: The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JUNE liJ, 1D0O LOST LTMCliTY. Up in the Indian territory they lnvc no votes. Galveston News. '11. .M urn iTAt'nrnrlfT u-itliniit tlinif-' x uv.j h,k, ......v, consent, lhey are serfs nnil slaves to despotism. On them the declara tion of independence does not shine. For them liberty bells arc mnllled. And even the anti-imperialists forget them and look over their heads at down-trodden Tagalogs. New York Sun. And the colored men of Mississip ' pi and several other states are dis franchised. Many of them, too, have a strong infusion of the best blood of the south in their veins, and still tucy are disfranchised. And even "the anti-inipcrtalists forget them aud look over their head sat down trodden Tagalogs." More still, a full majority of the white race of Americans in the sovereign state of .Kentucky the state of great horses, great whiskey, fair women and chiv alnc men there tho white race to a great extent is disfranchised, "on them the declaration of independence does not shine. For them the liberty bell is mu tiled. And even the anti lmperiulists forget them and look over their heads at down-trodden Tagaloas." Salt Lake Tribune. The forefathers of those who take delight in abusing President Alc lvinlev xvere occasionallv active in lUc carlv days of tl.e republic The i following abuse of Washington found in a paper called the Philadel phia Aurora mitdit be easilv taken ' , ii. i , , ! for a leading demo-pop editorial of ( toda- if the name of Mclvinley was. substituted for that of "Washington : j , , . . , , "If ever there was a period of re- joicillg this is the moment. E very 1 heart in unison with the freedom and ! . I happiness of the people ought to beat . hi"h with exultation tint the name ' of Washington 'from this dnv has ceased to 5ve currency to political 111141.11., .int. in ituiiii.m tuuuinuu. ! A new era is noxv opening upon us , an era which promises much to the , , i;ujnu, iui ouuiiu ijj1.-u31111.-9 uiuji now stand upon their ovx-n merits and nefarious projects can no longer be supported by a name. Il is the 1 . . , c . 1 . . . 1 . auiijuci m mu grunti-si aamiusiiinuiii, cjream iSalm is r.laccrl Into the nostrils, spreads that a Sinle individual Should have . ovcr the membrane ami is aVorbcd. ncieflsim . . . ,. I mediate and a cure follo-.ve. It is not dmy does carried his designs against the public j ,10t produce tneezins. Lar;e Size, SO cents aVJruK lihertV SO far a3 to have put ill ! slt or !.y mail; TrblSizclOccnWhymaU. , . I U!V lAfJTIlEKS.&l Warren Street, :,'exv York. jeopard' its very existence. mmimm )''r Suit!. ... ... ... ! A feuonil-lmnil ten-foot Itindolph Anti-expansionists overreach tiiem-! , . ... ... . , ' 1 header, in imr couilition. Will be to il 1 ...i ., -. I.. ,. selves xvncii mey insaneiy anaci; : President McKinlcv because of the prosecution of the war in the Philip pines. He was not primarily re- , , I sponsible for the war, nor has he ! been alone in urging it to a finish, j A violently unfair political -arraign-' ment is apt to become a boomerang,! whacking the would-be whackers. I GOING EAST- If yon intend to take a trip Ivait, ask I wexvlll ihvm1 to oiler nt j.nMi! mle on Sutur ...... .: .1..., ..,.... 