The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1900, Image 4

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    Hi A A I
Tho I
Dallas, I
on, ' j
Do You Cough?
" J rUc I used to lip llko everybody- else.
When I cuuiilit colli, I juttlctit alone, think
ing it would
'iiruitelf in
a few iln;
f course the
mill fplttitu:
T in no us
lusted ev weeks,
l)ut after a
while tho
I rouble
would sub
Ule. I al
v a y s n o -licru
ever, that
meh cold wax vor than the one before. My
throat seemed to pet weaker, and the least
change in the weather started the couphinj;
again. The last cold was the most severe of
ull. I was really frightened. Cotiph drops
:uul home treatment did no rood. A friend
told me about Acker's Knslisli Keincdv. I
itu weaker day by day. Three physi
chine had ulven me up. Fortunately, n
Irieml advised 'Ktectric Hitters' ; and to
tny great joy mid surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use (or threo weeks, and
am now n well man. 1 know they saved
my life, and lobbed the grave of nuother
victim." No ono should fail to try them.
Only oOc, guaranteed, at Ulnkcloy &
Eloughton'e drua store. 5
That In tin' Uuffltlou tlie ClileiiKo llnr
. Iter iv l'lrt ill III Cm- I
' IIM1HT1. I
I "Compressed air, sir?"
1 This- is the latest question which the
'Uilksitixe Chicago barber 11 res at hi
, customers when he has thoni at his
I mercy, wrapped in tonsorial mantles.
underjioiiifj the professional mysteries
i:otn bottle, and you never saw the like of of the up-to-date tonsorial palace, sav
int: niij iiaticu, jieiure iiieuoiue was ;uihi ., (' , ,...r,i ,.,,n:iiii'i
1 .... ...II 1i,.ii..mi,,..Ik 1 11 lliiln ll.inl..
i tido tti'll. tllll'.ll It'll ilSSllllll .Hill Ht'll i ,.. . I I 1 n
as could be. Since then 1 have had no mora Compressed air, sir.
trouble. I think Acker's Kuslish Heniedyso
strengthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the changes in tempera
turc,aiiditbuildsuptheconstitutionaswell." (Signed) Carrii: Schwab.
i 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y
Koldnt 23c.,, rA. audita bottle, throughout
the T'nited States and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you are not
Kitislied after buying, return the bottle to
.your druggist, and get your money back.
1IV authorize thf abort gna-antcc.
IV. jr. JWOKUl & CO., VroprMon, iYc:r Tori.
31akeley & Houghton.
A Difficult Problem.
It is amone tlie most ditlieult prob
lems o( notural ?clence for one to becotn
exnert in several lines. J. K. Adcox ci
Co., by their eombinution, have over
cme 1 1 j i a difiiculty in a practical man
ner. J. K Adcox is an expert watch
maker and is -rood on jewelry, optical
m rk and cjiiumviu, while Thco. H.
L"ite an expert optician and is jrood
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
!ncravinsr. Their price is aa low as con
sistent with iiori'1 workmanship. Thsy
are prip,trd to do ail work in their
several line?, on short notice. Work
ent bv mail or express will receive
prompt attention. Si;:n. "Bit; Red
PKOI'I.i: vor A I.I. KNOW.
C A. Bell
Hood Hirer.
J. A. Gulliford was
from Diifur.
Charlie Stouvihton was in town today
from Dufur.
wja in town todav from
in town todav
With the delicate touch of a con
noisseur the artist runs his finders
through the shorn locks of his helpless
victim, and the latter, briuMiqr himself
for any experiment short of decapita
tion, m-uuU .in assent and awaits the
! ordeal. Then the barber oralis a co'l
!of rubber tubing which lumps at the
side of his dr?siiir cae, and turns the
nuzzle upon the uou-combataut in the
"Phi. ,st !" There i n hi.-si unsound
of escnpiiif; air and n playing1 of wind
at a iO-mile rate in the customer's hair.
