The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntnong llic penitentiaries mid hnmtlc
asylums of the Ktiat, told Ins demo-
.mnt!.i itw,, 1... m n Intnl.- tin)
JUNK 1" ijiflo' "ut" . "
"'.-l-' other (lav Hint the "sentimunt in the
It has been well said that "Sup- Kast in favor of Mr. Bryan
costs n town!"11"1"- ou
I T ..........
porting a nuwspapor
scarcely a cunt. Though the paper
merchants, who delight in benefiting
may be well patronized and the; If Ai:uinaldo has been shot there
il be mourning in the democratic
! household and poor Widow llryan
will have to wear black for a while
says the Walla Walla Union.
busi less men may spend huge sums
of money in advertising, the cash
quickly Hows back into the channels
of trade from which it came. Nearly
every cent a newspaper takes in is
spent at home and it goes to the
If you intend to take u trip Knst, nsk
your ticket aout to route you via The
! Great WhImhIi, a modem anil up-to-date
railroad in every imrtieular.
is won- Tliriim-li trnlna from Cluraeo. IvuiSiis
Tacoma City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New Knlunil points. All tniliiB
run via Niagara Falls and every thiuutih
train lias free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing ami dining ears.
Stop over allowed on all tluketb at Ni
ajjarn I'allu. Hoe C. Omsk,
Pacific Coast P.iee. Ant,.
Los Annulet', Calif.
C. S. Ckask. . P. A., St. Imis, Mo.
Oiiturrli Cannot lie tiurril
I A Spi-iilui'il Atiklt Ouri-d.
..!. l-.-i i:,.,tina -ti. r.i.u.ot! "Atonotimelsuiiereti irom a tevure
themselves and communitv bv liberal I reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh j P th. ankle, say. Uno. h. Car. ,
- ... ........ . ..ilil.ii- nf llm ftllillo. Wiisllllll'lpll. a,
iilvnrtiin(T Unilpd dmvn ilie faet i is a mootl or constitutional msease, ami . . .. , , lioiled do mi, tut fat U , j .,A(,or ain! ?,vurtl w, recommended
arc that a newspaper returns all the . Hall,8 Clltltrrh Cnro lp j medicine, without tnccecs. 1 tried
money it gets to those who gave it, I ta,.on inU,nml,Vi ml nets direetlv on Chamhorlai..- Pain Halm, nnd am
and its good words for the town and thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's I pleaeed to say that relief eaine ae sunn
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.!" 1 uein iilmui i eon.,, u u t-u
It was was prescribed by one of the best tMoveA hM l,' Bl"ktm'-V
physicians in this country for yer.-s, and j Houghton.
is areolar ptescription. It is composed j Tho IXillua Comiri'iot. House will
of the best tonics known, combined with j ,.tl(,p frugh nik lU ujj times on bund
the best blood puriliets, acting directly , ,i..ivt.r s, nnvwhere in the city lit
on the mucous surfaces. The jierfect ; the f0nortiIly prices : One quart, f 2 per
combination of the two ingredients is ..., . ,iin... ,,i,Ug. $;. two nuarts, $4 : !
people, the county md the state are
thrown in for good will."
The democrats, f unionists, popu
lists, and general kickers against a
government for the betlcnncnt of
nil can look at the icsult in Oregon
with alarm, says the Wal'.a Walla
Union. It indicates that the great
American people are true to the
Hag; that the .American voter is still
patriotic and in favor of the exten
sion of American territory, of Amer
ican trade, and of American freedom.
It means that the progress that has
been made in America during the
past forty years is to continue, and
that our government is advancing
witti tiie world and keeping in the
front rank, As Oregcn went, so will
"o the nation.
A 1'rnctlcnl nciiioiistrntliiii.
