na DAY t it. JUNE 15, 1900 THE CAUSE IS WAXISG. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SSS ! For a Nice Smt. of Clothes. Hrvnn's visit to Oregon was not. I entirely responsible for the increased Panting, ovcrcoatin-or Fancy Vestinc. republican majority. Senator Hoar's I I fnmiiiis nnti-pvn.msimi snoonh was A statcnient recently printed sums jex.ensivcly ci,cuInted all over the! up the result of fifty years' agitation ( state as a campaicn document. in favor of woman siift'rncu, and makes a showing that ought to stag-: ger the faith of the most ardent workers in that cause. It is shown that in twenty-four stales woircr. have some form of school suffrage, yet not more than five per cent of Ittililicil tin' Otari'. A startling incident, of which Mr. i John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the i subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I wns in a moat dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back women entitled to vote have availed i . .... ' m. ' ! themselves of the "privilege." In cift)? lltuJ civo'u Iue Hl) Fortunately, a j the ten years from 1SS9 to 1S00, the triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to ! women of Colorado, Utah and Idaho y great joy and surprise, the first j acquired the full i aht to vote. Till- hotlc ma "Ul improvement. I , . . , . , continued their nse for three weeks, and nots, Connecticut and Ohio granted , am now & j know U)oy giiveJ women school suffrage. Mmncota j yl(ei iuul robbed the grave of another j permitted them to vote for members : victim." No one should fail to try them. iS 1 .tly Kindly rail ktuI examine my utrok n( Im ported untl 1) westic N nolens. A line Muck to elect (mm. . ... Suits made from the lowest ptlrcs to the litK"' eat &rade. of hbrar- boards. Iowa gave them a very restricted right to vote on I questions involving the issue of municipal bonds. Louisiana em powered taxpaying women to vote on all questions submitted to tax payers. The legislature of Oregon voted to submit to the people at the election held this month a constitu tional amendment giving women full surage, which was defeated by an overwhelming majority. In these same ten years three dif ferent suffrage bills failed in Arizona, three in Arkansas, two in South Dakota, four in California, and four bills arid one constitutional amend- Only 50o, guaranteed, at Blakeley Houghton's drug store. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. TIIK DAI.I.I.n OlsKC.n.N. GOING EAST- i If you intend to take a trip Last, Hsk Administrator' Snip of liuul Property i Notice Is hcreb plven that (rota and alter the .ilt.tH .., nf Tuti.t lum t it-Ill tirr.....! til i.ll lit your ticket agent to route you via The private tie. (or cash, the following de-crited Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date j Eec!' J?U u,c wte ot VMtlr1t railroad in every particular. J fc Ug. A .f ' iiiruuirn imuib iruin vjiul.iu, ivjiii.ic ureson. H!fv flmal.n nr St. ..nnia tn W York I ',r information lmimrc ni 01 smnou and New England points. All trains j run via Niagara Falls and.every through j train has Iree reclining chair cars, sleep- j nig aim inning cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Kos C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Act,. Los Anceles, Calif. C. 5. Chase. O. I lllTlOtt Dated at Dalles citv tm lutn dav oi .May, vjw. llKI.IA C. ltllOWN. Administratrix of the estate o( Patrick llrowu. deceaMil. in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. land Orncr. at Vascoi'vsk, Wash.,) April SO, t Notice i hereby jriven that the following nameil -ettlcr ha tiled notice o( hh Intel. a , I.mia Mn I 11011 to mane nnai prow in support 111 nil lAKiis, .iiu, pinim. ami that ald tvrnof will be made before i W. 11. 