The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1900, Image 3

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    As the Circles
Suits and Skirts.
From u stono tossed upon t ho bosom of n pond gradually widen and increneo in size
li, they ..xten. 1 to It. nt ormost limits so I'EASK A MAYS, by thoir matchless values,
nro constantly widening arid increasing their circle of cnatomere.
For Big Boys.
This one is for Hoy? of 13 to 1!) years
more properly ? pnnkinir, jouiig men.
These Suits urn in all the new stripe
niiil checks. The cont is n round cnt
ctyle, made to fit as well and with ns
much stylo as our Men's Suits. The
t:ii!ornig ami patterns -ro the tame at f
yen nnd priced nt ?.o0 by some stores.
Our price, $5.00.
For Smaller Boys.
This nobby suit is for BosofSto
! years, made up in regular double
breasted stylo of coat a good piece of
all wool grey mixed Cheviot. The pants
have double seat and knees; the seams
are all double. sewed and rip proof. This
snit is ir.ado to give good wear.
Our prlco, $2.15.
A largo lino of the celebrated Jane
Uopkins suits at $2 CO up to $10.
Baseball and Bat or Good Air Gun.
For Little Fellows.
Wo think this is the swcllest suit
that ever camo from a Hoys' tailor shop.
A handsome all-wool tan'or grey check,
vestee trimmed to match ; the vest open
down front like a man's. The suit is
tailored all Hit in high art style;
sizes o to S years.
Our price, S4 00.
Navv blue Cheviot Vestee Su'te,
from $1.25 up.
Washable Suits.
Wo havo eo much in this immense
guttering that it's hard to pick out one
to describe. We want to mention in
particular a handsome line of White
Duck trimmed with blue. Size 3 to 10.
Our price, 55c.
Many others at Mc, $1, $1.25 up to $2.50.
If Spring had not lingered eo long in the lap of
her new-born sister, there would be no stray Tailor
Suits lagging behind in our Suit Department now. Wo
havo an excess of Spring and Summer Suits and Skirts,
and recognizing tho truth that heroic, effort must bo
made to reduce tho stock, wo have adopted tho well
known method of
What We Say We Do, We DO Do.
The Suits arc all man-tailored, and it will only
take a moment of your time to see for yourself that we
are making cut prices.
Suits Commencing at $5.00.
Skirts Commencing at $1.35.
Come early this week and be one of tho first to
get the handsome ones.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlKiires.
e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ttlrphune -Vo. 1.
JUNK 18. 1P00
At Andrew Keller's.
church for such cases was highly appre
ciated. Tho services of the young
pastor are increasingly enjoyed by both
church and congregation, among whom
he-is very deservedly popular.
Attention is called to the new display
ad. of John J'ashek, tho tailor, who asks
Inspection of his new samples of woolens
from the Crown Tailoring Co., Chicago's
famous custom tailors. Suits to meas
ure from $S.7o up. Fit, workmanship
and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
t The Ciiuonicle regrets having "mad
! vertently omitted mention of the enter
tainment that was given at the Sisters'
Academy Friday night as th'i closing
exercises of the school year. To say
! that the renderings of the program were
worthy of the thorough, patient, pains
I taking training of tho Sisters is no
small praief. The testimony of those
, who had the privilege of being present
is that it win a most enjoyable affair,
and reflected tho highest credit on
' pupils and teachers nlikc.
Tho local league of America!) Sports-
Portland a transfer will be made to the
cars and the excursionists landed in
Astoria at 10 :.'0 p. in. A special com
mittee will meet The Dalles excursion
ists at Astoria and will hae provided
beforehand suitable accomodations at
guaranteed reasonable cost. Excursion
ists desiring to go to Seaside on the
Fourth can do so at a nominal cost.
Excursionists will leave Astoria on the
lr Intercut to C'!iiii-ts anil Oilier on
the Forest Iteserve.
Dufun. Or., June 15, 1900.
Eijitok Ciiitoxicu: :
TIi Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which has hecu
in use for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of
,m,l has been made under his pcr
CjPLjLtiWT'rfc., sonnl supervision since its infancy.
urvr. '-coccsuw Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations ond "Just-as-good" arc Imfe
Experiments tliat trifle with nnd endanger the health of
Infu?tts and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
.substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
find allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
5th in time to catch the returning
steamers at Portland, which will await ! the general public to the act of February
their coming nnd land them
Starvation never yet cured dyspep-iu.
Persons with indigestion are ulreadv
half starve,!. They need plenty o1
i wholesome fond. fvndnl Dv-nHiui:!
Deak Sin:-Asthedry seaeon is nowjCllre ,IigeM3 wiiat V0II t..u so the body
at hand, and forest fires aro liable to j crtn b(, I10(,ri,he(1 wllilo thu Won. out or
occur through the carelessness of those Kans or0 ntfilJK rt-coiidtrueteil. It i 'he
entering the forest reserves of our state, ior)ly ,)M.imration known that will in
would you please call the attention of atnntly relieve and completely euro all
fare has not ye!
i reasonable.
here some- j 1897 (29 Stat., 594), entitled "An Act to
ount of the j Prevent Forest Fires in the Public Do-
been fixed but it will be
s:onifirh tionmep. 1 ry it n you art
sufFerini: from indigestion. It will cc-r
laiulv do von uood.
Fossil will enon be connected with
Mitchell by telephone.
I). D. Wilder, of this city, has opened
. t.hotograph gallery m Fossil.
The county court will meet this after
n n pursuant to adjournment.
l.x-Cotigresfcinan V. R. Kilis will de
.or the Fourth of July oration at Fossil.
If you are looking for bargains, be j men Saturday night elected G, II. Cush
f- re and call at the New York Cash I)K nB socretary-treaeurcr. The league
-'re. lis taking measures to appoint a warden
A t'irl 1h wan ted to do general house-; in every district m the county, whoe
ifK bv
party. ' jlo-Gt
C. C. Cooper has opened a harness
nr. 1 Hnddlery shop nt Antelope, having
b Jghlout the bupinees of J. M. Ham
. ' iti of that place.
Commissioners 1J. -S. Kimsey and N.
C Kvans are attending county court,
t!..- last term which will bo held under!
the chairmanship of the present county
Kev. U. F. Hawk took for his subject
nt last night's service, "Civic Reform."
WaHU unci Chiiln Ilrkturcil to Ohiiit,
Last Tuesday a couple of young fel
lows, strangers heie, left a gold watch
with Adcox it Co. asking to havo a
trifling repair done to the case and to J
have the name "Jessie," which was en-1
graved on the inside, nibbed out. Mr. '
During tho season of 1900, for viola
tion of the first section under my super- j
vision, and evidence sufficient to arrest l
and convict, and upon the conviction of
Sunbonnets, suibotuiets, stinboniiet.--for
children, only 2 cents at the Ne.v
York Cash Store.
.Mrs. J. C. Hosteller. Good ' business it will be to report all trans-
will be given to i competent gressions of the game laws to Chief
Warden Robert Kelly, who will see tout
I the transgressors are punished to the
j full extent ol the law. The league will
, use every poselole effort to stop tho kill
ing of such birdH as are protected by our
present game laws.
' Dr. H. Logan returned this morning
by way of ttie Great Northern, from at
tending the annual meeting of the
Inernational Afsoeiation of R .ill way
Surgeons at Detroit, Michigan, and tho
American Medical Association at At
lantic Citv, New Jersey. He also Bpent
Iherewas a largo attendance and t,li Tuie tt-n days at Chicago visiting the
discourse was appreciated as timely and ho,,tB,a of lhu cil)., TI)H
appropriate. doctor reports a pleasant and profitable
The lain rains havo extended as frf (ri but is ulad to get back. Hisobserva-
c;iM iiu llnLur I'nimli' where trie KODUUfl
uciii nfitimntpH tho nrecinitatiou an
worth .flOO.OOO to tho formers and stock
men of that district.
Tho Antelopo city council has de
tided to bond the municipality for $1500
to be used to build n cover over the ;
! Hon, from tho cars, of the grain crops
in Minnesota, Montana and North
Dakota, led him to conclude that with
out n good rainfall the crops would boa
l! piaoticn! failure.
