The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1900, Image 1

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    Ik Unites
NO. 200
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Onods, Clothing, Uooto nnd .Shoes, nt much Icbe ttiiin wbolesalo
jirk'oa. Will null in hulk or in lots, or nny way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will ho sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreets
mid liiuifiiuk Patterns. Your prices will ho mine. Cull early nnd secure
Corner Second and Court Sis.
Humor is Viewed With Suspicion, Hut
it Prompts the Mikado to Press the
Powers for Consent to Take More
Active Measures.
t . - ... n.i i i
oKOHAMA, diino -i. 1110 reports oi
ttiu murder of foreigh ministers lit l'ekin
iiud of tho deiith of Admiral Seymour al
though viewed with suspicion, have
create n piofound Bennatiou. The prees
expresses tho opinion that Japan must
with or without the consent of tho powers,
uilopt active measures. The naval and
military ollieers nro very husy. Probably
the whole Ilierosonia division, under
comuiaud of Generul Fukashimn, will he
afloat within u few days.
Tlie Russian cruiser Kurlk lias arrived
here with tho now Hussion minister to
Japan and will leave forTaku today.
fMtvNt.iiAi, June 21. The I'.ritish
ik'stroyor Whiting, nt Che Foe, repot te
that nothing has heen heard from Ad
Jii'ral Seymour's force for six days.
The French consul wires that the
liriimh mission nt Teiin Chow has heen
looted and the missionaries conveyed to
an unknown plneo hy a Chinese general.
Hi n us, Juno 111. A senil-olllcial dis
patch from Toklu, dafed Juno 21, says
tlie Japanese consul nt .Shanghai con
firms tho teport that Vice-Admlral
8evmoitr has arrived at l'okin and with
mt'ii.hers of "the diplomatic corps are
Aucordini; to uu ofllcial .Inpauese re
port from Che Foo, the foreign settle
tiient nt Tien Tsln wns reduced to nehee
June 1ft,
HN(. Koso, June '21. Heports have
U'uu received hero from Canton that,
owing to the representations of the
foreign consuls, LI Hung Clinng has
consented to remnin In C.inton.
'rim ii'iaii j;v-C(iiivIih.
MiwYoitK, Juno 21. Joseph Mullet
n"lJaiiies Fitzhartis wero today taken
'"in Kllis tslntid to tho Immigration stn
"uu Hi tlie bnrgo ofllco nnd olllcially no
tilled to prepare for deportation. The
"mo angrily declared that they had hoon
treated worse by tho United States gov
orinnent than during nny time of their
Incarceration in JCngllBh prisons. Com
"ilsaloiier MoSwoonoy snid that tho iiiun
today had roeoivod telegrams from
"Hocky Mountain" O'llrien nnd ex
J"'go Curtiss, tlioir counsol. It Is
"wight that Judge Curtiss liiny ask for
I"I'rs in habeas corpuB so us to delay
tli dopoitntlon, which, othorwise, will
n!:o jilauu Saturday on tho Cuunrd liner
Mil ro llottrn HiirrniKltii'.
Voi.khuubt, Juno 21. General Bnllor
"an nrrived at Sand'a Spruit station,
Rl"l camped two iniles further on the
Western Hide ol tho railway. Many
"oors met General liuller on the road
8 Htirrendered their anna and horeee.
Scheme for Developing the Valley by
Means of Irrigation A Party From
Turner is Interested.
Sii.veu Lakk, Or., June 18. The cor
respondence in The Oregonian from Lake
county within the past six monttiB has
attrucked attention to thiB county, not
only from other 'states of the United
States, hut from Western Oregon also.
j Everywhere tourists and prospectors are
j traveling in.large numbers and are ex
I amining every foot of ground they pass
, over.
, A party of eight, consisting oi W. T.
jKiehes. II. W. .Smith, Gilbern Riches,
! C. II. Riches, J. X. Robeitson, Mel
i Drake, Henry Biirnum and J. A. Parker,
I all of Turner, near Salem, are here now
i investigation a water project.
A mountain a few miles across sepn
j rales Silver and Summer lakes. At tho
i foot of the mountain, on the Summer
1 iake side, right In the midst of tho sage
! brush, n river rises up out of the sands.
