The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY JUNK 11)00 For I'lKltlent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vice-l'r-lpnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Sew York, The election of Mr. liryan would mean n popular indorsement of siver. He could with perfect reason de maud that the will of the people should be carried out. and if blocked . bv a republican irajoritv in the sei- " , I ate lie eouiii uiko me numimsunuuii influence into the legislatures and j seek to remodel tho senate. Even if. he failed in securing the the passage r f, l.m o,,n ,ni;,T , UL ik IILU Cilt LI UHI V'i Ull- the gold standard law, the attempt! ,, .i,i l.rinrr n i,-ioic ilo ' alone v.o.ld bring a bUs ne pression that soon would become a , panic. Nothing worse could happen j to the trade and commerce of the ; United States 111 November than the ! esdential candidate election ot a pre pledged to free silver who has an nounced that if elected he will en deavor to earn his convictions into legislation and who swears eternal hatred to the gold standard. The national republican platform, i stripped of all non-essential verbiage . and reduced to an essence, is this : ' .. , , rr, i 11 i e 'Resolved, lhat the transition from deDcits in peace to surpluses m war; from bond issuing to bond paying;! from hoppless to happy farmers;' from men hunting jobs to jobs hunt- j , i.i ; ingmen; from soup houses to ban-i 0 ' 1 j quet tables; from poverty to pros- perity, is not the result ot accident j or chance or famines in India, but is j the result of having a party in power 1 ., . , . ... . that knows how to run the country I aud command its confidence." ! 1 "We are making history so IQat 1 these days that it would not be at all surprisng if "George Washing ton" Aguiunldo would be sounding the praises of McKinley and the rep ublican administration before our democratic brethern have time to unload their anti-expansion and anti-imperalist speeches at the Kan sas City Convention. Speaker Henderson says, "Mr. jMcKinley anil Roosevelt will sweep the country. They represent the patriotism of two wars, anil will "be enthusiastically followed by the soldiers of each. Above all, they represent integrity of the highest order and deep devotion to their countr'." Senator Peffer has abandoned free silver and has taken to lecturing on Spiritualism. The change was effect ed without any violent revolution of sentiment. The ex-senu(or simply abandoned one specloral illusion andj took up another. Uetween February 10 and April L'9, over JJ30.000 bales of hemp were received at Mtinilla from various sestions of Luzon, lkisiness in the Philipincs is looming up in spite of the bands of prowling ladrones. The daily market quotations on wheat have a peculiar effect on Colonel liryan. An observant ex change notes lhat every time wheat goes up the Colonel's voice takes a tiro p. A dollar in gold will buy $1000 in the paper money issued by Colum bia. The South American Populists have put their theoiies in practice with the invariable result. The eventual value of our new possessions may be judged from the fact that the United States pays now an average af $1,000,000 a day for tropical production. It is about time for an American battleship to begin singeing a few Chinese cues. Freih cracked .Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. . mcb26-if PIMTIXllXT I'll ESS UOMMKXT. JIr. llrynn's talk about "temporary prosperity" only impresses the people that the ilo not care to return to temporary adversity. They had all thoy wanted of that under Cleve land. l'laindealer. In his baccalaureate sermon to be ! delivered at the Kansas Citv eon. ! I i , it.,,.1.1 i vention exercises ,lohn I . Altgeld 1 will force the money devil to the ropes, but it is hardly possible that ' the gold clause in (Jmcago lenses will be knocked out Tim onnfnrinl nsnirnr.imis nf "Mr. nermann will have some support in j the next legislature. Southern Ore SJ" will practically be unanimous for him. Douglas county sends a solid repubhc!U1 ,,eicg.uion nml tho issue was .ncrmnnM for Senator." The party might go farther and far worse, very pertinently lemarks the Forest Grove Times. Plaindealer. I If it were not for the good times, i)K-1:- ,:- 'ki:(u;six, if it were not for the Chicago plat-! Tll . . . f f it wore ot for UlVir Vstj IMiySlCiail Mill SlirgCOll.. ,f ,t WQrc nQl lhat MuKlnley J offlN VoB, JUoek (ovw 1Vwtofflw)f has beon sucll a ,)r0misc keeper, if it j wapimodw Tin: oi:kox. were not thai the American people 1 known a good thing when they have j "Unr, o TVTipp t, and if it were not for "ifs," it would be safe to bet money on deal-! ocratic success this fall. Ilarisburg ! (l,a.)llTelcgraph" Catarrh C'aimcit lie Uurctl j with local applications, as they cannot 1 reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ' is a blood or constitutional disease, and i order to cure it you must take inter- nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ip j taken internally, and acts directly on J tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's . ,, . ... Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It WM waa prescrlbed by one of the best physicians in this country for veers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly .. 1 . 1 t on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, ree- F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. , , , . .. . ... Sold bv drruggtsts, price inc. TiniiaV..miu- pnia nr.. n,n 19 .Mr. W. S. ltM. ...., Ank!n. a( llrt . , t rirat .;iuonai uamc 01 wnuereoi, ioa, in a recent letter cives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that will be of value to other mechanics. Hii anvcf "I hail a r-.irnentur workiiiL' , ... , . i for me who was obliged to atop work for ,,. i ,i,.0 ,,. : i.,.: ., I several days on account of beinn troti-, bled it!i iliarrlia'.i. I mentioned to I him that I had been similarly troubled j and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud DiarrLa-i Kemedv had cured me, 1 ,T , ... . i He bouuhtja bottle of it from the dru'iet ; i i i ,i.. ' litre mm uiiuruiuu -uic iuaw ui .iuu , cured htm, and lie isaalu at his work." For eale bv Bhikeley & Hou-'htou A (iiioit Cuiieli Metliulne. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy when druggists use it in their own families m preference to any ! r.ti,. 'r i.,vU cnl.l Phtmttorl'iin'a 1 other. I liae sold cnariiDerl.iin e , Cough Remedy for the past live years . . ... . . . with COIlin ete satisfaction 10 mVtfc I Illlll customers," savs DruuyiatJ. Goldsmith, Van Etten. X. Y. "I have always Uied it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and cilds and for the ouch fol lowing hi grippe, and find it very clTica cious," For sale hy Blakeley k Hough ton. irilitor'a Awful I'liKlit. Xewe, was alllicted for years with piles that no dector or remedy helped until he tried Rucklen's Arnica Salve. He wrllf?H two tinxfla whollv cured him. It H ., .ii ..i , n,, tho surest pile cure on earth ami the best ealvo in the world. Cttro gnaran- teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by IMakeley & Houghton, driigaist. 