HOSE . BUSINESS ' IS IT? L- Wo venture tho bold, premeditated assertion tliul Micro aro more MKN'S HOSE of one kind and another piled into our store Than in any other place of equal dimensions in h'ogon. "And we HUrflO business 'tis to sell, The applauding hosts who know so well Our methods and our manners, We'll put such prices on these wares That folks will all forget their cares And shout their loud MOSlS-aiinas." i THE PATTERNS ' THE COLORS are the very latest. THE WEARING- QUALITIES beyond question. THE BRIGHTEST and MOST STYLISH LOT of MEN'S HALF HOSE you ever saw; BUT NOT I-IIG-H-PRICED. 2 for 2oc, '.) for nOe, 25c, o5c and ode, with liberal reductions for the half dozen. SEE WINDOWS. m k a Russian Crash 'Hint's what a good housewife knows is good for towels. We aro going, to have a CRASH this wool: in the prices of our Wash fabrics. You choice from ' big piles at 7 Ac, 1 OAc the real value runs up to 25c per yard. Wo invite you to come early and examine the bargains on our fancy goods counter. Shoe Department. Do VOU Weint t0 iwe monfiy? 011 ilre bound to need shoo?, and if this interests yon buy now while the ad- vantage ia in your favor: Ladies' Kid, button, Coin too shoes, '!.. to lj.j U 00 Ladies' Kid, button, square toe shoes, 2J to JJj 1 00 MisBcs' Kid. button, square toe shoeu, 11 to 2 90 Child's Kid, button, square toe shoes, S.j to 11 7S Child'ti Kid, button shoe.", 5 to 8 ". 50 Chilli's Kid, button shoes, 3 to 5 years 35 All reliable uoods and at such price3 as will not be known in The iMlles for vears to come. All Goods Marked In Plain Fluuroo. IV1AYS r HRIIMHHHHIHHHHIHRHRIHHHMMHHHKSERBfRII jfr I mm mmm ih mm mm mt. rvi mmm I'romolcsOigcstion.CIiccrfiil nessandRcsl.ContcMis neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. jS'ot Nxtic otic . ANtjclablelVepnrationrorAs-similaliiiijlhoFoocJnndRcdala-ling Uic Stomachs and Bowels of J 1 For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Jtet.tofOldih-StMCELPllVllEIl luXttlt&Ja j&ate&vrl f rffrnniitt - , It (arianakSoia CfialtM Svgar Jt&iwvt flam: Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Slomach.Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Vac Simile Signature or KEW YORK. EXACT CCFY OF WRAPPER. ESSSSSgaSSESEE Thirty Years THE CCNTAUn COMPANY. HEW YORK CITY. 'e Dalies Daily Ghfloniefo 'I't-leplione No. J. TI KSDAV JUNK PJ, 1000 ICE CREAM and iCE CREAilfl SODA At And row Kollar's. doi'.en of hen fruit hud poured out its ulitny juiee on I ho uiiolt'eudini; utieet. l'ho accident eoat Sam sf l.To. Five ear loads of fat I.okh were fed at the Salimttrsh stoekymds yesterday while on the way from Elin part to Seattle anil part to Troutdalo. Tiiey cost the buyer live cunt, a pound e;ro9s at the euro in ihoGiand Round valley. Mra. Fillooti will hold un informal WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'nn't fatl to see the minstrels tonight. K'v. I'. 1''. Hawk expects hiu little j p m iinnin from St. Vincent's Hospital' H i unorrow or next day. j The Commercial Club, at a ineetini: j lie,d last wind:, voted down the propoai-j ti in 1 3 lease the lower llnor (if the club I rouiiis for the joint tine of the Y. M. C. A. Today tho lit Kt issue of tho Huntine, tnn NewH, reaelied Tim Ciikokioi.k'k ox cliaue,e table. We like ita appearance well, and its contontH better, and ahull Iju I'lenHid to awttp yarna with it. Inure will be u i;ood hoiiHent theuiin alr. h t(.nii;ht. . Russell, the Portland horse-buyer, sin, pel fiom bete thia morning a ear loclof very lino draft horses which ho luoU';ht hero froni Lake county. They w ri nhijiped Id the Seattle maiket. A ,nt l...t..u trill In. tnr In I ' tttv I'lllt.ll I" '.,11113 11111 i'u wt..w . OA! iv.cu the uiinstiel audieni'e touiiilit. The leany frienda of Kred Hroncon w I lie nleased to learn that ho haa re- i! V 1 nolieo of hia appointment to a! v.iu.hle poaition in tho United States cu iisu hnutju at Kitka, Alanku. 