The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 13, 1900, Image 4

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Distorts Muscles,
Shatters Nerves,
Stitlens Joints.
Northern Fa
Is due loan acid hsoii which jam, access lo the blood through failure of the proper
orrans to carrv off and keen the system clear of all morbid, effete matter. This noison
tiirougu me general circulation is uepositeu mine joints, museicsniui nerves, caustugtiie most intense patu
Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within a few days n healthy
active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves ; or it may be slow ir
developing, with slight wandering pains, just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten
dency m such cases is to grow worse, and finally become chronic.
Like other blood diseases, Ulteumatism is of ten inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of pronci
food, insufficient clothing, or nnything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop
in early life, but mote often not until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic
n'.'il'cHtV.K Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease,
and no liniment or other external tteatnictit can reach the trouble. Neither ilo the preparations of txitasli
and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism, hut
ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. i
A remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poUon i
the onlv safe'and certain cute for Rheumatism. S. S. S.. made of toots, herbs atid barks of wonderful
-solvent, purifving properties, "nttacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place the blood and nuicklv neutralize.'
the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, and clears the system
of all unhealthy accumulations. b. t. cures permanently ami uiorougniy, ana Keeps
the blood in a pure, healthy state.
Mr I O Mnlley, tjtli Street. ImlhUMpolte, lm!., for eighteen mouths was mlcrrlblv aSllctcil
with Uheuntatfcm he wti unable to feetl orilrex himself. Doctors said hiscae was hoveled, lie liail
tnetl lilty-two prescriptions that friends had Riven him, without the MiKhtest relief. A few Iwtllcs of
B. S. S. cured him permanently, and lie ha never had a rheumatic pain since. This vras five years iigo,
w We will send free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands
of everv sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin
3 ..:n ..: :..fna......t:.t..
Cliseases a lllCSlUUV. aim will Kl viu unuui.iuiuii ui .mlyii-i- unuau, w twivi: iticui
fullv and freelv about vonr case. We make no chatge whatever for this service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G&
Yellowstone Park Line.
Till- DIN! NO ( All HOI-IK KliOM POliTI.ANI'
to Tiir
I.v: vvi:.
No -
Union Depet, rtrthand I Sfs .uimvn.
1 M
pint mall (or Taroimi,
Seattle. Olyniiila. (ImyS
llatlmr H'xl snitli lloiul
IMIlnK SlniklUlO, Itove
laud. II. C. Pullman,
Miitow, Ij-wistcill. tilt C
Helena. Mlnm-aim
Hi, hi. I'aul, Oiniilia,
Kaunas City. St. LrniK
CIiIchko mid nil points
i-a-t and .outlini!.
I'liirot hound i:pro-s
or Tiiconta and health)
and Intermediate pnluU
No. 1
.-.ISO I'. M.
No. 3.
7;C1 A. M.
Wrestlers rl ! I : l
, places in the United States.
;ty fancy pries for the bo
rioueer nay, June 10, win ne tminaiy - S0Im. o the .,,lL.ks 1Ull. as ,ls wo0
observed in 1 .inland by the Pioneer The rabbits bre.-d every thirty day., and
society. it jil!tt estimated that one doe will
George K., n capitalist who reg- 1 proline? from 1500 to 100 pounds of meat
Pull nan llrt clii'i ami tourlit ulcepum to
.Vinueapoll ., til Paul and Mlrouri rlu-r poiiiln
without I'liausi.
ittllmleit train. I ulon depot fuiinoi'tloiis
In all principal rlilo.
IIi.jtimko ulnvkist to ile-tltiatlnn oi tickets.
Hor handMimi'ly Hlu-iuiti-cl tle-erlt'ttvi- matter,
tlcki't- stooping tar roervallons, eti ., call on or
istered from Spokane, dropped dead in
the Perkins i.otel at Portland Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, of neart failure.
Walter Ott. a butcher who has been
employed in The Dailes urnikut- for sev
eral years, arrived yesterday mid will tie
employed with Carter & .Miller, of this
city, a.tys tne Baker City Democrat.
