The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1900, Image 4

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    It Has Never Failed
Mr. O. R. t'oaslec. the well-known druggist of
Morgan City. l.n., ishiglilv thought of in his neigh
burin oil because of his skill ninl caro in tilling pto
sr iptitnis. The- best physicians in the phtio send
t!-. r p.iticntstr lii-i sioro "whenever they can. An -thing
which Me. lVa be amy srycm lie dcpituUd
im". !v;..t.I.. in a let or to' W. II. Hooker i"v
r - . Now Voi-:: City, p-iwriclcr; o; Acker's English
U .ty. he s:tv " In all my ninny vcus' cspori
. . .."'.! uggiwt, I h.-.vo ntver handled n inedi-
of Ativ u.iturc th..t guvc such complete satis
i.. at Aivi t ' ?vj;)ish Ri nicdv for Throat
l.ifR I roubus. 1 Ii.ivc sow hundreds ot
; j, and have yet l- learn of a single ease
v 'i t f&ihd to cine. In
&4Pk-wa "tc ,-
4tB9KVJr i '
i r act.-, v it h n ccv
v i i at ;.s re.dly mnr-
.i . My wife does not
rtttch stock in mtcli
... , imtfhe huR absolute
i.i lii in Anker's English
K-';.;edy, nhvas luvitij it
;v. ner blbow in cne the
c:i:birc:i r.rc attacked by
c.r.p .it night. It is a
positively hanuloBS rem
edy, as I can personally
tesifv. I i;now or a Utile
girl who accidentally diank a whole bottle. She was. of course sick at her
sito-vjxch lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was
in batter health than ever before. 1 can understand why Ackei's English Rem
edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant,
but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as v.'ell. While it heals the irritations
the uiticou membrane, it also builds up the constitution anl purities tho
bio d. I endorse it absolutely."
Sold at esc 50c. aud$i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
nud in England, at is. 2d., ss. 3d., 4s. od, If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
Wea i!hr-i:cthrabArffiwilrc. If. II. flOA.'A ' O., rr-jprictv't, Sue York.
A TtiuuiinlMl ToiigtlPi
Could not oxprosa.thu rnpturo of Annie
K. Springer, of 1123 Howard at., Phil-
adolpl la, I'ii., when she found that Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
hail completely cured hor of u lucking
I'ottuh thut for inanv years had made
lito n bunion. All other reiuediea mid
doetois could give her no help, but alio !
9ya of this Royal Cure "It fooii ic ! thi: insist
moved tln piviu in my chest itiul I can
now bleep soundly, Eoini'thtn,' 1 can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universo." So will every une who tries
Dr. King'e N'ow Discovery fonuiy trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Prieu GOc
and $1. Trial bo'.tlo free at Ulakeley A:
IIuitKhton'a drug atore; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Campbell & Wilson will sell thuir lino
of millinery, trimmed and untriinmcd
hate, doners and childreu'a hate, at
greatly reduced prices for the next
thirty days. Please call ami yet our
Yellowstone Park Line.
A Difficult Problem.
It is anioni: the most ditlienlt prol
lem of tiHtural science for one to becum
expert 1:1 several littrs. .1. E. Adenx &
Co., by their combination, have over-!
onie thU difhVnlty in a man-,
ner. J. K Adeox is an expert watch- j
maker and is trued on jewelry, optical'
work and enuravintr, while Theo. II. j
Liebe is an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jowtdry work and.!
ousr.ivioj.'. Their price is a low as eon- J
fliteut with god norki'iacsliip. Thev
and it g.nv tin elue to his whereabouts.
His niotiier, Mrs. G. Cuupelanil, hecum-
iiis very anxioi!-', went to Troutdale and
I teljirapjied and telephoned to find him
but ut last accounts was unsuccessful.
Surveyor will soon commence to sur
vey the rcute from tho Columbia South
ern, from near Urasa Valley, down Pine
Hollow to the John Day and thence up
Huttu Creek to Fossil, on the route to
Canyon City, tells the Fossil Journal.
When the toad is built to the John Day,
it will receive L',W0,000 bushels of
wheat annually near the mouth of
Tliirty-Mite, from the Mayville and
Ferj-y Canyon cjuimes. This will make
are prepared to do all work in their ; it a paying propositi m from the start
aent bv m dl or' exuress will rereive ! u ,J0' a'e? to date in Pendleton ate
prompt attention. Sinn. "Big I!
ttfO.OUO ponrnis, nccordint: to the best
estimate obtainable, states the Kast Ore
gnnbin. It vvas not anticipated that to
.....!. 1 ... 1.1 .!! 1.1..