'Ine .'irla will be out of Hijjlit behind tie eoik tonfgttt in tile inliiatrel olio. Tin peeialtiea ataeapeeially line. s me 700 or 800 head of Ynkiina Ii.- dia i oniea arrived at North liallea Ihia those thiiiH thia deponent could not laoiuiii; for ehinmeut to the l.'nton Hud out. On aniviim heiu Williau.a lioi". c.inneiv. The Indiana eay there promptly irave bonda for liia appeaiance, A ('(iliimhiiH SI jit pry. On Hatnrday evening tlie little tiam le', of C.ilumbud was suddenly thrust into a atato of eKcitetnent by the finding of a skeleton embedded in the sand al most in the heart of town. Charles Tupper, while endeavoring to catch his horse which hud been turned into an enclosed lot between tho postoflico tuid thoctoie, noticed as the horse plunged ception tomorrow (Wednesday) eveniiiu j through a Unit ot sand that Eomettnn on her lawn, in honor of Mi a. Helen jf a peculiar shape was uneat tliod by its Souihwick, k ni ml atteuyant of tho hoofe. On close examination it was Women oi, Woodeiaft, aiil wishea every j found to be a human skull, froveial of member of Cedar Oirel to bo present at ! the neighbors rooon afscmbled and the uS;IIO n, m. I ! entirp skeleton was exliuiueil, although eo badly decomposed as to make it al most an impossible to determine the tex, but from the length ol tho 1 1 i i 3i boue tho peifon must .have been about six feet tall which would naturally lead to the conclusion that the bones were those of a man. The skeleton lay in a position ! to substantiate an opinion of foul play, aa t lie limbs had evidently been doubled I'KOI'l.J! YOU AI.Ii KNOW. W. R. Winans, of in town today. Hood River, was .Southein'H ueeut at Shaniko, we , lM, on ,ht, j lckllift! ptm j,, 0,.()l,r l0 ,,iace HO p. m. t The scouring mill received today its lirEl installment of wool, some 150 Buck?, thai came over the Northern I'acilic from Yukinia county to Portland and thence by tho Regulator to The Dallea. It. la part of u bhipmcut of a quarter million piiuuda. Fi om Oeoi'Ke Roas, who ia the Colum bia lenrn that in the lilteen daya from Aliiy liUh to June let, the company handled to and a half million pounds of freight at the new lown, and took in for freight charges .f 8,000 in cuah. A tram loud of 003 head of cattle were fed at Iho S:illmaihis atock yeaterday, while on their way to Cut bunk , Mont. They occupied tuciity cuvs, thirteen ot which were ehipped from Albany and seven from Portland. They were the last shipment ot 0,000 head that have buen taken from tho Willamette valley to Montana in the paat ten of twelve wceka. Like those that pri oeeded them they were all .yearling and 2-year-old8. Deputy Sherill'E. 15. Wood yesterday arrested and bionnht to town from Hood River one (. W. Williams, under a warrant charRintf him with an atsault upon a Hood River voiinc woman. The oriine is aliened to have been committed nearly a year ayo, but just why no at tempt lias been previously made to brim; tho ucnucil to justice ia one of ia the bodv in a hole much too abort for it From tho contour of tiie skull it is thought to be the skeleton of a white man, altlioujili no white man now living ! at Columbus, nor even the Indian?, ie ' member of any incident that might had i to nn identification or even a "shady" ! solution of tho myetciy. Goldendale Sentinel. About 