The barber v.ields the small tube much
after the manner of the sJullnl gar
dener who tii-iis,the irrigating; hose
on the lawn in summer, cmerin;,' all
the surface uniformly. After a hair
cut this ncv. compressed air device
takes the place o,f a brush and broom
in clearing' the head of the short clip
pings. After the shave compressed air
is ndmini.-.t.-i i :I to dr the face. After
a shampoo it performs the part of n
rapid and ideal dryer for the hair and
sculp. It m.iy also br employed to
spray the patient with delicate perfume.-,
by attaching uu atomier with
its bulb of fragrant odors. It is said
to pay for itself in the saving it ac
complishes with bay ruin and perfume
A douche of compressed air in thr
face after a shave is Miid to produce a
delightfully refreshing sensation, pur
tieularly in warm weather. It is grow
ing in popularity with the patrons of
the barber shops wherever it haft been
introduced. Tims far, in this cit,
compressed air has been made an ad
junct of only three. or four tonsorial
Moro banker, was
of Dufur, was in
D. McLennan, of
W. II. Moore, the
in tiwij today.
W. if. H. Dnmr,
town this forenoon.
P. J. Walsh and
Antelope, are in the t-ti
(i. W. Jiihinfrion, a prominent Klick
ti.V firmer, was in town tod.iy.
E. T. Gli-nn, of Antelope, b in town,
the guet of tho Umatilla Iloue.
W. U. find: -it, deputy county assess
ur of Klickitat county, is in the city.
Ted Il'iuafin is registered at tlie Uma
tilla House trom Kent, Sherman cjunty.
Misi Minnie I'l.ickburna is registered
at the Umatilla Home from
"Mrs.'K. M. Eastwood left this morn
ing on the Kivulator f jr Sprapue, Wash.
Dr. Gertrude Krenih was a passenger
in the mid-day train yesterday for Port
land. J. M. and J. K. McGreggor and Dr.
II. G. D.wis, -:f Mosier, wero in town
Mr. ami Mr. 15. S. Huntington were
liaesengere on the mid-d.iy train yester
lay for I'ortlajid.
Mre. D. W. Wakefield arrived in the
city todav from Portland on a visit to
Sire. H. L. Brooks.
Miss Etta Wieun of The D.illea public
echools hac fjorie to Portland to upend
part of her vacation.
A. H. (irahain, of Ceutervillo, is in
tho city nurHinir a eoru foot, which was
painfully injured by the tramp of a
Mre. Gunti, of the Spring Creek coun
try, Klickitat county, is in the city with
tier daughter, who ia under the care of
Dr. C. T. Smith.
Delwyn AlUway, editor-in-chief of
Tho Dalles "Star," accompanied by his
ueslftant editor, Harry Syleavter, left on
4he boat I Ids morning for a 'veek's out--ing
at Trout Jike.
Jolin Mnlhern, n locomotive enjjineer
on this division of the 0. H. it N,, who
wntitly came here from Pocatello, is so
. ' i 1 .'i 1 with Tho Dalles that he
w: , semi nr ins wile and make it ia
i. h i.. as siiou as he can procure u
. i 1 tiijii- re i-id'-iice.
A Thousand Toniurs
Could not express tho rapture of Annio
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard at., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when sho found that Dr,
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of n hacking
counh that for many years had made
lilo a burden. All othor remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Hoynl Cure "It eoon re
moved the pain in my chest and 1 can
now sleep soundly, somuthing I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every ono who tries
Dr. King's Now Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 60c
ixnd $1. Trial bottle free ut Blakeley v
Houghton's drug store; oyery bottle
guaranteed. 5
Campbell & Wilson will fell their lino
of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed
hats, flowers and children's! hats, at
greatly reduced prices for tho next
thirty days. Please call and get our
('lark "iS: Fnlk nro never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have their..
Yellowstone Park Line.
to Tin: i:aht.
T1IK ONLY llIKl'tn'I.lNK TO Till: YKI.I.OW
! Union Depot, rtfihaad I sis, .utmvi;.
Hint mull (or Tiicmnii, I Ni. 1
Scuttle. Olymplii.dray'h
lliiilior aim souui iicnii
iMiluts. i-iiknne, Ilivii. ,
liiiut, II. ('., rullmau,
Miivnnv, U'wlston, lluf
ll:lj...M. InlollaintiiiiliiliiKCimn jJtW. M.
trv, llelcnii, Mlinieiiim
ills, St. I'mil, Omnlm,
Kiiiikih Clly, St. buili,
Chlcii)!i nail nil points
No, I. oiiot mill sontlieiit.