Prince Rupert, the heir to the throne
of Bavaria, dislikes very much the at-
luiiiually. The object of haie cultiva
' lion is to introduce the hare for food,
! ami its llesh is said by epicures to be
superior to that of chicken and beef.
The c minion animal without pedigree
' eelle from 75 cents tip.
Tho best methods for dehorning calvee,
I sajs the San Jose Mercury, is by means
J of caustic potash, which may be pur
I chased in stick form at any drug store.
A Difficult Problem. '
It is among the most dilllcult prob-
letup of natural science for one to bi'Ciinin (
expert in several lines. .1. K. Adeox Si
Co., by their combination, hftve over-j
come thi 1 i f licit 1 ty in a practical Man
ner. J. K. Adcos is an expert watch- (
maker and is good on jewelry, optical i
work and onaravi iitr, while Theo. II.
Liebe is an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewtdry work and
enirraving. Their price ia as low as con
sistent with gord workmanship. They
ion l r.OM II.IUXS I-'HOM i
Uob Printers
.uiiuimiMiuiu'jnMiiwmiuimtoUitMiouaiinoviniyrTu.tMuufO 0Ll'"lit'J
tiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniuii iiiniWiif iniiiniiiiiiMiirf nii ilimr1
teiitioti of tne White Koe I.eautie of
Enylanil, which, because it recognizes i skin is the best time to apply the potash
Just befoie the horn comes throueh the , aru prop.jroil to do ail work in their
the claims of the Stuarts to the Hntish
throne, persists, much to his disgust, in
tnylim: him "the rightful prince of
The Seattle Times says that Milea
C. Moure, Walla Walla, will be present
ed to the fusion state conventions this I
Wet the stick of potash, after wrapping
the end held in the hand with heavy
paper, and apply it to the place where
the horn is located, covering a space the
size of a quarter of a dollar, lie careful
that none of the potash touches any of
the hair or akin of the animal, and be
sent by
mail or express will receive
attention. Sign, "Hit; lied
fall as a eandiilat i for trovernor.
Mojre'r friends in Eastern
are booming him as n candidate, and
are urging that hie nomiiiHtion would
settle ad liiff-rences in the party mid
cau;e the fusion foic?s to present n solid
front to the commmi enemy.
.Agricultural writers sometimes tret
m':i-d in answering correspondents.
One wrote and asked how to raise a pair '
of twins, another how to destroy young 1
grasshoppers. The mau with twins got
this rep.y: "Put out eomo straw fori
them lo crawl onto at night, pour kercf- '
sene over it, and tet fire to them." The j
.grasshopper man was told: "uive them
gentle doses of castor oil and rub their ',
.gums with a rubber ring." '
London newspapers are "pointing (
with pride" to the enormous expense
Obey were put to in the matter of tele
grams from South Africa. For example '
tho Morning Post paid .$1750 for one ot i
.Mr. Wiicton Churchill'ii telegram-' mt
long, since, and its friend!- chuckle in
cordiugly. We have in mind one ilia
jjatcli that oat the New York Herald
(jov especially careful that none of it gets
Wa-hiiigton j 11,10 ine 'J '--- nen uing nave some ;
strong vinegar handy to apply to any
spot where the caustic i.i accidentally J
j dropped. A iittle care in using is nee- j
essary. Remember that the und of the
; stick should be moistened only, not wet ,
j until it drops. One thorough applica-;
tion will be all that is necessary, if done)
at the stage of horn growth'indicated ;
but the growth should be watched and ,
if necessary another application made, i
oiiiimtr .
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
For sale, cheap, a lady'd bicycle; al
most new. Inquire at this oflicc.
Yon will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke Sc Falk.
Ladies' heavy duck skirts, !)! cente
and $l.-IS at the New York Cash Store.
lie sure ami see the bargain in ladie.1-'
duck skirts at the New York Cu:h
Store. ' ' jO
Floral iption will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. .Manufactured by Clarke
Si Falk.
