The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1900, Image 4

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lira Piil
Yellowstone Park Line.
hew realize what a dee-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as n simple inflammation ol
ate nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. Hut, however insignificant it may seem at first, it
is serious and far-reaching in its results. . . i
The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire svstein. The stomach, kidneys in
fact all the organs feel the effect of this cntarrhal poison, and when the lungs arc reached its progress Till' MNlNi. i AU 1501 1 V. lliOM 1'OKTI.ANH
is rapid and destructive, nud iinallv ends in consumption. To Till HAsT.
It frequentlv happens that the'senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely loft, the soft hones of rm l)S, Y juukct link TO Til L Yl.l.l.oW
th" nose eaten into and destroved. causing intense suffering aud greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, .sioNi: l'AUK
washes and salves tuav give temporary relief, no permanent benciit can be exacted ft oni such treattitrut. .
Union Ipoi, rtitb and I sts
catarre is a constitutional or blood disease,
and fit bt voni the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rclv upon them for a cure lose valuable time, with disap
pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Oul v a real blood remedv can reach tilts troublesome and dangerous disease
S S. P cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates and
put? iiev life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and tlius relieves the system ot all poisonous accumulations,.
ilrt Jojcphine rulhltl. of Due Ve!. S. C . writes ' I had Catarrh, which ticcamc o decjw
m'.fi that I was entirely deaf in one car, and all inside of my nose. Including part of the hone,
sloshed off. When the disease had gone thit far the physician nave me up as incurable 1
determined to try S. S a a tat reort. and began to improve at once. U seemed to pet at the
sett of the iliseae. and alter n few weeks" treatment 1 was entirely cured, and for more than
ik:c years have had no sign of the disease. " -
S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical nnd purifying
properties. It is tiie only vegetableblood purifier known, and a certain and safe
cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at
the same time write our nhvsicians alwut vour case. Thev will cheerfullv trive vou
anv information or advice wanted. We inaUe no charge for this. " " SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA.
hi a. ss
Nil 1.
1! A I M
Kiit mail for 'Iwntnn,
M'attlr, i)lymtln. (iwy's
Harbor and Minth Item!
lMlllltS, ShlblllH'. Uoss-
(nnd. 11. I'.. rullniBll,
Miwow, I.i-Mistim. Hill
falnlliuiip iniiilnireoiiti
trv. Helena. .Mliim-MiH.
lis', St. 1'ittU, Omaha.
Kansa- ('. St. l.mils.
t'hieiiKn mid all ixitnts
iMiit and MHitlimot.
I'llCl't MUlllll i:xiti.
lor Tm'oniB mid frantic
niul iiitermeiliate Hiints
No. 1
-.Mi I'. it.
No. it.
7;tti A. M.
Iirt rlH nnd tourist Mti'iHKN to
. M I'util utiil .Missouri rivvr jkiiiiih
I thus making n nrotit of $1.1G in favor of
the orguhiz.i'kin.
Hobion is coming h"tue ! Now then, Rev. LvMaetcrJ, met with quite nil
girls, nil tOir'!hr West Sido. i nretderit near Turner recently, says the
Pension appropriation? for th- present Alb.ny Democrat. While out driving,
fiscal year sue $4,000,000 greater than ia company with Mrs. LvMasters and a
ever. ! !'!ttle uir! friend, a mud bull rushed
The Glacier savi the strawberrv crop, acro" t!,e roiJV !"'' ll i'"n
compared with "that of last vea'r, falls , lhe VeUlc,c "nd over
i inm . " 'the same between horse and driver.
cuu. i tttiuui jv'.vuii uiuic:.
The city council of Salem lias passed
an ordinance providing for a license on
Clark iV Fuik are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Yon will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Easttnnn 51ms and sup
plies just received by Clarke e Falk.
I'll. Il at'
M llituiiii ill
ult.mi.t rhiurjf
ustllinltil traits I uloti iloiwit conncetioim
ir ill, jir'ncll'ii! ritles.
llanitji' otiivki'd to destlniitl'in of tickets
t-nr liiindsimu'lv Hlust iitedilii'riitlve matter.
ticket- sl 't'pttiK car reservations, eti . oil! on or
eiot machines of per quarter.
