The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1900, Image 4

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    He Tried a
Sample Bottle
Nearh-every day people, como into dnit
nton and u.k the Druggl to recommend
E0B1C incUlCllie IOT men iriuiiiie. if)
otHn they re-
1UM' to uo so,
because, as a
rulo, they do
not believe it
proper to nd
vL'unnyoncto take a patent
medicine o(
which they-do
not know tho
. V vT5- v ,fW A A ft 1A1 irtt V Bt
AN 7
ingredients. It flfc
is the physt-l
clan's bud-
nesss to pre-' muA-.
Ferine, noiuo
make nn ex
ception, liow
ovor. when
jinyone has & congh, cold or throat andlnrj:
trouble. "I always recommend Acker'1 1".
lih Itemed-, became- 1 know Just what .1
will do. It has cured every cac when I
4iave seen it tried. It is tho bet expectorant
mid tonic I over h.mdlcd in my, H years
experience. I viV g:ve Just one instance of
a gentleman who lud been troubled for
Tivirs with n iwtr lim'klllsr COUCh. I StU-
Vised Acker's Knciisii Remedy. He triqd a
to Good Dressers....
I extend n cordial invitation to all to insnect tho samples ol
Woolens from the CiJOWX TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cits
torn Tailors.
Suits to Measure, $8.75 up.
Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent.
1 lira Fait
Jlr 3 vftl i& t?
n- -V -"v 'V
i Yellowstone Park Line.
the WNiNu ( Ait ltoni: ntoM ror.Ti.ASH
to Tin: i:.nT.
, Union Depoi, nrthand I sis
nvenarius treatment. i
This preparation not only eaves wood 1
from noxious parasites, but it also pre-1 & Falk are never closed Sunday
serves wheat, in granaries treated, from . lln I forget this.
weevils .without elevating the structure, ! ClRrke & Fnlk Have on sale n full line
us hns Wen snggested, on etiltt), poul-! of paint and artist's brushes.
try, in coops trpated, from lice; cattle ' You will not have boils if vou tako
rample bottle, and cured Wore he had J and sheep, in sheds treated, rfroni insects ' Clarke & Falk'- sure cure for boil,
taken half of it. nt -i 1 cost whatever, ilits ( . 1 .nsi.i,,,,.,. i,nll.ra !
fa nn exceptional l.-.wever.aaitusuaUy 1,1111 dstast , and te dents ot houses, a full line of Eastman films and sup-
taucs two or turn- ..rr 1 treiueu irom iieua, ueuoiigH aim nma. ,.. ... r,.1.i,.,i i,v. fuPL-,. .t- T.V1L-
No. 'J. Fnst ninll for Tiieonm,
Healtlc, Olyiupln. ilniy's
IlmSinr nnd Snutli lleml
poiiits, i-inikani', I'.ixs
iltiml, 11. (.'.. I'tillmmi,
lMocnw, lwhtyn, lluf
U.lo A.M. (alnll unui nilnliiK conn
try, lU'lcim. Mluitcui.o
HI. 1'iiul, Omiilm,
, KntiM City. St. UiuK
'ChlciiK" mil! nil put 11 t.s
No 4. et iiml xoullicuit.
PliRet Sonnit i:.ires
U:!tO P. M. for THConm nml sonttlo
unit Intermediate -iliits
No. 1
r.,V)l'. M.
Nd. 8.
TitO A.M.
lu llcfontainc, Ohio.
(.-isrned) A. I!.
S-iid nt c. M
cut t'a Tniti'-i
Eng!.itiii at 1.
ere 11 'it .tilit' 1
iKittle to your uru
back. . t
UV atit'tnrUe fie abort gvarzn'.n.
It". 21. UQQZZr. & CO., rsnrk:jr; .Yew l"ari..
! C.trbolincnm nvenarius does even
ml l a l-ottle. thronch- , more than this. So fatal is its effect on
I Canada; and in 1 . .... , . , . ..
L" J.-. Od. If vou ' "i?pct life and so far-reaching , it even
. r buyinp:. return "tho 1 seeks out and destroys the microscopic
.PiillmHti lirst 1'lif.s iiiul toutUt hlcviwrK In
MimeiilH)lls,.St. I'mitimd Missouri river pilnt!
without elimice.
