The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1900, Image 1

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JUNE 19, 1900. no or.
i ;
I, -
fetMng from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Good?, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much leer than wholesale
prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must toe closed out
before thirty days.
All coods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreeta
and It u tt t-iick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
Plan to Organize All Societies In the
United States.
Xtt Yoiti:, Juno IS. With a view to
present action, a project that has for its
object the federation of all the societies
in thu United States composed of Roman
Gthoiic laymen is being discussed in
Cathoiic circles throughout the country.
Sume influential clergymen and laymen
are interested. By the plan all Catholic
Eocieties are to become affiliated, al
though each Eeparate organization is to
midnight. The opinion prevails at Cape
Town that tho Delagoa Bay communica
tions will be cut off speedily and the
war be brought to a close. There have
been many untrustworthy rumors about
secret expeditions toward Komatipoort,
but there has been no definite informa
tion that any movement of this kind is
in progress through Swaziland. Lord
Roberts' own plan of campaign seems to
involve complete separation of the Free
State and Transvaal forces by the oc
cupation of the railway between Johan
nesburg and Laing'8 Nek, which will
probably be captured this week.
I'ress dispatches indicate that no ad
vance has been made from Volksrust to
ward Ermelo, and that there has been
no change in the situation in the Free
state. General Bundle's division
skirmishing with the commandos, but
only insignificant outpost affairs are re
retain its individuality. The idea is ' poited, with some artillery firing near
to have all the members of the societies Fieksburp.
subject to a central direction so that all
may wjrk together whenever necessary
fur any special purpose.
It it argued that Kotnan Catholics in
this country are unfairly treated in some
respects. Tho projectors of this union
bold that Catholic voters would bo able
to right whatever wrongs are now de
clared to exist.
Bid.op McFaul, ol Trenton, X. J., is a
warm supporter of the project. IIo has
preparJ an nddrcss, which is being cir
culated extensively in support of the
federal, n idea, in which he says:
"We are American citizens. Bigotry
should not be allowed to deprive us of
the eioTciso and enjoyment of any of
our r.ghis. We are 12,000,000 in Amer
ica, ut how small Is our influence?
What representation have we in state
and nati -nal uiTairs when we measure it
in the proportions wo bear to the whole
population of the country? If u Catho
lic presumes to stand lor any political
office, that same individual who has en
joyed tt.e benefit of our suffrages may
tethe (.rtt to cry out 'Don't vote for
LI'i, he is a Catholic'
"A h'-iior to the Protestants for the
courage with which they stand in de
late r.f their rights."
A liuuil CuiiL'li Motllelue.
tpeuks well for Chamberlain's
&Ui!h JUnncdy when druggists use it in
tUlroun fauiillea In preference to any
other. i have told Chamberlain's
wu?!i Remedy for tho past live years
'i complete satisfaction to myself and
'"tomers," save Druggist J. Goldsmith,
n J-tu-ii, N. Y. "I have always used
il 1 my own family both for ordiuary
WUkIiS and mMs
lowing in grippe, and find it very Hlica
1 or ealo by Blakeley & Hough-
Killlur' Awful flight.
JI- Hlggins, editor Senaca, Ills.,
jjwe, was utllicted for years with piles
J'al no doctor or remedy helped until
Lt triad Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. He
rites two boxes wholly cured him. It's
'urest pile cure on earth and the
i . .
salvo in tho world. Cure guamu.
lu, (,uy - cents. Bold by Blakeley
"oniihton, druggist. 6
Nm l Very Monger.
New Yoitic, June 18. A dispatch to
Tribune from London eays: News
'"n South Africa was very meager at
The ministerial crisis at Cape Town ib
believed to be at an end, and Sir John
Gordon Sprigg is reported to have re
ceived assurances from Mr. Schrenier's
group which will enablo him to enter
A TlioUKiincl I'uMSueit
Could not express the rapture of Annio
E. Springer, of 1123 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., wheu she found that Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Hoyal Cure "It soon ro
moved thu pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something' I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
imd$l. Trial bottle free at Blakelcy &
Houston's drug store; every bottle
Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the
First National bank of Wintersct, Iowa,
in a recent letter Hives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that
will be of value to other mechanics.
Ho says: "I hud a carpenter working
for me who was obliged to stop work for
several days on account of being trou
bled with dlarrhoa. I mentioned to
him that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Dlarrhou Uemedy hod cured ine,
Ho bought bottlo ol it from tho druggist
here and informed mo that ouo dose
cured lam, and he is again at his work."
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
The Ohliieso ask "How is your liver?"
instead of "How do you do?" for when
tho liver Is active the health is good.