5 .... j., .ii. :..i.:. Why pay l.o per gallon for inferior nilniH wlipn vrm can htiv James E. Patton'e sunproof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for h years. Clark Falk, agentc mI7 "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It idves immediate relief, ia pleasant to take and ia truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says K. Ilartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fall to cure. Clarkd & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beit. Ask your crocer for them. Nasal CATARRH In til Its ttaxen thtro tliouiil bo clenulinesa, Ely's Cream lialm cIoaiicci, iootbt'4 and he&U tho dioeued uieuihraoe. 1 1 curet cattrrh and drive away a cold lu the head quickly. Cream Balm I plated Into the noctrlli, apraadi over the membrane sod la abaorbed. JttlUf la fin wtdlal and cure followi. It ia not drjiog doea sot produce aneezlojr. Large 81xe, 60 oenta at Drug, giiti ot by mall j Trial Siae, 10 ccnta by mall. mX OttOTUKBB, M Warrau Wrtct, Nw York. arrwiiP A Difficult Problem. It is among tio most diilicuU prob lems of mitural science for one to become export In eeveral linos. J. U. Ailcox v. Co., by their commnatioii, have ovnr we this dilHculty in u practical mini nor. J. h. Adcox is nn expert watch am, g , oj ,0WlrVi Ucil- mm1 mi iutvnlrv nntii'iil ...nri- ni ,.iU.niviiii?. while "Timo. it. Liubo is nn expert optician and is goad on watch repairing, jewelry work and engraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with cootl workmnnshin. They are prewired to do all work in tboir l.nes, on short male.. f Work prompt attention. Watch." Ign. "Hig Hed J-lt- iKISF.MOKKFi:U Physician unci Suwreoii, Special Attention Riven to Minjcry. Rooms 21 mui i'.', Tel. 32S Vnist Mock - ' C!ii-i4- r-P ""H V c tiXL WA v-j.vim3D. ranting, Overcontlif or Kane ) Vesting- Ki!'..".ly call nml examine my 'lock of !m- nottcil and 1J Mettle Woolens. A line stix!!c to lelectfrom. . . . . . Sultis mailcfronuhe lowest prices to the lilKU - est grade. i. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. nn: DAr.i.Kfj oi;i:;in. NOTICE FOH rUHMCATION. , Lv;:i) OrncK -at VANiorvEi:, V.'.iMf. i ' June :, 1WW. j Ji'otlco Is hereby ctven that the folluwluir- 1 namid settler has flletl notice ol his Intention I to make fiiml prof)( In nii,ort of hi ehiln', ami that find proo: will be mmte before . ;. I'fethy, . United .-.tate l'ommltoncr for District of i Washington, .it his ofilee in lioldendale, Wash ' inKt01I0n .Monday, July io .mo, viz i j0m Watson, j iiomcsmd nntry No. m:, for the tontli half of , Kv'ir'er"' t"""u""3 llenames thefolioHlnirANitne-et.Mrovehii ' eontliiuoui retidenco iiou, and cultivation of , smd land, vh:: 1 Clmrlei straillX!. William Wllklnton. James I f. llly VAUlek JI;;KCrty, uu oI cUtervlllf, 1'. i).. Wash. JunO-l W. It. UfNllAI!, IteKilter. NOTICE FOIt l'L'HLICATIOX. I.A.VU Ofkci: at Vakcouvkii. Vaii., April M, I'JiW. 1 immeii tctticr hni niid notice of hl inten- ,,on to make final proof in tnpioit of hl f.lami ,, ttMt tnUi'f,TIIf wm be made before Notice In hereby ctven that the followliiK jv. li ;l'rcjly, I'nlted states coriiiniloner for IH'tilctof Win hlniitoii.nt hN oilieo lu iniiden- dale. Wash., on Kriilav. June O-J. !!. vU , I I I Deitrich H. Stegtuan, devisee of Dietrich , bieu'iiian, deceased ; Homestead Kritry No. f7lti, for the touthivost "4 of nction a.', township a north of range 11 i.tst, Will. Jler. He names the following wltncs'fn to prove his vvlliiuuvus rvsjueiKu upon w cuuivaiiou o: .,ko upon ud cuuivaiiou Mid land, vi.: Manuel n. licoiinrrlo, of flrand Dulles 1'. O. Wash C'enle Vasli.; Herman KriKclke, William KriKQlke, William Wilkinson, r: Centervllle 1'. 0 Wash., and Willi: im L'raivford, of (Jrand IJuIIe.- I. O., Wash w. it. i)t; HtxUter. inay-i NOTICE FOR I'UBLICATIOX. W0 la.M. Ornci: at Va.svoi-vki... Wash.,i i Ui fcW01"1 Ht May -I, UOj. i , i---v. Ice Ih hereby irjvcn that the followlriK-, Notice iiaoieu rvmera oavu nieu nouee oi meir mien- ,0u to make final proof in support of their ? IS'r, ': ,V:V...V.TJ..I0!'" District of Washinirt in, at l)i oilieo in Coldvii dale, Wash., ilonday, July y, Ui0, U: Henry VenoKol, i Homestead entry No. 9Ds, for thu HV.., of f-ec. , to. n. it i i k. w. ji. who names the follow- ' ' witnesses to prove hit continuous nldenco Jlanuel Ufmxtn, William .M. MulllKiin, John lUJUKaii, rrauein 4.. jiuiiiiuu, uu ui leijierviiiu 1', O,, Wllllllui'toll. fraiiuU I.. HiiiiiihII, Homestead liiitty No. 10.1'J', for the frACtlonnl .S'W!. of fceo. 7. 'In. il N. It 1't :. W. .M.. who names the following wltnesKs lo prove hlx con j tluuous residence iion itud cultivation ol sal laud, vl.: iliiiuiel U'onardo. WIIUhui M. JluIlU:nn. John MiilllKun, Henry Vcsckel, alt of Ceutervlllo l. O., Washington. may-JO-ll W. It. Dl'.NIiAil. Ueylster. COXTKST NOTICE. Df.immmk.nt of tiii: Intkiiiok, U.strKii ktatks I..1H11 umii:, TlIK I) W.MiK, On,, Mny 15, 1100.) A mirilclcnt conti't iilliilavlt hiivliik' been lllcil I In thlK ollico hy (iUhH. AIctniHlcr, coiitentmit, Hirnliut lioiiicsii'Jici euiry P. or,,, inmiu uny 11, lfcWi, fur hsi'a ol u'a tec, 0, ti. 1 ii, riiiiKo Kio, hy Joint T. WrlKlit, (xmicnu-u, In ivlilch It Ii ill leircd Unit Kitiil Jolin T. Wrluht hux wholly I ubuiuloiitil tniil tract, mid chmiKiil hi rml'lcnvo I thcrvfroiir-for wuto limn tlx uionllis ilnto nut. iuk aiiiu vuiry, hiiii ucjii iur ij uni7i una that thiJib('iit'Qoflvf.-niliuit liom kuid truct In not due to Ills employment In lliu mllUury or imvul aervico of thu DnlM Htntc, mid purlieu uro hereby notified to Hppeir, rcxjnd mid oiler evidence touching mid iilltKiitlon nt 10 o'clock a. in. on Jiinuao, W), before tho Holder and Iteceiver ut tho United a mien land ollico In Tho Dalle, Oregon. 'l'hn aald conteatant imvlin.'. In a proper nllida vlt, tiled Mny 10, IWO.ket forth fucta which ahow that after duo diligence iiekonul aoivlvoof thin notice can not bo mudo, it U hereby ordered and directed that audi noilco be given hy duo und proiier publication. ' itf i ' JAV I'. I.UCAH, KegUter. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. L. Lane, It' Wagon nnd Cnrrlngo Work. IS risk tu n C' ' """'o k., 1 S. ThirriSliiii Toffrrtinn Dlinnri! Af) H .E' 1IU1UIUUU UUIIUi 'Nil. I UUUU.iUJ t a I CfiiXA !-.-T.10T-A.Y i.T-i.Y i TIViT LY..Y ivT-Ll t T-i3 r Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kwj nn ilrauirht the celebrated CDl.fMlltA IlKKIt, iieknoiv: tuRfl the lxst bier in The Dullei, at the uual price. Come In, try Hand be 'onvlnred. AIo Use l-'ineit hrnmls of WIiim, Miuor and Cficnrs. Sondmiehes of all Kinds always on hand. ft ' iVVVI C. F. Stephens ...Dualor In.. oiu py Goods, Clothing, Cicrti-c.' C? trtn c t- i i-it o , , . iioot' Shoe". Hats, ("api, Notion. ;for W. I, Douijlas tflioe. ABt. Telephone No v?, Who Tlnllnn fin XUU UailWj Ul. Just What You xjuant. New ideaB in Wall I'aper bore. Hucli wide variety as wo are showing novor be fore graced a einflo stock. Iteal linitu. tlon creton eH'ects at ordlnury prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUBE, Third St. JJ 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Officsoier Krench & Co.'a Hank fUoiie 0, THK DAUK8, OKKdON 5 ! BiaoKsmlin ; ...AND... ; Hofsesnaer tin if i Ml HtnimorH iiw.iik fclmliilc, x'luiliilu without Str. RoKUl"tor. Ship your Freight via C (OWN. w- . fi, l.v l).Ulw l.v. IMrtl iml i , .. ji ;. Titcvlny . Mniiilny Vlnii.ilnv Wnllll'dlflV i T$&Mi .vrr.'