The Dalles Daily Chronicle. IColtlipil itnvr. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, wns tlio WEDNESDAY - JOHTJI WESTEJiX URIC. A prospector in the Mcthow conn, i trv has named his claim the "Iving ! Savey," says the Spokesman-IJi'Vicw. Of course he was making a stagger at the Spanish "quien sabe" who knows? The corruption of Indian, French and Spanish words has led to some 1; act of 1S37, 15.9SS to 1. It may be added that when the commerce . JUNK "0. 1000! of the world fixes the ratio at 10 to i B,li)j..cti s narrated bv him as follows 1 it will be so fixed without consult- "I wns hi u moat dreadful condition. My ing tho exigencies of anv political j skin wjy almost yellow, uvea sunken, party in the universe, and'r.cver till tongue coated, pain continually in bade ' I and sides, no appetite eradually prow- ins weaker day by day. Three phyei Fortunately, n XOMEXCLAT- then. chins had given me up. In 1 son Vrosidnn' Melvinlcv said , , .1 . .i mi . i irieml advised tvi-emc Jitlers , and to "1 hope that the tune will not be far . . . ' ,, i ' , inv great jjv and surprise, the hrst I distant when every workingninn in b(;ttk llia,0"n decided improvement. Ii this country can get wotk, and get it, ' continued their use for three weeks, and too, at fair and remunerative wages." am now n well man. 1 knmv they saved The time was not far distant, and it . '.v " ' ' Sv" 01 is still with us. ; victim, one should fan lo try them, i k)nlv 60e. uiiarntiteud, at Blnkeley it The treasurer of the United States i Houghton's drug store. 5 amusing results in the Pacific north west. In early days in Oregon, gjves figures showing that this court French Canadian settlers bestowed ! trv tmrrnwe mnnpv nt. n lnwor ratn , " W V . . V W ... W .. J - . , . , l. f T !" ..! nf tlin ' . . - . . . . . ! IUXH iiuuit m j. uivuii: mi uui w hil (ujj ny olllcr nation, ntut inai streams. rI he American pioneers m0ney is cheaper with us than any have twisted it into Kickreal. N tl-, wlicre 0iie amonj; inen." It Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia ; Cure difeats w nat you eat so the body means 1 can be nourished while the worn out or ji 1 i i i in : statement that every dollar issued !';, .' ,, ,...,,., u. . n bv the Lnited States is eciiitvolent stomoeii trouhlc. 1 y it if you are t ' .. . ; . .1 l ; . .. T . ... 1 1 to cold. lauieltc is a corruption of Walamet, i ,UUeh to sav in connection with this t i-''-"? are beinc reconstructed. It is the accent oa the first syllable. Okano gan was originally OUinakane. Che wclah should be Cha-we lah, which in the Indian tongue, signifies a little striped snake. In Washington Irving's Astoria, and all the other old chron icles, Spokane was spelled without the final e. This was the Spakan country, from The announcement that a begin ning will be made in November in the work of bringing home the vol unteers from the Philippines will , . ... I displease the democnts. Urvan and ihc i:iei uku uie i I tainly do you Rood. To Cure n (Jolil in One Day. ; Taku Laxative P.romo Quiuine Tab I lets. All riruugists refund the money. GOING EAST- I If you intend to ihke a trip East, nsk j ' your ticket agent to route yon via the: . Complete Cii?e of , at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DKUCGIST. t Str REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLANI) k ASTORIA NAY, COMPANyI Hlciiiiium of tin. Ilrirulntur l.tno will run na ,Cr the mi '3 ow.iib M'linliile, thr C(nninay renvrvlng tlio rlcht tn ciiim. 4 M'lifiltilultliont notice. "m J M noKtilntor. ' IKIW'N. Ik lltT A. M. h' Tueitny . . . . IJ, TlmtNlny .. I Snturilii.v . i ' Arr. I'lirtlnml J, nt -I -V v. M, ttr. I I.V. I'urtl. mil i nt 7 A, H. , Miiiuliiy , Wfiliu'iiiy 1'rlilny Arr. thilli-H ltd r. . Ship your Freight via Down l.V. llllllt'M I t 7 A. i. i Moiirliiy nitiiiriiliiy Regulator Line. ."iWi,,,,,, I nt i r, m. Str. Dallos city. a it" I'nrtlaiid "I " A. , J 'I'Uc.Hnv S 1 liiittilny ! Siittinlnj-'J nt ..r.nJl 5- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? Travel by tin- Kteiinu'rt. of the Itrculutnr I.lnc. The (Mmimiiy will emlcnvnr to nlc lt n.t ? Sj roastlie best M'lvlrn mwMIiIo. 1 or furtliur liitorniutlim miau-si 1 t 1 E. 1'ortliliul OIlli'O, On!. Hticot PiioU W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Afit. 5 J Spokans inhabited it, and they termed themselves the 'Children of the Sun." The facctiousness of the miner and the trapper has also left its impress; upon the nomenclature of this coun try. Names abound like Jump-off doe, Ilell-to-Pay (since softened into Eltopia), Raw Dog, Yallcr Dog, his part friends were in hopes that j Great Wabash, modern and up-to-date I Aguinaldo would put up such a hard railroad in every particular fight and kill so many American soldiers that the arm- in the Philip- i pines would have to be enlarged instead of diminished. The fact that thousands of the soldiers in the islands will he brought back to the Through trains from Chicago, Kansas ? City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York , and New Knglnml points. All trains p. run via Niapara Falls and.every through 2. train has free reclining chair ears, sleep-1 jj i up and dining cars. 1 1" .- . 1 1 i , x-t i Columbia river town in Eastern , , . , .,.,; la terrible blow fo the poor Hrs'anites Oregon was long known as Alkali. ; 1 J "When it began to take on refined 1 ......... t.-.,ii n (-...-.. Lnited states during the present! Pacific Coat Pu. i?t.. . . ..... . .1 t .. r... lit nlthough their term does not' yjn .incncf, umn. , u. s. cn.vNi:, o. i: a., fet. uouis, .mo. - 1: Si PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. KNtltAI. Starveout, Hardscrabble, Kcno, Long j Trim. Rnrlrilp nnrt HU-p Hrf.ii. A I i'ear ' A.irl until I in tn.IMIr. r f unvr roll1 1 11V4 UU.ll Wli(. UilHll1. Ul III.... ., w ' it TliuuNnuri roncui' I IJeports show that over fifteen hun j dred lives have been taved th'ouch the 1 nt 1'r.u t.nllt.. f'llr.. , l , i l J t V . l.V. .IIIIIIV VWI.k. V. .111., . -. 1. .. . 1 i airs, it bad the legislature dignif it ! Could not express the rapture of Annie of these were cases of prippe, croup with the hih-soundiu" name of I E- Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phii-, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and jadelpl.ia, Pa., when she found that Dr name Arlington. Despite this smattering of coarse- Its early use prevents eon- Nasal BlacKsmitli ...AND... Horsssnoer C. S. Smith, Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Kodol 1 dp-to-date Qroeer Dyspepsia Cure. P I I'ri'tli I'4kh and Creamery , Digests what you eat ff i llnttt'r ii Hiiccia tv. 2d Street Tin pneumonia. King's New Discovery for Consumption ' sumption. i i ' . i i i .. f .. 1 . 1. : .. . . I uuu L'uiupiciciy rurtu uui ui u iiuutviiiu ness and levity, the nomenclature of . coub that for manv vears had made , the Pacific northwest abounds in ! life a burden. All other remedies and j RfiXA I R II i. : i ' lirn'tnro nnnlil t'ivp lior nn iifiln. hilt slip i W" 1 II II muu iu.u is ucauiuui, meioiuous -7 " . " , ' ..t. In all it swes tUerc and poetic. The white man has not SB)S "1,a ?"-vl" U"T . B," i sUouid ta 8- , ,. 1 nioveu ine pain m my cneai anu i can : yv's fVnntn llnlm improved on the Indian names of now sleep soundly, EomethinE I can c, "qa""JL streams, mountains and localities, J scarcely remember doins before. I feel tho diseased membrane. like Bounding its praises throughout the itcnrecatarrnanaurivw ,, ., .,, . . . away a cold iu tue usad i universe." fco will everv one wlio tries .J.i Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble i crrmu r.nlin H placed Into the nonrila, Bprcada of the throat, chest or lun'S. Price 50c ' over the membrane cud is absorbed. Iic.icfulm- Trial bottle tree at Hhlkidcv & ' xneaiateanttacurefollmTj. I la no: urjins-tfoca , cot prounce f iieezinj;. jjjrgo nize, ou ccnn ns u:u- and where these names have been preserved, the poet may usually venture with assurance of dignity and euphony. H TMrflland JeffBrnn. PIioiic:i59 lle Put PERTIXEST PRESS COMMENT. and ?1. Houghton's guaranteed. drug store; every bottle 1 5 ;ut or by raaU; Trial f-iz-.-, 10 cents by mall. 1KV U.fJTUi'AiS, 50 War.-e-a tr-.ree:, New York. The Sioux Falls populist conven tion has alllicted Bryan with a stoppage in his speech. Star. When a man is referred to now as a "veteran of the war." it is neces- A SiiralutMl Ankle Oulcltly Cui-kiI. j Salt.