1, ..,. Tiw 1 d.iy, th" ihth il.iy nf June, unit, lit tho hour of your tiekiit a-ent to routo yon via lii- joJ.'ciKk a. n.. it thUoillce, the folloimii; tmct Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date 1 of I?'1'1'..','!,"'111 ., . . ... ,, ' . , 1 bI:m SKi,, notion aj, tovviiihlp 1 north, ranse railroad in every particular. liernt, w. J. Th rout: h trains from Cluengo, Kantae Any and' iijl w;ri..)nii claiuiltie iwlyorjely the City, Otualia or St. Lauis to Nmv Vork 1 and New Knland pointe. All trains run via Nlapara Falls and every through train bufi frun reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Kiop over ulluned on all tickets at Ni- j f .11.. ft fi r- 1 agara iaue. iiowi u um.m., riici uu x.onui j-.im. jbi 1 Los Aiil'hIhi. Calif. 1 r t- r 1, . t.-. 1 . ..!.. 11. ' kj. o. wn.xr.i-. m. j . jv., ni. iMuie, .110. A Siralnvil Anlilo Oiilclily Ciin il. "At one time I snlTerfcd from a severe . . .... oiirfiiri fii init 'itiiin u'ltru i nui i aril - - editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. iiwiiiiii iji vii" mmmu'i umo vjij.i j j 111 1 "After uetriir several xvell recominendeil me,lici..e without Hucce.8, I tried Uhainberlaiii'd l'ain Ualm, and am ! ,, ,, , 1 pleaaed to eay that relief ctnio as soon j ..a 1 l,u llu nuu nnil ii uniiirillti. nnrf. a 1 Detain i ih use anil a eoiupieto cure , Hpuedilv followed'" Hold bv Hlal.-eley . ' tv IlOlluhtOll. All who euU'er from piles will bo clad to learn thut DoWIU'h Witch Hazel Salve will five them ItiHtaut aud per manent relief. It will euro eczema uml all ekin diseaijeii. Ik-waru of counter felts. Clark. & Frtlk'ii drug Rtcek ie new fresh and complete. - CHEWED A DIAMOND. X Vuk Diik .IIiiiiKti-il 11k- Ci-iii Until II ,Wn M-oofliit rv 1o linn- It IU'OUt. Allegheny, l'n., lias produced tin I'liainpiun ilofr slovy of thu season. Jl is a iditunpion do; lict'iinso it- ehoxviMl flu- I'nriuM' oil a ilinmnnd stud, Peter . . Dimalilnin i St'cnnd ward miIooh Ui'i'p- or, is a little .son- out tho lo.- on h iliamonil, for it xxt.s daiuaucu so that it had to bo tveiit; lint ho emt't help fooling proud of a ptijr dofr with such jiowers in its jaws, sax s the Pittsburgh Pros.. Tho story is told liy August Loch, a joxvolor on Fodoral street, Alleghenx . Ponaldsoii xvnlked into Ins store one day latoly with a. diamond that he xx ished rosot. Mr. l.ooli toolv tlio stono. alui on examining1 it found it was iraclad. Mo told Donaldson, who gaxe tho folloxviuir explanation: A few days ago Donaldson loft his diamond stud, a beautiful txxo-caral trem. on the dros.-er and went into at: adjoining room. When he eatne back ho notieed his pot dog fhoxving some thing and .-axx- that Ids diamond xx:u mUsing. t'pon inxestigntion hi-fnnui! tho ilog had gut it and crushed tin mounting out of shape. After mhii. time ho succeeded in taking the dia mond out of the ilo's mouth, and at his earliest eonx'onience started to have it reset. Mr. Loch then examined more oiose 1, and discovered the dog hail bitten a piece from the stono and damaged it badly. Donaldson x-as certain the t olio xvns perfect before the ling got it in his mouth. He could searcelx credit the jexxoler's statement until ho sac it. through a niagiiirving j:lass. Tolling of the matter the other morn ing. Mr. I.oeh said: "I luivi- been in t It joxvelry liiisiiii'su. for '!. years, and if xvas tiie first time 1 ever heard nf .