The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Columbia Southern Wrhou.
At Shaniko the Columbia Southern
JUNE IS, 1W0 Railway Co. controls SOxlOO feet of the
' Shaniko warehouse buildinj;, to tie used
jFor a Nice
iSuit of Clothes.
The monthly statement of
public debt shows that at the close ,
the ; 0! a freight warehouse, through which ,
1 they will receive and forward freight in
' (Via (iBnal mnntin Tttn ttini.ieelnn (lint f
or business May 31, 1900, the debt. n bns,neH done throuph for. ;
ess cash in the treosury, .-.mounted warding houses is an erroneous one imd 1
to f l,l22,f0S,Sll. a decrease for the we take this means of dispeiliuc it.
month of $2,133,574; which is ac- Freight received and held twcnty.foor ;
counted for bv the redemption of hours will be turned oyer to r. forward
' , , , , tag house subject to the order of the t
bonds. The amount of bonds so far consignec The rate on wo0, in Slicks or i
exchanged at the treasury for the j ;n bales from Shaaiko :o The Ddlles is!
new 2 per cent bonds of 1900 is , 25 cents per 100 pounds.
-SK ",fi.i..0. of which r.4.rifi0.400 ' For rates or other information call o:
were received from individuals and ,
instilutions other than national bank?.
1'antlnr, Ovcrcoatin- or Fettcj Vestlnn.
The amount of old 2 pet cent bonds
so far redeemed at the treasury is
510,ii00. Total cash
or address
G. E. Lvtle, G. F. & P. A., or
Geo. F. Ross, Agent.
Shaniko, Or.
HiiIiIkm! Hit Grave.
$1,104,251.-' A startling incident, of which Mr.
I John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
i subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
Kludlv cell RnJ cxnn-.Ino 107 stoct of Im
ported uiid l n-etie i-leii. A fine stoct to
elre: from.
Suit tntide from the West vflce to ihe biffb
est grade.
Judce "W. K. Townscnd, in the "I was in a most dreadful condition. My
United Stales district court of the j skin was almost -yellow, eyes sunken,
southern district of New York, has j tongue coated, pain continually in back
... .... j and sides, no appetite gradually grow-
b&ndecl down an opinion in the case I . , , . , - . .
' mg weaker day by day. Three physi-
of John II. Goeb A- Co. vs. the j ciang Mad Kiven me np Fortunately, a
United Slates, in which he declares triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to
the treaty of Pat Is valid, and that . my great joy and surprise, the first
the status of the people of Porto I bott,.e made "decided improvement. I
J. A. Eberle
1HE HALLKj oiiuc.o.v.
rATAf n-Wr aav,M n 1 1 OT B 9 mm MITOIUmm
, v v iv v v 11 alllTmm
Strainer u! tho llrgnlator Uiic will run ... ... Mhedule. the l nnn.i.ny recrvliR tins rleht tn eh.,,--'
Mhcdnle without notion, '""wise.
Str. Rofrulator.
( IXlttN.
1 .. ll.tlra
t( lit T A. M.
; Tiifilay
5, TbuixUy ..
I ! .tnnlny .
I h Arr. I'ttrllmid
S.nn-ror. .
I.v. rortlntul
at, a. x.
Arr DnllM
tit 5 f. X.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dnllos City.
I.V. Dalles
At 7 A. k.
I Momlny
; WrdncsOuy
1 rriilny...
i Arr. I'lirtUml
. nt i :30 r. m.
l. !nrtl.'.,.l V
n. ji.'S
Sutarrtiy i
Art Dullti.?
t hr,x,
? Tmvpl bv tin- Mi-nincr nf the Ki'culiitnr Una Thi' Comimnr will etiilrarnr t cc r ii J
4 ' rn tin- lt rvtvici' ih!lliip. For turtlivr tntorautluti ndilrtw, 1 $
furttun.l (Ull.f. Uak !trs" iw w . J. A UUA W A Y , uon. ABt. g
eign country, as regards the constitu
tion of the United States and wtthm
the meanins of the tariff acts.
