The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1900, Image 4

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    A Grocer Says
"1 guess
Vnows O. 15
in 'his em
ploy, nml
him about as
well known -1
sis he is. A
in Itellovtte,
the grocer.
1 am
CltiKliic Kxprrlur lit Thrrr-MIlp Helmut
All entertainment niiil lmket supper
w ill he given at Three-Mile school house
on the evenin: of June 10, 1P00, begin
ning at S o'clock. Fiitiowinp is the
. Hons- "Happy Urectliig"
, opening Addrw
!-Clllol I
Alltm Cook I
l.lttle WWi-omiV . Grace mul Hurolil Meeker j
place when? I N .
you have , J 1 1 "SSH 7:a .
cold gusts JI f K ,!J
of wind Jk ) r -
hail ever huuiih'd. All through the
round .Sulliviu continued to nut nwnv,
once in nwhiit varying lilt, go-us ou
please neties with wild swings tliat
never c t closer ihnu three feet toSl
ester. At tin call of time John si'ttk
on lioth knee? audi allowed hine.tH ti
he dragged to his elinir his st ennds
with well simulated ngiiny on his fnei
A few int. met. ts before the thin!
round wu i enli.d John, turning' round
to the timeht-rpers nml pointinu 10 a
L ,
Itccltdlioii "(irnmlmn's Aii:oi"..liol.t I'rclRhtoii j
lltiot '-lliiv Mv l'towors" ... I
litaci Meeker uud 1 lotemv Coofc j pi,oe of j.ntldv scenery on the othei
liccltiitlmi-'-MiulierV Fix)!' Vlrsll Uawsoii 1 h f thn Rtcu,. said-' "Yon ree dnt
oaring .n
every time
the d o o r
opens, and
there is a
pood deal of
x u i) ji i n c
aoout out-
:"-divirs too. Anyhow, I
catch cold very otten, hut
the minute I begiu to sneeze
I reach up on the shelf and
take a dose of Acker's Eng
lish Uempdv. I tt'll vnu it
is wonderful how quickly it stop.- a cough or
cold. I have uicd it myself, and in my fam
ily for a number of yirs. It works like a
charm. I suppose some of the folks would
have run into consumption before this if I
had neglected to keep a bottle ready all the
time for immediate use. 1 wouldn't think
of using anything else for throat and lung,
troubles I know what Acker's Remedy ,
actually does, so what sense is there in ex-
jterimenting'' Certainty is better than
chance." ' (Signed) Joiix Hoff. !
Sold at iV-.. -V)c. and $1 a bottle, through
out the United States and Canada; and in .
England, at Is. !2d.. 2s. :td -is. Cd. .If you
are not satisfied after buying, return the
lxittle to your druggist, and get your money ,
bach. i
HV authorize the above guarantee.
W.M. UOOKKP. & CO., liropritiors, .Vt York.
Fit It I.E BV j
Blakelev & Houghton.
lnlileim 'Vottnterfctt Money '
Jessie Knucr unit I.nlti Uvmis
.-our - ".-weet Ottfuon" School
Kecltntlnn--"The Conceited (rutiopper '..
.I.elnuil CrelKhtou
Ulnloque "TempcriiiHi' Awakening'
nan .iiiihtv .m nioi'K. .1111n ii, .
Trunmu litooks una Mmntic Zneluiry.
Kruitatt.n. "Hoy t:ij;mV . l'.ddlc t'liimmor
Imet-'-Woletime Spilnc ' .... .. '
Alum uml Florence Cook j
lierltatlcm "Papa's letter" . F.iiun Morgan
licritiitlou "lliil Ailleu to the Hormwteml" :
Archie Hewitt
UeelttUioli "The l.lttleSoliiHihim'mii"'
. . (trace Meeker
Soim-' Winioin Hell-" School
Uceitrtium "romnis 's l'rujer". Kloreniv Cook
Hecltatlon Viilctllctory ....Amy llrooks
I'.ecitiition "CiiHxl live" .Seven Utile OlrU
Sonc-"IhkhI Nisrht" ... School
Titblcmi "F:vchIiir X'rnjer'' I.0I11 Crclshton
An invitation ie extended to all
iMtron and friends of the ichool. Come
with well-filled baskets. B
Thompson, teacher.
