As the Circles Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Skirts. From Mono tnieeil upon 1 ho bosom of n pond gradually widen and mcrtn-o in tho until llicy extend to its uttermost limits, so I'F.ASK fc MAYS, by their matchless values arc coiiMtiwitly widening urid increasing tlu'ir circle of customers. "' JUST FOUR ITEMS THAT TELL : For Big Boys. Tliirt onn is for Boys of LI to is) veins morn propoily speaking, young men. I'lii'siJ Suits nrti in nil the now ttiiio und chunks. -Tho coat i-j n round cut civil1, mado to lit iih well and with us much stylo ua our Men's .Suite. Tbn tailoring and patterns ;iru the fume us you find pricod at $7,50 by Home stores. Our price, $5.00. "3 0 For Smaller Boys. This nobby Biiit is for Hots of S to V) yearn, made up in regular double breasted style of coat a good piece oi all-wool grey niixeil Cheviot. Tho punts have double wat and knees; tho seams are all double-sewed and rip proof. This suit is made to give good wear. Our price, $2.15. A large line of the celebrated Jana Hopkins euite at !f2.50 up to $10. Baseball and Bat or Good Air Gun. For Little Fellows. Wo think thin is the ew client suit that ever cumo from a Move' tailor shop. A bamlHOino all-wool tan or grey chick, voatco trimmed to match ; the ver.t open down front like a man's. The suit is tailored all throughout in high art ttyle; Bizes IJ to 8 yearH. Our prico, S4 00. Nnw blue Cheviot Vettce Su'lf-, from ifl.'.'o up- H K Washable Suits. We have so much in this immense gathering that it's hard to pick out one to dcEcribe. Wo want to mention in particular a handsome line of White Duck trimmed with blue. Size 3 to 10. Our price, 55c. Many others at .'59c, ifl, $1.23 up to $2.50. What We Say We Do, We DO Do. All CoodB Marked In Pluln Figures. If Spring had not lingered so long in the lap of her new-born sister, there would bo no stray Tailor Suits lagging behind in our Suit Department now. Wo liavo an excess of Spring and Summer Suits and Skirls, and recognizing tho truth that heroic effort must bo made to reduco tho slock, we bavo adopted the well known method of Cut Prices... The Suits are all man-tailored, and it will only take a moment of your time to Eee for yourself that wo are making cut prices. Suits Commencing at $5.00. Skirts Commencing at $1.35. Come early this week and be one of the lirst to get the handsome ones. PEASE & MAYS TIic Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which lia$ becu in use for over 30 years, lias borno tlio signature of ami lias boon mailo under liis per gonal supervision sinoo its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami " Jusl-as-tfoou" are Imfj Experiments tliat triflo with ami endanger tlio health of Iufimts and Children Bxperienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Costor Oil, Pare gwric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNT1UH COMPANY, TT MURRAY 6TRCCT, WtW YOBK CITY. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'JYIrplwnr JVo. J. FRIDAY JUNE 22, 1900 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. cement sidewalk, Luc'dly the fellow's neck was not broken, und two or three by-Btanders picked liiin up aud put him bud: in the buggy nnd the horse curried htm on its way. The 0. 11. & X. will make a rate of fifty cents for the round trip from The Dalles to Bonneville Sunday, .lune 24th and during tho summer. These rates will be iti ven every Sunday, tickets good going on trains No. I!, leaving The Dalles nl -1:50 a. m.. and No. 1. utl2:Jo p. in.. . good for return on reaular passenger trains on date of sale only. j22-23 July wheat eoared to 84' j cents dur ing the forenoon eeetion of the board of trade yesterday in Chicago. The open- ... . i inn was l-'irt'l!3, over yesterday, (or Cuildondal,, oiks are prepaiing to have , "J. a 3 a b,g celebration on tho I' , nimreutly boundless J lie nnuuni cjiniuonei Co) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. br.ilx.ii on tho rourtl.. n (lie pU pmreutIy boutl(lleE9 nunl MithodiPt camp meeting nu,ijeit! nn(j despite heavv prolit-tak-, ml at Goldendalu Thursday. i ,hu Illlir!a.t E)l0t t0 84'. cent . 