I iiiuuu huui uuuiu avn au reauny, 110111
Loudon dispatch of the Uth s7 1 h.ver and sellers agreeing at the be
M". Gladstone Ua su tie red another ! lnnin- of tllR season that the local
relapse and is now nnconsciouH, market was likelj to be quiet for several
it iiau been stateit bv the tniv-
Clark ifc F.ilk are never closed Sunday
Don't forgot this.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
A Fall?. ' j
Paint your house with paints that uru i
fully jjnaranteed to last. Clarke A. Fulk ,
have them. j
Nntltn, j
Columbia River lee Fuel (Jo. wishes '
to announce that thuy will deliver ice to ,
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone !)3 or 81 Long
Dial.; 70 or S Seutert & Condon.
for .Snlti.
The furniture and fixing?, including
range, delf anil cutlery of the California
restaurant, and the beds and bedding of
eiuiit ronuis overhead. Imiuiro at the
restaurant. Uj-lw
(All UdflK fllU.M fOlirt.AM'
T11 Tin:
Till-: ONLY lilltKOT LINK TO Tit I: VKl.t.OW j
HlONt: 1'AltK .
Vt mull fiirTiieimiii,!
Si'iiUIl'. olvintiln. Ornv's
lliiiliornml S011II1 llt'tul
IHIIIltx. iiekmio, lionv,
iitiiii, 11. c, rnllniiiii.
MllM'llW, I.CWl'-tllll, llllf-
11:1 A. M. fiilcilliiniiniiliiliiKOOiiii
trv, lloli'im, .Mlimonpo
Ills, SI. I'liitl, Omnlni,
Kun-tiH ftiy, Kt. Unite.
Cliii'ii-n unit nil 1'olutK
No. I. 'ent mill otilhciil.
l'liirot Hounil r.xirtvN
11:30 1". M. (or Tnrnmn and M-ntlle
.mil lntornuill.ite uliits
No. 1
5:fl0 1'. it
Ni. ii
7;C0 A.
1'iillmnii litst c1iim tint tniiritt sleeixns to
.Vltiiiv.iiiiilb, ijt. l'miliiint Mlswurl river iliiln
Million! I'liatigo.
Viitlbnli'il triiliis. t'ulDti iloiiot I'OiiiH'ott'ins
In nil iirlnclil cllkH. I
Itniwuite clui-kiil to ileMlimtl.m of lleket-.. 1
Kur liiinilMiniely lllusi nUnl ilfsoript ivo mutter, (
tlekct". leviii'iK car r.crvtlin-, i u., cull on e:
i write
Tho re ar only a fev of the founders t
rt t'riti rjitmKlinin ti!ni' loft SJn f -1 r nn f
r 1 rt lu flfiou rti Vmt f rtil r t uuti t ikl .1 . H 111 t J
gite to the Philadelphia convention of j
lrViO Mtrvive, and thijy are to occupy a1
phce nf honor at Philadelphia, j
F. M. IJewley, of Astoria, died at
lloi 'i P.'ver a' -1 p. in. las' Sunday. Ho
tv . yi-iirb old. He nme ner.jca tbe
pliii.- witii his parents in IS-io, the
t'.umh ?ettliny in .Salem, llo was en
;a:ed in tbe cannery business in Astoria
for twenty-four years.
V. R. Hrown, who lives near Miluer,
that is neailv 50 venre old.
ers that they expected to be no less than
diys in cleaning up the local
lelio?. lint tht! tirnariet't ntinflnra 10 be
',,'ood now for the buying to be li done
i by the lirat of July.
j Prairie City ia located about where
I the immigrants found nuiruets of pold in
j 1S40 and didn't know wiiat it was,
j states the Sherman County Observer,
i They stopped there to recuperate, be
cause of the convenient wood, water and
Iiig-tMt Horn, Attention!
Notice ia heieby given to all owners
of dogs who have not paid license on
the same that thoy come forward n ml
tako out a license before the 10th day of
June, or 111 default tho diva will bo im
pounded and the delinquents will have
to pay inipoiuidiii" feeB aa well as li
cences, or have their doa destroyed.
N. D. H minus,
m2' jlO Marshal Dalles City.
Ik sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying ulso
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to, this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn A Co. 'a. a'7-lw
UKfUIT TlitK rilMII'LK Allll-VS
Oll b KOM lUU.ES Kl"JM
Knt Milt l.nk . Denver. Kt. Knt
.Mull Worth. Onwihii, Kan- ll'ill
. m., dh Cllv, St. Ij'iin., ia:; i
1 uiiichko anu I'.asi.