Auuiliilttrator' sitlr r Heal lriirrty (
Notice i hereby piven tht from ntid niter the I
ninth day of June, 19CO, I will tmveed to ult at ;
private ale. for CHh, the followlnc dtxeribed ,
jirojverty beloncltic ti the estate of Patrick i
Ijit A. It, i:. 1). E. F, G. H, I, J. K and I.. In
blwt ST of I ort Dalles Jlthtary reservation, In j
I know thev saved I For Infnrmatfoa iixinlre at office of Sinnot: v j '
my life, and robbed the crave of another Dattd a: Dnlle Cfty this loth dav of May, iwe.
victim." So one shuuld fail to try them. ' Administratrix of the estate olV.rlct"rirowa.
Only 50c, guaranteed, a: Blakeley & deceed. la I.
aougnton s urup store. o prnlIP1Tmv ! L-
! am now a well man.
I i
mi ... l i
auc icn u.u.1 nuu "ut uiuk; GOING EAST- I Lxyv Orncr. at Vakcovvek. Wa-h., 'J,
rampantly easer for the United' If von intend to thke a trip East, ask j .. . . . .tK.f'n L I?
1 i . Notice i hereby piren that the followinc 4
States to enter Cuba arc now most 'your ticket agent to route vou via The nanieti ettitr has tiled notice of hi. inter.-1 -
r . ir i . v i i . j . ' '"in to maVe final vriof in "Unxirt of his , 5
"blatant in their demands for im-! Teat " abash, a modern and up-to-date ,.ttIm, nnil tna: Wpto-if wiUbemaUebcrore,;"
- - 1 t . tt. i-tpiiit. i iiiifii iJtin i:nmmi!iniT inr t
. .... 7 i nurunu iij n v uai licu ;ir. i - . - . . . ' . : . . i: . .
man mfn wHnl rn n- o I f trY Innt ic nnn -
L. Lane,
Tiiroush trains
I TlU;rifS nf U uthinrtnTi. hi hi nMii'. In ftnltlm.
from Chicago. Knns.ic dele. Wash., on Filditv. June 2). l'jiu. viz 1
In the former case they did not Stopio;,.. f)moiin n- a.. VnrL- Deitrich H. Stppnian. devisee of Dietrich ' i'
btectnan, tleceaiecl : J
to ask whether
were ' and 2sew England noint?. All trains I
UOt con- , run via Niagara Falls and.every through ! of .eetion townshii. i north of inse u m.
necessary. 2sow thev do
- .. . u ? n line f poo rcnllnin rV i oo ro cliian. V ill. iQT,
sioer wueiuer conunueu coniroi 01 ; . He the following wi:uetu prove hi
. . , , . i i . . ixjjr and dining cars. j continuous residence upon aui cultivation o;
. . . . . . . .1 t 1
warn is "anyiuing 10 jnu me repuo- aBara Fajls- Ko?;i C- CusZf
licans in a hole." X. Y. Tribune. Pacific Coast Pass. Apt,,
Los Arcele;. Calif
C. S. Cf.axe. G. P. A.. St. Louis. Mo. ! r2-l
Stop over allowed on a'.i tickets at M- j " Manuel' . leonardo. of firand I)l!es I'. ()
I Wash.- Herman EnttelLe, William Wiltln'on.
I teniervjiie r. u., " asn., ana imam rawioro,
( of Grand Dalles f. O.. Wash.
Democratic papers are making a
great outctv about the Cuban postal j P:ai reserve old government wins
frauds. Bat thev forset to point out ! ke-v' c&Pniz;d ,b? ,the Jical
. : authoritv in the land ; esneciallv recom-
iuai me reuum oi ueiaicaiions oi .unAi,,i
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date Qroeer Dyspepsia Cure.
Wagon nnd Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
S !
rreth Egpe and Creamery
flutter u Kpecialty.
' 2d Street.
Tijirolani Jolron. PhoDe;i59 6-
i'We Put...
Land Orncs at VAcorvrr.. wh .