-. "At one time I suffered from n severe ' Trimmed bats and patterns at cost for sprain of the ankle," eays Geo. E. Cary, the next thirty days at the Campbell & editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. Wilson millinerv parlors. 2:!-tf "After usnii; several well recommended nmriiPinnfl uiUmnt pupi-mc... I tried If 'u are looking for bargains, be sary to speciiy tlie war uvil, bpan-1 (.,.-.,,.,,.,.. ,,,., 1llll. Bni! nm ish or Kentucky. Albany Democrat. pea8ed t0 My t!iat cane as goon ! Store Pettigrew and Lentz lament over as I began its use and a complete cuie the death of 1721 of their Filipino speedily followed1" Sold by IHakeh- urethren who died valiantly trying & Houghton. In rrft n elint nt tlir. .f)l1 Vlorr"" ! i sure and call at the New York Cash 7 4 Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ki'Cj.h on dreuKht tho rulcbriitbti (oi.CMIHA IlKEIi, iif'kiiow: wltliil the bi'it l-.-r In 'rim Dnlltv, . tin uiinil priPi. Come in, Iry '.tHIitl bi. riiuvjiii-wl. Aln the Fintht bninds il Wlncx, IJ'iuor cud Cisare. 'Sanduiiehes ill till Kunlh uhraj nn lusiirt. Zugene Kegistcr. Otis savs the P.ev. V. E. Sitzer, W. writes, "IJliad dyspepsia over twenty , A TJ ffj, ,U Pml-ilfm withdrawal years, and tried doctors and medicinee ullll,-l'lu x ' ' t C. F Stephens .Dealer In... nf rmr trinnc frnm tlin TJiiI.tM-iima 1 ...:.i.A...,n l ....-n...i...i ... ...... ' w. wu. w.V'Wl. l.u.M A HUlll Wiling , niLUUUL UUllCUL. I IL'ICU; UCU IU UEQ . , ..n i. . , ., . . , . it is amom? uo most ii:mc.iit nroo- ti wouiu expose to great danger all tlie Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me lums of mmiral eeionce for one to bcconiH Dry Goods, Clothinq natives who have been friendly to ; from the etert. I believe it to be a expert in tuveral lines. J. E. Adcos r"Li- r-.. : i : i , 3 IlmiM, Hh.icK. Unti, ( lips, Nidions. Agt. ,lor V. . I. 1) illglnr. Hhoc. Tt l'-phoiic No. M 1 '! .i'.iitiit Americans. IJut what connerhead ! nannfi-ii fnr K11 nf iniHiM.ctinn." It 1 Co., by their combination, hr.vo over cares for anvthing connected with ' digests what vtu eat. come this diflienlty in a practical man- .,. i , i , iner. J. h. Adcox is an expert watch the American side of the case , A, W,J0 frmn )Ue3 wi) Klad , maker aml is K00(1 on jHWblryi 0,ltical A nut for liryan and his paitv to; to learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel lv?r.k .alld raving. while Theo. II. n iii pi . . . . Liobe Is an expert optician and is good crack: A ool and sheep are now i Salve will give them instant and per- on watcll repairing, jewelry work and twice their value, as compared with , manent relief. It will cure eczema and ' engraving. Their price ie ae low as con their market price in 180C. "Why?!3" e:ln diseases. Beware of counter-1 eistent with god workmanship. Thev Can they not see what the cold I fdt9, . are prepared to do all nork in tbetV i j i ... i , ,,. , , . ,, several lines, on Hiiort nonce. worK t , nrrr standard and protection have none." , we nave just opened a mca iineoi Mnt by Inail or t.x,iretg wjn rereive U LIS V W nflr jviui'ia-iu uivnurs ui sucep arc now iuuium- uuuk wKiria in greya anu iariB, prompt atte.-ition. .ign, iiig hnving a little profit. It -will be j which we are offering for 09 cents and Watch.1, hard to change them off with the UlHS. These are. extra good values and " " liryan ruse.Kx. nrt BlnB w." 1 - V"r,-V "1,d I get your pick of the line. J he New I he Chinese are fighting for the , iork Cash Store. jO independence of their country for Tbc Dalles, Or, i Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. liberty, if you please, and the right f f'fiinn in n timt t f ctitt f lm Chinese. But no resolutions of 1 1 a, t0" 8 fiUn mo 'mDlB for f fcympathy v.ith the Chinese will bo , BUranteed lor 6 yea. Clark A City. Tsol in a thousand yeais. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'HMlrig, OvercoHtiii- or t'micj Yvatlng. Vou Laant. Spokesman- licvie w. Speaking of the defeat of several members of Ihe 2nd Oregon ot tlir late election, the McMinnville Tian-I VUouti Xo- 107 Ecrint concludes : "We will oven im ! 