SCROFULA TJlZ 111 Hi mauy respects bcrotula ntul Consumption tire alike ; they develop troin the same gen- MM mm.-n. mtmSm - oral causes, notii are liemiitatynimitepentieut upon nnitnpure ami nil- MWwSm 2mMwm Wm t r I povishcd blood supply. In consumption the disease fastens itself upon mW I YpllnWQtnnP PflfK 1 II1G the lungs; in Scrofula the ghuids of the neck and tliroat swell nnd wippurate, causing ugly running sores, ' ' GllUVfOlUIIO I Ctll uinu. the eyes are inflamed ntul weak : there is an almost continual discharge from the cars, the limbs swell. ' . . - bones ache, and white swelling is frequently n result, causing the diseased bones to work out through ' . ... ,nri ,. i-j. the skin, producing indescribable pain and suffering. Cuttingliway a sore or diseased gland does no ''nYlll' 1 W f,ood ; the blood is poisoned. The old scrofulous taint which lins probably come down through several Fenerations has nollutcd everv dron of blood. Till: ONLY 1HKIXT LINK TO - era Pacmc' i No. : 0 generations has polluted even- drop of blood ocruiiiiu requires vigorous, persistent treatment, ine oiooci must no urougni nncic to uncanny condition before the terrible disease can be stopped in its work of destruction. Mercury, potash and other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than good ; they ruin the digestion and leave the svstem in n worse condition than before. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the very roots of the disease and forces everv vestige of poison out of the blood. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. The roots and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properties, whicli no poison, however powerful, can . , 0mmmm . . long resist. " S. S. S. stimulates and purifies the blood, increases the Si MM WK. Iflr rZHIM MM 3 r IN- appetite, aids the digestion and restores health and strength to the - m cnj0ei,led body. If vou have reason to think vou have Scrofula, or j H A your child has inherited any blood taint, don't wait for it to develop, but beg'iu nt once the use of S. S. S. It is n fine tonic and the best blood purifier and blood builder known, as it contains no noisouoiis minerals. S. S. S. is tirc-cmiuentlv a remedy for ' When uiy daughter wa an infant she had n ecverecacof Scrofula, for which she mn under tlte con taut care of physicians for more than two years. She was worse at the end of that time, however nnd we almost despaired of her life. A few IxjtllM of Swift's .Specific cured her completely, ns it seemed to fto direct to the cameof the trouble I dn not beliewit hann equal for stubborn cases'of IiIockI diseases which are beyond the power of olher o-catled Mood remedies. S. I IIrooks, Mouticcllo, On Our medical deturtment is in charge of experienced physicians who have made Scrofula and other blood diseases a life study. Write them about your case, or any one you are interested m. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention. We make fao charge whatever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. to Till. n.i.l.ow 81 O.ST. I'AUK . Union Depot, Filihand I sis i ccc last mall fori iiminii, rYiittlu, Olympla. orayV llatlmmml Mini!: Ht'itd ' point, Spokane, Uos Iiinil, 11. C, Pullman. Mmwiv, U'i-t(m, lluf M.' fnlnllump intuitu: rmii' try, lloli'iiu, Mlunoaiio lis, M. Paul, Omaliii. KlItlMII l'lt, Ht. Louis, ('lili-ax" mih! nil point t-aKt anil fiuitlicust. PiiBOt SmiuhiI Kxpri'na M. lor Tiinmm anil rentlle nail intermediate (mints , r.iu VI.. No. 1 . vi p. M. No. a. ;C0 A. M. CA. THE NATIONAL Pullman llrst cuw ami tmirl.-t hlecpen- to Minneapolis, M Pun! nnd MK-nuri rUor Kiliit without chance. Viiitilmlol train I uloi. doit coiiirtIIoiin II' all principal i itif IlaRUURi' uliei'1.1 ,i to ilvttUiittinti nt tickets bor hanilsouu'' .llimintiililrarrlpt" i uittcr, tickets. .ti.vpiiiK en isi" at: m oh ia;. .-nor , wrue A. D. CHARLTON, CONVENTION g Good News !? to Good Dressers.... 