ffilic Hull es Chrimfcle. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. CAPTURED ' THE ARCHIVES Important find Mode on the Uio Grande ilc I'iiinnatiKa Rich Cache Discovered ami Speedily Depleted. NO. 257 Vuionu, Juno II. A cony of the Jl.uilln Times received hero by Irisiumi Jlarii hhvh . On May -ml Cinnoriil FuiibIoii made one of tho IiIkjuhI hauls of tlio Philip pine war, ii!rliti)H (jultu the hijweul. He wa - iiuihiiiu n personal reeonnoiH- jiiic" with eighteen troopers in tlio di rection of Huiipiboi) mid I'outalmi'iin, op tin' l!io Grande do I'limpiiuun. Tlio ncli v:i' ev of tlio Rio Grande is shut in bv e mnu hut steep binds, covered with ilenc f iri'Bt which stretches back into (he mil, in ivn iiioiintiiin region . Tlio li itflit oyi'H of tho hriyadior osilcil s b.imi m ladder in n oloft of tho (dill',. ami In1 tinned aside to investigate. Tlio i1iIit wiih perfectly perpendicular, nml With t a root) Iiuiil' sheer from the brin I; i f tho oil 11' lo tho ground. Appar enllv t'n ropo wiih intended to assist tin1 a ('ii' or descent of persons uaiiic llic !: hr. When pulled it raw; it In; I -alii d'.'i'p-toned nlarin bell some-nii'-ri' nwr.y in tlio woods hack from the brow dI the precipice. At th' top n footpath led luvuy into the yt mm of tiio forest, and there, in a ntl:r It lit ttii-tiii. I will II t i full v f.mt,.mlitil tliey I ml ii wondoi ftil store of trenHUro. Not gold nor silver, nor pit ales' plnndor, but in' ho archives of tho rebel republic, ijrefii' eauhod und ttwititlni; tho ros- iirrfiuii There woro thirty or forty i.ri vi Ion eases, noatly packed cram ln. uf m.i'n documents. Thero woro o ' ii Hiiiij saved from tho wreck of ! nit 1000 two iiouiul Hutch- ii quantity of dynamite, it ' i.i. und much other uiiimu ' i muds of black gnu powder, ii 'I'd front tho Malolos Audi-- i i' , cltairH unit tiiuloii nml n inrniiii onils of no special l).icuiuotits worn tlio prin- LATEST MOVE OF THE STRIKERS St. I.ouis Car Men Will Spend .s'ioo'ooo to Equip an Elaborate 'liiis System-. Additiuiiiil Casualties. ARE NOW MARCH ING ON PEKIN M ' '. ki- st hi i ' Hi I'll ! . Jt Kj II mi" if f I r t.;ir, as I tlUu, jfilCi.i IllgS V l aiirrit ,u 'ii' I tr. ,oi,iH, Juno 11. Tho eontrnl trades and luhor unirm proposes to os tablish n hita line in St. Imi, to com pete with and run parallel to tlio lines of tho St. Louis 'transit Company, on which there is it atnko, to ho operated hy union men. At it meetim.' tit Wal liulla hull last night, tl.e first stop wits taken toward this end hy the adption of u resolution to raiHo at leant $100,000 to purchase und equip tho neeessary bus system. From tho resolution udopted and tho deelariitinnB of tho speakers, henceforth the police will ho to win tho strike, if possible, on the basis of a trcnerul boy cott, which in all its nullifications is to reaeli to almost every industry in the city. Tho faro on a bus for it distance equal lo that traversed by tho street ear lino will be live cents. Sr. l.oriK, June 11. Monday opened quiet, after yesterdny'B rein of terror. With one exception, all tho street cur Hues are in operation today. A revised list of yesterday's oaBiinlties makes tho 1 i L of dead three, fatally wouudi'd one, mid ten wounded. W. 1). Mahou, president of the na tion ill association of iiiualu'ainiited street railway employes, has teleyiaphed Pres ident Gonipers that street cur men 10 turninc from u picnic Sunday livening, peacefully and unarmed, were fired upon hy tint HhorilPs posse mid shot (low n like doue. No i'uvurulilii Nwn, won, Juno 11, Thero is i; d mi inspection an eirouin- tinned, (lunentl FotiBtoii set ii tons of unelesu rubbish and in tlio spot, saving tho tituto I I.e. ii comprise alt tho corros- il Axuinnlilo mid his chief m tho time of iheir