The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1900, Image 3

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Will buy ft lot of
Tlii'so Hacltorlng ilnyn if you
buy Imro. Tlio harrow of reduc
tlon has passed over tlio Hold of
merchandise in our
Men's Furnishing
and nn unprecedented crop of
bargains in
Hot Weather Goods
1 8 the result. Visit tie and
huh for youtneU. Now we can help
you to
Hot Weather Comfort
At prices nearly tlio ratio of 2
to 1, and your money back if you
want it.
What We Say We Do
We DO Do.
Am the dressiest Hot Weather
Suits you ran wear. Pure Crash
Suits from $2.85.
Gunmriteed pure; made up in
fine Suits earefully tailored: prices
from H S.-I.
In nil the latest styles and
makes In endless variety.
Made of duck are the proper
thine to wear on your outing trip.
They are rool as an iceberg, and
nohhv a the day is long. Finest
trade, $1.50.
For this weather should he
just as cool as ou can pot them.
Some genuine Cheviot Negligee
Shirts as low as (i.V.
A lot of French Madras and
Scotch Oxfords from II to $2.50.
That's what a good housewife knows is good for towels.
We are going to have a CRASH this week in the
prices of our Wash Fabrics. You choice from 3 big
piles at lie, 9.c, lOJc the real value runs up to 2oc
per yard.
We invite you to come early and examine the
bargains on our fancy goods counter.
Shoe Department.
Do VOU Wcint t0 save mone' "on arfl bound to need shoep,
and if this interests you buy now while the ad-
vantage is in your favor:
Ladies' Kid, button, Com toe ehoes, 2V. to 1 00
Ladies' Kid, button, square toe ehoes, '!). lo4(, 1 00
Misses' Kid. button, square toe shoes, ll'to 2..T 90
Child's Kid, button, Fquare toe shoes, 8U' to 11 75
Child's Kid,.button shoes, 5 to 8 . 50
Child's Kid, button shoe?, 3 to 5 years 35
All reliable goods and at such prices as will not be known in
The Dalles for veara to come.
Alt Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
he Dalles Daily Chwmiele,
Trleplwtic A'o. 1.
JUNE 15, moo
At Andrew Keller's.
1'hillips pleaded guilty and thus escaped
a well-deserved longer sentence.
Commencement exercises at the state
umveisity were concluded yesterday
with the exercises of the graduating
class. The degree of bachelor of arts
was conferred on Miss Daisy Ernestine
AllaAay and Mr. Homer D. Angell, of
The Dulles. At the meeting of the
alumni Miss Melissa Hill, of The Dalles,
was chosen vice-president of the asso-
, ciation.
County Clerk-Elect Lake has an
nounced his intention of appointing
Simeon Iiolton as his deputy. It is
j doubtful if Mr. Lake could have made
i any other selection that would have
! been ao satisfactory to the taxpayers of
Keiiiember the closing exercises at j Wasco county. Mr. Holton is in luanv
St. Mary's Academy tonight. The good j respects a model public oflicial. Steady,
sisters never do anything by halves. ( sober, patient, efficient, oblipinir and
Tub CimoN-ioi.i: otnploves"an$ndebtcd I '".vs ,u th" I,ost of (lul' ure ".""''ties
to the courtesy of Uev. 6. I). Taylor for 1 leh meet, with just recognition in his
a basket of delicious Koyal Ann cherries.
A girl is wanted to do general house-
retention in the position hu hue tilled
with honor to himself and satisfaction
to the public for more than five
.T. f5. Flosletler. Good
m.a l, ,Mv,m to n eonmetent! A trump printer who had earned a
""M"" r" ' "
jmrty. jlo-Ot
j email wad of inoniy picking berries at
1 I!wwi l?Mir nirtvil in tnii'ti vifttinln.v
The salary of The Dalles P"H.nastor , nnil pr,K!0etleil t blow himself I... N.ght
has been increased from $2100 to $2200,
ami that of Hood Ittver from $1100 to
Marshal Hughes yesterday afternoon
arrested u Warm Springs Indian lor
drunkennens. He paid u fine of $2 this
The closing exercises at St. Mary's
Academy will take place tonight, Juno
Tub, at 8 p. m. Fifty cents admission
will lie charged to all, patrons of the
institution excepted.
Tt e Yakima Indians brought over to
day from North Dalles the last of HOG
head of cayuseH for the Linton cannery.
The Indians say thi.y have II00') or 4000
more that they may briii hero later on.