-.ui'h a ease. The diamond xvas a beauty anil to all appearances its hard ns the or dinary diamond. One corner, hnxx ever, about one-fortieth of a carat, had been bitten on bv the do". The do"- that can bite pieces off a diamond is a wonder." The stone had to be r.ueiil and set, and that cost a fair sum. There is a grnt moral in' this ease. to" It demonstrates the fact that a pug 'log has more power in his jaws tIiatl Uw nwn,Ke ,)i;rsotl !tnnf-int. aill! the moral is that people should keep 11,dr out ,,f ,,,Hl' lU!,s r,rMh- The iii-ivs of Dotinldson's doe ohexx- ,lJf Iip ft ,,,, u uuwpr(.II( i:i A1. lehi-ux. and every person xx ants to see h'- ,u'" t!,.?, l,;,s n" '1 !l" Ids canine friends. 1 He ease is Im-hsi: talked ;tl)Olt (,M.rj xv,M.n. ., ,,., .,,. Alljr. hen Kad.-tln nnn.'M x.ith tin sonsa- tion. PI ,W' F (TJW&FR yja K 4uiiifil i ail its '5e tuere ihouM be c!cau..C5!i. ?ly;s Qrcam liallll clcan'C!, 1 on the and hciJ3 tho docasol niembratic. 1 1 ciro catarrh an ii dr.vci sway a co.d i.i the head ijuicliiy. cheapi Kqnir of Ai.i:x. McI.kou, The Dalles. mayll-lnnv Clarke & Fall: havi- on swlo a full line of paint anil artie'.V bnishf?. . NOTICE KOIi 'U III JCATI0X. ritol.Ueil Traet.i Public Land Sale. J,.xm Orric;: at 1 he Imllkn Ohkoo:;, j Jinya, uw.i I Notlcp U hcrchy given Unit In pu'Minncc of 1 iiisiriiRlloriH irotii ttie commli-'loiii'r of tho kbii ' eral luml oilli-e, under uutliorit vejtul In liim , by notion 'iY'i, V. t. ltv. ijtat., a niiieiiiUil dy lliy net ot cuiiiru9 ipioven i-tjtiiuiry Jtj, l(-yj fiimH in thisntlioeon or be'oro tlio day ubo've d MuiiHteiJ for tha romineneemciit of tutil mlu, (Jlliurvviso tneir nuntx win ije lrnilul. .IAY 1. l.l'o.x-. itntittor, iniiyli ll OTIS f.vrri-.ltaOS, lUuelver. Guardian's Sale. ;;0tlo Ik hirchy Biven that pnrnuimt to n It fenwj imu oruvr 01 kiiie mmi WKtiiinliuii ol ttif .toiinty Court of lln jiooiu nun itiiriuii 1 1 ounty on llio tut ; Oii; r.'lst dnv of lul j itifn lit 111111,-n iiiv 1 .'i .iiir i. i. .1... Ii. I...II..L. t II. .t.tl... l.i.itr r.l l ..'..I. ..I. .. 111. 01 mm U'iy. n-n vt mo nii;iii:r ijiouur lor .tat, lx t.HitH .ill of ftn.1ntMrit.tor LnliliMlni.ru in ...11 t. m.i. '.. i i.iiu.iiiiii iii.u.itiii fin. .1.. 1 - - ----- III i; Mirvir. tiv I v l ll u i ic( ni- ; L'M-LJ"W5'.."," ,.i,i,Vr."tM,.?Y?-1 r-umi n iiiiviv-i iii.ji.-i i.f ti. mj i 111,; u. i iiio 0i-.i of the hy HWK.iiiKl Lot 4 of II, mill .Zn. . ""V '" Vlr-tor 'i ri vltt bonutioii JjiimI t.lulm, xvlicio ItcroksiM a illlcli. . tinwi inn oontinjiiy iiircctioii hchm iiicbnt- ",Ul "" l''0 U'llXlf till' IUfhfllt fellC WJ TO-lS ; ii,,.,,,.,, .vr, w, r,K n,,.',,,.,, i,n,ti,.i m nuiu . tlnnci' hIouk ki lino wj IriHU. t;; um i.Ihco i bi - KiiinltiK, bcliiit 11 j-jirt of tlio Victor Trovl lloimtloii Lmul l.'Iulm, In kvu. 11, nil h.ilu Inm UlCIK'C lllolll KlllI HllONJ riU. t'l till) plKCO of rovi't 1 II 1 1 ll H iK-lni.' lu In. 1 X. It l.'i L. XV. il. Alton llknlii teiet In unit lu It 1'.', mill h: feet oil' tlio