May 1!.
it hpTfihr rftrn that th f.illf.wtiif.
uv the Doaru 01 health of san ' named e:ilr hve nlelnotlceof thelrlntent;
government funds shows stealings of j Francisco for hospital as, aho A. P. ! g5S r?iinKKrS
.17 in evcrv lun0 under demo- U'Brien, M. u., captain and surceon, ! VeVJtT nr i X t
,. , . .". ,. J and Win. D. McCarthy, major and pnr. j ob July ,. if,
cratic administrations, as compared Keon s ermV( a8 tu; parJe5t uni(Jn,. ! -r h. s.u tor,. ,
witLonlv-iG cents in evorv 1000 1 terated etimulan; for convalescen's, in- TiVSV. :. t;?x1r w Nf1 '
vaiuis ana lamttv use.
i ! ..gibs. m-
under republican administrations
iold by Charles ' who niunes me followini; witn--e to yrme bi
a'.iTi.ill in eoniinuoos iniaence upon ana cui:nuon oi .
P.eports show that ovtr fifteen hun- ,Halacv3i?lV' Th?,
Tfit nrnnrt Iraflp nf llif cnnfli fnr '
, ' dred lives have been saved th-ouch the
the past twelve months amounted to , nae of 0ne M5nnte CoohCure.' Most
over 400,000.000, more than one-!0f these were cases of grippe, croup
third of that of the entire country, i asthma, whooping eonph, bronchitis and
These are figures which speak more j pneumonia. Its early use prevents con-
eloquently than the narrow southern EUni'tlon'
politicians who contribute so liberalh
to the Congressional Record.
v... -"( in jjj Uj BU there
France 15,000,000, aud would be i iou.a be ciean-jiesa.
pleased to do a little more accom-1 E1i''s Cream Balm
, . ; ciaai,oolhe'andheil9
njodatinc in that particular line, the deai nembaue.
There m'ust be prosperity when oir"SS
bankers are comnelied to zo awav i qaicky.
ureum isaim i pMta into me conn s, epreaus
!. wait flnnl jiniof In wpiiort
that x ltd utoof will h'i murfe l
t' nited .-MtiA ComtolMloncr
m July L, 1'AO, vU:
Analit-1 K. Ollur,
who aadc H. E. No. Wn5. f( the fractional WL
' X W, "c Jf: Tv 3 X, K E, and SIX of XEU,
operation in St. Louis for a couple j Triictned hats B'nd patterns at cost for He nw Iumm in-, to prove bu
OI mODtlis at a cost to the taxpayers ; the next thirty days at the Campbell & taiu- w
Clirl-tlnn tllt-nk-nn, 1
who mitde H. E. No. -j, for the SU X tt snd '
k:;. SV4, itc 10. Tp S X. K U. W. it., who
tiitroev the followinc witaeMec to rove hi
eni.tmtumf midecce djhjb and cuitivotion of
land, viz: j
Hii'Ktn Trbue. John 1'auUen. Jumtt Fit?., i
. r; u. SMQford, all of Lyle, V abtBgton.
Hust.lll Tralilir, i
:io rode H- K. No. "jtj. for the -'- aW t. -et
md S'a XWjj, Sec 10, li s S, it i2 E. w . M .
-in immea the folUiwing ntn--v to ptme ui
r)!M,noo mldenee ufm and cullUatioit uf
a...u land, viz
Christian Uekkt.m, Thomat M. Wblt-omb.
' lefnge H. Sanlord, James f'ltz, all of Lj i V. o,
it ami.
mcjJJ-l W. K. M'NBXH.!:KiMer.
I.A.vjj-orncE at VANcorvna. wwK .
Slav IT. i
Notice is hTtby Elver tbnt the fulluwins; '
and Farmers
Kf-v nn drauch' the celebrated
WiLrilHU HEEk. nelcnow.
ednd the vur In The Dallei,
at the uaiiui jnce ome In. try
It and Ia ror.eiuc: AIo the
Fln-tit bratidn of '. iue, U juor
and clears.
of e.) Kitidsalwcj-s on haad.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food nnrf Mt
pi,nT,p P7D ature In BtreriBthenlnp aud recon-x-iiuiic
4j. Btructinethe exhausted digestive or.
" ijans. It Is the latest discovered dist
ant ami tonic. No other preparation
can approacli It in cflleiency. It in
stantly relieves nnd permanently cures
'Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
'Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickIIcadacbc,Gastralgia Cramps,and
iUblJCI 1 C.1UK3 Ul I HI fit; J I UICB11U1
Prsoorad by E. C. OrWlt Co.. Cbltojo.
