The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Cornelius, for joint senator, would have been bentcn. Yet McBridc's own count is the only place in the district where Cornelius got a ma- TORTO RICASS O.V THE CX1TED Monty. The OreRonian should revise STATES FISASCES. its style of criticism. SATURDAY JUNE 1G, 19110 For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'anUnKi Ovcrcontln- or Fane) VesditiR. The following article is from the, A recent letter from Manila says: "Correspoudcncia dc Puerto Kieo" "The speech of Senator Hevcridgc of April 26, 1900. It is interesting has been translated and a copy placed j in that it shows how our new wards! in the hands of every native. This sum up the political differences be speech is thought to be responsible tween our two great parties on the for much of the unrest and turbulence monev question: inow so prevalent the natives are -The fiscal campaign of the dem-, convinced, after reading the speech, oerats. or better saidf of Mr. Bryan, j tbat it is the intention to keep them for an enlarged mMalic circulation, in subjection for commercial ex has passed to the category of settled ploitation." questions. It is a dead letter, in view ot the statistics that have just ' been published. There is now ctr- j , IU-. IIP u a.. - r tn Kindly rait mid rxnmine ray stuck of Im- Tonv Noltner's head is level when i ported mid n ucktic woolens, a tine stuck to I iiilrat from. he snvs in the Dispatch: "The man-, BuiuruRdeiroiiu be lowest prices to the nish culated in the United States more a:ers of the national committee j eat grade. I I m mi should shut down on Cvclonc Davis' 1 I A LknvlA gold, more silver and more paper j bicDnial cscnrBion5 to 0rcgon ThcyJ, ft, LUCl ID muiit- iu .u au, -i arCcsrensivctothe partvand of no! Iiistorv of the union. For the first! T .4 i. Fine Tailoring. 1I1K HAI,I,Ki OliEGON. time the per capita wealth has reached $26.12, and for the first timej in the history of the country there is : in circulation the sum of 2,000,000, 000. value. In fact Oreeon has orators . to spare and is not in need of any imports I AcliiilnUtriitiir'd Snip of Kent Property Notice Is hereby plveu thut (rora ntiil after the private mle, for cnli, the following described Ex-Secretary ot State Kincaid has i been elected county judge of Lane "During the lrst five years the county bj one majority. If Kin sum of money in circulation on the J caul had a bit of spunk in him he first day of April has been as follows: ' would feel insulted by a vote like April 1, 1S96 $1,525 629.4G3 j that and resicn ; but he won't. April 1,1597 1,069,000 .645 ' iprill;!!!;::;:: ; Col w-"--- April 1,1000 2,021,274.504 ,. f. n . ,. Snnflll,pn ninth dnj- of June, I!HK), I will proceed to sell at iirojicrty belonging to tne estate ol ralrlei; llrown, deceau-d, to-wit Lot A. 11, C, 1). K, K, . It, I, J, K nrd I., in block 67 of rort Dnlle" Military reeration, in j Oregon. Kor information inquire at office of Slnuott A .-union. Hated nt Italics City this 10th dnv of itny, 1SH.H). DK1.1A C. IlltOW.N. Administratrix of the estate of 1'iitrtcfc Drown, deceased. lu NOTICE FOIJ PUBLICATION. Lakh Office at Vancouver. Wamii.,( April ), l'JW). l Notice i hereby ciren that the following Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASM NAY. COMPANY 1 Strainer of tin. Itcgtilntor Unc will run ns ,cr the fnl 4 ,lig Mdiertiil the Coiiitmiiy ri-'ervliig tho rtcht to cIiuhm'S H M'ticdtilo without notice. E Sir. Rogrulntor. ir.c at . I Tuesday iMltt S. III 7 A. M. J Thui'day utnriliiv . t Atr rortinnd vr. I.v. 1'ortliuul nt 7 . M. Monday Wcdticnny Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City, nt i :) r. u llOWN ; I.v. Dulled at 7 A. M. I Monday . WVdiiewluy Krldny Damii lo rwi-" T.ino I V rldity ,Vrr. Dalle "DBuiBiui, Arr, l' Ht j r. m. t r. m, I A .J'ortUnaJ i i hi a. it, a -Mr. Iii11m3 alSr.H.4 tj FOR OOMJb'UK.T HiUUINUmX AINU J-LilUASURE, P Tra el bv the Steamer o! tho Ueeuhitor Line. TJ Comimny will endeavor to elve Us imi. I 5( ' roiif the bet ct vice ixisslltle. l'or further I'lfiirmiitloti addreii "j l'ortlnnd 'l!lee, Oak tm t Kot k. VV. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Atft. "TlllS demonstrates that during ' R;iirnr Pr r-nnimls Vlim Ui nf tb named settler hn tlloi untlcenf his inten . , ay o-controls SOslOU leet ot Uie tion to muke tinal luiMjf in Mi;.Kt of his ; g he four years that the administra- Shaniko warehouse building, to tie used i claim, mid that Mild prtKif win be made before , ! , , . , . ; , . , . . ' , . , i '. It. 1're.tby, Tnited stnles Commissioner for j the tioa has been in tbe bands of Mr. : as a freight warehouse, through which i iHsttirt of niiiiicton,nt hi utiirc tn (iouicn- JIcKinley the circulating medium of they will receive and forward freight in j - ' . the usual manner. Tlie toipiession that e. . . J .7. all business must be done through for- j Hnmej,tHMj Klltry 0. s:1( (or thl, ,ou,hw,, . wardme houses is an erroneous one nuu 1 of section , township s noriL of range n mst, till. JIUt. lie names the fullowlus v itiioes to prove his gold has also been enormous. On Freight received and held twenty-fonrjft jlauuel h. louarao, ol tirnnu Jiiilles r o Wash.: Hermun Kncelke, William Wilkinson, o! Centervllle 1'. ()., vasli..nnd William Crawford, of Grand Dulles V. O., Wash. W. K. DtWBAl:. mayj-i Uecister. the United States has increased $492,- 045,043, which is 23 per cent. (.TIia it.n.r.n..i rf tdn ni.nnlntinn rf . 1 . t . " I ... ... f ill. Mer. AUC iulic. Ul lut uituiunuH Ji we IHKC II1IS UlCilUK Ol UlMpeillOp 11. hours will be turned over to n forward- k 1 . . n Ar .1 . r - r I - Aurii i. lauu. ineru wert: e i cj.oii.- 1 . . . . ,, ,.c , img house subject to the order of the o 49 m cold coin and uold certificates, I b . .. . ,. , ; consignee. The rate ou wool tn sacks or while in 1S9G at the beginnina of , in baleg rom 5haniko t0 The Dalles is the McKinley administration this 25 cents per 100 pounds. same circulation was only $489,151,-' For rates or other information call on 505, mskins an increase of CO per or acItire5S Geo. F. Hoss, Atrent, Shutiiko, Or. cent in the four years. j "The language of figures is most eloquent, and there is no remedy except to bow to the force of their arguments." Kolilied the Crtuvc. A startling incident, of which Mr. L. Lane. i.ESKUAl. fiiaiiD ..AND.. Horsesnoe 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cei. C. S. Smith, Till: Kodol Up-to-date Qroeer Dyspepsia Cure. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMrdland Mown. Piioii059 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci: at Vancoi'vki:. Wash ,1 Jlny 15, lso. 1 Notice i hereby civen that the follonini; namtli'ettlers have Hied notice of their Intention to maketliial proof in!iiiort of their clalins.nud that sold proof will fc made K'fore the register and receiver of the V. S. land oihee ut Vancou ver, Wash., on July r, ia), viz r.inrc- II. Sunford, Z1 V. .'JlA f ,1... 1 L-l ' . , . . , . ill i muni- ... ;n..j, tut lut i-v i John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the . vcs, mid S' sv.U a, Tj.a K.u li K, w. m.. lonhiect Id narrated hv him aa follon & - ' wl e fullovrtus nittiooen tu firove hi 1 sudjcci, is narrateti ny mm a. IollDWB-. i-ontiuuous residence unon and euliivation of I Tin: Chbomclk has been very ; ''I;vas in a most dreadful condition. My mm ,lecii,on. Th.muis I reluctant to say northing, one wav6k,n was alfost .-veI,ow'' E.UDlken' ! " " i toncue coated, pain continually in back , U!"'- or the other, on the sewer question, I antrsitleg n ar,net;.e-iTratluaUv prow- ! chri.tmn niw uun. , ... . . . , , appetite cratiuaiij grow-jwho mil(1(J 1; y) . -hi.. for tll(. e. .v: H!)fi ! which will enter into the city elec- ing weaker dav bv dav. Three phvai-'K', bw;., se n, Ti- a n. i: iu. Av. m.;Ik j .-r , , t . . ', I,-"" " t.-. .1' ! names the follovriiiK witliesJeji to prove hi'' tion nest Monday; but It is notori-1 cians had Riven me up. fortunately, a 1 continuous residence upon und cuituutlun of ' ous that if the proposed system js J triend advised 'Electric Bittere'; and to j Mfa J,-k' bIie. j.,hn iwn. Jm. nu. i . , , .. .,, , .. , mv great ioy and surprise, the firHt ' Oeorge l. Eunfurd, ill of I.ylu. Washington. ; carried through it will work practical . , JJ , ., . ' , ,, hl Tr' ,,, n . ' 1 bottle made a decided liujirovement. I iian.inimi.ur, confiscation to a large number of continued their nse for three property owners. The Chkosicle , am now a well man. I know they saved j JSi'SSa .iuVo."f lins folt. nil iho (imp nf tlip spwor 1 mv life, and robbed the crave of another I snld hind, viz: I 111U1MUII I1'1L'P'11, . IIUIllHft .11. 