The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1900, Image 3

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    As the Circles
Suits and Skirts.
From a stone tossed upon the bosom of n pond cnicluallv ul,1,-, n,i , , .
nntl. they extern, to ItB uttermoH,, so PKASK Z
uro constantly widening and Increasing their circle of customers. " umrA,la a,llt-9.
For Big Boys.
This one ie for lioys of .'! to 10 years
-more propeily speaking, young men.
These Suits are in ml the new strine
und cheeks. The out h a round-cut
ftilc, made to fit, us wo I and with ni
much stylo ns our Men's Suits. Tho
tailoring and patterns uro the sumo as
you find priced at JjT.fjO by some stow.
Our price, $5.00.
For Smaller Boys.
This nobby suit is for BojaofSto
Jo years, made up in regular double
breasted etylo of eoat-a good piece of
at, wool grey mixed Cheviot. The pantB
have double seat and knees; the seams
are all double-sowed and rip proof. This
suit is made to give good wear.
Our prico, $2.15.
A lame line of the celebrated Jano
Hopkins suits at $2.50 up to .f 10.
Baseball and Bat or Good Air Gun.
For Little Fellows.
Wo Miink this is tho r.vellcst mil
that ever came from a Boys' tailor fchop.
A handsome all-wool tan or Krey check,
vosteo trimmed to match ; the vent open
down front like a man's. The suit is
tailon-d all throughout in high art style;
sizes to S years.
Our price, S4 OO.
Naw blue Cheviot Vestee Su'ts,
from $1.'-Ti up.
Washable Suits.
We havo so much in this immense
feathering that it's iinrd to pick out one
to describe. We want to mention in
particular a handsome line of White
Duck trimmed with blue. Size .'! to 10.
Our price, 55c.
Many others at 3)c, $1, $1.23 up to $2.50.
What We Say We Do, We DO Do.
If Spring had not lingered so long in the lap of
her new-born sister, there would be no stray Tailor
Suits lagging behind in our Suit Department now. Wo
have an excess of Spring and Summer Suits and Skirts,
and recognizing tho truth that heroic effort must bo
mado to reduce tho etock, we have adopted the well
known method of
Tho Suits are all man-tailored, and it will only
take a moment of your time to see for yourself that we
are making cut prices.
Suits Commencing at $5.00.
Skirts Commencing at $1.35.
Come early this week and be one of the first to
get the handsome ones.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlpuroB.
A 11'
e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tslrphone iVo. 1.
Tf I t'ltS DAY I USE 21. 1000
At Andrew Keller's.
teK . Co:
usually deluged with the applications
and petitions of applicants for these
offices. If the mayor ignores these
petition" he is regarded in the light of
an "impeiialist." If he must respect
them, and the men selected for nomination-
are those that have the largest
petitions, why not go back to the old
plan of letting the people elect their
marshal and recorder by direct vote.
The law as it now stands, or rather as
it works in actual practice, is a humbug
and ought to bo abolished.
There will lie no prayer meeting ser
.ce at tho Congregational church to
night. SinbonnotH, etinbonnets, sunbouiictH
f ir children, only 25 cents at the New
V jrl- Cash Store.
A girl is wanted to do ueneral house
work bv Mrs. J. C. Hostetler. Goo'd
wages will be given to n competent
party. jl5-Gt '
Report? from over the river say they .
had a fine rain yesterday in tho Klieki-.
tat valley that came timely and will ;
prove highly beneficial to the giain crop.
A band of 42" eayupes was shipped to
the Linton cannery last week from the .
Warm Springs reservation. They weie
taken over the mountains by the liarlow j
route. ;
A fine rain of three hours duratiou be- j
gau falling here this morning at S,
"'clock. It appears to havo extended
over all that part of Va6co county, south j
'f The Dalles, that had only liuht j
bhowers previously. I
It is rumored that New Astoila is to i
havo a million-dollar drydock in the J
near future, plans and Hpeoillcatlons for
its election having already been up-,
proved and submitted to the SlmpBon
Drydock Company, of New York. I
Tho Racket Store has just received u
large consignment of goods, such as j
camp stoves, churns, toilet sets, and
almost everything in tin and granite
ware, dry goods and notions in endless 1
variety, Fourth of .luly goods, flags, fire- j
crackers, etc., etc. Second street, op-J
posito Hood's Second Hand Store, lldw ,
A paragraph having found Its way
into the Salem Statesman accusing
Arthur Hodges, the well-known clerk of
Crook county for tho past twelve yeais,
of having been repudiated by tho last
Crook county democratic convention,
Mr. Hodges sets tho Statesman right in j
tho following terse and pithy sentence:
"The so-called democracy never had a
c'lanco to repudiate me, for I left the
I'arty In 181)0, when the populist hen
hatched Bryan and the Chicago pint
form, and I have not since that time
ttfnilated with the democratic organiza
tion." The city election is not over yet. ly
an unpopular tf not un-American clause
in the city charter, the marshal and re
corder ure appointed by tho mayor, by
ttud with the coiiHent of tho council.
