The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1000 The nomination of President McKiu- Icy to succeed himself lins been so long a foregone conclusion that its announce nient creates no surprise. It was, how- jtvor, the just imd fitting testimony ot i rtv in tlm nliilltv lntucritv mill statisticians, tho entire yield of! . . , '. ,. , "n,. " 1 ii'iiilnm nf lint nifl ivlwi lilta fil 'i'a f t 1 1 V I It I JltUtil J V t 111111 II III' (lltw WHEAT YIELD AX1) l'EICES. . A Chicago dispatch reports that according to the present estimates of has allowed lo become editor of n democratic paper. spnn c and winter wheat in the guided the shin of state through the tt ...:n .. i. r.nn (1JUUII OIUll'S Mill UUl UU Ultl UUl',- , j i storms of n most trying period of our 000,000 butbek. If these calcula- The nomintllion of tions should be Lome out by the j Tcil(,vti u00ievult for vlce-ptceldent Is, harvest, the crop will be the smallest " , .. ... I ' ' one of those rare cases where the omco , since 1 SDG. The vield in ISO" was i .... . . . , sought the man. The chivalrous young the great party that has honored him with the nomination, and whom ho has honored by its acceptance. ilcKinley and Koosf velt is n ticket tliut will bury Bryanism so deep that it will never be heard of after the ides of November. 000,000 bushels, and in 189D, u47. 000,000 bushels. The United States retains annti ally for consumption between five and six bushels of wheat per capita. Thus in 1670, with 88,000,0000 pop ulation, 200,000,000 bushels; and in 1880, with ,)0,000,000 population, 2G8,000,000 bushels were retained; nntl in 1890 with 03,000,000 people, v81.000.000 bushels were letained. for home eohsumptloll. The present population is closely estimated at 78,000,000. If the crop should be 500,000,000 bushels, and the per capita consumption should be five bushels, there would remain 110,000,000 bushels for' ex port, if the consumption should IwiioroHde it. - ' NW!4, Sec SO. Tii 3 X, K IS h, Mill bh) uf Xh;4t equal that of 1S90, when it amount- scc2&,Tp 3, X 1: ij k, w. ji. A ' I ..... ..I Jl t lk..... .... ... . I . I1U IlUHirc lUU lUllim UIK Yllill.-5l" H' 'iu u tiia I I I I T. i I .1 .....In. .f i COIlllIlllOllS (.MUUltlTv lllHJllf ItUll tMlllilllUll ui utu itimi, viz. Tor Mule. A good second-hand threshing ran chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. j4-dtSyvlm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. X.ASi) Officii at Vascouveb. Wash , May 17, I'M), i Notice Is liercbv plven that the lolIowlngS named s-ettlcr has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in Mipiiort of hl- claim, anil that s lid proof will be maile before, W. 11. 1'retby, I'liOnf I'nmmUvlrmpr. at CiOltlOIldale. ! on July ti, 1KO, viz: AsHht'l K. Ollnr. ltnbert A. Strouther.. Chrt li. Franzcn. Will lam Gainer, John Kuie, all of l.yle r. U Washington. W. It. Dl'MIAl'., maySM nesister. ADMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. ed to more than six bushels per capita, there would remain for sale abroad the inconsiderable quantity of 25,000,000 or 30,000,000 bushels. Only twice since 1878 have our wheat exports fallen below 100,000,- n,rr tt .!.. r WU uuaUBis. iieruare lue UL'urus as Notice li hereby stven that the understand, rrt.-nn U,- !, r.l,.!nl etnt id ininn oil. t" an Order of the COUlltV Collft Of the Htllte Of jj u...wii.t swiuuvuui " jOreaon lor Wacn County, Iia- Deen nppon tttl aiimtnlstrator ol tno estate 01 jieiesi urnuioru, decvaicl. All jieoiis liavlus clalmb against the estate of said deceased are in. tilled to pre sent them, with the nroner vouchers, to Die nt Ksport: ! Hood lliver, Oreson, within six months from sS.Rv.Trj me uuii in mis iiuiii;c. i&t.;.n.lC7 Dated ilay 15, l'MO. 103 isi 3ii I'CTNAM F. llitAnronn. ,G5)',S1U ' Administrator of the Kslate of Helen llrad-llllal-jles. fonl, Deceased. 