DoWitt'e Little Early Risers are famous
little pills 'or tho liver and bowelB.
Wo have just opened a nice line of
ladies' duck skirts In greys and tans,
which v.e aro offering for 99 cents and
1.46. These are extra good valueB and
are L-oIng with u rush. Call early and
get your pick of the line
York Cash Store.
Why pay i".76 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E,
Patton'fl sun proof paints for $1.60 per on,, ranged for 5 years. Clark A
Fa!k, agents.
A Conference That Found It Hard to
Settle on a Man.
The New
PiiiLAnuuMiiA, June 18. It transpired
that during a conference in Roosevelt's
room, Senator Hanna, conbating the
popular impression that Roosevelt is
the only man who can be nominated,
said :
"I think we can nominate some one
else besides Roosevelt."
"For God's sake go uhead and do it,"
responded tho governor.
"That's right," said Senator Lodge.
"Let's go ahead and nominate some
other man."
"What is the matter with Long?"
asked Hanna.
"Nothing," replied Lodge.
' Go ahead and nominate him."
Gathering from the tone of Senator
Lodge's remarks, although the senator
was supporting Long, he had very little
hope that Long would be nominated.
Senator Hanna continued:
"Well, what is the matter with Fair
banks?" "Nothing in the world," responded
Lodge. "Go ahead and nominate him.
Nominate anybody. We are all standing
ready to help you."
By invitation, General Ashton, of
Washington, had a conference today
with Governor Roosevelt. lie told the
governor that the Northwest wanted to
know exactly what his position is in the
vice-presidential matter. Naturally, his
section is favorable to Bartlett Tripp,
but if Mr. Roosevelt is to be candidate,
they see the futility of their efforts.
The governor teplled that he did not
want the office, but that he feared, from
the shape the matter had taken, he
would have to take it.
Chicago Market,
Chicago, June IS. Wheat was very
excited and at one time four cents over
Saturday's close. liad reports are all
confirmed from tho northwest. One
message from Winona, Minn., saya we
are to have a repitition of 1SSS. With
abundant rains and most favorable con
ditions. We can not get half a crop.
Do not look for moro than bread and
eeed in South Dakota and thousands of
acres will never ho cut. Another from
the Red River valley : Crops gone, still
dry, no lain. Looks like a calamity for
tho northwest. The foreign situation j
grows worse. A cable Irom Udessa says
The Black sea district in Kueein was
threatened with blight on account of
drought. France confirms a shortage of
upward of one hundred million bushels.
Liverpool closed 00 8 against 5
11 Saturday. Chicago a half cent up,
75's -5 8 and advanced steady to 79 1-8,
closing at 787.8. Stocks lower on war
news, money 2 per cent.
Close Saturday, 75 1-S 14.
Open today, 7j'. 5-8.
Range, today 75'.. 79 1-8.
Close today, 78?.,' 7-S.
A Difficult Problem.
It is among tho most difficult prob
lems of natural science for one to become
expert in several lines. J. E. Adcox &
Co., by their combination, have over
come this difficulty in a practical man
ner. J, E. Adcox is an expert watch
maker and is good on jewelry, optical
work and engraving, while Theo. H.
Liebe is an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price is as low as con
sistent with gond workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive
prompt attention. 'Sign, "Big Red
Ninth Regiment Ordered From Manila
Some Possible Complications.
Two Wiiralilix hunk.
Bhiiu.v, June 8. Thu German consul
at Che Foo telegraphs that n Japanese
torpedo boat from Taku has brought the
"Tho Chinese laid torpedoos In the
Taku river and collected troops from
Shnn Hel Kwan. Tho foreign com
manders assembled on tho Russian flag
ship and addressed an ultimatum to the
comiuaudors of thu Taku forts, summon-
tig them to withdraw their troops heforo
o'clock, Juno 17. At 1 a. m June it,
tho guns of tho forts opened fire, to
which the Russian, British, French and
Japanese warships replied. Tho bom
bardment lasted several hours. Two
British ships In the river between the
forts are reported to have been sunk.
'The telegraph lino and railroad be.
ween Tien Tsln and Taku was destroyed.
Jominunicatlon by water Is also threat
For tho convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the fitadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107 ; long distanco I8.J.
'Ring 'em up." 18m-tf
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer lor tnem.
New Yokk, June IS. American troops
have been ordered from tho Philippines
to China, says a Washington special to
the Herald. Whether the men will be
landed or not will depend upon tho
situation when they arrive. The ad
ministration has decided to insure pro
tection to American life and property
throughout China, order must be re
established in Pekin, and the Empress
Dowager and the Tsung li Yamun im
pressed with the necessity of acting as
the powers wish in the matter of guard
foreigners and their interests.