1 Illll'lllUU, .-anioro, Jujih'5 f itx, mi 01 l.jle l". 0, ..GHAS. FflAflK-. coutrovery that the council should victim." o one ehonld fail to try them. J oeors-H. . . , . . . , Onlv 50c, cuaraateed, at Blakelev &h. have respected a remonstrance winch . " . , , , , - mnjan 1 Houghtou e drup store. o Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep 011 ilrmiclit the celuhrated COH'MHIA UK KB, ncktmti-:-ed(Ttd the l.nt beer In The Dalles, nt the Uftnil )iric:, Come in, try It nnd Ik. convuiced. Alo the Kiliext hrunds of Wines, LI iniir and Clears. Sanduiiehes of all Kludk ahnijh on hmid. litis uj viijJuj bio icpiuouui j inr, anyhow, threcfourlhs of nil the! property involved. That a GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask ' W. K. niTXBAIt. KtclMer. - NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION". Fri"h Kpge nnd Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with everv Prescription that's compounded here. Is it. any reason why our prescription hu-iness is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLJIKELEY & HOL'GHTOH. ! n..i:.i 1. JvL'llUlilU Prescriptionists Digests what you eat. ' It art i flclally d I ttests th c food and nidi Mature in BtrciiKtbenlnp and recon . BtructinK the exhausted digestive or fans. 1 1 is uie latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and pernianeutlycures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, neartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Naniea, SlclcIIeadaclie.Gastralpia Crnmp6,aod "ill other results of imperfect dlRestloa trnoored by E. C. Or Wit a Co.. Cblcogo. J.8. HCIItMl, i'recldent. II. M. Hull, Cuhin First National Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON sewer i . . ... . yuur im:(.ci n'eai. iu luuic vuu t in 1 uc ; Land Ofuck at Vancoi'ver, Wa-ii , , May 17, Vaa. i system is needed is jot denied. Great Vabash, a modern and up-to-date j named r-mier hus iiihi nntice of Mi intention : i mute uuai iirirai in aujiiMiri 01 iiik rinini, huh C. F. Stephens ,7 ...Doater In. That it should be inaugurated, nnd : railroad in evtrv narticular, inausuratcd as speedily as possible, j Through trains from Chicago, Kansas United Hte (nmUMoner, t uoide is conceded. But ninetv-five per ! GllJ .0nml'a r St Lnis t0 yrk i ' '""K.oitor. thutiid jirooi will iniule h-jfure W. 11. i'reibv, 1 Klnle. . and IJesv England iiointe. All trains who rando If. K. No.sS, for the frnrtionai M ' cent of the men who have to foot , run via Sai,ara Fng an( 6Very U)rouph JWsii Dpy Goods, Clothing, the bills believe that a sewer S3 stem : train ,aa free reclining chair carp, eleep- fullj' as cflicient, or more efficient ing nnd dining cars. than that nrono-ed bv the council. ! KtP over allowed on all tickets at Xi can be built at a price that will work i agara Falla. Iloss C. Clink, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Pacific Const Pa en. Aft,, no great hardship on anvbody. No: Iyja Ancelijc, Calif. council can afford to treat such con-! ' S CBA8rg G- r- A- Bl- Lr,n!e' Mo' t sensus of opinion as was expressed Spesial resurold government whie in tlie remonstrance with disrespect. 1 key, recognized n ttio highest medical The fjuestion next Monda'y will not , authri,t-vtiu 'an,1; if "' .. . mended bv the board of health ol San be ''Sewer or no sewer? liut n sewer , . ......... . ... ! theestHtc-of mild deceHed nre 111 tilled to urn- irrancieco ior no?pui use, iho a. r. ,. .!,,.,. ..m, .hB ,,- vn.... ,, mv;. infiiittm from He liaines the following witnesea to jirove bin conilnnoiii residence lioii, mid cultlvntlun of said land, viz: Kobert A. Strouthem, ChrJ K. Frnnzen, ill inm Ourner, John Kurc. nil of l.yle 1'. O., WuHliint'ton. W. 1!. DfNISAI'., ma) 23-1 Ueglster. Notice I hereby Klven thnt the iiiitlerslsiicJ. by un order of the c'onntv Court of tho tite of Oregon lor V.'nseo County, Iuik been iijij.olf tttl HdmlnUtrator of the t-ntntc of Helen Ilrndfonl, decease"!. All tieiMiim IiiivIhk olalinii nsalnat Just What ' i l ! The Dalles, Or. liooix, nnoe. HiUH, riips, .utloin, .Rt. ,ior i.. umiKiiih Hiioe. Tflejihone No. hS, v.ii h'.coml St., i Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. You uuant. system at a cost that would bankrupt O'Brien, M. D., captain and a large number of poor people, or ' aml v,'"')- MuCitrihy, major and sur. ' 'mcu jiVyl-.'iyL' , 1 1 (gfoii U. h. army, ns the purest nimdul-1 I'itnam K. iuu unc maw mu uu i cusunu uij huiii terated BtuniHiiiH lur convaletcen'i', in their means valid? and family ue. sold by Charlt-B ' Stnbliug. apl20.