The Dalles Daily Chronicle. JFK I DAY - JUNK 22, 1000 dalles jwuimoxisu actually LKAKSTXG SOMETHMG. llolilieil thn Urnvn. tV startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of l'hilarielphin, wns the republicans, tlio clinnccs of victory for the democratic party ouht to be nmiA Tltnf fntniiwlc 11 nninliltnritirv pnragrnphor of a story: "Johnny ,1a narrated by him n8 follovve: .... i!.'.i .i. i n i.t fl,ir "Iwn8inuinoatdre.uHHlconihtioii. My bov, "what arc you running nmli"k,u w9 'oat yellow, eves eunko, , jumping wound the attic fory. i tongue coatud, ,min contunully in back ;.P., ., fmlov " rn,,!;,,,! appetite-gradually grow- Thcre is still hope that the Wasco hopeful. "How tnanv have "K weaker day by day. Three j.hvsi. county democracy will come to its , you caucht?" "Well," said the son, ??ns ";'" , , i . 4, . 1 ,,,,,1 1I1UIIU UllYlCUM I'ilVUIllU ItlllUJC , 1,1111 Ml ef.tin nn tlio monov mixtion when I "when 1 catch the one I am after anil . . , . , i. v ic , n.ic ! another I'll have two." cut; uii.ui ui ii, , ..injiii ii. v.j aiaicsman. Says the Xew York Sun : "Throe weeks ago the .Hon. John Drisbcn Walker solemnlv implored Col. has so far recovered from the free silver lunacy as to publish, with strong editorial endorsement, the following excerpt which we clip ; Hryan by letter to tling away silver, from a short but interesting letter To make sure that the tools of a tlmt nur natonmod nnntnmnnnirv savs P'luociauc uespousm uui uut u .... oni, my prent joy and surprise, the lirct bottle made a decided improvement. I! continued llioir use for three weeks, and am now n well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at lllakoloy it Houghton's drug store. 5 otrnnt tlm tirnnirmc mfcaivn frnm tlm was written by "a Poitland business ... .,. ,,,, ,,i,iu,,ni1 111.1117, 11X1. If .11111:1 ll.llf it jiv, u.iv. .1 Starvation never vol cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already need plenty of man, now on a two years' tour of , ;.. ,i10 m,,Pts Where is the answer? i llf starved. They need plenty the clobe, who is practical in all 1 What word of cheer has the Peer-1 wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia 4 - ..... . -.... .I! .. ,1., ...:..,( .. en ,1... t.,.,1,. thinns and takes a nraetieal view of less sent to the rmquef Uay after . . " what he sees." Writing from Mexico V CK 'an n,Hus n,,ul City, under date of May 10th, the correspondent of the Times-Mount-fiineer says: "The circulating medium of this country is silver and bauk bills, and what little of Mexican gold there is j bears the same premium that is paid for U. S. coin, whether silver, gold or currency. But the intelligence of the financial heads of Mexican finance realize that these conditions cannot continue indefinitely, with the necessities of exchange with the ! con be nourished while the worn out or his devotion to the heaven-born -'rt"a nro rewnsmicicH. unmu ... . . I ...... ....... !.... I... .A.... !.,,) ..ill I... ratio. Day after dav the lion, .lolin i Bnsben A alker paces moodily by j eU)nii,;. tronbles. Try it if you are the banks of the Hudson and sees . sutlering from indigestion. It will ccr retlected in the water his own visage J tainly do you good. growing pale and gaunt with ha tiled hope." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officii at Vancocvei:. Wash ,) May IT, 1W0. ( ollce is hercbv plvcn tlmt the fnllowliiR; anrnnt settler luis tiled notlcu of his Intention to make Muni proof in support of hi cliilin, mill that Mill prool will bo limcle botoro V. II. I'roibv, Uultnl States Commljsioncr, at Golibaulalc, on July u, 1AX), viz: Aahel K. Ollar, I who maiJo H. K. No. 0o, for the frartlonul W'j Nv4, sec su. tii 3 , i; n i;, ami st. ot .m-.;4, See 25, Tp 3. N K 12 K, W. JI. He name the followlus wltnees to prove bin continuoii'. resilience upon, am! cultivation of t.