The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1900, Image 4

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    ffl P2
Yellowstone Park Line.
This most aggravating and tormenting of all skin diseases is caused br an acid condition of
of this acid poison reaches the skin -and it becomes red and inflamed. The itching and burning are
almost unbearable, especially when overheated from any cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or rest if
mipossioic, me uesperate simcrer, rcgaruiess ot consequences, scratcnes until strcngtii is cxnaustcd. ,
This burning, itcliing humor appears sometimes in little pustules, discharging a sticky fluid, which .. uisiso ( AU r.ol ir. FKcM 1'ol'Tt.AM'
forms crusts and scales. Attain the skin is drv, hard and fissured, itches intense!, bleeds arid scabs over. ' ' ' to Till l" VT
Thb is a painful and stubborn form of the disease. ' ,. vl v . " " " 1IE Y1:Llj0W.
the skin, they are really blood "diseases, because
sioni: r.viiK
the blood is in a pure, healthv condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skm.
External applications of washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitirate the itchine and soothe the
inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, can do this.
S. S S , the only purely vegetable remedy known, is a safe and permanent cure for Eczema and all deep-seated blood and
tin troubles. It goes direct to" the seat of the disease, neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood, re-inforccs and invigorates
nil the orcrans, and thus clears the svstem of all impurities throuijh the natural channels ; the skin relieved, all inflammation
snusiucs, ana mi signs oi uie uiease uisiiapem.
Mrs. "Lcfa V. Kofi ruin, of Cardincton, Ohio, says she was aHicted with Scrofulous sort and rcicma
from birth. Her face at time became o badly swollen that she was not rrcojtnliable. and her limbj
Rad hands were very ore She was treated bv all the doctors in town without being benefitted, and in
"her "researches for relief was told by an old physician to taie S. S. She followed his advice and was
proaptly cured, and ha never had a return of the dlea This was seventeen yearstiRO. She sincerely
believes she would hare been io her grave years ago but for S. 5. S. and adds, ' what 1: has done for me
it will do for others
lpnt1 in? otir rxvk on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our physicians full v about vour
case; they will cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. Ve make no charge for this.
UbkbDiki, Ftfttand I Sts
No. .'. Flint null for Tnromn,
.o!tU. Olymptn. imy'i
llHtlmr and mmiUi I'i'iid
mints. jpukHiio. tint
fmid. It. I .. I'lllllllHIl,
MnMtnw, U-wMim, lltil
11 1"' A.M. fHliillumj) imiiinc txmii
trv. lluli'im. MltmcaiKi
lis'. M. Vmlti, Omalia.
Knnsus Cll . .t. U'UIb.
I'tiiniRO am! nil wiiitt.
No t. i-Mt and 4itit!H'u".t.
I'ucct Miuwl Ejitirei'-'
V M lor THi oma and M-nltlr
and iiitcrinedlatf mtnt
No. t
..' l'.M.
No. 3.
;0i. A. M.
Address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gi.
ri 2 TwT
I'ul.'inn Hfst i !a and tnuriit hliicni to
MluiK mi .t M l'atil and Mtimurl nvct jMluta
v,t!i. i rl unci'
..! f.unv t nii' dciK't (oniirctiouk
i'l a' )r :pi i-iti-1. j
Hnciriio e!iwl;.-.l t" dcitn.itl 'ii of li'-kt't)-.
l-'o: 1.:i:i(1houh'' i.liiMratiNltlcseDiilui txntler, ;
ticn - '- )."C t..- r'MTatj ili.. cl i:; in or 1
i"'1 A. D. CHARLTON,
to Good Dressers.,
I t stend a
Wo )ien? from the
to:ii Tail
crdil invi'ation to all to
inspect the cample? of
Chicago's famous Cos-
Suits to Measure, $5.75 up.
Fi', w jrfcmacelilp and entire satirfaction sjnaranteed.
(Jlarfc ix Faik are never closed Sunday ,
Don't forget this. j
Clarke & Fak have on sale a fal line
of paint end artist's brushi:.
You will not iiftve boils if yon taLe
Crarke & Falk'i sure cure for boi.s.
A full line of Eabtnian films and sup
plies jnst received by Clarke & Fulk.
Re sure and see the bargains in lftdiei'
rn r i
1. 1 '
JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor. Agent.
XJ lr. 3;- Xi J-y JJJI jr- jjjc jj
tgp ' duck skirt
the New York Cash -
i-EorcE vor all know.
