The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 20, 1900, Image 3

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    f " - ,i :
As the Circles
From i fctoht, toseed upon the bosom of n pond gradually widen and increase in tio
ti they fxJMi.l to Its uttermost limit,, so PEASE & MAYS, In- their nmtcl val, ps
...,. ,nnt. v iv i.h hit n.,,1 l,lr.r,..,. I...! i i . ' " ""ut.inu.a aiUCS,
Suits and Skirts....
- i vin.niii lui-n urciu 01 customers.
For Big Boys.
Thin ono is for lioys of 1.1 to Hi years
worn properly speaking, young men.
T'icse Suits lire in nil the now stripe
imil checks. The out ia a round cut
cvlc, made to (it unwell and v.ith as
n.neh stylo as our Men's Snll". Thu
tit .urliit and patterns the same ns
vin find priced nt .iT 50 by some stores.
Our price, $5.00.
For Smaller Boys.
This nobby suit is for Hot b of 8 to
Id years, mndo tii in regular double,
breasted stylo of eoat-a Rood piece of
all-wool grey mixed Cheviot. The pants
have double feat nnd knees; tho seams
are all double-sewed and rip proof. This
suit Is tr.ailn to give good wear.
Our price, $2.15.
A largo lino nt thu celebrated Jano
Hopkins tints at J 2 50 up to $10.
Baseball and Bat or Good Air Gun.
For Little Fellows.
We think this is the idlest suit
that over came from a Hoys' tailor tl.op.
A handsome nil-wool timor grey check,
vestee trltnmed to match ; the vett oten
down front like n man's. The mit is
tailored nil through mt in high art style; ;J to 8 years.
Our price, S4 00.
Nnvv blue Cheviot Vestee Suits,
from $ 1,'io u p.
Washable Suits.
We have so much in this immense
gathering that it's hard .to pick out ono
to describe. Wo want to mention in
particular a handsome line of White
Duel; trimmed with blue. Size 3 to 10.
Our price, 55c.
Many others at JWc, $1, $1.25 up to $2.50.
What We Say We Do, We DO Do.
If Spring had not lingered so long In the lap of
her now-born sister, there would bo no stray Tailor
Suits lagging behind in our Suit Department now. Wo
have an excess of Spring nnd Summer Suits and Skirts,
and recognizing the truth that heroic, effort must bo
mado to l educe the stock, we have adopted the well
known method of
The Suits are all man-tailored, and it will only
take a moment of your time fo see for yourself that wo
are making cut prices.
Suits Commencing at $5.00.
Skirts Commencing at $1.35.
Come early this week and be one of the first to
get the handsome ones.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tilephimc No. J.
At Andrew Keller's.
Wheat was advanced to 50 cents in
" :s market today.
-uiibonnets, eunbonnets, (unbonnets
f r children, only L'5 cents at the New
rk Cash Store.
The Regulator today took on a thous
t, J eases of Salmon nt Wariendiilo for
shipment to Portland.
Notice the article in this issue en
.tied "Errors in Our Eyes." It ie both
'lii retting nnd instructive.
Lob llalin has rented
restaurant building,, and is having it
'"fed up for n saloon and lunch house.
w irk bv Mrs. J, C. Hosteller. Good
nngHs will be given
A few orates of
brought to town daily
U'tudes and fld a
free boxes for u ijurter,
f The old Tom Miller stoic building,
F next door to A. M. Williams & CoV., is
being lltted up for A. A. Hrown, wlio
wi.l move his grocery
sivvubh. Tlie pitv of it was that the
I run ken woman had a poor little
j papoose that iiad to be bronchi to her
by nnother woman to receive its wonted
measure of liquid nourishment and then
removed lo keep it out of darigei till its
drunken mother had sobered up,
J. T. Key nolds spoiled a good news
paper item this afternoon and piobably
taxed a flue new hack from destruction
at tho same time by halting a team that
hud started to run away from the store
of Muier k Henton, where it had been
left unhitched while a couple of ladies,
who had it in charge were trading in the
store. Just as the horses weie getting
on a good head of Eteam Mr. Reynolds
dashed in front of them, and, at the
imminent risk of his limbs, brought
them to a stand.
Count' Court Proceeding.
The county court adjourned this
I'Kliri.i; YOU A LI. KNOW.
John H. Cradlebanch went down the
The Kind You Ilrtvo Always Bought, nnd which hn.s hecu.
iu uso fov over '30 years, has horno tho signature of
I, - ami has iimdo under his pcr
tJ&ffl'?j0LAs soni,l supervision since its infancy.
9Stm, C4icA44i Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
AH CounfciTcits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-Rood" are hufc
Experiments that trilio with and endanger tho health oi?
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
.substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency; It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy' and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Sinca being shorn, yearling wethers
! are held iu Lake county at $3 50.
Wheeler comity pioneers will hold
' their second annual meeting at Fossil
! July SOih.
An order has been received from Yo
kohama for 1000 boxes of Yakima red
.. ..i,.
the California
, Too total receipts ol the ..iGUiouiei
foreign missionary society for the last
Ivear were il.370.:il)9 07. which is the
girl is wanted to do general house-: lllnollllt over naid into the treas-
' ui v in ono vear.
to n mpeteutj ;rll0 u,m.;ill(( of lhe Bol,iim buried for
over thirtv veins in the military ceme-
stfawherries am ,, .,, ,,-., Wimu.r. In Lake countv.
torn tho higher ' h t.xi)uuied and it is under-
ready uiatket ut! . tl v Hill l)0 ehinped to the pio-
i sidio at San Francisco.
An Oregon plonee'r, who was putting
up at the Perkins with his son, missed
tho "kid" yesterday for several hours
and had all' thu hotel attaches hunting
stock into it.!
Humor has it that the store occupied by i ... ,
out (Hiitl QitVU Mil Off I'M
' ' I jUi HUH IUiyH lnj rii;- -"p-
, Mr. Hrown will bu opened in tho near n)ftJi (j,L. clerk Thompson
Vuture as i snloon. I tlU ud'gentleman the age of tho
Tho recent siinrp iidvuneo in the price j ,jHainK boy. "lio's 54 years old," ru
of wheat, coteuiponineous with the I i,d septuagenarian, and tho hotel
meeting of the national republieau con-i , qim the search. They thought a
ventlon and tho proposal to give the ' j mj 0 that age ought to be able to take
country four inoio years of McKinley j (.ar0 0( himself.
1'iosperity, will neceseitato a frerh Hood j ,.l111r1Ci,.1,.,K,N on n.r. o mi.-,
of democratic liternturo on tho undent
law of supply and demand. j 'i'u, ediool closed In District Ko. 1M
. Yesterduv lvhuIml' Thomas Smiley i last Fildav. On Saturday evening ioi
. ' .... river on thu Iteeulator this morninif.
morning, alter nnisning up an :ne un
finished business remaining over fnm Iick Nolan has returned to The Dalles
the last regular term and all unfinished ! ?nf'e' il thrw Iont1'9 B0J',ur ln Ant0'
business oi the outgoing administration. ! I ho
Tl (. fnllnwin" nrf tli hill? nllowed 1 Jnicnier wna a pa-SHUHer on
JLe following are the hills nnowtu, , U)e 4eKUiator tn;a morning for Hood
whose amount is not fixed by statute: I ;iver.
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph
Company, telephone bill .... -1 So
Irwin-ilodson Company, election
supplies 84 00
II F Woodcock, supplies 70 :!5
Jrwin-Ilodson Co, supplies.,
WA Kirhy, services in clerk's
Isabel Kelly, lodging pauper
L Lane, blacksiuittiing
Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber. . .
Hlakeley & Houghton, county
Dalles FJectric Light Company,
J D iloekman, blackemitliliig . . .
Max Lueddeman, registering
M F Shaw, services county poor.
W A Calee, sprinkling btreets. ..
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph
Co, telephone, bherill'
Oregon Telephone & Telegiaph
Co, telephone clerk. . .'
J FStaniels, erecting booths, otc
Ward Hros, lumber Dietrlet No
4 00
5 00
10 80
11 50
7 S3
0 00
4 83
1 90
9 00
Il 75
5 GO
8 10
0 50
2 9(5
54 2S
Ward Hros, lumber Disirict Xo
Ward Hros, lumber Uistiict No
.1 Fusita, care corpse , .
Mt. Hood Mill Co, lumber
Glass iV: I'rudhuinme, supplies . .
Win Michell, use of oflice for
Win Michell, burying pauper ...