-ilil land, viz: Koburt A. Strouthcrs, Chris K. Kratuen. Will lam Garner, John Kure, h11 o( l.ylc 1 O., W athlugtou. v. i:. Di'SUAi:, maj'iJ-l Iteslster. financial world, with coin at such variance with the world's markets, the- must eventually retract, and 3 add extracts from the Mexican Herald of this week, which says editorially: 'Here in Mexico the silver question has been solved by the simple process of getting accus tomed to tisill"- dollar worth half! Notice is hereby Riven that the miilersicue.i, luiuuii 10 ustii;, uoiiars worm "an, . or,i,.r of the Couiuv Court of the Htate of To Dure n Cold in (Inn liny. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Asain. 'it is not ideal ,A?FeiVs.-':l- pcrsoiis haviuK ciaiins npuuist i sent them, with the proper vouchers, to me at lloou niver, ureston, wunm six montuii irom nntl often les limn lmlf tlinir nnmi- I Oregon lor Wmeo County, has been aiipoii tetl anu. ouen il.s man nan tueii nomi- allmInf,tr.or of the euto of Helen lirgtifoni. nal value.' money, it is not the object of any body's fanatical worship, and when ; "r ,h we eilenlatp the fnst nf thitifs in 1'ctnam K. Uradford, v,e ClLUiaiC tue CO-l OI illlllga in Ajmiulstrator of the Estate uf Helen Ilrail gold money we simply double the fd, Deceased. ic-i amount. e all heartily wish, in many cases, that we could avoid ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ! Nntii-fl is horebv "iven that under and being on a silver basis and paying , by virtue of an order of the countv cOitrt out on a gold basis. The govern-1 of ' piackatnaa county, OreKpii. lnU n j entered on the -bth dnv of May, 1900, I ment feels the burden, and so do , will oiler for sale, at private sale, from the railways. Every year more gold j nul u.ftV l,'e 7h.. 'lrt-v.0 'a 1!,0; or J J J " ! cash in hand, all the nuht, title and in- is found here, more is extracted, and ; terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de it is not improbable that early in the I f llse!!;. '? arid, lot1'- A"iiblllLVkS' 1 J Laughlin e Addition to Dalles Citv, coming centurv we may have the i Wasco countv, Ormm. I-ltKOKltiCIC ISAIIDON, Administrator of the estate of Walter GOING EAST- If you intend to take n trip East, ask j your ticket agent to route you via The j Great Wabash, a modem and up-to-date i railroad in every particular. j Through trains from Chicago. Kansas i City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York j and New England points. All trains i run via Niagara Falls andVvory through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep- ing and dining cars. j Stop over allowed on all tickoto at Ni-; agara Falls. Ross C., racihe Coast J'ass. Airt,, Los Anceles, Calif. C. S. Cisank, G. 1". A., St. Louis, Mo. ft Complete of DriJ(3s at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIOKU NAY. COMPANY Htrniiu'tH (if tlio Iti'Kiiliitor l.lno will run " "-'r Hie Inl. ' ow.iir fclKdtilo, the tdinpiiny roervhiK tho rltht n. m iiii-iinli ultlimit niitli'e. "hl Str. nefjulntor. I HOWS S, 1a'. lfalles ! 5 lit 7 A. M. I I 'I'milay J. ThlilMliiy 4 Saturday . I Arr. I'lirtlaud j"at I. Si V. M. ur. I.v. l'ortlanil at 7 a. t. Mniuliiy Wfiliiinlny Krlday Arr Palleii at .' I'. Mi Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. s- Str. DnlUiH city. IHIWN I.V. Dalles t 7 A. ll. Mniuliiy WcdnoKclay rrlilay. Arr. Portland iit-nan p. i. Itb 'a I'nrtliiml.S t' )a, x.'d I'lMlrMlily Siilurilny 1 Arr Italic,.! lit il KM,, j FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? Travel hv tlio StfiimiTK r.l tin' ll.'Kitlalnr l.lno. Thi- (.'otiituiiiy will rntliMivor 1 1 Kvv o, , j ' run-tlu host -I'tvWc iKiinllilo. Knr (urtlii'r Inlurmatliiii aildrv-.i 1 f. I'orilitml (illln. Oak trwt Pool. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. AKt. .TT4.TlT.I.TiiTiTI.T ..., Yi TUIUyJj rvA-nvTATJcrja: hit ri'ATirr'ij n i citt L. Lane, i:nkkai. BiacKsmnn ..AND. Reports show that over tifteeu linn dred lives have been saved through tin ( use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were eases of grippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption. Horseshoe Nasal CATARRH gold standard.' "With expressions of this order from the ablest paper in the country, surrounded by the eonsequences of depreciated money, it should appeal to readers who aspire to maintain a standing for their countr' equal to the best the world recognizes.." Fish, deceased. Oilers received by Attorneys for Ad ministrator, J. T. Whallev, l'ipes -. Tim, Portland, Or. jO-i The Alhnnv NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Office at Vancouvj:i:, Wait)., I May a I, UU). I J Notice H hereby given that tho fnllowliiK i n.imtd K'ttler.s have llltd notice n( thuir Inten j tloii to maku limit prool in Miiport of their i ciairn ami mai miiu iiroois win i mnuu ueiuri Wagon and Cnrrlngo Work. Fish Brothers' Wngon. Thirdland Jefferson, Phoiio!159 v l '8 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Till Kodol Up-to-date Qroeer Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. In all Its stages there should be c'canlmeis. Ely's Cream Ilalm c!eamc,ootkt:4anil heila tlio iluei'eil membrane. Itcurv catarrh and drives niray a co!d in the head quickly. C'riMin Ilalm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed. Iteilcf In im mediate and a cure follows. It la not drying doea nut produce tnrvzlns. Larc Sie, SO cents at Drug- 1 giiH Jr iiy mail; Trial Size, 10 ccnU hy null. '. illV L-.KJTHUU.S, 50 Warren Hreet, 'ev York, j Mule. ! Trimmed, hate untl pattiirtia at coBt for j tiio noxt thirty days at tlio Campbtili & Wilson inillinurv parlore. 2i!-tf If yon aro iookint; for bargains, hi sure and call at the Now York Cash Store. ..GflAS. HHl- Buteherrs and Farrriers ..Exchange.. Kw" on ilrauuht the celebratwl (OI.t'MIIIA lli:Kl:, nckmnv: tilKiiI tin- iiwt beer fti The lialles, ntthi'Uual iiric c. (.'unit In, try It mid be convinnil. ,vlo the Kitu'st bmiulii ot WIiK-fl, 1.1 juor mid Ulk'un. Sandrjuiehes of all Kindt, nlwayn nn limul, Democrat tells Of a' I'resby, I'nlttil fctutes Cominlssioncr lor , District oi WashliiKt -n, at his olllce In tioWen- Lmn county man who recently l dale, Wnsh., Monday. July u, i'mj.vU: visited Colonel Bryan at his "amall ! Uontstwl t n oj, of SfC. farm in tho suburbs nf 7 inrnln "Vp. -.If 2 N, H ll h, W. M, who nnuies the folinu . . . , , , larui m iul auuurub ui J.inooin, -e- j Jn(J UneVs , ,,rrno ,,,, f.Iltlllll(m.s ,WMence A Tifrinlf Prr hi ri-n l)rdk'n " wliorp lip fnnnd thp irnit ! ui'n und eultlvntlon of nld laud, U.: I I I lvLli L X lUIJlClll. uiu.k.i, i ulil uc louiui me crLat ,illlImei u-oniirdo.wiiiium m. Miilllciin, John I man "with his pants in his boots at iwm, tentling to Ins chickens, etc' That Kri.nou i.. uu.mHii, etc. is a most comprehensively preg nant abbreviation. Anll-IiVerythmaS IS the new name : Jlullluan, Henry VeacHel, all of Centervllle r. ! fl ,,'..14........ : .i.,. -n l . ,ir. i .i"iuiiiiu, givvu niu niiiiL'S uy rjuiuuur ) Ul cott, and it fits them to a dot, It is among the most dillioult iirub luma of natural science for one to bcconit' Homestead r.iitiy No. 10. 