, It is not a branch, creek or small stream,
hut ti river. Two hundred yarns from
where it rises it will swim a horse,
Winter and Summer. There nro three
sotiiceB within 100 yards of each other.
These sinks are 100 to 200 feet across,
and the water, clear and pure as crystal,
shoots out as if driven by n terrific force
1 from beneath. The depths of tho sinks
have never been ascertained. The
Bticains from these einks join in a few
hundred feet, and flow in a channel
called Anna river, to Summer lake.
A TIioiihiiiiiI TonglU H
Could not express tho rapture of Annie
K, Springer, of 1123 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr
King's Now Diecovury for Consumption
had completely cured her of n hacking
coiwh that for many years had made
lile a burden. All othor remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Itoynl Cuio-"It soon re
moved tho pain in my chest and 1 can
firm uliw.ll Hnll nd I v. Homethiinr I can
ci.nrnnli' inmimilier doiiiL' before. I feel
like sounding its praises thioughont tho
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's Now .Discovery forauy trouble
of the throat, chest or lunge, rrieo one
nnd if 1. Trial bottle free nt Hlakeloy &
Houghton's drug store; oyery bottle
guaranteed. c
A Sjiirtliiml Ankle (.'"U'Hly Uiueil.
"At ono tlmo I sullered from a soveie
fmruln of tho anklo." says Geo. K. Cary,
editor of the Guide, Washington, Vn.
1 1
"After using several jvell recommoiuieu
medicines without ouccess, I tried
Chauiberlnin's Pain Balm, nnd am
pleased to say that relief came as soon
ns 1 begnu its use and a complete cure
Hpeedlly followed1" Sold by Hlakeley
k Houghton.
Call in tuul sample the whole wheat
ahredded biscuits. Free demonstration
Thursday, Friday aud Saturday at
Pease & Maya' grocery department.
Will Forgive all Filipinos Who Sur
render General MacAarthur Today
Issued a Proclamation Offering An-
tiesty and Immunity to the Fighting
Washington, Juno 21. The war de
partment has made public tho following
notice of amnesty, which was issued by
General MacArthur today at Manila:
"Manila, June 21. By declaration of
the president of the United States, the
undersigned nnnounces amnesty, witli
complete immunity for the past and abso
lute liberty of action for the future, to
all persons who now or have since Feb
ruary 4, 1899, heen in insurrection
against the United States in either a
military or civil capacity, and who shall,
within a period ninety days from tho
date hereof, formally renounce all con
nection with such insurrection, and sub
scribe to a declaration acknowledging
nnd accepting the sovereignty and
authority of tho United States in and
over tho Philippine islands.
"The privilege herewith publiebed is
extended to ull concerned, without any
reservation whatever, excepting that
persons who have violated the rules of
war during the period of active hostilities
are not embraced within the scope of
this amnesty. All who desire to take ad
vantage of the terms herewith set forth
are requested to present themselves to the
commanding officer of Auerican troopi
at the most convenient station, who will
receive them with consideration accord
ing to rank, make provision for their im
mediate wants, prepare the necessary
records and thereafter permit each in
dividual to proceed to any part of the
archipelago according to his own wishes.
For which purpose the United States
will furnish such transportation as may
be available, either by railway, steam
boat or wngon.
"Prominent persons who may desire
to confer with the military governor, or
with the board of American com
missioners, will, as nir ns possible, ue
provided with transportation for that
purpoae. In order to mitigate as much
as possible tlie consequences resulting
from tho various disturbances which
since 1S9G, have succeeded each other so
rapidly, and to provide in some measure
for destitute soldiers during tho transi
tory period which must inevitably suc
ceed peace, the military authorities of
the United States will pay 30 pesotos to
each man who presents n riile in good
"AltTlU-K MACAllTlllMi,
"Major-General U. S. V., Military Gov
1'uwoiN Slay Au ii lull u Gluut.
Piiii.aukm'ima, June 21. In the opin
ion ot senator javis, oi jiuiucsuiu,
chairman of tho senate committeo on
foreign affairs, the situation in China is
.1 ... 1.1! ,1 1 .!!
even more grave man puuiisui-u uio-
patches would indicato and may develop
into nn international problem sucn as
tho powers have not had to deal with in
many! years.