1'rvsby. I'nlted State Commltoner lor Sprained Ankle Oulckly Cured. llistiiet o( Sahlni:toii. nt liN oltli'e In liolden- ' naie, u nsn.. un 1 nuay, June ,j, iwj, vm Complete D'pe of Drtis at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCGIST. i Kb i REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY 1 atemmTHol tho lUitulntnt l.ltm will run im Kr tllt f 9 w.iir M-liuliUf, the OtmpHtiy rei.ervlnB tlm rlRlit to elm ,1 Str. Flofrulntor. S, I.v. Dalles K at A. M. fa" Tnetilny C, Thnt.Mluy k Saturday, r Arr. Portland nt 11 IV 41. tir. in a I.V. Portland atT A. M. .Monday Wediieiday Prldny Arr. Dulles Htfi Ti) P.-M. M'luilnli! witliout notk'i'. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllos City. down , l.v. Dal 1 at Ha. .. i Monday I WMlnesday iriiniy I A , l'nrtliut ,3 "t 7:(io A, "j Tn(ly 3 Arr Dull. ni-T5 nn-Mrnri-QW TT.nnNOMV ANTl PT .V. A Cttdd I Travel by Ihe Steamers ol the lleitubitor Line. The Company will endeavor tn give lti mi. Arr, I'ortlttiHl at A M. & Portland OIHee, OaU Stru't DocU. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. ARt. ' r '.1 p. "At one time I suiTured from a severe ; ment. Four suffrane amendments sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Cary, , were Indiana Ohio "bills were defeated. In Washington j pleased to say that relief uamo as soon although in the territory women j as I began its use and a complete cure 'were allowed to vote, a sufftage j speedily followed-" Sold by Blakeley amendment was defeated. ouKtonj Perhaps the best test that has been All who sutler from piles will he clad Deitrich H. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Stegmun, deceased ; L. Lane, 4 I PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. UKNKUAI. UC.eaiLCl in Illinois, IWO 111 ( ,u,.n,m,iu,i ot -eetlon township 3 north ot range H c.tst. un and one in Delaware. In;. ' ' ' T , 1 w . ,, .,t,,wv ,n hi. ! h llieuiciliea uiiuui entit, i mcu ... n ........ t n n snrT'H'P imondmont nnd two',,. 1 , , n r 1 I continuous residence upon and enltlvatloii ol , a SUUiJ.Ul. .1IIH.IHI11ILI11 llllll lU r'hnmliwrlmn'n Piiin Halm, nnil am vt : ...AND... Horseslioer i "Si 1! C. S. Smith, Titr Kodol Manuel . Leonardo, ol (Jrand Dalles P. O. Wityh : lftrrmin r.nrri-lLe. WiHinm Wilkinton. oi ' Ccntcrvllle P. O., Wash.. and William (Jiawdml, o( Grand Dalles V. O., W ash. i 4 w. ii. nr.xiup.. may2-I Ueslitcr. i g J. Wagon and Ccrringo Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. iijp-to-date(iroeGr Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. Fresh Eggs and Creamcy lluttur u Hpt'ciidty. 1 2d Street. NOTICE FOH PUI5LICATI0N. I Land Orncc at V.vscoi-vEn, wnsh.,1 Slay lo, Ko. 1 olice 1 hereby civen that the followinc mnflp os tn tho flpirr fur woman lc r , . j Salve will give them instant and per aiming .ua iij -iiJ5..u.iiu.i.1.ia in , ,, .1;f Tt tt-,11 nr.. ommn niiil , nunil jettletshave tiled notleeol thelrlnteiition wlin! .. .. , ' to niukeilnalprool in support o( thelrclalms.and ""u!a!l Skin diseases. Beware of counter- I that ald proot will r mado before the reslner were eligible to vote at school felts. . "" S'?" . "- 1895. All men and women Thirfiland JcfTcrnn. PlioucI159 elections were allowed to vote on 1 CiHiirse II. Siiiifim!, this question, I Jr. I irt! 1UI1 t31UJI . r. .... .1... f.iy., Is It expedient that I op dry catarrh; they dry np the Becretious, j ..;;, mid Na sWt -ci'.Tp:! N, It 12 E, W M., ... , . i . 