The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 13, 1900, Image 3

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. , . ..
Wo venture the
bold, premeditated
assertion that there
are more MEN'S
UOSIC of one kind'
and another piled
into our sloro than
in any other ace dimensions
in Oregon.
"And we HOSE business 'tis lo sell,
The applauding hosts who know so well
Our methods and our manners,
We'll put such prices on these wares
That (oiks will all forget their cares
And shout their loud HOSlU-annas."
THE COLORS are the very latest.
THE WEARING- QUALITIES beyond question.
of MEN'S HALF HOSE you ever saw;
BUT NOT HIGH-PRICED. 2 for 25c, .'5 for HOc,
2oe, .'oc and 50c, with liberal reductions for the
half dozen.
All Goods Mnrkocl
In Plain FIjjuroB.
That's what a good housewife knows is good for towels.
Wo are going to have a CRASH this week, in the
prices of our Wash Fabrics. You choice from '.) big
piles at lie, dc, 10?,c the real value runs up to 25c
per yard.
We invite you to come early and examine the
bargains on our fancy goods counter.
Shoe Department.
Do VOU Wctnt t0 fmvo mon('? 'on nre bound to need shoes,
nrid if this interests you buy now while the ad-
vantage is in your favor:
Ladies ' Kid, button, Coin toe eboes, 2,';. to Ay, ifl 00
Iulies' Kid, button, square toe shoes, to A 1 00
Mioses' Kid. button, square toe shoes, 11 to 2 00
Child's Kid, button, square toe shoes, S1 to 11 75
Child's Kid, button shoes, 5 to S 50
Child's Kid, button shoes, 15 to o yesir9 35
All reliable pooda and at such price3 as will not bo known in
The Dalles for years to come.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which lias hceu.
in use for over 30 yours, hus home tho sinaliiro of
ami hus boon nimlo iimler his ncr-
r?? J. sonul supervision since its infancy.
'tiMW. Allow no nno tuiliiii i vmi in til In.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-tool " im; hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Inlimts and Children Experience against. Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
.substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Dalles Daily Gbroniete.
Telephone A'o. 1
WKDNKDAV - - - .IIJNK 1.'!, 1 1100
At Anrlmw Keillor's.
Tne weather (lima on the club rooms'
building indicate rain mid lower, tem
perature uiul they cannot enuieu minute
ton HOIII1.
When Conductor William Dunn ur
rivi'd liero today on the No. 1 passonuer
u tdleuram awaited him aiiuuutieiiig the
death thin morning, at his home in
Portland, of his child of b'ix months.
.Sunday .Inno 17th, tho O. It. & N. Co.
will inaugurate itH inimnier Sunday
exi'iirHioiiH from Portland, Tho DuIleH
mid interiuediato iiolntH to Ilotineville.
The i omikI trip faro from hero will he
50 cent".
Mr. and Mrs. U. V. I.anghlin have re
turned from Portland with thoir sou,
l.oyd, who underwent an operation at
tha place come weeks ago for appendi
ei' iB. The boy in getting along "icoly,
and, It in hoped, will noon regain hie
wonted health.
T. M. II. Chantain, who was C. I., Gil
bertV opponent on tho democratic
ticket for school superintendent, writeH
Mr. Gilbert a nice letter complimenting
liim on bin election and wishing him a
successful adiniuintratlon. s The letter
lues honor to the man who wrote it.
A bin lire raged nil this afternoon on
the mountain point beyond tho Hiilvor
place below Ciuto'fl Point. Viewing it
from hero at 'J p. in. it appeared lo
f".( ; from the river to a point, on the
mountain a inilo or more couth, and in
di'iig roiiH proximity to grain llcldti that
re Just turning yellow. It seemed to
lie playing havoc in the scrub pine on
the mountain point.
"There in not a day in the wool;,"
H.di Dad lluttu to the Ciiiiomom: man
tUU morning, "that I have not (rtun
mo t ten applicationti for houses to
rout that J cannot fill. The houses do
elrui we mostly of tho better class, hav-
tT six or night rooms. This would in
tlieato that Tho Dalles Ih lining Bottled
P ly a ulauH of people that have money
or are earning good wages.
