iib thirty dayti writ tun notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE (JOB. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTI THmif ThiB Flour 18 mnnufucttirml oxprcaaly for family " "" 1 tmni uvnrvHack 1h mmrantued to clvo Hatinfaction. Wrt eull our kooiIh lowor than any Iuiiiho In tho trado, und if you don't tiuiiK eo call and nut our pricuH and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Jaeobsen Book & Wusie Co, Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho largest suul moHL complcto lino at Rock Bottom Prices. Subscribe for tb,e Chronicle. 'Unit TlirolililiiK llcadaclii) Would iilckly loavo you, ii you uaud Dr. KIiik'h Now I.lfn 1'llln. ThoitBandu of niillororH havo proved thoir nuitchloHH iiiurlt for Hick anil Norvoua UeadacheH. 'i'hoy nmko pure blood ami alroiiK norvcfl mid build up your health. Kaay to lake. Try thorn. Only 25 cohIh. Monoy hack If not cured. Sold by Illakeloy & Houghton, drugglate. R KXKOUTOK'S NOT10K. Kntlco l Ijurcliy HyH tt l,,'1 ffifj lius been duly iipiiolnUil Id.'''0, f'M ,,' it lluiHtatuof OrfKon, J' ! , ' i ,ih. , und taiitammit of Kvallno l.yii ih. ' tl ti,o i-i '1 All ikimoiih ImvliiBelaiii'H an , ",,,,1111 of iho Mill i:vallmi:vau i (Vrr .!' U W' K In i.rcHuiit tho amo lo I1I111, J'r'' ' ihlii U t.y law rtiiulrcil. at "f )rth 1 inniithH (rum tliei ato lie c f. , liattal thU lAtlt ! "I ? ,:v.VXS. . Kxecnlor of ..10 Hvullno llvau, ilwciuvd.