1 J. 3. yCHEM',
j i'rtaldent.
every bit of
twenty years experience
and drug knowledge
with every
ust1;, unc,,, ere JFifst National Baok
, . . , THE DALLES - - - ORECON
is it any reason why , A GenorBl BankinR Bn8ineai uadd
OUr prescription business! Depoeite received, Bu'ijert to Fight
Ul L Ul
Colleetlone madti nnd proceeds prorap'ij
remitted on dav of o.lection.
Bicht and Teleirraphic Errfitiipe scd' a
Now York,ian VratidBco and port' DtiU,
is increasing
so rapidly?
Ask your physician
if we are reliable.
C. F- Stephens
irom IlOme in OrdCT 10 Untl DCOnle tO .t. i a v j t , , mmw iuwiiai mwa nouc- or nm intetition J',
U1 u uuu jJi-ujut tu CTeT .he meabr3I.e ar.(i (3 aworil. Keliefwim- t. iDake anal jinwl 1c soujwrt cjf bin claim, and 1
...h. ..i.nuu. , fitnitv imiljn ,.!. I miiV,
r, a; uonienaale, p
.Dealor In..
loan their money to.
The free riot plank of the Chicago
piiuiurm uus ueen 10 aciive practical j
mediate and a euro follow. It U tot drylns does
cot produce eneezlri. Irye Size, 50 cent a: lru;-
isli or bjr mail; Trial SUe, 10 centa bj- rnai
rarreu Eet, Sew Tork.
U Dry Goods, Clothing,
IF- s.
i Gunning,
of that city of a round million of ) Wilson millinery parlors.
Boot fiboef. Hat, t nps, X tionj
,wr j, uouiflHS hlioc.
Ad Aiitl-tiiiaimlonliit Concerted.
Kobert A. stroatherk. Chris E. Franzen. Will
lam Gamer, John Kme, til of Lyia V. o.,
I W. It. UfNli.VIl,
I mars-l r.esiiter.
Tne following ie an extract from a
letter which appeared in the I'rineville
Eeview of last week, from a young man,
a tormer resident of that town, now in
the Philippine, Johnny I'oindesler by
3I00KE & GAVIN. j
Kooraii St uud vj, over L. S. Lund Oillct.-.
Wagon Shop, u
I D. P. Tiiomj-hosi. Jxo. e. bcnixtr,
Ku. M. W11.UAX8, Geo. A. Litsi.
I H M. llKAtt-
Tite GoiuniMa PscRinp Go.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Xotiec h hereby ulven tbat the undemlKned.
by an order of the (,'ountv Court of M.c hii. i
Oregon lor W'hsoo Connty, ha been noimlr ted t
admlnlurator of the ftnt of Helen Iirudford, !
Irl. ini.t.tilnv r.t ,1... ..... ..I It.. I.... n . '
....... ... Mtv ' Ul IIVIUII I1II1IJ.
foru, ln.'Ceued. ic-i
All uiiont ImvliiK claim iisulnm
t ftt aullt du-i.iikHl i,m ik. Hit,..! a.. . . I
nt vlrtrlf' nl ftn nn!fr rtf tiit nnnrv vrt krtt thMr, -itK ti ,.rr.,. f.t.. ... V
name, who by birth and life bng amlia-j0f Clackamas countv, Oregon, made and ,'ood Wv-r. OreKon, within iu niontiu from I
tione and environment ie or was a bed- ; entered on the i'8th day of May, 1900, 1 uaud lr IJ riV' !
rock democrat: clfer for eale, at private sale, from . YrrvxH V, KnAcroau
"This ib a wonderful countrv. It;""'1. tt,,tc,r U'e Viry..tfi 10U0; -for
. i .-i i ".i i cash in hand, all the rijjht, title and in-
eeenis very fertile and ie very level. , tere,t o thb egtate of Walter Fieh, de
There are many streami all yery elng- ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 15,
cifih: water not fit to drink. All tli Lausrblin'e Addition to Dalles Citv.
-ater is boili-f! arsii fii..i ti,,.,. ... Wasco county, Orejion. '"r ...... rmKmi g v it
tbousanda o, acree of open level land AdrUtratorT'lh? aKklter - Zllt P I C
lying idle now that used to be rice fleldB. Fieh, deceased. iuono. i-orlifr thi Hiw" ILLiJ
This is a great country for American Oerg received by Attorney- for Ad- fW
enterprise and Puh. i?1!?"t1r,?,.?,r' .,J' Wl,al,e'V "PJl" a--wif
iuiiiiiiiu,!!, vi -"-wuruftfuw. UH. gOSAWKO CO.Phlla. u
Just What
You uuant.
