The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1900, Image 1

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3Hte -Halite
NO. 2G2
?l?roi)i;Ie 5p?eial5
Retiring from
Closing out my
! Dry Goods, Clothing, Roots und
j prices. Will eell iu bulk or in lots, or
Entire stock must be closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fiftinp CoreetB
ami Jliitterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early nnd secure
ionrcss May He Convened Owing to
the Chinese War.
Wasiii.nuto.n', June 10. The adminis
tration and department cllicials ueiieral
ly, while not saying much in public, we
Are deeply aroused tonight orer the
ClthicBu situation, not so much because
o( the present horrible conditions, but
over the possible outcome. Much p
prehensun is felt uleo that the relief
expedition tuny bo overpowced and
annihilated, but the greatest fear is of
international complications tbut may
urieo if the great powerB do not act
unitedly in suppressing the uprising.
RhoulJ Russia co in und take the lead
or ait independently, there is danger
that they will contend theieafter for
supremacy in China. Or, if the European
powt-re act in concert without giving the
Americans a fair ehow, it is feared they
may uter combine to suppress American
advancement in China. This fear is, of
course, premature, but some people here
tlnuk if the worst rumors are confirmed,
it may be necessary to cull an extra
eesiji u of congress definitely to outline
course to bo pursued.
Cl.'nese Minister Wudiscrodits the re
ports I niassucres from I'ekln. Jleeays:
"Ti e fact that the story comes from
Hoiik Kong is an evidence that it may
be untrue. Eighty per cent of the news
from Shanghai und Hong Kong, so far,
lias pr jvod groundless, und 1 have strong
liopt that this belongs to tho same class.
"The news is supposed to come by the
way yf liun Tsln, and Tien Tsiu is cut
off fr , in I'ekln. Ah the railway is de
etroyoj, 1 do uot see how the news could
1'nvt gotten through."
A (1 Duel Vuiikii .lluilldlun.
H fpenkB well for Chumberlain's
tough Remedy when druggists use it iu
their own families lu preference to any
other. "J have sold Chamberlain's
Couk'i Remedy for the past Jive years
w'th cjinpleto satisfaction to myself mid
tiist'Miiers," save .Druggist J. Goldsmith,
v Men, N. Y. "I have nlwayB used
" In my own family both for oidiuury
toughs and colds and for the cough fol
,0Hl'ig la grippe, and find it very eflica
cions. .or m0 i,v uiuUeley & Hough
ton, I'llHiir'n Awful I'llKlit.
1'. M. IligghiB, editor Senaca, Ills.,
we, was iilllicted for years with piles
Jlmt no doctor or remedy helped until
' tri-d Rueklen's .Arnica Halve. Ue
"files two boxes wholly cured him. It's
''0 surest pile cure on earth und the
wst salve in the world. Cure guarttii-l1)-
Only "5 cents. Bold by Ulakeley
"uiighton, druggist. G
Sir. tiluiUtuiiunu Itlval Wife.
London, Juuo 23. On nil sldos tho
dalti of Mrs. Gladstone has called forth
Wnuliin expressions of sympathy and
"miration, such as would scarcely have
written about any other woman in
1 18 kingdom. The trend of thorn is that
,,Jeae tho Ideal wife. Her coffin la
Entire Stock
of Cost.
Shoes, nt much Ipse than wholesale
any way to suit purchasers.
Corner Second and Court Sts.
exuetly similar to Mr. Gladstone's. Both
tho private services at Huwarden and
the public ceremony- at Westminister
will be as simple as possible, in accord
ance with her own ideas and those of
the great commoner. Though their
crandson coifieB into possession of Ha
warden, it will remain u kind of family
house, Herbert Gladstone and his Bisters
being as free to come and go as they
were during the lifetime of their parents.
The young master of Hawarden, who is
not yet of age, is a pleasant, merry-looking
youth, who will leave Eton this year
and then go to Oxford.
A Tliiiunmitt rimium
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1123 Howard et., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
hud completely cured her of a hacking
hah t t It n d-m tr n f rtiofa It a rl marlu
' lllu a burden. All other remedies and
1 doctors could give her no help, but she
! savs of this Jtoynl Cure "It soon re
! moved the pain in my chest and I can
I now sleep soundly, something I can
I scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding itu praises throughout the
' universe." bo will every one who tries
! Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
i of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
I and 1. Trial bottle free at Illakeley &
IIouL'hton's drug store; every bottle
! guaranteed.
ltulu Will Have WlieHt.
Pknui.ktox, Or., June 10. linin fell
hern and throughout quite a scope of
country veBterday. Tho weather had
been so warm us to cause great solicltudo
for the crops, which were beginning to
show tho efl'ect of the heat and a brief
prevulenro of tho north wind one day
the wind that always bums wheat and
sometimes completely shnvels it beyond
redemption. The cooler weather it is
believed will save all or most of the grain
from any bad effects. Preliminary
estimates of tho yield are for 5,000,000
bushels of wheat for shipment out of the
country, besides tho largo amount ul
ways kept here for feeding to stock und
for seed for next year.