"'r mm... rii.!..i.m liiii.Iv hnvii n neculiar
f lining business. This afternoon
reservoir and make other iuiprovementHjJJaw.ortl)) tlle printer, went into a
ou tho witer works. j fj, eore on Front street and atked
Report has it that numerous Hocks of i... womo fire crackers. Tho Chinese
'imil havo been seen lately in tho hills
tying between Mosier nnd Hood River.
inert-limit expla ned that fire crackers
had gone up in price, and while tho
the party or parties, I ofier a reward of
For violation of section two under my
supervision, and evidence sufficient to
:irropl nnd cnnv!el . nml iiunn 'liHcrin-
Adcox, sus pectim: that the watch was v,ct,01 of the , Qr 8rUe j o,.Jr u ,
stolen, delayed tho execution ' tlie reward of JoO.
Tho necessity of protecting our forett
reserves from destruction by fires must
be apparent to every thinking person,
and the law governing forest tires will'
be stnctlv enforced under my surervi-
Very Respectfully,
W. II. II. DtKfit,
Forest Supet visor Northern Division
Cascade Forest Reserve and Hull R in
The act referred to by Mr. Dtifur leads
as follows-
That any person who shall wilfully or
maliciously set on fire, or cause to be set
on lire, any timber, underbrush, or
urass upon the public domain, or ehall
I carelessly or negligently leave or sillier
work under various pretexts till the end
of tho week, and meanwhile notified
.Special Night Watchman Alisky. After
communicating with the Portland chief
: of police and the authoritiep at other
points, it was learned that the daughter eon
of C. L. Rodgere, of Hood River, had ,
some time ago, while in church, lost a
watch answering iho description of the
one left willi Adcox A Co. This was
Friday night after the authorities here
had given up all hope of being able to
hold the onng fellows on the charge of
theft and had allowed tneiu to get pos
session of .the watch from the jewelerH.
WiMs M
Dull Headache, Phiiih in various parta
of tho body, Sinking at the pit of tho
atomacli, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No mailer how it
became, so it must bo purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
F.lexir has never failed to cure Soiofuloua
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly n wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Rlakeley & Hough
ion's drug store.
On receipt of the news a search was im
mediately instituted and Mr. Alisky, , ru t0 Jllrn unintended' near any timber
about midnight Friday night, found the 1 or other irilhimmablo material, shad be
bora on the top of freight car of a! deemed guiily of a misdemeanor, and,
. , .i . I . i ...,ii ,, t.,r ii.r. ' "P'JH conviction thereof in any district
train that was about to pull out for the , u(ijurl (j Uio lJnu,1 hv, ni
Alisky threw his lantern in their faces j ,ij(;ll0 f ulu mine, ahull ho lined in a
and ordered them down; hut they j hiiii not more than 5000 or ho imprh-1
jumped oil' on the other side of tho car i om'U lor a erm oi not moie inainwo
' . 1 ... ........ .i .. vearn. or both.
and took to their heels. J.aier in ine 2iTal liiy )liia,jn ho shall'
night one of them came to Alisky and )Uj(i H UIU1II, jjr(.f , other fire, in or
delivered up the watch, admitting that j near any forest, timber, or other inllain-'
it had been stolen, but, of course, by the I mablo material upon the public domain,
i r ii ii . i in .1 hi nni ...,, U ia , beforo bieakuiu camp or leaving
other fellow. He said he did not , 8uM totny oxtinguish tho same,
anv trouble but wanted the thiel ariested ; Mrfi0.. fidlliiL' to do so shall be
ami was willing to bo arrested too, after
leonied guilty of u lulsdemeanor, and,
helping Alisky to hunt for tho supposed upon conviction thereof in any di-trici
ho was let go on prouiite to report his , eu 10t Il0n) tmil 1000 or bo imprie
whereaboute, which ho has dono twice oneil for u term of not more than one
,1, ..,., ' year, or both.
... , i . m.u p i I'.i.hfi.rHl li:t' Ii. That in all cases urging under
This niornini; Mrs. C. L. ';'Jt";ra )iH lhu ,1I(,B ,.,,,1,.,,! bm t o iml.l
camo up from Jioou juver, aim l'u ,,t0 the public n-liuol fund of tho com
With proper protection for n few yearn , . i ckngo was now 5 cents it
it ie believed tho woods bordering on the ..ouij g00 bo more. "Then," said Mr.