Telopment and it will be the garden
epotand paradise of the world. Thi ie MORO IHORSE SALE AT AUCTION Tu. k. e. rEitat so.v,
jaat the country we need, and in the jmie lCth I will have a band of about . . .
course of a few years, perhaps two or 100 head of horeee, brfd up In ClvdeH-1 1 JlVSlCiail tlllU SlU'fifeOIJ.
Al .1 I. --.(11 . ,ll.. I.. f t . 1 I ... ' - O J
Dealer inl Blacksmith Supplies.
; nor Seuond & Lanehlin. 'Phone 157
i)R1FD REEF. J' T C.
60 YEAR6'
I IfMLC 11,"---
J. B. OroBsen & Co., Props.
87 Second Street,
' Anrono .-niUiiit rkel"li nml 3l:!,,"!,,rB'J
int..lw futi'i.rlnlii mir fitillll' ill I 9 1,1,1
iimmtlmi In imilinbijr Jl;''"lf .. vital
i milium rlctlrioiiildmitiiil, IIbiiuik"" '
Mint free. Ml'teit uuum-r form-ur "SSV,
. I'itii.ta taken thr .utli lnnu A, "rc",,,
, j'fflul .eic, without'uo
SCknmiC Jimencan
A l.mtrf tuMml lllimf mini VTI-T
rilliitliin of liiirni leiilllU J;'"r '
rear: ( noidliru'
- fiift'";
. II 1 V
. w I.
Urauuli Ofllen 125 V U V'e-" "
three eeneratlonB, it will renas tenfold dale, in Moro, broke and unbrokefrom
for all it linn r-n-f Hit. fTnii..! Kni. pounds weiijht down to sucklinu i
.Unrl. r nf Wr,r.,I,fnl W",CI,J W1B l0. fie Rt PIVBteeaie 20-,.lmo-dr
. . w. .-fcMM.ww, in riip inrpnnnn on, I at nnitlinn
Theee ifilandi
and all the argument that the autl
cxpansioniat need is to tee these islands
and they would soou be convinced that
oar government should hold them. I
wh anti-expanfionist autil I came over
here, but I have teen enough to con
vince me that I was wrong."
Babtwribe for The Chronicle.
New ideas n Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety ae we aie showing never bu-
j tion creton effects at oVdluary' Ki FRENCH & CO
i -j
in the forenoon, and at auction pa In in
the afternoon. ( J)K
Terms On all sums of f 10 or lees, i
cash. Over f 10, bankable notee pava I
I.I-. L , , . . . " , i
ofrfor raab ' ' Rootn. 10 Mid II. Cbumn.n lllock, The IMtle.,
on iur casii. Oregon. Tutwluh muf (-rlduyn, b it. in, to la,
N, t, Morrirr, j inBy;h-iui
. I also have a good o. 2 Hodge header i
for sale, with two 20-foot boxes. Only TBEU. W, wiLfiON. ,
run one season and in good order. Vou v ATIOiiliru'y'TiikiiytL nuvm
can get this cheap for cash. o&e over Klt Nat. Bauu. WAU'E8, OKE&oi'
Office, VobI llhK!l! (over rmlofllce),
y",JU "i wienji imner i.rlr.
"rt-t-r-' lileKant dMigiiB, tBBteful colorlugs, vourii BAN KERS
. .u. n.imi iiri-, ui our Biore on Third ..
i street. Also a full line of house ria!nt A'ssagta kkkualbankino jiutlNlia
D. W. VAJJSE, Third St. 1 lMlen ' Cwdlt issued available in the
Exchange and Telegraphic
Ofllcsoier Kreach 4 Co. Unak
rranslers sold on New York, Chicago.
iaiuiii, nun rmnciBco, r ort land ire
Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
n ONtfoij nd Washington.
Cplleetions made at all points on far
orable terms.
hclj the team. Saves vff
cxicusc. Sold every
un,r ur
OffiMOW FlrttMat. Ilauk