"No man can tell what will como out
of the present situation in China, said
Senator Devis. "I shall be agreeably
disappointed if tho immediate conso-
nuenco does not result in complications
which it will take years to straighten
nut. Moroover. venerations to come
may find that in awakening China tho
western world has brought into exist
ence a giant which will insist upon tak
ing part in affairs at inopportnno mo
ments. "That tho powers aio in a dilemma
which they would have been glad to
avoid, may be taken for granted. It
Beems inevitable that China will be par
titioued. Certainly tho acting empress
would be dethroned. This cannot be
done without a war, which will proba
bly repeat itself many times."
The Chinese nsk "How is your liver?"
instead of "How do you do?" for when
tho liver 1b active the health is good.
DoWitt's Little Karly Itiscrs are fomous
little pilla for the liver and bowels
25 cents at the ISow
We have better ouee
Muslin Underwear
For Women and Children.
We will sell dozens of Muslin Undergarments within the next two
weeks. Of that we feel assured. No woman aware of the remarkable
offerings can or will refrain from adding a few extra garments even if
her wardrobe be complete.
It will pay to buy for future needs for these values will positively
not appear again.
Piles of snowy Muslias on our
counters today Corset Covers,
Chemise, Gowns and Draivers,
Our customer? are well famil
iar with these prices let us
say that never before have
theso same figures stood for so
much Quality.
Child's Under waists of bleached drilling; felled
seams; sixes from 2 to 0 3'ears; any size 12ic
Child's Short Underskirts, made of a soft-finished
muslin, with wide waist, band and deep hem;
exceptional at 12c
Child's Drawers, good muslins, strongly sewed,
wide band, three narrow tucks around bottom; sizes
to G years 12Ac
Ladies' Corset Covers, neatly trimmed at neck
with narrow embroider' edging, taped armholes; any
size to 42 12Ac
Ladies' Chemise, low cut neck, full width and
length, taj ed armholes; cheap at 25c 19c
Ladies' Drawers, comfortable sizes, open or
closed; deep hemmed, cambric rullle; per pair 19c
Ladies' Corset Covers, V-shaped yoke, trimmed
with a 2A-inch embroidery; another style round yoko
edged with everlasting lace 19c
ir r nun nmmami hiiiimiihm WM"Mi'MMMMwMwiiMwwwwwMMMimMwimmmiiiJMiiJMJUiajjjJMiMii-Mm
See our GOWNS at 29 Cents,
t A M. Williams & Co.
Boys' sweatera
Yoik Cash Store,
if you wish them,
Cuturrli Cannot lit) Uurt'il
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is n blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is
taken internally, nnd acts- directly on j
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in this country for yee-s, and
is n regular pi escription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly j
on tho mucous surfaces. lho perfect .
omblnation of tho two ingredients is '
what produces such wonderful results in 1
cuiing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,!
free. I
F. J. Ciikxkv & Co., Props., Toledo 0. j
Sold by drrtiggibts, price 7oc.
llall'sFamily Pills uie tho best. V2 j
A (.noil Cougli .Meillrlim. j
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families in preference to any J
other. "I havo sold Chamberlain's i
Cough Remedy for tho past five yeais I
with complete satisfaction to myself nnd !
customers," eavs Druggist J. Goldsmith,
Van Ktten, N. Y. "I have always used
It in my own family both for ordinury
coughs aud colds and for the cough fol
lowing la grippe, nnd find it very Mica
cious." For salo by Hlakeley it Hough
ton. t
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for Inferior
palnta when you can buy James K,
Patton'a bum proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. mI7
' l"XnA'IT:TA Al'A I A I A I A-'AI AT A.A IA1 A 1 A4 . Al A-l A 1 A ! A I A I AT A I A A A A4 A.'
...C. J. STUBLING...
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
Agency for tho
Geletated Yellowstone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught
' 173 Second St. Phone 234.
GHbdaM Budget
fill kinds of undertakers Shoes
funeral Supplies pembalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
Advertise in the Chronicle
l" i