Win Michell, burying pauper . ..
Jos T Peters, lumber
J 11 (ierdes, supplies
n.ivliKnn I'niii Cn. lumber, etc.
.1:15 limit, room for election 50
N C Kvans, transportation lor
C A Hell, boaid of pauper
W 11 Wili-on, prof services and
M Z Donuell, niidlcine for pan-
12 75
1 CO
Hi 00
:j 10
5 00
25 00
25 00
80 78
8 25
Ui 20
1 50
Ui 00
Hon. F. N. Jones, of Sherar's Bridge,
is in the city, the guest of the Umatilla
I louse.
Miss Hester Bpck was a passenger on
tho Hegulator,tiii8 morning on a visit te
friends in Huttland.
Hube "Booten is in the city, having
just returned from Portland, where ho
disposed of fifty head of horses at fair
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hobart and Mrs.
Nettie Booth were passengers on No. 1
today, bound for Ocean Park when; the
ladies expect to spend the summer.
Hon. E. L. Smith arrived in Thu
Dalles today on No. 1. From here ho
and Kmile Schauuo will go on a short
tour of inspection of neighboring or
chards. J. h. Smith, of Paulina, after taking a
swim in the Columbia near this place,
concluded it wasn't big enough for n
real good swim, and struck out on the
first train for Clatsop beach.
1. Crandall wr nt to Shaniko on the
KclituiN Awful flight.
F. M. Higins, editor Senaci, Ills.,
, News, was afllicted for years with piles
j that no doctor or remedy helped until
tried Hucklen's Arnica Salve. Ho
writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's
tho suret pile cure on earth and the
best salvo in the world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggist. 5
Mr. Crandalt has
Svu:ik to Wooclruir.
Piiu.ADULi'itiA, June 19. Lieutenant
Governor Timothy L. Woodruir will be
presented to the national convention as
thu candidate of New York for vice
president. It was decided to do this after
n four hour' stormv session of the New
York delegation, during which tvery
kind of appeal wan made to get Governor
Hoosevelt to say that he would accept
the nonii:...tion.
In crucial, the idea seem to be prev.t-
lent that S-creUry Long is the ni'.st fi.-j
vored o.ndidate, with a probability that
Roosevelt may still be nominated. Gov
ernor Kiosovelt believes that his wishes
have been respected by hiH o;ui delega
tion, and that I e is finally out of the
Call iu and sample the whole wheat
shredded biscuits. Free demonstration
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
House & Mays' grocery department.
I, idie-' heavy duck skirts, 99 cento
and il.18 at tho Now York Cash Store.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of tho
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all posilive evidences,
of impure blood. No mailer how it
became eo it must 1 o purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisens or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every buttle on
a positive guarantee. Hlakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
per .
A N Co, transportation
120 00!
1'! .'
was united in marriage to Miss Josie
Akin, both of tills city. The ceremony
was pet formed by Hev. U. F. Hawk In
thu presence of u few friend of the
"ride nnd bridegroom ut tho residence
of tho brido't) sister, Mis. Chiules
Adiiins. An elei'nnt refection followed
tliu weddin ceremony.
. -
Charley Klcliiuond arrived here today
from Condon with another lot of wool.
VJIo says thid will bo his lust trip, us his
irop will need attention when hugots
1'iick home. Ho my a u large lot of wool
"till awaits shipment to The Dalles, If
teams cm be got to do it. Hlnko Hros,
Imve 200 sacks that they want brought
here, but cannot get teiuuo to haul it,
Niulit WtttuhmiMi l'hirman arrested u
drunken iquaw lust night and kept her
in confinement till eho waa turned loose
UiIb mornlug, a sober but li'" elek
lowing an entertainment was given by
tho school, which was a fiuecets in every
particular, liacb child acted his or her
part perfectly, which goes to show what
an excellent teacher wo had iu Mies
Anna Thonipfon. Any tchool that is
fortunate enough to pioeuru her services
is lucky Indeed.
A Pa'it.on ok Tin: School.
All perfect Aitisans of Assembly No.
25, of Tho Dalles, am lequested to be
In attnii.lauco at the Assembly this
evening, June 20lh, as important busi
ness will como beford the Assembly.
J. M. Huntington, Sec'y.
The OhiiiTHeask "How is your liver?"
