The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1900, Image 4

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    IS MOT
Tune was wncn Cancer was considered ns incurable ns lcproiy.
i)1i.iii.i4io ni1 frioitilc rnulfl i.ivr littlp rpiinf or iMirmirrtrriMtitMit In
' r,i -t .1. .1 w i ....!.. .. n,i f...,.c,i .,i.,,i.. ,..i.;i.. ,i.,.iii:.. n .. i.J
One (IIIIH'ICU Willi Wlln minim: ili:c,i. ii;u iiu uui.iuid rtiiut ui iiu it:iiii:ii iwi i.ii.-i iitiwu, ..uioitij , wjiut; t, , minting ii. iv in
n blood disease, they still insist that there is no hope outside of a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer cut out
but at the wine tune cannot assure you that it will not return. You may cut or dmw out the sore, but another will come ii
its place, for the disease is in the blood- is deci-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife oi
caustic, ilesh-destroying plasters. The blood must be purified and strengthened, the system lelievcd of all poisonous, effete
matter before the Cancer sore will heal.
S. S. S. is the onlv medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood. II
builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy : no mineral
can be lotind in it ; the roots and herbs from vWiich it is made contain powerful purifying properties that act directly upon
the blood system and make n safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, why not you ?
Cancer is not alwavs inherited : vour family mav be free from anv taint, vet vour blood may become so polluted that n sever
ami suiunurn lorm oi me disease may
develop from a sore or ulcer on your tongue
or other part of your Iwdy ; a slight bruise
or hurt, a little "lutntilo o'u the evelid. lir
or nose, a small lump on the jaw or breast a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract
little or no attention. If you have an obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begin with S. S. S.
at once; it will cleanse vour blood and prevent the formation of cancerous cells.
Mrs. K Shircr li Plata. Mo., writes ' A small pimnle came on my jaw nlxmt one inch below the
car on the left side of my face At lim it R.ivc me no trouble, ami I ilul not think it was iitiythinc seriotn
until the jaw lxjran to swell ami became much intl.imeil At the same time the sore bepan'to ami
eat into the ftesh, anil jr.ivc me iutene pain 1 trieil everything 1 could hear of, but nothing ilul me any
rood. I then began lheue of s S. S , nnil after takinp; several bottles the Cancer healeil. ami there
is now no sign of the ilieae This wa two years uro, ami I am still enjoying perfect health "
Send for our special book on Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest
you ; it is free.
Write our physicians about vour eac, and for anv advice or information wanted ; thev
have made a life studv of Cancer and all blood diseases. We make no charge what
ever for this. ' Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA,
10K lliOM l.U.I.I HtOM
impure Blood Invites Disease.
Knvt Suit t.iilt' . Denver. M.
Mall Worth, Omaha, Una
U IOp. m. mi Cltv, St. Iritis,
, ClilcaRO nml Uitxt. .
Atliinlto ImiII UiUs, Denver. Ft.
Hxpreit i Worth, omatui, Kim
IS :."ii a. ni.' mis City, fit. bath,1
Via Hunt- CIiIchko nml Knit.
r.'.'iso p in
t i.i a. m.
SiKiknue Wiillii Walla, Hi'oknne,
Mall ' MJnne:i Hls. St. l'mil,
unci I iu 1 u t h, Mllttiiukiv,
l.xpress clilcnuo anil, via
, si'okum'iikit Huiitlm:
tun. nUo nl l points in
y.' i p. m. iishiiiKtim mid Kasl
em OtvKou.
i it. in
t p. m.
:-::ori,K vim am, know.
Attorney A. A. Junto went lo Port
laud on the tuid-di-.v train.
C. M. CuUvrichi and A.
were nassen'ers on No. 2 toduv
Shaniko. y
Charlie Moore, the TroiULake dairy,
ni an, arrived here today tm the Golden
dale Ein:e. Crndlebaiv'b is in the citv
on n
vioir tit rue Fttthtr ii-lni ia n ivnuct if llio
Good News
to Good Dressers....