Frank Aidrich, the Goidendale wheat
burtr, was in town todaj.
Dr. Pi.kinzton, of Ante'ope, is resis
tered at the Cmatitla Houss.
W. H. Eeavis left on the Kesulator
this mornin: for California.
Brieadier-Genernl Charles Kin? was
a passencer on the Regulator this "morn
ing for Portland.
Dr. H. Burchtorf, of Burns, was a
passenzf-r on the Regulator this
inr for Portland.
Arthur Chapman, a
oi Goldenda'e and
Klickitat coDGty, is in
wav to Portland.
Inrnitnre dealer
ex-treasurer of
the c.'ty on his
j -::ce the water became dear a few
saiiuon have escajeJ the pill nets and
ieatten up the river. Const qnently, the
seiuers have been takini: about onoush
fish to pay the expenses of operation.
l Astoria News.
j John Piuramer and I-hani Jeffries,
: while ec route from Crook count v to
J Ontario with a band of forty-five horses, i River Ice i Fuel Co
i . 1 , l . 1 . . .
morn- purcnaseu oy mem iroin t. a. J-one, o:
j Crook county, were arrested at Harney
on complaint of B. F. Shepherd, who
alleges that the horses were stolen.
After several years of watting for some
one to make a practical test for artesian
; water in Goose Lake valley, says the
Rev. C P. Bailey went to Portland
mis murium 10 D nieseni at trie tier- t
formance of a surgical operation on his 1 Lakeview Examtner, it has finally been
.eon for a serious lane trouble. ; nade, and proven beyond a donbt that
Mr and Mrs. Jjhn End were in town ' water can be found in this valley. Brad
to Jay from Wamic. Mr. End says the Lyon11, of Willow Ranch, has made a
gr iin crop in ins neighborhood this year, ' gaccessful test of artesian well Iwrin",
will be the larceat ever harvested. j , , ,,, . . .. . , . .
and now has a three-Inch we.l eirtv ftt
t G- W,VMl,i wiJ' ,.'-'ave inltl,e 'I?orn,n,c ' deep that throws a Cood stream of water
for .t. Martin e springs, where ne will - , . , . ... ,
he jjined bv his flmity lowa.ds the end , Cve aboVt: eurRce of tprouad.
of the week and they wll!
Ocetn Park for the sn'mmer.
J. Insley Huston, of the Crook County
Journal, arrived here by stage today
from Prineville on his way to attend the
district convention of the Woodmen of
World at La Grande on the L'Oth. ;
Mrs. J.A. Henderson , who has been ,
Tisitins lor a few days with the family
of Mr. U. W. Welis, returned on the i it
llecula'or this morninp to her heme in
lt"t .1
.-aiiiivij. (southeast, both
Alex. Mcintosh, who has been the Examiner,
cuest of the European House for the "
tore. P
Floral lotion will core wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fslk.
Paint yonr house with paints that are
fniiy puarauteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Pattern
strictly pure liquid paints
Call in and sample the whole wheat
shredded biscuits. Fri-e demonstration
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
Pease & May-' grocery department.
Good, pure natural ice from the Bine
mountains for sale by the Columbia
Phone 33 or SI
Long Dist. ; 75 or 5 seufert &. Condon.
Be sure arid examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at H. Glenu & Co.'s. al7-lw
Ivy poisoning, poison wonndj and all
oilier accidental injuries may be quickly
cored by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Sa!ve. It is alsa a certain cure for piles
and skin diseases. Take no other.
"1 used Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure in tny j
family w ith wonderfnl results. It gives ,
immediate relief, Is pleasant to take and
truly the dyspeptic'! best friend," j
;.:.. in.
nalt tjiki, li':icr. Kt.
Worth. Omaha, Katt
, mi fit), St. LoUt,
' Chicago ntid Uutt.
Milt VE
1 IV
Job Printers.
3tK)tHe Walla Walla. t-;ilsiie,
ilall , MlnntiNiU. l'atil,'
and )u 1 u t b. MtlauL(f.
Kline ; Chlcaro uud Hant. via
' i-fdla:icKt(lHuntli:-ton
: rIxi all iiotnta iu
10:19 Ik m. Wuitiiu-rtou uud t.nt-
eru Ofxiioi,.
S l. in.
! f'KOM l'tlTLKtJ.
j Ocean ilcaiiiihlim.
! For can i'ni!M!l."(
Aj.rtl 27, May :. 7, 1.'.
1 :tK) a. in
4 i. ra.
s p. m. 4 j). ra.
Ex.suudny .Columbia liv. Steamers.' Ex.auuda)
To ArroKU aut! Way
SatardHT Ijindliig.
10 j.. a.
t.ta. WiiXAUCTTi; Hivec l-Mp. m.
l"x.3undy Oniron City, Nowlrir, Kx.auiiday
halum A Way Lund's.
a. ra,
and sat.
Orccoii City, Dayton,
and Way-ljuidlngii.
C a. m. Willa x erri: Uivze.
Tuc.Tliur, i'ortlKiid to Corvulltn,
and cut. end Way-Lmidlnso.
:30 ii. m.
and Krl.
4.30 ji. m.
Moil. Wed
and I'rlday
$i.oo per month.
Strictly flret class local "nnd long
dii-tauce telephone teivice within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kept n secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the. standard H mining
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous dny and night ervice.
We will accept your contract for
ten yearc and allow you to .cancel
PHtne on giving us thirty daye writ
ten notice.
past three or fou- dayp, left today for
hie home at Paulina, Crook county." He
was accompanied by his daughter, Miss
Katy, who is on her way home from at
tending the sisters' i-chool at Portland.
A Atu'titl Kuliiic KMer-l.
proceed to, The burning of Lafceview made such , savs E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
a big blazi that it was observed for over , Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to
100 miles in several directions. Citizens ; cure
of Klamath Falls, over 100 miles west 1 Sick Headache absolutely End perina
of Lakeview, noticed the heavens ilium-1 neatly cored by using, Moki Tea. A
inated and it was remarked at once that ' pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation
Lakeview must be burning. Silver j and indigestion, maces you eat, Bleep,
Lake, 100 miles north, saw the fire, and i work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
wa- thought to be Lakeview. Altn- money back. 25 cts. nnd 50 c'.s.
ras, sixty miles south, and Cedarville, Bifckeiey & Houghton Druggist'.
saw our terrible lire. j Unless food Is digested quickly it will
' ferment and irritate the stomach. After
! eiich meal take a teaspoonful of Kodoi
eat and will allow you to eat a!! you
need of what you like. It never fail to
! in order to cure it you must take inter- w,e wur" OI i'"Pl-
! nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is '. 11 P1""" 10 lake
the Wahin-ton taken internally, and acts directlv on ' fc-t is the short stop eo many take
Lv HlparlR
l.aR m.
Ska nr. IUvi.k.
I'.ljmrlB to l-fwlotou.
t- JO a. m
I'srllc dKilrim: to co to HcMUir or
IHjtutx on (Julumtiia nouttivrn via Ktiould
titko No. ;. Icovlnc Hie Dalltf. at li h i. ra
inaklntf dlrt-ut uiaiicutioiiis ut II)-iitivr Jutiftiou
nnd Hlnsa. Itctunilnc lUBklnecHrt-eteoniicrti'm
ai iieiijitHT juiiciioii Htul jiikj; with Nu, l.ur
nvinir at j ne Daiicx ut yj A p. m.
for full jmrtlcnlar cell ou O. It. & N. Co,
ageiii J tit imlld.. or uddrexi
w. H lirKUiriiT,
(iea l'aii. Ast.. I'ortiund, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
, Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Catarrh (Jouuot 11- Cured
with local applications, es they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ;
ie a blood or constitutional disease, and
mi i u ii wjvi i ii' i:ii
' ITno rlnnn i)ftn -fVv D-vn- Olnin and all kinds
woauuai ucici xvji J-il cxu., fDUKJL t&, or mill feed
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOIl FlOUr 'lB our 18 manufactured expressly f'r family
une : every pack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bonne iu the trade, and if you don't think 80
uau u.uu gui cur jiricea auu ne convinced.
, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
, the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
At the meeting of
wool-growers association, which met in i
2forth Yakima on the 0th of May, it Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
wai decideJ lo reject the application for It was was prescribed by one of the best
grazing nririle-res on the forest reserve ; physicians in this country for yer..-, and
in mat state of H. W. WhIU. of this ! ie a regular prescription. It is composed
c'tv. nr.vided it was fonnd that he was ': of the best tonics known, combined with 1 ani' troubles.
from a congh or cold to consumption
The early use of One Minute Cough
Care prevents contumplion. It is the
"only harmless remedy that j;ivee imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
Children all like it and
Shasta Route
A l'mctlcal Dt-inoimtrittliili.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
a reguterpd voter of the Etate of Oregon. ' the best blood purifier-, acting directly ; movers euuurce u.
Mr. Wells appealed to Washington, 1 on mucons surface". The perfect j
placing hia appeal in the hands of Con- combination of the two ingredients it
cressman Moodv. and in eractlv seven '' what producee such wonderful results in 1
dave from the 'time the u-as curing Catarrh. Send for tcstimoniale, ' more satisfactory than auy theoretical
mailed to Mr. Moody, an answer came free. ;
by wire that his application was allowed i J. Cjiekev Co., Props., Toledo O,
com uy urrnggiets, price .-c.
Hall'e Family i'lllc are the beet. 12
and that henceforth all that is necessarv I
to secure grazing privileges on the re
curve ii that the sheep are actually :
owned and permanently kept within '
the state. The wonder is that anybody 1
ehould have been guilty of Euch a etupid '
ruling as would exclude sheep from the
reserve II they happened to be owned
by a man who, fot any reason, had his
-residence in another etate.
proposition. P.ealizhig this, and know
lug that they have a proposition which
they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary
Closet Company, of The Dallec, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the same iuto actual
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wlahes j operation. The closet Is now located in
to announce that they will deliver ice to the rear of Chas. liurchtorfe bicycle re
nny part of the city at all hours of the j p8r htort( 0n fcecond, between Federal
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long ' and Laughlin streets. Tho Dalles, and
I the public arc cordially invited to call
and inspect the taint, Thie company
ift now prepared to fill orders promptly.
niehed full information upon application
TihIii leuve Tl: UmIIo lor I'ortlmid und way
HtAtloui ut l i. n. in. und u ji. in.
l'ave I'ortlaiul
" Altjiuiy
Arrive Anliland
' feuorHinciitn
" fctiu i'mnubop
Arrive OKdou
" Denver . .
" Kmisai Cltr
" CWcbbo ...
' sdpIki Vlf h fi fi I s
Ii U la tl :S0 h in 'B,m'
Arrive Urn AukvIoi ..
" El 1'HMI
" I-'ort Worth . .
' City of Mexico .
" lluunUm
" New Orkuliii .
" WunIiliiKtoii
" New York. ....
.. 130 m
d-if.) i in
. C.'SU u m
- 9:86 ii in
. I :( h in
. . 0 :'A ii in
. . 0: ti ii in
..12:13 . m
7 M) u in
b.OO p m
tl:Mu in
l:G0 a in
O ltt p in
fr l! ii m
1213 iu
; Dist. ; 7o or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Experience is the bent Teacher
Thk Ciiuoxiclc understands that Mr. ' Acker's linglish Remedy in any case of ' ,H now l,rel'reu 10 oruerB Pnmpu;
Cortie, of Curtis & Smith, of Centerville, ' coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail t0 ! I'tiei derfrliiB thia eyttem will be fu
wae excluded from the reserve becauee give immediate relief money refunded,
je had brought hie family temporarily . 25 ctfi. and 50 cts. BlaLeley & Houghton
to The Dalles foi the education of hi , Druggists.
children. The new ruling will reinstate ct m uur ci-vck.
All coontv warrants regietered prior
to June 3, 1696, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1000. C. L. PlIXLUfB,
him and others similarly situated.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse, Fineet kind of
chicken feed. iucb25-tf
to or correspondence with D. 8. Dufur,
The DiUee, Or. inSMwdStw
I'ullrnKTi nnd lourlnt curii on both trnliih.
Chulr mti hnciuriiuiito t OKden und KI I'ano
and tourUt cum to O'liictigo, fat J-ul, New Or
ltrniu and Witiitiliigioii.
ComiHitliiK ut Knn Krancihco with,i
i Kk-amtbip lint lor Honolulu, Jbiuiii, CIiIiiu,
I l'litlliplues, Centrul mid houtU Amtrlcu.
Hi ugcut nt The Dullw. htatlou, or udduirn
General J'oiciiger Agent, I'ortiund, Or
County Treunrer.
Cure Headache Oulckljr.
Xialdwln'i sparkling elfervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and tlTective core
for headache, nen oUBoeei, eleepletsneas,
brain fatigue. 10 and 'J5 cents. Bold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-Gw
and Motors
MANlTAt ri'HUJj 11V
PubUc. Collections promptly attended
to. Money to loan. C. K. Bayard's of
fice, The Dalles, Oregon.
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
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