1 whicii adiiGrs to tiio mcniurauo aim uGconi- ! wtio Harney ine ioiiowiiik wtiuee n prove ni1 municipal suffrage be granted to j gf serioustroublcthan ! VVmu " vizeil,0"cc ",,0,i "na mMttm ot women ?" Of the men, 80,970' Voted , the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- , ' IlHs'tln'Trabue. Christian nie!lson. Thonui i o-r- .1.0 I in" iuhalauts, funiC3, smokes and snuffs , It. Miltconib, Ldward A. hopper, all ol Lyle. yea and 1 8G.9 G voted no. In the , an-d Me tlwt vUeh i,eanseSf EOothes aud ; w State 57j,00u women were entitled heals. Elv's Cream Balm is such a remedy ciritian Dippk-on, t j .,i ' tr. who made H. K. No. 5.- (or the H1 ; N tt 1 and to vote at this election, but 500,000 ; nJ a tdmo wiU bo ' 1- Z"l :.3'.L.. w.E j j - t IJOlll IV IMIIltll Hi m IKHJ-n ... m.v lll mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the eontinuous residence upon and cultivation o( 50C.S1Z0. ElyBrothers.oinVarrcn.St.,X.Y. S,,',I1 , . , ,J, V) i :i ..t ..: .!'. ., lla.kin Trahue. John Pnul-vu. .lain Ht, Tho Balm cures without pain, doeb not. (l.rlj. ull of t vl. wushiuctun. In CbicaiiO the same experience has 1 irritato or cause sucozmg. It spreads itself Tmi.iie. j lippn lmd" ao 81 wnmon roisterin" ' ?VCr- an iT:tatfA "nd ausry sxuheo, rehev- whf) m8do . K No for tho fl sw, hl.c oeen uati, n omen regiaterina ,n imnedtawly the painful inflammation. ... nnd .s3 NWJ... see to, 1 1 a n l.' i:, v. H.. ' for the school election in 1S94 and ' With Ely's Cream Balm youaro armed who immos theYollowinc witne- to prove hb i iur uit uuuui lilliiuii in jojt .iiiu , n, ti' uVM. eontinuous rc-iideneo upon and cultivation ol a.. w... .." J I al(l land, vu- . .. . 1 Christian Deiekson. Thomas il. Whltenmlj. imports enow tnat. over uiieen nun-; (ieorKt. u. sanioni .Jame iltz. nil o( Ljle P. o. 1 declined to express an opinion, and less than four per cent voted yes. but 148b for those ot 1898. In Cleveland the women's vote has ..GflAS. POT- 5 Butchers and Farmers ..Eehange.. Keeiwon draught the celebrated ;)LrjIJ!IA l!Ki:it. aeknow. eilKtil the best beer In The Dalle, nt ttuMHUHt price. Come In, try hand bt eonvinceil AIo the Klne' brands ol Wie, I.i juor and Ciuars. Sanduiiehes o(ali Kindxalwayn on hand. dred lives have been saved throiii;h the Wmh. It ev 'no i O . . . 1 ianen on irom .jooi in ioijio o-: se 0f One .Minute Coui Cure. Most ! votes in 1898. 'of these were eases of grippe, croup j These seem to be irrefutable ! asthma, whooping ennh, bronchitis and ; proofs that the masses of women do pneumonia. Its early use prevents eon-, iimyS-l K. DCXIJAI:, Ileslster. . 5 We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with everv Proscription that's eompounded lierc. Is it. an' reason why our prescription btisineep is increasing so rapidh'V Aslc your j)li'Pician It aril flclally digests the food andaldi tdv, r r o7A Mature in RtreiiKtbeiilnp and recon inonc i i ) j Btmctinjj the exhausted digestive or- . 1 . I.. . I. .. , A .11 A IJI. . (una. j i in liiu liiii.'Mjtuhcnvereuaigup ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in ctllclency. It In Htantly relieves ntid pcrmanentlycurej Dyspepsia, Indlk'eKtlon, Hcartbura, Flattilonce, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Slckileaduchc,Gar.tralK!a,Crnmps,aai lU other rcHtilts of iniperfectdlRcstlon. Prcocrcd by C. C Or VI It' A Co.. Chicago. J. B. HcitJCSK. I'nuldetit. II.M.lItU, Cubit! il we are re lia! BLHKELEY k HD'JGHTGH. not desire suffrage, in spite of the ! sumption. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". I.ANfi Office at Vahcouvku. W.utii ,i ilay 17, P-io. I.otlce li hereby elver, that the'lollowlricl named settler has tiled nntlcu o( his intentliai 1 C. F. Stephens claims of a few members of the ses. j Missouri bavin" a governor with a rubber backbone, and St. Lotus n having a mayor with tt spinal column j of putt-, the people themselves of Clarke & Falk's fuvnnng extracts are j to mak- final wool In support o( hl elaim, nnd 1 1 , iur ircn, nsi. jmii lot hi.hh. unlttd Htnte Commissioner, at lioldendale, , on July i, lw, viz: i ( , AxHliel K. Ollur, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract.)! who made II. K. No. Chsi, (or the (raetlonal W'.j ' oldio I anil 1.. -N'wi-4, see Ji, Tp 3 N, It 1:1 K, and ni: ol NEH. i uniic i.anu sale, i Sl.c M T,, .j, 1; j2 E w. ii. r j ! (eliable JVoscriptionistrs lji:;u Orricr. at Thk Dallks, Okkronw He uamon tne (nllowinx wltncxe to prove hit, jiuyu, uxj.i tonilnuom rnld'.-nee upon, and cultlvallon ol , v.i,. it i, ., i., ...,..,...... sjld land, viz: I the metropolis Of the Pllke Stale are IiHUnotlon Irom tnecommUMouerol tho '"-1 10-",,:,"?? ' 1 , eral land oilice, under authorltj vtited In him 1m '"ier, John Kure, nil ol Lyle 1'. o i Obliged to take in their own hands by teotioiiaiv,, I'. H. Itov. Htat., ax amendiii by niui;uui. .,,.. D , the act otcoiire-n approveil Kebtuary a, 10.., " ' ;'"''' ' rUiv thr, lath if.'iv of Jnne. next, nt tho hour o( chaOS occasioned bv tllC Strike of I l' o"clock a. n,. atthlsolllce, the(ollowiii tract j ..Dualor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. F- S. iiGunning, Hoots, Shoes. lint, ( apt,, Notions, ,(or . I DoUBlas hhoe. A?t. Telephone No. W5, i.n Beoonu HI., the street railwnj men in that city, says the Salem Statesman. E UITOIUA L A FTEUTHO VG1I T. It is the opinion of Oregon that the country has already expanded. There are plenty of "boxers" in Hood Hiver' but they are strawberry boxers. o( land, to wit. AU.'.ll.MalKA lUK'fa UTIUK. HHH KKl-ii ctlon 3), township 1 north, rnnse Ileait, W. M. Notice U hereby ylven that the undurslKiied, Any nnd nil J'.'ron clalmlns adyorjolr the by un ,,. ,)( , couiiiv Court ol the rttalo oi above dwMlbed IiiiiiIh are Hdvl.d to (lie their I 0Jrr, lr ujeo County, ha been itpi.ol. ted ;lalm In hlsoihce on or IJlore the day above ; B,iml,trator ol tho estate ol Helen llra.lff.rd, djjilBnutS (orthecomnicnceinent of said ale, , ,1,,!. Au ,,Crtoiis haviliK olnlrnn ukuIiixi Wtlit. niev wti iijtiko tftii ir-" w i . JAY I. I.I'CAS, ltelster, rnaylMI OTIS I'ATTI-.It.-.O.N, I'.ecelver. tho esbite of nald deteasid are in tilled to pru- er vouciiern, 10 ine nt In six luonthH Irom Guardian's Sale. Notloe Is hereby uiven that ntirxuant to a II- ccnto anil order of sale made ord lnutd to me ' ax uuardian ol tho oemous and estate of Iim i Jlooie und darlield il ijre. minors, by tne ent them, with tho proper vouchers, to Ine nt un Dated May jt), If owl I'.lver. Oregon, wl the date of this notice. Tho Tlnllno fin tuu uauua, ui, u Just What Vou uuant. I'fTKAM V. IlKADrOIII). Administrator of tho hsiate of Helen llrnd (ord, lJeceatd. lll-l 11 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - O REGAN ! A General Banking UuaineBB transKud lloposite received, subject to Bight I Draft or Clieuk. Collections made and proeceda prompllj remitted on dav of collection. Hiidtt and Tolepraiihit! Exclinnpe eold(3 Nuw Vorlc, Kan Francisco aud "ori land. rjiHicoTOha I). P. TnoMi-tioji. .Iwo. 8. Sciuwcx. En. M. Wilmamh, (sua. A. Lws. I H M. Bu.u.. trip nmnmfiiQ DnLMnn f!n llU UUIUUUIU I Lsuiuuy uu,, PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF 1 AN V KAt.'Tt' HK KB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD HKKF. KTC. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Dealer inlBlacksmitii Supplies, Cor Second & LaoeliliD. 'Phone 157 The party that regrets tllC settle- , County Court of tho Htate of Oreaon for Hiiko PJfffl , t .. .,;i,r. et.,., county on tho 6th day of June. r.ou. I will, on . ent of a mljor strike is short on n,o uiit day of inlr. Jw. at the court houc ment c.t- tnr ..r.ioi,.,,,,,, dixjrln Dalles Cltv. at the hour of i o'clock u. Al'usla ' (m. ,.f tnl(i ,,ay. tell to thu hlKhcit bidder for conventions are declaring for Aryan j, JK2rM,te( in order to Bet rid of him for 100-1. , I.ota 1 and L' of Hec. I i, and that certain parcel un. iua.,rmu i.o, Hiau. 'I'lin Imrinnnv nf Tiimmnnv with ' of land bounded ax fo own: . ComincncliiK t .a ... ....... .V w. - J ntalio on tho north lino of tho Victor Irevltt 1 1 1 I 1 r I I ., ,n-.r.r ",.r,..'-'. v tt wr,-. o ( ; i iiia1 m-iv i l m riLLd : mm j JiU JT V OWE FOR A DOSE, ft Kemoro Pimpl , I'rent 1. poa kit. V.. I'.. h KIKil SUN, till llie trailers Ol IIIU eilJIliru Mine la . HOliaiiiin i;imi i;iiin, wuu utnnim u uiira , jj . ., , . ' , t , thence la n southerly direction croK the hot- ; . . . hailed as a ylorious augury ot dem- tom ,h(. iinoof tho prwent fence m rods, PliVKlClllll JUKI SllVCiOH. ,..,:,. V!,.tnrv fn the fall thence west W) rods thence northietH) rwl. I 11Vnlu,lu u,w kJU' o"u) OtratlC VIClOli 111 lilt- mil. thence aloni? ald lino W) rod. to tho placo of . ,. . . k i'oktollkc) w ii ti ,.,,,. : larBlnnliiK. iKinif n -art of thu Victor 'I rovl't l Ollicc, oKt lllcck (over I oktollltc), In tl, nntof tnrnintr the Pllilit)l)ineS . 1 1jJ K la K. . W. il, AUo like It, , 11 "AI,,'K!j' OI'h('0?- w ' " . ICICT. Ill illlU l" ( Hill .'7J IV',. IfM IIV , fc g fr Uflff over to Acuinnldo. tlie adventurer, ! ido of im u m bhk r.of iJiuriiJiin'H iiiutt Ad. , I)1" c r- , , r .'i. ,.,. a i dltlon to Uallen City, dr. i ... Kit v. Jl lie a pleasing spectacle for the Amer ican people to contemplate: Tut) Times-Mountaineer thinks it would be a blessing if somebody could discover Afiuinaldo's recipe for "recussilation." An effective American recipe would be ten feet i'j-ii HUM OOlti:, Guardian. . r. MCOBK. MOORE & GAVIN, ATTUKNKXM AT lAW Itoomx : and 40, over V. H, Und Olllce. Osteopath. Ilruirna 10 nnd tl. Cliillililllll lilook'. TllC Dallel. Jon.-. ia m i Oregon. '1 uetdai-tf una r rniayii, b a, in, 10 j. JtK I inaylh-lm SuUcrlbe for Tux Ciihonice. FUKU. W. WIUiON, ATTOH.NKV.AT LAW, TDK DALI.EH, Ol'.KOON OOlcc avi Flnt Mat. Uauu. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Socond Street. Now Ideas in Wall I'aniir horn. Kimii wide varitijy u wti areHliowitiKiiavHr 1 - tlon cmton eiluuts at ordinary prlcuHi ' FRENCH & CO. LBnATe Marks fHm resigns, TfffH CopvfiiaHT3c;. AnvnnoHondh.K n Mrt"M'fXX liiveailoo ih iirol.ality ; it ' u-neM , tiiii(ttrlctly)iiiiilntlal lla 2i,Ciitf. , I ieoi free. oiili'H '.' I" ' " .' i f ? i n i m A Co. iccelr I I'atei.ta taUeo llinan.-li .Mil 111 u iprrwl rw(l, vPlniul clinrtte, H ' sckiiflfic HiKrica A ban.lioiaely lllilKlriiled w.'ii'.l" J , j., ii. if iimv m-iuiillla' ". 11,1 , uii . year: (our iiMOtha, tl Hold ' w I, W Will ... uniHifl. P- IOIt'irant doaiLTiu. tiihtofiil for u small price, at our more on Third Htreot. AIho a full lino of houtm puIntH. P. W, VAUSE, Third St JJ . 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oftloom Krenoh & C'o.' Hank '' 6 TIIK DAI.I.KS, OHKOON TKANHACT A KNKUAI.IIANKl.NO MUHUSKH lttrn of Orndit isnued available In tho EaHtorn States. Hlirht Exchange and Ttileirraphic Jrn8, ""Id on Now York, Oliicago, at. LoiiIh, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore icon, Seattle Waalii. and various points in Oregon ami Washington, Collections made at ail points on fav orable terms. MM llnini'li O LO I7i.l I I" W mMwtfA li;,"t::s J Pi Hl I I AXLE ' Urease 1 ' 1 STANDARD oll,Jf 1 mUKKHtmm . H H HUHTINQTOH nui,iuiiTaM A WIIiiON, . ... , Offlc oer WratMit. llauk