1. ..I.. . . . --It. f.J snnbonnotc, Eiinbotinets, sunbonnels ir children, only 25 cents at the New 1 ork Cash Store. A girl is wanted to do general house work by Mrs. J. C. Hosteller. Good wagon will be given to a competent party. jlo-Ot The Goldendale Sentinel eaya Messrs A drop to 83'.. cents on a lowed, ' , 1. Charles Miller, mo pioneer mine iiw- )arcetl moter, who again has obtained contiVtLTjr;,; of the old Monumental mine, four imleB ! from Gt unite, is preparing to reopen the I property, sas tho Blue Mountain Amer ican. He is said to bavo interested fcan ilia vjuiiiunui.iu juiwiw '-" ... it'll II lie ic emu .. NuiiVaetor, Cooper and Jlamilio, are irn,ncitco and roitlaud capital, and if woikiiiL' u nlacer mine at Crofton Prairie !. r. reported ufcsays are reliable, the and Hay that It is a good paying proposi-! Monumental will add another producing tiou. Found, jeaterduy afternoon on Secow etreet. u door key and iale key tie together n ith a ribbon. Owner can ltil lit H, iu Iiv nnvinL! for tUlS notice, j mine to the dittrict. I Married, at lnfa'h noon, Weiluesilay, June 20th, at tho home of lire bride on Klfu..ii Mile. ltev. D. V. FoUng olliciat- ins, Mr. Fred II. Chapma, formerly of Brooks. Or., to Miss huieo B. Davis, Tho Moro Obaurver eay trek Inyikic 1 dutmliter of Mr. and Me. D. 0. Dayis. on tho dalles portage railway will ve ceremony was wWnesed by a large finished twentvoiio days from now ami , i,i.mber of frienits i tno uruie aim ready to movo tlio wealth of the waltitU: , bridegi oom and wrt followed by an umpire ueawardB at greatly, leuucel eit.j,,u,t repast. llgures. . H The New Voik vfheat market is slill A Moro editor, after having tried to booming. Yesleiay there was a fresh masticate a leathery Sherman county . mlvtinco of 3 cents a Vishel, making beef Htealc, sat dowu and penned the Lumu 1" cents rise within a fortnight, following solemn reflection: "It is tough Jiuy opened at SS'. cents and sold up to think that many an old cow is cut h)Ufore noon at SU'... cents. Walla Walla flhort in tlio day she should have lived, s quoted in Portland at 00 and 57 cents. Himply to satisfy our appetites." So. 1 thipping w liivt. is quoted in. San Tho Astoria News tells of a census F,uiu-ieeo at $1.05 per cental; choice, enumerator who called on his own .fl.OO; milling, 1.0. to IW4. iatlier anil read tho uuestions oil' till ho An old man of 75 yearn, a veteran of imiiiu to tho ono "Are you mariled?" ( tho civil war, gave our night watchmen .... .... r..l ) . i l ,!..r t.taf mitlil tion one Enos Lane struck him in the face and beat him so that he had to apply to a physician this morning for the repair of his injuries. Breen was nearly killed a couple of weeks ago at North Dalles by a Tumwater Indian, known as Pretty Diek, who ran Breen down 'vitti a horse and struck him a couple of severe blows on the head witli n loaded quirt. The Indian had insisted that Breen should come over to The Dalles and buy him a bottle of whiskey, and Bieen had bluntly responded by telling the Siwash to go to hell. Pretty Dick is now in jail at Goldendale await ing trial for the assault. Breen swoio out a warrant this morning for Lnne'e arrest. He was arraigned before Jus tice Brownhill this afternoon, when he nleaded uuiltv and was fined .$10. V Ben Onenheimer of Walla Walla, who is well known in The Dalles, was ar ressted on the train at this place by Slierid' Kelly, Wednesday, on a warrant isfcued at Poi Hand, charging him with larceny by bailee, preferred by W. 11' Spin iu the matter of a transaction oecurrini! back in ISPS, In tho opinion of the Portland police it is a case for the j civil courts and not the criminal. Upen heimer was taken to Portland yesterday aud released on $100 bail. AdvertlM'tl MsUcr. Following is tho list of letters remain ing in the posloiiice at Tho Dalles un called for June 22, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: J.AUIES. Hall, Mrs Jane Harley, Mrs J h Harper, Mrs Almina Hughes, Myra Nechtlev, Mrs Springer, Mrs 1-lor-Steele, Mrs C ence Williams, Mrs F N gkntu:.mi:n A l'KOI'OSAI.. Sittlir wld Con Magee On topnv a load of liny. He winks rh' lie laugh!-, tin' lie se to me, In his own eomcillivrln way, "Wctgrn'-s is llieclivll oi'm toul,' An' as hliure as me name Is Magee You'll bo after catcliln' yer death nv cowl, So you'll hoy to hit oujne knee." IK'ludhdn Con Ma?