The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 16, 1900, Image 3

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Will buy a lot of
TIicbo Srvollerlng days if you
buy here. Tim harioiv of reduc
tion bus passed over the field of
metchaiidieo In our
Men's Furnishing
and nn unprecedented crop of
bargains in
Hot Weather G-oods
i tho result. Visit us and
tee for youiself. Now we can help
you to
Hot Weather Comfort
At prices nearly tbo ratio of 12
to 1, and your money back if you
want it.
What We Say We Do
We DO Do.
Are the dressiest Hot Weather
Suits vou can wear. I'uro Crash
.Suits Horn $2 S5.
Guaranteed pure; mp.dc up in
uneSuits earefullv tailored ; prices
from fi 85.
In nil tbe lateet styles and
makes in endless variety.
Madu of duck are the proper
tiling to wear on your outing trip.
They are. cool as an iceberg, and
nobby as the day is long. Finest
trade, $1.50.
For tbie weather should be
just as cool as jou can pet them.
Some penuiiia Cheviot Negligee
Shirts as low as 05.
A lot of French Madias and
Scotch Oxfords from f 1 to !,2JQ.
That's what a good housewife knows is good for towels.
We are going to have a CRASH this week in the
prices of our Wash Fabrics. You-choice from 3 big
piles at lie, 9.c, lOAc the real value runs up to 25c
per yard.
We invito you to come early and examine the
bargains on our fancy goods counter.
Shoe Department.
DO yOU Wcint t0 save money Yh nre bound to need shoes,
and if this interests you buy now while the ad-
vantage is in your favor :
Ladies' Kid, button, Coin toe shoes, 2.2 to 4 sfl 00
Ladies' Kid, button, square toe shoee, to 4)4 1 00
Misses' Kid. button, Equare tee shoes, 11 "to 12. .". 90
Child's Kid, button, square toe shoes, 8,'..' to 11 75
Child's Kid, button shoes, 5 to 8 ". 50
Child's Kid, button shoes, 3 to 5 years 35
All reliable eoods and at such prices as will not be known in
The Dalles for years to come.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
coinpriees all west of Court and south of
Win. Cates has just returned from th
Husk soda and mineral springs, on th
JUNE 10, litOb
At Andrew Koller's.
Hon. K. CvMcCoyfof this city, has
purchased alCthtrUmon warehouses in
Shprmnn rnnnfc.?.
iiii? k ickitnt. where lie went to tafcM ,, . . s
his father, John Cates, in the hope that
the water would benefit him. In a day
or two after their arrival Mr. Cates felt
beneficial effects. These springs have
for some time been n Mecca for Klicki
tat's sufferers from stomach, kidney and
bladder troublee, and are becoming quite
noted. Already they have made re
narkable cures, and will do a greater
amount of good since they have changed
hands and will be kept in good condi
tion. The camping grounds are fine,
The scouring mill expects to start
Monday with n full force on full tune.
A girl iB wanted to do general house
work by Mrs. J. C. Hosteller. Good j
wages will be given to a competent,
party. jloGt
Tin: Ciiiion'icm: acknowledges the!
courtesy of a call from lid. Hondeaiv an
old-time friend from Gervais, Marioa j
liev. I). V. Poling will preach at 11 j
a, in. tomorrow on "Lessons From the ,
Life of tbo liaptiBt." There will be no i
evening preaching but the Young i
People's meeting will bo held at 7 p
and have a good road leading to them.
Fishing is first-class, and Mr. Cates
brought, home some line looking t'ront
Isoino of which were tifteen inches lone
I.Mi" l All Klfht.
A Salem dispatch in yesterday's
gram says :
"Lish" Huneaker, a middle-aged man
who has lived in Salem a long time,
started lor Hood River May 14lh and
has not yet reached that place nor been
heatd fiom by his ftietids hero. He was
seen in Portlandj but his movements
since are unknown. He had about .f50
with him and was not a drinking man.