Having sub;crib"d $4,000, the Odd
Fellows of Portland have secured the
location of the orphaus home for that
Senator Simon is hurryins home at
his first opportunity aftfr aiij jurntnent
of congress, perhaps to di;cjver how it
cojld have happened, says the Telegram
The municipal democracy of Reading,
! The iiuirgy vas overttuned and the oc-, 15e sure and sue the bargains in ladies'
i cupants thrown out. Rev. LeMasturs duck skirts at the .Nev.- York Cash
had a rib fractured and the girl's wrist ' store, v
was badly wrenched. j Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
Manufactured by Clarke
MTvUT Tt: I'llHlltK, AUi:.VK
rots H:om Fhou. I
t 1
Job Printcps.
' 'a!
l US1
: S
l -J?
2 fuil JU1U1 J 111 UJKllltUU' WltU4lAmiUIUll III A U"
' A l'racticul I)iiifinstralioii. !
A fact proven by actual demonstration
; is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Idealizing this, and know
ing that they have a proposition which
' they ran guarantee, the Oreiron Sanitary
Closet Company, of The Dailes, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
clcets and put the same into actual
operation. The closet is now lncated in
the rear of Chas. Btirchtorf's bicycle re-'
pair store on Second, between Federal .
and Latisrhlin streets, The Dalles, and
the public are cordially invited to call'
and inspect the same. This company '
is now prepared to fill orders promptly. '
( Parties desiring this system will he fur
nished full information upon application
to or correspondence with D. S. Dufur,
The Dalles, Or. mHl-lwdlitw '
Unless food is digested quickly it will J
ferment and irritate the stomach. After
each meal take a teasboouful of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It dicesta what you '
eat and will allow you to eat all you
need of what vou like. It 'lever failb io
enre the worst cases of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
Rev. W. E. Silzer, V. Canton, X. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twentv
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure aud it helped tne
from the start. I believe it to be a
1 panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
i digests what ycu cat.
J Ivy poisoning, pnison woundj and ull
other accidental injuries may he quickly
I cured by using DeWitt'fi Witch Hazel
, Salve. It is also a certain curu for piles
and skin diseases. Take no other.
Kor Sul.
I A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
' header, in fair condition. Will be sold
! cheap. Enquire of
1 Am:.. McLkoii,
mayll-linw The Dalles.
Ladies' heavy duck fckirts, 'M cents
and fl.'IS at the New York Caeh Store
and sunburn
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to hrst. Clarke k Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
Good, pure miturui ice from the Blue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River lue & Fuel Co. 'Phone 311 or SI
Long Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert it Coudun.
He sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly neiore tiuying else
Last year, says the Daker City Demo
crat, the Pendleton scouring null used
a much as 5,000,000 pounds of wool,
and this year the output will he still ,
greater. The dailv capacitv of the mill
is from 20.000 to 40,000 pounds, nnd
from 55 to 70 men are given employ
, ruent. The product of these mills is i
getting a wide reputation ns first class
Pa., has made a regulation to the effect i in every respect anil is equal to if not ;
that any candidate who is found cuilty ; superior to the manufactured woolens
ot treating to secure his election shall of any factory in the country.
be removed. '
Of the $!S,UOO,000,000 worth of com
merce done by all nations, England's
Bhare is IS 3 per cent, Germany's share
10.S per cent, and 9 7 per cent falls o
the United States.
The Twickenham News, having lost
the fiiiht for the county seat of Whteler
countv, has moved to Mitchell. Roy C.
Irvine, from Independence, has pur
chased the paper from E. M. Shutt.
The deposits reach $15,000 and the de
positors number 7,000 in the Tacoma
public school savings hank. The system
has been in vogue two years, and in
this time the pupils have withdrawn
but a trifle over $3,0U0.
Chinese Minister Wu recently ex
plained that the name of the Chinese
Uoser society is '"Yee Ho Chuan,"
which translated means ''righteousness,
harmony and fists," and a neighboring
paracrapher suggests that the accent is
.probably on the fists.
H. D. L.mgille, of Hood River, re
ceived notice last week "of his appoint
ment a? special field assistant in the
United States geological survey and has
been ordered to report to Tacoma. His
dutiea will be to inspect the forest re
serves in the state of Washington.
It is said in London that General
Cronje, the Boer commander, now a
prisoner at St. Helena, is a recreant
Scotchman; that ids name was origin
ally McCrone, but that after settling
among the Dutch in South Africa he
assimilated with them so completely
that he changed his name to Cronje aud
pretended to be of Dutch origin.
It is estimated that there are 1000
acres of flas that" will be harvested in
Linn county this year, states the Rural
Spirit. The greater part of the flas cul
tivated In Linn is located on tiie forks
of the Santiam and in the immediate
vicinity of Scio. The seed when har
vested is worth about $1 pur bushel and
the fiber is Used in the muuufacture of
grain sncie, burUp,etc,
Iu New York state the prisoners iu
cocnty jails are being employed to build
good roads. Tiie good roads law there
provides that the state shall hear fiftv
per cent, of the total cost, the county
thirty-live per cent, and
owners along the lino lilleen per
The employment of prisoners Is said to ,,,. , ., .,....,, ,.
reduce the cost of the iiniirovument ' lume of tiHturul ecloncu for oti to bccciniH 'JVIiiuned Imts and pattorns at cost for
very materially since board mid lodging ; expert in several lines. .1. K. Adcox cv ' t'"1 thirty days nt the Catnpbull &
is their only remuneration. j Co., by their combination, Imve rver-! Wilson millinery parlors. 215-tf
... . coruu tills dillicilltv in n nraetical man. i
The Hood Rlvor rruit Growers' Asao. i nH, i. p Ari, !r an ..mrt .i.i..l Kmnll In and ureal in results itro
. iu i. m
Salt l.aki , Douvcr, Kt.
Worth, Oinalia, Knu
cii Cltj, bt. iJillln,
Chicago and Kast.
!!!.. ii in
Walla Walla, Pxl;niu,'
MlntH'iii'olfa. SI. I'aut,
10:10 !. m.i
iMi 1 nth, Milwaukee,
Chli'iici) and i:at, via
Hpokancakd Ilnntlni;
Ion , alini all bolnU in
nhlnetm and Kiut- l:la. rn
era Orvpm.
$ I. m.
h j i. m.
Knox l'oirrLANh.
Ocran Steamihliii.
Kor ban FrnnulxHv
Airtl2T, : Mil '.', 7, VI.
I ji. in.
I i. m.
, . " 1 , . i' . Ki.BUUilayiColumlila Uv. Stfamurs. Ks.nttliilaj
where, as we havp the latest shipment I 'to Autubu and Way
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. "." cts. and 50 cts.
Dlakeley & Houghton Druggist'.
Neglect is the short step so many take
from a cough or cold to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
Uiiifn Hi'iiOai'liK Oulokly.
Baldwin's sparkling ell'ervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and eflective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 11) and 'Jo cents. Sold
by Clarke &. Falk, druggists. janL'40w
Experience is tiie best 'leachcr. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case ol
coughs, cohl or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded,
lio els. nnd 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
For the convenience of parties want
ing ice in the alternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a slock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107: long distance 183.
"Ring 'em up." lhm-tf
The ChineM) ask "How is your liver?"
instead of "How do you do?" for when
the liver is active the health is good.
DeWitt'r Little Early Risers are famous
little pills for the liver and bowels.
We have just opened a nine Hue of
ladies' duck skirts in greys nud tans,
which wo are oll'ering for 09 cents and
$1.48. These are extra good values hihI
are going with a rush. Call early and
get your pick of the line. The Now
York Cash Store. jll
1U Ji. in.
r, a. in. ' W11.1..01KTTK Kivkk. i -Iran p. m.
Kx.nutidayiOrwim City. NewlM-rc, Ki.tiundaj
Balura V Way Land'h.
T a. m, Wai.AMfTTr aNii Yam
Ttioi.l hur. him. lavr.r.K. Mini
and nat. Orcirmi City, Dayton, uml Krl
' aud Way-LimlitiKH.
:::i0 li. in.
fill. m. ' WlLL.lMF.TTK IttVSK.
Tue..TIiur, I'ortlaml to Corvnllm,
and Sat. and Way-UtmliiiK
l.v Id inula
1 .'JO a. ra. 1
Bnakk Kivkk.
Klarlu to l-cwlotim.
I ZO ji. m
Mon WVd
and Friday
" !) II. til
$i .oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
Vou get the standard Hunuing
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night ttrvicc.
We will uccejit your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice,
Wasco Warehouse Company
ffij;r& for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
t,lL.. ... 1.... '11... t,..ll. ... 1, ...
...nk ..... , iw),iii i trmii-i. lib l I" . i;i
waking ilirvnl voniieutiiiiik at If-iiiii-r jntirtlim
and lilm;. llcuirnliiK nrnkiiiKtlirii'tciimicctiim
at llfiiiiier jiilivtlou ami Hikk lth iu.
riving at 'l'liu Dalle at l'J.anji. in.
For lull jmrtltiularh Call on O. li. A N. Vo.'b
ngunt Tin' Dalle, or uddrew
W. H. Hl'KUIt'KT,
(it'll Van. Act., i'ortlaiid. Or.
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Go.
. ; - -
rijA Difficult Problem.
j Nutl(.i).
I Columbia River Ice &. Fuel Co. wishes
j to announce that they will deliver ice to
: any part of the city at nil hours of the
i day or night. 'Phouu lili or 81 Long
! Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
1 ner. J. iu- Adcox Is an exnert
cmtlon has proved itself to be a valuable maker undis good on juwelrv, optical
organisation for the farmers of thut wt and engraving, while Then. H.
Valley; This is proved in 2-15 crates of . LIu,,B ,i8,ttn exl'.Hf "Ptldan and is good
, .. . ,, , on watch repairing, jewelry work nnd
strawberries which wore shipped on eMiriiviiig. Their price is us low as con-
May L'2nd and sold in I'argo, N. D., and , sistetit with good workmtwiHhip. Thev i
work In their
notice. Work
mall or express will receive
attention, filgn. "iljg Red
ii nlieck received in navment therefor of are Jirepared to do all
?. m I... niu ni torn i I several linee, on short
V, ...w ...... w. ,.w.
crate. Ou the day the car was whipped,
local buyers were paying f 1.75 a crate,
sent by
prom lit
DeWitl'n Little Early Itisers, tho fa
nmiin little pills that cleanse the livor
find bowels. They do not gripe.
"uli III 1 oar (JliaiiK.
All county warrants registered prior
to June 3, 180(1, will bu paid at my
oflico. Interest ceases ufter Fobruury. 2,
1UO0. O. L.,
County Treasurer.
Shasta Route
Tralin li-avc The Dall. for I'ortlaiid and way
Htatiimii at l:i' a. m. and it , m.
lA'ave Portland
" Allaiuy .
Arrive AhIiIiiiiiI . . ..
" hrti:fiillli;llt(l ..
" hint Friinvheo
Arrive Oudim
" Denver ....
" Kaiisumaty
" Chluaijo . .
Arrive Ut AiiruIu ...
" Kl I'ioo
' Fort Worth.
" ('lty of Mexico .
" lloiiiton
' Nuw OrleiUM
" WimhliiKtoii
" NuwrVurk
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr ' ,1,H our 18 manufactured oxpreBsly for family
UHt,; every nack is guiirunteed to give Hittibfnction.
We sell our iioods lower than any house in the trade, und if you don't tliitikw
call and get cur prices aud be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
r,:l.'i nin It -. - iSB IKf'lKfflol. t .
"MS u III TSj''
I :J0 i m
ii:ii i in
a in
(i:Mii in
I;HJ a m
li:' in
ir. u a in
L':in ji in
I Min in
p in
ii;.'i a in
V.M a in
l.:'J'. ) in
fi-ISn in
J'i:i pin
I'lillniir.i and TmtrlHt earn on both triiliiN.
tJInilr earn KiKiranujiito to (iKilun and I'.U'imo,
uinl toiirlNt Riirx to ChiviiKo, Ht Uniln, Nuw Or
K'uiin anil WiiHhliiKton.
CiniiieotiiiK at Han Francisco with mveriil
hti-ninMil)i lliiun lor Hoiiolnlii, Jaimii, China,
l'litlliil!ics, Cuntrnl and houth America.
file iifeut (it Tiie Dulluk station, or uildrchM
(lencral I'miu-iiKur AKdit, I'ortlaiiil, Or
Puiillc. Collections promptly attended
to, Monev to loan. C. K, Uavard's of
lluc, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
and Motors
JI..S'rFAlTt'l!t:i) nv
Clrculara nud ptirtictilnrH furninlied on nppllcnUoii.
F. S. GUNNING, Agont.
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