Instead of "How do you do?" for when
the liver Ifl nctivo the health is good.
DoWittV Little Early Ktaera are famous
little pllla for the liver and bowels.
I.uicu MiH'U Ulimilil'H . . . .... 20 41
Black & Ash, supplies paupeis. . 00
D S Kimsey, cash expended. .... io n
N P O'Brien, tei vices tupeiin-
tendent 4,) 00
Chronic'u Publishing Co. sup-
plies, printing and publishing.
Mavs & Crowe, road suppln'H. . . . - h;
St Vincent's Hospital, pauper...
Mays Crowe, road plow
Mrs Nettie Haird, settlement
Vesta Bolton, refolding
Flllin Bolton, recording
Frank Hill, work on register ....
Bono Broe.eupplies county biidgu
K B Wood, special nervines
J P Hillstioiu, rebate taxes
Wo have laid in a hwpo
29 00
2:i oo
50 00
so oo
01 00
4 00
4 14
18 70
:s 90
Allfiill. l iii'iiien!
Theio will bo a general diill of the
entire flro department tonight at 7
6harp. By order of tho board of lire
delegates. .
For Infants and Children.
Thy Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
giguature of
some forty men employed at Shaniko in
erecting buildings or making prepara
tion for the erection of others.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilder, of
Pcsmoinep, loiva, arrived hern Monday
on a visit to Mr. Wilder's brother,.!. II.
Wilder, of this city, if tho climato of
Eastern Oregon pioves benelicial to Mr.
Wildei's health he will probably remain
here for good.
Colllllllilil Southern Wuri'llollse.
At Shaniko the Columbia Southern
Hailwav Co. controls 80x100 feet of the
I Shaniko warehouse building, to Im nad
aa a height warehouse, through which
thev will receive and forward Height in
tho iiHial manner. The impression tlrnt BtOC'k of (iQl'tlon IIoSO illlll a IT
all business must be done through for-1 . .
watding houses is an erroneous ono and Carrying tllO SUIHO brand ol
wo take thin meauu of dispelling It.
Freight tecelved and held twenty-four
hours will be turned over to n forward
ing liouso subject to the order of tho
consignee. The rate on wool In sucks or
in bales from Shaniko to Thu D.iUoh Is
25 centa per 100 pounds.
For rates or other information call on
or address
C. E. Lyti.i:, G. F. & P. A., or
Ono. F. Ho's, Agent.
Shaniko, Or.
::i4i in Yum- ciii!i(M.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Juno !i, 1890, will be paid at my
oftioe, Intel est ceases after February. 2,
I ISM). 0. L. PniM.irH,
I Countv Treasurer.
j Notho,
Columbia River len it Fuol Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver leu to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone !W or 81 Long
Diet, j 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Notice the article in this issue on
titled "Errore iu Our Eyes." It ie both
Interesting and instructive,
jjiuyu ex
I lose that wo liavo boon carry- (
ing for tho last fivo yoaivj
which is tho colobratod Mai-1
loso Cross Brand. Wo t-avry
tho sanio brand of 1 loso that,
tho Dalles City Firo Dt)jmrl-
mont has boon using for llioj
last twonly yoars. Tho ilal-,
toso Cross Brand is without I
doubt tho host grado of I loso,'
on tho markot. Call and got;
our prices hoforo buying.
JffaieF & Benton
Sole Agents.
Tho only store in
this city where tho
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen piecesof so
called cheap cunm
eled ware.
Other wares look
has tho name
Slnmsky Steel
W'aro on each piece,
Do not be deceived.
I'ir-t prize nt HI
Intimation a I Eslii
l.tmiw IliKhosfc
twirl nt Worlds
Col tmbian Exhibi
tion Chicago Pre
uvml by tho best
v'irtiiied to ly tho
mi.-'- famous chem
Ihts for purity nnd
dnralitlity it ia
-.lieapest because
Remember thu
lelebiuted oiuim
tied ware isspecial
ly imported tor and
t-old in thin oity ex
clusively by us.
linos not rust
absorb grease,
lines nut discolor
nor catch Inside; U
in fnultl Ol'
will boil,
stew, ronst
nod Im Uo
w i t h o ut
ll.wor of
0 o o I: o il
fool and
will Inst
for years.
Wo cau
tion tho