l)c Dalies MUG. X'V. vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1900. NO. 20! Retiring from Business. Closing out my Regardless lry Goods, Clothinc, Moots nnd prices. Will toll In bulk or in lots, or Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. mods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glovo-fittiris Corsets nml 1 i": ilck Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure Imrgu ns. SPECIAL SESSION MAY BE CALLED Situation in the Far East Seems to Demand it and Mclvinley Is Said to lie Keady to Meet Emergency. Ciik uio, June 10 A special to the Tribune, duted Washington, June 10, uyt : I'resietent rumors are ailoat that McKinlt'v bus decided to call an extra tetei in (it congress to deal with the Chi mice situation. If war exists in China jrow'ni; out of the destruction of the United Mutes and other legations, it will be nuct'seury to send more troops to Chi na. Oh inn to conditions In tho Philip pines n i more troops can be withdrawn safely. Therefore, it will requite author ity from cmgroHs to furnish troops. The minors of mi extra session cannot be truce 1 to a reliable source at this hour, an. 1 Inquiry at tho White House throws no light on tho subject. A mem Wr nf he president's ofliclul family, then lU'Btioued, (mid : "I ibj t. it know whether this mutter he been discussed or not, but the presi- ''eat eai ue depended upon to do every IIimkIi ii his power to protect the lives nJ pr perty of Americans in China. Herot.jdre this country has acted in lepumlc ntly, but is now uet'ng In con cert with the powers." The (.'l.iueso situation Iiab been dis used it, all its phases by the president ""I lux uilviserH, and they have looked ' into the future. It is quite cortain 'fie ree veiling of congress has been "liMiisat i, but none of the olliclala here HI adii.it it. Tim Munition may change at any moment. uni thu first advices from IVkin H1 unlinbtcdly decide whether the im mediate future will bring peace or war. Tiiure uie two possible cuueoB (or war in "ie b.tiiatiou. One is tho destruction oltliu American legation iiuil tho inur niiR.ftho American minister. The ''I'M Is the action of tho coiiiiiiuniler at wu, Mho ordered his mon to tiro on tho Internal ,-uml (luut. If his action la sanc tioned y the ivkln government a fclulo 'Ivinr exists, but if ho acted without mi iirnty and his liostllo net is disavowed we nmy hu n peaceful solution of the !ci(lunt I' Will' oxIhIh in Dlitnn. kpowIiil ont 'Iio tJoatruolloti of tho legations or the nll'ulr, then It will bu necosaiiry to '"id lllllll, Irni.iu tr, ril.l.i.i M.vlmr In Wailing conditions in tho Philippines dinore troops can be withdrawn and lf iiiiy, can bo spared from Porto I Cllli or tho United States. There. 0t(l 't ill bo necessary to call an extra '""on of congress to furnish troops to ue with tho Chinese situation. I "Vlcee; come from Pekln that Mln- Conger and other Aruorleuus have 2n '""idered, there will bo ho other reo open to the administration, but () ,ed a force etrong enough to bring " Chinese to their senses unci make Ives of Americans as safe in China '"y would belli WflBhlngtou. Entire Stock of Cost. ' Slioee, nt much leef than wholesale any way to suit purchasers. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. S i-cii I ii 1 1 ii u to hnliiiiin Shortage. Astokia, June 19. The belief is daily becoming etronger among fishermen nnd others interested in the industry that the failure of the supply meuns that the claims of the number of salmon propa gated artificially have been exaggerated to n very considerable extent. That sev eral millions of young sultnon are turned loose from the hatcheries annually ib thought to be unreasonable, in view of the steady falling oil in the catch, and the success of the experiments conducted on a small scale indicates that a mistake must have been made in the count of the fry. Notwithstanding the fact that there were a large number of fish marked be fore being turned loose during the last few yearp, comparatively few of them have ever been hear.d of, although a very close wutch Iiub been kept. At one of the local cannneries the Chinese who clean tho salmon have had n standing oiler of CO cents for every fish discovered with the adipose fin missing, and it is extremely improbable that any marlud Uah were overlooked. But, notwith standing this incentive to vigilance, only five marked salmon have been detected this season. Iltivelopmt-ntN