I extend a cordial invitation to nil tn
Woolen? from tho GROWN TAILORING CO
lorn Tailors.
inspect tin.' earn ilea of
, Uhica'o'i famous Ctu-
Vmat'lSa House. "
Georjfp Miller and family loft c-n the,
Regulator till? morning to spend the
summer at Ocean Park.
L. Wimlier'y, eiittor of the Roseburg 1
Review, was in town today on a vacation '
tour through the interior. j
Mr. and Mrs. Oiear Huber went to I
Portland thi morn1 tif on the Regulator, I
expecting to return Monday. .i
Mrs. Charles Clarke, of -Hood Uiver, '
parsed throncli town yesterday after- j
noon on a visit to her mother, Mra. Wm.
fitaats, of Dufur. '
Clarence Gilbert came up hist night I
from Hoo.i River to attend the funeral i
nf I.I-,,, , I .. f ,... I.,..!, 1. I
which takes nlsee from the fauii!v resi. ! meu
donee at 2 p. in, tomorrow.
Suits to Measure, $3.75 n.p.
Fit, workmnnsiiip and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
JOHN" PASHEK. Merchant Tailor. Agent.
S p. m. I'kom 1'onTi.tM).
Oceiiti Sleamslilpt.
tor san Kriueln
Kvetv i'lvu Il.irs.
S . ni. t p. m.
K.. Sunday Cotiinilil.M Uv. Sieiuncro, K.x.hiuiila
To AsToiiiA ami Wayi
H.itunliiy ' 1-inillngs.
10 p. in. ,
fill. til. '!I.L.MKTTK KlVKIl. llfJlp. III.
i:.x.3Uii(laj"()rcsim city. Nmvlwri:, Ux.huuiln
Salem .V; Way l-aiul's,
Tiie,Thnr. ihli. liivsn.'.
nrnl&it. Oregon City, Dayton,
ami Way-UiuiliiiXD.
I.v t:lir!.i
.1 l u. in .
I'.lp.irin to lwiitun.
.t:S) 1 1 in.
ami t il.
'.l (On, m.
B. Ii. Roberts, oi Utah, who was ex
cluded from congress for polygamy, was
found t'uilly of unlawful cohabitation at
Salt Lake yesterday. Roberts admitted
that he had entered into a polygamous
marriaire with Maggie B. Shipp and
Mr. XV. S. Whedon, cashier of the
First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, i "
in a recent letter civea some experience j Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
with a carpenter in hia employ, that ' "'t forget this.
will be of value lo other mechanics. ' Clarke & Fa!k have on rale n full line
He siije: "I had a carpenter working ' of paint and artist's brushes,
for me who was obliged to stop work for j you will not have boih if vou take
several days on acc.mnt of beina trou-1 chrke & Falk's euro cure for boils.
with dinrrhii'i. I rueulioued to ; . , ,. , , ... ,
A full lirtr.nF '.sliiinn ..It.ia .1 ,1 tl aiitt.
I.i... !,... 7 I. ...I I, : II... I.. 1 ..1.1. .1 ' "' -" "''-
ijiui Liiai a. uau ucuii -miliaria uuuuiiu , i; :.. i , rn .i. . t- 11-
and that Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera I , ' , ,. ,
n..d liir.rrh,,., ln,wiv i,,n mf, i lie sine and see the bargains in ladies'
He bought!', bottle of it from the druggist
here and informed me that one dose
l'arllei ileslMiiR to bo to llciiimer or
point'- on Columbia Southern via Wxk, nhnulil
take .No. l, leavlui; The Dallet. at lit' 10 p. m.
making illnvt eoniieclloiiN ut lleppuer junction
anil IIIkk. ItctiirnliiK iiiakliiKdirecti'iuineotlon
at lleppuer junction anil lUggs with No.
riving at Tlie.D.illei nt l.!:ap. in.
For full particilliirt. call on o. II. kV N. Co.'k
nKcnt The Dallea. or uililress
W. . HUltMll'IlT,
den I'm. Ant.. Portland. Or,
cured him, and he is anain at his work.