Paint your house with paints that aro
Clarke Si Falk
Halt Iiki , Denver, Ft. Fnt
Worth. Oinalia, Kan M ill
Fas City, HI. lMll, lSiIJi p
ChlOfijjo and Kail.
Walla Walla, Htxiknne,
Minneapolis. Ht. Paul,'
Hi lu th, Mllumikiv,,
Chloaso and KaM, via
hroLaiiuakil Iliiutlnir-,
ton. ahoall ilul lu,
10:10 p. m.; Waahlniston and Hint
' otu Oregon. 1
S p. m.
FKOM l'01-.Tl..l.Nri.
Ocean Steamships,
i For han Fraurleo-
April 'Si, May 7,1.'
I .m a. in
1 p. in.
died i fullv LMinranteed to last.
have them.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn
at the I
not mucl
j On Sunday morning, .Mary Wi
j Taylor, wife of William fl. Taylor,
at her home near this citv after months
I of intense suffering from that dread
'.'-"-- . I Wn-co warehouse. Finest kind of
' .Marv hlizabeth U igle was born in ! ,.,;l.... t...i ,.r. ..
I Adams countv, Illnvjis, April 30, 18-10. , .
r., ... . , ., ., L arke Y: k have received a car mad
, She came with her lamilv across the , , ...
, . . f. . " . . , . of the ce ubrateil Jaine K. Patton
, plains to Oregon in 1S.)L', arriving late . , ...
i . .. , ,, , .... . , i strictly pun; liquid paints
, in the fall and settling in I.tnti county,! J 11
near the present location of Ualsev.i tiood, pure naturalice from the llluu
i Sue was married to .Mr. Tn lor, who wae, '""nntnins for sale by the Columbia
j also a pioneer of 1852, on December 20, Hivur ,ca & C(- ''' or SI
' ISnA Mr mill 1 ru 'IVtt'hir tiifiiml frritu Long Dial. ; 73 or S Setifert & Condon.
$7,000 during tho war with Spain, and I . .. . " . . ., . te. , , , . , . . ..
;, ' , ... 1 the Willamette vallev in the fall of 18(0, , lie oiire and ex imiiio our Htock of wall
ociting on Wiljow Creek, Umatilla i paper thoroughly before buying elee-1
county, near the present town of, where, as we have tho latest Hhiprneiit i
Heppner, and resided in that place till , iniide to this city, now ready for inspec
the fall of 1870 when they moved to tion at If . (ileini & Co.'s. aL7-lw
tiieir present home in Wasco county, ', Sick Headache absolutely and purimi
ueur The Dalles. ; nently cured by using .Moki Tea. A
Ten children were born to them, nix i pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
of whom are living and who were, to ' nml uwliifoaiinn tmuK.u vm, ul.,,.,.
business ami crushing out imlependent j the Bret uomfort o( je niolhfjri pre8onl workam, Satisfuction guaranteed
producers of l.M.teil 1 means," and then willl ,l0r dllri,lt; the ld8l ,en (layg, the or lnoni)V )ack. 'S, eta. and 30 cts.
Hem one oi urn van yce, a prominem. i , ,,. ,...,., from tV(,r.
UOtOrioilS ice trilHt,! :.,. C..n, .....I .laiiL-hlHr.
plundering tho people nf New jKa ,ci!.rkj f lirownsville. Ore.
Tork.out of $15,000,000 a year, as a del- j ., ,, , Umatilla eonntv thev hint two
eii.mreu uy uipnineria aim two irom ; Curc pr(!V(!mH consumption. It is the
this present home. 1 0,y j.-i,.,,,!.. ren.edy that give tinimi.
Mrs. Taylor was 51 years, month and j ,, rt.Mltt8 It ullrt;B tiir()lll a(1(l
10 days old when called to her utiirtml ' juniJ trouhlua. Childien all like it and
rest. Though never publicly professing ! mothers endorse it.