Tho proposition at North Yakima to
'utablirth regular wool sales days on tho
iHtaud 15th of each month him broutfht
"t huyorH from all sections of the wool
Wusuining markets. Among the lopro
"untativo huyorH preBiuit during tho punt
week woro W. P. Fell, of tho Pendleton
William Kllery, representing
Uallowuy & McDonnld of Hoston ; Fred
msalyn, of Tho Dalies, representing J.
M. Huasell j Phillip Davie, of San Fran-
How Ailmtiulily th liurnt Coil: Artlhtu
r.nti i liihii'd Their AuUnmco.
Cisco, and K. 11. Clark, of Chieairo.
Cillin liros. Hold LV),0I10 pounds to Kl
lery, of Pendleton, for 1!! cents; Willis
Mercer ten balob at eleven cents ; .lohn
Hosoh, of I'rosser, Hold IL'0 hales at 10's
cents, and Janus Jack, of Connell. sold
lA'.i at l'J cents. Thorn are '.'(WO bales on
i I i - : :.. f.... l
........ ...H ...... U ....... ... . U.O MUl tilltJ k1(W1 ,0rtrtiand
sale, which will be on the ol this , ilm,(Jet a h(or.n ()f np)IluJB0 nnd oud 8C.
elaim on the part of the audience, the
The closing exercises at SI. Mary's j trouble began.
Academy will take place Friday, Juno nfrformunce was surorisinslv
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A good house t;reutl'd the beauties in
tnirut cork lust, ntubt. Everythiun
went. 'J'iie ladies appealed m robes of
lTitlt, at 8 p. in. Fifty cents admission
will tie charged to all, patrons of the
institution excepted.
At the request of Tho Dalles Y. M. C.
A. the iiii'.niigement of tho O. 11. & X.
have under consideration a proposition
to furnish transportation for a big
Fourth of .1 u I v excursion to Astoria.
good. It must bo voted a puccess be
cause it was eilVctive, and surprisingly
so. The opening overture brought on
the end indies wit) as much rush and
abandon as one would expect to tee iu
Primrose and West's minstrel. They
were followed by six tots, dressed in the
national colors, and the children did
j baby go-cart sinking "Daby Isn't OhL
! Enough to Know." She did the miu- ;
! ber justice and it wne a good climax. I
I The Irish Eong and dance by Welzie I
Ituiicie pleased the audience, and no
i words could express how cunning the
I "lino Doo Doos" were. Miss Bessie
I Lang added a very large slice to the suc-
cess of the program in her dance. She
looked charming.
. The program closed with a rollicking !
i jubilee sketch, in which pretty special-
ties were introduced and everyone
I danved tho short, the tall, the thick,
! tiie thin.
I The only ctiticisin on the minotip) is
made by the young men, who complain
that the ladies did not hit them hard
enoueh in the j.ikes; but wiit for to-
night and they will try again.
Tho idea is to have the excursion under themselves proud." Tho six tiger lillies
the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The j In "That's n Pretty (iirl' were very
rjad has been nsurd to name rates for dainty and charming throughout the
excursionists from ail tho towns between number, and closed it wjth a shower of
Pond eton and' tho Cascade Lucks, as i kisses, which thev threw at the ten
well as those on the line of the Colum
bin .Southern fiom Shaniko to Wasco.
C. L. Gilbert yesterday closed a deal
with C. A. lioll for the ptuohase of tho
Mount Hood hotel and contents at
I limit Kiver. Mrs. Gilbert and son.
Clarence, will move there iu a day or
two and take charge. Piofessor Gilbert
."... .... . .
young men who lie to tlie Daiu-neaueu
row, and w hose make up and "eiou e
exuberant spirts added much to the sue
ce;s of tho performance and the en joy
ment of the audience.
Master Wellesley Kuncio and Lela
Kelsay brought down the house in
"Your Monev's Xo Good." Miss
ricipi-rty lluiiiirn Al: for s.ii Injunction
Kuotiiilulni; tlin City from Knfuru
In;; I lii' l'. i) vUliiUH of tliu
mvcr Orilliiuuct'.