Vetlhtilcil tmlriv t iiion ilej-ot eoniiertloiih
In nil principal eltlS.
I IIMSRRe C1IITKI11 U IR'MllUlUllIl 111 Ui k' l.i,
I n liHiiilvniiely lIllKtiiitwldwerlptive mutter,
lie sure and see the bargains iu !adiei I slw",,R c,,r 'vit..i, etc.. e,m ..r
flal, UUt
Blakeley & Houghton
Jlrs. John Perrv, of White .Salmon, is
visiiins in the city.
Mrs. Georee A. l.iebe wag a passenrer
on the boat this morning for Portland.
Charlie Frank and his "wife" left this
mornlue for n few days' fishing in Fifteen-Mile
Miss ona Francisco was a passenger
on the Ilegula'or this morning cn a visit
to friends in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Fish nnd children
were passeneerF on the Dalles City this
morninc for Lyle, Wash.
A. M. Kelsay took passage on No. 1
toda for Heppner, from whence he goes
on 8 business trip to Csuyon City.
Mrs. r.nzoni, daughter of Ales. .Mc
leod, of this city, was n passenger cn
the I raid a tiiis morning on lier wy
home to San Francisco.
Mies Patience Cooper.who has been
-visiting the fimiiy of D. J. Cooper, left
on tlie Dalles City thisjmorning for her
home in Independence.
George Anderson, Mrs. Nellie Pierce,
-John Anderson and Miss Nettie Ander
son were passengers on the Dalles City
this morning on a few weeks' outing at
Trout Lake.
James Fitzpatrick, formerly of Salt
Bprings, now of Lostine, Wallowa coun
ty, was in town today on his way to Wa
mic to visit bis granddaughter, Mrs.
Henry Driver.
Mre. P. Robinson, who has been via
ting with the family of Frank Gunning,
left on this morning's boat for Mosier to
spend a few days with her pareuts, Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Davenport, before re
turning to her home in Portland.
Fran!: McFarhind, a former resident
of this city, passed through town today
on his way to Heppner. Reriort hae it
that Mr. McFarland recently acquired
some lands in .Southern California that
have proved to be in the center of
Tich oil belt.
Leon Hunting and V.'. J. Ho
Moro, lessees of the Collins hot
were passengers on this morning's boat
for Collins Landing, where they go to
prepare the springe for summer camp
ere. Their intention is to have every
thing in readiness by July 1st.
i)eutructiiin of AVikmI ly Iry itut and
Vermin I'rfTi-iitcd.
From the Muiilng Oregonlun.l
"Inoculation with vaccine eaves the
human body from the ravages of emnll
pos. Inoculation with carbolineum
avennritiE eaves wootl from the ravages
of climate, vermin nnd resultant decay."
This is the terse way in which a prom
inent Oregon farmer expressed his opin
ion of carbolineum nvenarius, nnd his
enthusiasm was certainly warranted.
This wonderful wood preservative has
noer failed to fulfill the promises of its
German inventor since he first tnanti-
Store. j9 1
get your mosey ; .., nf .l;,,,,,,. .. 1,:,.,, ,. immil Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
ity, and stops the spread of contagions j sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
disease. Knowledge of this virtue hns Fa'k.
led to its use in hospitals and on the Paint your house with paints that are
pavements of London by the ndvice of ! fully guaranteed to hist. Clarke & Falk
prominent physicians who claim the have them.
preparation is nn antiseptic of great Clarke & Falk have received a carload
value in preserving health. 1 0f the celebrated .Tame E. Patton
Already extensively used and ap-! strictly pure liquid paints
prn-ed m Pacific coast cities for public i Good) pure naU,ral ce ff0m the Il)ue
and private structures, carbolineum , mountasn8 for Ellle by thu Columbia
nvenarius is certain to be employed by
the sagacious farmer of the Northwest
when a single trial has proved it? merits j
and t flVoiiveness. !
Editok's Note The Pacific coast j
agent for caibolineum avenurius is 1
Fisher, Thomseti & Co, Portland, Or., '
and can be purchased from Jos. T.