Christianity she lived her religion. She -
i.ewr hWitatftd. no matter how main. 1 Seciul reserve old government whin-
mint the disease, to visit and minister
to the sick, and to do good to inankHid
whenever opportunity afforded. Her
friends say that no duty, no work was
ever too urgent, too pressing, tho day
never too stormy, tho night never too
dark, when her neighbors and friends
had sickness and trouble, but ehu would
go to their help. It was while exercis
ing this spirit of self sacrillco that thu
d p. m
I p. rn.
Ki.SiindayiColtimbla P.v. .Steamer.' K.x.hiiuda)
lu p. in.
AhTnrtiA and
i ay i
fin. m. , WiinjiKTrs Uivkk. ' t:W)p. m.
Kx.aiiinlay Oroxon City. NnwU-ri;, Kx.muuIu)
halem A Way ljind'.
7 a. m.
and ;-ct.
'Wauntni: ,jit) Yam-
iiiu. P.ivr.ito.
Oregon City, Dayton,
and W'ay-IjiudlUK.
H:ni.p. m.
Mon., Will
and Frl.
fii. m. WiLMnrrK Itivsit. t:aiii. in.
Tuc.Thiir. Portland to Corvalllt, Moil Wnl
und cat. and Vay-Liiidiux. iiiml Friday
$i.oo per month.
Strictly fi rut clifH local and long
iliHtance tiduphomi Her vice within
your home.
l.iiii'Hdo not croff-talk. Your con
versation will be kept u secret.
No cost for installing.
Von get the Htamlard Iluiiiiing
Long Distant Instrument.
CoiitinmiiiM day and night ervicu.
We will accept your contract for
ten yeunt and allow you to cancel
Haino on giving u thirty iIiivh writ
ten notice. "
I.v Uhirla
1 -J a. m. I
UlparlH to lAjwistun.
h 1J) ll. ill.
ST ''arllos delimit lo k lo llepiuier or '
l(iintv on Coliinilila pouIIiitii via llluus, nhoilld I
lake .So. 2, leavinu 'lh liallct, at 1'MO p. in 1
I.'KlklllL' illnrt eoiiiicollono at IIimiiimit liinollon '
anil HIxk?. lU'tllrnhii; niiiMiiKillioeU'oiiuwtloil
at Ifeppiier Jinietlon mid IIIkk ultli No. 1, nr
rtvhiK at 'Xliu Dallet at PJ.iai p. in.
For full particular)! ciilt oa o.
HKvutTlio hallen. or addross
P.. .t M. Vo.'
,thern were several others
-otlier imrrials that were
che.i per.
The New York democrats expressed
their "unqualified opposition to tlrsr
immense c nnbinatioiis of capital com
monly knoAti as trusts, which are con
trolling and monopolizing industry and
w. ii. iit'ituil'in',
Paa. Aut., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Co
that is
in the
eate-ut-large to the democratic nation
al convention.
W. L. Edding", of Honolulu, whom
.President MoKinley has appointed one
oi the United States judges for Ha
waii, was a motorinan on a Seattle street
car line in 1893. He came t,o that city
from the south, where he had been
raised mid educated, seeking an oppor
tunity to practice his profession, the
law. He found the field overcrowded,
mid secured a position as abstract cleik.
Later hu married a daughter of P. D
JMoore, of Olyrnpin. He was engaged
aiibseqtiuutly as u moloruiiin on the
Union Trunk line, ono of tho Htroet car
lines of Seuttlo. Ho remained in this
employment but a few months when ho
removed to Honolulu, which bus since
been hia homo.
The Ualgian hare induttry in th'fi
nart of tho state arid southern Michigan I childhood,
ia Htsumiiig mi extent not dreamed of a
few months ago, says u dispatch from
Auburn, 1ml. Thu animal is remarka
ble for ita fecundity, tho young attain
nig their growth rapidly, and for tliH
reason have developed a commercial
worth exceeding that of poultry. Tim
Ihilgian hare industry is rapidly taking
the placo of tho chicken fad In many
j Illakeluy & Houghton Druggist".
Neglect is tiie abort step to many dike
j from a cough or cold to consumption.
I Tho early uhu of One Minute Cough
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in tho land ; especially recom
mended by tho board of health of San
Francisco for hospital use, also A. P.
