The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 23, 1900, Image 3

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    Never Before..
i summer
Have wo affordod the people of The Dalles and vicinity the advantage of a
When wo say "Clearance Sale," we do not mean to say that every article in the
house will he given away for a mere nothing. We propose to take Seasonable Goods, such
as you.are now buying, and make you prices that are more or less below cost. Many of
the lines of goods we will odor you have been in slock less than a month. Our stock in
all departments has never been so brim-full of new and attractive goods.
The lines that we offer you will have to leave our house in order to make room for a
Heavy Fall Stock. You will hear from the following departments in a few days:
SHIRT WAISTS, Silk and Cotton ;
The MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT will also have something to say.
Sale Commences Monday, July 2d.
All Goods Mnrkocl
In Plain Figures.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hecu
in uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signature- of
and has heen made under his ncr-
SJFfl-? ' sonal supervision since its infancy.
lf--&4cAli Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc hufe
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC
Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
HUbstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wim
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
-r J uwmmm
The KM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle
Telephone No. 1.
- JUNE L'3, 1900
At Andrew Holler's.
fur bargains, be
Nxnv York Cash
If you aro lookiiiK
mire mid mill ut tliu
Tliu late arrival of Eastern Tally bolts
a IVuso & Mays' nro proving t be ureal
Bfileru they nro tliu proper thing
Charley Hutlur of i'ort Townsend, to
d.i shipped 1)00 bead of mutton sheep
to tliu Sound which bo purchased from
lhmitoa Karghor.
After .Inly 1st tins ollku of Indian
agent at Warm Spr'mgH, Or., will be
dispensed with, at which time Agent
Ju'i.ob h. Cowan will be dropped.
The artesian well which Mr. IixoUur
construction of a eanal and 1oc:1;b to
oveicome the obstructions to navigation
between The Dalles and Celilo.
The total number of prisoners eoi
fined in tho Oregon Htnto penitentiary pe
1(1. nil im.rt nvi'Htlt. on)!. HUB IB 1W
li-HH than the number of convicts in th
early "JUs, when the enrollment reached
125.' There aru LSI lifu-term prisoners,
one of whom is a United States prisoner
convicted of robbmg the mails. The
other no were convicted of murder.
Wamie will have a celebration on the
Fourth. A program coiiBieting of reei
tatlon, drills, Bnngp, recitations in
concert, music, etc. will be rendered,
ii i ,,f tin. ilni-liirntiiill
lOIIUIVtHl U) ilimitif y
!)., .iiil.tii-i mid an or'ition hi"!
VI. A .m. v - w
'John Gavin, of this city. A ball ganfe
' in tho afternoon and a ball in tue
. Mv.-niiiL' in the Artisan hall will wind 0
tho proceedings.
Tin. Autoria News of last Ihursili
huvp : ".Never neiore m inn meiuij
the salmon packing bualuetH have fish
; been tearcer than at present, consider
i ing that the season is supposed to bo at
I its' height. Yesterday four boats bo
1 longing to the combine came in with
' just thruo fish between them. One of
them had two fish, .mother one, and the
l other none. At tho seining grounds
little or nothing is being done, ami only
covering from eicknes contracted m the
malarial BwampB of Cuba.
v . . i
Tho luneral ot beorgo nenry uucii
tool: place this afternoon from the family
residence of the deceased. The services
were conducted by Kev. U. F. Hawk,
d bv ltev. .1. II. Woods. The
Tliy Hail it Grand, Gootl Time Kesults
Of the Kates.
weru tiiKeu iu me t'i"(
During for tho city Is now down some thtrtj-aix nan
IMfout. The last twenty leot or more I ground yesterday.
is M.rougl. a stratum of hard basalt. i It is common saying that Uallis
.i .w.ntihi nover do nnvthini? bv halves, anil
W. A. Howard, of Alabama, who re j J " nu J'
cently Hpoko here in tho interest of tho , t lu it u
nmldlo-of-the-road populists, ...ay move , the .nr " of UB
hiH family to the state to .es.di, perma- , on t nolo .1 h .H,0l!,Ul0ll ,vlU
, ir.. uf..n I., I i Ori'L'Oll. u"K "-" . ' ...