For sale by Blakelisy & Houghton.
Dryiiift; preparations simply dovel-'
op dry catarrh : thoy dry up tho secretions, !
lived with her and his leal wife, Sarah ' which odhero to tho meiubrauo and dcconi-
poso, causing afar nioro serious trouuiotnau :
tlio ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, funics, smokes and sihuTh
and use that which, cleanses, Eoothcs nud
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy
and -vrill cure catarrh or cold in tho head !
exsily and pleasantly. A trial eteo will bo
mailed for 10 cent3. All druggists sell tho .
COc. size. Ely jJrothers, AC Warren Kt., 2s. Y.
Tho lialrn cures without pain, dots not
irritato or caiwe sneezing. It spreada itself 1
over an irritated and angry surface-, reliev
ing immediately th'j painful inflammation. 1
with I-.Iy's Cream J5alm youaro armed
Two hundred Filipinos met yesterday
in Manila to determine honorable and
doorous methods for securiii" peace.
The results were submitted to General
MacArthnr, who accepted them. The
leaders of the meeting will use their in
fluence with Aguii a'do to accent the
arrangements. If they nre successful,
us they hope to be, they believe Asuin-
aldo will issue orders in con junction !
...... j.. v i i. 1 n.... 7?..-
with the American authorities for the 1 B- .uuii,
o;sntion ot hostilities.
An offer of a large brokerage firm to
loan ?10,000,000 on New York teal es
tate at 3'j per cent has established a
new record for bond and mortgage loans
in that city.
duck ekirts at tho New York Cu9h
Store. jO
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
cc Falk.
I'aint your house with paints that nre
fully guaranteed to hist. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk lniye received a carload
of the celebrated Jamc K. I'utton
strictly pure liquid paints
Good, pure natural ice from tho Blue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phono .'!.! or SI
Long Dist. ; 75 or 8 enfert &. Condon.
Be sure and examine our Etock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, as wo hit vp tho latest shipment
inado to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. nl7-lw
"I used Kodol Dyspepiia Cure in mv
j family with wonderful results. It.give3
immediate relief, ifc pleasant to take and
ia truly the dyspeptic's heat friend."
save E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you cat. Cannot fail to
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Rev. W. Ii. Sitzer, XV. Canton, N. ., j tee,i. Only 'Jo cents. Hold by JJIakeh y
writee, "IJhad dyspepsia over twenty & Houghton, druguist. fi
years, and tried doctors and medicines
I wrb persuaded to uee
Neglect ie the short step so many take j
from a cough or cold to consumption. ,
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It ia tlio
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. It cures all throat ami
lung troubles. Children all like it and ' cure.
i small In elite nud great in results arc
IMitorS Awful I'lislit. , wunuiB r.ium x.ariy wisuis, lim iu-
F. M. Higgins, editor Konao., Ills., 1 muim little pills that cleanse the liver
News, was afflicted for yeum with piles . uml howc,s- lhe" ,1,J not r,f,e-
that no doctor or remedy helped until , We have juU opened a nice line of j
he triad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He ladies' duck skirts in greys and tanc,
writes two boxes wholly cuied him. lfn ! wlJch vm are offering for M cents and
tho surest pile cure on earth and tho 1- IS- These are extra good values and
best salve in the world. Cure guaran-: v,ith a rush. Call early and
mothers endorne it.
without benefit.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me,
from tho start. I believe it to be a
panacea for all forma of indigestion." It
digests what yen eat.
2uili III Vour Ut'.ocK.
All county warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
-office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1000. C. L. Piiilmph,
County Treasurer.
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that thoy will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
Dist. ; 70 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Ivy poisoning, poison .v.-otindi and all
other accidental injuries may be quickly
cured by using UoWitt's Witch Hazel
(salve, It is also a certain cure for piles
mid skin diseases. Take no other.
Ladies' heavy duck skirls, 00 cents
ond $1,48 at the New York Cash Store.
Vur Male.
A good secondhand threshing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
hop, on Third street. j4-d&wlm
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant berbdrink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makee you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back, -o cte. and 00 cts.