Last night and this .morning the
Dalles City took down to Steveiifon
2200 head of sheep for D. 1. Ketchum.
These sheep will bo summered in the
mountains till toward fall, when they
wJl bo driven thnjngli to the Seattle
The fame of The Dalles weeding ma
chine, patented recently by Frank Gun
ning, has reached thu fatherland, and
todav Frank had a letter from the firm
of Dodder & Wossler mufacturiug
agenta of Danzig, asking the price of the
machines free on board JJuw
York or Ilainuitrg.
Iteineuiber, the Now York Cash Store
I" the solo agent for thu Hamilton Jlrown
Shoo Co.'s fumousHlioeB for men, women
"lid children. Ho sure and see our line
helore purchasing. Wo can unvu you
money. Wo havo no old stock to work
oil, hut are oflering new, neat, nobby
footwear, No trouble to show goods.
John Philips, who was arrested here a
couple of weeks ugo for selling liquor to
Indians, was brought bank from Port
land today by Deputy United States
Marshal Koberta under u sentuncu of
aixty days in the county Jail. Mr. Kob
"ftg turned the prisoner over to Shcrltf
Kelly and proceeded on up H'B toad.
I Watchman l'hirman arrested him ami
' kept him in the o.laboo8o for the night,
as much as anything to save him from
being robbed. When he was discharged
this morning he was not long till ho was
again full. He had a bundle of clothing
which ho dropped on the sidewalk and
staggered oil". Marshal Hughes picked
up the bundle and put its drunken
owner back in the calaboose, where he
remains at this writing.
A London dispatch says Mrs. Glad
stone, widow of William E. Gladstone,
died at 5:10 yesterday afternoon. She
was 82 years of age, and was the daugh
ter of Sir Stephen Glynno. For sixty
year6 she was the faithful hilpmato of
England's "Grand Old Man, and his
death lav heavily on the evening of her
life. It was her mother's benevolence
and care for thn poor which laid the
foundation for the daughter's wide and
active sympathy with still'erlng, and her
pity and compassion during her minis
trations to the victims of thu great
cholera epidemic in London.
lialu lixtrnilcil Kur to I lie mmtli.
From Frank Malone, of Antelopo.
who ariived hero today by way of Slier
ar's Jlrldge, we learn that a lino shower
of rain fell on tho Tygh Kidge country
yesterday afternoon. Tho shower com
menced as Mr. Malone was half way up
the Di-hchutes hill and continued till he
had reached Nausene. From the black
clouds In tho south Mr. Malone inferred
that tho ram had extended to the coun
try south of Sherar'a Bridge. J. II.
Sherar telephoned in this morning that
there had been a cloud burst in the
neighboihood of the bridge; but what
damage was done, If any, we could not
From T. H. McGreor.who arrived here
todav by tall from Antelope, we learn
that'a nice shower fell ut that place last
night. , . .
From W. J. Davidson, of Endersby,
we learn that a light shower fell there
yesterday afternoon. The rain aB usual,
lias come at tho right time and all the
indications point to such a precipitation
as will insure Wasco county the largest
grain, crop she has ever harvested.
i-Kori.i; you am. know.
Jin Gray, of Victor, was in town last
Will C. Gibson, representing the C.
II. Crocker Co., of Portland, is in the
J. Harvey Smith and two daughters
nrrived here todav on No. 2 from Grass
D. Cameron, a well-known sawmill
mim was in town last night from White
Ed. Pease returned yesterday from
spending a few days at the new store in
Attorney W. H. Dohyns, of lone, is in
the citv attending to business before the
laud oilice.
Fred Dee, a prominent Klickitat
county sheepman, is in the city accom
panied by Mrs. Dee.
Col. E. 15. Wise, a pioneer of Golden
dale, was in town Inst night the guest of
the I'tnatilla House.
John M. Davis, of Sherar's Bridge,
was a passenger on the Dalles city this
morning for Poitland.
Duncan Chisholm, a prosperous sheep
man from Kent, is in the city the guest
of the European House.
J. Hale, recorder of Orange county,
Crtlifornia, was a passenger on the
Dalles City this morning.
Mert and Mrs. Darland, of Klickitat
county, were in town last night the
guests of the Umatilla House.
II. S. Wilson accompanied W. 15.
Presby today on the return of the latter
to his'homc in Goldendale.
Frank and F. Malone, father and mui.
airived Jieie today from Antelope and
are gmnts of tho Umatilla House.
Frank Gtibel, the well-,known Wapin
Itia sheepman,' airived in town yester
day to take home his little son, who has
been attending the sisters' academy.
Hon. T. II. McGreer and his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Muiphy, and son, Willie,
arrived here today by rail from Ante
lope. Mr, McGreer couieo to take home
his daughter, who has been attending
the sisters' academy,
In this citv. Juno 15th, to .Mr. and
I'rl.oa in Ite filven nr tho VnrlnuN
ItuceM at the Sellout 1'icnic on
KrMay, tile 3!il.
First I'ace for girls, 5 to 10 years;
prize, a large doll, donated by the Jacob
sen Book k Music Co.
Second Race for girls, 10 to 10 years;
prize, toilet case, donated by Blakeley &
i Third Kace for boys, 5 to 7 years;
prize, penknife, donated by Mays it
Fourth I'ace for boys, 7 to 12 years;
prize, a suit of clothes, donated by Peae
& Mays.
Fifth Race for boys, 12 to Hi years;
prize, a fishing pole, given by W. A.
Sixth Free for all race for girl, 5 to
10 years; prize, a pair of shoes, by New
York Cash Store.
Seventh Free for all race for boys, 5
to 25 years; prizs, a book, by Supt.
Eighth Wheelbarrow race; prize, a
penknife, by Mays & Crowe.
Ninth Sack race; prize, a harmon
ica, by I. C. Nickelsen.
Tenth Fat man's race; prize, souve
nir of National Editorial Association,
donated by .Sheriff Robt. Kelly.
Eleventh Nail-driving contest for
ladies; prize, p. box of note paper, by
Clarke & Falk.
Twelfth Pie-eating contest for boys;
prize, a handsome handkerchief, by II.
C. Nie'sen.
Thirteenth Egg race for girls ; prize,
a hat, donated by A. M. Williams k Co.
Fourteenth Running broad jump,
1 for boys; prize, a hat from A. M. Will
I iams it Co.
j Fifteenth Tug of war by the schools ;
i prize, silver ink stand, by C. F. Stepli
I ens.
! Sixteenth Pitching horse shoes; a
box of candy, by teachers.
Seventeenth Tin co-legged race; prize
a harmonica.
J. F. Blue, of Glennwood, adaugh-
Ki.Mik' Wllllinil
Wilbur Woki-im
.Altha foveit
!.(M cilo JhiuiH'lle
Ij'im Lungii'ii
Anill" Anwll
Uriicn .S.mtlnv ell
Sul vill lull A l iny.
Big meetings on Saturday and Sunday,
10-17. Major and Mrs. Hanis, tho new
fccretaries to the Northern Pacific
Pivlfion, lately from the Hast, will be in
The Dalles for the (IrM lime, and conduct
all meetings on those dates. All are
II. P., Adj't.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
BlguRture of
1 Snug Untile Hymn nr tlio Iti'piihllc ....Srliool
' liitiniliii'liiry AiMii'm . At. 11. Kerns, h-Mllu
' Kcrltulidll
, Km. KliillY nml Mouse
Hee. Till' Dllli'ii'lieo . . .
Itie. 1'lie Utile tipeiiker
invitation Dili Illicit Ulrl
KrMi) Lite nil hitflit -Milliter
Love I'liiler I'illleilltl' S
Mail! - lust n Hie Mill cut Down .) JIIioSi'IhmiI
lii'citntlim- (Jiilile I'nst . . . I lij tin Hi. Milium
I Pliilugllc Maiy Miiloney's rIill)o'li'
I ... llnhy Covei . mui Kllu-I Doyle
! liec. Tlio lliiivo ut lloiiio . . Alli'i- Kml'-rhby
I 'Hie Vmillirill IClie.iunler. .
,1 ... i lieslir '1 eel nml (iiiircn KoIjImmi
I Iteelliitioil Tile Do mill llm Wiikoii .
lircltiitlon Why Cits Wiisli After linliiiK
I Ksrny Whnt I Know Aljuut fielioni Arllo Dliil.e
I llluloiim 1 on to A Iteml M'liool
. I luee Hoys
Keellallon -Iniilili'l; litmvn i.ny leei
Soli); Keil, Uliituiiliil lllue
Tliu KIiikh, 'Ililee llojs
Itee. .si.iitli'il Helen' the (
KveieUe.4 in M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 't'r.iilllli-' .fv.Milo helium
Hee. Ullle Hull Worn bhoe fiiirin nuvliloii
' riotn; Viieuiliiu'K Ci.iiiIiik II pn-r S-.MIIe Sehool
I Kbniy Sotilh Africa llepulille . ('Jura Ullllmiis
llieltiilluii The llenniii Why .lieitle Cuveit
I itieihitlon A Knock (lilt llluw I'.illl Diirnlelle
i nn Drill feiiiHH
lleailliiK MIhn Mereliiiini
It clliitlon - Ills. 1-uccei.sor Dick Diillilelle
DIiiIokuo A heriinhil on Ihu llnilii . I'lveliitlK
.Souk -Aineilcii
I'm- Mule.
A good stcond-lmnd threshing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
ghop, on Third street. J-i.d&wlm
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has becu
in uso for over 30 years, has horno tho signatnro of
and has been mado under his pcr
yjrif sonal Hiipcrvlsion since its infancy.
yftafTy, CttCSuM Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jiist-as-good" are but
Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ariverllftetl Lettera.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for June 15, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Evans, Mri Koeni Nichlos, Mrs D V.
Lary, Mi L'zzie Uav, Mi"3 HhzsI
Meyers, Mrs Edw Smith, Mrs Grace
Wood, Mrs Emma M
I3io vii,.J A Pearson, Thos
Urown, K A Sibley, .1 E
Chandler, E S Shelly, Win
Uaue, Henry Southwell, Guy
.larvis, L C' Pchawabe. Henry
Monroe, James Wiekson, G G
Myers. W L Weeks, V D
Kilkelly, Thos Whitheck, Hobort
Valensnela, Leonardo
II. II. Riddici.!., P. M.
-Mass .'Mi'iitlliK ToiilKlit,
Notice is hereby given that in accord
ance with the custom a nias meetini: of
the voters of Dalles City is hereby called
to meet in the circuit court room in said
city, at 8 o'clock p. m. sharp, Ftiday,
Juno 15, 1900, for tho purpose of nomin
ating a mayor and a treasurer for Dalles
City, and for arranging for the nnurua
tion of councilmen and water commis
sioners for each of the city wards.
Dated Dalles City, Or., Jane 15, 1000.
Mavor Dailoi City.
There will bo a tneetinir of the League
of American Sportsmen at the sherill's
oilice on .Saturday, Juno Hi, 1900, at the
hour of 8 o'clock p. in. for the purpose
of electing a secretary and treasurer and
organizing a local chapter.
Jfoiunii' Kuu.v, Clii"f Warden.
Special reserve old government wh's
key, recognized by tho highest medical
authority in the laud; especially iccoiii
mended by the board of health of Sun
Francitco for hospital use, alto A. I'.
O'Mrien, M. !)., captain and surgeon,
and Win. I). McCarthy, major ami sur
geon U. S. army, as the nureit iinulul
terated stimulant for convulefccn's, in
valids and lanilly ute. Sold by Chailcs
Stubling. apl'-'O-dlm
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia ('ure in my
family with wonderful icsults. It gives
I immediate relief, in pleasant to take and
is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend."
'says K. Ilartgeriuk, Overi-cl. Mich.
I Digests w Inn you eat. Cannot fail lo
Will the gentleman that could not
liud n l.ighl-weiu'ht Suit to suit him,
down the etieet, plea-e step in hern be
tween the hours ol 7:!10u. in. and 8:00
p. in., and vo will show lilin one,
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persons with indigestion are already
half starved. They need plenty of
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests wiiat you eat so the body
can bo nourished while the worn out or
gans are being reconstructed. It is tho
only prepiration known that will in
stantly lelieve and completely euro all
stomach troubles. Try it if you are
suffering from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do yon good.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tho
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. nicb'25-ti
J- -J
Tho only store in
this city wliero tho
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
ti dozen piecesof so
called cheap ewtm
fled ware.
Other wares look
has tlio nanio
Strnnsky Steol
Wuro o n cue 1 1 p i ece .
Do not be deceived
First prize tit lu
International Exlii
liitionu High oar.
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion Chicago Pre
ferreil by tho best
certili 'd tu by tho
most luinouschein
istn fur purity and
durability it ih
cheapest becuuso
Tionieinbai- tliii
celebrated eiiiiin
eledwtiro Is special;
lv imported lor nml
Fold in thiu city ux
clusivoly by iii.
ui i iwi iui rr n
w t r
and (
) $2.85
) $15.00
does not niht
alworb Kicase,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, id
in liuitHor
will boil,
stew, roast
and luilci)
w i t li o u t
llivor of
o o o Ic o il
food and
will Inst
for years.
Wo cau
tion thu