J ,u .. ;)U a irrand success. Tho young
tn . . ...... rt il Dinillr IV I -1
i iinni ih n i'1'itiii viiil: tiuimu in nt-vi......
Tlio vounir men i.hnri!o of the detailB are rustlers
i i.i.i.n. iiiHDlred by a noble objrot,
they will spare no pains to mako this
one of tho most enjoyable events in the
i.umrv of Tim Dalles. The cost is w un
in the reach of everybody and tho at-
.i...... .. r., cimh I nit no one ciui
in buying uochIh where you know none
but reliable kinds are oltVred, with low
prices and up-to-date novelities. I'ease
fi Mays are head and shoulders above
them all.
i....i..i, oon ilnoli'iiH. Isn't
it curious what changes Scotch urtiHtB ( al-ori- l0 aiisa tliein.
cm ring on those goods, so thai eacn Uorilj,,K bhvh
season's work will he dtiloront from and i Mouutnlnu,.r oI yosterday
imittlor than former ones? Seo them at ' , .... .Uietioo
1'easo A Mays.
Henry Iliirchtorf, late of Prinovillo
mid brother of CIuih. liurchtorf of this
ei'y, has discovered a ledge of gold
bearing nnartz in the Suinplor district
that ho thlnkH Ih tho equal if not tho
superior of tho famous llonaiiKa.
Yoaiorday nml day before were the
1'ingest days of all tho year, tho duration
from stinriso to sunset being M howro
n,nl .lit .i.t....t.A I.. In. Ill fiiRlifl. Yeater-
"I... .1 IIIIIJlllUO III UW. - WVItv
d.iv tlm Kim man. Viu'.lllc coa9t time, at i tliu iieaco la for.
1 ::) and set at 7 :'J5. f l II. Uo Voe, nituln of a company
Koroat trees measuring 00 feet In cr-Zof sharpshooters J Jftl;o(b
cmuforence ut tho base, towering uW War, and an uh 1 u
feet high nd e atralght ns an arrow Wakely o tl,l- cjt !!! 'J,,,
come nearest beating the world's recordLu,y on I Is w ay hu. i I
a i;rove ui nils kiiui una j.mi D .
tho Times
, "ii. Uno
u u.,...i in in .lustico urownnui e
1HID Mnwu -t . I
court for assault and battery, committed
ikt both wore under tho in-
luaiKiini) .
.. ii ii u'lmtiiviir in ll V DO
lllll'IlCO 01 llijliui. "
aaid on Lane's behalf this was surely
"Tim's" first olleiiao for Tim's friends
seriously doubt if our esteemed justice of
tho peace and president of tho . M. U
A., knows thodltleronco between whiskey
i n fi.iwiii." Hut if Tun did got
HUH .,11 l.
.. !..... Iw. It'll M l nlto r e it 111 lining mo
Oil II J'li'il "w ' " , . i
. ..ii.... Mi...iiu ii'imt. ii ustice ot
.illuir nil iliv. ilinv " - '
casket wns surrounded and covered with
un immetiBe wealth of floral tributes.
The pall hearers were chosen from the
companions and schoolmates of the de
ceased and were: Clyde Ilidell, Clay
U'lten, Hoy Giimes, Francis Sexton,
.lames Creiirhton. ami Irwin Parkins.
Tho remnines were followed to their last
resting place In the Odd Fellows ceme-
by a large concourse of citizens.
James Blakelev of Brownsville, the
venerable father of our fellow-townsman
Indue Bakeley, came up on last night's
boat and stopped over for the night, go
ing on hiB way today to visit another son
u-iin in hlmrifrof Umatilla county. Mr.
lilakelev. who has reached Hie ripe age
of eighty-eight years.ia a pioueerof 180.