In TriiiiTiul , London, Juno 10, 2:20 p. tn. No im pel tant development marks the progress of the J'.ritish in the Transvaal. Lord Roberts reports that over 2000 stands of arms have been given up at Pretoria since the occupation of tho capital. These will be utilized by the released British prisoners, of whom there are US ollieers and 15080 men. General liuller leports that the first train through passed Laing's Nek Mon day, June IStli, and proceeded to Charlestown. Tho first batch of Mafeking's sick and wounded arrived at the hospital at Bel foutein June 15th. Citturrli Cuimot lit- Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the sent of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal lemedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and ucts diiectly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Cataiih Cure is not n quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this country for yen's, and Is n regular piescription. It is compoeeu of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purilieis, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces, luo perieci combination of tho two ingredients is what piodueo8 such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. J'", J. Oiik.suy & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Hold by drruggists, pi ice 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12 Special reserve old government whio key, recognized by tho highest medical authority in tho land; especially recom mended by the board of health of Han Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. captain and surgeon, and Win. I). McCarthy, major and sur ireon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for conyalescen s, in valids and family use. Hold by Char es Stubllug. apl-'O-dlm Clark ii Falk's drug stock is new, fresh nnd complete. ERRORS IN OUR EYES Why the Use of Spectacles is Fast Be coming Universal. Many Xenons Troubles Traced to .Mal formed Visual Organs, by A. T. Rob erts, of San Diego, Cal., one of the Most Successful Scientific Opticians on the Coast, who will Have an Ofiice in Room 4, Chapman Hlk, Cor. Second and Wash. Sts., for a Short Time. The fitting of glasses by a modern optician is an entirely different mat ter from the purchase of a ready-made pair in stores or shop. It Is an under taking of magnitude. The tests, ex aminations and appliances are mani fold; their uses puzzle the novice. A person's eyes are often very un like in their respective refractive pow ers, requiring a very different glass for each eye; the purchase of shop glasses lenses of the same power for both eyes Is consequently preposterous for any age. Eyo glasses or spectacles, properly fitted, affoid, in many instances posi tive relief from a long list of nevous disorders. The human eye Is intimate ly connected with the nerve center ot the brain, over which it exerts a strong sympathetic influence. If there is any thing wrong with the delicate mechan ism of the organ of vision, its effect Is soon felt in the nervous system. There may be no signs of trouble in the eye itself, still an error in its refractive qualities may be the direct cause of al most any nervous trouble the body is heir to. A person may be born near sighted, far-sighted or astigmatic, and not be aware of the fact themselves, still either of these defects will in many cases, bring about serious nerv ous troubles, the cure of which would then be impossible until the sight be corrected with spectacles. This is the assersion of leading specialists in nervous diseases and diseases of the eye, and has the unqualified endorse ment of all reputable opticians. In it may be found the cause of the fast- spreading use of spectacles in all parts of the civilized world, where the mod ern theories of medical practice and physiological conditions obtain. Tho almost universal use of glasses does not indicate an extension of impaired vision in the human race, or the ex istance of any new optical trouble; it means, simply, that experts are trying by artificial means to remedy the de fects of nature. We have discovered that it is possi ble for nature to err in regulating man's vision In much the same way as it might send him into the world mal formed in other parts of the body. Wo find that tho eye is subject to what are called refractive errors, which serious ly .aifect the powers of accommodation and induce abnormal strain, which, if long continued, has an