A large number of the larger property
ownern of the city, whose interests are
ed'ectcd by the proposed sewer system,
have instituted proceedings against the
C. J. Stubling left yesterday on a
business trip to Sherman county.
F. W. Silvertooth arrived here today
on the No. 1 passenger from Antelope.
William McGnire, the Goldendale
wheal bnver, arrived here today on
Xo. 1.
W. .1 White, senior member of the
li m i'f Wt.ite and Uichar.lH.m, owner
o' leli-phone line between Gnidendale
ami Grunts and Itufus a-jd Centerville,
is iu toe city.
W. ,1. Wakefield, G. H. Martin and E.
J. K dierts, tspoUuno capitalists who aie
intere.-ted in the Paul Mohr portagn
road, arrived in town this morning and
made a trip across the river to inspect
tho work.
Kov. .1. A. Speer, Presbyterian mis-.
sionary at tho Warm Sprint's acencv. is
iu the" eitv, accompanied by his wife, j
Mr. and Mis. peer's eld st son will
mmloate from the Albany college on tlie
20th and thev are on their way to attend '
t ie graduating exercises.
.Vol 111'.
There will 'oe a meeting of the League
of American Sportsmen at the sheriiPs
ollice on Saturday, June 10, 1000, at the
hour of S o'clock p. in. for the purpose
School Jlfport.
Keport of Fairview. scliool district Xo.
19, for the month ending Junefl, 1000:
Xo. of days tau.'ht, 17.
Xo of days attendance, 531.
Xo. of pupils enrolled, AU.
Average daily attendance, I!2.
The following pupils were neither
t'rdy nor absent: Lottie Crabtree,
Elna Kaylor, Minnie Kaylor, Linnio
Knylor, Frances Stogsdill, Viva Slogs
dill, George Mouis, Willis Stogsdill and
Dee Talcott.
T. M. 15. Ciiasvain , teacher.
ilflniin PyPrnwa
city praying for a temporary injunction . ,,,,.,;,, rt secretary and treasurer and
to restrain the authorities from collect- .:,:", i,,,.,,. ,,,u,,tr I
and Miss Maude will remain in The ! Georgia Sampson was exqu situ in white
face, and "My liannah Lady ' in a man
ner to grace any performance. Miss
Edna Harnett in "I's a l.yfy" was "to
the manner born." Mrs.'Jaytio fairly
cantivated the house ,with tlie only
j ballad of the first paity' Misses 1' redden '
I and Fiench did ".Move on, Mr. Nigger"
iu truly artistic style and repeated thoir ;
success of last year. They are a line j
team in diameter work. "My Soldier I
Man" by Misses Patterson and Harnett,!
and P.ahy Hanson as "ll;o Ihi.ziis'
made one of I ho hits of the evening.
I The curtain fell on a good tirst part,
; with seven pickaninnies jigging to beat
' the band, whilo the entiio company
; flouted American lings.
The olio opened with P.aldwin's or
ilies.ii'.i nlaving In good Style. '''ho
Dalles, where the professor, whatever
interests he may have in Hood I.'iver,
itbMirca Tin: Cimionici.k, his ollice at the
court house will be kept open six days
iu every week.
.Situation An.iy.
liie, meetings on Saturday and Sunday,
111-17. Major and Mrs. Harris, the new
teciotavies to the Northern Pacific
Divhdon, lately from the East, will be iu
The Dalles for the first time, and conduct
all meetings on those dates. All are
II. P. Xi:iso.n, Adj't.
For Infants and Children.
iilmhv cavaliern. sixteen Illl'SHS in blue
Tlie Kind Yon Have Always Bought i d whim ...intaiy eosnm-e, did a
i uniiiue turn. Thoir posing, marching
Boars tho IP , -f-- I luuJ '"g'nn wori' ",lu"" iP(llll"(ltH'' Tlu,
Siynutuvo of CAaX &&&2 m.niber closed with Miss Sampson in a
During tho demonstration now lioing given,
Juno 11, 12 and lo, we will give KH 10 K to
every piu-chasoi of two paelcagos of
A Cook Hook, '"The Vital Question," con
taining ovor 2IJ0 rocipos of how to properly
prepare' food for the tahle.