Mr. W. S. Whedon. cashier of the
Kirst Nutionul bank of Winterset, Iowa,
iu a recent letter tilves some experience
with n carpenter in his employ, that
will be of value to other mechanics.
He save: "I hud a carpenter working
for mo who was obliged to stop work for
several dayB on account of being trou
bled with diarrhoM. I mentioned to
him that 1 had been similarly troubled
and that Chuinberlnin's Colic, Cholera
and Diurrluu Itomedy had cured me,
Ho bought;u bottle of it from the druggist
hero and informed mo that ona dose
cured him, mid he is again ut his work."
For sale by Illakeley & Houghton.
The Chinese ask "How is your liver?"
instead of "How do you do?" for when
tho liver is active tho health is good.
DoWitt's Little Early Risers lire fumous
little pills for the liver und bowels.
Wo have just opened u nice lino of
ladies duck bkirts in greys and tans,
which v.o are offering for 01) cents und
jki.48. Thesu uro extra good values and
are going with a rush. Call early and
get your plek of the line. The New
York Cash .Store. Ju
Clarke & l'alk's flavoring extrocls ure
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Move to Put Him on the Ticket With
McKinlcj it is Said He Would Not
Philadelphia, June 17. The long
advertieed stampede for Rossevelt four
days before the nomination can be made
is such as to indicate it probably cannot
be checked. Nothing but a positive dec
laration from Governor Roosevelt that
lie would not accept the nomination after
it was made would stop it, and he will
not uake that declaration. Some of the
governor's personal friends have been to
him today nnd urged him to make every
effort to prevent the nomination, but he
realized that he is In no position to de
clare in advance that he would refuse a
nomination after it was tendered. Look
ing to the future, Governor Roosevelt
and his friends realize that the declina
tion of a popular and enthusiastic notnia-
tion for vice-president made with the
idea that it will contribute to the success
of the party in the campaign would no
doubt mean oblivion.
It isaccepted by the leaders that Roose
velt was sincere in hisenphatlc declara
tions that he would not accept, and was
not a candidate, but he now realizes
that the popular and political movement
to force the nomination upon him has
reached a point beyond his control.
The attitude of the administration,
and especially that of Senator Hanna,
who has been looked to by the delegates
to give the cue to the wishes of the presi
dent, forms an interesting feature of the
situation as developed today. It has
been the general impression that it only
remained for Hanna to give the word or
for some person with authority to
indicate the wishes of the president, and
that the convention will line up for the
man selected.
While the situation is uot beyond the
control of the administration forces to
prevent the nomination of Roosevelt, it
is realized that such action, in view of
the general stampede, would be unwise.
From the first, Senator Hanna has de
clared that the convention should make
tho nomination, and now that it is about
to do so, even under the manipulation
and with the assistance of such expeii
euced politicians as Piatt and Quay, it
would be impolitic for Senator Hanna to
make a fight to defeat it, even if the
man selected is not the selection of the
administration. The only man in the
race who seemed satisfactory to the
friends of the adminlstiation was Secre
tary Long, and his candidacy did not
flourish because a Massachusetts candi
date did not impress the delegates as
giving additional strength to the ticket.
With doubt as to tho choice of the ad
ministration, and with the desire to
make New York safe, with a belief iniiong
many delegates that Roosevelt was the
one man ho would add strength to the
ticket East and West, it was not difficult
to start the stampede, and tonight it is
generally accepted that tho national re
publican ticket will bo McKinley and
Result in Oregon .Makes Republicans
Very Hopeful.
w ikiiiki;tov. Juuo 1(3. Tho repub
licans, iu considering tho returns from
Oregon,-are wondering whether tho cx-
olr,. i Icmin iu tint iroIiiL' to be StrOlll!
(..IO.. .VV.w " CI B -
enough to overturn silver in tho milling
states which have heretofore been so
strong for tho white metal. Of course,
they realize that Oregon voted for flic
Kinley in 1800, uud was carried by the
....MiMli.una lii ii tnnd muiorltv III 1898,
ll.iuuiivwitw H - j - - w
tinrl fin Increased maiority in 1900, They
tire ulso aware that Oregon was carried
by the republicans in years previous,
it lu troll in nnduratand that nrovl-
WKtV ' w .
ous to 1890 the republicans had been
successful In all ol tne silver siates.
The states of Colorado, luano, Montana
A Difficult Problem.
It is among the most difficult prob
lems of natural science for one to become
expert in several lines. J. E. Adcox &
Co., by their combination, have over
come this difficulty in a practical man
ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch
maker and is good on jewelry, optical
work and engraving, while Theo. H.
Liehe is an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price is as low as con
sistent with good workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
several Ifnes, on ehort notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive
prompt attention. "Sign, "Big Red
and Utah have continued in the repub
lican column from the time of their
admission until the gold declaration of
the St. Louis platform. That carried
them over to the silver party. Of the
western states, Oregon is the, only one
that has remained true to the republi
can cause in subsequent campaigns.