Japan's course in dispatching 1000 men
to Taku will be followed, said a well-informed
diplomat last night, by Russia,
which might deem it desirable to send a
large force, especially since Great Britain
and Japan combined, will have an over
whelming force in that section of China
unless she draws on her forces at Port
Arthur and along the Siberian frontier.
Tie action of this government in send
ing troops to Taku with the probability
that they will be landed, will also have
influence upon Russia's moves, as there
ts alwaje danger that as British and
Japanese interests are nearly identical
with those of this country, it may under
take a policy on similar lines, inimical
to Russia's supposed interests.
If tho foreign legations in Pekin have
been burned, as reported, the Eticcess of
the Boxers has probably been at fearful
cost. Reports to the state department
show that on June 1, thei o were in Pekin
about -100 sailors and marines. Great
Britain, Russia and France had the
largest number, 75 each, the United
States -17, Japan 12, Italy 22 and
Germany the remainder.
In diplomatic circles it is held that if
the murder of Gerinany'a official repre
sentative bus been permitted, practically
as the result of a movement approved by
the government, China committed on
act of war against tho Berlin government.
This is also true of tho Japanese govern
ment, a member of whoso olllcial stall"
In Pekin was killed. It is hoped, how
over, that neithor Germany nor Japan
will take action, hut will co
oporato with the powers to restore order.
Illhlii)), C'ntiistnii's AilWi'u.
Ciiicaoo, June 18, A special to the
Tribune fioin Denver, Colo,, says:
Bishop Karl Cranston, who recently in
turned from China, declared from the
pulpit today that civilized nations must
rule China.
"It is worth any cost In money," ho
saiq. "it ts worm any cost in mooci
shed if wo can make tho millions of
Chinese true and intelligent Christians,
I would cut all of thu red tape in the
world and break all the treaties over
made to place thu armies of tho United
States in thu fore nuxt to Great Britain.
The open door must bu maintained fur
Christianity as well as commerce,"
All who suffer from piles will bo glad
to learn that DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve will give them instant and per
manent relief, It will cure eczema and
all skin diseases, Beware of counter
feits, To Dure u Oolil in flu Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund the money,
O17 3peeial 5ale
Home five dozen Men's Golf Shirts, ranging in
price from
75e t0 $-5-
We have divided these shirts into two lots as
All 75c shirts, sizes from 15)j to 17 neck,
made of percale in good reliable me- tAn
dium and light colorings ; Special... OUt
All $1.00, .$1.25 and $1.50 shirts in the lot ; sizes from M to 17 neck;
material percales, gindiams and madras; light grounds, pink Vfc-
aud blue effects. Choice ( OU
1 JU
f popular dp-to-dat
Summer dollar....
These Collars ate of a High Grade
Linen on both si-lea.
20c, eael? 3 for 50c
Sizes 14j to 17.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen' rthe G-reate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.)
IMPORTED 00GUA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. Jll to 20 years old.)
OOiIPORHIA BRANDIES froiii $8.25 to'itti.OO per gallon. (4 to 11 years old
COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles
Imported Alo and Porter,
Jaeobsen Book & JVIusie Co.
Just Arrived
Tho largest and most complcto lino at
Rock Bottom Prices.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Budget
Tho Dallos, Or.
Burial Shoes
Tliut Tlinilililiiu 1 1 o it tl litlin
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's Now I.lfu i'llls. Thousands
of sull'erurfl have proved their iuatchlesi
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Kasy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured, hold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. o
Notice i liuicliy ulvuii Hint tho uiiiIitsIkuciI
liiis licuii -Inly iiiili.U'il liy Hie enmity court, (
thoMutcMif Oi-'K uxcTiitnr u( tliu la-t mil
unit tcNtiuiicn t n( rviilliui Kyiiiin, iU'(ticoi,
All orMiiii liiivlntr cliiiniH nuuliDit tlio estiitu
nf iliu biilit ICviilluu KvaiiN mo liuicliy rciUmt
lo tirctiuiit Hit) mini) to liliu, tuocrly vutlllcil, iih
by Inw iciiilrc-l, nt Mufclcr, Ort'Knu, within tK
inoutliN from tliuilutu huirof,
initcil till 13th iluy ol June, luftri.
i,i:amh:u kvanh,
lUcciltnr of thu lust will unit U'ntummit of
Kvulliie Kvaiit, ilutTiiH'U, JiuilO ll