8oknnc 'Walla Walln. Hpoknito, hiknni'
jiini vmnifMiioiiii. m. ruin, .Mini
ninl 1) u 1 11 1 ti. Mlliiiikcv. ninl
lXirei) j Clili'insn ami Kiki, vlu K.x(iro-K
brokanuHKii iiuiuuiK
ton: al.Miiili liointk In
10:10 ti. m. WiisliliiKton ami Kust- l:fla. 111
era uii'cmi.
Job Printers.
tiu"iirrMriuoiMJitiufiittTnuTii7riit(iitit 1
-iiuuTiiii.isiiiiiiiiiiliiiilittr iiniir
S i. ta.
Neglect is the short step so many take
from a eotili or cold to consumption.
Tho early ue of Ono Minute Cotih
Cure prevenls consumption. It is the
only harrnlees remedy that (,'ivea ituuie
(iiate results. It cures all throat and
luns troublee. Children all iike it itiul !
mothers endow it.
10 p. in.
1 1 1. in.
Ouemi Stmtnnlili.
Kor ban Krnnobeo
Aplll -7, May 7, U.
i t. III. I ti. m.
nx.SuiulrtyiCnliimblii llv. Htfcimer. K.i.buiiilni
111 AaniniA nuu vy
tin. 111. Wij.r.ASisrrK IttviK. I l:a0n. m.
hx.biuiiliiy t)rioii City, Ncwln-nt.ilSx.Buniliij
cuiuni a ony uiiurit.
7 a. m,
ajiil nit.
wiuAitrrra ,' s:ao i ni
iimt Kti
int.;. Kivkhs. oH.,wel
Orejron city, Jmytou,'
mm Wny-Ijim!lni).
5. in. , WiLLAuarr Itivxa. : m
riip..Tliur,l'irtMnd to CorvnllU.i Mon VV.rl
and int. and Wy Laniliii((. unit Krliluy
$i .00 per month.
Strictly llrrtt claMfl local ninl long
dirttaiini ti)liiphoiu Hervico within
your home.
Lilies tin not cro!-tiilk. Vour con
versation wtll be kept 11 Heorot.
No com for iuatulliuc;.
You u"t the Htntidard lluiiuitif:
Loui! DiHtaut IiiHtrttmeut.
Coutiiiuoui day and ui:ltt urvico.
Wo will nccopt your contract for
ton yearn mid allow you to enure!
f.nno 011 civinc, nn thirty ditVB writ
ten notice.
b1? a nvit6
rase. iitock waa driven away and re
covered about where Canyon City stands
now, and this led to confusion of tho
lost. Ituift I Sm-lf t't mliio. Tim I wet tino.
r,.-.-- h! layed yearly for 40 years, , ,;tg of fS0O 180o value, due out of
and eacJ. year mc 1854 .1,. to two yea.a : ft jrf )V R c,nes, fcJok wng not m
ago die ! hatched ami raised poshnve. j from Uj at Bt. ))f GfanltUt M
Tin i,,oui o.dfowlwa.uiventoMrs. eri(ja n, lh T fconi(. lilU(J to
iirown by her mother in 18ol. reveal the hidden wealth of that rich
It c .-it $70 ro ship u7G pound ealmon,
frcr 'i in a cake of ice, from Astoria to
.New York by express. There will hard
ly be n rush to ship salmon that way in
the future, save the fikamokawa E i'de.
TTIit! exjjres; companies have killed the
jroose that laid the polden salmon.
In Now South Wales .the number of
lieep hu9 shrunk from (11,8151,110 in
1H to U5,76J;,0J2 in 1S'J9. In nine
region. Everything must work in har
mony with nature it was SCO years
from the discovery of Cuba to that of the
Columbia river.
Special reserve old iroverniiient whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority in the land ; especially rccotn-
j mended by the board of health of San
j Francisco for hospital use, nleo A. P.
run.:.... At ii .......: .. ..,1 .......
years, by natural (-row,!, tho sheep of " ( , , Z!
U. S. army, as the purest nnadiil-
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at tho
Wasco warehouse, pineat kind of
chicken feed. incli25-ti
1.7 rtltMrta
Uiiy '
lMtt. ni. I
Bnakr Itivna.
Hlrmrtg lo lowiatun.