How the 1
'urr.iiT ( ..iiiiipliin l'uilNt
tin- pirl ut tin-'l'otvn
uf A-lnrln, Ore.
A Difficult Problem.
It ie anions the most diffictill nroh-
lems of nattira'i science for one to beconif
expert in peveral lines. J. E. Adeox cc
Co., by their combination, have over
come hi'- difficulty in a practical man
tier. J. E Adeox is an expert watch
maker and is- good on jewelry, optical
work and engraving, while Tiieo. tl.
Lithe i- an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price-is a- low ai con
sistent vith good workmanship. Thev
are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work
eent bv mail or estiress will receive
prompt attention. Sign. "Big lied
Enthusiasm is the fountain of perpet
ual youth.
Man is known by the company he
keepo out of.
-Moat things come to those who hustle
"while they wait.
Be sure your eine will find vou out
and so wi!! your wife.
Don't gt the idea into your head that
fcrass widows are green.
Faith can never walk on water with
its pockets full of doubts.
' 3rve some people half a chance and
they'll take the other half.
The more a man tries to prove that
lie isn't a fool the more he proven he is.
Even when man makes his'own op
portunities they are not made to cuit
After a girl passes seventeen she be
pins to lose her angelic look and become
loathing makes a man feel so rid all as
to be run over by a bicycle ridden by a
One of the valuable privileges we often
overlook is the privilege of not eayiny
The man who claims to have a poor
memory may he cured by lending small
cuius of money to his frieude.
Every man thinks everybody el&e
fcnowu him. That is proljably why be
writes his name eo you can't read it.
A man forgives his sweetheart for
trumping 1 1 i h uce, but lie always re
minds her of it after they nre married.
Soon will the little busy bee improve
each shining chance that comes along
to penetrate the email hove picnic pants.
When a women admits to another
women that she ocaeionnlly finds a bed
iug iu her house, it indicates that ehe
roposes the greatest confidence in her,
A I'ruotluul IlHiiioimtrutioii.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, and know
ing that they have a proposition which
they can guarantee, the Oregon Runitary
Closet Company, of The Dalles, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the same into actual
operation. The closet is now located in
tho rear of Chas, llurchtorf'e bicycle re
,pair store on Second, between Federal
and Laughlin streets, The Dalles, uud
the public are cordially invited to call
J.uid inspect the same. This company
id now prepared to fill orders promptly.
Parties dei'iring this Hys'.em will be fur
nished full information upon application
to or correspondence with D. 8. Duftir,
The Dalles, Or. in3Mwdatw
In the fall of l-'JU John L. Sullivan
was touring the far. west with his
"grand ..g relation of sports." takiuif
mi grin j ." us he ti.-ed to say. iu
;he tiig citie-, and y''111 exhibitions
in the lunailer towns. When .loin;
.. reached I'ortlai'd. Ore., the citizens
ot Astoria, Hill uiilesnwiiy at the month
of the Columbia river, determined that
the lighter should not 0 uwa from
.the Voast before they got a chance to I
"look him over."
Astoria is a prosperous town of 1V
-iiii people, nul halt of the population
s i-ng::ged in the salmon industry. Mst
nf the j.U'.ii fishermen are Russian
''ii'.us. end in the fall thei are prtid op
In the variou:; canneries, and rem ralh
have more S20 gold pieces than they
::uov.- what to do with. One of their
niiiuiii r. Eugene Sylvester, had a great
li-cal reputation lor strength. lie
,;si;-.-ed six feet four inches, weighed
ij'i.i pounds, and had a pair of hand.
like baseball mitts. lie could lift om
en?l of a l oluuibia river fishing boat
ami topple it over without any trouble.
If cu ever have seen one of these boat.
you will know what that means. His
Russian Finn brethren did not b'lie
that the man ever lived who coi.ld
stand up before Sylvester in a rinir.
So it came about that 0111 day th"
oleunder tree over tlereV Well, watch
rue knock di Olc Olson tinodc mitWIe
of it." When the third i-oiiuil wns culled
.vh ester Iiegrin to juti'p ulMiut .ti hi
;Vet like t kihen, niul. k-epimr his eyr
mii .lohn, yelli d to his compatriots 'In
bet their shins on him. Wrouph' up
to ii pitch of eiitliiioiiiMii In thfnpM'Of
imicc of thintTH they begun to d pretty
much whrt he nthisid. and ns fast n
they olVercd to wager nu thing .,'ohn's
friends iu the ctowd took tin m ftp.
Eugene advj.neefl with 11 light-henrt-ed
sprintr, e ident l. intencMng to flninh
bis mnn before the round was over.
After about a minute's sprint ing Sulli
van suddenly, to the astonishment of
his opponent, stood still and let him
catch op. Then coolly letting yo his
it ft he eailght Sylvester under the jaw
and lifted nearly riCO pounds of Riivsinn
Finn clean ovei the rojH-K and through
the scenerj 11 few feet from the spot he
had designated.
Sullivan and the "srnng" left tour
next morning, takinir with them al
most a literul barrel of inoiie . The
Rusisun 1'inns spent the hardest "in
ter in their hi: lory. As for S h e-.ter,
he never cot of his feet sutlieii iil ' '
purchase a new boat or nets and liiiulh
beeanie a boa' puller. A few Near',
-'.-iter he developed a mild form of in
sanity and is now in the Oregon state
ir.ianc asvlnm. -Chieairo Tribune.
Yellowstone Park Line.
iTHk lUSlNi. I All liOt ll. I T.OM rilUTI.AM'
Tu Tilt li.Vs'l'.
THK ONLY DlHKi-l LINK TO Till. Yl.l.l.oW
SlONK 1'AliK
T.B VVli.
UHitsIMfOl, FU1& and I Sis
No. 'J, Kn.-t iiihII for '1 iieiimii,
svMttle. olymiitH. itmy's
lliitlior unit smith lloiul
tHiinth. Skiine, Itovi
I11111I, II. ('.. ralliiiiiii,
Miwoiv, l.ewlston, Hat
11:15 A. il. ItiliilliiiniiiiiliiliiKeiiiiii
trv, lloleiiH. MltiiieniHi
Us', St. 1'iUil, OmimIiii,
Kiiiis City, St. U111U.
(:1iIi-ki "in! dl iKiluts
No t. IM-t Hill! Mllltlll'lllt.
TiiKi't soliiul i:x)irevs
It ;tU 1'. M. lor Tmihiiih nml scuttle
nml iiiteniuillate (xiints
No. 1
.-...VI V. M.
No. 3.
7;tl A. M.
l'llllnuin first eliKu nml tniirUt sleen!tK to
MttmeiilKilK St. I'liul mul .Mls.-ourl river i'lnl
wfllinut elmiiKe.
Vastfliuleil trmn- t ulon ileiit coiiiiectlniik
la oil )irliielnl eltlc.
lliiiretiKV clui'l.eil ti (testlimtloii of tleket.
hor lmiiilM)inet llluiiititctlile-ertiitlve iimtter,
tiekotv, slreitiiB cur rturvntliiii, etc , cull on or
too: sriiKiuLi:,
held an enthusiastic meeting, and sent
word to Portland tiint if .lohn I.. Sul
livan cared to make a trip down the
river Mr. Sylvester would take great
pleasure in knocking him into the Pa
cific ocean.
.It. on's sporting friends, seeing the
prospect of a big bet. advised him to
go, and he went. All the details wen
(prickly arranged, nnri each side put up
$l.i;no in a wager that Sylvester could
stay four rounds. Seconds and time
keepers were chosen, nnri a rinir was
hastily rigged up on the Btnge of tin
Astoria opera house.
A stock company was playing
"Queen's Evidence" there at the time,
but had been persuaded to give up
one night to the iistic exhibition; the
"Queen's Evidence" scenery for the
first net remained iu place. On the
night vvhrn the battle was to come olT
Sullivan tint! 1-i" friends figured that
they bad wagered &!U,0fj0 with various
Russian I'inu enthusiasts on the result.
The Finns had heard rumors that at a
critical stage of the light, when their
man was pounding the daylight out of
John L., the electric lights were to be
turned oil' ntni their champion fobbed
of his victory. So they came prepared
for any emergency, nearly !i,(M( of
them occupying seats in the theater,
every man with his revolver and 11
lighted Inmp under hisclinir.
The men go into tlie ring pretty well
stripped, Sullivan doing his best to
kiok scared to death (Hid SyhetUer
strutting around the stage nnd' almost
bowing his head oh in recognition of
the applause fiom Iris friends. He had
wagered every cent he could raise, as
well ns his lishiiig boat unci net, with a
bow-legged little limn on Sullivan's
stair called Illeachcr."
The referee called time and thev
went at 't. Sylvester stood still for a
minute and thi n made a furious rinsh
at Sullivan, who broke ground' and ran
in an appealing manner around tin
ring. The Finns stood up and waved
their lanterns about their bends in
their cuthusiiiMii. All through tin
round, as l'.ug lie chased ,lohn from
one post to tin other, they kept up 11
magnificent though somewhat obscure
serit k of yells iu their native language,
and vi hen it wu.. ovcrauri Sullivan sank
bach in his chair acting the part of a
man on his Inst pins they imuu dlatel.v
proceeded lo bit uny stray gold piece
that they had not before been able to
When the second round begun. Syl
vester, evidently thinking that Sulli
:.n was pinettcally out, did a few
HLiintK ; In (he, middle of the ring and
wajlicii around, Intimating by dumb
how ..that "Suolvan," as the Finns
called him, war- the easiest murk he
Chirk & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clarke it Falk have on sale a full line
1 of paint and artist's brushes.
I You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Re sure and see the bargains in ladies'
thick sktrtb at the New York Cnsh
Store. j'J
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping j
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
I'aint your house with painte that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated .lame E. Ration
strictly pure liquid paints
Good, pure natural ice from the. Rlue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River Ice & ruel Co. '1'hone or SI
Long Dist. ; "5 or b Scufert & Condon.
Re sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, ae we have the latest shipment
Fust SHlt Ltikt , Denver, Ft.
Mall , Worth, otmtlui, Kmi-
12. 10 1, in., ms City, St. Minis,
cmnjipn 111111 r.uisL.
Y hum.
1 .:;)" p III
dob Printers.
Mil If VIIYf tiritlTVlff ITTttttf IWII ll til! I till 1 1111 fTft III II Iff ITI tTl
1 :t
minimi TitttMj
10:10 j. 111.
Wnlln WiiUh, Spokane, Sxikniic
MimictiiuilK St. l'niil, Mull
j 1) II 1 11 1 Ii, Mlliwiukit;,. Hint
, tililciiui) mul Kiist, vlu, i:.ires
j spokHiieiiktl HiiMtliic-,
I tnti. iili-o nil piilntH In
' WimliiiiRton mul Knst- l:C0ii, m
1 era OrcKmi.
8 ji. m.
4 . Ill,
Fivom I'or.Ti.Aiai.
(jeenu Stenmsliliti.
For Sun Fniiiel'Cii
April Mtiy 7, 12.
S p. m. ,1 p. m.
K..auiuliiylCiilunihlii Itv. Htoarners. Kjk.buiiiluj
'To Astoria unit Wny
HHtnnliiy Lmalliigt.
10 p. m.
fi II. m. VlM..lJ!KTTi: IlIVKK, it .IMp. 111.
i:.x.bmitltiy;Orei)n City, Newlwri;, Lx.huiitltiy
btilcm it Wny Ijiml's.
7 a. m, Willamettk ami Yam
Tiii-k.Ttitir. HiLi. liivriia. ,Mim
nail hut. OreKiin City, Dayton, nml Frl.
, anil Way-Uinillnxi.
3:Kil p. m.
Cn. m. WtLi.AJiKTTi: I'.ivhii. 1:80 p. in.
TncTliur, i'ortlantl to CorvatlU, Mini W'nl
mill hat. unit Wiiy-ljiinlliiKi. ninit I'rltlny
I .'.M ti. m.
made to this city, now ready for insjiec-1 l.v mpmla
tion at II. Glenn & Co.'s. uL7-lw
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using TMokt Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indiu'eatton, makes you cat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. " cts. and iiO eta.
Rlakeley & Houghton Druggist".
Neglect is the ohort step so many take
from a cough or cold to consumption.
The earlv use of One Minnie Coindi
Cure prevents consumption. It is thei
only harmless remedy that gives iiuiiio- J
diate results. It cures all throat and j
lung troubles. Children all like it uud
mothers endorse it.