IIo belonged lo the hrst party ot emi
grants that crossed tho CaECido Mount
nliiu liv t lip P.itr Iouh route. Ho was a
captain of a company in the Rogue liver
war of ISlfi and Jake Gulifored of Dnlur
and Marshall Hill of Dry Hollow, and
possibly some others yet living in
Wasco county were members ot the
company. Mr. Ulakeley win siop over
on his return from Pendleton ana nave
a longer visit ith the judge.
Skamania county, where tho ranchers
have to hew their farms out of fir tim
ber whoso tops reach the clouds and
butts cover a space half as big as a town
lot, is among the last places in the
world where one would expect to hnil
tin. uenuine western "buckaroo" who is
not afraid to mount anything that
stands on hoofs. Yet .yesterday morn
ing two of these bought four 1200-pound,
perfect I v wild and unbroken horses
from John Urookhoufe, of Tygh Ridge,
and aflei ono of the brutes had broken
his neck, rather than Eiibmit to tho
halter, the men mounted two of tho
others and rode them to Tho Dalles,
leading the thiul, or rather leading it
part way and riding it part way. The
men placed the animals on the Dalles
City this inoinlng and took them to
i nf thin kind llHH i'.lSt
covered in a volley in the Caecade
flilnf of enulneers
llias aotit orderfi to Captuln W. W. HrU
to make un fxmuinutlon u tho dullee of
the Cnlniniii. nvur. iireunrutory to tho
nnkiiiKol Dlani ud ytlnmtee lor the
WHO im "
U the soldier, loved General L on.
By ua much ua he lovea General Lmvton,
however, he deapiaoH General Sha tor
Ll la in no way mealy mouthed ubout
eaying ao. The captain la on yeur't i fur
low, with full paylSOOuyear.ttud hua
been out on tl.Ueoat with u view of re-
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Sigutituro of
A (lvn.rnnni COttlllTO Oil Alvold
Eight-Mile enjoyed one of the best
picnics of the season Friday. The
weather was splendid after the rain, and
the crowd was as large as could be
wished. Probably 500 people were
present to enjoy the festivities of the
TLe literary program was creditably
rendered as advertised. All through
the program a hearty ood will was
nuinifeeted and each received a good
amount of applause. 4The literary pro
gram was a trifle long, but this could
not be avoided when so many were
taking part, and it was wished that
none should he slighted.
The following races took place, amid
irreat excitement and cheering:
llace for girls, 5 to 10 years,- won by
Gertie Covert; prize, largo doll.
Race for boys, 5 to 7 year3, won by
Ernest Dickson ; prize, pen knife.
Race for girls, 10 to 10 years, won
bv Rubv Covert : nn'zs, toilet case. This
race resulted in a tie and had to be ruu
over to determine a winner. In the
second attempt Ruby Covert crossed the
line lirst, with Zora Miller a close
Ra.'.e for boys, 12 to 10 years, won by
Ai villo Angel! ; prize, fishing rod, This
was close and exciting, and had to be
run over to determine who should re
ceive the lishing rod. Tho second time
Arville Angcll proved too fast for his
linger competitor Elton Kooutz and
amidst deafening shouts he crossed the
line iu timo to leave no doubt as to the
Race for boyp, 7 to 12 years, won by
Willie Wilhelm ; prize, suit of clothes.
Race for girls, free for all, won by
Zora Miller; prize, pair of shoes.
Race lor boys, free for all, won by Guy
Teet ; prize, book.
Sack race for boys, won by Wilbur
Dickson; prize, haimoiiica.
Fat man's race, won by James Benson ;
Nail-driving contest, won by Mrs.
McCabe; priz, note paper. This was
comical and exciting.
Running jump, won bj R.A.Miller;
prize, a hat.
Three-logged race, won by Arvillo
Angcll and heater Johnson.