As soon ub new mayor 1 elected he Is
IH'iitli of OiMirRn Henry Itneli.
It iB with profound sorrow that we
record the death ol George 11. Puicb,
the only sou of Geotgo and Ursula
Kuch of this city, at the home of IiIb
parents yesterday afternoon. The de
ceased was taken down about twelve
weeks ago with rheumatic fever, and
the complications of the heart that aroto
out. of it battled all that human skill
could accomplish. Seldom in tho his
tory of The Dalles have the hearts of
the people been more deeply moved
than tl.ey were when they learned yes
teiduy afternoon that Geotgo Kuch, Jr.,
had passed away, lie was a young man
that gave unusual promibe of a useful,
honoted life. He was a model son,
brother and companion, anil his loss
leaves an aching void in the family
circle as well as the community which
his short young life so beautifully
George Henrv Uuch was born in this
city June 29, 1881. Ho vas educated in
The Dalles public schools and graduated
from tho high school in the class of 1S0O,
w hose alumni elected him preiident of
their association. It was li is intention
to commence a college course next fall.
Ho had been a consistent member of
the Methodist church for some four
years. He was the only (on, and the
youngest of four children, who all sur
vive him, they being Mre. James Suther
land, Louico and lone liticli, all of
whom were present at hla bedside
during his illness.
Tho funeral will lako place from tho
family residence at 2 o'clock S.Uuiday
afternoon. .
OoiiiIiik! IIHijIhii Hurck! Cumliict
The Lob Angeles Belgian Hare Co., of
Portland, will bo in Thu Dalles .Monday,
June 26th, with a fine lot of high-grade
pedigreed hares. Don't miss this op
portunity to secure something good at
very low prices. Will bo hero but a
week. . J"21W
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Bitfunturo of
For tho convenience of parties want
ing ice in the alternoonp, the Stadeluiau
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington etreete.
Phono No. 107; long distance 183.
"King 'em up." 18m-tf
Green aphis lias made its appearance
in wheat fields in Borne parts of the
Willamette valley.
In Linn county there will he a Ehort
wheat crop. Spiing grain has been
greatly helped bv recent rains.
Oil has been struck in the city limits
of Tacoma and a company has been in
corpoiated to develop the find.
The Oregon Lumber Company, of
Viento, have installed f P.'!)-electric
light plant at mill No. 1,,at Chenowith,
The available ca3h balance in the
United States treasury is $149,711,771,
and the gold reserve on Tuesday was
Within ten days over 120,000 bushels
of wheat have been sold bv farmers near
Waitsburg. The prico ranges from 42
tj 44 cents, according to grade.
F. A. Howe, of Lyle, Wash., who re
cently moved his box plant to San
Francisco, is now contemplating moving
his sawmill plant to tho Hay city.
The Huntington News claims to have
oflicial information that Uie Northwest
ern Hailway Co. wilLsoon extend its
line on down the Snake river to Lewis
Ion. Three thousand names havo been ad
ded to Spokane's census as tho result of
a day of work by the citizens interested
in a full and complete count of her
Tho late census of Porto Hico shows a
population of 033,243 in tho island.
There .are 201 persons to the square
mile, the density of population being
about t lie same as in Massachusetts.
All tho principals in the Holyoke,
Mass., public schools have been notified
by the boaid of school trustees that they
will bo dismissed from their positions
unless they marry before the beginning
of tho fall term.
Day Urothers, of Portland, Oregon,
are erecting their new mill at Cascade
Locks. The mill is calculated to havo a
capacity of 100,000 feet dally. Camps
will be opened at Stevenson and Wind
Hiver, on tho Washington side.
Hy direction uf Iho president, General
Joseph Wheeler has been assigned to
tho command of the department of the
lakes, with headquarters at Chicago,
lie relieves Brigadier-General James F.
Wade, who lias held that command
That's the Ticket that was Nominated
at the Republican National Conven
tion this Morning Great Enthusiasm
Hev. W. K., W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "IJhad dyspepsia over twenty
years, ami Uieu doctors aim hiiuiuihcd
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dvsnensia Cure aud it helped me
- . . . . i i. i 1 1 .i i
from the start. 1 believe it to tie a lauguier aim nun uppinut-u,
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what yr.u eat.
Wo havo just opened u nice line of
ladies' duck skirts In greys ami tans,
which we are offering for 09 cents and
$1.48. These are extra good values anil
are going with a rush. Call early aud
get your pick of the lino, The New
York Cash Store. jU
Sp-clul to Tiru Chp.onicu:.