"Lish" left The Dalles a couple of
m. jdays ago after spending about a week at
W. W. Wilson wl o has long and sue
(''esfully inamigedvtbii JJaldwin restau
rant, teveted his connection with that
piacp last night. -'IIoSh ill probably re
main here and stait u restaurant of his
Georgo Brown, of theSnltinarsh stock
yards, while loading Indian ponies for
thu Linton cannery yesterday, whb
kicked in the face by one of them and
knocked down and tramped on so that
ho had to be placed under the care of a
Fiom several parlies who arrived here
tuday we Itnrn that the Antelope coun
try had a heavy rain hist night. From
others we learn that Sherman, Gilliam
and Morrow counties wore similarly
favored. The piecipitatlon, In greater
or less degree, seems to have been gen
eral over the Inland Empire.
Keinembor, tbo New York Cash Store
is thu eolu agent for the Hamilton Brown
hlioo Cu.'s famous shoes for men, women
and children, flu sine and see our line
beloro pui chasing. Wo can save you
iiioney. We liavo no old etock lo work
oil', but are offering new, neat, nobby
footwear. No trouble to show goods.
At n mass meeting of the citizens of
Tho Hallos, held In the court house last
night Hou. K. II. Dufur vvu6 nominated
for mayor and O. J. Crndall for city
treasurer. Tho voter of the several
wards will meet hfilght to nominate
candidates for coyncilmen. Tho voters
of the Flrt wardfvlll meet in l ho county
court room ; those of thu Second ward in
Uioeiicuit corirt rponi, and those of the
Third warrf In the council chamber.
The FirBwurd, it may bo well to ex
plain, coin pi lies all that part of tho city
blng north of Third street. Tho Second
ward compniei all east of Court etreet
north of Third. Tho Third ward
tbo rmatilla House. He worked lor
awhile for D. P. Ketchum. Where he
went when he left here wo have not
been able to learn ; but his friends need
have no uneasiness concerning him. He
was an odd looking genius, but not a
whit odder looking than lotB of other
Willamette valley folks. He took good
care of himself' while hero and seemed
abundantly able to continue to do so.
Nolle is
There will be a meeting of the League
of American Sportsmen at the sheriff's
office tonight (Saturday) at tho
hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose
of electing a secretary and treasurer and
organizing a local chapter.
KoiiKitT Kkli.y, ChW Warden.
tntil vatliMi A I my.
Uig meetings on Saturday and Kunday,
10-17. Major and Mrs. Harris the now
secretaries to the Northern Pacific
Division, lately from the Hast, will be in
The Dalles for the llrst lime, and conduct
all meetings on Uioeo dates. All are
welcome. ,,... . it..
H. P. Nklhov, Adj't..
A good
chine for
shot), on Third street. j-l-d&wlin;
T.i flu re u did I" Dim luy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tho money
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
giguature of
Captain OriuBby, of the Cascade For
est reserve, says there will be no graz
ing in Bull Hun reserve.
It is said that a hill to provide for the
use of voting machines in this state will
he introduced in the next legislature.
If yon toot your little tooter and then
lay aside your horn, there's not a soul
in ten short days who'll know ttiat you
were bom.
Every cottage at Yaqnina Bay is said
to be rented for the summer, says the
Albany Democrat. A fact that indicates
that this is to be a hot eeason.
L. W. Hunting and W. J. Hosford, of
Moro, have leased the celebrated Hot
Springs at Collins Landing on the Co
lumbia for the season. They will have
the springs in readiness by July 1st, and
w'tW keep supplies for campers.
The Houston, Texas, Post prints a list
of fifteen women and children who have
been burned to death since June 7th as
the result of the exploeion of kerosene
oil cans. In every case except one, the
person was attempting to kindle' a fire
witli kerosone.
Kugene V. Debs, it is announced, wi
make one or more speeches in Wasl
ington. Dibs is tho candidate of til
soc al democrats lor president, it is an
assured fact that when Kugene V. Dabs
does visit Washington ho will address
tho people ol Yakima.
ting just traffic reduction on our freight.