(Um IlFOI-.ll. 1 Adinuiiiitrntor of the Lniiite uf Helen Ilrud- ford, Jieceuheil. irri The Uillsboro Independent says AU w,, eufl"er ,r"m "ileS wU1 ,,e Klad , ,. r. . , , , to learn that DeWitt'B Witch Hazel that the Oregon an makes a mistake t. , . . ., , . . , jfcuke will give them instant nnd per- wben it charges the defeat of the re- j ,,, rojei. It will cure eczema and publican -legislative ticket to the all skin diseases. Ueware of counter Mcliride iniluence. The djfeat is Jit. rather due to the men, who, hereto- ONE FOR A OOSti.. r..,.t,"m0T" PimplM. I'zuent filliuntoeu, I'urify the IJIood, uuoii?nncriaii(itirkuutlt. I-L" 57i?.V TLT'11 "ll nii" r... lull hoi for PILLS utterly disgusted Those are the men who did the work, for if they had voted nB they did two years ago, republican candidates would have been elected as they were in 1898. To further prove that McBride did not do it, note the vote of Columbia county, Mcllride's borne. Had Senator McBride or his friends refused support to tbe ticket, Iloporta show that over filteen bun- . V.,,u-mr',uw'rm4' itSO.V, and Surgeon, fore, have acted with the Corbett-1 dred Hv-a have been eaved th'ough tho ; pvj:. K, E, rEKO Simon management, and are now 1 UBe "f 0n0 Mh,,u" Cough Cure. Most!-17 . . , . , ,., ., , ,. , j of these were case of grippe, croup IJlVSlCltlll utterly distrusted with their methods. I , . ' ;, J aflthma, wiiooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. lie early ueo prevents con uumption. Hale. Trimmed iiats and patterns at coat for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson uiilliuerv parlors. 23-tf , t. JfCOBK. JOHH OAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNEV8 AT I. AW ltoow 3y and 10, over V. B. Lund OOlce, Dealer' inlBlacksmith Supplies. Hor SceoM & Laibliii, 'Phone 157 A General Banking Bushmen trunstrtcd Depoaita received, Hubject to Sigbt Draft or Check. Collection!) uiado aud proeeeda nromptlj remitted on dav of collection, Sight and TelfgrEphic Kxcfmiipe eold en New York, Ban Franeinco and porl laud. D1HBOTOKS I). P. Thompho.v. Jno. P. Bcuimr, Ed. M. Williamb, Gso. A. Limk H M. Hkau THe Coluir.Dia PACKERS OF PORKanci BEEF MAK0FACTt?rtKl:eOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED UKKK UTC. m vrlRR1 EXPERIENCE Olllee, VokI Jllock (over I'oktotllce), Wa.t!no dv THK DAI.I.KH, OKKOON, jyll. V. T. KMITU, Osteopatli. Roomi 10 und 11, Cljnninnn lilock, Tlic Dallen, Oregon. 'I'uutdnjh und Friday, it a. m. to 1'.'. iiiuyltHm FKKfJ. W. WIUiON. ArrOUNKY-AT LAW, THK UKUXH, OKKUON Oatcv ovti rnt Nat. Unutt. New ideas in Woll Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single monk. Ileal imita tion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper pricce. Elegant desigtiH, tasteful colorings, yourn for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also full line of house iminte D. W. VAUSE, Third St. JTJ . 8TURDEVANT, dentist. oniee our Krcnoli i Co.'k Hank W'8 THK DA LI. KB, OUKUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAURAT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. JCSI0N8 .unir.UTQ &C- 11,,,1-olrletiy. '''''"'f.. i.T. ,'atciit . tent free. Ulilost iiuenrr for -ur o it. w , tptrtut notke, wltliout oIihtku. Hi U'O 1 scieitnnc HiwrK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TllANHAOT A K.NEUAnUANKINU HUHlNKd letters of Credit issued avalUble In the Kustern States. Sight Ekchauge and Telegraphic Trauslers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points lu Oregon and Washington, Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Mica Axle C.rnd H'C .If fowl lite iuuiii. '..imns, peiue. Koldcvcrywhe"-' BTANDAHO Ol'- CO. kcljis the team ex u u mu' li IIIINTlNfiTON kf.t tin