Maier & Benton
167 Second Street.
Call at our store
at onco.
i ing of enforcing payment of the assess-
i ment for, or building or constructing !
the proposed sewer system, or enforcing)
tho provisions of ordinance No. 1521, and,
upon final hearing, that tho injunction
I be made permanent.
The necetsary papers in (he case were
served on Recorder Gaten yesterday
j afternoon. Huntington A Wilton and j
' W. H. Wilson have been retained by.
the plnmtillV, and Judge llennett by
J the city. The ground of a.'tion is stated .
; iu the last section of ttio complaint as
follow s :
) That each and all of the proceedings
I herein mentioned mid lefened to were
j had, done, taken and performed I y the
'defendant Dalles City, its officers,
i council and agents, without any notice
j to lite plaintitl's or any of them, or any
i opportunity of the plaintiffs or any of
j thsm to be heaid at any stage of the
proceedings or at all upon the question
I of what proportionate cost of said drain,
! Mnver, ssweiB or snwer system shall 01
I should be borne by tho different prop.
I erti.'s benelited theiebv, or the propor
tionate sha're oi tlio cost thereof to be
i assessed to the iespectivo propeities
, benefited by such drain, sewer, seweis
1 or sewer svsteni or otherwUe, oral all,
land that the phiiulUIV had no notice
I whatever of the time 01 place when and
i where said matte i s were asceilained or,
determined, but said coui.cil ascertained i
land determined the same and the whole
! thereof without hearing the plainiilfs
! or unv of them, or giving them or any of i
! them an opportunity to be heard there-
I . . 11 i - i i
on in any way or at an, ami sain pro
ceedings, upon tho lart of tho defendant,
is and was an attempt, to deprive tho
plainlilfs and each of them of their
property without due precis of law and
were and are iu contiaventlon of section
one of article XIV of the constitution of
the Uuitod Status uud are null and void.
HonmtT Ki:i.i,y, Chi d Warden.
F. J.
Opera House
CLARKE, Manager.
Tuesday and
JIIR8 12-13 ! ,Jk
! ... LADY... 1
I ..i.r-v.: '
The only 6tore iu
this city where the
Genuine Smporteil
Ware ia nold
A little higher in
'nice, lint outlnstts
n (Uv.m jiiecesoC so-f-alled
cheap enam
i h'i ware.
Glh'-r wares look
o I. as tho uamo
li ,'insky Steel
War Mineaidipsece.
i)o not be deceived
i"n i prise at Hi rr.utiin I Kxhi
'nti'ii-: UighoaL
.iivii.l tit V.'iiiids
t 'ol imiitim K:;hibi
tii :i Ch'.eug-) I're
i, i ir.l bv tho best
, i). lunKuiithorities.
i en i li ! ' v tl"
mi.-' l uiMHi-schein
, t-i '!! i.uiity and
.uir.iinbtv it id
::.-.pes; bejituso
An Up-to-Dato rllnstrol
50 Homo Ladies, Mis-sos antl J
Children in Coon Sons
and .Jubilee Shouts.
An lOhiboralo First Part
an Clio of Kino
Kesorved Seats - - 7f Cents
General Admission, 50 Cents
15ox Sheet open Saturday noon
at Clarke & Falk's,
T. .:5'.'WbCV tllld
..i.-bi'.itod enam
rlod ,. .po in special
ly i,n;.ovtil t'oi niiil
w'dd I:, tine c:t ' ox.
vluohvly by ti
lt diM?- r.ot ni.-t
nor absorb yiense,
iliK". t'Ot disiolor
jjor fnifh in.-ide H
notaftectedl v m'lds
in l minor
vi'g":. lines,
will boil,
stew, 'oust
nnd ial;o
with on t
llivor of
con U o d
food and
will last
ior years.
Wo cau
tion tho