The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1900, Image 3

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Will buy b lot of
These Hvollurlng days if you
buy hero. Tint harrow of reritio
tiou has passed over tho fluid of
merchandise In our
Men's Furnishing
nn 1 nn uiipreesdented crop of
bargain in
Hot Weather Goods
1h tbo result. Visit us mid
sue for yourself. Now wo can help
you to
Hot Weather Comfort
At prices nearly tho ratio of '
to 1 , and your money buck if you
want it.
What We Say We Do
We DO Do.
Are the dressiest lint Weather
Suits yon nnn wear. Pure Crash
Suits from $2 85.
(limrnnteed pure; nindeupin
fine Suits carefully tailored ; prices
from H 85.
In nil tho Intest styles and
makes in endless variety.
Made of duck aro the proper
thing to wear on your outing trip.
They are cool as an iceberc. nd
nobby as t tie day is long. Finest
grade, 1 50.
For this weather should be
just as cool as you can (jet them.
Some genuine Cheviot Negligee
Shirts as low a? (i."c.
A lot of French Madias and
Scotch Oxfords from $1 to $2.50.
That's what a good housewife knows is good for towels.
We are going to have a CRASH, this week in tho
prices of our Wash Fabrics. You choice from '.) big
piles at Tie, O.jc, lOJc the real value runs up to 25c
per yard.
We invite you to come early and examine the
bargains on our fancy goods counter.
Shoe Department.
Do VOU Wcint t0 save money? Yu are bound to need shoeF,
and if this interests you buy now while the ad-
vantage is in your favor:
Ladiei' Kid, button, Coin toe shoes, 2., to 4 $1 00
Ladies' Kid, button, square toe ehoes, '2)4 to 4., 1 00
Misses' Kid, button, square toe shoes, ll'to 2..T..' 90
Child's Kid, button, Equare toe ehoes, 81.'. to 11 75
Child's Kid, button shoes, 5 to 8 ". 50
Child's Kid, button shoes, 3 to 5 years 35
All reliable goods and at such prices as will not be known in
The Dalles for years to come.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlKureH.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tel t plume iVo. 1.
TIirilSDAY - - - JUNK 14, 1000
At Andrew Keller's.
Grant Mays .yesterday purchased a
1 1 a 1 1 1 -o t n t) Altamont pacer Irom II. F.
N'nylor, of Goldendalu.
The Pierce Mays lot north of the O. I).
Taylor Baptist church, Is being cleared
and leveled oll'for a lawn tenuis court.
Take Pease & Mays' prescription,
cool clothing, and you may laugh at
I'ncle Sol and enjoy health and comfort.
Leave your orders early for strawber
ries and fresh vegetables. We have tho
bust. Grocerv department -Pease &
Fred Bronson will suil on the steamer
Queen for Silku, Alaska, on tho 24th.
Mrs. Hronson uuil the children will fol
low him later on.
Wood Bros, will tonight ship a car
lo,d of fat hogs to Portland, and two cms
from Wullowu county will bo shipped at
the t-atno time to Troutdale.
The scouring mill started up this fore
noon and made abort rans dining the
lny whilo testing the bolts and
liobort Mays and eon shipped '2000
head of sheep Inst night and this morn
ing to Cook's Landing, to bo summered
on the tango back of that place.
Vu will feel as though the mercury
bad dropped twunty points us soon us
)'m get into one of those light weight
Mil's Peaso & Mays are Bhowing.
Call in and t.amplo the whole wheat
Miredded biscuits. Free demonstration
Thuisday, Friday and Saturday at
lVatiu & Mayh' grocery department.
The closing exercises at St. Mary's
Aculemv will take place Fridav, .luno
y h, at & p. m. Fifty ceiitu admission
v-'hl lie charged to all, patrons of the
"munition excepted.
The Cedar valley country, In Klickitat
county, it has been definitely decided,
i" in tho Yuklina Indian reservation,
"d a bill i'H pending In congress appro
priating nearly $300,000 to pay tho In
h'Uinlty asked by tho Indians.
''he pupils of Tho DalleB Lutheran
Sunday school, accompanied by tome of
Wo teaohorH mid purentu, wont on a
I'icnlo exeurlon to Mosior yoBtorday and
""joyed themselves immensely, They
'ope for more of auch otitingJ before tho
summer grown old.
Kuuioinber, thu Now York Cash Store
h the solo agent for the Hamilton Brown
Rlioo Co.'o famous shoes for men, women
ftl"l children. He euro and see our line
before pui chasing. We can t'ave yon
money. We have no old stock to work
off, but are offering new, neat, nobby
footwear. No trouble to show goods.
Tho Black Butte Irrigation Company
will engage in irrigating lauds through
out Eastern Oregon and do a general
development business. The company
has a capital stock of $5,000,000, divided
into shares valued at $50 each. II. Tay
lor Hill, E. H. Carey, of Prineville, and
E. II. Sparks, of Black Butte, are the
incorporators of record.
Tho Bohemian club room of this city
that lias been tho resort of more bud
ding statesmen and the theater of more
political discussion than any room of
its size this side Kiumas, was handsome
ly papered and decorated yesterday till
it lookn as II a cyclone of McKinley
prosperity had struck both it and the
cranky, but always genial, chairman of
the club.
Tho lire that raged all yesterday after
noon near Crnto's Point destroyed a lot
of newly cut hay belonging to A. V.
Marsh, about half a mile of plank fence,
and all his fall pasture on thu mountain
side. Mr. Marsh estimates his loss at
$500. The lire Btarted from a lot of
wild mustard that had been ignited in
a Held tic-longing to the Benedictines
and got beyond the control of tho men
who ignited it. Part of the Vanbihbcr
pasture was also burned over and de
stroyed. "Wo believu in tne constitution of the
United States; we believe in the declar
ation of independence; we believe tl at
i he love of liberty is born in the human
breast, and that, possessing its fruits
oiirsolveti through more than a century
of trial and temptation, wo cannot deny
them to others." Thus spoke Chairman
Webster Huntington at the opening of
tho Ohio democratic state convention
which met at Columbus yesterday, and
at tho close, to illustrate democratic
faith by its works.u squad of twenty
police was sent for and ordered to "clear
the aisles, knock down those who would
not (-it down, and compel the distuibeis
to bo silent."
It is very uyident that John Phillips
was not tho only man in Tin Dalles
who sells whiskey to Indians. Vector- j
day morning as Alex. Mcintosh, Sr., of
Paulina, was coming to town and had j
reached a farm house on the other side ,
of Kivo Mile, ho found three dinnkeii j
Indians threatening the who oi uiui
farmer, who was not at home. The
lady appealed to Mr. Mcintosh for pro
tection, and when that gentleman order
ed the Siwashes to move on, one of them
pointed a six shooter in his face and
oi (lured him to move on. Mr. Mcintosh
was unarmed and had to obey or take
the chance of losing his life. How tho
lady got rid of tho Indians wo could not
Louie Comini, of this city, went to
Porllaud Tuesday morning to consult uu
oculist in regimi to treatment for his
right eye. Last Saturday while using a
steel chlsol a small pice How off und
Htruck the sight of the eye. Tills was
removed anil Mr. Comini thought tho
eye would lie all right, and so continued
to work. On Monday it became so
painful that he was compelled to quit
work and seek further relief. He con
sulted Dr. E. O. Brown, of Portland,
who found an infected ulcer on the
sight of the right eye and sent Mr. Co
mini to St. Vincent's hospital. It will
be about two weeks before the eye is
well enough to use again. Any one
needing stone work will do well to wait
until Mr. Comini returns, or to call at
thu shop. wIitu Mr. Wicks or Mr. Co
mini can always be found. Mr. Comini
needB the work very much now and will
be very reasonable with any one giving
him work. Patronize home industry
and a taxpayer.
A Woodburn hop man is the father of
twins born last week. An exchange
says he named the boy Mail: and the
girl Hannah.
A. E. Beanies, a son-in-law of Thoe.
Tongue, and a strong Bryan man, was
elected district attorney of the first dis
trict on t lie democratic ticket by a good
Speaking of his vote for representa
tive the editor of tho Salem Journal,
who was the union nominee for repre
sentative, says : "It is hard to down u
man who is a Dutchman, Christian and
editor of a one cent daily."
Arthur O. Dowersox, a prominent
young man of Corvallis, a brother of A.
W. Bowursox, of Albany, died in Sulem
last Monday. Two weeks ago he was
kicked in tho head, causing injuries
which resulted In his death. He had
been taken to Salem for care and treat
ment. American woolen goods aro beginnJng
to reach the markets of the world, under
a tariir that protects the faarniers' wool
clip. Lust year wo exported over a mill
ion dollars' worth of American woolens,
and our imports of woolens wero a mere
trifle compared with those under tho
Wilson law.
The first sale of wool of the season in
Hoppner was made last week. H. F.
Hynd sold 50,000 pounds of medium
wool in two lots at twelve and thirteen
cents a pound. Oeorgu Foil, of Pendle
ton, was tho buyer, and ho represented
Hartford, Conn., people, to which point
the wool will bo shipped after being
According to tho volume of freight
handled, tho Columbia Southern lias
struck a bonanza by extending its line
as far as Shnnlko, towards central Ore
gon, says the Telegram. Between May
15th and Juno 5lh, since the road's com
pletion, it handled 5,000,000 pounds of
freight from outside points, und over
5300 carloads of stock for outside points.
The .viceroy of India, Lord Cnrzou,
has cabled to the secretary of state for
India, announcing that a good rain has
fallen in southern India; that there
have been scattered showers elsewhere,
and that the meteorological reporter
lorecasts a good, but late monsoon. The
hot weather, however, still prevails and
the famine relief situation- has not al
tered. There are now aboiu 5,802,000
persons receiving relief.
Gilliam county is to have another
newspaper, the Condon Republican, be
ing a new venture, which is to be
launched in about ten days. The plan
has been ordered from Portland, and is
to be all new and first class in every re
spect. The paper is backed by a large
number of the wealthy republicans of
the county, who have formed a stock
company, of which George Dukek, S. B.
Barker and J. B. Cameron are thu in
corporators. William Christie, the
present foreman of the Condon Globe,
is to have the management of the office.
igctable Prcparalionfor As
similating HicFoodandRegula
ting theStoinachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Checrful
ness andRest.Conlains neither
Opium.Morpltinc norIiieral.
fimiJctn Seat'
stlx.Smna '
tfmwl -niCmtmnkSoda-HimSffd-OmiitiSUgv
Wnlaynen tlawr.
Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa
Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness find Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature oF
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
.1. II. Staats, of Dulur, was in town
last night.
It. Wright is registered at thu Uma
tilla House.
F. Balfur is registered at the Umatilla
House from Lyle.
W. H. Heisler, of Dnfur, was in town
last night on his way home from Porl
laud. J. C. Yager, a prominent Walla Walla
millinau, is registered at the Umatilla
Coroner W. H. Butts went on a busi
ness trip to Hood Uiver on this morn
ings boat.
Conductor Harry Fowler and wife
were passengers on this morning's boat
for Portland.
John Craillebaugh, formerly editor of
Tun CiiKONicu:, arrived here today
from Baker comity.
Attorney W. B. Presby.of Goldcndale,
stopped over heio today on his way
home from Portland.
Professor Nell' lelt on tin's morning's
boat on a short visit to his old stamping
ground at Hood 1'iver.
.Mrs. Walter ami Miss Mollio Norman,
of Koseburg, ariived here on lart night's
boat on a short visit with Iricnds.
Mrs. George l.iebo and the elder Mrs.
DieUel returned on last night's irut
irom a week's visit with friends at Port-
laud. !
M. J. Finlnyson, who has been in
town for the his. couple of days, lelt on
the No. 1 passenger today for hie home
near Clarno's fony.
O. H. Dawson and wife left on tnis
morning' boat for ii few wucUh outing
at Trout Like. They were accompanied
by Dr. T. II. Uobe, the optician.
.Mrs. J. B. Cation, wife of thu warden
of tho Walla Wall.i penitentiary, who ,
has been visiting with Mrs. Schanno for
a few days, left on thu niid-day train :
for Portland. I
The wifrf of liev. C. P. Bailey left on
this morning's bout on a visit to her
iriiiu.i u lii) iw vi' i v ill at liofeburir. ,
Her son, Martin, m'coinpanie1 her as
far as Portland, wheiu he goes for
medical treatment for lung trouble.
W. H. Taylor, of Dry Hollow, left on
this iiioi mug's boat for a month's visit
among friends In llalsey. He was ac
couipauied by hid daughter, Mis. Clark,
and cousin, Mrs. Kaiter. Whilo below
he will attend the meeting of the
.1, II. Christian, uu old-time Dalles
railroad man, was registered at the
Umatilla House last night, Mr, Christ
ian line abandoned rallroadiog und is
doing a large and profitable business
manufacturing ttold saving machines for
placer mining. He left this morning
for the interior.
Alex. Mcintosh, a prominent Crook
county sheepman, spent last night in
the city, t(io guest of the European
House." Mr. Mcintosh left on No. 1!
today for Portland to bring home hi
daughter, who is attending the Sisters'
Academv at that place.
J. C. Dalev, a well known sheepman
'of Klickitat county, left here today on a
vi-it to his old home in the cmnty of
Cork, Ireland. Mr. Daley tiaB only
visited Ireland once during a resilience
oi forty years in tho United States, anil
that was twenty-five years nw.
In this city, Thursday, June 14, 1000,
to Mr. and Mis. J. M. Mann, a (laugh-
kter; weight eight pounds.
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persons with indigestion are already
half starved. They need plenty of
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what yon eat so tho body
can be nourished while thu worn out or
gaiiB are being reconstructed. It is the
only preparation known that will in
stantly relieve and completely euro all
stomn'clt troubles. Try it if you are
sull'ering from indigestion. It will cer
tainly do you good.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch2o-tt
Notice is hereby given that in accord
ance witli the custom a mass meeting of
the voters of Dalles City is hereby called
to meet in the circuit court room in said
city, at 8 o'clock p. m. sharp, Friday,
June 15, 1900, for thu purpose of nomin
ating a mayor and a treasurer for Dalles
City, and for arranging for the nomina
tion of councilmen for each of the city
Dated Dalles City, Or., June M, 1I)00:
Mayor D.illei City.
Sal val Ion A i my.
I Big meetings on Saturday a'nd Sunday,
1(1-17. Major and Mrs. Harris, the new
I secretaries to tho Northern Pacific;
j Division, lately from the Kast, will be in '
j The Dalles for the first time, and conduct 1
jail meetings on those dates. All aro
! welcome. !
II. P., Adj't.
I For Infants and Children.
! The Kind You Have Always Bough!
J Dears tho
i Siguaturo of
mays & Or
There will bo a meeting of the I.e.igue
of American Sportsmen at the sherill'V
ollico on Sutmd.iy, Juno HI, 11)00, at the
hour of 8 o'clock p. in. for the pui pope
of electing a secretary and treasurer and
organizing a local chapter.
KoiimtT Km.i.v, Chi"f Warden.
1 Will the gentleman (hat could not
'find a l.ighl-weighi Suit to sun him,
I down tlie street, ple.i-ti step in heie lm
'tween the hours ol 7 :li() a. in. and 8 :0U
j p. m., and wo will bhow him one.
) $15.00
Tho only store in
this city where tho
Genuine Importer!
Ware is sold,
A little higher hi
price, but outlasts
a dozen piecesof so
cnlled cheap enam
t'led wnro.
Other wnres look
has tho namo
St musky Stool
Wuro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
Firht prize at. Id
International Exhi
bitions Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian F.xluhi
tiou Chicago Pre
fined by tho bout
lortill-'d to by tho raiuoiHcheni
istn fur purity and
iluinbihty it id
cheapest because
Komeinber this
celebrated oim lu
lled wuroiaspeoiul'
ly imported tor and
sold in thin city ex
clusively by uu.
It doos not rust
nor absorb jjroase,
does not discolor
nor catch iuMde, id
in fruits DC
will boll,
stew, i oast
und biilio
w 1 1 h o u t
III vor of
it o o I; o (I
fon I and
t ...
Wo can
tiou thu