(e! Och, Con, wld the wonderful way! 1)' ye molud, e lliafe, ilnviit ycMiid to me On top av the load of hay'.' "Yer, fallin,'' i-cx he wid a cough; "Hut don't he nfearcd In the laste, Oi'll liould ye tolsht, an' ye can't Milipfill' WId me arm around yer waht." There the rogue sat shmllln' at me, Och, ril'nlver forglt the day 01 rode from tho meadow wld Con Magee On top av a load av hay. "Give over an' let me he; OI must git down out av this." "Well, dlvll an inch ye'U move," vv. he "I'uless yo give me a kiss." "Och, Con, will yo let me down'.' Think plnvat tho neighbors will say. Ol'vemado mcsilf Iho talk of the town On top av j ure load av hay." "Jledad! there's ai Illlgaut way To sthop theni," he se, sez he. The divll u woid will wan av them say If you'll only be Mn. Magee." Chaili'-, (julnn, in Tytono (Ireland) Constt' tutioii LA GRANDE HOSPITALITY. lion l)alh' IVimiliiieii A iipri-t'lalKl tlui KiitfiiHiiiiiii'iit fiivf ii at That I'litee. than such cider, lemonade, "j)y of life" and other good thiiks too numerous to mention as kept the elated choppers at tho festive board until the hourB when all good people are supposed to be in bed. "Then we again repaired to the hall, and were entertained by stones from matrimony to epiiitualism, more music and cake-walks, by neighbors Berry and Heel, which took the shine ont of any specialist in tho land. In fine too much cannot be said in praise of the boys at i - . r.:i Gran, lo. aud the least that can be said is that the boys of that place have undo a host of friends that can never forget La Grande Camp, 100, and tho. citizens of that place for t heir kindness to the strangers within the gates." Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinkinu' at the pit of the' stomach, Loss of appetite, 1't-vei ishnes Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. I of impute- blood. No matter how it: became m it must I e purified in order to I obtain L'ood health. Acker's lSloou , . . f t,. , i C,.f.,l,,,,r, I Itiiexir nas never laneu iu iniri; cuiuiuiuua or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood disease, It is certainly a wonderful remedy aud wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's dmg store. 'm ft fit pus & die I W iiiiifgiM The fathur looked at tho young hopeful for n inoment and (hen deliberately an inviirud, "You would bo in a devil of a lix if 1 weren't man led." ' J. II. Harper nnd Bid Kelley returned yesterday from Dutch f lat, wnero imv a rough anil uimuio umu while placing him under arrest. Ho hullo from Portland and had been out in the Bakeoven country on an nit success ful hunt for an old-time friend ol his by ii... name of Johnson. Uoturning ner. yitateriliiy from Diitcn riai, wane uv , -- .,., .i.lretv painted oiid papered a new house for j yesterday ' Mr. n nMntiriKii. " hev renori n nnu,n - - ; . , ... rain in that section that lasted all yes terday forenoon nnd thoroughly sntti rntod the trrotHid, prnctlcully Insuring tho ltirj;oflt crop uver hurvusted on the Fliit. ThiB inorniiiK ft o' "uout lllr,-v' Uye ywure, n etriingor to UiIb deponent, wluTo teattcl Iu a buwry, osteiiBibly UrUinj:, but really so puralyised with Urink that ho had no moro propulsive energy limn a gunny sack, while sharp ly rouuding the corner of the street at French's bank, fell out of the buggy, liejid loromoBt, In a beap against the h. .'m rinink. Tho watchmen nan to liaudcutriiim before no woum huuuuv to be taken to the calaboose, and on the way ho equealed like an Indian and fought like a tiger. Ho was dibcharged this morning without line as ho was en tirely doetltuto of funds. Kdward Breen, a quiet, inoffensive laborer, who has been working for aome time on the ranches of D. P. Ketchum and J. T. Korick, got u frightful puiu meling laet night l l Kuit saloon. Breen had been drinking and he claims that without the least provoca- Arlinda, Mr A vain, A H ClarK, Fied N f (Jopeland, G W Carter, Amos L David, J Gallagher, Addis Haneon, George Kohler, Otto Mni'tvpttl. G Newman. Louis I ituiidel, K Shough. D W Smith. Frank Tillet, J U Ashton, James W Briggs, J P Chandler. K S '2) Cook, J W. Doke, J M Fitzgerald, Edward Gelilio, J D Haekel, George Luger, Kmery Matlock, J W O'Brien, .! W Setreoliinr. Peter Shaw, Clias L