10-1 ,ir,l,-i-i,u-j ; . ijcluwto . ADMINISTHATOU'S SALE. 113,121,9?.! struct of the United States govern mcut: Tear. Export. Year, lsra isooauO im'J . 1SSU lKlH.l'O 1:10 . isj,n,oii is9i l!! 121ttV;-y IslG . Jss-1 147,'5lU31fl HWJ.. ltbt iii,:..is2 ism . l,S70.SfG ls9j . 9lrTtVj,?l 1i.5. 1SS7 1.,K)I,'.'69 liOT . -ISSS.,. . . .llt'.tiilll Ib'A ....S1T.S03J41 Notice is hereby given that under and These statistics, coupled with re by virtue of an order of the county coart ports of widespread damage to the , entered on the i8th day of May, 1900. 1 crop in the Tnited States, and Slip-1"'1,1 for sale, at private sale from , , , ' . ,, . land after the 7th day of Jutv, 1900, for plemented by news of light yields m j ca8, j band, all the right, title and in other parts of the world, explain the tereet of the estate of Walter Fish, de . ' i ceased, in and to lot 12 in block IS, recent sharp advance in wheat prices., Lauhlin's Addition to Dalles City, The impression seems to be general u'a2C0 county, Oret-on. ... .?. , ! KEKK1CK IlAI'.UO.V, that prices will go higher still, and, Administrator of the estate of Walter that the American farmer mnv F'a''. deceased reasonably hope to market his crop on a profitable basis. Here iu Eastern Oregon where, the indications ore for the largest crops ever harvested, the outlook is pe culiarly cheering. IColilietl the Ornvp. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes eunUen, tongue coated, pain continually in buck and eidce, no appetite gradually prow inc weaker day by day. Threo physi cians had Kiveu me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, the first boftlu m;ulu n decided improvement. I continued their uee for three weeks, mid nm now n well man. 1 knyw they saved my life, and robbed the yravc of another victim." No ono should fail to try them. Only BOc, gunrnntccd, at Blaheley iv Houghton's drup store. 5 Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persona with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kcdol' Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out or pans are be inn reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will in stantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are sulTering frotp Indigestion. It will cer ptinly do you gend.. To Cure a Colli in One lny. Take Lnxative Urouio Quininu Tab lets, ill drutJiriate reitind the money. GOING EAST- If you intend to tiike a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louie to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and.'every through train lias freo reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. P.fia.s C., Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Anceles, Calif. ! C. S. Cr.ANK, H. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Ileports show that over fifteen bun-1 dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. Complete of Dnjs at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DnUGCIST.' i L. Lane, REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY-! Hti-nmerH of tht, ItcKUliilor l.lno will run im w the fot-1 in.iiiK r. ,, .,,..., ,v,vih(; inn riKIlt to cihiinirn ' ...I.., .ii. !!,.. "UlkC M ."'Ill 1-1 Str. RoBtilator. f DOWN. C, l.v Dnllw C lit 7 A. M. K-Tm-iiliiy S.ThniMhiy U Halurihiy . h Arr. I'ortland at I.M) V. M. III'. ,v. I'ortland lit 7 A. M. Monday ViilmMty Ilalh-H at ! : M, Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallon City. l- l'rtlnml,S t 7 M, A rf.. .i IMIWN l.v. Duller "t 7 a. Monday Wnlnrmhiy Trlday Arr. INirthiinl nt I ;'M v. m. TllMllnV Tliiirnlny ,J .mummy Arr, Dull,.'