'n " matt eis in good shape when the gubernatorial election comes, by electing Gen. Owen Summers gov cuior of the state of Otegon by the Inrgcst plurality ever given by this late." For the convenience of parties want ing ice iu the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a Htock at their store, corner Third and WaHhington etreets. long distance 1S!1. 18m-tf In spite of all that has been said mid written on the suoject, there has never been a 1C to 1 ratio under the coinage laws of the United States. The ratios have been: Act of 1792, 15 to 1; not of 1884, 1G.002 to Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracte are the best. Ask your grocer for them. I'or hale. A good eecond-hand threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. J-f.d&wlm Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2fi-tf Boye' sweaters 25 cents at the New Yoik Cash Store. We have better ones if you wish them. Kindly rail nnil rxmnlne my stock of Im ported mid l u'cutie Woolens. A lint- Block lo elect Jroin. HulU mbUc from tho luwtht nlces to die litgh et fc-rmle, Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle U1K UAI.LKtl OJlEOON, every bit of twenty years experience unci drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is if. any reason why, our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? .slc your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTON. .Reliable J'rescriptionists p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, ! nor Second & HUB. 'Phone 157 It artificially dlcests the food and nlrf 'pVmno O'TD Mature in stretiKthcnlnp and recon rnouG 6 u. .Btructlngthc exhausted digestive or- fans. 1 l is me lut est discovered rtlnest ! ant and tonic. No other preparation i can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieve; and permanently cures i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ; Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckllcadacbe.GaHtralKia Cramps.and vi other results or iniperiectahjcstlon. Procured by C. C. OrWl.' A Co.. Crjlcago. J, H, bClltt.'CI, l'rilik'iit. 11. Jl llnli, Chlfi i First national Bank. tHE DALLES - - - OREGON j A General Bunking IhiHineup 'rannacttd : DopooitH rucuived, mibject to Bight Draft or Check. ; Collections made and jiro'-eedd nronipt!; rinitUi(l on dn' of oullection. Slt'lit and Telegraphic Kxcliniifo aoid New York, Kan Francisco and "art land. DIKBOTOHH D. P. TiioAtriioN. Jno. S. hcawir, Eo. M. WlM-lAMH, bKO. A. LlIBt. H.M. Bkail. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. OroBaon & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. New IdeiiB in Wnll roper hero, fcuuh wide variety aa we ure Bhowini; never be fore Braced n fthiIu Btoek. I'.ual imlta lion crutoii efleutH at ordinary prleee, Good papeia at chean imnur i.rlf.H lilejjant deKieiiH, taateful colorinH, vourn . fnr ii n it i ft 1 1 ttrif at m .... i'm i.i street. Also a full line of house puliits. i ,,UA'SHAt"rA K;; K it A I. U AN K I NU uuhnkb Letters of Credit iusued available in the Kastern Htates. hlKht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. Louis, Ban Francisco, -Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ail poluts on fav orable terms. Tfie coiumDia PacRingGo PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANl'KACTt'HFllHdK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD IIKK1-. J TC. CO YEARS' EXPEniENCE D. W, VAUSE, Third St JJ4. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllcs oi er I'rcncli & t'o.'n Dunk '""e 6 TllK IM1.I.K6, OIlEUON ' jHPrt 'rfffH Copyrights c Anrimn ..n.lln n MiPlrli ''".'rittr1; (jiilrkly iwc.irtiilii our oiiliiKiii f'"' . nif tliiiiaKtrlctly mi llul. "'""""X,1 . unit rr.i. oMimi warn ' M,""W?,iArt 1'iiKii.tM liiUmi tlimiiKli .M i, A rmi tptclM unllct, wllliuut liiiiwu, In t" Scicniific Emm A lifUKlmirniilr llliif-lrnti-rt w;"1" '",rr;, j illation uf imy w'luiif llln "",""'.. ,3 cflltr". i'iiri rU W"'' i ,1, lightens the lor.d- tihortcii9 the road. 1 helps the learn. Savm w. ' .....rl'VVIII.lVI HTANDARO OIL CO. II H IIUNT1NIITOH H"rMKStolt Oin over First Nut. ilnak 1