1?. i. for tin' friictlomil , pert in fioveral lines. J. H. Adeox & LMV54 OI SCO. 7, Tp. .N, U J. K, VI . JI., Willi names the lollowiiu,' wUiivkktk to iirnvo his con tliiuotiH residence upon und ciiltivutlon oi ml land, U. i Jlniiucl Leonardo. William i. Mii11Il'iii. John VEHTISEXT PRESS UOMMEST. W, It. DI'.NIIAK, IteKlster. Q-nardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that tmrsuiint to u II CenHj und order of tale made and Issued to me The western states know how it is tlinmsolves. ..viinnsinn ilmi- wmiM nni n,,. JIooic mid OurllcM ilixire, minors, by the i Watch." expansion the WOUltl not now UC 'county Court of Hie Ktate of OreKon lor Wiuco Co., by tlieir combination, lmvo over come tine (humility in a practical man ner. J, U. Adcox iH an exnert watch maker and is Kood on jewelry, optical work and engraving, while Theo. II.; I.iebe is an expert optician and is goad ' on watch repairing, jewelry work and i engraving. Their price is as low as con- j eistont with good workmanship. Thev 1 are prepared to do all work in their eeveral lines, on short notice. Work Hent by mail or exnress will receive C. F- Stephens ...Donlor In., Dry Goods, Clothing, C rr r l-r ' THr i i e i ti.o puruioiiiijvjo, HootK. Shoes. Hutu. ( nps, Notions At. ,for V 1 UoukIhs fchoe. Tcleplioni' No. JS. 111 fceooiiil St., The Dalles, Or", Fresh Kggu and Creamery llutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... eve i3' bit of twenty years experience unci drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is ii any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOIlTOji, .Peliablo Prescriptionists i IturLlflclallydlReHtsthofoodandnldj Katuro In HtreiiKtbenlng and recon , Htrtictlni? tlio exhausted digestive or I jariH. It istliclutestdlscovuri'ildlfrest autaml tonic. No other preparation cun approach it in vlllcleucy. It in 1 Rtantly relieves and pennniieutlyciiro j Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ; Fliitiilencc, Sour Stoniach, Nausea, , Sloklleadnclie.Gnstralgla Crnmps,and w other riiHuitHOi i mperiect u igcstlon. Prepared by E. C. DrWl.' A Co., Chicago. J. H. Hciir.M K, l'fenldent. II. JI. 1IEAU, CtUfclC! first National Bank, THE DALLES OHE00N A General IJariking Bumiichb truiisacUd DenoBitu ruceivod, nnbject to Kight Draft or Check. Collection!! made und proceed prompt!; remitted on tlav of collection, Klght nnd Tolographic Kxclinnge aoid ca Now York, Kan Frttnciuco and l'orl !und. D1HBOTONH I). P. Tiiomi'Hon. Jk o. H. Bcuixcr. Eo. M. Wit.r.iAMH, Oko. A. Lime. II. M. IiUAt.t.. F- s. Gunning, If there had been r.o usKuanliunof tho kwis und estate of u-iiii! prompt attention. .Sign, "lilg Ited ....r.rA4..l .1.,. i ' ('niintv fin Dm mil iinv nf Jinn. luii. I M'lll.itu i ui. u.e aujui luun Jiny. , . ,.-v, ; , . i.Vi.-.'iw) tl. , m,t A ,o i iloorln I).ille Clty.iittlie lionrnf o'cloek p. U QJ to TViCP Salem Statesman. 'in. nf mill ilnv. tell to tlio Ii ililer fur The Alaska dnmnnrHs nrr ni-iliil cash In hand, nil of the Interest oi mid minora ! i n. iviusiut uernociaig are feoiiU;, , , th(. rClll rom,,. hereinafter do- lor lJryan. So, we believe, nn; the fcilbed. mid interent iielnj,' u c(mtinK'iit two .1, ...... ,...... ,. n... :. , i. ii- tevenths Interest In and to tho U'l; if tin' hi;,1 ,, tlemoerats of Hawaii and Porto loco, the mi t tho w,hiii ut tlkw li.ahtt The KllillillOS arc known to liivo ti ' '-0,s 1 anil 2 of Hee. I.-., and that certain parcel , . , ' . hnr" 10 lmo a ' of hind boutidtd as follown: (.onimencliiK at 11 Kindly feeling towards him, and ie'raku on the north lino of tho victor Tmvitt ia ,,.,,, .In- , r'.w., ..,.1 n....ii (ii I'oiiatlon IjiikI Claim, where It n dlleh. 18 popular in Uuam find I tltulin, All ; thence In n .southerly direction iieiosn the bot- that he lacks i3 a. suflifienfv rf "':n " 1,10 ""u ,'10 I'reK-nt fence W) roils, Him, J.11.KS is ll bllinciLnt-) CI tlicnco went hO rod. Ihenco iiortlnv.ntM) rods. electoral votes in the United States I Un-nee iiionx nam iinewiinxiii, to the place of rt A mnrinn r Tori fm.l I blKlllllIllK. UllIK O irt Of tllO VlCtOr TrUVlH or America, Hartford limes. luoiiutioii i.-md oinim, infcec. 11. ail mid ihikIh T , I belli); In Tp, 1 N, it 1:1 1;, W. JI. Aim 11 like III Judge lownseiltl, of Iew York, tereitlniindtoltr.'.andlifeetoll' thowei-t l,. ,i,, tj., m :, .1 lde of Iit 11 In bliiCk Oof IJiiiBhlln'H Illiill'Ad- lias decided that J'orto Itico is "a jiiitioii toihiiicHCity, or. part of the United Stales as to'.J iimif:ii w. M00Ki;.(i.iardlun. cotinlry as to the United Stiites.") unce more nrc wo reminded of that touching bit of poetry concerning the tortuous trail of tho serpent 'which wriggled in nnd wriggled out, nnd left the people all in doubt, whether the snake that made the track was going east or coming back." Omaha World Herald. Says William J. liryan: "If we bold what we had in 1890, and if wo bring bnsk the gold democrats, and if we gain largo accessions from the NOTICE FOH rUIJLlCATION. J.A.NU OfTICK AT VaNCOUVKK, Wflnll.,) .May 11, I :otlce Is hereby Klvcn that the following named tettler has tiled notice oi lilt Intention to make final proof in nupnort of IiIh clulm, and that mild proof will 1m made before V. II. Frcaby, Untied h tales CominUiiloner for DUtrlet of WuahliiKton, at hla otllce In (ioldendalc, Wath,, oil Saturday, Juno tW, viz: Utxirge O, I.luiUny, Homestead entry, No. KB9, for tho HYli of fc'eo l..,Tpa, Nof K13K. lie nurnca II10 following tvltnemca to prove hU eontlniious residence uixjii und cultivation of ald land, viz: John (i. McDonald, of Ilartland P. O,, Wuh; Wendellii Uldl, (ioldenoale I'. ()., Wiah,; John C. Hetry, Ilartland 1', (),,Wali,; Thonus J, Drlppn, Ilartland 1'. O., Wanli. ma52I I ,V, it, JJUNltAlt, Ilegintcr. Suit of Clothes. I'nn tint;, Ovcrcoatln-OT Fancy VcitliiK. Kindly call and examine my atock of Im ported and 1) iiteatlc Wooleiia. A line stock lit select from. . Hulls mude Irom tho lowest prices (0 the high eat grade. -. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. TUK UALLKH (IllKUO.V, Just What Q Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. ! nor Second & Lam. Tfie coium&ia pacRins Go PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANIJKACTt'KKltB OK Fine Lard and Sausages . Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JIUKD ItlvKF. J'TO. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE WWW ff),- K 4 New Uleae in Wall Paper here. Such wltle variety hh wo ore hIiowIiik never bo fore graced a eingle Block. licul iuiitu. tion creton elleulB ut ordinary prlcoH. Good papers ut olieuj paper priceB. Elegant desiifiiB, toatefu! coloriiiKB, vourH for a Bmall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of houao palntfl, D. W. VAUSE, Third St. JJ4. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Orllceoier French & t'o.'n Hank ii)je 0, TilK PAI.I.KB, OHKOON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAOKflflT And CAFE. J. E. Orosson & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO.; BANKERS. TKANHACT A KNKKAI.IIANKINO ilUHINKH Letters of Credit issued available in the KuHtern Htaten. Blglit Exchange and Telegraphic Iransfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. Louis, Ban Franolsco, Tortland Ore gon, Keattle Wash,, and various points In Oregon and Washington. CoMHl'tlnnn inarlu at ull ,.nll. , , ww ... iu..B UU 1MV- arable terms. rT COPYIIIQHT3 4c. Anvniin nciiill.m n akeloli mid ""'ffli fliilokW ujeurlalii our I'ln ' , f, u. liiv.Mitl.iii t rt 1 . rn I ; 1 1 1 1 1 jr I ' '''1 ,0 k .11 1 1 "t cuUf I limn .trletlr eoiillilont Inl. 1 1 "" wu, lent 1 run. (Hi t iiuiineif for ; I" .rrwcr I'alui.lii tiikmi tlirniiifli M"'.''.'. lurclill iiorkf, wltlinilt cliarue, III tl' Scientific fltwerica ;;..ti.,i. i.wi.xii '"av Pn 3C1Droadvvny, IP tli..'i'.l'Ht.VH-.liiai!len.I)'- Uiaucli Olltc lijjlltCtU the load- pliortciis 1 tlio road Mica 'Axle Urease ..... .. .... . :,vii we.'irii UUI1 111C l;iiiii; u.iiir iiv STANDARD OIU OO. J ...All 8 HUKTIKOTON r-w tiMTlNQTUN WlWl N. , , , k, 11 ATTORNK VH SM, OU OHImow First Nat. Iiauk