early ileal li.nvoy, down to tho hurried ii from Malolos. Archives subse- nut dnto wore, it will he re member,! tukcii at. Turlac in the mid dle t.if i,i i vear. There nro letters to mid from 1 1 ( 1 1 ii i 1 1 and Dewey, besides Several business linns in Manila. Aguin "Jo's i m ii lettor-hook, Hiving press Wplusof ovorythini; lio wrote, is also liere. I' jo rumored that I ho corre spondence hIiowh boiiio firms in Manila 10 have had relations with tlio lobols hitherto unsuspected. Tho whole cache Was ,H.,,niM,,ul 1,1.1,1 ,.t,r,ti,t tli. I tr.uiu '"a ravine and roofod over lieiivily with nlP to an nnustirtl thickness. Tho elmcturo uimlti quite u blu ivniohouse, Hl'li not an inch of space vnc.int. " was found later, that there were Mmr itliiiroai'lieii In Mm ennhn. iust like one duferlbed, with nlarin bells Vfrytvlietp, and u KUitrd of forty or fifty 'eJda hud j not lied, lunvltiK their dinner wlleatin. ('Iiitiiltlii Nuiitliiirii WitreliiiOKi!. At Hlmnlicn il liJllwnv Co. controlB 80x100 feet of the '''uilko wiirohoiiso huildini;, to ho used "afreH.t wiirehouso, llirouh which J icy wii leeeivo mid lorward lreit?ht in '"iisiinl iiianiior. Tho impression Unit ''I IjihIii' hs must ho done tlirouuli for ""f'lliiir houses is an erroneous one and u' llllie HiIm i, ,,, ,liu,.ll!ii,. II. reli;i ieeoli'1'd nml linlil luniilv-foui' 'Ours will bo turned over'to ii forward '"K Imu e suhjeet to tlio order of tho j'0l'9i,'iie Tim into on wool in sucks or baloH from Rliunlko to Tho Dalles is -u'lii'.pi,,. 0() 1KulltjH lales or other infoniiiitlon call on gr add l ess ' I- l n.ii, G. F. 1'. A., or Ciuo, F.'Doss, Aont, iShanlko, Or. London, June 1 1. Thero Is no lavoi- nble news from (Jliiua with the exception that there is evidence of u cintistued perfeet underBtaiidini: between tin varioii" powers and the auiiouiiceinenl that tbe international litiards will pio balily arrivo at l'l-kiu today. Aecordlnu' ton dispatch from Lliaii(:hai datoil today, ,'1000 lJusslariH, with twenty jjiinti, have already 1 ertti limited ut Tien Tsiu mid are mitrehiiiL' in the direction of i'ekio. A dispatch from Pekin, dated Saturday oveuiui:, says "Another edict this morning orders tho delegates sent to nentrnto peace terms, but the teaiiltof the negotiations is not known. MiHiily'M II urli Sluill lin On. K.sr NoiiiuriKi.ii, Mass., June 10, Tho board of tiustees of tho fsoitliliokl seniiiinry today elected two new mem hers to the board I'.tul Dwiht Moody, to lill the vacancy caused by the death of his father, and lieoryo E. Keith and resolved that, the work should co on without any diminution. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tho hodv. Slnkini: ut the pit of tlio stomach, Loss of appetite, FeverishneBS, Pimples or Sores till positive evidences of impure blood. No mutter how it became so it must lio purllled in order to obtain uood health. Acker's Wood Klexir lino never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. U is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on it positive yuaiantee. Blakeley & Ilonuh ton's driiK store. Kov. W. K. SitKur, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsiu over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without honolit. I wan persuaded to use Kodol Dyspopsin Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forme of lndiijoalioii." It ! ilinostfl what yc u eat. Unless food Ifi dhtesiod quickly it will . . .1. I ti.... ferment and Irritate ine stoniaeu. mier eaeli meal take u leasnoonful of ICodol Dvspepsla Cine. It ditjosts what you ett and will "How you to eat all you .......fnf what voti like. It never fails to euro the worst eases of dyspepsia is pleasant to take. American Mission at Tung Chow Destroyed. London, June 11. A special dispatch from Tien Tsin s tys it is reported that the Dowager Empress has fled to the Ituasian legation at Pekln. IJi:i!M.v, June 11. TheGennan foreign ofliee has received a dispatch from Pekin, dated Sunday, saying the American tnis-sion-houso at Tung Cbow, the river port of Pekin, has been burned by natives. The dispatch further saye the Interna tional Club, outside of the gate of Pekin, lias been burned, and that the Belgian secretary of legation was attacked by Chinese soldiers. The toreign ofliee in terprets the latter news as confirming the serious views taken of the situation, und expresses fear that the German em hussy will be next attacked. The Ciernmn gunboat Ti.'er Iiub been ordered to co-operato in quelling disturbances. Iii;n Thin, Juno 11. It is learned that but for tho firmness of the United States consul and Captain MeCrtllu (of the New ark), in charge of the American landing part'-, nnd tlio liiitith eonsul, there world have hfcen further delay in dis patching the international guards to Pekin, and the majority of the forces would not have been British. At a meeting of the coneuls and com manders of troops last evenitig, when the necessity for the immediate dispatch of tioops wit 9 considered, the representa tives of twoEuiopean powers questioned tlio necessity, and afterward dispaiaged tho idea that the British foiee should preponderate. The Anglo-Americans, however, insisted nndciriied theirpoint. PROSPECTS OF TRADE IN CHINA Manila is the Gateway Throusli Which We Must Enter the Orient. . ('utliiKii fur Kent. 'wl homo on east Fourth street. In Ulro t tho house. JB-at It Hale. Tiiiiinied hats mid pattern!! at cost for tlio next thirty days at tho Campbell & Wilson inlllinerv parlors. -!Mf Oliuki! & Fulk hiivo on salo n full lino of paint und nrtlst'u brushes. A (.onil Umtgli Mmllclnn. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Coui;h Kumedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Iveinedy for tho past live yenis with complete satisfaction to myself and customers," sava Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "1 have always used it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colde and for the ojugh fol low Ing la grippe, and tind it very effica cious," For salo hy Blakeley it Hough ton. Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the First Nationnl bank of Winterset, Iown, in a recent letter gives some experience ' with h carpenter in his employ, that ! will bo of value lo other mechanics. Ho says: "I hud u carpenter working for mo who was obliged to slop woik for several days on account of being dou bled witli diarrluu.i. 1 mentioned to him that 1 had been similarly troubled mid that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuvi lteuiedy had cured mo, lio bonghtjti bottle of it from tho druggist here and informed mo that one dose cured him, und lie 1b ugain at his work." For salo bv Blakeley it Houghton. ICllltur'h Awful 1'liKlit. F. M, Iliggins, editor Sennea, 111b,, News, was ulllieted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until ho triad Bucklen's Amlea Salve, lie writes two boxes wholly euied him. It's tho surest pile cure on eartlt mid tho best salvo in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only -'3 cents. Sold by Blakeley it Houghton, druggist. 5 Tlml 'llirolililiifc- llciKliti'lto Would quickly leuvo you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of BullVrors hnvo proved their iniitcliless merit for Sick nnd Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy lo take. Try them. Only 23 rents. Monev back if not cured. Sold hy lilake'loy it Houghton, druggists. 