Niilloc 11 litri'tiy slven toot tbe iiiiilcrslgiieil,
b an ordi'f ot tlje I'oiuuv Court of Iho Mtnte til
Ur1y1.11 lur Wnnn lloillitv, lu, Ixxu nt i l
MilininUtrator of the tsliito of llele-i Itrmlforr,
leci-av. All pernjin. liuvini; clnlmn aKiiinxt
the estate of until ilfceaiul arc n tllkil to pre
H'lit tlieiri, with tbo pmiiwr voiielierit, to ni: at
Mood Itlvvr, Oieuon, within mx iiioiillm from
the Uato of tint) im!i.
balul Jlny 10, lli.i.
1'UINAM r. IllUlil'Olin,
Aliiiuilt!ulor of thu Kintc of Helen llruil
ford, lioct'jifcil. iii.j
Parllcj (lel:in to go to llct'l'er or
loitiu 011 ('olutnlilu SouthBrn vl iion.:
WkoKo. i, leaving 'the llit ut li to p. m.
uiNkfrtK iJtrw.t coiuieeiionii ut llcppiiur jniioiim.
ninl lto(!i IteuiriilnirtoniiliiKillwtvoiiiu-otioii
ut lleppnur uiictloii uinl IIIbri with No. l.ur
tltitiB at The Dsltesui unop. m.
Tor full tKirtioulum cull nn o. 11. A. N. C'o.'t
Hgvilt Thu lMllx. or KildrONi)
W. If. IIUltUII'llT,
(ien 1'iti. Aat., l'ortluiiil. Or,
j ; .. . - - 1
Wasco Warehouse Company
the colony inicht have been expected to
have increased 1C0 per cent. Instead of
thin thoy have decreased by nearly fifty
perc-jnt, the effect of the drouth.
A resident of Tillamook county who
lives near the beach, recently found
aeven whales stranded on the beach.
Theae he killed with a butcher knife,
not being able to kill them with his
rifle, fie Etripped the carcases of the
fjlubber and now haj several barroh of
oil. Tho. whales were from eight lo
iiKhtfen feet lony, not big ones to Lo
Hit re, only just calves.
No danger of Iluloiaii hares becoming j
pent here not as lotii? as the thorough-!
lireilH aro worth all tho way from to
jJJfiWt'och; no more danger than that
tho iiioh-bn'd Jersey cowh will become
tn peat, say the alcm Stutesiutiu. And
iheu the ltulgintis would not ho a pest,
uven if limy were plentiful. One farther
item .Salem has had the llelciana in his
orchard and all over his place last
iv in tor, nnd thoy do 110 harm at. all,
A dispatch from Fairviuw, dated .Juno
"villi bays, Will Coupulnnd, who some
tiintisincoleft for Tho Dalles, on Account
-of ill health, Thursday morning sent his
valieoto hit) brother, Ualph, with a letter
.Haying that lio had just hud two humor
tliUAOS- No other word came with it,
terateil sltmuhtiit fur convalescents, in
valids and family use. Sold by Charles
Stubling. itp'lO-dlm
For Sulo.
A good second-hand thrcEhing ma
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
shop, on Third street. jl-d&wlin
"Shawkuit" half hose for men, tho
beat in tho world, are displayed in Pease
& Mays' window.
A girl to do general hou?o work. In
at the Dalles Lumhoring Co.'h
For sale, cheap, a lady's bicycle ; al
most now. Inquire at this oflice.
ApillW, I'JOO. (
Notice in hereby klven that Iho folloulni;
nilimd Mitllcr hint 111k'. nrtllcc of I.U 1 1 1 1 1-1 1. ,
to iimko iluiil pionf In support of his clalni, ami I
lion mm iioui iviu no mane uuoru nio iicxiMur
unit Jticelvcr at 'IJ10 ballei-, Oregon, on hnliir
iluy, June 10, l'.IO, vU
Jens P. Agidlue, of Tho Dallcu, Or.,
iIoineleiiil i:ntry No. toil, for tho NWU NWj:
Mellon 21, unit A.j iil'.'A urn) N'. HK liellon
Zi tuwimhtp '1 noith, rmiKu 1- cat, W. il.
llo 11 umo.s the follouhi!,' ivlliietnh to prove
lii continuous riiltk'iuc upon unit ciiitlvatlon
of nili! Inn), U:
John Urate, C'liiirk'i finleii,J. I), lloclunun, ).
BlinoiiKOii, nil of Tho Uulle, Oickoii,
tanj-'.'.i JAY I'. I.lUAB, IteglMer.
Dhi'vitTMKNr Tin: I.mkiiioii, j
I'NlTiilJ hTATKli I.ANIl (M'Ufi;, S
Tub, tin., Jlnv li, iw.)