It is reported on good authority that the
O. R. & N. has decided to make a big
cut in the rate, the information coming
through E. E.. Lytle, of the Columbia
J. A. Cook was in from John It. Bird's
camp, on the east fork of Hood River,
Tuesday, says the Glacier. He repotts
several accidents in the legging camp.
Last week William Wheeler got his foot
cut with an axe. Oliver Richardson's
arm was badly cut by a cross-cut saw.
R. B. Lindsay was hurt three weeks ago
by the. limb of a tree falling on him.
Archie Pierce was hurt in the same way
at about the same time, and after lie
came hack to work his hand was cut so
that his thumb will be permanently
stiffeutd. Biid's camp is putting in a
big lot of logs. They have the river
about full above and below the county
bridge. Mr. Bird baa just finished
blasting out an old landmark known as
Cougar Rock. Will Wheeler superin
tended the blasting.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, mid which 1ms liecn
3 ...... 1.. . MISX m . . .
in use ior mer ow .years, nns uorno tno Hitfnatiiro or
nnu lias been mnuo under his pcr
&T$yt sonal supervision sinco its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-Rood" arc lint
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
mhstanec. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
mid allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persons with indigestion are already
half ttarve-l. They need pleniy of
wholesome food. Kodo! Dyspepsia
Curo digests wiiat you eat so the body
can be nourished while the worn out or
gans are being reeonsti noted. It is tho
only preparation known that will in
stantly lolieve and completely cure all
stomach troubles. Try it if you are
Fufl'ei i'lg from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do you cood.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tha
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind oi
cliickr-n feed. mch25-ti
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E, Cary,
editor of the Guide, Washington, Va.
''After using several well recommended
medicines without success, I tried
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am
pleased 'to say that relief came as soon
as 1 began its use and a completo cure
speedily followed1" Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton.
Rev. W. E. Sitzer. W. Canton, X. V.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
vears, and ttied doctors and medicines
j without benefit. I was persuaded to uso
1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped mo
from the start. 1 believe it to be a
- f ..11 1 l 1, ..,.! tl Ti.
fmuuuu.i 'Ul 1111 IUI1MB Ui IllUlgU&ltUII. xi.
' digests what ycu eat.
I'eoi'lk you AM. KNOW.
Pat Conroy, of Grade, is a guest of the
Umatilla Houe.
J. If. Probst arrived in today from
Paulina, Crook county.
M. and S. U. Driver were in town
lit from Y tunic.
rt Stranahan is registered at the
itilla House from Hood IMver.
Fred Smith, a well-known resilient of
Heaver creek, Crook countv, is in the
rtV F.
last ni
A Jin i( MnvH relumed lioniB toilav from
Mrs. Jesse Benton Fremont, widow o Uttcndin the ouVTng ofho pioneers al
General John C. Fremont, met with 1 Portland yesterday? .
severe Hccidcnt at Los Angeles the other j a),., Mcintosh and daughter, of
day. In leaving the dining table the i Paulina, Urook county, aro m town, the
slipped and fell, fractured her hip. Mrs. B""sia m mo uiopean miusi-.
Frcinout is 7U years of age, and her royf MissCasslo lhonrlmrn, ol Mngsley,
will necessarilv be slow. "'" 10 "nva r1'""", " 11 " " 1 lm
V closing I'XHrcihP w hi .ti. .uiiiv n m-.iiu-iuj
ifN Dick Ilinklt'. son ol Iko Hinkle, who
a- Mit
I i I I ii it
cover v m l necessar v ue f ow. -"
United States Senator Joseph Simon
returned to Portland Thursday and wll
remain in the city until congress aeeei
IiIch next December, benator fcinnvi
will not attend tho republican national
convention, although a delegate from
this state, owning to biisineES icaEons.