8 o'clock this morning, while a Sherman comity farmer, whoso name we were unable to learn, was lelurniiu home from a em lug with a four-horso load of water, hia child, of a couple of years of ai:e, which was on tho wnnon in the arms of a biotlier of 15, fell out of the boy's iiinui mid one of the wheels passed over the child's head, crushing it fearfully, but, strange to eay, not kill ins; it. Dr. GeieendoriVer was consulted over the 'phone, and ho advised that it be taken to a Portland hopital without delay. Tne little bnllerer, accompanied by its patents, passed through town for Portland on tho mid-day train. It was still alive, and may recover. Tun Oiiko.nk'i.k acknowledges the pleasuieof a call fiom Mr. U. U. Good- G. K. Patterson arrived here today from Antelope. Patrick Sarefield, a wealthy KKck'Ut f.imier, was in town today. E. P. Weir is registered at the Uma tilla House from Antelope. I Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gilbert went to : Hood River on this morniiiir's boat. i . ! Attorney E, 15. Dnfor was a paEseni; r j on the mid-day train today lor Portland. Hon. F. N. Jones, of Bakeoven, passed thiough town today on his way to P' ;t lluud. j Perry Wing and wife, of Royd, were passengers on this morning's "boat for Portland. j Attorney W. 13. P.-eeby, of Golden- dale, is in the city, the guest of tho 1 L'uuilillA House. i Jv. Fortner, a prominent Prinevillo i sheepman, is in town lookiug after the sale of his wool. George Miller, wife and two daughters ! were passengers on the Regulator this j morning for Portland. j Mr. and Mrs. John Urookhouse, of Dufur, went to Hood River this morn j ing on the Regulator. Mrs. William Mulligan came over to ' day from the Klickitat hills, aecompa i tiled by lier son, John. Mrs. Hiiah Gourlay and her nieces, Misses hilly Kelly and Minnie His, left on the Regulator this morning to spend the fltinuner at Octan Park. Mrs. Dan Raker and her live children left on tho Regulator this moining for Ocean P.uk, where she espectB to re- j main for two or three months. I Mrs. W. 15. Saylur, of frunnyeide, Or., ' 'is visiting her "daughter, Aire. W. H. . i '1'avk.r, of this city. Sheis accouipai.ied by' her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Reynolds, : also of Sunnysido. j ! Miss Anna Smith, of Hood River, who , ! has boon visiting with tho family of Mr. i land Mrs. John Maiden, for the past, I week, letnrned to her home today, uc; compaiued by Mies Virginia Maiden. George Ros?, who is now agent for the Columbia Southern tit Shaniko, and who bus been hero on a short visit to ibis fuinilv, returned today to Shaniko, : accompanied by Mrs. Ross, who goes to i have a look at the new town with a view of moving there in the near future. : B i ill ftatfflott Pffwo m m s h a a s a i -i Wo have laid in a largo .stock of Garden IIoso and aro 'carrying the same bra ml of ( l lose that we liavo been carry ing for the last five years, ! which is the celebrated Mai- Tho only store in this city where tho Genuine Imported Strniisky-SiccI Ware ia sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piece3of so called cheap enam eled ware. , , 'teso Cross Brand. We cany nth"'.: wnress look ' roitbuUheijienu tho gam(J bnuu of .ose lhafc Xli:? Jl.t.i uiu imiuw .Sti'tinsky Steel Y',:remie:iehnioce. io nu.be deceived i ,, Fii'-.t iirine at io ' moiit has been using lor the iiuci-natumal Kslii I buurtw nK''OHt ,.lrii twenty years. The Mal- oward r.t World s , J S'cS'pre.'lose Cross Brand is without fen cd by the nest cookiDgauthonliep, comliwl to by tho nit.