Ulakelcy & Houghton Druggist?.
Unless food Is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter
each meal take a teasnoonful of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what ou
eat and will allow you to eat all you
need of what you like. It never failH to
euro the worst cases of dyspepsia. It
Is ))lene:yit to take.
I.'iui). Ili-iidutlm Oulokiy.
Iialdwiu'i; spatkliiig effervescent Cel-i
ery Soda. A harmless and cd'ectivc cure
for headache, nervousuesa, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 'Jo cents. Hold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. janSM-uw
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy iu any case of
coughs, cold or croup. .Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Iflakeley & Houghton
Clark & Falk's drug stock ia new,
' fresh and complete.
your pick of the line. Tho New
York Cash More. jO
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
irnnllJi. rjjariillhrgrliior ekij. Ti.i-on.
e. "iabUruu1u.OH.U0SANKbccj,Vhlla.t'i
Itrmoro I'ltnplcj, Prirtnt
(111 wj Mien -,1'urf,
iMrtllniitbeui DtseDtii.
i la
jit- H:isKNiMni'ri:i;
TliyHiciaii and Surgeon,
Bpecinl iittciitlon given lo surifcry.
itwms 21 una 'u, Tel, 'jsia Vwit lllock
IS, II. I'KIUilhlJN,
riiysicitiu ami Surgeon,
OIKe, Vot lllock ((ivw rotol)lte,
aouplino-dw Tilt: PAI.I.KH, OltKOOK.
Jjlt. V. T. HMITII,
JtdiiifiM 10 and II, C'liuiiinuii Jllo'.k, The Dalle,
urcuoii. 'i ut-miivh anii r ri'iuy, n ii. in, to i.'
OQice nvei Klrtt Kit. llau.'i.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Soumern Pacific Co
Truinslonrc The Dalles for I'ortliiinl nnil wnv
-station" ut l:J.i ii. in. nnil 3 p, m.
l.mive I'urtl.iiiil
" .ltwii7
.. 8:Di h m
..12 .80 n m
Arrive Anlilnml li:3u in
" hncriii'::iti 6:l) p in
" haii Knilicl-eii 7:Hpm
Arrive Ojfilon
" Denver
" Kiin.iiisClty.
" Clilcaii . .
fi:l5n in
'j:(oii in
T n in
7: l'i ii in
Arrive ! Anxoltw l:i'0 p rn
" i:i I'xwi i,:ii p m
" Kurt Worth f,:: h in
" 01 iy oi .Mexico u:.V n m
" lloiiitnii imium
" New Orlenus KvSmtn
" ViitiliiKtim 0:1'.' it m
" New York I'J.U p m
7:(i p in
1U.C-) p m
11 :3 in
I ;.'' it ni
:!.' ii in
11: r.n in
'j:(oii iu
7 .4i'i III
J.M u 111
7 .!) a in
11:1 o p m
i. :)i ii ui
'.I .' ii in
I inui in
Ii 2) p III
(1 1 ii in
12 i ; p iii
i'lillmna nml Tonrht airs on both trains
(;li.ilr cjir brti.riiiiK-'iilii to oiluii mill Kl 1'hki
nii'l toutliit (Mrs to Chlcajjo, ht Louis, Hew Or
k'lins nml Wiishliiijliiii.
(.'oiiiieetliitc ut Smi Krunclsco with iwiverRi
iitunintlilp IfiioK (or Honolulu, .Iiip.ui, ( IiIiih,
l'hlliipliieis, ( i.-ntnil mill boilth Aiiicilcn.
Hix aseiitHtTlie DilIcs tiitlim. or lulrtrtM
Oe! I'd-, uxvr AK("iit, 1'i'ttliiml, l)r
iiiiii Facilic
Yellowstone Park Line.
THi: Dl.S'l.Ntj CAIt IKll'TK I'UOSI roitThAND
'io Tin. i;at.
thk Diuiiirr i.ini: to Tin; vi:u.oy.