, rnitet Souml Uxpress,
1 1 ;no P. M. (or Tacoiim Mini SiMttlo 7;00A.M.
; mill latcrniiillate K)luts ;
Piilliniui llritelim unit tourKt .iIwiiom to
Minneapolis St. Pant ami .Missouri river points
without I'lmiiue.
Vmtlbtileil tnilni. I'uloil ilcpot roiinictlon.i
In hII cltie.".
HaKKiixe cheekcil tiiilestliiatlon ol tickets,
Mir hiiiulsoinelv llliiiiiateililesorlpttve unit tor,
ticket-, sli-epliiK car leservntluim, etc., call on or
A II Ik- " i.
At the I'nris exposition the city of
New York will make an exhibit cal
culated to enlighten as well as to in
terest those who Usit it. It is to be
n frrent relief map of New York, 5i
feet ifjuare, prepared under the di
rection of the city engineer. Jt is
expected to cost $10,0'ju. 'Jhe new
library building on Fifth avenue,
fien. (irant's tomb, and the stntuc of
Liberty will bo .shown, as will sec
tional models of some of the great
est structures and "nky-sserapers" in
tlie city, together with models of the
best sailing and steam yachts. The
commii-sioii also hopes to hecure mod
els of a typical ferryboat, a flreboat,
and the best river .steamers. Youth's
Columbia lliver Tee t.v Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part oi me cuy ai an uours oi tlie
day or night. 'Phone 31! or 81 Long
Diet. ; 7-3 or 8 Seulert & Condon.
iur .".ill).
The furniture and fixings, including
range, delf and cutlery of tho California
restaurant, and the beds and bedding of
eight rooms overhead. Inquire ut the
restaurant. -'j-lw
1 lug-Owner. , Alt. -nt Ion:
Notice is hereby given to all owners
of dogs who have not paid license on
the same that they come forward and
take out a license before tlie 10th day of
June, or in dtfatilt the doa will bo im
pounded and the delinquents will havn
to pay impounding fees as well as li
censes, or have theirdogs liestioyed.
N. 1). Hughes,,
tn2( jlO Marshal Dalles City.
Be sure. and eximine our stock of wnll
paper thoroughly before inlying else
where, i3 we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn & Co. 'a. ul"-lw
Neglect is the short step eo many take
from a cough or colli to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure piovents consumption. It ia the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Chiluren all like it and
mothers endorse it.
tim: .v-)TIl'I.K.
1-I.OM P.Vl.lK'-
An.i v:
dob Printers.
uwti twiuutHitui i itummuximi
1.2:40 p. m.
10:10 p. in.
-alt jik , Pcnvor, Kt.
Worth, Oiiiaha, Kan
im city, St. UmiU,;
Cliloaso uiitl Kast.
12:30 ) m
S p. m.
Wnlla Walln, PjHiknuo.' Spukmio
Mlniie.i!oll. M. I'ntil.i Mull
liuluth, MIlnHiikiv.i mill
Chlcnco ami lvAit, via K.iprctt
Spnkiiiiunkil llinitlim
ton: aluonll ioltiU lu
Wa-litiiKton niul Ktnt-i 1:00 n. m
em Oregon. '
I'r.o;i PoiiTt.A.vr.
OCOiill SttXlItl.tllllU.
Tor bnu Praiiclico
April '.T, May J, 7, P.'.
1 1. m.
S p. in.
Kx.biindaTiColuinbU Itv. 8tnriiers.l
To AtrrontA awl Way)
SrtturJay Mmlings,
10 P.m. I
I p. in.
'a. m. I wiuuuKm ttivan. I l:C0p. m.
Kx.bunilayiOrcgon City. Nowbern, Us.hiiinlaj
' Salom A Way l-mul'ii.
T a. m,
unit St.
IWiLLAMtrrra amo Yam- :i:ai)v-n-
n I LI. Ill v. im. Mon., weit
Ur!ou City, Dayton,
niul iny-Iaiiillri)t.
On. rn. Willamhttk P.ivau.
Ti i v., Th tt r, I f o r t tan I to Corvallit,
niul Sat. and U'ny-UinilliiK.
1:9) ji. m.