5 W.tsm.vr.TON, D. C, June 11. The prospect for the growtit of American trade in China is arousing considerable interest n the East at the present time, nnd Eastern papers have taken up and are agitating tlntt question. In all this talk, while it is generally conceded that China ofrers a fertile field for our grow ing trade, it is as generally ngreed that Manila is the gateway through which we must enter the Orient. Great pros pects seem to be in store for tiiat city, and those commercially interested pre dict that in the end Manila will equal, if not excel, Hong Kong as a commercial port. In this same connection thero is u strong sentiment on this side of the country that the United States, in view of the vast opportunity open to it, would the do very wrong not to avail itself of them and iusift, nlong with other nations, on its rights in Ctiina. It is contended that we should not allow other nations to secure the full control of the China trade, to our own detriment. Yet this is not a sentiment favoring the division of China. The Eastern people do not demand nor do they think it wire to divide China up between the several nations, but they do think that all commercial nations should have an equal bhow, and that where there is an opportunity to make commercial advancement a mere matter ehould not be allowed to intervene. On rUoillh'H Kxport". The monthly statement of the exports of the United States for May last shows the following, as compared with same month of 1S99: Incrpase, ,300,000 213,000 034,000 2,200,000 1.500,000 Breadstuilsj .23,07-1.903 Cattle and hogs. . 2,015 810 Provisions lfJ,i;02,857 Cotton ll,SnO.'J31 Mineral oils (i. 704, 930 Total.. 1-57,934,520 $7,500,000 Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, slpep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley it Houghton Druggist". Clark it F.ilk's drtiij stock ia new fiesli mid complete. Yes, We Have Them jfiot Ueatlr Qlotl?.... Unlined Bine Serge Coats with vest lo match, single or double-breasted, $5.00 and $6.00. Unlined Gray Oxford Serge round sack coals, with vest lo match, $6.00. Black Alpacka Coats, $1.50 and $2.50. Single Breasted Prince Albert Coats, for pro fessional men's wear, best quality, $3.75. Summer Coats of Washable Materials, 50c, 75c and $1.00. J St CO. c. J. STUBLING WhoiGGaiG and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate American Liquor eliowslooe Sour lash Whiskey, VOGT WHISKEY from 2 76 to HJ per uallou. M lo 15 veain old.) IMPORTED OOGlfAO from 7.n0 to 12.00 per gallon. (U to 'JO yearn old. OALIPOKNIA BEAKDIES Mom J3.25 to .1(1 00 per gallon. ( t to 11 years old. Opera House ONLY THE PUEEST LIQUORS SOLD. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. Tuesday and Wednesday Nights.... June 12-13 COLUMBIA BEER on draught, Imported Alo and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympiu Beer in hottlea JOBBERS m IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. ...LADY, wiitili III Your Cl;iH'liii. All C'juntv witrrants registered prior to Juno 3, 1890, will bo paid at my oftico. Interest coiisob after February. 2, 1900. O. L. Pmr.i.ii's, Conntv Treasurer. All who sull'er from piles will bo glad to learn that DoWIU'h Witch Hazel Salvo will give them instant and per manent lellof. It will euro eczema and all skin diseases. Buwttro of counterfeits, MINSTRELS An Up-to-Date Minstrel Performance. 50 Homo Ladies, Misses and Children in Coon Songs and Jubiloo Hhouts. An Elaborate First i'art and an Olio of Fine Specialties. Jacobseti Book & Musie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho largest and most comploto lino at Rock Bottom PRICES (oservod Seals - - 75 Cents Gonoral Admission, 50 Cents Box Sheet open Saturday noon ut Clarke A Falk's. Gmridali & Budget u DEALKHS IN -ms J()beS, fill kinds of undertakers &iiieil Shoes Funefal Supplies r)-s embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Advertise in The Chronicle.