hx0Mtk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 2.3, 1900. NO. 207 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Pry flnodfl, Clothing, IiootH nnd Shoes, tit much less than wholesale prices. Will null in bulk er in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will hu nncriflcod except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets nml Kutteiick Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Cull early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Socotul and Court Sts. FIFTEEN HUNDRED BOERS TO BE MURDERED Outr.itjc Said to Have Uccn the Work of Chinese Soldiers nnd Xot Hovers. London, Juno 22. A special from Shanghai flays that it in reported from Japanese aoureefl thut 1500 foreigners have been massacred ittTieu Tain. Cm: Koo, Juno 22. It ia olliciaily re ported that the bombardment of Tien Tm, with Inrgo guns, continues in cossantly. The foreign conceBBlone nave nearly nil been burned nnd tbo American coiiHiilntu tins been rimed to the ground. Thu UtiHfllnna nro occupying the rail road Htation, but lire hurd pressed. I'liiiif'ireomentB aro urgontly needed. Thu caaimltioB nru heavy. The ruilrond is open from Tong Tu to Chilli; hong Ohun, hulf way to Tuku. Hi:i:i,i.v, Juno 22. Aceordiin: to u tlis p.Uch from Shnnghni, received here, Tien Tain Ih but hi; bombarded by Chinese U'ljuliu-H, and not by the Boxers. Bui hhi:i.s, Junu. The I'etit Bleu States that a telegram whb received yesterday by an important Brussels firm Irom.C'hiiiu, Baying that Admiral Soy moiir'H relieving force and the Ituasian column entered Pekin simultaneoualy. The legations woro reported intact, ail all the Belgian residents are said to Ijeeide. KuyH lln In Tim .11 mi, Homi Konci, Juno "I!. hi Hung Cluing, who whb interviewed in Canton yi'fl'erdiiy, said ho would leave for Pekin June 27, in obedlonco to un order from the hiupresB to suppress ttio Boxers and to iniiko peaco with the powers. He indorsed tho opinion that he was tlo only man in China capable of coping with tho situutloi). Jlo said ho believed 'lie Iloxers to bo u "rabble led away by f'iiitluisiii and unti-Clirlstain feeling," t ho also declared that the native Cliiislalu leaders wore much to blame, '"KMiiueh as they engendered litigation in tlie native courts, lie aaaerted that ''"did not regard tho Boxers a? a politic- euciety, and that in his opinion tho Kiiiprcss had boon iniBled and misin formed. A 'i'llllllNlllltl TollgUOH Cmild not exprosB tho rapture of Annio 1:' springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil R;llpliu, 1'ft., when sho found that Dr KiK'H Now Discovery for Consumption I'tt'l eoiuplotoly cured her of u hocking W'iBli that for many yoara had miido "'"n burden. All other remedies and 'odors could glvohor no help, but sho eftyfif this Itoynl Cuio-"lt soon w Uioveil tho pain m iny chest and 1 enn sleep soundly, somotliini; I can earculy romember doing before. 1 feel ike sounding its praises throughout the '"dverso." Bo will every one who tries Br. King's Now Discovery forany trouble Hie throat, chest or lungs. Price 60o nd ifi. -frlul bottle free at Blakeloy & "oiiBhton's drug Btoro; eyery bottlo Krmiteed, 5 SURROUNDED Roberts Hope to Hem Them In And Disarm Them. Ni:w YoitK, Juno 22. A dispatch to tho Tribune from hondon says: General Iluller's udvanco to Sand Spruit is al most the only fresh point In the military situation in South Africa. His maich is in tho direction of Standerton, which commands the road northward from Vrede. Lord Roberts has announced hie plan of operations already and the occupation f of Heidelberg by forces from Johannes burg may confidently bo expected with in forty-eight hours. The remnnuts of Presidents Kruger nnd Steyu's nrmieB will then tie Beparuted and gradually hemmed in and disarmed, Tho procees ought not to require much time, as the Dutch forces in tho two sec tiona cannot now number more than 10, 000 men. Militnry men are not eur prlsed by tho delay on the ISrit'iBh side. They assort that tho business of feeding over 200,000 soldiers in a country where food is eenico is a most serious under taking. humors have been revivod thatGener alsliotha and DeWotwill surrender their forces if they can gain any points by ne gotiation, but these appear to bo prema ture. Do Wot lms not yet been thorough ly beaten and Botha came near sur rendering French's tioops during tho last battle. Tho story that the bridge on the Dehigoa railway was blown up by the premature explosion of a mine, is hardly credible. . . lllittlti of Tlim ThIii, London, June, 23, 1! a.m. '1 ho silence of Pekiii continues unbroken. Four thou sand men of tho allied forces woro having Hlini-n defensive llchtimr at 'lien Tain Tuesday nnd Wednesday, with a prospect of being reinforced Thursday. This is tho situation in China, ns set forth in tho British government dispatch : "Eight hundred Americans nro taking part in tho lighting at Tien Tain," soya tho Shanghai correspondent of tho Daily Express, cabling last evening, "and they apparently form a part of a supple mentary foroo arriving with Germans and British after tho conflict started. It is Impossible to estimate tho number of tho Ghinose there j they had a surprising number of gnus, Ivy poisoning, poison wound nnd all other accidental injuries may he quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch lln.ei Salve. It is al6o a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Takejiootlier. Neglect Is the short Btop so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. Tho early uso of Ouo Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all liko it and mothers endorso it. Subscribe for The Chronicle. ONE POLICY FOR POWERS TO PURSUE Stronger Races Must Treat the Weaker With Justice and Liberaltiy, Unend ing Discontent, Chronic Revolts and Impoverished Treasuries Will Result. Ithaca, N. Y., June 22. In his ad dress to the graduating class of Cornell University today, President Schurman said : ' 'The most imminent danger is modern politice is tho exploitation of the weak er races by the stronger races, iato whose power they have fallen. It may be done by regulations of tiade and commeice, or it may be done in more insiduous