Mnn. Wtil
ami l-'ililay
r'resh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed.
$i.oo per month.
Strictly Ilrxt cl.mi local and long
diiliiuce telephone Bervicu within
your homu.
l.lnei" do not eroRS-talk. Your con
versation will he kept it aecrut.
No coat for installing.
You tret the Htiiudnrtl lliinning
Long Dl.itniit IiistruineiH.
Continunus day and night urvice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearn and allow you to cancel
eanio on giving us thirty daya writ
ten notice.
I.v ltlKirln
1 .'-'J a. in .
ltlpuilii to IxjivUtoii.
AniL-rlenii Doctors In fieriunny.
The highest Prussian court has du
eided that the American title of "doc
tor" cannot be used in Prussia with
out n special permit from the govern
Til Ken Literally.
It was only playfully that hIio re
ferred to her husband as "a rcgula.r
heathen," but it is nhvays well to
label Mich remarks when made in the
presence of children.
The little ono who overheard thi
remark trotted away to .Sunday bchool
immediately thereafter, and in somo
way the subject of ut tendance at
church came up in tho class that
"My papa doesn't go," volunteered
the little one.
"No?" returned the teacher inquir
ingly. "Oh, no. Ife'a a heathen, you1
"Chicago Post.
No Foreinnn I'rlnler In fltrlttea.
The prisoner printers on the Htar of
dope, published in King King prison,
objected so strongly to Inning a pris
oner for foreman of the oflicc that he
has been removed and another man not
1 prisoner put in his place. '
In I ii - citv, .luno 11th instant, to Mr.
iind Mre. J. J1.. Ferguson, a daughter,
Itnlilii-il tliu (iinve,
h tUrlllng incident, of which Mr.
John Onver of Philadelphia, was the
riuhjtc , Is narrated by Jlilm us followm
"I watt in a most dreadful condition. My
tikin way itluioH yellow, 'even sunken,
totitrue coated, puin coritiniiully in buck
-und sidee, no aj)potite grmlually grow-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Siguaturo of
lie Euro and see the bargains in ladies'
duck tktrts at the New York Cush
fitore, . j!)
- CottuK" fr Kent,
Last lioiieo on east Fourth street. In
quire at the house. jo -.'It
Notice 14 iR-rthv slven Hint the immIitsIlmii iI.
by hii order ot the County Court of the hlitle of
urexon tut Mio-eo County, lias lieen aripnli tttl
twloiliihtrator of the estate of Iluk-'i linulforil.
ileceiike). All rionb IiiivIiik elnlnm against
iiiot-siuic-ot .Miiu ntteafiii nro in until to pre -font
tliein, with the proper vouchers, to me at
lliNul Kivcr. Oregon, within six months from
thoiluti; of this notice.
iMttil May 15, ltM).
Putnam V. Hi-.miiokii,
Ailniitilstiator of the KMntc of Helen llrwl
fori), Deceased. n;.
TllK Dalles, On., Jlny 15, 1'.KW.)
A sntlicient contest ntflilavlt hnvlni; Ijeen diet!
in till othee by liusH. Alexauiler, contesttint,
iiralutt homeiteail entry No. 6777, muilo .May II
lb, for y. of nivJi , tee. 6, tp. 1 u, ratiKo l.'l e,
hy John T, Wrluht, contentee, In which It Ih nl
lw?wl that bal'l John T. Wrlirht lius wholly
ubamloned Kalil tract, una changcl liln reiieiico
Iherefroin for more than nix months tinea mak
ing mild entry, and next prior to date; and
that the abbeneo of defendant fioin hald tract In
not due to his einploynient In iha jnllliary or
naval ncrvico of the United Hiatus, ndil pai lies
uro hereby nolllltii to apiear, resixniil and oiler
uvldfiice toiiehiiiB hald iilleiratlon at 10 o'clock
u. in. on .lime ai, before thu ItexUter mill
Heeelver ut tl(o Cuitol tjtates latnl ollleu in 'I ho
Dulles, Ori-fton.
Thu mid contestant havtiic, In a prox.-r atllUii
vlt, llldi May 15, IDC0. tetforth faetn which ihow
that ufter luu illllgeiico injiihI Bervicu of thtx
uotico can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and
directed that such notlcu be kIvvii by duo Hint
pror iiiiblleatiou.