Peters & Co., The Dalles.
i River Ice it Fuel Co. 'Phono '.)',) or SI
Long Dist. ; "u or S Seufert & Condon.
lie sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, us we .have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn & Co.'s. al"-lw
Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and nil
other accidental injuries may be quickly
cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is also n certain cure for piles
Take no other.
"1 used Kudol Dyspepsia Cure in my
It gives
Drying: preparations simply devcl
011 drv catarrh : thev dry un the secretions.
which adhero to tho membmno and decom-1 and skin diseases.
poso, causing a far moro serious trouble than
l!tn nwlinnyrfnrmnf nninrrli Avnwl nil 1r-
iuc inhalants, fumes. Bmokes and suuffH 1 fa,n51-v wilh wonderful results
nud use that which cleanses, soothes and immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
beds. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy ' is truly the dyspeptic's best friend,"
aim wiu cure ciuurm or cum in luo ueua
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo jn ill bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
50c. size. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren St., 2. Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated aud angry surface, roliov
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
save E. Iiartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you cat. Cannot fail to
(Isolated Tract.) Public Laud Sale.
I.ASD Omen .it The Jmllk,
Notirc h hereby jjlvcn that in pursuance of
Instructions from trie commi-siimicr of the ecu
cru! li ml ollice. under mithorit vesta! In him
by n'etion 'Jl. I', fc. Iliiv. Htiit., '11s nrnemltd hy
the nftt nt fiiiiL'rij4 ATtnrul'fd l'ih?lirv K,.
I we v. Ill pwtiid to ol!i.T nt public mile on Hutur
il , the Ifith ilny of June. next, at the hour of
Sick Headache absolute! v and perma- j t") ' thboiiiee, the tuilowiiiK tmot
. ' 1 of land, ti.-wtt.
neatly cured by using Moki Tea. n, bliii NE;.-,', ectlon ao, township 1 north, raiiRu
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation 1 11 fBSt' !v: 3,V. . ,. . , , ,.
' . Any and all iktsoiih cliilrjiiii tr ndvurely the
and indigestion, makes vou eat, sleep, j nhove described hmd nro hiIvUhi to file their
work nnd happy. Satisfaction guaranteed d S1(!niltwj jr tiicwmmomwrnent of said Mile.
back. 2o cts. nnd oO cts.
Call in and sample the whole wheat
shredded biscuits. Free demonstration
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
Pease & Mays' grocery department.
or inonev
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'.
Unless food is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. After
each meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol
Dvspepsia Cure. It digests what you
otherwise their richts will In.-forfeited.
1 JAY 1. MTAS, Hi-slater,
I maylJ II OTIo i'AH'hllaON, Uceclver.
LtJ.'Ii OniCC AT TlIK iJAI-tBH, OP.F.flO.V.I
April 9J, 1H"). I
Notice In hereby slven that the following
T.MK ! lt)..)lt.K.
1 K JJI 1 A1.U..1.
Kh i&ilt I.aVe, Iionver, W.
Mull ; Wotth, Oninhn, Kan-'
40 p. m City, St. IjiuU,
1 CblciiKO mid Hasit. I
Al:r. VK
111:9) p in
-3E, '
HI -
3n 1
3K :
Job Printers. 3
uw.iliruinilliiuiiaHimT3'iiliRj TrtTiitVW
Himfciine WnllH Walla, fipuVnno,' Spnliimc
ii ml
Kxpresd j
10:10 ji. m.
ton: ul -o at I lHiluts In
- WtnthiiiKtoii mid Knat-, l:0n . xn
..... IlKMiiir. '
MluncnKill. St. l'nul,'
i u i u i n, inu.uii.11.',
Chlenso and, vlui
iD'iiiienk(l Hmitlui;-
8 p. m.
VllOM 1'or.Tl.ANn.
Oecnn StcaniMlilps.
1'or hull I'ninchco
April 2T, May 2, 7, 12.
4 ji. m.
S n. ni.
Kx.&undiiyiColumhl Uv. Steamer.' Ki.buridnj
I p. in.
id p. m.
r,a. m. 1 Willamette I'.ivek. ii:rp. ra.
Ki.ljiinduylOreuoii City., Kz.nunday
l nalem A. W'ay Ijind'n.