wot Wile of lt 11 In block Oof Ijiiii,IiIIii'h llluiT Ail- illllun to 1M es l.'ltv. Dr. lu ll HOMKK W. MOOiti:. (iuunllnii. , F, MCOHK. JOHN IUVIN AIOORE & GAVIN, ATlOItNHVH AT I-AW Jtoonm 8U una 40, over 11. S, l-uml Olllco. Kubeerlbe for Tub CintoMCK, 1 : HtiUf of Oriwii for w..,c , .22iSBWyg ',V "a I dm of June, noe, I will, on omr r-n TTTTpri JZ. 1. lio at the eourt lioino OTJE FOR A nCSC. KiEf H (fa I For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'nutlUR, Ovcreoiitln-or Knncj VokIIhr. A r Ktially mil mid pxiunlne my stfck ot- lu pottinl ami 1 lu-Citlc Woolens. A lino slock id select friim. Suits unvle from the lew est prices to the litfth et grr.ite. i, A. Eberle. Fino Tailoring. Tllf. liAr.t.Ks OliMl.UN. ltulilii'il the (Slave. A Btartliiic iueident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, xvas the subject, is narrated by Jhitn as follows: "I xvas in a moat dreadful condition. My akin xvas tdtnost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coitted, pain continualh' in back and sides, no appetite grailunlly uroxv- inc xveaker day by day. Three piiyai-g( eians had uiven me up. Fortunately, a p, triend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to J! my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I r continued their use for thieo weeks, anil 1 am now a xvell man. 1 know they saved ! b' lifo mill rnliliil tl.e iTriu-n nf niinliir v victim." ixo one should fail to try them. Only oOc, yuurantscd, at Ulakeloy A Houyiiton's drtij store. si t'tirt-x lli-:iilncliit OululEly Ibddxrin's sparkling eHurveseout Ce!- ery Soda. A harmlees and I'fleetive euro for heaihicbe, m-rvonsiiesp, sleuplessnees, brain fati(iun. 10 and 'Jo cents. Solil by Clarke & Falk, drnutrists. janLM-Gtx- lieporta pliovv that over fifteen linn- .1....1 1;...,.. I 1,.,,,,. .....I ..I. .I,..!' ilicu 11. ii.i . u itn u ca.uu lu .jt.ii iii( use of One Minute Cough Cure. Moat of these were eases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use pruvents eon sumption. I Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Itemed in any case of , coughs, cohl or croup. Should it fail to , t;ive immediate relief money refunded. 'Jo cts. and oO ets. IJIakeley & Houghton I Druggists. ' For the convenience of nartiee want - iri'A ice in llie afternoons, the Slailelman Ice Co. xvill carry a Flock sit their Btorc, corner Third iind Wnshini-'ton strent-i. Plione No. 107: Ioiik distance IS'.l. j "King 'em up." 18m-tf 1 The Cliini'sc ask "How iii your liver?" j instead cf "How ilo yon iloV" for when i tho liver is active the health is good. DeWittV Little Early Risers are famous I Jittle pills for the liver and bowels. We have just opened a nh) line of ladies' duck skirts in cn-vs 11ml taiiH. xvhich we are oflurin.' for 9!) centH and $1. IS. Thc-e. are extra good values and are going with a rush. Call early anil 1 gt your pick of the line. The Noxv ! ork Cash -Store. jO NotKtt, Columbia Kiver Ice A Fuel Co. wishes to announce that they xvill deliver ice to any part of the city at all hours of the day or night. 'Phone '!.'! or 81 Long Dist. ; 7.1 or 8 Senlert & Condon. To Curn u Colli in Duo I)y. Tr.ke Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab lets. All driittyiHts refund the money. Mllo. Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for in the next thirty ilays at the Campbell ilsoti milliiierx parlors. L'.'!-tf iSrnnll in size and great in results are DeWitt's Little Early Kitera. tho fa- riioun little pills that cleanse Ihe liver and bowels. They do not gripe. Clarke & Falk's flavoring i xinicts are the bint. Auk vonr crorer for them. 1,1: 14 ( ' ir.n If. niii!, , 'i,.' . li . . - . " nu -, iiim I'triftt i.r dir. 1. 1 , .. . . .. . , it v i . vn.H tiny UWVhHUr ''''-'-.-lV,'iVlTS ,UJ d bl il w'i . u nil . . i . . V." - u u.-wi,iwi,ii I'iiiia.ui l-llt. U. i:. I'KlttSll.SO.N, riiyaitjiun and Surgeon, Oillte, ViKt Jllook (over I'ostolllcc), i.'0jiliin) ilu- Till; )AI,I,i:s, OKKdON. Osteopath. Itoc mis JO mirt ll. ('liniiuiiiii block, Tlio Dallt-t, (JKijon. TuewliijM amf KrMiiyn, a. m. to 1'.. iniiylH-im 17UKU. W. W11.KON. ? ATTOitNKV-AT LAW, T11K DAI.I.KH, UKKdON UUlcc nvi Klrt Nat. ll'inli. c- ill II umiu in mo a M m I M n (1 JiiNi Vti M 'J (VI X- .-. ' rlr. f, m a-t ri r. -1 .. ,. . I LI LVPJ Complete of Drj3s - at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDnUCGlST. I . rrAviCTA-7.vjn-A-vAT.T-i.rAA-sArA-iAi urAri A 1 L. Lane, i g ii ii Wagon and Cnrrinyo Work. Finn Brothers' Wagon. I - ' iri,v:, 3 r BaVchers I 5 and Farmers I j ' S ..Exchange.. Kocpi on drniiKhr II10 ci'lohrntwl COU'MIIIA JIKlIlt. ni-l:iniw: titltnl tho lx-t Ijcor In Tiie Dullt'.i, nt tin itfiiul prlcr. Conic III, try It mill Ik niiviin-fii. .vim tin? Klncut liniml.H of Wluu-., l.l iuor aiiilCiKam. Sanduiiehes of ill! Klmli, iiiivHys on liiiiut. N C. F Stephens i. TTT-f 1. AlUUbl, VV licit Nevx ideas in Wall Paper horn. .Suoli wide variety aa wo ati'iiliowinKiiovor bo foro jjruced a ninijlu Htock. Heal imita tion creton clIectH at imlinary jirleeu. tiood pnpure at ohean jutpur jiricea. hlfKnnt doHinu, tasteful coloriiiKs, yonm i.i. i. niimi iiiw, in Ulir MlOriJ Oil III ril atreet. Also u full lino of boueo imliitH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St' . . ... jur niiiiiu inuu, ih our tnoro on Third J.fi. 8TURDEVANT, DentiHt. OIllcBfiiKf French & Co.'h Hunk 'l'' c. Till'. DAI.I.K6, OUKtiU.N (iKNKtt.VI iiiiaiil ...AND... I !: ; 1 i ...Donlur In... l U Drv Goods. Clobhina. 5 Gents' Fufnishtngs. n j Hoots, Fliw. IfntK, (nis, .Noliona. Agt. I ' t j Jfor XV. I, IjoiikIii.i hijoo. ) ' The Dalies You xucxn:. 4, ) I TDTP KtPiituurM i mv.nw H'lmliile, " m'IhiIiiId wltliiuit ; 5 1 M Str. noKidntor. K Wmm Ship your Freight via Begulator Line. lltlWN. nr. C, l.v. Iliilles M nts.. M. K Tuo-iluy l.v. I'urll.iiiil nt 7 . n. Mmiiliiy WiiliieMlny Krliliiy Arr. I Ml leu utn::w v. m. riiiliMliiy s.-minliiv 's Arr. i'lirllmnl at . r. m FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ! Tn.v.O l.v lli .sti-iinier nl III" lliunliilnr Line. .......... .......... ..tt.i.. iinii the he.st ktftX'li'i i, l-.iillmiil iiltli'0, O.iL .Street Unci. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-openod this vell-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Broad, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cor. C. S. Smith jjiijp-to-dateQroeer i Fresh F.ggn mid Creamcy littlter a specialty. 