J'i-t JAV 1'. I.t'O'AS, ItmUter.
Mav 17. KKKI. t
Jiotlce Is hereby lven that the fnllowiiic:
imiuui ncilicr linn lllUM lluiiLt,' ill inn inieilllOll
to make final nroof in iipiort of claim, ami
Utat h lid proof ivlll lx maJe lieforn W. 11. Pn-Miy,
tj nittil fitntui CoininlKiloner, ut (Jolk-iidalc,
on July b, I'M, vUi
Asuliel It, Ollur,
who mailo II. K. No. uva, or tho fractional H'U
NW'K. Bcc 'I'p N, It 1.1 K, mid BK'4 of NK
Kee W, T. J, N It 1'J K, W. ij.
l(o iiamea tho follovln wltnuM'H to prove IiIk
eoiitlniious retldvnee upon, and cultivation of
mid land, vliti
Itobert A. hlroiltlierk. Clnl I:. Kraneii. Will
lam (iarner, John Kure, all nf bylu I', (i,,
maj :i;-J m-Kister.
l'liyflician Unil Surgeon,
onice, Vat HlocJt (over 1'ottolllce),
yOai.lmo-dw TUB D.M.I.IvS, OHKtiO.N.
eWerehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
1.i:vvk ' fife
tST I'll t tie flcMnni; to o to llvpin er or
lMiints on (.'olumbla i-nnlla-rn vl'i lllKUn, ehould
lllkfi 'll - li,vli, 'I l,,lll.,U .., 1-1 .,.1 .. I
for Feed Grain ot eii kin
lit 111.,.,.,,.,, lli.t.llj,,. ...t.l 1,1..... .,11. v.. t ... I
tivliiu at 'thu Dalles ut ia.ap. in.
l-'or full partlcillarH call on O. K, & N, Co.'b
liJCeut The DalleJ. or addri-h
W. II. lUlltMltJltT,
tien I'as. Act., Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Soumern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for I'ottlaiid and way
stallons at ii. in, mid .'! p, m,
Laivc Portland 8:iVl n m
" Albany l'j,:wiiin
Arrlvo Aslilund . . . ,.
" Haeriiinciito .,
" Ban frauclxco .
. ...I2:inm
. . .Mini pin
... 7:t'pm
Arrlvo OKdon ,
" Denver
" KaiikuHCIty
" Chlcaijo ...
Arrive Ut AukcIcs ...
" Kl 1'IIMI
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico ,
" Hoiittou
" New Orleans
" WiishiiiKtoii
" New York,...,,
fi:l5 n m
'j:00 n in
7:2S n m
7; I'm m
. l;V0pm
p in
. 0:i!i)iim
. U:Mii m
, l:oi)iiiii
, ii:'j,m in
(iiiJn in
.11!: tap m
7:(i pm
lUiftO p m
u in
I ;.r a m
i;ir u in
11 : r n m
'JlOtlfi m
7 :'J.'i ii m
7. (ma in
(i;(M) p m
; ; a m
j:Uh m
1:00 a m
(:U p m
li'l'Jll m
I'liilmici niul Tourist cara on both truiiit.
Chair eara 8aerameiiti to Oxden ami l-:i I'aho
mid loutlst cars UiCIiU-iiko, bt Unilx, New Oi
leans and WushliiKtou.
ConneclliiK ut Han Knuiclsco with nu.eral
fteanithlp Hues for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippine:!, Central and Houth Anieilea.
Heo acnt at The DjIIus station, or iiddrtsa
(ieiiernl ri.senier Akc-iiI, I'oitlaiKl, Or
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? IKSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr T'"fl I,o,,r ,H manufactured Dxproesly for famllj
ue : ovorv niick ia Kiaranteel to give HutUiMtjon.
,i sell our nooila luwor tluui any Iioiibo in the trade, and if you don't thiMH
call unil uet our trices and he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,
and Motors
PiiDllc. ColleetiniiB nroinntlv iittniuleii
to. Monev to loan. 0, K.'Hayanl'a of
lico, Tho Dullea, Oregon.
Clretilitrn anil imrticulare (tirniahod on application.
F. S. GUNNING-, Agent.
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