7 H. Ml,
1 tics.Triur. hill luvr.ns. Mini., wed
und cut. Oregon City, Dayton, mid Frl
i and V. uy-ljimlliigs.
6 a.m. Willamkttk Iiivzr.. I .SO p. m.
Tuc.Tliur, 1'ortlanil to Corvalllii, .Moil. Wed
and fiat. und Way-ljindliiKs. and trlday
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first class local nnd long
distance teluplitmt; service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
Nd cost for installing.
You get the Ntaudurd Illuming
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day aud night crvico.
Wo will uecopt your contract for
ton yearB nnd allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
bv Illpnrla
1.20 n. m. i
Bkakt I'.ivkk.
Illpiirla to IxiWinlon.
H.iJIJll. in.
I , .,, , ,, .tiiiuv in iivicii kii:ii iiiui inn iiiiiiiv iuk '
aford of e3t an" wl" a'lW J'1,u 10 eat all you ijnniiil Mittler ha lllec notice of his Intention
- ' .,,.. i t .i,. ,, m, t ,...... f..ii tr. ' t' make Dual proof in support ol lilx claim, imd
springs, need of n bat you like. It '.ever failb to , 1Ht , ,)0 ,'l(je before the liedMcr I -
I'nrlles dofllrinR to ko to Heppner or
(niiiitii on Culiimhli. Sfiulliuni via lllKitii, Hhould
take .No. 2, leaVlliK The Dalles at s 10 ji. m
mnkluK iltreet eonnectlnns nt Ili-ppner junrtlon
Mild IIIkk. Ilcuriilni; imtkliiRillrecK niineetton
at ileppncr Jiinetlon and IUkks with No. 1, ur
rlvlriR nt The Dalle at 12.3) p. m.
Ko: full particular call on O, il. .V N, Co.'
Hgent The Dalles, or address
Cien Pas. Airt., I'ortlaiid
Cm-en lluilucli Oulcltly.
Baldwin's sparkling efrervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and L'5 cents. Hold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. janLM-Ow
Columbia River Jce & Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
dnv or nli'lit. 'Phone S3 or 81 Lontr
factured it some thirty years ago, whether j Digt . 75 or g Soufert & Condon.
applied to the timbers of some vaBt j
creation like a bridge or ocean vessel, or j Small In size and great in results are
used to vitalize and preserve the bumble , DeWitl'a Little Early Risers, the fa-
cure tho worst cases of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
Neglect is the abort step so many tako
from a cough or cold to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
fence post.
Briefly fitated, every wooden article
exposed to climate or the depredations of
wood-destroying vermin should be sale
guaided with carbolineum avenarius.
The word "inoculation" employed by
the farmer quoted above aptly expresses
the effect of the compound. It veritably
inoculates the article treated from sur
face to center, ina'.ead, as in the case
with ordinary paint, of merely covering'
the outside. Dry rot fungus, to which
the fence posts, hop poles, bouse
pinuings, etc., coming in contact with
damp toil, nre bound eventually to suc
cumb, will not destroy theee structures
in twenty yearB, as has been absolutely
proved, if subjected to carbolineum
moun little pills that cleanse the liver
and bowels. They do not gripe.
Experience is the beat Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. .Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded,
25 cts. nnd 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton
ChiIi In lour Cneckfi,
All couutv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
oflice. Interest ceBses after February. 2,
1000. O. L. PlIILLIPH,
-Couutv Treasurer.
Clark & Falk's drug
fresh aud complete.
stock is new,
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
and 1'etclver at The Dalle. Orccun. on eatur
day, June Pi, !'.Xi,-vlz:
Jens P. Agidiue, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Kutry No ilitl, for the NWJi NW
section 21, und hli J.'Kki and KKU Pi:1,, mctlnn
23 towimhip 2 north, range 12 Mist, W. M.
He riamo the follov:tii; witncMcti to prove
hi tontinnoim residence ujioti and cultivation
of sail! hud, viz:
John Crate, Chnrle H ni i-.ti, . D. Hockmap, J,
Klinonson, all ui The ballt, oickoii.
rna)-2 l JAY J'. J.UCAb. Ileslstur.
SOUTH and EAST via
iSoutto Pacific Co.
Timber Iind, Act June IS, 1S78.
r. H. I .an i Omeu, i
Trie Dallkh, On., Apr. 13, 1HJ0. i
Notice 1 hereby Riven that In compliance
with the provisions of the net of coiiKrexx of
June , 17, entitled "An act for the sale of Um
ber lands In the states ol Calllornla, Orecnu,
Nevada and VtasluiiKton Territory,"
William K. Keruliiiin,
of The Dalle. County of Wasco, Hlate of Oregon,
Iuim this day lili:d in tin nll'.ce liU sworn htate
liicnt No. l.V). for the purchase of the WU N VM
and Ni bhu ,l hcctlon No. iii. in 'i'p. 1 N. It.
No. 11 1.., W. 11., aud Hill oiler proif to nhow
tliut trie land nnixht is inure valnahlu for its
timber r;r tnnc than for aKrli'iiltural purpoe,
and to entuhllsli hU claim to ald kind before the
Kittlslur and Uceclver of this olllco jit Thu
llalU-H, OrcKon, on
haturilay, llioUil day of .June, llllio,
He nn me iik wltntcscs: J. II. dolt, D. I'. Ket
cliurn. Jo'cph Hniiiia nud William hpcliccr, all
of 1 ho Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advertely the
abovc-dctcrlbed lands are rcijnested to lllo their
claims In this ollice on or lofore t!ild2i)rd day of
June, 1K.
uprls-luw-I JAY J. I.UOAS, ltelstcr.
l..:n Of mck at Tin: Dallks, Oi:;.,I
April! ;), VM). (
Notice Is hereby clvcu that the following
named settler has filed notlen of his liitenlioii to
make Dual proof In support of hl claim, und
that sni proof will bo made befuro thu lleidstcr
and Uceclver at The Dalles, OrcKon, on Katur
day, June Hi, l'Xl, vU:
Wilson J. Jeffers, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Kntry No. lr, for tho NJi ttWU
K-ctlou I'j, township 1 north, rauye 11 cast, Will.
He name fho following wltnessoi to prove his
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of
said land. Viz:
James llcnson, Jr., JaiiK-s lltiison, Hr Peter
Goillley, Isaac llowlaud, all of The Dalles, Or.
maj-2-l JAY 1. I.UUAH, lU-glster.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland ami way
stations ut 1.2.') a. m. and il p, in.
Leave I'ortl.iml
" Albany..
Arrive Ashlmul
" Jjuoramento .,
" Kan francleCO .
Arrive Ogdou
" Denver
" Ka!lsaClty
" Clileai;o
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, :?HkS
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
toil 3Tl01ir J''1'a I''onr 1B nanufuctund exjirosBly for family
1U use ; every sack iu guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any hoimo in the trade, and if you don't think do
call and get our priw-a and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
JMk Immilsfi
VMS a ill UiiiUnm! 't
Arrive Uw Aiigulea ...
" Kl I'a'o
" fort Worth.. ..
" City of Jlexlco ,
" Houston
" New Orleans ..
" WashliiKlou
" New York
. 1 :V0 p m
ii:i p in
. liiXOa m
. li:5.'i a in
. 1 :00 a in
. fulfill in
. f'MJll m
.12:.i pm
7:ufj a m
liMXJ p in
liiiiO a in
icM a m
l:Wl a m
r,M p m
fi l:.'!! m
12-1 1 Ji III
Pullman and Tourist ears on both trains.
Chair cars Kacriimento to Ondcu nml Kt I'axi,
and tourist cars to CIiIciiko, ht Louis, Hew Or
leans und Washington.
CoiiucctlhK nt Kau Kriiuelaco with several
sleamshlp lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
I'lilllpplnefli Central and houth America.
KtonKont at'l'he Dalles station, or uddrus
Oenerul Passenger AKnt, I'nitlaml, Or
Public. Collections promptly attended
to. Money to loan. C. K. Bayard's of
fice, The Dalles, Oregon.
and Motors
JiANcTArruiti:!) nv
Clrculare and particulars furniahed on application.
F. S. GUNNING-, Agent.
mi20 XjjK jjAJXIiS, OKKG0N
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle