The Dalles Daily Chronicle. - JUNK 14, 1900 THUKSDAY "EVOLUTrOX of thi-, WEST." XOKTir- A friend of Tin: Cmtoxieu: 1ms called our attention to a well written article in number of the Overlnnd Monthly on the "Evolution of the Northwest." The article has a special interest for the people of The Dalles for two reasons: Its author is the Rev. Y. A. Terry who organized the Congre gational church at this place in lSfii), and was its first pastor; and it gives special attention to the natural re sources of this district, viewisi", them in the light of a companion picture to the low estimate that was placed on them In early American tourists and settlers. The article is intensely interesting throughout, and our onh regret is that lack ot space prevents us from reprinting it in full. The following extract, on what Mr. Terry calls one of the minor resources of the Northwest, will help people at a distance to become better acquainted with this young and marvelous country : One of the minor resources of the Iforthwest is found in its adaptation, both in soil and climate, to fruit. Every variety that can be grown in the temperate zone nourishes hue to perfection. "Ye have no fear of contradiction in saying that the fruit, in flavor, in size, and in texture has weight, which arc kept whirling during the high stages of tho river, grinding out all the stony grists that fall into the hopper. This particular fruit-belt is about the foot of Mount Hood, and the riclicit of it is scarcely twenty-five miles from the perpetual snow. remarkably j Millions of acres onlv n little inferior j the .A pril for fruit can ho found in eastern ' Oregon, "Washington and Idaho. This industry is yet in its infancy. It is not ten years since attempts have been made to furnish the east ern market. So far the product has commanded the highest prices wher ever it has been offered. No other fruit bears transportation with so little injury. When the Eastern market is overstocked, the Oregon fruit is manifestly the "survival of the fittest." GOING EAST- If you intend to take n trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wubash, n modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rautlns, Overccmtln- or Fnticy Vesting. 3 4 ) L.J . 0! 1 Klmllv call nml rsnniine ray stock of Im ported nnil 1) Kittle Woolens. A due "took to select from. bolts lmule from the lowest ptlcot. to the lush est untile. J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. Tin: MAi.i.1:- oiii:.(N. ft Complete Cipe of Dm$s at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCGIST. Itnlilietl tlu (Srnvit. A HtartlliiL' incident, of which Mr. I I John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the Throuch trains from Chicago, Kansas i aubjuct, is narrated by him as follows: City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York , "I wa8 in a moat dreadful condition. My and New England points. All trains; skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, run via Niagara Falls and;every through j tongue coated, pain continually in back trrtin line f rMfrpMin i tirv flinir riirw lttin-. and sides, no nnnotite eraduallv crow- i ins weaker tiav bv (lav. lhreo nnvsi- K I clans had civen me up. Fortunately, a j j, . triend advised 'Electric letters'; and to IK. I I Fl O iiip and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Iioss C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Airt.. LosAneeles, Calif. C. S. Cr.ANE, P. A., St. Louis, Mo. never been snrnassetl in anv land , -ii I Chamberlain a Pain Balm, and am since iden was closed. It will go n , . , .- , p I pleased to euv that relief came as soon long way toward the proof of such njng 2 bepin it'8 use and a complete cure sweeping statement to say that the ; speedily followed" Sold by lilakeley largest apple, the largest pear, and J & Houghton. the largest cherries exhibited at ttiej AU 'who suffer from piles will bo clad "World's Fair at Chicago were from to learn that DeWitt't. Witch Hazel Oregon, and also that Hood River I Salve will pive them instant and per- my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and a Spratueil Anki- Quickly , am now a well man. I know they eaved "At one time I suffered from a severe 1 '.v Iift". and robbed the grave of another sprain of the ankle," Pays Geo. E. Cary, victim." No one should fail to try them, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. j Only 50c guaranteed, at lilakeley & "After using several well recommended J Houghton's drug store. 5 medicines without success, 1 tried IT (iOKUAl. manent relief. It will cure eczema and all skin diseases. Beware of counter-f-its. In all its statrea there won sixteen medals on fruit, seven on apples, and received the highest lirize on strawberries after thov had been four days in an express car on Nasal n journey of two thousand miles. The apples from this locality, by renson of their size, smooth surface, UoaiJ be clearness, , 1 i , . r T'l.-.i C..nn,., Ttnl,,, spienoui coior, ricu navor, ana iree- .uuuu m rlnm Frnm mennte tnL'ii flm lirct r l n !.' Hnw i t T -, or. i ' Ttrnnwrat.irrhnmlilrlviM '?J?if' evcrywncre. -in .iune, ioih, as an : ' , , M'- t--virri J , aivnv a eo.d m the head W --W ' 1 experiment, a few boxes of vellow i qaickiy. K , ...:.. fi, ,,!.- Crciin llalm it placed Into the no3trl!s, spreads ewtown pippins, after eight months .. . 11,,. ,,.,. . 1 11 ' c OTer the mcmbrano and Is absorbed. Itellcfis im- StoragC, were shipped arOUIlCl Cape mediate and a cure follows. It is not dryiug-doea tt rp. .,,,i : r ., not produce tneezln','. Large Sue, SO cents at Drug- Horn. I hey were opened m I-o"-;;i!t;Jrb)-m!i;TrhisiM"c4b7maii. don in sood condition thirteen; reyjTHERS, so warren h.reet, :.'ev York. months after they had been picked llllrpn lleaduulie Oulul:ly. ". Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel- , ery Soda. A liarmless and effective cure j for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, ; c brain fatigue, 10 and 'lo cents. Sold j S by Clarke & F"alk, druggists. jan24-0w J g Iieports show that over fifteen bun- ! dred lives have been eaved th'ougb the! urinnu. cromi f ...AND... mm, l3'!'i,'iJ';iitxir REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLAM) k ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY j Btcmn of It... Ita-ulator l.lnu will rllll M ,,Cf 3 i.w.MK M-lKdulo, the ( ninpniiy rovrvlnB tho rlKht to Z, ' friKOllin n iiiiuiu niiui'i'. Str. noKolntor. I. v. DOWN. lllllc lit S A. Jl. TllMiliiy ThiiiMtny Hrttunlity . Arr I'ortliiml iito r. m. I.v. I'nrtlulid , ni " a. . , Monday ; nliu"iiiy Ship your Freight via Str. Dallna City. Arr. Diillfh nt "::l r. l. IMIWN 1 I.v. D11I 'it K a. .. I .Motiilny Wciliii'mluy I'rlilny . . Arr. I'urtliiiiil ut. n i'. m. l- J'nrtlaiul I I llnilnv nilll.W 1', K,(J FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by tin- Htwimt'ro ot the Itruuliitnr Line. The ('nmimnv will i-inh-iiviir tn kIvb Hi r ron-i the hi'Mt .urvli'e pollik'. l-or further Information iiililrvui 1 3 , I'urtliiiid tillli'e, (Ink Htreet Ihn'k W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Apt. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Till Kodol Wngon and Carriage. Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. WM Mctu, PhoniM .Most from the trees at Hood River! anybody give a parallel in the keep- j i Fnr hlii. rjan i a secouii-imnu ten-loot Kanuoipti fcbUlf t tt 1111 Ui4HltlUlll IT 111 cum 1 chean. Ennuire of ing quality' from any other country : Am:x. McLkod, t 1-nntvlnflf.n la' mnrll.lmw The n.llll'O. To our personal knowledge, so ! mayll-lmw lute as 1 873 the landscape about The 1 C!ark Fa!k.a (ln)i. pt0(.k is Dalles in midsummer, outside of the j fresh and complete. small town, presented nothing to ' r- , , , . , , . , ' 1 s For sale, cheap, a ludv'ti bicvele; the eye but "a desert of shifting ! mo9t 1IBWt i11,uire at this oflice. sand use of One Minute Cough Cure. of these were cases of asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker'r. English Itemedy in any ease ot coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley it Houghton Druggists. Fur the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoon?, the Stadehnan Ice Co. will carry a stock at their otore, corner Third mid Washington street. Phone Xo. 107; long distance lS!i. "King 'em up." 18m-tf The Chinese ael: "flow is your liver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good DoWitt'e Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver ami bowels. We have just opened a nice line of ladies' duck tkirts in grevs and tans. 3;Jp-to-date(jroeer Dyspepsia Cure. Fresh EggH and Creamery Digests What yOU Cat. liutter a Hpeeiulty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... i i ..GflflS. FRRllK.. But:cheps and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Kc-j-Hon ilmucht tin; culehrntcil COl.fUlUA ItBKIl. iifkrmw;-t-iixtil the best (act III Tli'.- Ilallva, nt the UMiiiI price Come In, try It mill h. fouviiu'erl. Alto tho I'"ini"ft hrnrids of Wines, I.I.-j uor nml Clk'H.-s. SaDdtxtiehes of ull KIiiiIk ii I way k on hand. vfl 1 1 r. 1, ti.. nlV.i.lnH f. OO .....I ' new j 1,8. These are extra good values and ' are going with a rush. Call early and 1 your pick of the line. Th. New al- for miles along the river bank. I the I and nil the vast tract back from river was r. succession of verdureless hills," exactly as Senator; "Webster and Mr. Hitlell had de-i scribed long before. In 1898 found this same spot the .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. I-AKD Omci: at Tub Dallkp, Okkoon,) Jlny 'j, I'M. C. p. Stephens irt York Cash Store. JO Niitlc... ItartlDcially digests the food aodaldi iNtttiiro In Htreng;thoulii(,' and recon Btructlnsr the exhausted digestive or fans. 1 1 is the hit est d Inco vercd digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. R in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIcklleadacbe.Gastralglii Cramps,and ;iU other results of tmpcrfert digestion. I Prcoarad by C. C. OrVJit' & Co.. Chicago. I J. h. HCIIISNIt, f J'renlilrlll. II. M. IIH , (vory bit of twenl' years cvpcrioncp and drug knowledge with every uir:1:,: . .jFt National Bank. , .. , THE DALLES - - - OflEOON is it any reason why j A G!IU!rul IJlulkh,B nu8illBHB trnnstcud Olir proscription business; UepoHitD received, uubject to Kiiflit . . 1 . 1 Draft or Check. Collectlono made and proceeds prompt!; remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold cs New York, Han Franciaco and uorl-land. is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY .Donlor In. Columbia liiver lee it Fuel Co. winlies to announce that they will deliver ice to I any part of the city at all hours of the J C 1 day or night. 'Phone IJ.'l or 81 Loni; j Uiat. ; 75 or 8 Sctilert & Condon. Dry Goods, Clothing, oents' furnishings i .niice i npreiiy given mm in jiiKMiiinee oi I niimiciioux ironi irtucrirnm!"ii)iier us llio gen- - WC erut IntHl otlice, under iiuthorltj vesttil la him ! T" ''"r" in Oni. liny. i.!ff,w'i"!,sl;;'l-l!-l!',v's!ai''.m 1)' I Take Lusative Bromo Quinine Tab , ..r..JT.i ,, J-.., ,.,,i,ii,. . . i.,. ietfi. AH (lniL'L'lBls riif liid Ihts mnriHV. uenier oi six nuuiireu acres ui iriut i nay, uiu nun nay i .nun.', next, nt tan Hour ot - .. . 10 o'clock n. ni. at thin Olliee. the fuIluKlntr tmot Hiiln, orchards, rarther Hack, lor miles : ofinmi, ti.-wtt ! HK NK1,.. tctlnn 0. tnwnshlii 1 nnrlh. riiiiyi I and miles, were luxuriant L'ram , ,.e.Mt. V m ! the next thirty daye at the Camniaill & Trimmed hate mid patterns at coat for fields. Here was certainly a marvel ous evolution in twenty-five years It was the result of man's llenit. w. jr. Any nnil all pernoiw clnlrnini; nlvcrfly the above ilejcrUx.-ii lands arc tile their (III I m.i In this olhce on or bclure tho iluv iibovu il'slKiiatwl for thwcomrni.'iiremeiit of nalil tulu, ...... . ' oinu-jvifc i-nc r riunw viu ixsmr mi IIIIUIIIUUIH I JAY 1'. LtlCAfi. IlM-UK-r. use of nature's inconceivable wealth muy12" - 0TIa ttmison. itcoiver. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby Kiven that mirsniint to u II- cciih) mill order of mIo msdu ami i-Miiil to me I in the soil and climate. Two miles! above The Dalles, where the sand along the river bunk, until the lust twelve years, drifted all summer Hke ? ,!,', l'V 'i jututc of u-im J Mooie and liirl elil JhKire. minim, iv Hie the winter snow in New England, or ;-'nty court of me Htau.of ortwri for wmco n ' (ounty on tho lith day of June, IW), I will, on like the ehari'Mng dunes bctwenn te in day of luiy, iw, at the courthmue diwrln Dalles City, at the hour of o'clock p. San Francifeeo and the Cliff House, " ,,"r,, Hn.vt0 ,xh." ''iKiiest hirjiier for , cdsh lu haiiil. all of the iuteruitof nilil minors now stand forty acres of fruit trees 1,1 x", " propetty hereimificr do-' J tciltjfil. a 111 Interest IjL'Iiil- h cunt iiupnt two. , Wilaon milliriorv purlors. L'-tf Small In size and reat in results are PeWitt's Little Early Iiisers, tho fa noun little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not eripe. Clarke & Falk'c fluvorinir extracts ure the best. Ask your crocer for thorn. r i ! El j Hoots, Htioes. Hatp. Ciitm. Notions. Act. ill j Ifor . I.. IJoiiKliis hhoe. y & Keliable I'rescriptionists F- S. Gunning, DIHUOTOHS 1). P. TuoMnioN. Jho. B. Eciuhit, Eu. M. Wl I.I.I AMH, Gko. A. Likbs. H M. HitAi.t. Just What You oiant. 44 TP) Vi OHE FOR A DOSI ill ILLS Itfmr-vo I'lrnpl-, Prvpnt jj-ii-BH, Purify tliu iliuoij, K.-ilLfil. ftiiid Interest Lelnif it rontliicrptit turn- . A mrivfrntnt of thn LilTrTTTTT1??? that can hardly be surpassed "ny-.SH&'SW where in the abundance and (iiiality ' Lots i and aof sec. i;.,and timtw-rtain ,h,,ci , " "iMl""i-u" an. uosxtiKU an, ma p 1 J , of land hounded as follow: l.orninchulm; at a or the r y elt of pcacucs ana c her- " ""' . c a nn mm oi w victor Truvitt , ' 1 Donation JjuhI Claim, where It crosses n ditch, i ries. This sand is not, as in many Jia-ucoin u southerly ditustion across the i.)t-1 , j lom on the line of tho present fence w rixls; lani s. ouiverized auariz. mil eranti-, "" w""'"." . inencoi iirinwi-.Mjr(is. . w licnctr illllllL' sji il I Jjli. K. K. KKIUil'SO.V, J'iiysiciun tmd Surgeon, , ineiict- ttiniiK sain lltiow) roils, to tho place of I ..... ,, . ... , Of the I'VKlnnliiK, helm; a part of tho Victor Truvitt Olhce, ojjt llloek (over I'ontnlllcc), ! Dmiiitlnii t.itml I'lnloi. In (.w. II ..II kt.l.i li.tiilu nif,t niTtritivn iilnnt-fnrifl that enrtb 1 lit'luif In Tp. 1 K, It la :, W. il. Alma like in I '-Oaplmo-dw 'Mil: DAI.LK8, Oltl'.UO.W afford 8. Tho old mill where this J9 II UOMKlt W. ilOOUi:, (iiianllHii. luted basalt, containing some sand has been grinding for thousands of years is etill running. Whoever will visit the foot of the re puis of The Dalles at a low stage of the river may look into the great pot holes containing rocks a ton in , r. xcoiie. joiin imvih M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKYH AT LAW itoomn J nd 40, over I). H. IjiiiiI Olllcc. Subscribe for Tits Cihiomce. C. T. HAIITII, Osteopath. Rooms' 10 awl II, Chflliman llloek, The Dalles, Oreiioii. Toeduf, and Krlduyu, H u, in, to Vi. mayis-lrn FItKD, W. W1LHON, ATTOUNKV-AT LAW, TUK DAL.I.KH, OKKUON Ofttcu OTtl Vint Nt. Uituu. ml1 M Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. DealerlnllacksmiJli Supplies. Cor Second & LamWln. TfiP nnliimfiig Mli'MU 11JU UU1UJ II PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF ilANUKAfTnUKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)IiIFIl HBEF. J"I0. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE New ideaH in Wall Paper bore. Kticb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a Hiueju stouk. Jtcal imita. tion cniton ell'eetH at ordinary prices Good papers at cheap paper prices! hleKitnt deBiniiH, tiiBtoful culnriiiKH yours for n flinall price, ut our store on Third street. AIo a full line o( bouse paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' JJ. 8TURDEVANT, DentiKt. Oltlcsmer French ti Co.' uUnk 1 "w,c - THK DAI.LK3, OUKOON I OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON ftESTllljWT And CAFE, J- B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Socond Street. Ml iiroiin ii-iiilliiK " '"'! t . v' I . it t. ..V ir. prV.ibi i. iy t.. i .; ' I'' M ' V,',' ' iloiiit hi rlct ly .niitnimit nil. II '"' l".uL: , unit iri-o. OMait iiift-ncy r ri- i rli iMiin.iii Mki'ii tririnii.-ii ',,i,..;r.. w.ii4i.iMK4 twir in hit. fit it ri: in Scientific nmtitm. jcaiaNS copviuqhtsAc- .i-iiilliiK u I(l.'h nml "C?KZ fl I rlily airnrliiltl oar .itnci "'....r,,,iinlri- . .....1.... la. ,. .11,111 II I' ' ". '-, I I7lin , rtoclrs la tin) A liatiilniimolrlllintr"!''1 ?Z1. 1 iii.,.-.- rlll.ltlllll Of 1111 m llMltll.' "'Il'llll . ',,,(rt yi-art fi.iiriiiiintlj,?l. . uin ny" v . mBW IP FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritA.NHAUTA Kt.'KUALIIANKINO IIUfcl.NKH IiHerH of Credit iHHiiei! oviillublu in the ut i . E1UHtMr" tate8. HiKbt JjAcmnue and Teleicraphit rrunHlere sold on New York, Ohlcno, Wt, LoiilH. ban I rrtiicinco, Portland Oro uon, beattle WashMaiid variouB poiuta in OreKon and WaBiunuton. tOllectioiiH innili, ut ull f.... I Axle I6reas 1 1 hclpn llio team. Saves wajr aid I expense Sold everywhere M II n WlU' B H IIUKTIH0T0N Ofllco over Kirat Mt. Hk . . v. . Ml. llWUIbC UU . omble t-aruiB. '