injurious effect upon the nervous system, and nnaiiy upon the vision Itself. Tho range of tho visual field depends upon the form of the eye. If both oyes arc perfect in construction and ident ically alike, the vision will bo normal, but science lias demonstrated to the satisfaction of the medical profession, that nature does not always do its worlc truly, and that many individuals are elllicted with misforined eyes. To make these misfoi'ined eyes perform their work acceptably to their owner requires an unconscious strain on tho power of accommodation, which re sults in a disordered condition called asthenopia. People thus ailllcted will struggle along. Ignorant of the real causo of the trouble, until compelled to consult a physician for relief from nervous affections, when they will bo surprised to learn It is spectacles, not medicine they need. Asthenopia includes pains lu tho oyoliils and in tho forehead over the eyes, In the top and back of head, and In the sides of tho head just back of t lio eyes, and Is frequently accom panied by exlromo nausea and general debility. When failure to obtain re lief by the uso of ordinary remedies, demonstiates tho fact that tho trouble does not lio in ordinary causes, tho careful physician will at onco suggest tho consultation of an eye specialist. This usually results in tho discovery ot a refract ivo orror of some kind which is readily remedied by tho uso of properly fitted glassei, and in a short time all symptoms nf asthenopia disappear. Hxpmnntlon ot tins lies 111 1 tho fact that the glasses restore tho vininn to tho normal stage, and by do-1 lug tills stop the forced strain on tho powers of accommodation, and this is a relief to tho wholo nervous syBtem. That diseases of the body, supposed oven by some of the most advanced thinkers to hiivo no connection wltli tho eyo, hnvo boen cured through tho proper refraction of light through glasses cau be proveu to your own sat isfaction by calling on A. T. Roberts, a life-long student and up-to-date prac titioner in Optometry and a graduate from highest authority in the United States, who will show you hundreds of testimonials, some of which are even stronger than tho following: Tills man had taken treatment for fifteen years for his nilmcnts, under the best physicians within his reach, and had grown worse all the time un til his eye-strain was relieved and this is what he says about it after two years: Wildomar, Cal., Jan. 5, 1S9D. Mr. A. T. Roberts, San Diego, Cal. Dear Sir: Nearly two years ago I was in San Diego for my health, my nervous system being broken to such an extent that I doubted, my ability to recover fully. I was one day talking with you, and you gave mo an expla nation as to how I could come to that condition through imperfect eyes. I let you fit me with glasses, not partic ularly for my vision, which I thought perfect, but to cure my nervousness and neuralgia. The effect has been so far beyond what I expected and what you said it would be, that I feel called upon it write my appreciation of your skill. I was well of neuralgia within one month, and my nerve has returned so that I am now able to do hard work on my ranch without trouble. Respectfully, G. P. LAWRENCE. In the following case the lady came to me and said sho would be compelled to give up her school because of nerv ousness and almost constant headache, and I had difficulty in pursuadiug her that there was even a chance that her eyes were the cause, and now hear her: liefore being fitted with glasses by Dr. A. T. Roberts, I had a constant, severe headache, and could not bear a strong light on my eyes. My whole nervous system was overtaxed by the strain made on my eyes in order to see. Since wearing the glasses which he fit ted, I have had no headaches, my vis ion by aid of the glasses is apparently perfect; I am no longer troubled with "nerves" and have continually gained in weight and general health. MRS. NELLIE E. MERRY, Teacher in the Public School, San Diego, Cal. The next is a case where the gentle man, Dr. Watts, a most thorough den tist, now owning and managing one of the finest suite of dental parlors on the Western Coast, had for years been totally unable because of nervousness to do any kind of dental work or other business. In fact Dr. Watts was a total nervous wreck. When I asked him if lie had ever had an expert examination of his eyes, he laughed rather sarcastically and said: "I have studied anatomy all my life and I know there is nothing wrong with my eyes. 'Why! I can see better than anyone I ever met." This was true so far as vision was concerned, but ho got this good vision at the ex pense of his nervous system and thus his eyes were his ruin. Hear what ho says after five years: San Diego, Cal., July 22, 1899. Mr. A. T. Roberts Dear Doctor: In answer to your favor of recent date, I will say that there is no doubt In my mind that the correction of the astig matism by the' glasses you fitted for me nearly five years ago have entirely cured the nervous disorders which you attributed to that cause, and I am glad to state In addition to tho abovo that there has been a marked improvement in my general health, which retro grades immediately upon my leaving off my glasses. Yours truly, L. W. WATTS, D. D. S. I have In my possession thousands of testimonials from persons, who like tho foregoing, thought their cases hopeless. 1 have not gathered these to gether so much for advertising pur poses, as to prove to tho public that the eyo lias much more to do with tho general health than they give it credit for. I believe that 99 of every 100 cases of chronic sick headachs are be cause of a constant strain on tho part of the person, to overcome some un suspected defectof vision; in fact, I liavo never yot made an examination of such a person's eyes, and found them per fect. I am always glad to make n FREE examination, and give 11 clear and sim plo explanation In plain English, to any one interested in tho subject. Respectfully yours, A. T. ROBERTS, Scientific Optician. A vCiiiuil (,' II 1,-11 .MtMlll'illi). It epeaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when drugciats uso It in their own families iu preference to any other. "I have told Chaniberlain'a Cough Remedy for tho past five yearb with complete satisfaction to myself and mietomera," savs Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Ktten, N. V. "I have nUvaya used it In my own family both for orditiary coughs ami colds ami for the cjuiih fol lowing In grippe, and find it very effica cious." For ealo by Ulakeley & Hough ton. Subscribe for Tho Chronicle. All made dium All $1.00, $1.23 and . 1.50 shirts in the lot ; sizes from 14 to 17 neck ; material percales, eingliams and madras ; light grounds, pink and blue effects. Choice 1 UU f popular Up-to-dat Summer dollar.... These Coiiars are of a High L'nen on both tiikj:. 2o; eaety 3 for 50c Sizes 14'..' to 17. MILLIHMS co C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageir rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. I WHISKEY from if2.75 to $0.00 per uallon. IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon, ill to 20 years old.' CALIFORNIA BBAMDIES from $3.25 to $6,1)0 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. NTTrV TITlflT 1 1. . , T 1 Til . . . . 1 11 1 ... . . l.ni.ln-. I UUiiUMCIA Uiiiilt on orauglll, aim I Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Jaeobsen Book & JVIusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho largest and most complete line at Rock Bottom Prices, Grandall & Bwget fill kinds of undertakers "Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies p) embalmers Etc, "SK Tho Dalles, Or. 1 That TliiolililiiK lltmilurlm Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life I'lllu. Thousands of suH'erora havo proved their imitchlesf) merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Kasy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back If not cured, Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 Op 5pee'ai 5a'e .Some five dozen Men's Golf Shirt?, ranging in price from 75e t0 $'-5- We have divided these shirts into two lots as follows : 75e shirts, sizes from 15,'J ,to 17 neck, of percale in good reliable me- K nnd light colorings ; Special... OvC Grade (4 to 15 years old. ai lillliz aim ujymjmi iirer iu inuucu KXKcrroii'.s notick. Nnllco Is lii'aliy Klvon Hint tliu umU'rslKiieil luo ijctii iluly iim UM !)' Hit-' cmuityi'imrt, ( lliu btnto of Im-Kiiii, ou'culur of tliu last will iiml tobtniiu'iitof Kvaliiiii Hvttim. ducoii'UiJ. All iion,niis liuvlm.'1'liilma iiuiiliist tliu ustuto of tliu btihl nviillni) livims iitu li.'icliy ri-iiuluM to pienMit Illumine In him, properly 01 jlicu, a hy law loiulrnl, nt Hosier, (iroKon. witlilii sU immtlis (iom tlioilato hereof, Kxeoutor of tliu last will ami testaiiiuiit of livnllae Uvaii, uecvawJ. luul' 11 K" ' W "ft T