.. t o r. u.M l FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, $ Travel by I lie Kti-amiTi nt the Un;nhitr Line. The frimiany will cmloavor tn clve Its i,ft L ' riiux Ihi' Iwt notvlfii .o.sllilo. Kor llltther llitiirmiitlun mhlrcMi 1 k l'nrllanil Ollloo, OaU Strivt Hocl.. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Aptt. C (iESKllAl. BlaOKSIDlta Hoiioer PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer as. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Till Kodol Up-to-date Qroeer'Dyspepsia Cure. i Wngon nrjd Carriage Work. C Fish Brothers' Wngon. R TbirdlanH Jeircrm Pliouo;i59 1 Freeh Kggs and Creamery llutter a specialty. 1 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Nasal CATARRH Iii all its stasea there should bo cleanliness. Ely's Crcnm Balm clcanc!,oothra.inillica! tho dici?el membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold la the head qnlckly. Cream lialin li placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrano and is absorbed, lte.ief i Im mediate and a cure follows. It Ij not drying loc not produce sr.eeinx. Iirso Sue, JO cents at Uruy-EUt-t or hy mail ; Trial Size, 10 cenbi by malJ. i U'V L'.WTUEIIS, 50 Warren f-.ree;, ilvw Vork. 1 PEIiTIXEXT I'L'ESS UOilMIiXT. Oders received bv Attorneys for Ad ministrator, J. T. Whallev, Pipes & Tim, Portland, Or. jG-i Mll. inay-JO-H W. K. UCNJIAR. KcHhtcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouvei:. Vaslt.,l ilay -I. 11UJ. Notice Is hereby Riven that the fDllnwlnj; tuinieil fcttlera ba-e lilvil iinliec- of their inten tion to make tinnl proof In (support of their cmim and that fcaid proofs will U: mmiu before v . JI. ITesby, I nlttU Htates (.'oin:nisloner for District of SVashiiiKt m, at his othec in Oohlen dale, Wash., Monday, July !, 1HX), viz: Henry Vuncknl, Tf niclnrn ilnmnnrnla fliinlr llin . IIonest1U entry 0. VJI', for the hh4 OI nCf. ii eastern tieinocrnts think the i Tf,. a.s-, j. lt K, w. m, who names the follow nomination and Ultimata defeat Of ! lW5 wltneej to prove his rontliiuout, residence n - .1 - , I uix)n mid cultivation of said land, viz.: TJrynrJ in this Campaign Will rid, ilnnuel U-onardo, Willlmn M. Mulligan, John the party of Ilryanism they arc mis- 01 Cc"K'rvlUc taken Bryan's candidac- is peren- ' Krnncu i.. liuiuioii, nial. Homestead Kntrr No. 10,13', for the fractional I NWU of tec. 7, Tp. a .N, lt l.'i K, W. M., who Onr. of Ihp i-omnrlrnliln lliinne ... name." the followiin; wllnoes to prove his con UllC 01 me lemarKaUle UllllgS "l : tluuous residence upon una cultivation of sal Wallu Walla polities dunn" the past !Iu,.ul'vlY, ,.-.i .. i. , . ' A. . n , 1 Manuel Ixonnrrlo. William M. MuIHkaii. John year has heen that a mayor who muiijkii, Henry Yeackci, uii of centerviiie i. owns a hrewtry has been a moat active water agitator. If he had Leen a mill; man it might have been . casv of sol utioD.Un fon. Guardian s Sale, Eight thousand Indians in Ari zona are reported starving. If Billy Bryan would throw them some of that constitution soup he is feeding his party it might possibly save them. If it is good for the Fillipino why not for the aborgines as wll? Civilized nations have a right to force upon China a decent regard tor the interests of foreigners, for the welfare of the world is more to be considered than the narrow preju dices and selfish aims of a power that is incapable of rising to the level of cnlightmcnl and modern civ ilization. Denver Iiepublicau. "Duns' Review has found ''cn couragemcnt" in every month's bus iness for four years! But the mass es, though the' have found "en couragement" palatable, they have not attended upon it. This specula tors' prosperity dies hard, in the speculators' papers; but is dying, nevertheless. Wo have had no sen nine prosperity since the lute '80's, notwithstanding all the whooping up, and now even the bubble which trade papers and administration or gans have inflated is lb collapsing, says a blind and incorwglble nobody, whom an uusorulable 'providence Trimmed hats and pattern" at cost for j the nest thirty days nt the Cunphell & . Wilson millinery parlors. L'.J-tf If you are looking for bargains, he sure and call at the New York Cash , Store. ..cflAs. mM- Butchers and Farmer's I nuiuv is nercoy kivcii inai pursuant 10 u u cutiKi and order of sale made and issued to mo I hh (,'uardlau of the licrsous and estate of I-eim ' Mooie and Oarlield Moore, Illinois, by the ' County Court of the fitate of Orexnu for Wasco i County on tho 0th day of June, I'M, I will, on 1 the tflst day ot luly, IWrt, at tho courthouse I door In nallc City, at the hour of a o'clock p. , m. of s.ild day, tell to the highest bidder for I cash In band, nil of the Interest of said minors In and to the real proerty hereluuftur do sciibcd: Mid Interest belli k a coutlnitent two , sevenths Interest iu and to the WU of tho BKh. I tho 8EJ-4 of the bW'4, nm) I-ot I of Beo. II, and i Lots 1 mill of h'ec. IS, and that certain parcel , of land bounded as follows: t;oniinencln nt a stake on the north lino of the Victor 'Irevltt Donation Jjinil Claim, where It crosses n ditch: thence In a southerly direction across the bot tom on tho llneol tno present fence M) rods; ! theuco west W rixls; theuco northwost HJ nxls. I thence aloiiK said lino Ml Irods, to the place of , beKlnnhiK, oeluu a ;.art of tho VlctorTrevl't I Donation Imd Claim, in hcc. II, all said lands I Jjolnu in Tp. 1 N, It la i;, W. M. Also a like In I terest in and to Lot VI, and lfi?a feet oil' the west side of Lot 11 Iu block Cof I-uiikIiIIii's lllutl' Ad ! Ultlon to IMIIeii City, Or. j'j u iiujii.n w, luur.i;, ijtiaruiau. A Difficult Problem. It is aiuonc the most difficult prob lems of natural science for one to bccoinn expert in tevertd linefi. J. E. Adcox cc Co., by their combination, bnvn over come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J. K. Adcox iri an expert watch maker and is Kuod on jewelry, optical work and eiiyravini:, while Theo. II. Liebe is an expert optician and in '(,'onil on wntch repairing, jewelry work and eucravini!. Their price ie as low as con sistent with good workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work sent by muil or express will receive prompt attention. 'Sign, "We: lted Watch." ..Exchange.. K'p on drauch the celebrated COl.CMIIlA, iiekiimv; eilxeil the belt Ucr in The Dalles, nt the uiial price Come In, try It and bt convinced. Alio the I'tin-it brands of Wines, l.i juor andCiirars. Sand-cuiches of all Kinds always on hand. C. F- -Stephens ...Dtiiilor In... j Dry Goods, Clothing, 5 "Iioots, Shoes. Hats, Criiis, N' lions. Act. ;lor W. I. DollKlas Kho.;. Tflf-nhoiM' J."'). KR. 131 fceeond HU, We Put... t'vory bit of twenty 3'ours uxperionco and drug knowlodgo with ovoiy Proscription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our proscription Inu'ineBs is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are roliahh'. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Koliable J'escriptionists Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlKcststhcfoodandalds 'Nature in Htrcnjjtlieninn uud recon , structlnff tho exhausted dlpestlve or- fans, it is tho latest discovered dist ant uud tunic. No other preparation can approach it In enlclciicy. It in Btuntiy relieves and imrinanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SickIIeudache',GastralRla Cramps.and ill other results of Imperfect digestion. . Prooored by E. C. DrVilt A Co., Crilcogo. The Dalles, Or, i L 1 F- S. Gunning, NOTICE FOIt I'UBUCATION. I.A.vt Orrici: AT Va.vcocvkii, Wall.,j Muyll.iwn. ( Notlco it hereby Riven that thn following naineil tcttlcr ha Hied notice nf his Intention to make final proof In bupport of hi claim, and that iiald iiroof will bo inuilo befnro W. II. 1'ri-nby, United htalts Coiniiiiktioucr for District of WiuliluKton, at lili olllco Iu uoldeudule, Wash,, on h'utnrday, JuneiO, I'M), viz: Geo rjee O. I.luiUay, HomeiiU'uil entry, No. h'SSJ, for the of Eeo lft, Tp 'J, K of K l.'i K, W. SI. ilo names the following wltneifcea to prove bin continuous reildeuco upon uud cultivation uf kaid land, vit: John 0. McDonald, of llartlaud 1. O., Wah; Wendelln Uldl, (Joldeuaule H. 1)., VYjuh,; John C, Ilerrv. llartlaud I'. O,, Wah.; Thoinas J, Urlpp, llartlaud 1', 0 Vah. luajai I ,V. it. UUNUAlt, Itegliter. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'ontlUKi Overcoatln- or I'nncy Ventlni;. Just What You uuaftfc. (M7 Kindly call imd examine my tock of Im portfl and I) iiieatlc Woolens. A linen lock lo elect from. , . , , HuiU made from the lowest prices to the high Mt grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 1UE IlALbKo UllKOII.N, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laitiliu. 'Piioiie 157 fuw Mens in Wull Pitpor here. Such wide vnrluty uh wo im hIiowIiik novor ho fore uriirx-d a cinulo stock. Ittml iiuitti. lion oroton oli'oota ut ordinitry pricos. Good pupura lit cheap pitpor prlceo. lvlt'tjant doaiiiH, taetoful colorint,'H, votirs for u Hintill price, ut our utoro on third Btreut. AIho n full line of hotmo jndntH. D. W. VAUSE, Thirdt. Jf, 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oillcs 01 er French & Co.'n Hank ,,h" TIIK DAI.I.K8, OHhdO.N OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Orosson & Co., Props. 87 Second Street, J. H. HCItr.NCK, President. 11, M. IltlU. L'MhiM First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Gtuiorul Banking IliiBiiu.'OB transacted Deposit!) recoivud, suhjf t:t to Bifht Draft or Ohuck. CollucMonB niode und procet-da promjitlj remitted on duv of iiolluctton. fJlKht und TeleKrupliif Exclmnpe sold ca Now York, Bun jfnuiuiaco und port Intnl. DIREOTOKS I). P. TllOMI'HON. J.NO. 8. BCUMCK. Eu. M. WlI.MAMH, Gko. A. Likbi. H. M. Ukam.. tie coiumi mmi PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAMIHACTl'itKKriOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)UIED HKKF, i:T0. 00 YEARS-EXPERIENCE Ivmrn JC8I0NB nnuvnlUHTS AC. Anrono .on-ll.i n i,U,t "V.'V'TwPcth" I riiikkly incrliiln !;" ' f, Uif i limtiilloii luoli n ti I r I'"' ''l" J " Vi ., ik on I intf I (inn nir ciiyriiiiiiiiiiiiuiii. , ... luianu. ent In.,.. OMel iweiiey f"J " ."V'Vcf rc"4 rut.ii.tB liUnn tririnmli Mn " A i-0.ii H-I tiotltf, wltli.nit Clmnro. I" tli Scientific Mmnm-,. A ImiMlnoninly llhif trnloil !?Jt,.V i..ii..i i.f nnv in iinill Ui jtiuril.) ''''i,.(,ur. mu"U 8Ufi"l!a 1' ft. MM.l.lmJt""."-' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'KANBACT A KNKKAMIANKINU HllrilNKB Ittera of Oridit IrhuwI availuble in the m t KaHt",n ritttteo. blj?ht Exohnnge und Telegranhit TranHfora Bold on Now York, Chicago, ht. iMild, 8un Franulaco, Portland Ore koii, buattle WuBh,. and varloua polnU Inprejion and WaBhinuton. Colloctlone made at all ixilnta on (av orable tenuH. Mica 'Axle Crease lightens the load chortenfl j tho road. hcljm cx tcntit JHillHC. l IIMI TANDARU every II v lictc OIL 00. II HUMTINOTOK HI"1"' Offlcor KlrtH.