Klpiirlti tu Iwlntnu.
s :n 11. in.
l'artles detinue to iro to llennner or
jHiinis on (.-uiiunlilH biiiitliern via Una,",, ntinulil
bike No. L', IuhvUik 'tlie Dulles nt 1! Iu p. m
miikliiK ilinet ctiiiiicctiiins nt ileppner junction
I'lid MifK- HetlirnliiK inakliie(irt'i!tciiiilieutliiu
tit Ik-ppner Junction nml lllia,'- w ttli No, J,ui
rlvlMR nt Tlie Dalles nt PJ.iJ) p. 111.
Fur full iKirtlciilars cull 1111 o. It. A N, Co.'n
HKuiit The Dalles, or atlilrws
W II III'ltl.llL'llT.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first olnsH local nnd long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cro"-ltilk. Your con
versation will be kept it secret.
No cost for installing.
You uet the standard Illuming
' Rung Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night orvice.
We will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
siiinti on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
(ten Pa. Act.. Portland, Or.
SOUTH and EAST via
it will
Unless food ie digested quickly
ferment and irritate the stomach,
each meal take a teasnooufitl of
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you
eat and will allow you to eat nil you
need of what you like. It never fails to
cure the worst cases of dyHpensia. It
is pleasant to take.
Rev. V E. SiUer, W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors uud medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol iKHpepsiu Cure mid it helped me
from the start. 1 believe it to be u
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what ycu eat.
Ivy poisoning, poison woundd and all
other accidental injuries may he quickly
cured by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is also u certain cure for piles
uud skin diseases. Take no other.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Fu!k, agents. 111 17
limit In Viiur llR(ikii.
All cjuiitv warratita registered prior
to June IJ, 1890, wjtl be paid ut my
office. Interest ceases after Fobrttury. 2,
1000. C. 1,. 1'HH.MI'H,
Oonntv Treasurer.
Tor Hale.
A good second-hand threshing ma
chine for sale ut L. Lane's blacksmith
shop, on Third street, J-LriAwlin
Soumern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Tralim leave The Dalle for Portland mid way
MtatloiiH nt I J.'j it. in. 11 11 1 il p, m.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, RQ?
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOH FloilT This Flour in manufactured expressly for family
VAA AV-' 1A use : every Hack in gtmrunUied to give sattsfactiOD.
Wd sell our goods lower than uny house hi the trade, and If you don't think
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Leave Pnrtlaml fi:Ci 11 in
" Albany la.iionm
Arrive Anlilaml l2:,"Si a 111
" hiicraiiitjuto . . . ,'i:()0 p 111
" ban l"'rnnc'lt:ti . . . 7.1'. pin
Arrive OkiIdii
" Dunvur ... .
" KmiMiit City
" t'lileuqo
ft: l'i ri in
jiijo 11 m
7:'.',t a m
7: 1.1 u in
IO:So p in
1 1 :::o a m
I ;.')." it m
h'l.'tu in
11 La in
;t:liii in
7 11 in
J-.'M n in
Arrhc U)h AiKft.'litu t:vnpi
Kl I'iixi
I'nrt Worth
City of .Mexico .
Now Orleans
Niv Vork
i:io n 111
. . ii:;?) 11 in
.. !i:.Vu m
.. llHIlllll
. i):'J.'iiuii
. r,:r.'n in
..l'J:l:ip 111
7:mu in
i:iJO p 111
ir.Wn in
!:.Viii in
1:00 a 111
fr.Z'i p 111
f. a 11 111
1 J-l:i j. 111
Piilhinci and Tiiiirliit cars on Imtli tntlnt.
tJlialr earn Kacriiineuto to OkiIcii and III Phmi,
mid toiirlht t-nMtDCiiicaKo, hi 1min, NcwUr
leiins and Wii.ililiigton.
(-(iiinictlni,' at Kan Krmiclsco with bttviiral
Mteiiintlilp linen for Honolulu, Japan, (Jlilna,
Philippines, Central mid Hmith Aintrka.
Kee iioiit at The Dallox Htatloii, or inldrtus
(i'fiit)iiil Pflvn-iiKcr AKWit, Portland, Or
and Motors
rtiblic. Collections iroinptly itttuiideil
to, Monov to loan. C. E. Uiivard'H of
fice, The Dulles, Oregon,
Clrculuro and particulars funiirihcd on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
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