The republicans, in discussing this phase
of the question, say that this has been
largely due to the persistent efforts of
the Oregonian, which would not allow
the republican party or the Etate to fce
Bryanized, and which has made it plain
to the people that the silver issue was
of no advantage to them. Now" that the
democrats are getting ready to pass on
to other issues, and that silver is to be
one of the several issues in the coming
campaign, the republicans begin to be
lieve that there is a possibility of carry
ing the silver states.
The democratic position on the ques
tion of expansion is one of the reasons
which gives the republicans a great deal
of hope in the coming campaign. It is
believed that the expansion issue is as
strong in Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming
and Montana as It is in Oregon and
Washington. The democrats, who car
ried Washington by 13,000 in 189G, have
abandoned all hope of that state, The
only hope they have of carrying either
Montana, Idaho, Colorado or Utah ii
because those states are large producers
of silver, and they believe that tho
mining interests are still uppermost.
Situation in China Becomes Alaruiinu
Rumored Massacres in Pekni.
Loxnox, June 10. A special dispatch
from Hong Kong says all the Pekin le
gations have been destroyed, und the
German Minister, Baron von Kotteler,
killed. There is no confirmation of tho
report, nor the later report of fighting
between the British and the Chinese.
Dispatches from Shanghai, dated last
evening, state that Admiral Seymour's
force is in a tight place botween Lang
Fang and Yung Sun, with enormous
masses of soldiets in front, while tne
Boxers aro cutting tho railway in the
rear. Tho Kiang Nan areonal, outturn
of Shanghai, is sending vast quantities
of ammunition north. All is quiet at
Shanghai, but trade has been disrupted.
Is Etated that 7000 Americans aro
coming from Manila, ami mat largo
foiccs of Japanese are also en toute. Tho
wires souts of Tien Tsui have been cut,
and the city telegraphically isolated,
According to a speciul from Vienna, it
is stated iu diplomatic c'ucles there that
the question of intervention in under
discussion by the powers. It is proposed
that Japan shall act us mandatory of the
poweis ic-establish order in Pekin nnd
elsewhere. This, it is said, emanates
from England, and it is supported by
Germany and Austria, but it la doubtful
if Russia mid France will agree to tho
proposition .
For tho convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the .Studelmuu
Ice Co. will carry u stock at their store,
corner Third und Washington elreets.
Phono No. 107; long distance 183.
"Ring 'em up." 18m-tf
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallou, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Fa!k, agents. mI7
All $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 shirts in the lot; sizo3 from 14 to 17 neck;
material percales, ginghams and madras; light grounds, pink ttirt
and blue effects. Choice (OU
p popular Up-to-dat
Summer dollar....
These Coilars are of a High
L'nen on both fci'!e.
20(; eaer; 3 for 50c
Sizes 14. to 17.
7K. 7VZ.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Ageir rthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $a.75 to $0.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old. "
IMPORTED 00SNA0 from $7.00' to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20' years old.
OALIPORNIA BRANDIES fioin $3.25 to $U.00 per gallon. (4 to ll years old.'
COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Vul Klatz and Olyuipm Peer in bottlea
Imported Alo and Porter.
Jaeobsen Book&VIusie Co.
Just Arrived
Tho largest ami most compk'to lino at
Rock Bottom Prices.
Grandall & Mmt t
mill"' J mm
All kinds of undertakers Bufial Shoes
Funeral Supplies rJs embalmers Etc.
Tho Dallos, Or.
'iimt Tiiruiiniiit; iiiuniuiiiu
Would quickly leave you, If you used
Dr. King's Now I.ifo I'ills. Thousands
of sullerors have proved their niutchlesH
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
Thoy make pure blood uud strong
nerves and build up your health. Kasy
to take. Try them. Only 23 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Illakeley & Houghton, druggists. G
Or? 5peeial 5ale
Some five dozen Men's Golf Shirts, ranging in
price from
75e to $'-5-
We have divided these shirts into two lots aB
follows :
75c shirts, sizes from lojj to 17 neck,
of percale in good reliable me
and light colorings J Special . . . OUU
St CO.
Notlco U hui by t vi'H Unit tho limli'rstKiioil
linn Iji'uii iluly apiHili Uil Ii)' tlio county mint, of
tliubtutu of (lii'uon, cxiTiilor of t ho lu.vt will
uud tiwtnmi'iitot I'.vhIIiih IJviiiik, ilerotiv.Ml.
All liorbonn liavlilif I'lutiiis iiKiiiniit llio estiilo
ofthuhalil IIyiiIIiio Kyimii inn lien liy required
to pri'suitt Ihumimu to Mm, properly vi;i I eil, us
hy law reijulre'l. nt Moler, Ouk uitlilil M.v
month from tlte ilnto heieof,
imtcl this 15th ilny of J iino. )
l.l'.AMM.Il l. AtsU,
Kxeoiltor of tho limt will Mint lentuimiiit of
Kvulllio ICviill, ilweun'U. Juilltl tl