A tuUlclciit contest alhdavlt having been tiled
III IhU ollice by (ills K. AleMiinder, contestant,
iiealiint hoineitead entry No. M77, 111111I0 May 11
IMi, forswH of nwj-i, n-c. 1., ti, 1 11, iiiiiko 1:1 e,
by John T. wriclit, coutoatee, in which It Ih ni
kKid that mid John T. ttrigM has wholly
iibandoniil said tract, ami vhiuiKed his rclrlem.'e
therefrom for iiiuro Uiau tlx niuuthi since inak
Iiik nald entry, and next prior to date; and
that the !iliv;ncu of defendant fmm mid tract In
not due to his employment In the inllltatv or
nauil service nf the L'nltcd Htates ld patllwi
urn hereby notified toiiipear, respnnd and oiler
evjip'nce touching mild nllwition nt 10 o'clock
a. in. on June M, !!, bcfoie the l!bter nnd
Hirctver ut the l.'nlteii ritatc land Ollice In The
'iho mid contestant having, in a pioperallldii
vlt, (lied .May i:., luin, n't forth facts which how
that after due illllxcnce M.-rtoiial fceivke of thlh
notice cun not be made, it la hereby ordered and
directed that Mich notice be given by due mid
proKT publication.
l''-l JAY I. l.fl AH, ItegUtcr.
JA.NIl OftlCK AT Va.mouvdii, Wash ,1
May 17, iwm. i
Notice is hereby given that the lollrtwiiig;
iiaiiii'd hettler Iiuh lllcd notice of his Intention
to make final Proof lu Mippoit of bin claim, and
thathild proof will bo made befuro W. II. I'lenby,
Dnltid fflatos (.'oinmliiloni.'i, at lloldcndale,
on July 0, liW), vl.i
Aoulrel K, Ollur,
who inado II. No. !)., for tho fractional U
xw'ij, Htc ), Tp y N, 11 11 1:, nnd m:i ( Niij.f,
hwjil pJ.NKiail.W. II.
Ho iminu the following wltuen-cK to prove IiIn
coiiiliiuoiis lekideiicc upon, mid cultivation of
fc.i 1 ii land, U:
uoMjri A. hiroiitncrt. iiris r.. I'ruiucii, win
" via
Shasta Route
TiHinn leave The Dallei for rorthuid mid way
nt.iUoim at l:ii 11, in. mid :t p, 111,
Leave I'ortlanil
' Albany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headqaartei's for Feed Grain ot i 1 in
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmiu ISd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
toil T1lnnT' '''niH ''',l,lr lrt inanufacturtid cxprosfily for farallT
ujj. iuut. Wls. ovoryHitck Is j'uurauteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our uooiIr lower than any house in the tradu, tind If you don't think
call, and gut our priccB and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats.
bun burner,
John Kmc,
of l.yln I', o,
Ii. mj.NDAi:,
1;. 1:. rKKUIIhd.V,
JMiysiciun and tSui'goon,
Ollice, Vogt ItlocW (over l'otolllcc),
SOupliaodw 'IHi: DAI.M'Hi OHKUON.
Arilve Anlilaud ....
" Hneranieuto
" Han i'raiK'bci)
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver ....
" Kansani:lty
" llhtcago ...
Arilve Urn Angeloii . . .
" HI I'aio
" Knrt Worth.. .
" City of Mexico ,
" llniiMnu
" New Orlertim .
" Winhlngtoll ..
" New York
hr & Impulse
7M5itlu Uiiiolim "7?S!1?3
. 1 :'.'(! p m
U:(H) p in
. ii::a)it in
. yi.Vni in
. I.l'iuin
. ti:i"i 11 in
ii: U a 111
. l'J:i:i p m
7:UI am
nam p m
';: a in
;i:,''j it ni
1:00 11 in
Itl'li p in
(1-lift in
l'."l:i pin
and Motors
JIA.N UFA t'Ttllti; II nv
J'lillina-i ami 'lourbt care 011 both trains,
Chair uitb tfaiiiumuuio Ii, Ojidoii mid J l'uo
and louiUtfari. lo t'hliKiHo, St Umln, New Or
lean mid imhlngton.
ConiiOfllliig at fan l-iunulucn with nuvural
fctoanililp IIium for llmioliilu, l.'lilnii,
I'hllippliiuii, Cential mid hunlli Amu leu,
ricuHtfontntTlio DalloK .'.tatlon, or uddreti.
liciicriil rami'iigcr Agent, t'oitlainl, or
I'liuliu. ColleotionB promptly attonilod
to. Mrjiptv to loan. O. K. linvartl'u of
fice, Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Circulate and purllculara furnlHhetl on application.
E. S. GUNNING-, Agent
11! K DAl.Id;H
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