O'Ucien, M. D., gaptain and Burgeon,
mid Win. D. McCarthy, major and Hur
geon U. S. army, as thu purest unadul
terated stimulant for convalescents, in-
Shasta Route
'I ralm KaveTlie DallCM for Portland mid way
AtatloiiH at l.i'i a. in. and ;S v, in.
Ia'iivo I'oitl'iiid
" Albany
Arrive A-lilaml
' SaeniliK.'llto .
" Sail FraiKlliTO
::! a in
.U.mja in
12:::: it ni
vim p in
Aitlvc Ondou
" Denver ...
" KiiiifcaHClly
" Cllleaio ...
Arrive U AiikcIos
' Kl Pan,
" Kurt Worth.
" City of Jlittlco ,
' lloiitlou
" New Orleiuiii
" WimlilliKtoil
" Noiv Vork
fi:l.Vn in
'JUKI n m
7:'i") a in
7: Pi a in
1 :W p in
r:im p m
. ii:"l a in
. 'JiMu in
. I :"l u in
. (ii'i'iii m
. r: a in
.l'J:l.'l p in
valids and family
use. Sold by CliiirleH !
7:ri p in
10:."oi p in
ll:.'u in
I ;.Ti n m
: l.i a in
11 I") a in
'J.ima in
7:'J.i n in
'J.:) a in
7. mi a in
ii:iK) p in
ii;:ain in
'.i:Ua in
l:lia in
lii'i p in
i! -3 n in
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of M?LL FEED
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTI "HlmiT ThiH Flour ih inaimfuf tured expreeiily for family
UWJL xv-'M"'- IHu: every Hack in guaranteed to give mitisfactlOD.
W Bell our goodfl lower than nny Ikiiihii in thu trude, und if you don't tlnnkw
call uutl gut our prices nntl Imj convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,
and Motors
MANin'Arrijiiun nv
Ivy puienning, poison wound j mill all
gurnifj of diphtheria were carried to her otlier accidental injnrien may be quickly
cured by umnK DuWitt'fi Witch Hazel
Salve. It ia aleo a certain cure for pllen
null tkin dlHUHHeH. Take no other.
own home en fatally. About four years (
ago a cancer developed upon tier side,
thu result of it terrible burn received In
It wan then that thu true' .... .. ....
spirit of the woman w,8 revealed in tho wt,V W "u'' 0,1 l!'r ""or''r
utter abeenco of all complainL andVo- "ai"lH, wbm ym' l'a" ,M'y Jm,0" h
pininu, alwayH un.iuri.iK tho .nter.Ho Proof imlntn for I.B0 wr
with u 1'nlni ' K'O'ou, gmiruuieeii mi n i:iun. vuun
Hiillering towimlt) the luit
uuhs itiid patiuncu almost to be wondered
at. "Good and faithful," which faho way,
tjfie surely received 11 welcome of "well
donu" wiien alio entered the preHence of
her Lord."
X. X.
i'tiik, iigunle. in 17
For Halo.
A good second-hum! tliruHtiinu ma
chine for bale ut L. I.uiiu'n blacksmith
ehop, on .Third atreet. J l-ditwlm
I'lilliiin i anil 'loiirUt earn on both train.
(JJialrcarh H.ieraiuenlo to OkiIlii anil Kl Pao,
iiliil touilMteam to ChlCHKo, Ht l.oui, Nun-Or
leans ami W ieililiiioii,
CoiiiiectliiK at Han Kraiicliicd with mivciiiI
Mejiinjhip 1 1 new for iloiiolulii, .l,ii. Olilna,
PlilllppliieM, fenlral ami houlli Amtilca,
KccuKciitHtTlie Hallos ulallon.or milium
Oeiinnl Pasniiuer AkoiiI, Poilliiml, Or
I'liolic. CollectioiiH promptly attuiiiled
to. MotiHv to loan. C, H. Ilayard'H of
fice, J ho Dallen, Oregon,
Oircularfl and partlculnra furnialicd on uppllciitlon.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
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