Pini.amai'iuA, June 21. The Repub
lican National Convention began its last
session this morning. The great hall
was early crowded with delegates and
spectators. When the roll-call was be
gun for nominations for president, Ala
bama yielded to Ohio and Senator For
aker took tho platform to nominate
William McKinley. The first mention
of the name of McKinley set the conven
tion wild with enthusiasm. Governor
Hoosevelt of New York, Governor Mount
of Indiana and others mado speeches
seconding tho nomination.
After the roll-call of the states on the
vote, Chairman Lodge announced that
William McKinley hail received the
unanimous vote of tho convention, und
ho declared him tho nominee of tho re
publican paity for president of tho
United States.
The announcement was received with
another burst of enthusiasm, women
joining tho men in shouts and demon
strations. A huge counterfeit elephant,
an emblem of republican strength, was
brought into tho hall and carried about
amid shouts of laugher and applause,
When order had boen restored thu
chairman oidered a call of the states for
nomination for vice-president. Alabama
yielded this time to Iowa and General
Lafe Young mounted the platform to
withdraw the name of Dolliver and sub
stitute that of Hoosevelt.
When Young declared that Hoosevelt
was tho choice of tho young men of tho
country the enthusiasm uf thu convention
was unbounded. Senator Chauiicey
M. Depew seconded tho nomination of
Hoosevelt in a speech that alternately
kept the vast audience in tours of
After roll call of the Btates on the vote
Chairman Lodge announced that Hoose
velt had icceived the unanimous vote of
the convention witli one exception ;
that of Hoosevelt himself,
Paiidemouium followed tho announce
ment aud tho steel girders of thu im
mgneu auditorium trembled under the
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which has been
111 use ior over ISO years, has horno tho signature of
and has been mado under his per
sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bub
Experiments that triilo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Htibstancc. Its age is its guarantee, it destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
strcia of the tremendous uproar.
At 12:47 the convention adjourned
sine die.
The republican national committee re
elected M. A. Hnnnaas chairman.
i ciowe
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, .linking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, FeverishnesH, ,
Pimples or Soics all positive evidences.)
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must Lo purified in order to j
obtain s?oou health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Sccofulous i
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
rcrnedv and we sell everv bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Ilouuh-;
ton's dru;,' store,
All who suffer from piles will bo e.lad '
to learn that UeWitt's Witch Hazel I
Salve vill yive them In.itant and per-'
maneiit relief. It will cute and
ail skin diseases. Beware of counter-,
feits. I
Call in and sample the whole wheat
shredded biscuits. Free demonstiation
rhursday, Friday and Saturday at I
Pease & Mays' grocery department, 1
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the j
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed.
Boye' sweaters 23 cents at the New
Yuil: Cash Store. We havo better ones
if on hh them.
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of (lardcn Hose and arc
carrying tho same brand of;
I lose thai wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho same brand of Jloso that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. The Mai-:
tof-o Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Uose,
on tho lnarkot. Call and get
our prices before buying.
JUaieF & Benton I
V eiJ.r VJ.f'J "ITi" Y
Tho only store in
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
u dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has thu name
Strrtnsky Steol
Wn iv on each piece.
Do not be deceived.
First prize nt 10
International exhi
bitions Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by tho
inot famous ehenv
Hits for purity und
durability it la
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
v imported for and
Mild in Una city ex
clusively by us,
It does not rust
nor ubsorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
In fruits or
will boil,
stow, roast
and hake,
w i t h o u t
im parting
flavor of
(j o o k o d
fond and
will Inst
for years.
Wo cau
tion thu
Sole Agents.
NOTICH 1'Olt I'l'li
C. h. Unii Urn- a, Va
Notice Is lit'iiltj Klvi n lliu
by 11, II, bUh'iiinn. I i utt-'iii
iiiilli'i) nf iiilt'iiliini In mill
Writ. I'U'Miy, I'mtul bl.-tc
Diutifr-t of VViitlilnttlnii,
ilulr, WuliiiiKli"i- on I''"'1"
Juiiu, l'JOO, on Tinil it niltu
VJ7, fur tlm iiiirllii'iitt iH.irtu'r
totwifclilp No, - iiorlli, iiiiik"
Slit- iiiiim-i-im uilncmt; A
ol (iniml Duller. I' (),, Wash
Willlmu WllMntoii. of Cunli
iiml Wlllluiu (Jiawfoul, of -Wiii.Ii.
iUI.It U.Milt.,)
1 1 .ill. MM I
r. (iiiiiiiub,
. . ., In- llk-it
I I III llBl'lHU
i" I hit for
hi i i - 1 1 1 u 1 1 -li
iliiy ot
II iillmi No,
Ml 1,111
l, w, M .
I ii unln,
II 'i KulliO,
,. Wllbll,,
' - I'. 0
uii r.
1 1