A fact proven by actual demonstration
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, and know
ins that they have a proposition which
they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary
Closet Company, of The Riilcs, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the same into actual
operation. The closet is now 1 cated in
tiierearof Chas. fiurchtorf'e t.ievcle re-
Criticism Of President 3IcKinley. j gtoro Second, heiwoen Federal
whether of clerical or lay origin, for j and Latmhlin streets, The Dalles, and
not having abolished the army can- the public are cordially invited to cvill
teen is uttetlv unfounded. Tle nil Insect the same. This company
. . ., ,, , 1 is now prepared to fill orders promptly,
president is bound to follow Uc j PjrtIe3 lle8iriiiB thi-- syetem will bo fur
opinion of his chief iaw ollicer. Ljshed full information upon application
When Attorney-General Griggs de-J to or correspondence with D. S. Dnfur,
cided that the "law did not exclude j The Dalles, Or. inol-l-.vdo'tw
the canteen, there was nothing forj i:oi.i.ii n tiiavo.
the nresident to do but to act on that! A startling incident, of which Mr.
view of the law or obtain a new
attorney -aencrah (Jrciioniaii.
j what produces such wonderful results in j tm,0 quarts $u 50
; curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, j pint, fresh huttei
F. J. Cuexuy & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugaists, pi ice "fie.
Hall'a Family Pills are the best. II1
cream 'JO cents per
hutter everv day. lSi-lm
"I used Kodol Dynpepsia Cure in my
family with wonderful results. It elves
immediate relief, la pleasant to take and
ia trulv the dyspeptic's host friend." ' t,"
s.ivs K. Ilarteerink, OverUel. Mich
Mtcmmr!i ut tin. ttnjiilaii.r l.liiu will rim
M lK'll ill' Wllllllllt aiilloc.
inv mr M'litdnlc, Hie rmiii:uiy im'rvltur tlu"rii. 1
. .. .. .. ...... in Cliotif.1.
Str. RoKi.lntor.
1.. " '
U Hid A. SI.
! 'I'iiismI
i, TlilllMluy
T.ICMl". V
Hallllilay .
lit IV St.
Li U.
C- Air. ror'tliunl
II f.
l.v. I'tirt limit
in 7 a. St.
. I'tlil.iy
,rr. H)illo
at ii:;;o f. St.
Ship' your
Rogulator Line.
Str. Daltos City A
l.v. Ilnl
tit H A. .
Arr. I'ortliiiiii
itt ft v. .
nt 7 w i u
'rr Duiiti
t i . r. i.
2 'I'rnvel bv tin- Htmiincri ( lltf tU-Kiiliitnr Line. Tlii- 'iim.iiiiy will imiiIcii-. i,- , m 0 , h,t j!
fj toim tl.c ln'nl n'ivii'Mt)Hle. I or (ntlliur iiifnritiiitloii mlil i ' j
rurtliuiil ollli '. Onl. HUti't Ihicls
VV. C. ALLAWAY, Coo. Ar;t.
etit. Cannot f.til to
Di'-estt) w hat
Reports show that over lifteen litiu
tired lives have been saved th'nuh the
use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most
of these were casea of jrrippo. croup
asthma, whooping couh, bronchitis and
pneumonia. Its early use prevents con
sumption. Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English l'emetly in any case of
coujdis, coltl or croup. Should it fad to
n'tvu immediate relief money lefnnded.
Uo cts. ami 50 ets. Klakeley k Ilouyhtoii
vvVv'ivv vv "i$
i n
'2 '
I have re-openod this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer e3.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer.
S. Smith
'! II!
j. ;j;ilp-to-dateCjroeer
Dyspepsia Cure.
VVngon nnd Carriage- Work.
Fl3h Brothoro' Wngon.
Freah Ki and CreiuiiO'y
Hutter a upeuialty.
John Oliver of Piiiladelphia, was the
subject, is narrated hy him aa follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. 5Iy
skin was almost yellow, eves sunken,
tmiLMK' pontetl. nain contintinHv in back
llooscvclt an(j eilL.a) ll0 appetite gradually grow-
! ... . i , .1 tit. . .
ittree p.iytsi
Forttmatoly, a
In a speech leccntiy delivered at
New York, Governor
said : "Lvcry now and then we need i iiw weaker day bv dav
to be reminded that if we kill the i ciana had itiveu me up.
capitalist the laborer goes, too
can't gave prosperity to the man
with the dinner pail except by giv
ing prosperity to all. That's u tru
ism which it ought not be necessary
to repeat but which it is."
For the convenience of pnrtiua want- j
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadel.nan
Ice Co. will carry a stuck at their store,
comer Third ami WaHhingtmi streets.
I'hone No. 107; long distance 18U.
"Iting'em tip." ISm-tf
Ivy poUoning, poiicn v.outnli ami all
other accidental injuries may be quickly
cured hy using UeWiit's Witch Ilazil
Srdve. It is also a certain cure for piles
anil skin diseases. Tako no other.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon far inferior
naiiite when von can buv James E.
. m.. t. i.l
We ir.enti auviseu -jecirtc i.tiwrs ; twin 10 plUt0I1fl 8 proof paints for $1.50 per
I my great j.y and surprise, tl.c tint i Ban0. 8tiarantml for 5 yenra. Clark it
cottie maue a tieeiueii improvemeni. Fajfe, ngunts. mI7
continuetl their use for three weeks, and i
am now a well man. I know they saved j Tll-' Ohlnow utk "How is your liver?"
my life, and robheti the grave of another j i"9tuml 01 ''Uo lrt .vo" ,l)r wlie"
tiie liver is nunvo me iieaiiti is goon
Plionc:i59 l
I '
..cjlfls. FHfljlK..
The Colorado , sheep that was i
voith only 61.52 in Cleveland's last
term now sells for 2.8C, and the
numucrof sheep has increased 50 per
cent in the same time. During the
piesent administration the value of
sheep in Colorado has advanced
victim." jno one s ion u in t to irv ine m. i
Onlv SO.- .....m.ntoeil. :it Hlakid.-v II i IeWitt'e Little Early lierii are famous
Houghton's drug store.
r. 1 little pills for the liver and bowels.
i.'iii' llcuilucliK Oulckly.
Clarke & Faik have received a carload i $
of the celebrated .lame E. I'atton
and Farmers
K'r. on ilrauirht tliu colchrnttil
t:oi,i'Mi!i.v iiKKts, iickiniw;
1boI the Uwt In-or In Tlit Dalits,
nt ttic uiuiil prlf.-. t'omi! In, try
I' ntnl l. oiivlut'cd. Alro Iho
Fiticiit Ijninilt tti WlutM, I.I pior
ami f.'lL'Hrn.
nf all Klinlx atwnyii on hatul,
.. ... ... i
waiuwiti-s spatKiins euerveecent. i strictly pure liquid paints
rv Soda. A harmless and effective cure ! - -.
, , , , , , I To tjlirn a Cold in Oik; Day.
for headache, ncrvou3iie?s, sleeplessness, , , .. r, . . , .
brain fatiim's 10 and 'J5 cents. Sold , , ,lllk! 'jf n."vlJ ." Qin lao
l.v Clarke & Falk. tlruL-ists. ian'M-Gw ! ,,!ts- ' liniBsnstB refund the money.
I Starvation never vet cured dvgpepsia.
The gold standard and j Persons with indigestion are already
Republican tariff are good thintis for half starved. They need plenty of;
ind.ntrv nrnm.rr ti, lionkios- " wholesQine food. Kodol J)yspep?ia!
" . ! Cure digests what yon eat so the body
Some of the Democratic papers ' 1,0 nourished while the worn out or
., . ,, T . i u. . i : K-ius are beine reconstructed. It is the
are saying thut the L lilted .Slates has,h , , . -u
n '' i irintfi p.'it in n L'iti,,i null v 1 1 1 in.
Istantly relieve nntl completely euro all
' Htoiuacti troubles. Try it if you are
.Subscribe for The Chronieie.
entered into an alliance with Ger
many, because the United .States is
protecting its citizens in China.
The average llryanilc is about as
queer a person as the German Agrar
ian, nud he has about thu same sort
of a feeling for the United Stales.
sufl'erint; from indigestion,
tainly do you sioud.
It will cer-
An exchange is gradually
damning on the Democratic platform
makers that a shell lipped with pres
ent prosperity is able to pierce the
heaviest piece of silvcrized armor
plate ever forged in tiie furnace of
June. I'.W.
The Salem Statesman thinks that
unless there is n good deal of concil
iation, Senator Joseph Simon will
find it rather "haul sledding" two
ycuis from next winter, when lie ap
plies to the Oregon legislature for
re election.
At the end of four weeks llryim
lias not repudiated u word of the
Souix Fulls plnttorm, winch n prom
inent democratic paper calls u docu
ment "written by crazy men.
Wo have just opened a nh:s line of
ladies' duck skirts in urcys and titiiH,
which we are oU'erliiK for U9 cents and
.1.18. These are extra tjood values and
are going with a rush. Call early ami
rt your pick of the line. Thu Now
York Cash .Store. j'J
Small In size and great in results are
DeWitt'a Little Kjrly Risers, the fa-
iiionn little pills that cleanse the liver '
and bowels. They do not ripe. j
j Clarke & Fallc'o flavoring extracts aro ,
the best. Ask your erocer for them.
1 ! '
I Kir hulc. J
A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
1 header, in fair condition. Will be eold
' cheap. Enquire of !
! Ai.kx. Mcl.noi),
imayll lmw The Dalles, i
i You will not have boils if you tako J
Clarke & Falk's sure euro for boils.
A full line of Eastman films nud sup
plies just received hy Clarke & Falk.
Utiles' heavy duck skirlc, 01) cents ; Flu'c Rrflam Balm
and if.1.18 at the New York Cah Store. ,,lea33Ilt t
,,. .,. . I...,,.. . l Coiitafim no In-
nets ;iitrftui j uiu bijuiiiiim! nuir loiuu . jurlouH uiul'.
Timber Iuid, Act June il, 1878.
l. fe. (itvwr.,
'IlIK U.tu:r. OK.. Aur. 13. IKOO.
Notice I.s hereby alvcn Hint In coiiinllutiri
with tlio ii(ivllonn u( the act of '(iiiur of
.liniu .1, l'o, entitled "An u!t fur thu Mil' of tlm
ber liiiuls In thu Htitos ol Ciiiltorula, Ori'Ki.'ii,
Ntsvwla and WasliliiKton Tutntorj,"
V II I lit in K. ICiMi.liiiiii,
of The Iliilltuf, County nf Wwo, ritati' of OrcKon,
tins tlilh iluy Illid In thlf. oll'.ce ills hi. ini Mali'
meilt No. IW. for the niiicliMtc of thu W1,.. NKU
and NJi H I'.W of Kclion No. ;i.l, in T.. I N. It.
No. 1! h W. Jl , mill ll! oiler proof to slum
that tlio limn touulit li nunc valualilo It
llinburor Htone than for iiitiicnlliiral imiponw,
and to establish Ii I claim to mid land liefoto the
Iteuhter mid ltcelcr of thl ullico at 'Iho
Dalle?, Oregon, on
Hatiiriluy. tin-:t il day nf.Iiiiii-, 111(111,
Ho iianien an ivltnciu's: J, II. Unit, I). I', hot
churn. Jovph llanna and W'llhim Kpuiccr, all
of The Dalles, OrbKou.
Any and all jiernitm chiinfiix adversely tin
ahnve deiierlhi'd liindti aie KiiueMed to llle their
tin I nix in thin ii lllue on or before tiuit'lnl day of
'li Hoot,
In 'IpIi-M
j ll t3C(
2d Street.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclallv dlucststlie footlanrtnMi
'Plmno P7H ' A,Illtr 1 Ktrcngthuiilng anil recon
jTiiujics eji j. .Htriictlngtliii cxhiitiHted digestive or-
We Put...
fvory bit of
twonly years oxiifrienct'
iind drug knowledge
with ovory !
Proscription i
that's eomiiotuitlud here.'
Is if. anv reapon win' i
our proscription businopsj
is increii8ing
so rapidly?
Ask your physician
if we are reliable.
jrntiH. 1 1 Is the latest dlseovereudlirest-
tint ii ml tonic, No other preparation
can approach it in ellliMcncy. It In
Htnntly relloverfiuid pennaiientlyciires
Dyspepsia, JudltfeHtion, Heartburn,
' Flntiilmiuc, Sour Stoinudi, Nausea.
SlckHeiidnclicGustntlgia Crnmp?,and
' H other rcsultH tif Imperfect digestion.
Pmuarotl by C. C. OeWtv a Co. Cblcaeo.
. H. Hciiiei'a,
ii. M. nui,
C. p. Stephens
.Dunlor In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
ni Moot, Shoes. Hat", (iiii, Notions. Ant, f
C j ;for U . I., nonplus hIiw. f j
mum & puts
,p. s.
IAV 1'. Mil AH, IliKhtfr,
1 vr'. ;
Jusfc Y7'hafc
You uant.
Vail EJ
i in.lMMlHMMKiJim
Itt-raore rimiilof. l'roTi.'t
flllioiwiuri, I'lirjry til lliu hi,
....i..L'ii..i,iiiri.i, r.
iiiuv J ient li urn now , ,u, i ,,,, .Tri
fi.riualth. Tliyi,i.n,rifiino;ykBUf T.lm'
V,i '!' V wl" ""'I' '' i" lid' u ,t I n
J-.tJolabdrui;iutj.Ufl iOSANKO U0, 1'hllaT f'i
Erncat Lister, Secretory of the
board of audit nnd control of Wash
ington state, after aa extended visit
and iii:Ai.i:.(i
cum; j'liii
Wagon Shop,
First Rational Bank,
THU DALLliS - - - O11E00N
A Gonorid Ili'.nkinp liuD'ne-p traiiMcUd
))nj)0Hlt3 rueuivetl, HiinJ'-ut to Sight
flnifl nr fill'. I.
I H I.. .....I .......... .Ij .nimi.llf
OUtlt:Ul.lllliH 1 1 1 HUH llll'l lllin.-iun jnuuij'.i;
lomittedou dav of cjlicuion.
Hlfrht nntl Telenraphle Ksei-.uiijeeoltl'J
New York, fiiin FriiuonBtj uJ ''ori
luntl. DIKKOTOK'l
I I). F. TllOMI'MON. Jf 5 . HCUMff.
Ell. M. WlU.IAV.B, 11! u. A. h'M'
I II. M. IIuai.i
TH8 OQlum&is PaolflDOfiQ.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
i) It IK I) UK Id. J'TC. .
r,f, YEABO'
Dealer in Blncksmiili Supplies,
Oor Seuoiid & Laililiii,
to keep ditudrtiff from the head,
Good, pure natural ice from the liltio
mountains for tale hy the Columbia
Itiver Ice & Fuel Co. 'I'hone !13 or 81
Long Diit. ; 75 or 8 fieutert & Condon.
it In (julcldy o)iorlitil.
iici cruL once.
It Opt'in anil Clvantcii
inu naiii i'g)ii.
AlUva Iiitliiiiiaatioii.
Iltalu ami 1'ratecU tlio Akmlirwio. Ilntorta tlio
tkiiei of 'I'aito ami Hniell. Larue Hizc, en cviiU t
i Muilirno. itcitorca tlio
"-v.ui . hiv miu nincii. Larue nw. oil tviiM m
Uriwffleu or hy mall ; Trial Blue, 10 ccnlii liy mall.
KlJV UUOXUUIW, M Wamu trct, Nw York.
Kuw Ideim in Wnll J'lipor horn. Hitch
wldo variety iih wo HMBhuwin(;niivur he
lore urucud n Hiuitlu ntmtk. Heal iiiiitu
tinn eretun elleets at ordinary 'prlceH.
(iood papura at cheap paper prit,ea.
Elegant deniKUH, tantedil colnrlinrH, yonrH
for n Hinall price, nt our more on TMnl
iHtrent. Also a full lino of liouao nuintn
5t W' "AUSE, Thhj St.
omcaour French t Co.'h Hank
'''"' TIIIC DAI.l.Ei, OUKdON
J. B. Orosson & Oo., Props.
87 3ocond Streot.
CorvnianTB Ac.
Amrnnon-lllllamillUlMl'lllll a" ,' l,
liairKIJT H!1vi;,iiiiii I'm. "''.
Iiiv.iiitliin la iiroliatily pan
tloniHtrlCtiyoiiiillilciitlal 11 "
UMiHroo. UliliiKt niOiK-v fi '
i.i..,.rt l,ilfi,ii fhrnllull ill"
if in! uollcf. vltliout clinrio i
,, .oliii I'alcnl
denttfic ttmp
- NcwYork
. . lr.
a iimiiitdiiioiif iiiinii.;j;i 71' , u-V.u.,
rui, iiiiiii in iiiij i' ii iicwJ"'".
lour liiiiiltlm. tl. I4"'1'
1IIWN Pn auiuroad
IUIII ir. ui ., u ,
llraili'h Olllco II -1 1' f
Uittura of Credit iHHiied uvallnhle in the
EiiHturn Htntes.
BiKht Kxclmrmo and ToWrapluc
TriwiMlerH Htihl on N.w York, oliicaKO,
bt. LouIh, Ban 1-raneliieo, Portland Ore
Kon, Heattlo Watih,. and vnriouH poiuta
,n?liVKon H"(l WttBhinaton.
CollectionB made at all points on (ay
orahlo tonus.
I Axle ;:ri
helpheteaui. vermuj
K, expeiiac. Hold ewryw
omctovrl'lmttat. Hunk