"Poor old benighted Oiegon is joined;
to her idols," rays a JUyanito organ ii(
l.i. ..Midi nt Vfiblmit. "Sim !i L'nldi'tl
uppo-ilunity to redeem hoiself in tho riMu
cent election and shake oil' tho little ring
nf nmiblicaii politicians ill Poitla
that for veais have clung lo her b
like barnacle, and absolutely controlled
herdestlny; but she failed to do ii. Po
litical virtue is indeed at n low H.I in
Urn land of web feet. Poor old ()ri ;-'o I"
I'm- -Jill",
second.haud threshing
. . . . i -
sale ul L. Luuo's blacksmlttn ,,,.,.. nf .,.,. ,).w nM)r(.f(. .
M.d.Oulin- 4v " ' .1 .. ' "... '
It nke-Mcl'a 1 Co., ot l'ui
ftivo of
V laud, wa
was in tno city ftaiumay, suj m ym
Arlington Independent. Mr. Kinomy
reports that the two boats under v:
Btruction at Portland for tho Dalles
Colllo portage road aro almost com
pleted and that a ton of lead has been
received for the painting ot ono and a
half ton for tho other. It is the opinion
of Mr. Kinersiy that the portage road is
the salvation of tho inland country ly
ing back of us. Encouragement to the
portage road is tho surest uieana of get-
owned a farm near Kingcley In tho 'SOh,
arrived in town today with a load of
wool from
ev. Uobt Warner was a passenger
on the (ioldendale stngu this morning
where ho goes to hold services in tho
M. E. church tomorrow.
Uurii'"!., Njf Antelope, returned
The only store in
this city whero the
Oenuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap euam
pled ware.
Other wares look
likoit.butthegenu- j
ino lias tho namo (
Stnuisky Steel
Wiirooncach piece. 1
Do not be deceived prize nt 10
Inteinutional Exhi
bitious IliRlioHt
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion ClncnRo. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by thu
moit famous cheiu
it,ts for purity anil
durability it in
cheapest because
Will tho gentleman that could not
lind a Light-weight .Suit to suit him,
down tho street, please step in here be
tween I he hours ol 7;H0a. ni.andS:00
p. in,, and we will show him one.
o w I vi ivi u it
) $2.85
) $15.00
Garden Hose
bete last nighl fiftj ltoseburg, whi'io
iiUimIiit of weokc vlflting frleiidH.
his wife had accum pablifd him lo spend
I . I . . Jr . i I . I ! t t I .. I
Mrs. O. L. Gilbtirt was a passenyi-r on
Hih D.illes City this morning for Hood
Hlver. Mies Muinl accoinpanied her in
order to spend Sunday at thai plaeo.
.Mil" Dlsy Allaway, who Is now pro-
fesTol' of ICmillsh literature in the Drain
noimal si boo1, arrived heio yustenlay
anil will spend her cummer vacation in
The Da. lee.
Mrs. Mii tin Wing, Mrs. Chap. Keys
and family, Mm. C. E. Hay.uitd and
Mrs. Ueor. PhiMipH were paeteiigers on
tho boat (Ills morning for Cook's Land
ing on a fow weeks' oiillng In the inount-aino.
Notli I!,
Columbia Hivt r Ice & Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver Ice to
any part of the city at all hours of tho
day or night. 'Phone Jl.'i or 81 iiug
Diet, j 75 or 8 Seulert & Condon.
Subscribe for Thu Chronicle,
I?omembcr this
celebratod oiiaui
eled ware laBpecial
ly imported lor and
(old in Una city ex
clusively by uu.
It does not rust
nor ubsorb firease,
(loos not discolor
nor catch inside; ia
in fruits or
will boil,
fctew, roast
and liako
llavor of
o o o Ic u d
food and
will last
for years.
Wo cau
tion thu
Wo lutvo laid in a largo
nloelc of J ai tion Huso and avo
carrying llio samo braml of
llaso that wo liavo boon oarry
ing for tho lat iivo years,
which is tho ooluliratod -lal-leso
Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho sanio hrand of I loso that
tho Dallos 'City I'Mro Dopart
niont, has boon using for tho
last lw(nly years. Tho Mai
toiu Cross Brand is without
duuhl tho bout grado of lloso
on tho market. ' 'all and got
our prices boforo buying.
IWaieF & Benton
I Sole Agents.