Stoves, H H Thomas, John Wnde. Fred II. H. Hiimm.h, P. M. l''iil'l-ll, Atll'lltloll. All Foiesters in good standing are re quested to be present this evening at 8;0 at the K. ol J . null, as woik in uju second degree will be administered to several of those who have not been do- domed. J. 15. HmtouxFln. Not ll'H. leuy. The people of La Grande must bo of iliu kind that l'ood Woodmen are made of, judging from what Timothy Brown hill savs of them. Mr. Browuuiil saja "I have attended many giitheiings in dill'eient towns, but never in all my experience have l seen people enter lained in such a lavish way as wero tho delegates to the 5th distnct convention, I W. 0. W held at La Grande on. tno '"nth. Tim delegates urriviiii! on the 1 10:150 train of tho l'.hh, at LaGiande, weru er eatlv turnrised by being met at ! the depot by a large crowd of people and j the LuGiaudo nruss band; anil iroin that time on tho music by band, orchestra and concert phonograph ap neaied to bo naver-ceasing. "A special train was placed at the disposal of the delegates, which was nrmnntlv taken cluUL'O of. lttld llR'U itself away to the beet sugai faetoiy that was erected some time ago at a cost of half a million dollars. Returning from tills tho delegates wero again dithered In tho I5iks' hall, when a seaeon of rejoicing and entertainment commenced, such as is seldom equalled A short time was spent in telling "fun nv stories, " some of Iho best being told Iiv Hiiv Heed, the "Mark Twain of Li Grande," and listening to selections from the grand concert phonograph, fnrnlflioil for tho occasion bv Fred Movers of Camp 100. "Wo ropuired to the banquet room, All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt'n Wlteli liazei Salve will give them instant anil per manent telief. It will euro eczema and all skin diseases. Beware of' counter-; feits. Garden lose! Wo have laid in a lavjio stock of (iai'den Hoso ami are i iTying tho sanio brand of I loso that wo havo boon carry- g for tlio last (ivo years, wbicb is tho colobratod Alal- The only store in this city where tho Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. ' Vk llfcll I VhmHHw BEWARE : mm Other wares look has tho nanie Str.iusky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived, Fii-bt prize at Id International Exhi bitions. Highest; award nt World a Columbian Exhibi tion Chicago I've fined by tho best i-ookinpautlionties, certified to by tho most famous chem ists for purity unit . urability it id chcipest becauso BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled wnvo is special ly imported for and Hld in this city ex i lu-ively by us. It doerf not rust r.or absorb iease, uoa not discolor nor catch inside; id i.otafleetodbyuciiU in fniitrt Ol' vegetables; will boil, stow, loast and bake w i t h o u 6 imparting flavor of previously o o o I; e il food anil will last for years. Wo can tion tho publio aguiut imitations .. i I... ,.,ft(K..I ntf In All persons aio m-ii'i-'i . ... . i... i......a :rut-' ifUH and duo Nov. 1,1000, as tno saiu note was obtained by fraud. James Guay, Victor, Or. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. FlueBt kind of chicken feeiL mch25-lf Subscribe (or The Chronicle. of miieic, discoursed by the La Grande orchestru, (which had been hired; for our special benellt) we ticked our palates by discussing, in u material way, the flueet dinner over sat down to in tlio history of the convention. There were Borimr duck aud the finest Oregon ham, ! limburger, swlss and cream cheese, and (eso Cross Brand. Wo carry tho sanio brand ot lloso that tho Hallos (nty Kiro Uoiiart- mont has boon using lov tho last twonty yoars. Tlio Alal- toso Cross Brand is without RI! rt'LiuuK final imioof. loubt tho bosl grado of 1 loso noti.'B fou pu.ilication a I i I ...,,I1L'.'M iv V iKllllTV'Kll. W Al-ll.i 1 Ai.ill aft. imw. 1 Notli-e U lieiiby uiven Unit XkrN I: V1":!!!"! Ijv 1). II. stfumaii, Iter iitturtio' in i' 1. 1''' ' "' m.tkv ot liiu-noou to iate l;uV't X V. II. 1'rohtiy. I'ulli'l ft';s I'liinilMli nr r W7, fur tlio nortlii'iist .piartrr i.f N' In sin liiuiR'k i.b wltueiM. ilmiuel - U'owinln, WlUIaiu Wllklnwin. iiM.Viitt-iV lo mn-Ji K'- on tho market. Call and got our prices before buying. jlIaieF & Benton Sole Agents. i