No. 1
i Union Depot, nrthand I Sis'
No. 1
1'ixnl mull forTiii'oina,
bt'iiltlo, Olyinpln, drny's
lfiifhor anil Smith Itfinl
I'OililH, Kpokiuie, IIo&n-'
Inn.!, it. ;,, I'lillmuii,
MOSCOW, 1JHldtOII, lllll-
11:1.") A. 1 fn to 1 1 1 in i in 1 1 1 1 iik con n - 1', H,
' try, Ilck'iia, Mliinciuio-,
IIh, HI, l'mil, oiiiiilin,
I lull i mi City, Ht. bmh,
jl.'hleiiKo nnil nil j.olnlHi
No 1, eintiiiilsoutlicin.t. . No. ii,
1'iiKet Konnil KxprfsH1
UiOO 1'. Jl. lor T.ifoiim mnl henttloi 7;CX) A. ii.
I nml InteniK'iliatu points!
I'lilliiiiin IIuI cIhss mnl tourist Hlveimm lo
Jl niiuiipollH, Ht. i'miliiuil Mlstoiul river points
without cliiiiiKo.
Vimllhilkil IiiiIiih, IjiiIiiii ileiiot comicetloiis
In nil principal title,
lliiKKMKi) checked to ilenllmitlon of ticket,
Kor hmiiikoinely llluttriiteililuscrlpllveiiiiitler,
tleketn, leepiiK enr reserviilloni., etc, cull im or
Abfilslmit (ienenil I'ttHU'incer AK'.'iit. MVi Jloril
son Htrett, corner Tlilnl, rortliinil, OrtKon,
Public. Colle:tioii promptly atlnnUeil
to, Money to loan. C. K. llayard'e of
fice, Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
dob PrintcPs.
uiHnriniui'i'Lt''t"iiii'njinj!iiiiiiyiu' i'p'Mjinii
$i.oo per month.
.Strictly (irnt cIiish local nml Uhik
(IIhUuii:!) tuluphoni) nerviee within
yanr liomu.
l.ineH do not crosf-talk. Your con
verKation will ho kept a Hecrut.
No coat for iiiHtallinc.
You U'ut tho Htauthuil Ilutiiiiiic
l.oii IliHtaut Instrument.
Contlnnoua day and ninht faervice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearn and allow you to cancel
Hiuiio on KtviiiK ua thirty duye writ
ten notice.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. .
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot sii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmvi &
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl "FlmiT ThiH I'luiir ib manufactured c.tpresHly for family
, xyj uho ; overy cack iH guaranteed to uivo Hatmfacllon.
Wa eoll our (modfl lower than any houno in tho tradti, and if you don't think eo
call ami yot our pricoH and bu convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats.
Jaeobsen Book & Music Co.
Just Arrived
Tho Impost and most coniplolo lino ul
Rock Bottom Prices.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
'lllllt Tlirohhlnj; M.iiuliMlll.i
Would ipilckly leave you, if you imed
Dr. KIiik'8 Now I.ifo I'IIIh. ThouuandB
of HiillororH havo proved their mutelitoBR
merit for Kick ami Norvoua Iluadaolios.
Thoy mako puro blood and alronK
norvoa and build up your health. EaBy
to tako. Try thoin. Only 25 conte,
Mon back if not cured. Sold by
Ulnkeloy & Houubton, druggials, o
, Notleo Ih hereby Blyl'V1"'ll,1,S t 'mtS
linn Ijcuii duly Hiiiioli Utl by " " ,t will
tliUKtiitool Oieuoii, oxwntiir of 'i Jp'
unit tetiniunt oFKvallno Kv m( t u clw
All iMjr-oiiH liavliiirelHlm" K " L? ",t.(ulitl
Of till. Kttlll ICVItllUO KVttjIN ' ' .! 'Ju. llltHl, ji
to ircont the mime Mm, r m , ,x
by law rwiulrwl, at Mauler, liri'K""i '""
moiitliH front tlio i alo here of,
Kxecator of the M W "nnWl
Hviillno Kviuu, Uweiuwl.