Columbia river, in this county, would bo i jjrtWOrt(l "you had better give me two
Ml of these birds. I pm-kiigrp. Hero is 10 cents. "No,"
I-eon Rondeau, Fred Trudell mid Joulfeaj( the Chinaman, "two packages cost
Weill, of. Klngsley, camo to town today i you 15 cents; one package 5 cents,
to take home llieir puicliasu of anew ( And sure enough the Mongolian stuck
tdonui threshing outfit, cotis.sting of a to his proposition and would not eel
3'Mnch cylinder, J. I. Case thresher and lw0 packages except for tho price of
fifteen - horse power trucllon engine, , three.
with Jackson side feeder. 1 Under the auspices of The DalleB
The new pastor ofTlie Dalles Lulhermi I yoling Men's Chrlstlau Association mi
church, Kev. W. JJrenuer, was Installed : excursion will be given hy noa arm ran
nH night by Kev. Mr. Rond, pastor of
Uiu St. James Lutheran church, Port
land. Theie was large attendance and
the beautiful ritual of the Lutheran
between this city and Astoria on the
Fourth. As many boats as may
necessary will take the excursionists
from here ou the morning of the 3d. At
Identification of tho was hand
ed over to her by Sherlll' Kelly. The
gold chain that was attached to thu
watch when stolen, was handed over to
Mrs. Rodgere by Mr. Adcox on payment
of a tiinall turn that he had given for it,
under tho impression that the owner,
if ho over heard of it, would be glad to I
redeem it at less than u quarter of itsi
valuo rather than take chancei of never
hearing of It again.
Sherilf Kelly thinks the hoys aro es
capes from the reform echool. The
watch and chain thus restored to their
owner cost 0.
Clark & Fit Ik's drug stock is n ew
fresh and complete.
ty in which the lands wliero tliu olienso
was committed are situate.
For Infants ami Children.
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
fcjigutttuio of
I'm- hulH.
A good second-hand threshing ma
chine for sulo ul L. Luuo's blacksmith
shop, ou Third street. J4.lAwlin
Subscribe for Tim Cukonicb,
Tho only storo in
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
ti dozen piecesof so
called cheap euam
t ied ware.
Other wares look
hna tho name
8 1 musky Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not bo deceived
First prize nt 1(1
International Exhi
bitious llighoHt
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by tho
most fnmouschom
ihts for purity und
durability H in
cheapest because
Remember this
celt-brat ed oiuiiii
eled waro Jh special
ly imported for and
mid In this city ex
clusively by us,
It does not rust
nor alisorb urease,
tloes not discolor
nor catch insido; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
nnd bake
withou t
flavor of
fond, ami
will last
for years.
A SprnllHil Anlilo nuirlily lluri'il.
"At one time I Buffered from a severe
sprain of tho ankle," says Geo. K. Cary,
editor of thu fiuulo, Washington, Vn.
'Aftor using toveral well recoiumended
medicines without success, I tried
j Chamberlain's fain Halm, mid am
I pleased to say that relief camo as seen
is 1 began its use and a eompkito cuiu
-ptedily followed-" Sold by Rlakelcy
!': Houghton.
Rev. W. K., W. Canton, N. Y.,
wiites, '-IJhad tlyspeisia over twenty
yems, and tried doctors mid medicines
without benefit. 1 vvaa persuaded to uso
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped mo
from tho start. 1 believe it to bo .1
panacea ''or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what yc u eat.
Roys' sw eaters '-'5 cents at the New
Vol k Cash Store. Wo huvo bettur ones
if you w ish iheui.
I Garden Hose
Wo cau
tion tho
Wo havo laid in it largo
stock of (larilon Hose and aro
j carrying Iho sanio brand of
j Mono that wo havo been carry
ing for tho last live years,
which is tho celebrated Mal-le.-o
Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho same brand of 1 lose that
tho Dalles Oily Kiro Depart
ment, has been using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross P.rand is without
doubt the benl grade of I loso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices beforo buying.
IVIaier & Benton
Solo Agonts.