ways. But, however done, it is certain to prove a bane to both. For the world is a moral wot Id and history is governed by moral laws, and oppression and injustice never fail to bring as their nemesis unending discontent, chronic revolts and impover ished treasuries. "Good policy prescribes absolute jus tice in dealing with weaker races who have come under the sovereignty of stronger races. In the case of ua Ameri cans, it would bean unpardonable thing if wo forgot our own ideals and con ceived that we had any mission in re lation to foreign peoples who may come under our flag except to train them uo to the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges and liberties which the flag symbolizes and guarantees. Our true greatness, coiiBiste in the character of our intellectual anu moral meais anu tho energy with which we train them up to become sharers of these inenable blessings. To seek our advantage and not theirs would be to repeat the crimin al blunder which in tho last century, cost England her American colonies. "I feel sanguine, however, about the future of our enlarging republic, and the ground of my confidence lies in the nature of the ideals of the American people and the devotion with which they pursue them, The great American nation loves order, justice, liberty and intelli gence, and desires them for others ns well as for itself. See how sensitive public opinion was on the Porto Kieau legislation, and how, in response to the demands of independent citizens, ir respective of party, a bill was passed giving the Porto Bicans home rule and providing for free trade with the United States. Necessarily, in two years nnd just as much earlier ub the Porto lticana themselves desired." Only Three Savrtl. New Yokk, June 22. Hew Dr. Leon ard, secretary of the Methodist Foreign Missionary Society, in this city, received the following cablegram today : "Che Foo, Juno 15. Tien Tsui bom barded. Pekiu very serious. Hopkins, Brown nnd Kfng saved. Gunboat. "Brown." Tho three mentioned nre missionaries. Dr. Leonard infeis that the remaining twenty-four missionaries nt Tien Tsin hnvo been murdered by the Boxers. Atuonir them are many women, includ- iiiL' live in tho Womau'o Foreign Mis sionary Society, nnd membeis of the Haxinor Pike and Hopkins and Brown families. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 23 cts. and CO cts. Blukeley & Houghton Druggists Unless food Is digested quickly it will ferment nnd Irritate tho etomnch. After each men! take a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It never fails to euro the worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to tako, Notlit Columbia Iiiver Ice &, Fuol Co. wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to any part of the city at all hours of tho day or night. 'Phone 83 or 81 Long Diet, ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. Boya' sweaters 25 ceuts at tho New Yoik Cash Store. We havo better ones if you wish them. i t mi Muslin Underwear For Women and Children. III! We will sell dozens of Muslin Undergarments within the next two 'weeks. Of that we feel assured. No woman aware of the remarkable offerings can or will refrain from adding a few extra garments even if J It will pay to buy for future needs for these values will positively not appear again. Piles of snowy Muslins on our counters today Corset Covers, Chemise, Gowns and Draivers, at 19c 29c 55c 79c $1.13 and $1.25 t i $ -A.. AT 12.2 CENTS Child's Under waists of bleached drilling; foiled seams; sizes from 2 to G years; any size 124c Child's Short Underskirts, made of a soft-finished muslin, with wide waist, band and deep hem; exceptional at 12Ac Child's Drawers, good muslins, strongly sewed, wide band, three narrow tucks around bottom; sizes to G vears 12ic Ladies' Corset Covers, neatly trimmed at neck with narrow embroidery edging, taped armholes; any size to 42 ! 12ic Our customers are well famil iar with these prices let us say tiiat never before have these same figures stood for so much Quality. AT 1 CENTS Ladies' Chemise, low cut neck, full width and length, taped armholes; cheap at 25c 19c Ladies' Drawers, comfortable sizes, open or closed; deep hemmed, cambric ruflle; per pair 19c Ladies' Corset Covers, V-shaped yoke, trimmed with a2i-inch embroidery; another st3Tle round yoko edged with everlasting lace ..19c See our GOWNS at 29 Cents. I , f M Williams & Co. 5 A Siralufil Anklo OulcUly Cured. "At one time I euti'ered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Vn. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, nnd am pleased to say that relief came as soon as 1 began its use and n complete cure speedily followed1" Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English P.emedy in any case ol coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to give immediate lelief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Wo have just opened a nice lino of ladies' duck skirts in greys and tans, which we aro ollerlng for 99 ceuts and ij-l.-JS. These nro extra good values nnd are going with u rush. Call early'and get your pick of the line. Tho New York Cash Store. j9 Be sure and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else- where, ns we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at II. Glenn k Co.'s. al7-lw Cure lloiidHi'lio Oulckly. Bnhlwiu'a sparkling ellervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and cuective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 125 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24'6w The Chinese nsk "How is your llver?v" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DoWitt's Littlo Early Bisers nre famous little pills for the liver and bowels. J i ! I If UATA1AI IA4AIAI UAIAIAIAIArA'q ...C. J. STUBLING... Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for tho Gelebfated Yellowstone Whisky. ,4 it.v- Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught ;3 173 Second St. THE DALLES, Phono 234. - OREGON. v ' yiXrXXiY-ttXiar ITiY.flT.riY.T.V.f.r.tiY.r.Y.Y.v.T.Y. YLiXsXilC 3 DE ALE BS IN fill kinds of Funefal Supplies Grandall & Borget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Bijfial Shoes Etc. Advertise in the Chronicle