.'ffi Regulator Line. 2, t r. m. 111 .'if. . FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, -1 f Truv .'ol ill the Htoiimor ol tho lU'ituhiU'r l.lnt'. tiiim thu U't K'fvlcn jmbhIIiIi., fl I'cirllnml (Ullcc, Oak Htnvl liitek W. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, C. S. Smith, Till- up-to-date QroeerDyspepsia Cure. Fresh Eggn niid Creatiicy Huttur a apeciulty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... ovory bit of twonty yoiti'8 o.vporioncc and drug knowlodgo with every l'rosoription that's compounded here. Js il any reason why our prescription buxinuBS is increasing so rapidly? Ask your pliysieian if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOIHTOX, Keliable . J'rescriptionists F- s. Canning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Car Sctoui lawln. 'Phone lil OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. OroBBon & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHAOTA KNKHAIi MANKIND IIUKlNKa letters of Crwllt issued available in the a. , . EasUrn Btates. HlKlit Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. OJiicaao, Ht. Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Heattle Wash., and various poiuta in Oregon and Washington. Collections wade at all points on lav orable terms. I REGULATOR LINE. ..1 DALLES, WRTLAKD k ASrOliU KAY. COMPANY'! of tin. Ilcwilntor Line will run n, ,,Pr tllu . , J thti fomiuiuy rcwvlnB thu rlk'lit tit flmiieo' nutlet". Str. Dallnn City. INIWN I.V. Ilullvn lit 7 A. h. Mniiilny Wrdni-Mlny TrhlHV ... . Arr. I'litttaiul "r. '1 ! Irtlntul,B nt 1 U) x. J Tiioilny TlmtMlny, S "iltllliliiy ! A r I Ml In lit ! , i The Connnuiy will nink-iiviir to l-Ivc iik mi il Tor lurthur liitnrmiitliin niiiiri'Hi 1 "J C. ALI.AWAY, Con. AkI. Pioneer cer. Kodol Digests what you eat. Itnrtiflclally dlpcsts the foodnndalds rfaturo In BtrciiKtlmnlnfr ami rccon BtructlnR the cxlunirtted digestive or futiH. Itisthelntc.mdlHcovercddlKest antnnd tonic. No otlier preiiaratlon can approach it in cllluleucy. It In stantly relieves nnd perinanentlycnres Dyspepsln, IntllBeHtion, Heartburn, Fliitulonec, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlcllIcadiiclie,Ga3tralKln Cniniiw,and ill otiior rcHtilts of ImperfeetdlKestion. Prnoarod by E. C. DeWI'.' A Co.. Chicago. J. 8. HonrncK, l'U'nldent. II. M llr.UL, Caihltt first national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OHE00N A Goncrtil Hanking Huaiiii'HS traneactid Dupoaits received, subject to Siyht Colleutiona made and proceeds prompt!; remitted on dav of collection. Hitfht aud TeleRraphle Excliiuic.i eonl ca New York, Kan tranciaco a:u- "on hind. DIKKOTOHS D. P. TllOMI'HON. JNO. K, hCUKNCI. Eo. M. Wii.hiAitH, Gko. A. Lmbb. II. M. liKAt.I.. Tfie CoWia PacKinoGc. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTl'KKIWOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON jkiki) hkkf. rrr. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE SEE I Ml allKS -nnullir.HTS ftc Anyone aonilliiu Mr .",' " ', l ' 'l r n Scientific Jliticricamr M INN K ( fl 301Drea(Jway. pjUYV um Mica the load- 'Axle fihorlcna Crease the helpa Hie team. .Savcar aud cxjHiiisc. Sold every TAHDAI.DOIl.CO ( t wl.K)5 a HUHtlNflTQH ,.,..