-'; famous client ists for purity and durability it ia cheapest because the Dalles City Fire Dopart- doubt tho best grade of Hose BEST, on the market. ,oui' prices before i Call and got paie? s buying. Benton ill u lnre,o nuiiiber of ponb.-a left on j amj llt thu request'of his attorney his j wj)( of ,lu( utelopH Herald exuijilnatlou liaa iteen iieierreu uu ne.i Mondav at 10 o'clock forenoon. til reservation. 1 V Mono who nttendu tho iifnstrele oniJit will get their iiioiiiv'h wor.li in "no si eehilty alone La l.ti in her beau tifu' ditnclnir,. A lifieen.hoiso newer traction engine fur I lovely A Huntings, of Hoy tl , wan uu-1 londu 1 fiom the cilia today at the scour in null Hwiluli. Also a L'8 inch cylinder ; Case separator (or Mel.trre A Deithic, of ' Waidnltia Flat. J 'Hie steamer Ruliauce was taken nil' I''" run potweon the locks and Portland i yeterduy morning and tied up at the! Wlllam-mu Iron Worku for some uhiuigo " ltr mauliiiiery. .She ia expected to 'esuino lier regular tripa tomoirow. I Whllo Sum Stark, the driver of the! oxproju rcoiiiimnv'o wngon. was thia "loriniiK rouitdiiiK tltu Hive rcH Inuraitt corner in the Knat Knd, n (!iBe of bkb fell out o( tho woroii mid In less ll'u tlian It takes to tell it thirty-nix NlllllM't Subscribe for Tin: Cuitoxici;. Free! Free: J)uring tho donumstration now being given, c Juno 11, 12 and 13, we will give FU to every purchaser of two packages of REDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISGOIT... A Cook Book, "The Vital Question," con taining over 2G0 rocipos of how to properly prepare 1'ood lor tho table. Maier & Benton, Call at our store at once. 167 Second Street. ! There will bo a meeting of the Lwigue of American Sportsmen at the sheriff's j ollice on Saturday, Juno HI, 1900, at the i hour of S o'clock p, in. for the purpose I of dieting a secretary and treasurer mid I organizing a local chapter. RonnitT Ki:i,i.y, Clii-'f Warden. I'his foieiron the delivery horse of C. J. Stiibllng while standing hlteln d to the wagon In the alley back of the Stublini! saloon, got scared at lomething i oud made a dash foi Ward & Robertson's j stable, where be is kept lights, eineiiiif ' it at the side door and luihini; toward j his stall, when ho was caught by one ol ! the stablemen. '1 he only damage done i waa a broken spring and a slightly sprung axle. IJo euro uud see the bargains in ladles duck skirts at the New York Cash 50 I .-store. iv I Renumber hW, celebrated en nut- eled waru especial ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us It does not rust , nor iibsoib jriease, does not, discolor nor catch inside, is uotadected by acids, in flints or i e(;etables, ' will boil. f?) stew, roast tind Imko w i t h o u fc imparting il.i vor of previously t! o o 1c o d food and will Inst for years. ..ovo.. j Wo cau lion the public iiKninsl imitation Solo Agents. For a Nice S uit of Olothes. I'mitiiij;, Oveieoiitlii"Of r-iinty Villufr. 1 WW Klii'tly call Jim! cmmiie my hltli ll llll'l II li't'bliu ll .It II". ulcet from. MUM lllllllt) fioi ..( nr.uif. A line stuck to l li, liirtinl v'lw to llic tngli- CASTOR! A j fl For Infants nnd Children. ' n The Kind You Have Always Boughl ens Beari3 the Signature of i n i. dai.i.i: nit. o. T. SMI rn, Flno i HorlnR. I'.t.O . Cstoopatli. The closing exercises at St. Maiy's Academy will take phice Fiiday, June 15th, at 8 p. m. Fifty cents admission will be charged to all, patrons of the institution excepted, IlmuiH W.mii II. t'hiiiuuiili Hlm'U, I lie p.illi'sf, oi l-uoii. l'ia'fiii anif trhl i t, t ti. in, t il ium 18-J in i tm;ki. W. WILSON, V Otl oooict Klrtt Nut. ll'iitit. A'nOB.NKY.ATI.AW. ... THIS II.M.M.n.