2d Street "PVin-no Q'n r-iiuno We Put... .. lt Ol every in.,. nd. ,.,,,re .,..,..,;,..,,, l.WUHLy VtillKS U.JI01Uncc and drug knowledge witli every Prescription that's compounded here 11. iv 1 i Ji.arxJii Mil.) I our prescription biiKinePs! is increasing ho rapidly? Ask your jhysiciau if we are reliable. BLJIKELEY & KGBQKTO .Reliable 'reseriptioiiist!- j'p 5 'Gunnina. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in"Blacksmilh Supplies. nor Second & LanaWiu. ID OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HE: And CAFE. J. B. Orosaou & Co., Props. . 87 Socond Street FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I to . uu .,.. . ...... ! 1KaNhai:i A knkhai.hankinh iiiihinuh 1 L,!ll(,rH of 0r'f,Ut iNHUt',, vallablo in the . hiiHtern Htatee. hlL'ht hxi'linnirii uml Ti.Ii..,i.i.i.I,ii 'IraiiHfurH Bold on Noxv York, OhictiKO, ht. Louiri, Han FranoiHco, Portland Ore ton, Heattlo Wash,, and vurioue points in Oregon and Waahiuuton. CollectioiiH inado at all nolnte on fav orable toriiiM, STAORAHT i Lv?,t!i TTT A mr-r 3 DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY I lit tin. Itrinilnt,. t ...n. ' M-....i..it i.uiu win run . , . . a the fem..iiiy te-.crvliiB the rlKhl to Z, ,, A antlre. ) f i c . Str. Dnlloa City. t. IMIX.'H l.v. Out nt s.x. n. Mniiilay Vi!nriluy Trliliiv. . Arr. rnrtluiiil lit ft I-. H, - H l-x l'mtlai,,! 'l IICKlay i llnirnl,iy) IT nuiiiraay u Atr Hulk', J at ,i .WiM,. i The Cnminmv will iMnlcnviir tit flvrx II., W II... ...n.. i.i .i N'" US ni. r W. C. AL1.AWAY. Con. AKt. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. IfclirtUlciallVdlL'cststhefnnfl nnrlnMi ' HLretigthenliig and recoil- structlngthe cxlKiiiHted digestive or- riniH. It is tiie hit est dlHcovereddlirest. nut and tonic. Ko other preparation I can approach It in elllciency. It In- Htantly relieve.-? and pennunetitlyciircj , uy.spepsut, 1 ntiigestiou, Heartburn, , FluUilence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckIIe:i(laolie,Oastralglu Cramps,antl niioiiierresiiiisoitiiiperieciuiRcsiion. j Pn-Dared by E. C.Oi-V.'IfACo.Chlcoso. J. H. r'nur.tiK, I'lLWlliUUt. II M inn, first Rational Bank, THE UALLHS OIIE00N A Gimerp.l llniiking lluuiiiesn trnnjacttd DopoHiiBrLMtiiived.Didijecttofiwiit Draft or Cheek. Colleetionii mado and jnoeuedi" promptly remitted on dav of rolki'tlon. HlKlitand Tolegraphie fcselimige eoIiWj New York, Kr.u FraneiHro ntk' "orb laud. DIKIIOTOKM I). P. TlIOMI'HUH. Jw K f-ciutsci. En. M. WiLi.tA.vu, Oi.0. A. Lisa!. II M. Ukai i 'lues PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANllKAt'Tl'ltKltrlOr' Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON ,)HIFl) ill- !:i. 1'TC. r.n YEARS' EXPEHIENCE . - MatlHS Li'- i in' i- jraiGNS. CovriiauTS&c. I. . .1 .f n ipum r,ni -uiv iwi-riam imr ol- ' uriaiilo lavrol HOI l IHnlllllllV I' ll " 1 ,,,,1'jliT.W liiiitMitru'tlyii'iitlil. nl. m I'" ' n' ' uimtiu i.'i.i Iri'o. oi'Ht iiri '" V l' ' " '", , rcwl't lir.'i.iliioflu-, Willi' atu. . I'1 ' . SdeiiJific stmt l i i.. nt. ii ri. 1 T ' I .lll'lim I lln- 11 in. tjv Mtu A tiimlniwly llttflril.'! i.fJ IIIMllOH OT IIIIV .c II l III ' (i -. Ijruiirii lllli' l ii oiyin&ia PacKingeo i - ,( wiww1 II H IIUNTINflTON Ufllce nvvr KlrttUt. Uu""