if ) an SB 3 ! I) :USl i?1 WIT""" ' i3 as km n 4 J il tin HI- The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JUNE IP, 1P0O The "silver republicans" of Wash- Jnston state, for a very good reason. I , . , , I Lave not beltl any local convention, , but a "mass convention" of the "silver republicans" of the state has t been called for the purpose of choos- inc delecates to the "mass conven . , tion" of that party at Kansas City. The Oregon "silver republicans" had a "mass convention" m Portland, also; it was attended by just two men, and one of them appointed , every "silver icpubliean" in the state I lir rniilil think rf nbnnt lhirtv as I a delegate, and several of these, are not "silver republicans." What a tittering farce the pretcuded "silver republican" party is, anyway! Tele grain. The orgauizatious of labor in the United SUtcs has gjonn equally as fast as the onzauization of trusts. "With a membership of 1,004,000 on : January 1, 1000. the American Fed-i eration of Labor has since enrolled 304,000 more members, besides issu ing 1,500 local charters this year. The past three years have been those of greatest success for the consolida tion of labor interests. The average price of wire nails in the United States last year was 2.u7 per keg of 100 pounds, as compared with an average of 2.50 in 1S90. i The increase, therefore, was onh 7 cents a keg notwithstanding the much higher cost of raw material. The protective United States fur nished last year, 39.2 o per cent of all the steel produced in the world and 3-1.5G per cent of all the pig-iron. Free trade Great Britain produced only 1S.41 per cent of the steel and 23.C1 per cent of the pig-iron. Exports from the United States to ! Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, the Phil-! ippine and Samoan Islands will reach rl $45,000,000 in the fiscal year ending with this month, being three time Jarger than in 1S9C. espansion. This is good 1 The Standard Oil Compano's rival bas increased its capital to 10,000, 000. This looks like a fight comino between two of the hi" trusts. AD'erican manufactured goods to the value of $40,000,000 were shipped to foreign countries last April. This is a record-breaker. Attention, Ilorneiuon' Tvgh Valley, Or., June IS, 1000. EniTon Chkoxicle : I hand yon herewith a notice to horse owners that I hope you will publish at the earliest opportunity, for 1 deem the matter of very great importance to every owner ol a horEe in the connty. I am ndvleed by the state veterinarian that mange is a highly contagious disease. He recommends as treatment that Jls pounde of sulphur and pounds of unslacked lime he boiled iu a gallon of water and daily applications made. Or any good fchecpjJip used at five times ite strength for sheep. Anyone can readily gee that if this disease should get well scattered af:ong the work and saddle horses of the county, and the infection got into the public and private stables, it would bo a task of giant proportions to ever get entirely rid of it again. By united effort now it can he eradicated, and the effort must he made, and made now. Any delay only makes the matter worse. I would request that every person knowtnt' oi cases oi this disease woalu at once inform me confidentially of its whereahouts and who the owners of the horses are, or what hrands they carry, A. A. lio.N.vEV. OWNEltS ok nouses takk notick. Information having heen filed in my. office that numerous cases of ,?"eJ among horses now exist in aeco: county, I hereby notify all persons hav iug horses so eiillcted to immediately remove eaiu horses froic the public ranue nnd to keep them separate and apart from all other horses not so alllct cd, and to imnicdiately treat said afflict ed horses for a cure of said disease. And any and all persons owning or hav ing in his or their possession horses dis eased with mange, who refuse or neg lect to take heed of this notice and re move said horses from danger of contact with other healthy stock, will he dealt with (VecordinK to laws made and pro vided to cover each cases. A. A. Bonkky, Stock Inapector for Wasco Co,, . Tygh Valley, Jane 18, 1000, J104tw Columbia Southern Warehouse. At Shaniko the Columbin Southern Knitwnv Co. controls SOslOO feet of the i Shaniko warehouse building, to ho used ins - a freight warehouse, through which j they will receive ana lorwnru ireigni m the usual manner. The impression that M mU8l 1om Umulph or. wartUnp M0U9es is nn erroneous one and We take this menus of dinpellinc it. Freicht received and held twenty-four hours will bo turned over to n lorwnrn- ing honse subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or in bales from Shaniko to The Dulles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lytle, G: F. & P. A., or Geo. F. Koss, Agent, Shunikn. Or. ' I ..! I A startling incident, of which Mr., John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows:' "I wrs ia a most dreadful condition. My 1 skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back ' nd sides, no appetite gradually grow-i inp weaker day by day. Three physi-1 i cians had given me no. Fortunately, a jriend ndvised'iectric liitters' ; and to j my great joy and surprise, the first I bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their nso for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 GOING EAST If you intend to tnke a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The - , w , , . ,i,, .,., ,l..,n Great abash, a modern and up-to-ilnte r xilrnul 'n pverr unrtictilar ranroau .n eer jiorucuiar. Through trams from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls aud'every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. lioss C. Cu.ve, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Aneeles, Calif. C. S. Cra.se, G. P. A., St. Louie, Mo. Special reserve old government whig key, recognized by the highest medical authoritv in the land; especially recom- mended bv the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. j0'"' D., captain and surpon, I and Win. I). McCarthy, major and eur- 1 Keon U. S. army, as the purest unidul- terated etimnlant for coiivalescen's. in - i valide and fam'tlv use. sold by CharleE Stublintr 3)120-dlm Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved th-ouph the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption, Nasa! CATARRH In all its etasss there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm clean.es,iioothe3andh!8 the d.ijajed meaiurane. Jtctirescatarrhanddjivca away a cold in the head quickly. cream i;aim is pccu into iueiiU4niia,iii)iciiuo over the membrane and is absorbed. Itclieria im- mediate and a enre follows. It U nnt il-vip" lines not prodace eneezln. Lare Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. EK1' lAr'JTUEUS, SO Warren Street, Kcw Vork. Hale, Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf , . Mcoun. JOHN fuvit; MOOIiE & GAVIN, ATTOl'.NKVH AT LAW I'.ooms S'J and iu, over L'. S. Land Olllce. ADMINISTUATOK'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the county coart of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and entered on the 28th day of May, 1000, 1 i.o.i. .1 I .. innn t will offer for sale, at nrivate sale, from aud after the 7th day of July, 1000, for l. 1 1 -II .1... .!..!.. .1(1,. , I !.. LUBII ill iiuuu. nil mo riKii, iniu uuu 111- : terest of the estate of Walter fish, de ceased, iu nnd to lot 12 in block IS, Laughlin'e Addition to Ualles City, Wasco county, Oregon. FlIEDKKlCK IJ.USDO.V, Administrator of the eHtate of alter Fish, deceased. Offers received by Attorneys for Ad . mlnistrator.. J. T. Whalley, Pipes & 'fiirt vnrtnn, cT. Ifi.i MORO '.HORSE SALE AT AUCTION June 10th I will have n bund ot about 100 head of horses, bred up In Clyde) dale, in Moro, broke nnd unbroke, from H00, ionnds weicht down to suckling colts, which I wish to sell at private sale in the forenoon, and at auction sale in the afternoon. Terms On all sums of $10 or less, cash. Over $10, bankable nolen paya ble November 1, 11)00, or ten per cent olf for cash. N, E. Mornrr. I alto have a good No. 2 Hodge header for sale, with two 20-foot boxes, Only rnn one season and in good order. You can get this cheap for cash. t; ! For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'HUtluc. Ovwcontln- or Fancy VcstiUK. ... . . . . -1. . I T . - Klum? ran nun rxKmiuc ray mvk m m- ..... .....1 IX . .... (I'..l.l.lttlj I Ltlb t,. elcct irom. suit made fremt he lowest vrlrcs to the Mru- srRtle- I PLmIj. Fine I D HlHllR Tailoring. 1I1K I)AI-L.r. (IllKBOX. AilmtnWtrntnr'n Sale nT Kcul Property Notice N liorebv plven thnt from and r.Iter the ninth dny of Juno, 1W0, 1 will lirocwd to soil nt private sale, for cuh, the following ite'erllxu! property bolnimiiiR to the etute of I'atrlfk llrown, licceiiMSt, to-wit' Lots A, It, t 11. K, K. G. 11, 1, J. K and 1.. in Work 37 oi tort Dulles. .Military ro-orvutiou, in Oregon. For information iiiiiilre nt office of Hinnott & Sinnott. Dnted nt Dalles Cltv this 10th dnv of May, 1900. DK1.1A C. HHOW.V, Administratrix of the estate of l'strict Brown, deceived. m ICOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l.o.-n Orncc at Vascoi'veh. Waiiii.,1 April 30, l'JW). i Notice U herebv civen thnt the following named etllcr has lllvd notice of his iuttm- "on lo mute uimi imnu iu m; hjii in vlaSm, and that nid proof will be made before W. It. l'resbjr, United states Commissioner for nutilct of !nhlucton. at hi, otllce in Golden- ! dale, Wash., on Friday, June 20, 1W, viz. , ; Deitrich 11. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Stegman, deceased : Homestead Kntry No. S710, for the outhurot H of tetion '-il, township 3 north of range 1) cant, Will. Mer. . He names the following ultucse to prove hii continuous residence upon and eultivallon of said land, viz: Manuel S. Ijeonardn. of Grand Dalles P. O. Wash.: Herman Kriselke, William Wilkinson, o! Centcrville P. O.. Wash., and William Crawford, of Orand Dalles 1. O., Wash. V. K. DIMIAH. may2-i Kvclster. KOT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Orncs at Vancoi'vep., Wnh., Jlay 15, i VnftrtA la Vfrntic Il-.,t1 fl,it tllO f 1 1 I I II f named ettlurt have lllt-i notlceof theirinteutloii i to make Unci nroof in sunnort of their clalnis.and I that ?aid proof will io made before the reylater and receiver of the I.', fi. land olllee at Vancou ver, Wash., oa July c, IWjO, viz. Oforce II. Sautord, 1 ",r s"sSVVec Tn Kffi who name ttie iollowlns: wlti lie wUiietMS to wove hi continuous residence ujon and cultivation of saiu land, viz. Hafcktu Trabuo. Christian Pleck'on. Thomas JI. Whitccmti, Edward A. Hopper, all of l.yle, Wash. Christian DlrckBon, who made H. K. Xo. 022, for the'. NW and K'.. MV.,. Hfe 10, Tp :) S. It 1.', w. ii.,wlio namei the followinc witnee to prove hid eniitinuous residence upon and cultivation of iiu'l land, viz: Hkin Trabue. John Puln. .lameii I'll... '..'."rue II. Sanford, nil of l.yle, Washington. II u h1. In 1'rulitie, I who made II. K. No. 'MA, for the ?, bWK, Sec j . ,md NWW, hee 10, Tp 3 N, I: i. K. W . M., uno na)ne the lollowing witnee)f to prove ills , dutiiiuous residence UHn mid cultivation of said land, viz: I ChriAtl.ui Pelokton, Thomas M. Whitenmb, (eorite H. tanloro, James ntz. all ot Lyle l". u, Wash. maj J3-l W. H. DVX1!AU, IltBlstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La:i Orncs at Vancocveu. Vaii . JIOV IT. VMI. ( ( named settler lies tutu notice oi ins intention j to make rlual nroof In supjHjrt oi his t-laim. mid "u I"U,JI uibuk it:iuju i . u. i ioy, L ulled mates Commissioner, at Uoldeudnle, on July i-, ln.G, vU; Analirl K, Ollar, who mcde II. E. No. Jtv.&, for the fractional V'a SWJJ, .-ee H, Tp 3 X, II IS L, and of NK1.4, fceu Tp 3, N K 1- E, W. 31. j He names the following witnesex to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultlvullon of said land, viz: Hobert A. Strouthcrs, f'brls E. Tranzen. V. ill iarn (iarner, John Kurc, ull of l.yle I'. O., Washington, W. 11. iJL'.VliAIt, rnaySM licKlster. AD.MI.VISTUATOK'S NOTICE Notice li hereby Klven that the nnderslKiied, by an order of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon lor Vacn County, has lx.cn uppoli-led administrator of the esiutu of lleleti lirudford, decease'. All )etons haviiii; 'lalms Htralnst the estate of said ltceaitd ure tu tilled to pre- ',,,,",m' t,,t' ' nUi'h.ifi proiier vnueiiers, i" me at limn six montiis irom ' "... .. ... . iiattd .May V,. l'.'jt'. l'l'TSAM K. lUiAlirOI'.Il, Admlr.utrntor of the l.s ate ol Helen llrud. j jK mini lawnwi 1D-1 DGUNN'S ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS , Kmoi Plmplen, Prrent Illllotiu,l'iinl7Hn.'Uloo(l, a morrmsni ul the l,ovrelii melt d7 In n---&ry iS'S'il' w? "'" "'"!''" 'nr. i,t full Ui f , e Boldbf UruBeuu. OK. 0SANKO CO. Phlla. Pa- w..... ..v.... ;,, i iii 4'jiM'ysia. mm I JJIt. K. V.. VEUUl'HII.V, Physician and Surgeon, Olflcc, Vofit Illock (over l'ontiHTlce). Mujilmo dw Till: DAl.UIS, OIIKUON. J)U. V. X. HMIT1I, Osteopath. lioornn lOimd II, Cliniiinnn IllMk, Tlie Hallei, OrtRon, Ti)eila unu Friday, b u. in. to VI. umylB-lm FRED. W. WILKON, ATTOit.NKY.AT T1IK UAIJ.EH, OBKUON OtT.ee nvei Flt Kat. Bault. Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. i i L. Lane. 5 (JK.NKKAL .5 1 a i r ! 'i .AND. loisesiet t"" , P l g ( JJ ik-. B , J" i C. , Wagon and Carriage Work. Finn Brothers Wagon. ThirrlSniul Mmm PlmiiRv1;Q u 1U1UIUUU UUUUl 'IUl 1HUUUJ1UJ ! 14 " ..GflAS. ffiASR.. Bufcehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on draueht the celebrated COLIMHIA HKEK, nefcnow: edtred the best beer in The Dallei, at the U'-Urti price. Con,e in. try It and be foiivinred. Also the I'lnitt hrunds of Wine, L) juor cud f 'ii-ars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds nnvnys nn hand. p. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Just What You tuant. New Idens in Wall I'uimr here, fim-li wide variety us we ure allowing never be lore Kraceu a Blnjfle stock. Ileal imitu. tion creton eflects ut ordinary prices. Eleifant desiens, tustefu! coloriiiL's. vouru for a small price, at our Htore an Third atreet. Also a full line of hoinio puints. D. W. VAUSEt Third St. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OfllOB our French & Co.' Hank YUu!9 C, THE II A 1,1. K6, OKEOON BiacKsmnn 1 3 C' l liOwtf Htnits. Hatit, ( lips, Notion. Agt, ?' j ;for W. 1.. IioukInd Hhoe. f , liHH!'''' Ttie Dalles, Or, j: rfi) 1 mm, '1 IV. ritr 1,1 mm PU'liliium lintliK TO'iuu'i'i M'hcilulo without Ship your Freight via ! ' r- lit id 1HW.V. .. , 1.. I I ..u l.v. Portland nt 7 A. M. Moitdny Wcdiietiy Friday Arr. Diillin at 6 f. M. 1V. I Mil II P H t " A. St. h''l1ieday . . ThurnUy . . ! Saturday . . H Arr. Portland S, nt't:S0 r. m. t. J- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? Travel b the Steamers of the llegillator t.llie. j ronu the licet service pokolhle. f , Portland tillice, OaW Hlreot DocU. W. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, jidp-to-date CroeeiDyspepsia Cure. Fri-sh EggB nnd Creamery Hutter u tpecinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270 We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowlodgo with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ark your physician if we are reliable. BL01ELEY & EOBSHTOJI, Reliable Prcscrijjtionists F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LaneUin. 'Phone 151 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. OroHsen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. - ' - TPVKT nTT O- -rs JP SXiXuV LJd OG JJ ntANHACT A Kl'KKAl, I1ANKINU IIUfc'INKH letters of Credit issued available in the KiiHtern States. Hight Kkclmnge and Telegraphit Tronsfers Hold on Now York, Chicago, Kt. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore uon, Keattle Wash,, and varioui poluU iu Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COf ASYj ti. .. ..... . ... n in inn i.lKlllllllir 1.111(1 Will rlt 11 nH Jior the . j .mii..nij iLKurvillK HIO riRlll t() chlllmii notice. t, Str. Dnllos City. IMIWK l.v. Dalten 1.1 PllMln...! i nt T A. i, Moiidny . Wtiliieiidav. ai 7 IK) A SI. J 'I'llCJlUy iS TtllirMliiy J nturdny 3 Arr llnllc, .3 "t l: U. , Regulator Line, i 'lUt.ana at i :;io v. m. i The Company will endeavor t'i give For further Information iiddreHH C. ALLAVVAY, Oon. AKt. It jmt Kodol Digests what you eat. It artificially d 1 Rests the food and aids "Katuro Id BtrenKthonlnp and recon Btructlntr the exhausted digestive or i jans. It Is the latest discovered digest 'ant and tonic. No other preparation !can npproach It In efficiency. It In- Btiintly relievos and permanently cures i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, 1 Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, . SIcklleadachc.GustralKia Cramps,and ll nflmr viM?tll 4 ti fit imnit-fnnt rt lraln Prupared by E. C. DrWIf. A Co., Cblcago. J. fe. HCHIttlCK, I'rehldeut. 11. M IlciU, tujhltl first national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON I A General Ilnnkini; IhmineEE transacted t . . . rf..l.f.... ... t:l..l.t iopoBiiB roctiiveu, ruuji;ti m iy,ut Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds iiroinptlj remitted on dav of collection. Sight aud Telegraphic Exchange Bold rn New York, Kau Francisco an porl land. DlRBOTOMU I). P. TlIOMfHON. Jko. P. Hcntitcs. Eu. M. Wh-uamh, Gko. A. Likbx. II. M. Huam.. ttie Goiuiu&ia PecKing Go PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUl'ACTl'HKKSOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. FTC. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE VMM Resigns Anrono amtdlnif n nkotrli niia .f qnliiUIr luct-rtiilii mir ii-Miiti f " - .if nfiitilr Invmillmi l prolmlilr lt.;n "M it. ' "ffiiiM tlimaxtrlcl rntiillilniillal. lliiml "" ' ' ls. I'utiti.u takim tTnuutfli Mtimi A 1 i,ff. witimiiL cliiirun. Ill Hi' . . . I..II...I tuft' Scientific flniericait I A t . ! Ilt.,.vnlnr1 Wltl:ll' 1 riti'H rip nmr; fimr muiitlii), tl. Hoiuuyai i - . . MUNN & Co w Jfl tu nt nil nr iiur ni'ieiiuii i"-""" ,u rn, Mica lightens the load- Axle r,hortcii3 Grease the roid' helps the team. Bavcsnmd expeuac. rJoldcverywlicic STANDARD OIL CO. B H MUHTIKOTOH OfietovtryirIMt.luli