Tho picnic was a Rreat success and
everyone went away with a smilu and a
promise to remember Eiht-Milo on
picnic day si Tho teachers, ono and all,
wish to thank tho various meichants
who contributed so freely and so much
to tho success of tho picnic in the way
of prizes.
Oxi: ot' tiik Tkaciiuus,
10 a.m.; class meeting at the close ofj
morning service; Junior League at o
Epworth League at 7.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. Ii. I
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 ,
a. in. und 7:1)0 p. m. Young people's
meeting at 0:00 p. m. fcuntlay school
at 10 a. in.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning worship at 11; Sunday school
nt I3'l."it Junior Endeavor, o p. m.;
Young People's Society 7 p. m. No
seavice in tho evening. Subject, 'Sym
pathy." The ofl'ertory will be sung by
Dr. O. D. Doane. The "young people
will meet in the evening promptly at
7 o'clock.
mono 9j Pinwo
unman ms mnwu
ComliiK! lii'ltfl"" Itures! Ciimluc!
The Los Augeles Belgian Hare Co., of
Portland, will be in The Dr.lles Monday,
June 2"), with a fine lot of hih-grade
pidignvd hares. Don't miss this op
portunity to secure something good at
very low prices, .n ill lie nera uiu a
wet-'k. . jun21td.
For tho convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phono No. 107; long distance 13.
"Ring 'em up." lHin-tf
Ladies' heavy duck skirts, 9i) cents
and !fl 'IS at tho New York Cash Stoie.
The only store f n
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlnst3
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap cuam.
eled ware.
Other wares look
has tho tiaiuo
Stransky Steel
War1 on each piece.
Do not bi? deceived.
First prize nt 11
International Exhi'
Litions. IIif;hesb
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion Chicago Pre
ferrcd bv the best
certified to by the.
most famous clioin
.ats for purity una
durability it id
cheapest becauso
with bath room and patent closet, at iflO
u month. Apply to heviUhrianian. .oii
Trimmed hata and putterna at cost for
the next thirty days at the Cumpboll &
Wllaon millinery purlora. 23-tf
Clark & Falk'a drug
fresh and complete.
stock la new,
Christian Science meeting in mall
K. of 1'. hall every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F.
Hawk, paator. Servlcea ut 11 a. in.
and 8 p. iu. Sunday achool at
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in a largo!
stock of ( lavdon JToso and arc ;
carrying the same' brand of
1 lose that wo havo been carry
ing lor tho last fivo yenr?.
which is tho celebrated .Mai-,
tcso Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho sanio brand of Hoso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment lias boon using for the
last twoijly years. The -Mai-1
teso Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Hose
on tho niarkot. Cull and get
our prices before buying.
(Ilaier & Benton
Solo Agents.
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled wareisspecial.
ly imported for and
told in this city ex
i lu-ively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb giease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; h
nut ufTeeted by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stow, toast
and bake
without imparting
flavor of
c o o 1; o il
food and
will Inst
,s lot years.
We cau
tion tho
A.ini tiaio.M ha r U...U i'im..Tiy
K.ili't ihcnli ulMii mat fiomiiuit nflfi llm
nlViili In y i Nil lie- IW. 1 "ill iTiK't'wl in toll at
, ' il ft" V.ul., tl.o fiillo lug
.illicit)- M.MiKlllK i; "10 lk,",B 0 1"u1lU
l,Vr,UT)':i:1,!.-..i,il.l.J.K'UMlI.. in
block :.; .'.( .rt l.illc'. ilUitiuy uiviitiuii, In
"rm-l.'iforiniiiloii lntuiro at miieo of it
Mi'aU.l at Dalle. City VAVV-VllltowS? l50a
AilmlnUtrulrlx of tliuvillilo of I'atricU llrjiwn,
ilfceiiteil. .
ITiREl). W. Wll KON,
Ott'.cc ovei Kirtt Nut. ll'iuu.