0pe:mi5 Session of Republican Xa- i tional Coventioti .McKiuiey Will lie Renominated todav by Accla- i 1 matiou. ; 2 - l -P.hiiirmnn p 5iaHfjH jpi PllILAUELPHtA, June 19. liannu, with a rabbit's foot expended from a miniature of McKinley in the lapel ot ms coat, surveyed an imposing i epectaele when he called the l'Jthre-i publican national convention to order liberty at:d of country, m the exposition building at 12:35 p. in. Coininitlees were appointed and at .'! today. The valleys below him were j o'clock the convention adjourned until crowded with the 115 M) delegates and , tomorrow noon. I i n'end a drdial invitation to all to inspect the samples of Voileii from the CROWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cus tom Tailor?. Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fi, wurkniansbtp and entire satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN FASHES. Merchant Tailor, Agent. aTte iTv Ubr T Ssr -W- Twv 1. 4' ;.J I.. IMK- T M7 Or ' .-lilt I.Hk' . jMlir'. Kt. Uortli, Omaha, Kan Kim City. at. IjiiiU, Chicago and BUSINESS LOCALS. ehnirman of the cmuiittet- on platform, , of paint and artist's brushes. Senator Lodiie will be permanent chair- i yon win not haVL. boiis if .ou of the convention. McKinley will be I Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boiia. nominated by acclamation, alternates, and stretching away to the four corners of the immense hall were endless vistas of people risin? in terraced seat to the walls. He lookt-d into the faces of fcKy 15,00U men and women. Oppo-ite, in a broad gallery, were; inasied n bunlred musicians, their i Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of leader a mere pigmy in the distance. j Fir5t National bank of Winter jut, Iowa, Chairman Hanna's reception, whin ' in a recent letter gives some experience 'he called the convention to order, and wit1' carpenter in his employ, that later when he made a speech, was flat- i wii' l)e of valu; 10 otll(ir mechanic'., tering in the extreme, and the fciinle oil He "vs: "i l'ad n carpenter working j bis face expressed the pleasure it pave for me w ho was obliged to stop work for him. But the joy he experienced over 1 several days on account of beini; trou-1 his own reception seemed nothing com- ! bletl 'h diarrhau. I mentioned- to J pared with the delight he manifested him that I had been similarly troubled ! when for the first lime he mentioned : alld tllilt Cliamberlain's Coiic, Cholera I the president's name. The convention '1"1'1 Dmrrl.o-i Remedy had cured me, I went off like a rocket. The applause i He bonehtja bottle of it from the dnijrgiat j was deafenint:. Mr. Hanna's face was ' ,)ere informed me that one dose np'cture. It" was wreathed in Pmlles. , cured Inm, and he isi auam at his work." He showed the ecstacy of the joy he felt For "!(-' by Rlakeley a Houuhton. over the fctorm of approval he had raised, j Many in that moment remembered how Chirk & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. i senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, is Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line take paints that nre Clarke & Falk the president's Warwick had announced i a year njo that his ambition would be' satisfied and his cup of j?y would be full when he called together the convention that would renominate McKinley. Per haps it was significant that in his speech Senator Hauna made no mention ut CuOa or anything that would furnish a pep on v hich u Roosevelt demonstra tion could be huug. The address of Senator Wolcott, the temporary chairman, which followed, lasted an hour and ten minutes. It un doubtedly added to the brilliant Colo rado orator's reputation. Senator Wol cott would be at hie beat speaking in .the opportunity of the moment. Yet the ef fort he made today thrilled the audience. With a clear ringing voice that reached the remotest 6 pot of the hall, and with the grace of gesture, he brought all under Lie spell. Time and again his hearers broke into cheers as he spoke of the pres ent prosperity of the country and pre dicted McKinley'e triumphhiit re election. And when he declared that the democratic party had been driven ty the events of the last four years from Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the becrctions, which adhere to tho inembrauo and duuom pose, causing a far more hcrious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes nnd tnuffH nnd use that which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial oizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho 50c. size. ElyUrothers, .r,0 "Warren St., N.Y. The Italia cures without pain, docs not irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream llalm you tiro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Neglect is the short step eo many take from a cough or cold to consumption. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. A full line of Eastman films and sup the I p''tia "st ruce'vetl by Clarke & Falk. Be Eure and see the bargains in ladies' duck skirts at the New York Ctsh Store, jO Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last. have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jatne K. l'atton strictly pure liquid paints Good, pure natural ice from the Blue mountains for sale by the Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone I!" or 81 Long Dist. ; 75 or b neufert & Condon. Be sure and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to thhrity, now ready for inspec tion at H. (Jlenii & Co.'s. al7-lw Ivy poieoning, poison woundj and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch IJwz-1 Salve. It is also a certain eure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It givee immediate relief, is pleasunt to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fall to aixikmii- Mail anil Kx press K'.ia p. m. s p. in. S p. m. Wnll WiiIIm, biMikunc, AltnnenjMilU. M. 1'niil, i) u In tli, Milwaukee, Clik'niro ami Kant, vin hpokaneitkit lluntlns , tun, hIm nil xilntk iti Washington and I'.Uhl ern Orugiiu. From I'orti.a.vji. Octaii atcmsliis. Tor fiitn Kranoivo April 27, SIy -, 7, 11', Ami ' K Kat Mall p ni 3pane .Mull mill KxproM t:CO a. m 3!: 1 a Mm 1 3ii !: 3 21 51 a 1" 3e IX v The Dulleii, Of. The Chronicle, dob Printers titiiriirirfllfTttltiiti(rti,iiliilir i(Mit)MiMiiuitij(nfjif?Uiiinrinri3iiii i-1 flilltttlltirlilflllttitiiitlivt, ti I p. m. I p. m. K.x.3Uatlay.Ciilnmbln Ilv. Sttumofk. Ex.biunlaj To Awroi!l. hint Way ratiinlay , Ijiinlings. 10 p. m. fia. m. Wn.LAiiimt. lttvi.r.. i cm p.m. Es.aunilay Oruoii City. A'l-wlwrB, lli.nunilaj 7a. in, , Wii.i.AMi!TTr. ash Yii Inri.Tlmr. mi.r. Htvr.ith. nnd nnt. Orvcmi (Jlty, Imytun, anil Wiiy-ljinillnxs. Mini., Witt anil Krl. fia. III. WltLAMBTTK ItlVSR. I .SO p. 111. Tuc.Tliur, I'ortlanil in Corvalllh, Mon Wed anil .rat. mid Wuy-LmiciiiiK. and friday i $j.oo per month. Strictly first class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept u secret. Ko cost for installing. You get the stundard 1 1 tinning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night ervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving lis thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. !.v ICIimrla dully l.'JO u. m. ' Ulparla tu Iwinm. I.CAve I.KWITO.N daily Mn in Wasco Warehouse Company ; Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. I'arllw duoliini! in L-o to IliMitiiiiT ur IHiinih on i.oiiuniiiii .-.imuifrii via jhc MimiKl f,tV.u Kit !...... 11... l,..!). ... I ... ... MjSs for Feed Grain of ii kin h. A.ujijiuuf ;uiiuiiiiii nun iiKi;n iiu isti. i. ur i rivl'iB at Tiiu Dulles at p. in I'or lull partii:iilaii call mi U. K i H. l.n,'' HKOlit Till; Palk-n. or adilrenk I V. II 111 KI.IU I'.T. I (ii'U I'm:. Am.. I'ortlrtlid, Or, i SOUTH and EAST via Soutnern Pacilic Co cure. Small in size and great in results are DeWitt's Little Early Ptisers, the fa mom little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe. Shasta Route Tralin. IfHVf-The Iiallei. lur J'urtlaiid mid way tatluiih at I.Sj h. m. uii'l p. in. U-nvu I'lirtlmid ' Altaili' Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S" Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTI 11 Oil V '"s '''0,Ir H mnmifactured expressly for family xviaa. llH. verv Hll(.k jH K,mrautoil to givo satiBfaetion. We sell our goodfl lower than any house in tho trade, uud if you don't Dunk M call und gel our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Ten. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makee you eat, Bleep, overy position it occupied in 189u to seek j work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed new issues in the events of the war with or money back. 'Jo cts. and 50 eta. Bpain, there was a frantic outburst. The Blakeley &. Houghton Druggistf. PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. I JIi-mriv V ,ip.,, Prnrent ' Illllxri -if .I'nrlfvth. It, .... 'iru Ii. ai1i iian-li:Ti.i JL ' . !J. i '- r",7"''h'BHlnor m- ki-n. T con I V". ViUm., a,nn,lr...or tul' ),.,! f"r same predicted that this generation, which Lad witnessed our recent acquisitions, would seo the American nation girdling lmlf the globe with its flag, extending its commerce to tin utmost ends of the earth und taking its place as u world power among the great world nations, 'a power for good, for peace and righteousness." But the climax was reached when he lifted up his voice and declared that o'U' deud were buried in Luzon, und that on its soil no foreign iitg should ever salute tho dawn. In his splendid peroration, he declared that the republican party, identified for forty years with everything ennobling uud uplifting in our history, was never eo 'vital, virile and vigorous" as today, und that with untarnished record it will transmit to posterity ati undying love of it will r ... A I tor ! J Unless food is digested quickly i ferment and irritate the stomach I each meal take a teasnoonful of Kodol j Dyspepsia Cure, It digests what you j eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It never failn to icure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It ! is pleasant to take. i; III on Ilt;aillli:lli; Olllcldy, Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue, 10 and 'Jo cents. Bold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jatiIM-0w Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Ilemedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup, Should it full to give immediate relief money refunded, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakoley & Houghton Druggists. JJ. K. KKIKilhO.V, PJiysiciuii and Surgeon, Ollice, VoKt Woe (over l'ostolllto, Maplmo Uw 'J'lIK UAl.I.I, OUKCON'. J-lf (i Kl HKN JJO Jt KfKK Physician und Surgeon, Kpcelal attention given to iimjcry. Uoonik 21 anil '!, '1 ul. 32 VoKt II lock Jjlt. C. X. H.MI'J II, Osteopath. IWmniH Hi and 11, C'liiiimiun llloek, Tlie Ji.iIIob, unt'on. 'iiiL'Mia)h anu i-rinayn, u. m maylH-lm i to Vi ITUiEI). W. WIlJjON, ) ATTOit.SEV.AT LAW, T11K UALI.KH, OltLOON OUice oyci FUt Nut. UauK. - A Imnulse i mVm i 'mmmmMi wnees . i "3-' mmm yTJaiii w .aw u ifi i S'?,W"' J Arrive Aalilnnil . . . U:sium ' HaciHinuntu ft.W) p m j " Han rnmoiioo ... 7:,'pin Arrive Ok'Iou " beiivur " Kiilims City " O'lilcnijo . . Artlve 1 AiikuIum .. . " Kl I'awj " i'ott Worth.. . " Ctty o Mexico . " iloimton " Nhw Ork'Him .. " WinliliiKt'm " New York .. 1:W p m (i:0o p in .. li:M0it in . . 0M a in . . I :U) a in .. 0:i'a in .. in ..12:18 p in 7 :Wi ii m 0:1X1 p in a in IcMa in l:ljeii in p in l 1 u in 12'i:ipin 1'iiI1iiiii:i mill 'i'ourUt cam on hot Ii triiliih. Clialrcam Kucriiinciito to (luilvn mill I'.ll'atn, and tnurlfct cam to Cliicaiio, fit I.ouls, Nmv Or K'lilin unit WioililiiKlou. Coiincctltii; nt Kan Kranclhco tvltli iiiivcrnl Ntcaiiiiililp linen lor Honolulu, Japan, China, 1'litllppllic.i, Central mill houth A in c: lea. Hcc nfcnt at The Halite dtntlon, or aildiuk C. H. MARKHAM, dciicral J'tihkL-iifjvr Auuiit, rurllainl, Or T. BROWNHILL, JUST10E OF THE I'JCACJS. Notary Public. Collections promptly uttonded to. Money to loan, C, K, llavard's of fice, The Dalles, Orcgoti. and Motors II ANlTACTl'ISKl) II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ETC SUITABLE FOR UHIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, Circulars and particulars furnished on annllcatioii. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, 1.1.20 TJ1K DALDICS, 0RKU0N Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle