The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1900, Image 3

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As the Circles
Suits and Skirts.
From n Btnno tossed upon tho bosom of n pond cradnnllv ul,?m ,i . . .
until they extend to it, uttermost limit,, M PKAS5K A AVIy i 1, J,'0 V"0
are distantly widen!.,,: nn.1 increasing their circle of custo.nur ' " VUl",!S'
For Big Boys.
This oriL' is for Hoys of 13 to 10 years
morn properly speaking, young men.
These Suite aro in all the new stripe
ami cheeks. The coal Is a round cut
Hvle, made to fit as well and with as
much btylo as our .Men's Suits. The
tailoring and patterns nro the same as
volt Und prirod at $7.o0 by some stores.
Our price, $5.00.
For Smaller Boys.
This nobby 6iiit is for ttoisoffito
10 ycarp, made up in regular" double
breasted stylo of coat a good piece of
all-wool grey mixed Cheviot. Tho pants
have double seat and knees; the seams
are all double. sewed and rip proof. This
suit is made to give good wear.
Our price, $2.15.
A large lino of tho celebrated Jann
Hopkins suits at iK.'.fJO up to $10.
Baseball and Bat or Good Air Gun.
For Little Fellows.
Wo think this is the swellest mit
that ever came from a Roys' tailor shop.
A handsome all-wool tanur grry check,
vestoe trimmed to match ; the vest open
down front like a man's. The suit is
tailored all tbrouch ut in Inch art style j
sizes IJ to S years.
Our price, S4 00.
Navv blue Cheviot Vesteo Suits,
from $1. '.'." up.
Washable Suits.
We have so much in this immense
gathering that it's hard to pick out one
to describe. We want to mention in
particular a handsome lino of White
Duck trimmed with blue. Size to 10.
Our price, 55c.
Many otherB at .'19c, $1, $1.23 up to $2.50.
What We Say We Do, We DO Do.
If Sprinz had not lingered so long in tho lap of
her new-born sister, there would bo no stray Tailor
Suits lagging behind in our Suit Department now.' Wo
havo an excess of Spring and Summer Suits and Skirts,
and recognizing tho truth that heroic eflbrt must bu
made to icduco tho stock, we havo adopted tho well
known method of
Tho Suits are all man-tailored, and it will only
take a moment of your time to see for yourself that we
are making cut prices.
Suits Commencing at $5.00.
Skirts Commencing at $1.35.
Come early this week and be one of the first to
get the handsome ones.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone A'o. i.
JUNE 111, 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
ity over fusion, 09; Simmons got 95
votes. Two years ago Donaldson's plu
rality over Moody was 73. Moody's
gain in the opposition is 1". Wolver
toti lost Harney county by G7."
Louis Comini, a few days ago returned
home from St. Vincent's hospital,
whither ho went for treatment for one
of his eyes that had been injured by a
chip ol steel flying off a chisel he was
using at his trade of stone cutting. Un-
, fortunately the eye got worEe since his
! return home and he finds himself
(g) , obliged to go back to the hospital for
further treatment. He will probably
1 leave on the boat in the morning.
It gives great pleasure to the old resi
dents in this community to see the
notice of out- of our own boys in the
, Oregonian's ieeue of June- 17th. Tho
notice Is appreciative and compliment
ary, if we cannot tay us much for the
aceompaii) ing picture. The boy is all
right, if the picture is a little mixed
Ladies' heavy duck skirts, 9i cents
an I .fl.-lH ut the New York Caeh Store.
The members of tho South Side hose
i. puny are i ('quested to meet for drill
t' h evening at K o'clock sharp.
J ii ma M. llaldwin, a former employe
of tho Ciiuo.nicli:, has been elected pros- Thackeray eays it is often a help to a
u. nt ol tno alia Walla typugrupntcai .. .... . .. , , ivti millstone about
''im. . iH nt'i-k. Our Mr. Am-ell bud his mill-
; - 1
M. S. Short, of Kiickitat county, yes-1 etc-no in the lots of his good light hand,
ter lay sold a clip of twenty-five sacke of I und that loss may havo been instru
ct' to .Mr. Russell, of the scouring mental in making liim strenuous in put
in , at ten cents a pound. I ting out eeiy possible exertion, where
Marriages licenses were iseued this one not so hampered might havo been
nv.rrinij to Thomas Smiley and Joeie i tempted to rest a little on his oars.
Ah n, of this city, and Wilbur II. Galli-1 Whatever be the reason, the result grat-
ifuu nu nil umi vvh I'lm'Timiinm me
. .. ...1 .1 . - . .. . 1 I... r 1 1 I.i.triM
t.ti. aim .uarcarei J.UCKU. 01 jjuuu ihu .
The many friends of Georgo Rueh, Jr., ,l 1'one happiness her sou has
he pleased to lenrt. that his condi- J y tbuled', and
'i j'i is slightly improved and that hopes
arc entertained of his ultimate recovery.
W. W. Wilson, instead of leaving
t'MMi as ho had intended, has again aw
his larger family, our school?, feeling
Isure that in the future, as in the past,
i the name of Homer D. Angell will never
. bo mentioned but with love and pride.
opted tho management of the Baldwin
restaurant and resumed his dutleBiit the
c 1 stand.
t legular fire department drill has
Tli City i:iillini.
The, city election yesterdav was more
hotly contested than any we have had
for several vears. It turned wholly on
l.,., -.1 1 Hf.. I... 1 t .)fttl. it
urucreu ioi euuosua.v, rfuiio -um, t,, qui.eli0M 0f elaborate sewer evs
"t ' p. m. aii iuemuers ui juvmwu
Engine Co. No. 1 aro notified to bo on
l'aiid punctually, lly order of thu sec
retary. Kelsay Is on a visit to his family
fr ui Shanlko. Mr. Koleay says the
s'-ur.iko warehouse has in storage bo
twecn a million and a million and a
torn at a cost that three-fourths of those
who havo to foot the hill consider utter
ly beyond their means, or one believed
to be equally eifective at probably not
half the cost. So far as tho election was
tin expression of opinion on the proposed
sewer t-ystem, it was overwhelmingly
against it.
Iia.f pounds of woo), with lai t'e quanti-1 i tj10 fight centered around the mayor
'ie arriving daily. I j quip, and Hon. 15. 15. Dnfur, who repre-
u unknown artist lia decorated 1 sonled thoto opposed to the projected
I"'iio (Jumiiii'M itnut nu tit Hides and
' ng the back with thoilireo links of
Id I'eliowship, und thiinltials "A. H."
"h the bhoulder. Theiatutlnu i'"''0
I" red and tho goat wears his new tout
"iitifuiblo with becoming dignity.
IVofeshor Fairvlew, aljas John Mo
t'nran, an old-tlmo resident of the Cas
ea lo hocka, Ih in tho city, the gtieBt of
tin' ICuropean House. Tho professor,
wlm Is a native of tho Kiucrald Jsle, has
Applied to tho county court to have bin
'iiiiiiu changed from McCarau to that by
wlili'h ho has been known sinco the
"Urldgo of (ho Gods" spanned tho Co
lumbia ut the Oiiecudee.
J' roil 12. Wlluiarlh, of the Harney
County News, sends uh the following
under date of Juno 16th: "Malcolm
Moody'e total vote Ju Hartley county
hU tract made today ie 305; his plural
Bystein, heat his opponent, Urns. 1'.
Stephens, by a vote of -1'Jl to W,l, or a
inajoiity of "78.
In the Fhht ward Harry 0. J.iebo beat
J, M. Toomey tor uotinciliiian, unex
pired term, by a vjito of 129 to HI. In
tho Thiid ward Krd Lemko beat Dr. J.
A. (.leisendorU'er by a vote of ICO to -10.
Tho cnuncilinii elected are: J'lrst
ward, F. W. Wilson, Harrv C. Liebe.
Second wind, A. A. Jayne. Third ward,
Fred Utmko.
The water conimlssloneis elected aro;
First ward, T. J. Sciifeijt. fiecond ward,
A. K. Thomi8oii. 'Hiird ward, Hans
0. J. Crandall fo city treaturer had
Po opposition.
If you aro looking for bargains, be
sure and call at the Now York Cush
New York banks now bold $17,490,750
in excese of legal requirements.
. The available cash balance in the
treasury is $ 147,7o0,231 and the gold re
serve !r72,01.V37.
The Northern 1'acific Hailwav com
pany has rBiEi'd the wages of its labor
ers from $1.50 to $1.75 per day.
The city council of Walla Walla will
impose a ppecial tax of one dollar on
each bicycle in the city. Tho money
will he used for building cinder paths.
The eenEus has been completed at Ta
coma. According to the enumerators'
estimate tho population of that city is
51,000. The census ten years ago snowed
Couiiiii: crops show every symptom of
being the biggest and best ever (unvest
ed in tho whole history of the eternal
Henry Heppuer hill?, Etutee the Hepp
tier Gazstte.
The time has expired for taking the
census in Spokane, and it is discovered
that fully one-fourth of the population
lias not been enumerated. Citizene of
Spokane aro now taking action to do
tho work loft undone by the enumera
tors. It is recorded that Pope Gregory XIV
oll'ered his snuil'box to a cardinal, who
declined, it, saying, "No, your holiness,
I have not that vice," to which the pope
replied in a thoroughly human way:
"If it had .been a vice you would have
had it."
Klisha Sperry, of Morrow county,
raises mules for a market in Kunsuj
City. This year tho prices ho received
for the animals are much better than in
former yeais, both tho United States
and Kunlish government being pur
chasers. Wheat scoied a sensational advance
in the Chicago inarkot Monday. Under
an euorinoiiB demand July wheat ad
vanced till a sale was made at 7U3Bi - I-i
cents higher than the late sale of .Satur
day. At tho close July wheat was 787
cente per bushel.
Taylor Sinythe, aged 32 years, son of
A. Smythe, of Arlington, died in Colo
rado, a few days ago, where ho had gone
with a sheep shipment, after a fow days'
illness. His father was with him at the
time of his death. Ho leaves a wife and
ba'jy at Arlington.
The St. Louis street railway strike has
been in progress for thir'ty-nino days.
It is estimated that it has entailed a
dally busidess loss of $100,000 or $:5,!I00,
000 to date. Tho wage buses of the
Btrlkers are closely eetlmated at $350;000,
and the cost of the posso comitatiis is
calculated at $350,000.
What is certainly a living wonder is a
child born to Mr. and Mrs. JCIIIson, of
Walla Walla, on the 20th of May. It is
a malo child and weighs now exactly
ouo and a half pounds, and it has not
gained In weight elnco the day of its
birth. It la exactly fifteen inches iu
length, and un ordinary linger ring can
bo elipped over Ite hand to ite elbow.
The child la In perfect health and is
finely featured. It is the fourth child
born to Mr. and MrB. Ellison, whose
other children are normally developed.
The 28th annual reunion of tho Ore
gon pioneer association in Portland was
a great success. While Eeveral mem here
of the organization drop o(F between the
gatherings, new members are joining all
the time, thus keeping the membership
at about the same size. The secretary's
report showed that there were in all
about 800 members now in the association.
A l'rautleal IlemoiiRlrulion.
Fresh cracked
Watco warehouse
chicken feed.
For Infants and Children,
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
Rears tho
Siguuturo of
for Nulo.
A good second. hand threshing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
ihop, on Third street. J4-d&wlui
Tho Kind Yoti Havo Always Bought, and which has hceu.
iU USO for OVOl 30 VCai-S. 1ms homo fhn Niftinrnvn nt'
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mihsriancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVorins
and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, and know
ing that they have a proposition w liich
thpv can irnarantee. tho Ort'ion Sanitsrv
Closet Company, of Tho Dalles, Or., I
have constructed one of their sanitary I
closets and put the same into actual :
operation. The closet is now Incited in
the rear of Chas. Durchtorf's bicycle re-1
pair store on Second, between Federal
and Laugliliu streets, Tho Dalles, and
the public aro cordially invited to call
and inspect the same. This company
is now prepared to (111 orders promptly.
Parties desiring tin's system will bo fur
nished full information upon application
frt rr .nrmannniliwwti. wltli M W HufMr
. 1 J t;j.u..'.u..v ...... ,
Tho Dalles, Or. niUl-lwdlltw
Ciituri'li Cuiimil Hi! Curiil1
with local applications, as tlioy cannot
reach tho teat of tho disease. Catanh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it yon must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo ip
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous Bin faces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by unci of tho best
physicians in this country for yer.-fl, ami
ie n regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blood puiifleis, acting directly
on thu mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of thu two ingredients is
what produces snch wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
V, .1. Ciihnhy k Co., l'rops,, Toledo O.
Sold by drrntinistH, piico 75c.
Ilall'ri Family Pills are tho best. 12 j
A nirl is wanted to do irenornl house- J
woik by Mis. .1. O. lloatetler. Hood'
wages will bo given to a competent j
jlT) (It
Nebraska corn at tho
Finest kind of 1
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persons with indigestion are already
half starved. They neel pinny of
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests wiiat you eat so the body
can be nourished while the worn out or
gans are being reconstructed. It is the
only preparation known that will in
stantly iclieve and completely curo all
stomach troubles. Try it if yon ate
suirering from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do you good.
Sunbonnets, sunbonnets, eunbonnots
for children, only 23 cents at the Xov
York Casli qtore.
ilTf nun &, Ornmn'
irV ; h :
Tho only 6tore in
this city wliero tho
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
ii dozen piecesof so
called cheap eiiam
fled ware.
Other wares look
lias tho nanio
musky Steel
Ware oneiich piece.
Do not bo deceived
First prize ut 10
International Hxhl
Utlona Highest
nw.u'il fit Worlds
Ct l'imbiiiii Exlnbi
tmii Chicago I're
iVncd by tho bed
certifi-d to by tho
mot I anions chein
ists for purity and
durability it lti
Lheanost because
Remember this
celebrated oiiam
cled wuroist-peciab
y imported t'oi'iind
Mild iu this city ex
clusively by us.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking nt tlif pit of the
stomach, Lob3 of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences.
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must l; purified m order to
j obtain good health. Acker's Blood
' Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous
! or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
j diseases. It h certainly a wonderful
milieu kiuu 'i ci.ii v- v. i LfULtv u
a positive guarantee. Ulakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
A Spralui'il AiiUlii Ouli Uly (Jiuiil.
"At one time I snll'ered from a severo
sprain of the ankle," says Geo. 15. Gary,
editor of thu Guide, Wasliirmtnn, Va.
''After using several well recommended it.-... t ........ .j.. I ...!
J llllllltlHVJ UlllllMll. cum-??, 4 UHU
' Chamberlain's I'aiu li.ilm, and am
pleased to say that relief came as sot n
as 1 began its usu and a complete cute
speedily followed " Suld by Bl.ikehy
& Houghton.
Rev. W. 15. Sitxer, V. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "Ijluul dyspepsia over twenty
years, ami tiied doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was per-uaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped inu
from the start. 1 believe it to Im a
panacea 'or all forms ol nuliceslion." It
digests what. yen eat.
Roys' sweaters t!f cents at tho New
Vol k Cash Store. Wo have better onea
if von w 1st) ihem.
Garden Hose
It dooa not nibt
nor nbiorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
In fruits or
will boil,
stow, ioabt
and Imku
w i i ho u t
i m parting
llavor of
o o 1c o d
fond ami
will Inst
for years,
We cau
tiou tho
Wo lmvo laid in a largo
slock of t canlott Hoho and avo
parrying tho samo brand of
Iloi-o that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last (ivo yoard,
which is tho eolohrated Mul
toso Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho Siimo brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Fire Popart
monf has boon using fur tho
j last twenty years. Tho Alul-
losojCrohS Brand is without
doubt tho host grado of 1 1 SJ
on tho inarkot. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
uaieF$l nton
Solo Auonts.
y 1